Salt lamp (salt lamp) “Drop. Salt lamp (salt lamp) "Drop Salt lamp drop

Full description

Salt lamp "Drop" is also an incredibly beautiful interior detail. Turned contours of the lamp will emphasize the severity of the interior of the office or add warmth to the atmosphere of the apartment. Soft light streaming through the ceiling will cast bizarre shadows on surrounding objects, thereby making the room more comfortable. The light of the lamp is so soft that it can be used as a night light. The safety of such lamps has been proven, and you can safely install them even in the nursery: the kids will love the shape of the lamp in the form of a streamlined drop, and the light coming from the inside will not hurt the delicate children's eyes.

Gentle health care, placed in an elegant package, is a reality that is available to everyone. Natural air ionizers - salt lamps - reliably take care of our health, purify the air, protect against dust and unpleasant odors, help cope with respiratory diseases and increase immunity. In addition, the salt lamp is a magnificent interior detail, an excellent lamp with a soft and beautiful relief glow, which does not tire the eyes. With a salt lamp, the air in the room becomes much cleaner, you notice how easy it is to breathe and diseases recede!

Many centuries ago, the oceans formed unique caves with deposits of sea salts, the full benefits of which were discovered by mankind not so long ago. It has been observed that it is easier to breathe in such caves, and people with acute respiratory diseases recover much faster after being there. Caving rooms began to open all over the world - rooms equipped with layers of healing sea salt.

Nowadays, everyone has the opportunity to feel the whole life-giving force of nature with the help of salt lamps. These unique lighting fixtures are created in close cooperation between man and nature. The plafond is a solid piece of salt, which is processed by hand. A light bulb is placed inside the lamp, which, by heating the crystals of the ceiling, contributes to the release of negatively charged ions. It is this effect that is responsible for the beneficial effect of salt lamps on the human body. Purified air will help strengthen the immune system, fight respiratory diseases, allergies, rheumatism and diseases of the circulatory system.

Salt lamp "Drop" will help protect your family. Objects surrounding us daily that emit radio waves - microwave ovens, mobile phones, televisions, computers and poor ecology are a mortal danger to our health. Salt lamps are able to neutralize the negative emissions of appliances and restore harmony in a short period of time.

Salt lamps are recommended for the treatment of people with weakened immunity, bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, obstructive bronchitis, smoker's bronchitis, allergic rhinitis, for the prevention of influenza, colds and viral infections. Salt lamps contribute to the treatment and prevention of pharyngitis, laryngitis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, help reduce fatigue and restore strength, normalize blood pressure, balance the psycho-emotional state and gradually restore the normal activity of the whole organism.

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All products are created with the aim of treating and preventing the development of diseases, to improve the quality of human life.

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A wide range of products for special children. In the catalog you can find almost everything: special shoes, strollers, supports and standers. And this is not the whole list of important and useful products offered by the company.

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"Orthomedtechnique". The company is ready to provide orthopedic shoes for adults, children and options for postoperative shoes for all ages.

Now many orthopedic stores with a catalog of goods offer to buy everything you need from them. The main thing that can be provided to people with certain health problems is to understand the essence of their needs. It is for this that orthopedic products have been created that can provide:

  • proper development at the physical level;
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  • reduced need for continuous medication;
  • comfortable life.

The main component of the lamp is salt. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the lamp from exposure to water. Salt is heated by an incandescent lamp.

Such a salt lamp has a beneficial effect on health, strengthens the immune system and increases vitality. Rock salt helps in the treatment of many diseases: allergies, rheumatism and blood diseases.

Figured salt lamps are the result of HANDMADE!


  • Action area 6 sq.m (20 cubic meters)

  • Negative ions: yes

  • Supply voltage: 220 V

  • Power Consumption: 15W

  • Weight: 2-3 kg


  • Insert a light bulb with a cartridge into the cavity of the salt crystal.

  • Plug in.

  • Keep away from water, as the main component of the lamp is salt.

  • Duration of use - 24 hours. (Economic power consumption)

  • It has been established that the natural anion that occurs when using a salt lamp facilitates breathing.

  • During storage, the lamp should be packed in a vinyl bag.

Can't make a choice? .

​ ​ If the incandescent lamp has burnt out, you canit in our store.

Salt lamps good or bad?

Have you ever wondered why people living near sea coasts get sick less? Why does our body heal after a seaside vacation? Why after rest we are full of strength and energy? After the sea, do our children attend educational institutions for a long time and do not get sick? What is this "magic"?

It turns out that this is due to the properties of sea and ocean salt, which is contained in large quantities in the water and air of the seas. There is also salt in the caves, which reduces the growth of dangerous bacteria and ionizes the air. Cave salt, which has been deposited for centuries, also has healing properties. It is Salt that has healing effects on our body. Have you paid attention to the fact that there is never mold in salt caves? Why is this happening?

In connection with the discovery of such properties of salt, experts began to look for ways to use salt in medicine and in the treatment of diseases of a different nature. The first methods for therapeutic use are the creation of special salt mines. Subsequently, in the conditions of sanatoriums and medical institutions, artificial salt rooms began to be made. To date, Salt lamps, convenient for home use, have become widespread. The main difference between a salt lamp and a cave is the low salt concentration. Therefore, the salt lamp is usually turned on all night and placed nearby, on the bedside table.

Salt orange, yellow and red.

Why is it important that the lamp you are planning to purchase is yellow, orange or red? These shades give the lamp warm tones when lit. Warm tones on a subconscious level soothe a person. In addition, these salt lamps do not blind your eyes at night, and you can sleep peacefully.

Salt acquires its hue due to its high saturation with minerals. Colored salt is especially popular. The most famous distribution was located in the Himalayas. Located in the foothills of the Salt Range, the mine is said to be the oldest in South Asia. For many centuries, salt was transformed into rock, due to crystallization. Crystallization came from sea water, so there are impurities of foreign bodies and algae in the salt layers. Due to the formation of such layers, the salt has uneven different shades.

Pakistani salt from the Himalayas

Salt crystals from the Himalayan deposits formed over 300 million years ago. It is Pakistani salt that is famous for its variety of trace elements. 84 trace elements in the composition of Himalayan salt, such as: magnesium, iodine, manganese, iron oxide, selenium, etc. Due to these properties, it is by far the most useful. The crystal structure of salt, which has been subjected to gigantic pressure for millions of years, is also very interesting. Wilhelm Hoefer, chief scientist at the Center for Bio-Physical Research in Las Vegas (United States of America), confirmed that the chemical elements in the composition of crystals combine very harmoniously. This allows you to maximize the benefits of the minerals and elements that make up the salt layers.

Salt lamp harm or benefit?

In modern days - Salt lamp is gaining more and more popularity. Reviews of a large number of experts say that today a visit to the salt room can be easily replaced with a salt lamp installed in your apartment, near the places where you are most often. Although in a lower concentration, salt crystals have a beneficial effect on the body. Research by specialists has determined that the salt lamp is beneficial and, in the process of use, allows you to get the necessary therapeutic effects.

Many people ask, what is the harm? We note the fact that negative information about negative consequences has not been received. This means that salt lamps are harmless and safe! The effect requires an increase in temperature. As soon as the lamp turns on, it begins to warm up and ions are released, with a negative charge. These ions eliminate positively charged particles. The most important trace element is sodium chloride (halite). Salt lamp therapy is also called halotherapy.

Fresh air is good for your body!

Negatively charged ions formed when a salt lamp is heated naturally form after a thunderstorm. Remember how easy it is to breathe outside, right after a summer rain. based on golite, will allow you to feel it without leaving your home.

It has been established that for the normal functioning of the human body, it is necessary that in the air he breathes, along with ordinary oxygen molecules, there are negatively charged oxygen ions - the so-called superoxide anion radicals. In nature, air ionization is caused by cosmic rays, radioactive elements of the lithosphere and atmosphere, ultraviolet radiation and electrical discharges (thunderstorms). The microflora formed during the operation of the Salt Lamp helps to reduce the activity of inflammatory processes, as well as reduce the pathogenic microflora of the respiratory tract, as well as stimulate the body's defense mechanisms.

salt lamp benefit

What is the benefit of a salt lamp? Among the main advantages are:

  • increased tone, strengthening immunity;
  • the reproduction of pathogenic fungi, bacteria decreases, and, as a result, the elimination of unpleasant odors in the room;
  • prophylactic effect on sinusitis, asthma, allergies, dermatitis, pathologies of the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus, colds;
  • minimizes radiation from appliances
  • promote psychological relief

In addition, a salt lamp is the perfect night light for a child's room. The first is dim lighting that does not interfere with your child's sleep, the second is the useful properties that the lamp has.

Choosing a Salt Lamp

Choosing a salt lamp is not difficult. Depending on the shade of the salt, you can choose a brighter or dimmer lamp when glowing. But it is worth considering some points:

  • Pay special attention to size and weight. If you plan to put the lamp on a bedside table, or in a small room, then it will be enough for you. For a room of 30 sq.m. You already need . If your room is large, then you should consider large ones. For the interior, you can pick up processed lamps:,

    5. Spring fastening system

    Features of the use and installation of the salt lamp

    Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the ionization of the air around is not large, usually no more than 3 meters. Therefore, if you plan to install in a large room, then you will need a lamp or several lamps.

    The level of purification and ionization of the air in the room depends on the dimensions and weight of the lamp. The larger the surface area of ​​the Salt Lamp, the better its effectiveness. So. more often they buy lamps from an unprocessed piece of salt, they are called -. Differ in weight ., etc.

    Salt lamps are recommended to be installed in smoking rooms to purify the air. Salt lamps are also installed near electrical and household appliances, special attention is paid to the TV and computer, to eliminate electromagnetic effects. If you want to get a therapeutic effect, then you should place a lamp near the bed. In this case, the salt lamp is turned on all night. Due to its red hue, it does not interfere with sleep, and you breathe freely.

    Salt lamp reviews

    Most people care about themselves and the health of their loved ones. Everyone wants fresh air and good microflora in an apartment or house, there are no fungi and various molds that multiply bacteria in themselves, increasing the risk of disease. Such people have been using Salt Lamps for a long time. The reviews of these people indicate that the microclimate in residential premises is getting much better, it is easier to breathe, and the level of diseases is decreasing. For them, the Salt Lamp is a piece of wildlife.

    Users based on halite

Nowadays, every second, if not every, person knows about the crisis and uses this word at least once a day. Only designers not only know and talk about this problem, but also come up with solutions. Sometimes, however, they are quite strange. But is it effective?

Some projects can come as a real shock, because in order to save money and electricity, designers are ready to offer very unusual projects. But first, some background, and why we started talking about the crisis.
Every year, the average American consumes 3,383 kilowatts/hour. It's like leaving the lights on in four rooms all year round! And the mere flip of a switch doesn't make us wonder where that energy is coming from or what it's worth. And we use electricity twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week ...

Designer Mike Thompson is far from the first to think about this problem. One of his colleagues suggested that we switch to, but this idea was not supported by everyone. Therefore, he put forward another one - absolutely crazy, but having the right to exist. The fact is that this lamp, proposed by him, also does not work from electricity. The lamp is a flask, and this is not a figment of our imagination, it did not get this shape by chance. Inside the lamp-flask there are chemicals - reagents, which, when they get inside the necessary element, will begin to glow. But do you think it was not without reason that the lamp was called "Bloody"? Yes, to light it, you just need to break the top of the flask, cut your finger on the glass and ... drop a drop of your own blood inside the lamp. Only then will the reaction begin, and the lamp will begin to shine - by the way, how long this will last is unknown. It is only clear that the lamp can be lit only once, that is, it is disposable.

And before you light the second one, you will think a lot more - is it worth such sacrifices? This is exactly what the designer tried to convey to us. Between the usual pressing of the switch and in this way - the abyss.

Cruel? Yes. Stupid? Yes! Economical? Yes ... Here everyone will decide for himself whether he likes this way of turning on the lamp or not. I believe that 99% of people will answer negatively, because only a few people think about the global, everyone appreciates only their convenience and comfort. Nevertheless, the designer's idea is worth thanking anyway.