Ultrasonic scrubber portable. Apparatuses for ultrasonic cleaning of the face (scrawberber) to buy. How the procedure is carried out

A few years ago, the ultrasonic peeling of the face at home was considered something from the fiction area. The procedure was already offered in cosmetological clinics and cabinets, but its independent holding of the house was impossible to imagine.

Why do you need ultrasound scrapping procedure?

Today, ultrasonic portable scrabber can be used where and ever, than having enjoyed a huge number of girls and women. What is an ultrasonic skin exfoliation?

This is a kind, atraumatic cleaning of the face, the mechanism of action of which is based on the introduction of high-frequency waves into the deep skin structures. Ultrasound use is completely painless, safe, and, at the same time, effectively.

This procedure is universal, and is suitable for any type of skin. In particular, in contrast to the set of similar procedures, its use is allowed in patients with telegangectasia (coopering). It solves a set of tasks, starting with a deep purification of pores, and ending with the leveling of the microrelief of the skin.

Portable scrabber: action and instructions

Professional portable scrabber for a person is now available for an ordinary alignment. Usually such products are implemented in specialized stores for cosmetologists and aesthetists, but today it can be purchased in any online market.

Portable ultrasound scrabber is designed for careful skin cleansing by chemical, mechanical and thermal exposure. The device also has integrated skin care, delicately eliminating it from a wide variety of problems - small wrinkles, comedones, acne and pedestal.

Cosmetologists are unanimously argued: our skin needs regular mechanical exfoliation.

Usually, for these purposes, women use various scrubs - from finished compounds, to homemade masks based on food and beverages.

However, all these tools are only superficial care, without affecting the deep structures of the dermis and epidermis. Measuring cells concentrating on the surface of our skin are strongly harmful to it. They prevent the penetration into the pores of oxygen - the main oxidizing agent of toxic substances, as a result of which the skin becomes dull, flabby and dehydrated.

In addition, burned cells create an optimally favorable environment for the introduction and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms - fungi, staphylococci and other bacteria provoking congestive inflammatory processes. A person who does not take any measures for regular leather exfoliation often has extended pores with open comedones, called in the house "black dots".

The elimination of oroging cells can really be achieved by usual comprehension. However, further this effect does not work. With the use of professional ultrasound scrabber, things are different.

The device emits high-frequency sound waves, contributing to a delicate, careful cleansing of the epidermis from standard contaminants, "black points" (including inflamed) and excess skin salts.

At the same time, the cosmetological apparatus stimulates the accelerated regeneration of tissues, activates the synthesis of fibroblasts producing "proteins of youth" - collagen and elastin, increases the elasticity of the skin.

Under its influence, the cover is somewhat lightened, which is relevant for the owners of freckles and manifestations of hyperpigmentation. The ultrasonic device gradually reduces all ache ignitions, or a pedestal. He can also cope with heavier scars, however, it may require a certain time and number of procedures.

What is the scrabber capable?

With this equipment, it is very convenient to produce professional phonoforesis - a procedure designed for a deeper penetration of cosmetics and therapeutic drugs into the inner layer of the skin. This "miracle machine" is designed to provide soft, delicate cleansing, as well as comprehensive care.

Depending on the selected model, you can carry out the following procedures:

  • Mikromassage face skin to increase its tone, elasticity and elasticity;
  • Anti-Age technique that eliminates age-related changes and manifestations of photoregation;
  • Warming up tissues for the purpose of their surface lifting (suitable for the problem of gravitational ptosis 1-2 degrees);
  • Bleaching and depigmentation;
  • The introduction of nutrients deep into the dermis.

Usually, the devices are implemented complete with a power supply and several nozzles.

The main advantages of their use at home are:

  • Networking: You can connect the device where and ever, without worrying about buying and changing the batteries;
  • Compactness and comfort in application: The device is easy, mobile and small, which facilitates its transportation. You can take it with you to rest, and be sure - it will not take a lot of space in your baggage;
  • Variability of use: Each scrabber is programmed by several options, with which you can vary the procedures. Using home scrabber, you have the ability to independently contact the salon procedures: hardware cleaning, lifting and massage;
  • High frequency UZ-oscillationsproviding the device's performance comparable to the effect of applying professional equipment;
  • Comfortable concave surface of the blade: "Floating" form of the communicator allows him to move freely on various bends and work even in the most hard-to-reach zones.

All procedures produced using the scrabber are absolutely painless and safe. From now on, you do not need to constantly attend expensive clinics of aesthetic medicine to secure a well-kept appearance.

Total results

By purchasing any product or apparatus, any woman quite rightly calculates the specific results of its use. We will not say that scrabber is a real panacea from all the troubles that can solve any, even the most serious dermatological problems.

Of course, there are diseases and defects that only a qualified medical profile specialist can cope with. However, if you do not have any serious skin defects, you can easily cope with decent, high-quality care, using ultrasound equipment.

Regular cleaning procedures with scrawberry will get rid of you from the following urgent problems:

  • Annomally reinforced saloon, accompanied by unattractive fatty skin and "black dots";
  • An excess of erogenial cells provoking dullness and visual "fatigue" of the person;
  • Minor inflammatory processes (without minecraft formations);
  • Chronic manifestations of acne and scar changes after healing acne;
  • White acne.

If you need a banal prevention, you can also not be noted on your appearance of stunning results:

  • Smooth, shining with a pearl tint of leather with even microrelief;
  • Global skin cleansing, significant reduction in pores and comedones;
  • Emergency update of young cells;
  • Improving the elasticity and natural turgor of the skin;
  • Activation of cellular metabolism, as a result of which the skin looks healthy, bented and optimally moistened;
  • Smoothing the small wrinkles of the Mimic and age-related type;
  • Very velvety and perfect face skin.

Scrapers for ultrasonic face cleaning are used in beauty salons for decades. Several years ago, portable ultrasound peeling devices were sold in online stores, which can be used independently at home.

What is "ultrasonic scrabber" and how does it work?

Ultrasonic leather cleaning devices produce vibrations up to 30,000 Hz, due to the pores, contaminants are pushed, and the kneading skin cells are gently exfoliated. Uz-Scrabere also helps serums and other skin care products penetrate deeper and work more efficiently. With proper and regular use, the device can help with the following problems:

  • scored pores
  • excess production of skin fat,
  • black dots and white acne,
  • dry, peeling skin,
  • dull tone
  • uneven texture
  • dirty skin.

What is the ultrasonic scruberer different from other brushes, tools, domestic peels and means?

  1. It works softly and suitable for sensitive skin.

Uz-scrabber is an excellent alternative to cleansing means and tools for microdermabrasion. When it is used, you can control the pressure, angle and direction of the working cleaning blade (spatula) to delicately remove the contamination from the pores, focusing on the problem areas, and to gently depart the skin, cleaning it. Since when working with an ultrasonic scrubber, water or tonic is used, and not a rude exfoliant, the skin after the procedure becomes clean and smooth, but not irritated.

  1. This is hygienic

With ultrasound cleaning, no abrasive tools and tools are not used, therefore the risk of developing bacterial infection is extremely small. So that the scrubere remained clean, it is enough to wipe it before and after using an antibacterial or alcohol napkin.

  1. Improves the work of other skin care products

Modern serum and face products contain effective expensive ingredients. So that they penetrate deeper, the skin should be clean, without accumulation of dead cells. Ultrasonic cleaning by the scrubber helps to achieve this, and the leaving agents applied after the procedure work better.

  1. Inexpensively and available

Uz. The device is easy to clean and store. You can buy a good device on average for 3,500 rubles, while practically no other spending on its service.

  1. Improves skin

With regular coursework, ultrasound improves the overall skin, making it cleaner, healthy and toned. At the same time, side effects, as in aggressive cleaning types, are absent.

Portable ultrasound scrabber for face: Feedback on Silver Fox KD-8020

A portable ultrasonic scrubber for home use Silver Fox KD-8020 uses along with Gezatone devices, ESMA and NOVA.

It differs slightly from the previous model KD-8010, you can buy it in online stores with cosmetology equipment.

It is necessary to use it, like any other bonds. Scrapher, on a wet skin, mixing it, for example with water, tonic or cosmetic gel. It cleans the clogged pores well, it is only necessary to direct the shovel at the right angle to the skin. It is a little more difficult to clean the skin in hard-to-reach places of the face and where the pores are not very expanded: on the cheeks, the wings of the nose, on the chin.

When working, the device publishes sound and vibration, approximately as a ultrasonic brush for teeth. It has a wireless principle of operation, but periodically requires recharging.

Instructions for ultrasound scrubber: how to use

Instructions for use, the principle of operation of the device, as well as its device and recommendations can be read in the photo below (after pressing the picture will open in a new tab in full).

The hardware is a procedure that enjoys high popularity in visitor to beauty salons. In this case, this cleansing is performed on professional equipment and has a high cost. In order to clean the face at home and at the same time save, the device can be purchased in a specialized store or via the Internet.

What is scrabber?

One of the best facial cleaning devices is a ultrasonic professional scrawberry. Its use is possible not only in the conditions of a cosmetic salon, but also at home.

This is a great way to get rid of excessive skin salinity, pore contamination and dead particles of the epidermis. In fact, the portable ultrasound scrabber is a block of a small size having a remote probe with a metal spatula, which is the main element of the device. Through this part, oscillations of ultrasonic waves with a frequency of about 20 kHz are transmitted. Such impulses are invisible to human eye, but quite noticeable for the skin of the face.


For such a procedure, how should be the testimony for use. At the same time, the ultrasonic scrabber can use not all of the weak floor representatives, but this later. So, the indications for the need to use ultrasound cleaning.

They serve:

  • increased skin porosity;
  • reduced tone and leather turgors;
  • comedones on the face;
  • rash acne in a quiet stage;
  • combined or oily skin;
  • fading dermis;
  • high sweating;
  • dull skin color on face.

Each symptom separately or in combination can be an indisputable indicator to the need to cleanse the skin using ultrasonic scrabber for the face.


Like any kind of cosmetic procedures, has a number of contraindications to use. It is not recommended to do if available:

  • inflammatory processes on the face in acute form;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • under oncology;
  • during pregnancy;
  • neuralgic deviations of the outer nerve.

Under the operational interventions, there may be some uncomfortable sensations on the skin of the face, but the use of scrabber is permissible.

The main mechanisms of exposure to ultrasound

Ultrasound is invisible wave fluctuations, which are used in various sectors of human vital activity. The cosmetology has not remained aside. Such oscillations are transmitted to the emitter to the surface of the skin, in this case the ultrasonic scrabber is applied. When using it, the upper layers of the dermis are subjected to high-frequency oscillations, which contribute to the separation of dead cells of the horny surface of the skin and removing various pore contaminants, as well as the surface of the life layer. At the same time, a minor power of wave oscillations transmitted by the device cannot somehow harm skin cover.


Peeling is a deep purification of the surface of the epidermis. Using the ultrasonic scrabber for the face as a peeling apparatus, entering the surface of the mini-jet dermis of a liquid tool for peeling with high efficiency penetrate into the pores and remove any contamination, moreover, it is favorably affected by the overall condition of the cover, eliminating excessive selection of sebum and dead Cells of the burned layer. This processing deeply cleans and at the same time perfectly powered by oxygen.


In addition to purification, the skin requires increasing blood circulation, which will contribute to the speedy restoration with minor damage. Mikromassage is another procedure that can be done, having a home portable ultrasonic scrabber.
There are several types of influence of micro massage:

  • Mechanical. Such an influence has transmission of waves oscillations, through a slight layer of lotion, gel or other means pre-applied to the skin. In the process there is a deep micro-massage fabric fabrics, cell stimulation to regeneration, skin cleansing and increasing the elasticity of the junction tissues of the dermis.
  • The massage contributes to the splitting of collagen fibers, which, in turn, have a positive effect on the skin and make it more elastic.
  • The thermal effect turns the acoustic energy of tissues to heat, which increases the circulation and accelerates biochemical reactions, activates the redox processes, forms serotonin and other active biological substances, changes the pH of the skin, contributes to the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  • Bactericidal impact. Ultrasound contributes to the development of lymph, which spreads nutrients through skin cells.
  • Phonophoresis is an increase in the action of drugs, through the effect on the cells of the skin of ultrasound fluctuations with preliminary application of medical facilities. Thus, drugs penetrate the deep layers of dermis faster, longer affect the skin and reduce the number of side effects.
  • The pulse view of the micro-massage provides a high lymphatic and lifting effect.

How to choose scrabber?

In order to determine how to choose an ultrasonic scrabber, you need to follow some recommendations.

If they are not taken into account, then you can quickly disappoint in the instrument, buying ultrasonic scrabber. The instruction has all the necessary information, so it is necessary to look into it. Pay special attention to such data:

  1. Manufacturer. You can choose the goods from the famous manufacturers, but by purchasing scrabber ultrasonic Russian production, you can get a high-quality model, and at the same time it is not bad to save.
  2. Safety. The device must meet all standards and quality standards, be environmentally friendly, and therefore safe to use.
  3. Design and equipment. Stop your choice is better on the model that has been completed the databases of unnecessary parts, easy to use.
  4. Dimensions. A small and easy-to-use device will be the best choice for home use.
  5. Power. The higher this indicator, the better the ultrasonic scrabber will perform all tasks set before him. The indisputable plus of the device will be the presence of several velocities, which will allow cleaning various intensity.

In order to get a multifunctional device, you should buy a ultrasonic portable student scrabber. With the help of such a model, it is possible to effectively clean, ionization, peeling skin and toning them. This will make it possible to obtain almost all cosmetic procedures of the salon type at home.

The price of equipment for professional cleaning of a good quality face is usually high. Therefore, it is not necessary to strive to buy an inexpensive scrabber ultrasonic. The optimal will be the medium price category. Adhering to these nuances, you can choose a high-quality cleaning device for peeling faces at an affordable price and conduct salon treatments at home.

How to make a session of face cleaning ultrasound?

Cosmetic procedures carried out using ultrasound waves, as a rule, do not require special preparation. But, if up to this point in such actions with the skin was never carried out, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the main stages.

  • Cleansing. You should first clean the skin from the existing cosmetics, as well as apply a soft action scrub to remove explicit dirt contaminants.
  • The breaking process is not required before cleaning the ultrasound, and it is necessary to carry out a light massage to prepare the skin to the effects of waves.
  • During purification, the device uses special creams, lotions or gels that increase the impact of ultrasound. At the end of the cleansing session, it is necessary to apply nutrient cream on the skin, pre-busting the face with a wet cloth and wiped it dry.

Depending on the condition of the skin, once a week or even a month, you can use homely ultrasonic scrabber. Reviews of cosmetologists contain recommendations that it is often not worth using the device, since such manipulations may entail damage to the skin. One procedure should not last longer than 15 minutes, with a break every 5 minutes.

Only salon procedure or there is an alternative?

You can use the ultrasonic device not only in the cabin. In a specialized office, such a procedure is carried out by professional cosmetologists on individual programs, but the cost of such services is quite impressive. Having bought a professional apparatus, you can make all manipulations at home, but you should first consult with a specialist.

If skin problems are quite serious, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary test for sensitivity, because even the best ultrasonic scrabber does not guarantee safe use on the problematic skin of the face.

In any case, the use of ultrasound to purify the dermis is an excellent way to get rid of the set of skin problems and improve its condition.

Beautiful skin without wrinkles and pimples - the result of the right care. Simple washings with soap are not enough to ensure that the person remains clean. Throughout the day, the skin secret is produced, which attracts dust and dirt. As a result, the pores are clogged. Peeling is a deep cleaning of the dermis that allows you to save the skin from numerous problems. Ultrasonic scrubber will help extend the youth and keep skin purity.

Features of using scraped

Peeling assumes penetration into deep layers of dermis. With mechanical cleaning, it is mandatory to break the skin and opening. Ultrasonic scrubber can be used without special training. All you need to do is clean with milk or ordinary soap exposure zone and treat the skin with mineral water or special gel. Ultrasonic scrubere does not cause any injuries to the skin. The procedure passes absolutely painless.

The skin is regularly exposed to negative factors such as, temperature differences, low-quality food, poor ecology. Only competent care will allow you to contain a dermis in a tone. Ultrasonic facial and body cleaning makes it possible to solve many skin-related problems. This can be attributed:

  • fading the skin;
  • seborrhea;
  • acne;
  • comedones;
  • package;
  • rough skin;
  • violation of lymphotoka.

The procedure can be carried out on any sections. The exception is only the area around the eyes and the bikini zone. UZ Scraber has a significant advantage over devices for. It gently affects the skin without damaging it. At the same time, the waves penetrate really deeply, cleaning the pores from old pollution.

Even if the skin visually looks good, it does not mean that there is no need for special care. Regular use of the scraper allows you to activate regeneration processes in deep layers of dermis. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to improve lymphotock and blood circulation. In addition, the scracer contributes to the development of collagen (protein responsible for the youth of the skin). Ultrasound strengthens local dermis immunity.

The result of ultrasonic cleaning will be leather shining health

Already after the first cleaning with the use of ultrasound scraper, the skin is transformed, a healthy blush appears. If there are visible problems, the first time the positive dynamics will not be noticeable. It is necessary to conduct a course of 10-12 procedures with a break in a few days. To support the result obtained, it is necessary to carry out deep cleaning of the face twice a month.

Who needs to refuse to use the scrappy

Use ultrasound scrubber Many cosmetologists are recommended from 18 years. At this time, the sebaceous glands work in full force, dirt accumulates in the pores. If significant skin problems are observed in adolescence, the scrubere can also be used to appoint a dermatologist. At the same time, deep cleaning will be only part of the complex for leather restoration procedures.

Before you purchase a portable scrubber, it is worth examining contraindications to the procedure

The scruffer itself is absolutely safe. However, in some cases, still have to abandon the use of the device. Uz peeling has the following contraindications:

  • neuralgia of the external nerve;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin in the acute phase;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy of any term.

It is not desirable to use a scrubber in any infectious disease. Even the usual cold is a reason for refusing to ultrasonic skin cleaning. It is worth waiting for improving well-being, and only then effectively carry out a cosmetology procedure.

People who recently had to postpone surgical interference on the face may feel small discomfort when exposed to a scrappy. If sensations are sufficiently painful, from ultrasonic cleaning will also have to refuse.

How is the procedure?

As before any other cosmetology procedure, the skin must be cleaned. Be sure to remove the makeup and treat the face with Tonic. So that ultrasound waves are better penetrated by the dermis, a special gel is used. The portable apparatus for home use, as a rule, comes on sale, together with the means for pre-processing of the skin. If the gel is not, you can use mineral water. Ultrasonic scrubber is a device with a metal blade, which is carried out through massage lines. It is this blade that transmits ultrasonic waves.

It is not necessary to prepare the skin to use the scraper. We only have to wash the usual way.

If there is no pathological processes on the skin, peeling is performed completely painless. It can only be felt a small vibration in those places where bones (knee cups or cheeks) are close under the skin. The ultrasonic cleaning procedure itself can continue for 15-40 minutes. It all depends on the exposure zone. Processing one site takes no more than 2 minutes. Many cosmetologists recommend performing massage before cleaning. It is believed that it will be possible to increase the efficiency of the procedure.

Improve the conductivity of ultrasound waves will help a special gel

If the ultrasonic scrubber is used correctly, no redness or irritation on the skin should not occur. Specially care for the skin is also no need. All you need is to treat a face or body with a suitable moisturizing cream. Also completing the procedure can be applied to a rejuvenating or nutrient mask. An integrated approach will provide a more tangible result.

In the cabin or at home?

Today, ultrasonic cleaning procedure can be carried out in any cosmetology salon. The cost of services depends on the location of the establishment, as well as from the professionalism of the specialist itself. For one session, you will have to pay about 1000 rubles. The advantage of the procedure in the beauty salon is that a specialist will be able to compile an individual program that allows you to solve any skin problems. Additionally, cream, lotions and other leaving facilities for the face and body will be selected. If approaching the problem is comprehensive, it will be possible to save significantly.

It is also possible to spend successfully at home. There are special portable appliances on sale. A professional device is suitable for self-use, but it will cost it quite expensive (from 100 thousand rubles). Portable device can be bought for 10-15 thousand rubles. The price will depend on the following factors:

  • pulse frequency;
  • programs provided;
  • the possibility of changing nozzles;
  • manufacturer.

Portable scrawars differ from professional primarily power. Salons acquire more expensive installations with a large number of functions. For the home, you can completely choose a small device with characteristics suitable for solving a specific problem (wrinkles, acne, scars, skin rudeness). When choosing an instrument, it is worth paying attention to whether the seller gives a guarantee. As a rule, official distributors offer free repairs if the device breaks throughout the year after the purchase.

Portable scrawars are not intended for intensive loads as professional devices. If you use the device several times a day, it will be able to listen for a short time. But one device can be easily chosen for several family members. For example, a home scrapter can successfully use a daughter and mom. And in this case, the possibility of changing nozzles will also come. Different family members are unlikely to have the same skin condition. The use of one device with several family members is an excellent opportunity to save.

Before the procedure from the face, makeup and surface contaminants are removed using hydrophilic oil or a cleansing milk. Lotion is applied to tonizing the skin and expand the pores. So that ultrasound penetrates deeper further, peeling needs to be made before cleaning. In the salon conditions for this, as a rule, compositions based on fruit acids are used. Next, skin covers are treated with a special gel conductor. The procedure for ultrasonic cleaning is carried out in stages, affecting each section of 5-10 minutes. On the processing of the whole person can leave from 20 to 40 minutes. If desired, after cleaning, ultrafonophoresis, darsonialization or simply apply the appropriate skin cream. This allows you to consolidate the effect of ultrasound.

What is the principle of action of ultrasonic scrawers?

The device generates ultrasound fluctuations to the human ear with a frequency of 20-25 kHz. As a result, the metal spatula device begins to quickly vibrate with a small amplitude. In contact with the surface of a wet skin, the plate affects the gel molecules. It as if knocks out the particles of the cosmetic agent, and those, in turn, are fond of pollution. Ultrasound not only contributes to the flushing of the horny masses from the mouth of the follicles, but also produces the exfoliation of epidermis organic cells. The exfoliation occurs due to the frequent oscillatory movements of the spatula. Outgoing from the tip vibration is transmitted by tissue cells. This leads to acceleration of metabolic processes in the skin.

What problems solves the device for the facial cleaning ultrasound?

  • Removes contamination from the pores, prevents acne.
  • Removes the upper orified layer of the epidermis.
  • Reduces the severity of pigment and stagnant spots, scars.
  • Improves blood circulation, lymphotok, metabolic processes.
  • Increases skin tone and muscles.
  • Lowering the fatty skin.
  • Leaves tone and skin relief
  • Promotes the better penetration of medicinal and cosmetic means deep into the dermis.

In many ways, the final result depends on the position of the instrument spatula during the procedure. So, face massage, smoothing scars and small wrinkles, make the back of the plate. When peeling, the nozzle is placed at an angle of 35-45 degrees. If you need to additionally saturate the cleaned skin with the active components of cosmetics, the phophoresis mode is used.

Who are the ultrasound scrawls?

The ultrasound cleaning of the face is recommended, first of all, the owners of problem skin, prone to fatty, formation of comedones, acne and pedestrian. It should be carried out at irregularities and root of skin, hyperpigmentation (freckles, age spots). The use of the apparatus is shown to women with dehydrated hypotonic leather, age-related changes (flabby, wrinkles).

The number of beauty sessions and the selection of concomitant cosmetic procedures depend on the type and the main problems of the skin. Thus, the fatty porous skin is best cleaned by peeling tones and lotions, dry, sensitive and fading skin solutions with a moisturizing effect. Use hydration drugs together with ultrasound is also useful in pigmentation and scar.

How often can I do ultrasonic peeling?

It is important to remember that ultrasound cleaning is not the only kind of peeling. Moreover, it is too often to resort to this procedure undesirable. In case of sensitive, normal and dry skin, it is necessary to apply the unit 1-2 times a quarter, with a fatty and problematic - once a month, with a combined one - 1-2 times a month.

Cleaning Ultrasonic Scraber is best to do:
  • In combination with mechanical peeling. Such cleaning is called combined, gives a more pronounced result.
  • On the eve of the trip to the sea. For example, after chemical peeling, it is impossible to sunbathe into the sun, but ultrasound there is no such contraindication.
  • Before an important event. After the ultrasound of peeling there is no peeling and redness, the skin immediately looks well-groomed, makes a good makeup on it.
  • When the face did not care for a long time, and the usual procedures conducted at home do not give proper effect.

Contraindications and warnings

The procedures of the ultrasonic apparatus can not be carried out in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eye, thyroid gland, heart, genital organs. It is forbidden to use the device in a zone with contour gel plastic, over silicone implants.

Contraindications to the use of ultrasound scraples are:

  • thrombophlebitis
  • blood diseases
  • insufficient blood circulation
  • violation of cardiac rhythm.
  • this procedure is not suitable for those who wear electrocardiosules and other electronic implants.

Cleaning ultrasound can not be done if there is a face:

  • skin neoplasms,
  • trophic ulcers
  • absadina
  • wounds
  • purulent and acute inflammatory processes,
  • the sensitivity is impaired as a result of nerve disease or injury.

Sound waves are dangerous for people having implants in muscles or under the skin: with postoperative brackets, golden threads. The prohibition does not apply to braces, pins, gold crowns. From ultrasound cleansing faces, it is best to abandon the time of pregnancy, with ailment of an unknown character.

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