Facial skin care is normal. Moisturizing, nourishing and protecting. The best homemade mask recipes for normal skin

Perfect velvety structure, matte, even healthy tone distinguishes normal skin. In the cells of the dermis, the amount of vitamins, acids, minerals is balanced, happy harmony allows you to always have a blooming appearance.

  • sufficiently elastic and elastic;
  • there is no redness, peeling, irritation;
  • active work of blood flow provides a healthy pinkish tint;
  • no visible comedones and pustules, acne on the face, pigmentation;
  • the dense structure is not disturbed by the formation of wrinkles.

Normal skin care rules

  1. Guided by the basic principles of skin care at home, you can always enjoy a youthful and fresh face.
  2. Milk, thermal / micellar water are used for daily cleansing. Impurities are gently removed without draining the dermis.
  3. Lotions that do not contain alcohol, which restore the pH balance, are suitable for toning.
  4. Moisturizing maintains sufficient moisture in the skin. Cream, gel, emulsion of light texture are quickly absorbed without leaving a film effect on the skin. Oxygen respiration and renewal processes in cells allow maintaining the properties of elasticity and elasticity.
  5. Eating more fatty creams is necessary during unfavorable weather conditions - low / high temperatures, exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It helps to strengthen the skin's immunity, prevent the formation of wrinkles.
  6. Contrasting procedures - wiping with ice, steam baths, hot compresses, washing with cold water help to strengthen blood vessels. A healthy complexion and firm skin are the result of proper facial care.

Oils for normal skin

At home, natural plant and aromatic oils allow you to maintain a sufficient level of vitamins, minerals, organic acids. Natural remedies provide hydration, nutrition, correct possible failures of the protective properties of the dermis. Care for normal face skin thanks to oil compositions preserves youthfulness, elasticity and radiance.

To create a basic foundation, the best are recognized: sesame, peach, almond, apricot, shea, jojoba, St. John's wort, grape, evening primrose, wheat germ, coconut, poppy and hazelnut oil.

Indications - for regular nourishment and hydration, enriching masks, creams, emulsions or pure use. Contraindications - individual sensitivity. Harm is possible when allergenic components are included in the home remedy.

The best homemade mask recipes for normal skin

Sour cream mask for normal skin

Result: effective lifting masks that correct the contours of the oval, prevent the formation of static wrinkles. We also recommend trying masks with magnets, which are great for rejuvenating the skin.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos of famous brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses its elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products that contain these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial office conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by the funds from Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


  • 17 gr. sour cream;
  • 3 ml of grape oil;
  • 11 ml of aloe juice;
  • 2 ml peach oil.

Preparation and method of application: squeeze juice from the branches of young aloe using a press, combine with chilled sour cream and stone oils. Wipe the skin with a micellar liquid, distribute the mass along the bloodstream with a brush with a soft bristle. Enjoy the procedure for thirty minutes, then cleanse with a decoction of sea buckthorn leaves.

Oatmeal mask for normal skin

Result: cleansing masks for normal skin, removing dead skin cells, saturating the skin with vitamins and acids.


  • 14 gr. oatmeal;
  • 6 ml shea butter;
  • essential tangerine oil.

Preparation and method of application: pour the flakes crushed on a coffee grinder with strained nettle broth, add melted butter and citrus ether. Steam the skin with a hot herbal compress, distribute the mass with a sponge in a dense layer. Leave for ten minutes, after removing the composition, moisten with coconut oil.

Mask for normal skin with honey

Result: honey recipes for skin care tone up the epidermis, preventing the manifestations of rosacea.


  • 11 gr. honey;
  • 6 ml hazelnut oil.

Preparation and method of application: add peanut butter into the candied honey (send liquid honey for two hours in the refrigerator). Apply to the steamed dermis from the center to the lymph nodes, with gentle circular movements. Leave to act for about twelve minutes, wash off with calendula infusion.

Mask for normal skin with egg

Result: To care for normal skin in winter, a nourishing treatment is required. To restore the lipid balance, it will take five to six sessions per season.


  • egg;
  • 11 gr. rice flour;
  • 7 ml of wheat oil.

Preparation and method of application: turn rice into powder on a coffee grinder, add an egg beaten with a whisk and cereal oil. Clean the surface of the face with thermal liquid, distribute in a thin continuous layer. After half an hour, remove the remnants of the mask with a vitamin-mineral decoction of prunes.

Normal skin mask with olive oil

Result: Dry areas can result from dehydration or abuse of scrubs or cleansers with aggressive ingredients. To restore the balance of moisture, lipids and fatty acids, an olive procedure is required.

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  • 14 ml olive oil;
  • yolk;

Preparation and method of application: bake the root vegetable, peel, crush in a mortar. Add yolk and unrefined oil. Distribute the composition, pressing it tightly to the skin surface, simulate an oval. After twenty-five minutes, remove residues, moisten with cooling gel with aloe extract.

Nourishing mask

Result: it is imperative to take care of normal skin after 30 years using procedures that nourish the epidermis.


  • persimmon;
  • 8 drops of tocopherol;
  • 3 gr. Moroccan clay.

Preparation and method of application: turn bright aromatic pulp into fruit puree on a blender, add youth vitamin and clay. Apply, hiding hair under a bandage, on the entire surface of the face, except for the eyelids, in a thick layer of three mm. After half an hour, remove the remnants with a moistened sponge.

Rejuvenating mask

Result: affordable homemade masks are effective for smoothing mimic and photo wrinkles, restoring elastin levels.


  • 16 ml cream;
  • 7 sprigs of parsley;
  • 12 gr. starch.

Preparation and application: combine classic cream with chopped fresh herbs and corn / potato starch. After removing the makeup, apply the composition with light smoothing movements from the center to the lymph nodes. The procedure lasts ten minutes, rinse with a decoction of thyme, moisten with almond oil.

Moisturizing mask

Result: to maintain youthfulness and radiance of the skin, it is worth using proven folk recipes.


  • half a cucumber;
  • 4-5 gr. oat bran;
  • 5-6 ml of jojoba oil.

Preparation and method of application: peel and grind a small vegetable with a hand blender. Add the bran and fatty acid-rich American butter to the bowl. Having distributed the moisturizing mass on the steamed dermis, enjoy the procedure for a quarter of an hour. Removing the leftovers with damp cotton pads.

Purifying mask

Result: when the sebaceous ducts are activated, the pores are filled with cellular decay products, normal skin can turn into oily skin.


  • 13 gr. yellow / white clay;
  • 7 drops of riboflavin;
  • 2 ml of grapefruit juice.

Preparation and method of application: combine kaolin with liquid vitamin B2, squeeze out citrus juice. Clean the skin with a micellar liquid, spreading the mass with a spatula and leave for seven minutes. After rinsing with chamomile infusion, moisten with snail extract gel.

Video recipe: Mask for normal skin at home

Normal skin requires daily complex care.

Normal facial skin care is generally not particularly troublesome. This is due to the fact that such a dermis has a normal water-fat balance, is sufficiently hydrated and secretes fatty lubricant in an optimal amount. Owners of normal skin have a healthy and even complexion, and enlarged pores with black dots are almost absent.

Complex care ka the basis of beauty

However, normal skin, like any other type of skin, needs proper care, because if it is not given proper attention, ignoring the importance of cosmetic procedures associated with caring for it, it can quickly become dry, and even worse and problematic.

Grooming activities include treatments such as cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing, and of course, protection. It is also important not to forget about the time of year and the climatic characteristics of your place of residence. Let's consider each of the listed procedures in more detail.

Cleansing: morning and evening

The main thing that you shouldn't do is abuse with soap during washing, because it can dry out the epidermis. For the washing procedure, cosmetologists strongly recommend using a special milk designed to care for normal dermis.

By the way, a general advice regarding the choice of cosmetics for cleansing the skin: any means intended for skin care should not have a negative effect on it, that is, they should not dry the skin too much or, on the contrary, provoke its increased fat content.

Professional cosmetologists advise to cleanse the skin not only in the morning, but also in the evening, before going to bed. In the morning, you can wash your face with slightly cool rebuilt or water, or replace your face with a simple rubbing of your face with an ice cube. But you should be careful not to accidentally overcool the skin, so you need to wipe it for a maximum of 5 minutes.

Washing your face with ice cubes is best done along the massage lines. Before going to bed, you should also do skin cleansing procedures. It will not be superfluous to do a peeling once a week, having previously steamed the skin, but if there is a tendency to rosacea, steaming is not recommended.

Regular hydration and nutrition

A moisturizing moisturizer is ideal for moisturizing normal skin. If you use dense creams for moisturizing, then taking into account the properties of this type of skin, the cream will not be completely absorbed, but remaining on the surface will curl up, turning into a film. In addition, you need to know that in order for the skin to retain its qualities and remain hydrated, it is imperative to drink plenty of water.

In addition to day and night creams, masks should be done once or twice per allotment. For this procedure, you can purchase ready-made formulations in stores or use improvised products. For normal skin, masks made from vegetables and fruits, for example, from.

Reliable protection

Unlike other types of skin, normal skin does not require extensive protection. For owners of this type of dermis, it is better for her to avoid oily creams created to protect the skin in the cold season. Such creams can have a negative effect, which can be expressed in the clogging of pores with them and, as a result, lead to disruption of the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands.

In winter, in order to protect the face, experts advise using jojoba and olive oil, in particular, if a capillary network appears on the surface. In the summer, you definitely need to use sunscreen.

Considering all of the above, only one conclusion can be drawn: caring for normal facial skin will not take much time, so do not forget to devote time to your hands, and! The female coasota is a complex concept, so no site should be left unattended, even if others do not see it.

Mercredi shared the secrets of caring for normal skin, especially for the online magazine "Women's Hobbies".

Normal skin is rare. It is very soft, elastic, smooth skin, without wrinkles and visible pores, velvety, with a pleasant pink tint. Normal skin can protect itself from the outside, nourish and moisturize from the inside.

Normal skin constantly renews itself - the outer layer peels off and a new one appears in its place. Therefore, all substances in it are in a proportionate, well-balanced ratio. This determines the main difference between this type of skin and others: less vulnerability to external influences. Women with normal skin do not feel dry at low humidity or low air temperature and oily - during hot and humid weather. Even after washing your face with soap, the face does not feel the unpleasant sensation of tightness.

This obvious advantage of happy women with normal skin often does them a disservice. Women neglect skin care products or use them irregularly. To keep normal skin young and healthy for as long as possible, it needs daily care.


With normal skin, the use of cosmetics should be minimal... It is best to wash your face in the morning and evening with milk, use milk instead of soap: it cleanses the skin more thoroughly and gently. It is recommended to use soap no more than 2-3 times a week. More frequent use of soap leads to a decrease in the acidity of the skin, its dryness and flaking.

The face is rinsed with water at room temperature (or slightly cool) or rubbed with a piece of ice in the direction of the skin lines. After rinsing (wiping with ice), the skin of the face must be blotted with a soft towel: it is applied to the face with slight pressure.

Dry your face after any wash, regardless of skin type. You can not roughly wipe your face, because the skin is stretched from this and premature wrinkles appear.

The effect of freshness, excitement, rush of blood to the skin and its redness is achieved by low water temperature (or cold ice), as well as light pressure on the skin when blotting with a towel.

To refresh the face during the day, use non-alcohol tonics, you can wipe your face with herbal infusion. The infusion is prepared in a thermos for 30 minutes at the rate of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped flowers for 1.5 cups of boiling water. Linden blossom, pharmacy chamomile, mint are best suited. The infusion is cooled, filtered and stored in the refrigerator, it can be frozen and wiped on the face with ice cubes. After this procedure, at least 20-30 minutes should pass before going outside.


Normal skin needs more moisture than fat. A light liquid moisturizer or gel works best for you. If the cream is too oily, it is not absorbed, but remains on the surface of the skin in the form of a film, since normal skin itself produces enough sebum. Moisture, on the other hand, is always needed by the skin, thanks to which the skin becomes more elastic and fresh.

To increase skin hydration, you need to drink at least 1 liter. mineral water per day.

By the way, you can wash your face with still mineral water: it has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, healing effect on the skin. It is also useful to use thermal water.

In the hot season, the moisturizer is applied before going outside, in the cold - at night.

The cream is applied in a thin layer with light tapping movements of the fingertips along the skin lines. Skin lines are usually called the lines of least stretch of the skin. They are coming:

  • On the chin - from the middle of the chin along the lower jaw towards the earlobes.
  • On the cheeks - from the corner of the mouth to the ear canal, from the middle of the upper lip and the lateral surface of the nose to the upper part of the auricle.
  • Around the eyes - from the inner corner of the eye along the upper eyelid to the outer corner of the eye, and then (in the opposite direction) from the outer corner of the eye along the lower eyelid to the inner corner.
  • On the forehead - from the middle of the forehead to the temples; skin lines on the forehead correspond to the direction of hair growth on the eyebrows.
  • On the nose - from the bridge of the nose along the bridge of the nose to its tip, from the bridge of the nose down along its lateral surfaces.


As mentioned above, normal skin itself secretes a sufficient amount of sebum, so it does not need oily creams. However, in the care of normal facial skin, it is necessary to include the lungs, liquid nourishing creams containing aloe, extracts from algae and plants, fruit juices, and after 25 years - collagen. This will slow down changes in the skin, which is aging with the body.

In the hot season, the nourishing cream is applied in the evening, and in the winter - before going outside. It should be applied no later than 30 minutes before leaving, during which time the moisture will have time to be absorbed and the necessary protective film will form on the skin surface.


Normal skin does not need special protective measures, so oily creams should be avoided even in winter: they clog the pores of the skin, the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands is disrupted, the skin stops "breathing". If there are dilated blood vessels on your face, use an oil such as olive oil for winter protection. Apply sunscreen in the summer.

The aging process of the skin begins much earlier than many assume. After about 25 years, the process of cell renewal slows down, the skin loses its previous firmness and elasticity, the first wrinkles appear. The condition of the skin can change due to hormonal changes, dysfunctions of the endocrine system, etc. An unhealthy lifestyle can also contribute to this.

Vitamins E and C are considered the best antioxidant "defenders of the body". They are used both internally and externally, as part of various cosmetics.

Natural products that prolong the youthfulness of the skin include peach... In cosmetics, fruit juice and pulp are used, as well as peach seed oil, which contains vitamin B15 (or pangamic acid). Possessing a high biological strength, pangamic acid activates the process of oxygen transfer to skin tissues. Therefore, in addition to the peach pulp vitamin mask, we recommend that you try peach scrub: Grind 3-4 peach kernels in a coffee grinder, mix with yogurt and apply on clean skin for 10 minutes. Then, with light circular movements (along the massage lines), you need to massage your face for 5-7 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Like any other type, nourishing and refreshing masks containing biologically active substances are perfect for normal skin: vitamins, phytoncides, etc., which enhance metabolic processes in skin cells.

Masks are applied to clean skin for 15-20 minutes. Depending on the age of the mask for normal skin, it is recommended to do it once every 3-7 days.

Mask recipes

  • Cucumber mask: grate a cucumber on a fine grater, add a little vegetable oil and sour cream. Apply to face and neck for 15-20 minutes.
  • Potato mask: make mashed potatoes, add 1 tablespoon of hot milk and 1 yolk to 1 potato. Keep the hot mask on the face for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse off first with hot and then cold water.
  • Apple: grate an apple on a fine grater, add 1 teaspoon of thick sour cream. Apply on face, rinse off with cool water after 20 minutes.
  • Curd mask: Grind 2 tablespoons of kefir or sour cream with 1 tablespoon of fresh cottage cheese, add 1 teaspoon of salt. Apply the mask to the face, rinse off after 20 minutes with warm water, then rinse with cold water.
  • Watermelon mask: knead the watermelon pulp until mushy and apply on the skin with a thin layer, cover with a towel, keep for 10-15 minutes. Then wash with warm water and lubricate your face with cream.
  • Banana: knead a small piece of banana, apply the resulting mass in a thin layer on the face and neck. Wash off after 10-15 minutes. This mask is very useful in winter, it moisturizes well, softens and smoothes the skin.
  • Rejuvenating mask: grate raw potatoes, add 1 tablespoon of milk and 1 yolk to it. Apply the mass to the face and neck for 30 minutes, then rinse with an infusion of mint and lime blossom, taken in equal proportions.
  • From egg yolks, carrots and sour cream: mash the egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of carrot juice and 1 teaspoon of sour cream. Apply the mixture to your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse off first with warm, then cold water.
  • Carrot and wheat flour: Finely grate 1 carrot. Mix gruel with 1 teaspoon of wheat flour. Add a few drops of cabbage brine or lemon juice. Apply to face, keep on for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  • Curd-honey mask: grind 2 teaspoons of curd and 2 teaspoons of honey, add 1/2 teaspoon of vegetable oil and mix well. Apply mass to face and neck. Let it sit for 10 minutes, then rinse off first with warm and then cold water.
  • From sour cream, cottage cheese and sea salt: mix 1 tablespoon of sour cream and 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese into a homogeneous mass. Add 1 teaspoon of sea salt and stir well. Apply the mixture to your face. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm and then cold water.
  • Vegetable mask: grate any vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, beets, etc.) on a fine grater. Apply the gruel to the skin of the face and neck. Keep it on for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  • From strawberries and cottage cheese: three large strawberries or the same amount of wild strawberries, mash with a fork into the gruel. Toss with 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese. Apply the mixture to clean skin. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water and generously lubricate face with cream.
  • Hercules-milk mask: 2 tablespoons of rolled oats, 4 tablespoons of milk, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of honey. After swelling, apply the gruel to the skin of the face and neck, rinse with warm water, rinse with cold water.
  • Lactic acid mask: yogurt, kefir, yogurt, acidophilus and other fermented milk products are applied to the skin, on top you can put a damp cloth mask. The skin is pre-lubricated with a nourishing fat cream or vegetable oil.
  • From brewer's yeast: dilute 1 tablespoon of brewer's yeast with milk. Keep the mask for 20-25 minutes. Brewer's yeast contains B vitamins. After such a mask, the skin becomes elastic, partially whitened.
  • From chamomile, linden, elderberry flowers: take 1 tablespoon of chamomile, linden, elderberry flowers, 1 glass of hot water. Boil for 10 minutes. Strain. Add 1/2 teaspoon of honey and oatmeal to a warm infusion until sour cream is thick.
  • Orange-yolk mask: mix the yolk with grated orange peel, add 2-3 drops of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. The mask is washed off after 20-25 minutes with a decoction of parsley.
  • Cabbage mask: chop the cabbage leaves in a meat grinder and apply a thin layer on the skin so that there are no free gaps on the face. The mask is removed after 20-30 minutes. After that, the face is rinsed with cold water and a nourishing cream is applied. Shredded cabbage leaves can also be applied to a portion of the neck. Cabbage has a deep cleansing effect.
  • Honey-lemon: add 5-10 drops of lemon juice to a tablespoon of honey. Apply the resulting gruel for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with cool soft water. If it is necessary to increase the viscosity of the mask, add oatmeal.
  • Currant mask: pour 10-15 currant leaves with half a glass of boiling water, strain after 15-20 minutes and add a tablespoon of currant juice. Moisten several layers of gauze with infusion, apply for 20 minutes, rinse your face with water at room temperature.
  • Pear mask: take a medium-sized pear, wash, peel and rub on a fine grater. Gruel (two tablespoons) is placed in a saucer, olive oil or any other vegetable oil (one tablespoon) is added, everything is thoroughly mixed. Keep the mask for 30 minutes.
  • Pumpkin: cut a small slice of fresh pumpkin, wash it in cool water, peel it, cut it into small pieces and boil it. After a few minutes, when the pumpkin is ready, take out the pieces and knead. The resulting gruel (2 tablespoons) is laid out in a saucer and one tablespoon of olive oil is added, everything is thoroughly mixed. Olive oil can be replaced with any vegetable oil: dill, peach, corn, sunflower, etc. Keep the mask for 20-25 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
  • Parisian mask: This mask is made from sauerkraut - leaves or chopped. 100 g of well-fermented cabbage is squeezed out and applied in a thin layer on the entire surface of the skin of the face and neck. In this case, the cabbage should not slip, but fit snugly to the face. You need to lie down with it for 15-20 minutes, relaxing your muscles. Then the mask is removed, the face is rinsed with water at room temperature. This mixture refreshes the skin and gives it elasticity, matte finish.

Care with biostimulant plants

Strawberry... Strawberry lotion tones and refreshes normal skin well. Recipe: half a glass of strawberries is poured with 1 glass of vodka, infused for 4 weeks. After that, strain and let it brew for another 2 weeks. Depending on the sensitivity of the skin, strawberry lotion is diluted with water. Wipe the skin with lotion daily.

Orange... Peel the orange, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth or strainer. With a cotton swab dipped in juice, lubricate the face, neck and chest. After 1-2 hours, rinse the skin with cold water and let it dry without wiping it off. You can also wipe your face with orange juice diluted with water. For the first time, moisten the tampon slightly, and with repeated wiping - abundantly.

Birch... Add 20 ml of alcohol or 15 ml of glycerin and alcohol to 100 ml of birch sap. This lotion is recommended for wiping the face and neck in the morning and evening. Rubbing perfectly tones any skin.

Mint... Pour boiling water over half a glass of dry mint herb, cover the dishes, leave for 24 hours. Then strain and add a tablespoon of glycerin. Lotion to wipe face and neck in the morning and evening after washing.

Plantain... An aqueous infusion of plantain is prepared (1: 5), and even better, plantain juice is diluted in half with boiled water. Such a preparation has a good effect on normal skin, delaying its natural aging. Plantain juice also slightly whitens the skin.

Nettle... Pass the nettle leaves through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice, you can use a juicer. Dip a cotton pad and wipe your face like a toning lotion - nettle juice is good for everyone.

Cucumber... To wipe normal skin, you can prepare the following lotion: grated fresh cucumber on a fine grater, pour in an equal amount of vodka or alcohol, leave for 2 weeks, strain. Before use, dilute with an equal amount of boiled water and add a teaspoon of glycerin to 100 ml of the mixture.

the Rose... Rose water: pour boiling water over dry rose leaves. Insist for at least 5 hours. Strain, add glycerin (for 200 ml of rose water 1 tbsp. L. Glycerin). Can also be used as ice.

Strawberry... 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried strawberry and mint leaves to brew in a cup of boiling water. Put the broth overnight. In the morning, strain through cheesecloth into a bottle and store in the refrigerator. Using your fingertips or a tampon, without rubbing, moisten a clean face with broth. Gives freshness to the face.

Rosemary... Wine lotion is being prepared: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of rosemary with a glass of dry red wine (for dry and normal skin) or vodka (for oily skin). Shake the bottle with tincture well every 2 days. After 6 weeks, strain and the tincture is ready. Store in a cool dry place. 2 times a day with a cotton swab dipped in tincture, tap the skin of the face and neck. Gives elasticity to the skin, smoothes wrinkles.

Dill... Mix dill water with glycerin, 2% boric water, cologne or alcohol (6: 1: 7: 6). With the resulting dill lotion, wipe your face in the morning and evening.

If you are the happy owner of normal, healthy skin, you just need to ensure that it is regularly cleansed, nourished and protected, and the feeling of eternal youth will not leave you.

The skin is an indicator of the health of the whole organism as a whole. It instantly reflects all the malfunctions in the work of internal organs. Accordingly, normal skin indicates perfect health and proper self-care.

How to tell if skin is normal or not? Usually they are guided by the following conclusions - if it is not, then it is normal. In principle, this is true. But normal skin has other characteristics besides dryness and oily content.

What is normal skin?

Determining your normal skin type is not difficult. From dry, oily and it differs in the following characteristics:

  • elasticity,
  • smoothness,
  • healthy complexion,
  • elasticity, and, as a result, the absence of wrinkles,
  • flat surface,
  • lack of pustules, spots, redness, pimples, protruding blood vessels,
  • lack of enlarged pores, flaky, dry, greasy areas,
  • feeling of comfort after washing without feeling of tightness,

In fact, this type can be called ideal - owners of dry, oily and combination skin, through careful care, try to approach this standard. Normal skin is different balanced composition and the ability to quickly regenerate.

But this skin condition is the fruit of hard work and care for your health.

The presence of problems with the work of internal organs, neglect of the rules of care will quickly do their job, and the mistress of the once normal skin can quickly turn her property into the need to take care of dry or oily skin. It is not difficult to disrupt the water-lipid balance of the skin, to acquire health problems, but getting rid of the troubles that have arisen will be quite difficult.

Rules for the care of normal skin

Despite the external problem-free caring for normal skin, maintaining and maintaining its ideal state requires adherence to a number of rules.


Cleansing normal skin involves not only gentle and high-quality makeup removal, but also regular daily procedures in the morning and evening.

Morning wash

For morning washing, warm water at room temperature or softer still mineral water is sufficient. It is good to wash your face with lukewarm water with the addition of borax. In the evening, regardless of whether makeup is applied or not, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned of impurities.

Daily evening wash

For a daily evening wash, use mild, non-alkaline products such as pH neutral soaps or foam. Modern cosmetologists advise using soap occasionally, giving preference to special gels and foams for washing. But homemade lotions based on infusion of rose petals, chamomile, calendula, mint, and cucumber pulp are treated with respect. This lotion also gently cleanses the skin and at the same time tones it up.

Removing cosmetics

When washing your face with makeup, you must first remove the cosmetics using cosmetic milk or makeup remover cream. After thoroughly removing makeup with milk, you can dry your face with a napkin or cotton pads and apply a night cream. If desired, after removing make-up, you can wash your face with foam, gel or cosmetic soap for washing, and then apply the cream again.


The main advantage of normal skin is the ideal level of hydration, a healthy complexion and firmness. Preservation and maintenance of these characteristics allows timely and regular skin toning.

To achieve the desired effect will allow the use of toners for normal skin, infusions of medicinal herbs(chamomile, parsley, mint, aloe, green tea, calendula) and homemade cosmetic ice based on them.

Toner for normal skin

It is good to use tonics after washing your face. It is allowed to use tonics with a spray on make-up if necessary to refresh the face (in winter when working in a heated room and in summer in hot weather). One or two sprays at arm's length will give a light, moisturizing fleur that returns lost moisture to the skin.

Toning infusions

The herb is brewed (1-2 tablespoons of crushed raw materials for 1.5-2 cups of boiling water), poured with boiling water, infused for half an hour, filtered and cooled to room temperature. Hot and cold infusions, even on normal skin, can irritate and provoke redness, pimples and other rashes. The finished infusion is moistened with a cotton pad and squeezed out well. The wet disk gently, without pressure, wipes the face along the massage lines. The remaining infusion is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Cosmetic ice

Ice preparation requires preliminary preparation of the herbal infusion in the way described above. The finished chilled infusion is poured into ice molds, which are placed in the freezer. The ice will be ready for use in a couple of hours. Such ice can be stored for up to several months. The method of using it is simple - a piece of ice is rubbed over the face along the massage lines. If you are sensitive to cold, the ice can be wrapped in a linen napkin or handkerchief.


Normal skin, unlike dry, does not need too nourishing, regularly used products. The most important thing is to provide her with the right level of moisture..

Therefore, a light day cream in the summer after washing and a moisturizer or gel at night in the winter will be enough.

Under cosmetics, a fast-absorbing moisturizing day cream is a must. At night, a moisturizer is applied depending on your own feelings - whether or not there is a feeling of tightness after washing.

The role of moisturizers is well performed herbal lotions and moisturizing milk... In most cases, the use of a cosmetic cleansing milk with a moisturizing effect in the evening is sufficient. A special moisturizer is applied only as needed.

Another important point for maintaining the desired level of skin hydration is compliance with the drinking regime assuming drinking at least two liters of fluid daily, including soups, tea, coffee and other drinks.

Proper nutrition is the key to healthy skin, but in the case of normal, the use of a nourishing cream is mandatory only after 25 years... At this age, collagen production decreases and the first age-related changes appear. But this does not mean at all that up to 25 years old, normal skin does not need to be nourished.

At any age, nourishing masks with different effects are recommended for normal skin care - moisturizing, pull-up, tonic etc. Regular use of masks allows you to provide normal skin with adequate nutrition. Masks are selected depending on age - for young, mature or aging skin. These can be homemade or factory-made formulations from well-known cosmetic brands.

The mask is applied 1-2 times a week. It can be 2 different masks used once a week. The compositions and methods for preparing homemade masks are presented below.


Although normal skin is self-sufficient in itself, you just need to follow the rules of caring for it, without resorting to expensive special products and programs, it needs reliable protection from wind, frost and UV radiation.

Excessive, improper tanning, prolonged exposure to wind and cold, can cause dryness and redness even on normal skin.

On bright sunny days and when sunbathing, it is recommended to use sunscreens and lotions. Before going out into the cold, it is recommended to apply a fatty cream to the skin - a nutritious one is best suited. In windy weather, day cream is enough on the face.

When using protective equipment, it is worth remembering that you should only go outside no earlier than half an hour after applying them.

Several factors are responsible for the healthy appearance of normal skin..

Overall health of the body

First, the health of the body as a whole. Any ailments, especially problems with the gastrointestinal tract and inflammatory diseases associated with taking antibiotics, are immediately reflected in a faded complexion, roughness, tightness and thinning of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles and rashes. By maintaining your own health and paying attention to the ailments that have arisen in time, you can significantly prolong the health of the skin.

Hormonal background

Secondly, the production of hormones is instantly reflected in the state of normal skin. In the absence of obvious ailments, the skin can signal the onset of serious problems with the endocrine system. The hormonal background can be controlled and evened out, but this must be done under the supervision of a specialist.

Human age

Thirdly, the color, structure and general condition of the skin, of course, depends on age. After 25 years, the skin that has no visible changes begins to age. Even if the wrinkles are not yet visible, then its elasticity, firmness, color begin to slowly change. This is due exclusively to age-related changes in the body. It is impossible to prevent them, but it is quite possible to maintain the normal condition of the skin if you follow all the above rules of care, which are also valid for aging skin. After 25 years, it is recommended to use a special series of products for the care of aging normal skin. Manufacturers offer a wide range of products for women after 25, 30, 35, 40, 35, 50, 55 and 60 years old. Each series is distinguished by a composition that includes fruit acids, antioxidants, substances that provoke collagen production, restore the lipid layer and the proper level of moisture.

Nourishing and toning masks for normal skin

The refreshing, toning, firming and nourishing effect of the masks on normal skin is invaluable. The mask is applied to the entire face and neck with the exception of the eyes and lips.

We offer some of the most effective and easy-to-use recipes:

A small pear needs to be grated on a fine grater. Add a tablespoon of olive oil to two tablespoons of this gruel and apply on your face. Leave the gruel for 20 minutes. and then rinse with warm water.

Chopped green lettuce leaves are passed through a juicer. Add 1 tbsp to 2 tablespoons of juice. a spoonful of olive oil and 3 drops of lemon juice. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for 20-30 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Honey lemon nourishing mask

Treatments for normal skin

The composition of cosmetic care products for normal skin is selected depending on the age and condition of the latter.

  • Firstly, the packaging must have the inscription "for normal skin"... There are products recommended for two types of skin. For example, for normal to combination or dry and normal skin. In this case, you should focus on your own feelings. If we are talking about the owner of normal skin with a tendency to dryness, then products for dry and normal skin, etc., are quite suitable for her.
  • Secondly, products for normal skin are focused on maintaining sufficient moisture levels.... Therefore, their composition must necessarily contain such substances as magnesium, sodium (natrium), potassium (kalium), which provide moisture and preserve this effect. It is good if the composition of products for normal skin contains jojoba extract, which guarantees the proper elasticity and firmness of the skin.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to select cosmetics by age (this was mentioned above)... Beta-carotene should be included in creams and masks for mature skin. "Working" for skin rejuvenation, preventing its aging and neutralizing free radicals. Another important component of such funds is antioxidants (vitamins C and E), which ensure normal metabolism and the removal of free radicals. Normal skin creams and masks often contain retinol (vitamin A), which is responsible for the regeneration of skin cells.

Video: Care program for young normal skin

Prevention of premature skin aging

Age-related changes are inevitable. But skin aging can be delayed. The basic principles of preventing age-related skin changes are listed below.

  • Correct balanced nutrition.
  • Healthy lifestyle.
  • No bad habits.
  • Physical education and sports.
  • Timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
  • Hardening and facial massage.

I would like to pay more attention to the last point. Contrasting washes strengthen not only the walls of blood vessels, guaranteeing an excellent complexion, but also the muscles of the face, preventing sagging of the skin. A professional facial massage using cosmetic oil or nourishing cream followed by a mask is one of the most effective methods to combat skin aging. During this procedure, the muscles of the face are relaxed, the skin is saturated with nutrients, the face is tightened and takes on a fresh, blooming appearance. It is enough to carry out such a procedure once a week.

This type of skin is very rare and usually only in young, healthy people. On average, only 6-8% of adult women have normal skin. Normal skin is full of virtues. The natural acidic mantle, sebaceous glands and blood circulation function perfectly and without abnormalities. Normal skin always clean, firm, taut, without red spots or inflamed areas. The first wrinkles on such skin appear only after thirty-five years, and then they are rarely visible.

What we do wrong if we have normal skin.

Mistake 1: Excessive craze for skin care products.
If you have normal skin, you can do with the simplest and cheapest remedies. Many women believe that the more care the better. However, this is exactly what is harmful to your skin.

Our advice.
Normal skin requires less maintenance and should not burden it. After cleansing in the morning and evening, apply a light nourishing or moisturizing cream to the skin. In most cases it will be the same remedy. Rub the cream into the still damp skin with gentle movements so that it is better absorbed inside.

Mistake 2: unsatisfactory skin cleansing.
Normal skin has good "health" and you will not immediately notice the consequences of neglect. Girls often save time on cleansing their face, go to bed with makeup. After a while, it will definitely remind you of itself. If you do not remove makeup, powder, dust, sweat and sebum from the skin every day, a film forms on the skin, which is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria that cause irritation and inflammation of the skin and even the appearance of skin fungi.

Our advice.
Cleansing your skin twice a day should become a habit. You are very lucky - your skin tolerates any cleanser, even simple soap. After washing your face for disinfection, blot the skin with eau de toilette with a little alcohol.

Care behind normal skin

Basic rules for normal skin care.

Cleanse your skin in the morning with plain water, foam, or baby soap. Among young people, soap is the most popular cleanser. It works very well for normal skin. Normal skin quickly restores its natural acidic environment, which soap easily destroys after each wash. However, do not use highly scented soaps. Better to use mild, non-scented soaps in the form of a cream, baby soap, or cleansing foam for the face. They contain so-called secondary fats that help the skin balance moisture loss faster. Be sure to cleanse your skin with facial eau de toilette again so that no soap is left on it. Moisten a cotton swab with water and dab your face with gentle movements.

Use a cleansing moisturizing milk in the evenings. In theory, people with normal skin can wash their faces with soap and water in the evening. But to remove makeup, it is better to use milk - it cleanses the skin more thoroughly and gently. Apply a large portion of the milk to your face and rub it gently into your skin. Then remove the milk with either a paper towel or wash it off with plenty of warm water. If you remove the cleansing milk with a tissue, then wipe your face with eau de toilette. The slightest residue from cleaning products can cause allergies or eczema.

Combine gel and liquid cream. Normal skin requires a lot more moisture than sebum. A light liquid or nourishing liquid cream may work best for you. If the cream is very oily, it is not absorbed, but remains on the surface in the form of a film, since normal skin itself produces enough sebum. Moisture, on the other hand, is very necessary for the skin. Thanks to it, the skin becomes firmer and fresher.

Do not forget to present gifts to your skin sometimes - face masks from natural ingredients.

Masks for normal skin

Nourishing cottage cheese mask.
Thoroughly grind cottage cheese, milk, carrot juice and olive oil taken in equal proportions. Apply the mask on the face in a thick layer. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water and wipe the face and neck with a piece of ice.

Mask for normal skin from mashed tomato, egg yolk and starch.
Add 1 chicken yolk to the grated tomato, 1 tbsp. spoon of starch and grind well until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then apply it to your face. After 20 minutes, wash your face with warm and then cold water. Tomato juices nourish the skin, increase blood circulation in it and prevent premature aging. In the same way, you can make masks from grapes and strawberries.

Fruit and vegetable masks for normal skin:

Yolk Fruit Mask

Add a teaspoon of any freshly squeezed juice to the crushed yolk and apply on your face. Rinse off first with warm, then cold water.

Apple mask.

Grate half the apple on a fine grater, add 1 tbsp. l. honey, 1 yolk, 1 tsp. ascorbic acid, 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp. vegetable oil, rub everything well and apply on the skin for 30 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Banana mask.

Mash the peeled ripe banana thoroughly and mix with a little milk. Apply the resulting mass to the face and neck and leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Green salad mask for normal skin.

Add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to finely chopped green lettuce leaves. Prepare the mixture just before use, apply on clean skin of the face and neck, hold for 15-20 minutes. Wash off first with warm, then cold water or a cotton swab dipped in strong tea. Do the mask 1-2 times a week.

Sour milk whitening mask.

Mix 1 tablespoon of finely chopped parsley with 1 tablespoon of curdled milk (for oily skin) or sour cream (for dry skin). Apply the mask to cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cold water or chamomile infusion.

Refreshing parsley mask for normal skin.

Finely chop the parsley, add water, bring to a boil and strain. Apply the gruel to gauze and apply to the face for 30 minutes. Then rub it with a dry cotton swab. The mask is done 2-3 times a week.

Refreshing parsley and honey mask for normal skin.

Mix a decoction of parsley (30-40 g per glass of water) with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 yolk. Apply for 15-20 minutes, rinse first with warm and then cool water.

Parsley and dill mask for aging skin.

Mix parsley and dill equally, take 1 tablespoon of the mixture, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for 2 hours, strain. Moisten gauze or linen napkin in infusion, apply on face for 15-20 minutes.

Plantain mask for aging skin.

Pour finely chopped plantain leaves with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3, bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes, cool slightly and in this form apply an even layer on a prepared mask of several layers of gauze (with a cutout for the eyes and mouth). Keep on the face for 15-20 minutes, after removing, wash your face with warm water. Apply the mask 2-3 times a week. The course is about 20 masks.

Honey and glycerin mask.

Honey, glycerin and wheat flour, taken in equal amounts, are thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture is diluted with warm boiled water to a mushy consistency, rubbed and applied to the face and neck. This mask cleanses and refreshes the skin well.

Apple mask for normal skin.

Peel the apple and grate on a fine grater. Add a tablespoon of olive oil, milk, or sour cream.