We go on all our trips as a family. The millionaire sold his property and went traveling with his family. Travel helps you stay fit

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Often speaking about a strong family, many people take it for granted. We forget how important our actions are towards each other and that relationships between relatives or spouses should not be part of routine. The stories we tell captivate you with their sincerity and boundless desire to do something meaningful for your loved ones.

Editorial website is inspired by the examples of these families and hopes to infect his readers with this.

Around the world in 1 kiss

Malaysian photographer Keow Wee Loong traveled to 11 countries with his bride to recreate the wedding kiss in different parts of the world. They kissed over and over again in Japan, Norway, Denmark, Austria, Italy throughout the 3 month trip. A happy husband believes that the meaning of life is to spend every moment with your loved one and have time to see as much as possible.

To a new life - with the whole family

Losing weight is sometimes beyond the power of one person, but in this story, victory over oneself belongs to the whole family. 32-year-old Chinese photographer Jesse decided that playing sports together was what was needed to maintain the psychological and physical health of the family. Starting with daily brisk walking, the friendly relatives began visiting the gym for regular workouts. Every 10 days they took photos and tracked the results. Six months of continuous training brought the family much more than just good shape: they claim that they completely changed their lifestyle and became much more united.

When parents go against the system

A Cambridge couple decided on a desperate experiment and went on a long-term trip around the world with their children, instead of putting them at school desks. It all started when their eldest child began to complain about boredom in kindergarten. Parents say that their children are more developed than their peers, and the education system will only ruin their talents. Having sold the house, the family decided to educate the children on their own and still have no plans to give up their idea. Paul and Caroline do projects with the children based on their trips, teaching them history and culture not from books, but in real life, which the father of the family is very proud of.

A family that doesn't like to waste time

Restore your figure after childbirth? Instill in your child a love of sports? Do you want to spend time with your loved ones and still spend time with your children? Anything is possible if you add a little creativity and humor to the most ordinary family issues.

Grandma's dress

A young bride who secretly saved her grandmother's dress many years ago wore it to her own wedding. The dress was already more than half a century old when it again graced the ceremony. Grandma herself found out about this only on the day of the wedding rehearsal. The photographer managed to capture her first reaction, and honestly, it touches my heart.

Love is more valuable than the throne

Japanese princess Mako Akishino has announced her engagement to her university friend Kei Komuro. The bride's parents approved of her choice, although in the case of this marriage the princess inevitably loses her title and all royal privileges. Despite the fact that the law in principle prohibits a princess from inheriting the throne, the Japanese public does not particularly approve of marriages between imperial families and commoners. This love story forced Japan to reconsider its attitude towards the new imperial families.

Retired people who know how to have fun

For this incredible couple, retirement is a good time for self-expression and experimentation. Steven and Millie Tani from South Carolina were looking for Halloween costumes 3 years ago and accidentally discovered a new hobby. Starting with homemade costumes, they became regulars on online stores for professional cosplayers. Now they travel, come up with images and brush off those who say that retirement and 27 years of marriage can make a relationship boring.

Eternal gratitude

19-year-old Khanittha “Mint” Phasaeng is the winner of the national beauty contest Miss Uncensored News Thailand 2015. Having won, the girl returned to her hometown with the sole purpose of kneeling in front of her mother, who has been collecting garbage all her life . In Asian countries, as in many others, such an action is a tribute of endless respect. Hanitta says that she has no reason to be ashamed of her mother and that she owes her achievements to her.

We bought a zoo

That case when you spend your entire childhood asking for a puppy, and someone’s dad is so cool that he buys an entire zoo. Dean and Tracy Tweedy now live with their three daughters at the Animalarium Zoo near Wales. Taking care of 300 animals (including snakes, lions and crocodiles), all 3 girls claim this is the best time of their lives. Initially, the family planned to buy a farm, but this option turned out to be the limit of their dreams. Qualified zoo workers also help the Tweedy family care for the animals.

Traveling the world doesn't have to end with the arrival of children. It is generally accepted that it is better for young, unsettled people to travel the world, and therefore too few people travel the world with their families.

A number of studies prove that pleasure trips, regardless of distance, are beneficial for travelers of all ages. Our seven proofs of the benefits of travel for the whole family will make you want to get off the couch and book your flights online today.

1. Travel strengthens family bonds.

Of course, to become closer to each other, you can just all have dinner and watch a movie together, but nothing gives her such memories and impressions as traveling. Traveling together eliminates distractions such as school, work, sports, etc., and allows you to spend time together in new and interesting places. Whatever one may say, no one can forget how dad was stung by a jellyfish in Florida, or how the children bathed an elephant in Thailand, or had fun when they went on vacation to the UAE.

2. Travel is educational

New activities, new landscapes, new people and new food - all this awaits you on the road. Children learn about different countries, languages ​​and cultures in school, but in real life they usually do not have the opportunity to experience and see everything with their own eyes. Travel gives children direct access to things they previously only read about and changes their understanding of the world around them.

3. Travel relieves stress

It's not just parents who experience stress. Busy school schedules, exhausting sports programs, and multiple commitments often place children under as much stress as their working parents. Getting away from a monotonous and tedious routine, even if it's just for a weekend, can provide much-needed relief.

4. Travel stimulates creativity

Columbia Business School professor Adam Galinsky has published a number of studies on the connection between international travel and creativity. According to his findings, “travel abroad has a positive effect on cognitive flexibility, depth of perception, integrative thinking, and the ability to make deep connections between dissimilar forms.” New tastes, smells, and sights abroad stimulate new activity in the brain, helping your entire family “refresh” their minds.

5. Traveling helps you stay fit

Is your family plagued by video games, TV shows, and greasy late-night snacks? Travel can not only interrupt your normal physical activity schedule, but also provide opportunities for new, shared sporting experiences. For example, on a Hawaiian beach you might want to try surfing, but in Italy you may almost unexpectedly find yourself on a ten-mile hike to historical sites. You can splash in the gentle waves or shop until you drop, but either way, traveling will give you new physical activity.

6. Travel teaches you how to solve problems.

No pleasure trip goes perfectly, and that's one of the great benefits of traveling for you as a family. Tourists are accustomed to traffic jams, flight cancellations and minor illnesses on the road. All this is a useful experience for the family. For children and parents, this is a chance to learn to adapt and respond correctly to emerging problems. Let your little travelers solve some problems on their own (like what to do while waiting for a delayed flight), and you may notice a new confidence in them when they return home.

Planning a trip with the whole family? There are a number of things you should think about in advance to make your trip unforgettable. And remember him all your life, with a smile on your lips.


  1. Solve a number of questions for yourself.
  2. Where are you going to go?
  3. Who from the family will go?
  4. How much money do you plan to spend on your trip?
  5. How long will you be traveling for?

It is not necessary to plan every second, but it is worth deciding on the main components in advance. You should start thinking about time off or vacation from work long before the start of the trip, and this is probably one of the main factors in preparing for the trip.

The most popular types of activities.
When you plan your vacation, make sure that every family member will have the opportunity to enjoy the vacation. Decide where everyone would like to go. Let each family member choose the type of activity during the holiday that he likes most. This will ensure that each family member enjoys spending time together.

Preparing for the trip.
Preparing for a trip begins with the fact that you need to pack all the necessary things that you may need during the trip. If you have a person in your family who needs special medications, then do not forget to take care of purchasing them in advance. If you are going to go to places with constantly changing weather, then you need to take care of appropriate clothing.

If you hit the road by car, then do not forget another important preparation step - a technical inspection of your car. You need to make sure that it does not break immediately after you drive away from home. Don't forget to take with you everything that may be useful for minor car repairs on your own. You also need to plan your route and don’t forget about the map. Don't forget that you need passports and sometimes visas to travel.

Unseen circumstances.
When going on a trip, you need to remember that sometimes unforeseen circumstances arise. And if you do not want to travel on a strict schedule and a limited route, then you need to plan your trip in such a way that if you encounter unforeseen circumstances, you always have backup exit points.

Adequate rest.
One of the most important issues when traveling is ensuring that your children get plenty of rest. It must be taken into account that all family members should rest. Don't try to do too much in one day.

Planning assistance.
If you are heading to a place where none of you have ever been before, then you should start looking for organizations and companies that exist to help you. There are also visitor centers in many areas where any traveler will be assisted. Basically, these centers exist for tourists who need help.

If this trip is the first trip in your family's travel experience, then try to do a preliminary "study" trip first. Such a trip can help you overcome problems that may arise during your main trip.

br /> Where to go abroad
Interesting places that children should visit when traveling abroad. You can plan your trip in advance, knowing exactly the place that would be interesting for your child to visit.

Trips around Russia
Sights of Russia that will be interesting to visit with the whole family.

Weekend travel
Vacations and holidays are not coming soon, a big trip is not yet possible, but I really want to get ready and go! At least not for long...

Children on the go: useful information
Everyone who goes on the road with children has to solve many issues that guidebooks, reference books and report authors often keep silent about...

What are kinder hotels?
Austria is already widely known for its Kinder hotels. And having visited one of them, it became clear to us why this system is in great demand...

Encyclopedia of holidays with a baby
There are differing opinions on the question of whether it is worth going south with a small child. Some people believe that this should never be done: the consequences for the baby’s body can be very dire. Others, on the contrary, are confident that everything can be overcome if there is a desire. We bring to your attention the experience of such a brave traveler.

Kayaking with the whole family
The May holidays are approaching - the traditional time for the first trips into nature. Hikers who have recently become parents ask themselves: “Who should we leave the kids with?” Or maybe there is no need to leave anyone? Forests and rivers are waiting for the whole family!

Features of water tourism with small children
The most accessible and acceptable type of tourism for families with small children is undoubtedly water tourism.

Hiking family hike
Family active recreation, where and how to go outdoors with children.

We're going, going, going...
If you are going on a trip with a child - out of town, to a park, to the sea or ocean, to the mountains or steppe, then in any case, the path to your goal lies through... the road. How to make this stage easy and fun? This is what we will talk about in this article.

Baby and the sea
You make up your mind and go to the sea! With baby! The sea is such a luxury, especially if you live in a metropolis, and you have to fight for every breath of air, and appreciate every second of silence, just as the Japanese value a beautiful bouquet. And what inhuman efforts are expended to break through to the dacha! They do not justify the moral costs: separation from dad - once; traffic jams - two. And finally, you spent last summer at the dacha, and the baby was still sick in the winter more than you could put up with. Lucky girlfriends chirp about how they had a wonderful holiday at the seaside with their children and didn’t get sick afterwards, and will soon go again - and no problems! In fact, there are problems. You need to know them by sight. Then the sea will become a real gift from the gods for you and your baby. You will understand that it is not for nothing that there is life on our planet.

Holidays with a child: useful recommendations
When going on the road with a child, we hope that during the vacation the baby will improve his health, gain strength, and gain new impressions... To prevent the vacation from going down the drain, it is worth planning everything in advance.

Holidays with a child on the Black Sea. Tips for parents
Tips for parents on holidays with children at sea

6 reasons to spend a weekend with your family outside the city
Very often, after a busy week of work, you want only one thing - to stretch out on the sofa, turn off your mobile phone and just lie in front of the TV all weekend. Surely, you often do just that, and then you are surprised, you seem to have been resting, but for some reason you haven’t gained any more strength, on the contrary, the feeling of fatigue is felt even more acutely!

10 misconceptions about tourism or what prevents us from going into nature?
Many of us, watching popular television programs, admire the heroic travelers who conquer mountain peaks, the Amazon jungle or the Siberian taiga. Often our friends return from exciting trips, causing a feeling of envy, but in response to the offer to join them, we come up with a bunch of excuses that actually hide our insecurities.

This year we have traveled more than ever, richly and interestingly. Our family consists of four people: dad Misha, mom Ira, eldest daughter Sveta and youngest daughter Yulia. Since Sveta is already an adult girl, she is 19 years old, she is studying, then she goes on trips with us doesn't travel often anymore. Yulenka is 5 years old, and she is almost always with us. But sometimes Yulia stays with her grandparents, and then my husband and I travel together. Our family lives in St. Petersburg, and our grandparents live in Sergiev Posad, and we periodically travel between these cities. They are the most beloved, dear and dear to us.
But besides our hometowns, there are many beautiful places in the world that we really want to see, and since 2006 we have been actively traveling around cities and countries. 2015 was no exception! In today's article I will sum it up.


Our year started with a trip for Christmas in Nizhny Novgorod. We have a tradition - at Christmas we must visit a new place and a new temple. And this time the choice fell on Nizhny, we had never been there (we generally try to go to places we have never been to before).
This time we left Sergiev Posad, and it was just the two of us. We chose the Grand Hotel Oka Business for our stay.

We were lucky with the hotel, but not so much with the weather. By the time we arrived, it was extremely cold -25-27 °C, and it was like this almost all the days that we were there. We moved from the hotel to the car, from the car to museums and theaters, we almost didn’t manage to take a walk and enjoy the city.

went to the Gorky museum-apartment, the museum - Dobrolyubov’s apartment, Gorky’s childhood home museum- apartment Sakharov. We visited the Drama Theater and the Comedy Theater, and also took a ride through the beautiful Nizhny Novgorod metro.
We tried to go on an excursion to the GAZ plant, but the museum is located on the territory of the plant, and the plant was on holiday during the holidays, it’s a pity. All that remains is a photo of the "Automobile Plant" with the famous emblem.

As a result, the trip turned out to be very eventful, interesting and impressive; walking around the city, of course, wasn’t enough, which means there’s a reason to come back!


For the February holidays we went to Staraya Russa through Veliky Novgorod and St. George's Monastery.

In Staraya Russa we stayed in a guest house near the Staraya Russa sanatorium.

Living there was comfortable and very pleasant and brought us acquaintance with our fellow countrymen, travel bloggers, whose website I often read, Alena and Kesha. That’s how the world turned out to be a small place, and we turned out to be roommates and chatted until midnight, and our daughters, the same age, became friends and also talked joyfully. This acquaintance is one of the biggest surprises of this trip, because on our trips we not only get new impressions, but also make new friends!

And among the interesting things in Staraya Russa is, of course, the Dostoevsky House Museum,

his house church with an absolutely stunning, huge, entire wall (I have never seen such huge images before or since), an icon of the Mother of God, the Museum of Local Lore and the Museum of the North-Western Front (after our visit, a day later, our President came to this museum and our guide gave him a tour, we saw it on TV) and, of course, the Resurrection Cathedral, majestic and elegant.

We walked around the territory of the sanatorium, saw the famous hydropathic clinic, a fountain and a lovely lake.
We returned through Yuriev Monastery. IN Veliky Novgorod We’ve already been there, but we didn’t get to this monastery. Therefore, we spent most of the day in it, especially since the day was sunny.

Later we arrived in Novgorod and walked there by main attractionsuntil late in the evening, and all the time we remembered how we were in this city almost ten years ago and compared what had changed. It seemed to us that not much had changed. :)


For the March holidays, our entire family went to the Baltic states, namely to Riga with obligatory visit Jurmala!
We settled in the luxurious apart-hotel RigaApartment Sonada, in a double room. We had the most enchanting impressions from our stay at this hotel. My girls were just squealing! Upon arrival, we received a beautiful welcome letter and a chocolate bar included with it!

And on March 8, the receptionist came to our room and congratulated us on the holiday with a bouquet of tulips, Sveta and I each had a bouquet, and cute bags of homemade Riga cookies.

It was so nice that there are simply no words!
The purpose of our trip was to see and breathe in the streets of Riga. So basically we endlessly walked, walked, walked...

We went on the excursion only in a two-story red “Bass City” (we use this in all the European cities we visit). In addition, we climbed the highest television tower and looked at the city from a bird's eye view.
Riga traveler's kit: sprats, perfumes, chocolate, balm, etc.

After Riga we went to Sigulda. This is an extraordinary city with the oldest funicular, palaces and castles.

​Well, and the holiday itself is March 8 spent in Jurmala: we walked along the seaside, admired the sand figures, walked along the main street and looked at the famous Dzintari hall. Without a doubt, this was one of the most exciting trips of 2015. Maybe because we were the whole family, it was very nice and warm!

Paintings by a local artist made on the sand.

Since we have a Schengen visa from Finland, after a trip to other Schengen countries, we try to “roll back the visa” and, if possible, go to the country of Suomi for a couple of days. We usually go to Lapperanta or Imatra, lately more often to Imatra. There are reasons for this. The first is an excellent mini-hotel Aalto, it is maintained by our compatriot. Accordingly, there are no problems with communication. And its cleanliness and reasonable price make it attractive to us. The second reason is the waterfall, which I love to look at, it is located in the center of the city.
So this time, having gone to Latvia, we went to Finland, to Imatra. And this trip was unusual, it was at night, so all the photographs were taken “at night”.


For the May holidays we went to Crimea. My childhood dream came true, and we were in Crimea for a week. We flew there from Moscow by plane and rented a car on the spot. We settled in a guest house in the Koreiz area, 12 kilometers from Yalta. We had a cozy room with a gorgeous balcony-terrace and sea views, just a dream! :)

During our stay in Crimea, we traveled almost everywhere - from Simferopol to Sevastopol. We visited Yalta, visited all Chekhov's places, as well as the Pushkin Museum.

We took a boat ride to Mount Ayu-Dag and visited Gurzuf

and Artek. We arranged a photo shoot at the Swallow's Nest,

We went to Bakhchisarai to the Khan's Palace with its famous fountain and the grandiose park "Crimea in Miniature".

On May 9, we took part in the Victory Parade in Sevastopol, and also toured the entire city with its embankment, Panorama, Diorama and Balaklava. The city is beautiful, sea and unconquered! To visit Crimea and not to visit the Vorontsov Palace,

Massandra Palace,

Crimea is beautiful! And it is worthy of coming and coming!
Yes, we were in Crimea without children, our daughters stayed with their grandparents, for which we thank them very much.


In June in our country there is a holiday "Russia Day", and a trip to Lithuania. In March we visited Latvia and decided to continue our acquaintance with the Baltics in June. The journey turned out to be long and eventful. We drove to Vilnius through Pskov and Daugavpils with overnight stops in these cities (Pskov - there, Daugavpils - back).
We stayed in Vilnius at the Grata Hotel, the hotel is wonderful in all respects, conveniently located, beautiful and with delicious breakfasts and cozy rooms, but unfortunately, with very cunning managers. They simply change the booked large rooms to small ones. Our case was not an isolated one. That is, there is a great chance of being categorically deceived upon check-in. Booking later returned the difference in money to us for deception, but the mood was slightly spoiled.
In Vilnius, we took a ride on a City Bus with a tour and walked the length and breadth of the city. We visited the mysterious “republic” of Užupis and experienced a heavy downpour in a cozy cafe on the central square overlooking the Cathedral.

But Vilnius was not the only city in our plans. Next we moved to Kaunas. I liked Kaunas very much, maybe even more than Vilnius, this is my city in style and spirit. We went to Kauna Castle, walked around the city, and were imbued with its spirit. She left with tears in her eyes.

And she was waiting for us Palanga! In Palanga we stayed at a hotel (a former Soviet sanatorium), but we only slept there, we had a lot to do see.
Palanga... My husband left his heart here, now he constantly says that he wants to come there on vacation. Truly a wonderful place!

From Palanga our route lay in Klaipeda, a port city with an interesting history and its special charm.

I didn’t want to leave Klaipeda, but I wanted to see even more Hill of Crosses in Siauliai, this is perhaps one of the most interesting attractions in Lithuania, a fascinating mystical place.

Overall, the trip to Lithuania was cool and unforgettable!
On this trip we were without Sveta, but she was taking exams, but she was able to go with us to Finland for a couple of days! Our beloved Imatra!

After the session, Sveta, as a representative of our family, went on vacation to Taman. Here are some photos from this peninsula.

In June, we had another important event of the year: we met and became acquainted with Galina Lucas and her family - her husband Kostya and daughter Sonya. Or rather, it was a real acquaintance, and the virtual one happened a little earlier. While searching the Internet for travel information, I found Galin’s blog and realized that this was what I needed! Galya has very interesting articles, detailed, informative and emotionally atmospheric; in general, they resonate in my heart, and I always look forward to new publications. In addition, Galya is a very sociable person, we began to correspond and very quickly became friends and agreed to meet.
Just in June, the Lucas family came to St. Petersburg, and we, the Gerasimov family, had just arrived from Lithuania. Everything grew together, we met, had an absolutely wonderful time in a restaurant and couldn’t stop talking!

It was a pity to leave! The only good thing is that we will meet again soon in May in Kazan and will even live in the same hotel for 2 days! Let's talk! Hurry up already! Are looking forward to!
Meanwhile, we began to prepare for a grandiose trip to Solovetsky Islands.


In mid-July we moved towards the White Sea. The story about ours is on the blog, so I won’t go into detail. Just a couple of beautiful photos.


August is our favorite month. On our wedding day, we always try to visit our favorite and interesting places. This year the cards fell in such a way that we decided to spend our day in Vyborg

and then move on to Finland, to the city of Naantali in the Land of Moomins, to please our little girl.
IN Vyborg we stayed at the Atlantic Hotel in the city center, and in Finland, in Turku, in a ship hotel, expensive and cheerful. :)
We took a walk in the evening Turku, we realized that we didn’t finish our stay, and if possible we will come again.

Well, how can you not like the Moomins, this is childhood, joy and happiness. We spent the whole day visiting the Mumiks and only when the park closed did we begin to return home.

The plan was to stop in Porvoo with an overnight stay and explore the city in the morning, but some kind of incident arose with the hotel, and we decided to go home, since the border was nearby. We have already been to Porvoo, there will be more time, and we will refresh our memories. So it wasn’t fate then.

Having arrived from Mumikov, we again got ready to visit the Finns. The days were nice and warm, and on the weekend we rushed to see Olavlinna fortress in Savanlinna. The majestic fortress is very picturesque and ancient.

Along the way we visited the Veje Renkkenen sculpture park Parikkala, a very peculiar place, not for everyone.

After relaxing in our beloved Aalto, we visited a kind of zoo in the forest, where tame rabbits run around in nature. You can take them in your arms, pet them and enjoy them. There is a wonderful smokehouse nearby; my husband caught trout right in the pond, and they smoked it in front of us. We sat down at cozy tables, poured some wine and had such a wonderful time at sunset! All we needed for complete happiness was Sveta!

At the end of August we went to Bulgaria.
The flight was from Moscow and we arrived at Sergiev Posad to my husband's parents.

There were a few days left before departure, and we made a voyage around the outskirts of Posad.
Visited Pokrovsky Khotkov Monastery, the main shrine of which is the relics of St. Cyril and Mary, parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh,

We also visited Abramtsevo estate. Even though we lived nearby, for some reason there was no way to get there. And finally, it happened! It was a wonderful day and a wonderful mood. Fortunately, the renovation work there was completed; we toured the park and went on an excursion to the manor house. Everything worked out that day!

The day of departure has arrived Bulgaria. Our Sveta has already been to Bulgaria before, and she didn’t have time to apply for a new visa to Finland, and without this, entry into Bulgaria is impossible. That's why the three of us went. We rested in Sunny Beach, in a good hotel with a large balcony overlooking the sea, a swimming pool, breakfast, unobtrusive and polite staff.
A seaside holiday, of course, involves lying on the beach and swimming in the sea, but we cannot do this from morning to evening. Being in a country for the first time and not seeing its sights is not about us. We managed to see the Old Town of Nessebar, took a boat trip and a tour of Sozopol, as well as the monastery and the city of Pomorie, and visited a Bulgarian village! In general, we managed to combine business with pleasure, and thank God!!!


We celebrated September 1st at Moscow, at the Izmailovo Delta hotel. We have already stayed at this hotel 3 times and I am delighted with it. The cuisine there is especially good - breakfasts and lunches are beyond praise, an example of a luxurious buffet, about which they say “the tables are crowded.” It was the same this time - everything was delicious, everything was clean and beautiful, and the hotel’s decoration was changed from summer to autumn during our time. I love going there, we always come with pleasure and we always regret leaving.

Summer ended and it was time to return home. While we were driving along the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway, the car began to act up. In the end, we got there on one word of honor and immediately made a direct call to the car service center. As a result, the breakdown turned out to be very expensive, and we were left without a car for 3.5 months. We had to cancel trips planned for the fall and hotels we had booked. In September, for the weekend we planned to go to Valdai, and in October, on my birthday, in Priozersk, we hadn’t planned the November birthdays (my husband’s and Sveta’s) yet, so there was nothing to cancel. Yes, without a car it’s so bad that I can’t even describe it. The car is our greatest friend and helper; we cannot live without it. A car is really not a luxury, but a means of transportation, especially for us, car travelers!


Despite the car breakdown, we decided not to despair, because our city is also a port city. And in October, our whole family went on a cruise to the Scandinavian capitals: “Helsinki - Stockholm - Tallinn”. One day in each city. This is the third time we've been on this cruise, and it doesn't get boring. If we have already seen a lot in Helsinki and Tallinn and have been there several times by car on independent trips, then Stockholm is a completely unstudied book, we have only just come into contact with it. Although we try to visit new places every time, only Carlson’s House, Yunibacken, is always visited. We want to come to Stockholm for five days, no less, we don’t have time to enjoy the city in one day, but there is a lot to enjoy. Magical city!
And the very atmosphere of the ferry ride, restaurants, variety shows, discos, shops, beauty salons, children's room - all this cannot get boring. Everything pleasant never gets boring!

The car was repaired by the end of December. A visit was required on the schedule. Vyritsa. We try to visit these holy places more often. Here is the temple of the icon of the Mother of God of Kazan and the resting place of Seraphim Vyritsky, this is a place of rest for our souls and a source of new strength.
Photo of winter Vyritsa (visited on February 8, 2015).

This was our tourist year 2015. We traveled and saw a lot! This means that over this year our life has become richer and more interesting, which means that we have gained more knowledge in our treasury. Let our travels now turn into memories and find a cozy corner in our memory, this is our next acquisition - eternal and incombustible!

read in Ukrainian

Be sure to check out each one and make sure that traveling with your baby is a pleasure and not a hassle!

TOP 10 inspiring blogs for traveling with children

© nashthai.ru

© vokrugzemli.com

© travel4kids.ru

© nashthai.ru

© nashthai.ru

© motherofalltrips.com

© aroundtheworldwithluca.com

© kochevniki.net

© storeys.ru

© motherofalltrips.com

© mytravelbaby.ru

© gonewiththefamily.typepad.com

© motherofalltrips.com

© kochevniki.net

© mytravelbaby.ru

© travel4kids.ru

© aroundtheworldwithluca.com

© kochevniki.net

© vokrugzemli.com

© storeys.ru

Photo 1 of 21:© nashthai.ru

For everyone who thinks that traveling with children is hard, tiring and difficult to implement, we suggest reading the stories of people who are not afraid to travel around the world with their children. Perhaps one of these blogs will inspire you for some kind of travel adventure!


Is it possible to continue traveling after giving birth to a child, or even two or three? Is it time to rush towards adventure again, or are you now doomed to lie on the beach of the hotel chosen by the tour operator? Will you see the secluded corners of Asia, Africa and the Americas, or will you have to force yourself to enjoy civilized Europe again and again?

The purpose of this magazine is to prove that the concepts of “child” and “travel” are not mutually exclusive, and there is no need to choose between them. With children, you can continue to travel actively, excitingly and independently, without being content with package tours and crowded beaches.

This community has a lot of useful information: tips, routes, traveler reports. Moreover, in contrast to similar topics travel_kids And family_travel, there are no advertisements for travel agencies here - only the experience and emotions of people who love to travel around the world with children.

Blogs of travelers with children - storeys.ru

The heroes of this blog are a family of four (for now) people. Their names are Pasha and Anya (these are adults), Tima and Egor (these are children). Currently, this cheerful foursome has set off on an endless journey through Southeast Asia and further around the world.

“Perhaps our attitude to life and our view of the world may seem unusual and too radical to many. We live the way we want, and not the way we “should”, and do not bother with the sidelong glances of those to whom this seems wrong. We are supporters independence in everything - for example, we travel independently, help our children get an education on their own, and we also try to earn a living ourselves - without bosses and without subordinates,” - this is how they themselves describe their attitude to life.

Blogs of travelers with children - vokrugzemli.com

Kirill and Dasha are freely traveling people who depend on few people. Their names will tell you little, so there is no point in citing them in this article. They have been traveling for a long time, and even the birth of their son could not extinguish this passion. Phrases like “it is not recommended to travel anywhere outside your own hole before the expiration of the 3-year period” only caused them to smile skeptically. Therefore, the couple, along with one-year-old Max, went to Thailand for the winter.

In their blog they give useful advice such as “flying with a baby to Thailand”, “what to eat for a nursing mother in Thailand”, etc. Useful because it is based on personal experience.

Blogs of travelers with children - kochevniki.net

There are three of them, and they are a family of nomads. The head of the family is a one-year-old daughter named Jai, who has already visited Thailand with her parents, in particular Chiang Mai and Koh Samui.

In their blog, the couple describes all the most interesting moments of traveling with a small child: they share their experiences, give advice, talk about the feelings of little Jaya, how the baby copes with the road, the new climate, and new people.

© kochevniki.net

Blogs of travelers with children - mytravelbaby.ru

A couple from Moscow, Kostya and Eteri, are tired of sitting in a dusty and noisy city and constantly worrying about the health of their son Damid. As a result, they made a decision: quit their routine office work and go traveling with their baby.

We have always loved to travel,” says the couple. - Even before the birth of the baby and leaving corporate slavery, our life boiled down to waiting for a vacation. When we found out that we would become parents, at first, like many first-time parents, we were sure that independent travel was over for many years. And in their place, only in a couple of years will there appear package tours to Greece and other convenient children's places with excellent service and good hotels. But over time, the realization came that a child and travel are not mutually exclusive concepts, but even the opposite. What mother doesn’t want her child to eat fresh fruit instead of dirty snow outside? What dad doesn't dream of playing football with his baby or lying on the beach instead of waiting for the end of the working day?

Nothing to add - read the blog!

© mytravelbaby.ru

Blogs of travelers with children - travel4kids.ru

Just imagine - the main character of this blog, Matvey, is only 2 and a half years old. But he can rightfully be considered an experienced traveler, because on his account: 14 European countries from Portugal to Norway, 30 thousand km by car, hundreds of kilometers by bicycle, light trekking trips, 8 plane flights and two nights in a tent.

Lisa Goodmurphy is a Canadian who, after the birth of her child, firmly decided that this is not a reason to give up traveling. As a result, since she was 4 months old, her daughter Katie has been traveling around the world with her mother. Now the girl is already 15 years old, she now also has a younger sister. It was only recently that her mother decided to document her family's adventures.

And maybe the travel map won’t really impress experienced backpackers, but the blog has a lot of bright photos. For parents who can’t decide to go somewhere with their child, this is the perfect source of inspiration.

© gonewiththefamily.typepad.com

Blogs for travelers with children - motherofalltrips.com

I travel with my children because I believe that the more places I show them, the better, the more fully they will perceive everything that is around us, writes Mara, the author of the blog. “I am preparing them to become citizens of the world and perhaps one day work to make this world a better place.” And I write about traveling with my children because I love writing, nothing else.

Mara has two sons, with whom she has already visited places from Arizona to Paris. Her texts are aimed at inspiring other mothers to travel. All notes are very emotional and funny. Even if after reading you don’t decide to leave your “hut,” you will at least enjoy it.

© motherofalltrips.com

Blogs for travelers with children - aroundtheworldwithluca.com

The name of this blog speaks for itself - "Around the world with Luka." Two people write there - former lawyer Linda and ex-librarian Phil. Just a couple of years ago they were an ordinary couple - they lived in South Dublin, worked, and raised their beloved son Luca. But then a financial crisis struck in Ireland (and not only, but especially in Ireland): Linda lost her job, and her husband was also idle at that time. But the couple had some savings, so they decided to change their lives and start traveling the world!

And not just like that, but on bicycles! In 2010, Linda, Phil and 2-year-old Luca went on their own exciting trip. They have already traveled around Europe, and even visited Asia - Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia.