Thailand insect dishes. Twelve of the most delicious insect dishes. Deep fried water bugs

Have you ever tasted worms, beetles and other bugs?

Well, welcome to Thailand - a country where the word means not only a way to satisfy hunger, but also conceals an entire philosophy for the majority of the country's inhabitants.

Throw away all the things you're used to snacking on on the go - bags of artificial chips, cookies and other canned junk. Because fresh and filling bugs are sold everywhere and can't wait for you to enjoy them.

Edible insects are sometimes added to some Thai dishes, but generally they are deep fried until crispy, well salted and seasoned and enjoyed as an excellent protein-rich snack.

All over the country you can find carts piled high with freshly prepared bugs. And trying an exotic snack is one of the best ideas for a hungry traveler in Bangkok.

Look at the counter. It looks like a mass death site for beetles. Huge piles of insects on large trays are lovingly arranged by sellers by type, size and color. Makashnitsa selling such an unusual type of snack, as a rule, offer a choice of 5 - 10 different types. Many carts are attached to motorbikes or bicycles so that you can cruise around the area and look for customers who would like to buy a salty snack to accompany their beer.

In order to buy beetles, it is enough to indicate those whose size and appearance seemed most attractive to you. Twenty baht is enough to satisfy your hunger. I once ordered an assortment of different types of insects for 100 baht, and believe me, it was such a huge portion that two adults could not handle it.

After you fill your food bag with your favorite delicacies, the seller will usually spray everything with soy sauce from a spray bottle and sprinkle plenty of pepper on top.

In Asia, you can often find dishes made from cat or dog meat, which can shock Europeans, awakening in their souls sympathy for our smaller brothers who died untimely. Fried bugs can be a great alternative without causing much pangs of conscience. Some of them look a little scary. But you can be sure that they are all absolutely safe to eat!

So, time for a snack!

And today our menu consists of:

  • Giant water bugs
  • Crickets on steroids (locusts)
  • Silkworm cocoons
  • Bamboo worms
  • Sverchkov

They are all prepared the same way: deep fried until crispy and well salted.

Grasshoppers take pride of place on any Thai insect cart. Most are about 10 centimeters long or so and are cooked whole.

How to eat grasshopper?

Yes, just put the whole thing in your mouth and chew.

How does it taste?

Forget the taste of potato chips! These guys taste more like a deep-fried piece of pork skin, only lighter and airier. But at the same time, the taste of the grasshopper is not particularly felt; the taste of salt and pepper is mainly felt.

Giant water beetles (แมงดา)

Giant water beetles are called maeng daa (แมงดา) in Thailand. Their insides are sometimes added to a special Thai chili sauce called Nama Prik. In addition, I had the opportunity to try them boiled, and it was very good.

As it is?

The outer hard wings must be removed first. Tear them off to get to the edible contents. But the most delicious thing is the beetle's head.

How does it taste?

These guys have a very specific aroma that is reminiscent of black licorice or anise. The consistency is quite juicy and, to me personally, a little reminiscent of scrambled eggs. And the head tastes like crab meat.

Crickets on steroids (locusts)

In fact, I don’t know what these beetles are called, I just know that they look very impressive, and resemble ordinary crickets that have gone crazy and eaten steroids! Large bulging eyes and angular legs give these comrades a very menacing appearance. Perhaps it's locusts.

As it is?

The entire beetle is edible. So you can simply throw them into your mouth while walking down the street.

How does it taste?

Locusts have very sharp serrations on their hind legs. When I ate them, I almost cut my whole mouth. The taste is nothing special; I found them much less tasty than grasshoppers. Well, they are fried a little less well, so they are not as crispy. It might be a good idea to tear off the legs of these monsters before eating them, but the locals eat it just like that.

Silkworms in Thailand, or rather their cocoons, are also deep-fried, but they have the least crunch. These small 1 to 2 centimeter larvae have a consistency similar to slightly fried mashed potatoes.

How is it?

Completely edible, put in your mouth and chew.

How does it taste?

Silkworms have a distinctly nutty flavor, almost like peanuts I would say, or a peanut puree. Like all other insects on this list, they are quite salty.

Bamboo worm

Another favorite edible insect among Thais is the thin white bamboo worm, which is about two to three centimeters long. If you're not crazy about bugs with legs and antennae, but still want to try this delicacy, I recommend starting with bamboo worms. They are very neutral in taste and appearance. And if you didn't know they were worms, you might think they were just chips.

How to eat them?

Just like other worms. Just pop these guys in your mouth like you would popcorn in a movie.

How does it taste?

They don't have a distinct flavor to me, and are actually very similar to popcorn in both taste and consistency.

Normal-sized crickets, unlike their steroid-pumped counterparts, have a completely harmless appearance. They are about the same size as silkworm cocoons: one to two centimeters in length.

How to eat them?

Again, crickets are completely edible, so just scoop a handful into your palm and eat them like seeds.

How does it taste?

These jumpers have a very mixed taste. The comparison to saltine crackers comes to mind. Additionally, these guys can leave your mouth feeling a little dry, almost like sipping dry wine.

What is the most delicious of the above?

Silkworms taste pretty decent and bamboo worms are even better, but I have to give first place to grasshoppers. In my opinion, they are the crunchiest and have the best flavor of all the edible insects in Thailand. None of the bugs taste terrible, in fact most of them are much tastier than you might imagine, and they are all crunchy and salty .

Now you have a detailed guide to eating insects in Thailand. Of course, there are many other edible creatures, such as red ants (which I especially love) or. But this article describes those types of beetles that can be found almost anywhere in the country.

Oddly enough, but the most dangerous insects of Thailand– these are (otherwise known as mosquitoes). This is because in Europe malaria is eradicated everywhere, but in Southeast Asia it thrives. Fortunately, these bloodsuckers avoid scorching rays, so they appear in the late afternoon after the air temperature drops. However, in shady parks and near water bodies they can attack around the clock.

The rule of good form in all Thai homes is mosquito nets and curtains over the beds. In every supermarket you can find a wide range of repellents, sprays, ointments, and fumigators. Give preference to local products, as they most take into account tropical specifics. If you are allergic to them, then at least use the “Star” balm.


- a real scourge for sluts. All you have to do is not remove the crumbs from the table once, and your house will be occupied by hordes of them. Even if you lock all your food in the refrigerator, it’s not a fact that they won’t end up in poorly closed cans of cereal or in a pack of half-eaten chips.

The worst part is that they leave odorous marks that are extremely difficult to destroy. Following these tracks, uninvited guests will return again and again. Not finding food, they will continue reconnaissance and crawl everywhere: into the bed, closets with linen. The most effective way to destroy the entire colony of ants that have settled in an apartment is to search for and destroy their nest along with the queen.

Ants are difficult to spot and actively defend themselves, so insect bites in Thailand are mostly attributed to them. The bite site should be lubricated with alcohol infusion, and if you have allergies, it is better to take antihistamines. Well, if you feel bad, then don’t delay visiting a doctor.

Buying crayons and dichlorvos may not give results in the fight against ants, so it is better to immediately agree with the agent to carry out a local chemical war (pest control). However, after using it, it is better to wash all household utensils or take them to dry cleaning. To avoid poisoning ourselves.


- this is not the red-haired small insect that is found here. Most of all they look like fat, nauseating-looking beetles. Absolute pacifists by nature, they can fly. They prefer to appear at night. Just as ants gravitate towards places where food waste and water accumulate, they also leave marks and carry out a large-scale occupation. By their presence or absence one can judge the respectability of a place. Have you seen cockroaches? Move in or bill the hosts. It is almost useless to water them with repellents - they are too big, they almost do not react to poisons, and three will come to replace one killed (to eat up the corpse). The most effective method of control is traps. Oddly enough, the edible insects in Thailand are just cockroaches. For gourmets, this exotic product is perfect!


Perhaps this insect causes the greatest disgust among tourists. A kind of fat worm on a hundred segmented legs. They are distributed throughout Thailand. During the rainy season, they try to climb into houses, crawl along walls, and hide in clothes or shoes. They do not specifically attack people, but they have a powerful weapon of defense: on each paw there is a spike with a poisonous gland. Fortunately, most Thai flycatchers are not deadly. But after running on exposed skin, they can leave a chain of itchy spots. It is common practice for Thais to shake out their underwear, shirt or shoes before putting them on. Don't neglect this rule.

EXTRAORDINARY ADVICE! You can evict colonies of ants and cockroaches in a very fancy way. Get a house flytrap! This nasty-looking insect will devour them one by one. And the survivors will run away like rats from a sinking ship. True, then you will have to get rid of it yourself.


Trivial flies are the most common insects in hotels in Thailand. They fight them using the same methods as in Russia: dichlorvos, fly swatters, electric traps, sticky tapes and slippers.


The most unpleasant in communication Thailand caterpillars- These are small insects with brightly colored skin and covered with villi. This is their protective tool. They seem to warn of danger. Make it a rule not to touch anything that is brightly colored. When such individuals come into contact with open skin, blisters filled with liquid appear on it (urticaria). They can itch for a week, and they look completely unattractive.


In rural Thai houses, cobwebs are often found on the walls. Part of these gray cocoons is a nesting place for flies, where they lay eggs, from which small worms later hatch, and at the end of the cycle - midges. There is no harm from them, except for aesthetic discomfort. The most effective method of control is a broom and vacuum cleaner.


The most poisonous insects in Thailand are scorpions. They are common inhabitants of jungles, gardens, and can settle under stones and in crevices of plank buildings. They prefer relatively dry places, so they can climb into houses. The warmer it is outside, the faster they move. At their core, they are predators, but humans are not part of their food chain, so a scorpion bite is always the result of inattention and roteness. The most dangerous scorpions in Thailand– small. After all, a palm-sized specimen is easier to spot, and for some reason there is less poison in their tail spike.


Spiders of Thailand less poisonous than scorpions. But they are also predators, so their poison is effective against all living organisms. The reasons for bites are the same - interference with their privacy and defense. Their result is: pain, local inflammation, muscle spasms. There are no deadly spiders in this country. We recommend that you remember the appearance of the aggressor and consult a doctor. He will find an antidote and help in the fight against allergies.


Tarantula Hawks

The tarantula hawk belongs to the road wasp family and is black in color with orange wings. It is considered the largest wasp (length up to 5.4 cm) and the most dangerous in the whole world. This insect “on board” has a rather formidable weapon - a huge poisonous sting, which, unlike other wasps, it can use indefinitely! Its bite causes very painful sensations in humans.

You can meet road wasps, as their name suggests, on roads and trails, as well as near forested areas. There have been cases when this wasp stung passing bikers, thereby provoking. Therefore, when traveling on such transport, it is recommended to wear thick clothing that covers the entire body.

If you come across a tarantula hawk, there is no need to panic. Just remember to take precautions when encountering native bees and wasps. Do not make sudden movements and calmly try to move away from her as far as possible.

Bitten? See a doctor urgently!

Insect venom most often cannot kill a person. But it can bring a lot of trouble. One of them is an allergic reaction. It can develop rapidly (this is called anaphylactic shock), when a person falls into a coma. Only an ambulance team can get him out of it, and time counts literally by minutes. Another manifestation - Quincke's edema - develops gradually, but it can ultimately lead to anaphylactic shock. Therefore, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor if you have the following signs:

  • Swelling and swelling at the site of the bite increases.
  • Weakness appears and the temperature rises.
  • The pulse quickens, but becomes barely perceptible.
  • Blood pressure increases.

Tick ​​attacks do not always lead to encephalitis, because no more than 10 percent of insects are carriers of this disease. If you experience muscle weakness, fever, headache, nausea and vomiting, be sure to consult a doctor.

Man is born an omnivore, but not many are ready to accept this fact as a signal to action and try the most exotic and strange dishes. They say that in order to become familiar with the culture of any country, understand the local people and feel the flavor, you need to eat national food.

Fried tarantula

I have visited many countries and cities around the world and tried many things that the locals simply adore. But not everything suits our European stomachs. And something is so scary, not just what it is, but even to touch it. Sometimes the appearance of the “delicacy” served is disgusting, and sometimes even the recipe. Advice! If you really want to try something extravagant, then it’s better not to ask how and, most importantly, what it was prepared from.

So, during my travels, I have collected a considerable collection of the most extraordinary dishes presented by different world cuisines. I would like to start with my beloved Thailand. I present to your attention the TOP of the most amazing and... disgusting delicacies of this country that I have tried, but, to be honest, I just looked at some of them, but did not dare to eat them.

My TOP 11 exotic, strange and downright terrible dishes of Thailand

I'll start with, perhaps, the simplest and most common Thai fruit.


Durian is a truly strange fruit that has a bad reputation. Initially, in Thailand they disliked him for his habit of unexpectedly falling from trees, causing serious injuries to unsuspecting animals and sometimes people. In addition, it is especially famous for its stench. Just like pets, smoking and littering on the premises are prohibited in hotels and public transport.

The smell of durian is reminiscent of a mixture of rotten eggs, dirty dishes, rotten fish and sewage. The consistency of the pulp is like a viscous, sticky mass, and the taste is something sweet, combining all the fruits that I have ever tasted.

Many claim that durian has a heavenly taste and is similar to a delicate and sweet cream made from milk and eggs. I didn’t feel a particular taste of this fruit, just the nauseating smell killed all my other senses. I was only able to try it by plugging my nose and closing my eyes to prevent tears from flowing. What a taste of heaven this is. By the way, you can’t drink durian with strong alcoholic drinks. It is not compatible with them, and if you neglect this advice, then you are guaranteed a severe stomach upset.

In Thailand, this fruit is considered the king of dessert and is quite expensive.

Onion ice cream

Onion ice cream

This is the first strange delicacy from Thailand that I encountered at the airport. While waiting for the plane for the Bangkok-Surat Thani flight, I bought the most ordinary fruit ice. It looked quite standard, light green in color, on a stick and in transparent packaging. The seller, without blinking an eye, sold me a portion. I was a little confused by the price, 70 baht per piece. But this is an airport, prices are inflated many times over. Having bitten a little, I immediately wanted to spit out the treat. Indeed, the taste of green onions is very pronounced; of course, it is quite possible that the main ingredients of the delicacy are different, but for me this ice cream remains “onion”.

Fried insects

Fried insects

You can try them almost everywhere in Asia, but the widest selection is undoubtedly in Thailand. For 300 baht you can assemble a set of ants, scorpions, silkworm larvae, grasshoppers, cockroaches - all these “goodies” will be wrapped in a bamboo sheet. All insects are completely edible.

Ants, by the way, are incredibly spicy! Scorpio is more like a chicken. Everything is exotic, but not lethal. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to eat your fill of “bugs,” but it’s quite possible to try it, so I recommend it. Although, personally, it seems to me that all these cockroach insects are fried especially for tourists.

Perhaps this is a local joke - feed the tourist rubbish. Why do I feel this way? Yes, it’s just that I’ve been to Thailand many times and I’ve NEVER SEEN the locals gnawing these insects like seeds. And these sellers smile so sweetly as they sell the delicacy that the phrase just begs to be said: “Eat, eat, we have enough cockroaches for you fools.”

For the Thais, pink eggs are produced on an industrial scale. Why are they pink? No, they were not demolished by flamingos. The so-called “centenary eggs” are usually painted pink. Pink chicken eggs prepare a surprise for an unaware person. And the point here is not at all about special chickens.

These eggs are specially prepared from the inside. Their name comes from the method of preparation. Eggs are stored for 100 days in a special vessel filled with a solution of lime, clay, salt, tea, ash, and rice husks. Chemical reactions cause changes in the taste and color of eggshells, yolks and whites.

pink eggs inside view

They are then dyed pink for sale and are often sold as kebabs. The taste of this egg is slightly dry and very, very salty. The delicacy is incredibly popular among Thais.

Well, have we reached the most exotic ingredients?

Balut or Thai Kinder Surprise

This is a duck egg with a formed embryo inside. If you wish, you can purchase raw eggs and bake them over coals or steam them at home. To call this dish familiar cuisine would be hard for anyone to call it. This delicacy is quite rare. I saw them sold along the roads, cooked right on the spot, baked in ash.

The eggs are ordinary, white. When buying, they are no different from traditional ones and you may not notice the catch. If a European tries to purchase such eggs, then, usually, the embarrassed seller tries to explain that a “surprise” awaits him. I am a lover of exotic things, but here I am a passer-by.

Cleaned balut

Of the two attempts to try these eggs, all failed at the shell opening stage.

Bat soup

Bat soup

This spectacle is not for the faint of heart. I don’t know how much a soup that uses… bats as an ingredient can cost! Several Europeans, including me, left the restaurant without ordering food. And all because of a accidentally spotted family of Chinese who were laughingly looking at a bat on their plate.

And everything would be fine, but the whole mouse is boiled in the soup - with its head, wings, skin and fur. Even the insides are not removed. Moreover, depending on what the poor thing ate before death, the taste of the soup will be different each time. If you do decide to try a spoonful of this “brew of the barbarians” from a plate with a bat’s head sticking out with its teeth bared, you will find the taste of the dish to be at least ordinary.

Bat soup

This is not surprising - the bat is boiled for several hours in the freshest coconut milk, with the addition of aromatic spices, ginger and a mixture of peppers. Why is this soup prepared and, most importantly, why is it eaten? It's simple - it is considered very useful for restoring male potency.

Spicy sauce made from rotten fish

Spicy sauce made from rotten fish

It is prepared as follows. Small substandard fish are sprinkled thickly with salt and left under the hot sun for a week. You understand what happens to the fish during this time. Then the resulting mucus is collected, filtered and bottled. The sauce is ready to eat.

bloody soup

Usually, these are thick noodles with meat, to which fresh blood and bile of the pig are added after cooking. Locals are sure that these ingredients give a person vigor and strength. These dishes are served both in restaurants and in street eateries.

It is impossible to immediately determine the composition of the soup by looking at it, so I strongly recommend asking about how it was prepared. Or don’t ask in order to be sure to taste this overseas delicacy.

Live fried carp

Live fried carp

It is very difficult for me to describe the process of cooking carp in Thailand, since I really love all animals and cannot bear to watch them suffer. Other words simply cannot describe the entire procedure that the unfortunate fish undergoes.

In front of you, a live carp is caught from the aquarium. The cook rips open his belly and cleans out his intestines without touching his head. Then the fish is taken by the head with tongs, and the body is lowered into boiling oil for several minutes. As soon as the carp is fried, it is sprinkled with spices and served to you on a plate. The scary thing is that when the dish is in front of your nose, the carp blinks and opens its mouth.

Live fried carp

Many people enjoy the delicacy with pleasure, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t even just poke it with a fork, let alone try it. This type of cooking is practiced in restaurants with open kitchens. That is, you sit and watch how this dish is prepared for you.

Fried rice frog meat

Fried rice frog meat

This dish is most common in the Thai town of Chiang Mai. Frog meat no longer surprises anyone, because not only the Thais, but also the French adore this dish. So, here they serve frogs in any form - fried, boiled, dried, dried and even raw.

Deep-fried frog skin is considered a special delicacy. This meat tastes like the most tender chicken. Now I’m not lying at all, it’s really delicious.

Live shrimp with lime juice

This dish is prepared incredibly quickly. Moreover, you also need to eat it very quickly, almost running. It turns out to be a funny attraction - in a large family there is no clicking of the beak. Take a handful of tiny freshwater shrimp, place it on a plate, sprinkle with salt and sprinkle with lime juice. After this, cover with another plate and serve to the guest.

You need to eat the dish quickly, as the shrimp tend to jump not only from the plate (that’s why they are covered), but also right from the spoon. I myself did not dare to do this action, but I have repeatedly seen others cracking shrimp. As for me, shrimp should be large (preferably king) and must have undergone slight heat treatment.


Despite all the exoticism of the dishes presented, getting poisoned from them is quite problematic. And if you suddenly have a stomach ache, then most likely the problem is not in the local cuisine, but not in observing basic sanitation standards. Be sure to wash your hands before eating, or even better, treat them with an antiseptic. It is advisable to additionally wash fruits with bottled water several times. Drinking water should only be used from the store. That's basically all. Bon appetit.

Insects don't taste that bad in most cases. If you don't know they're insects, you might not even realize what you're eating. As you understand, none of the Thais will run across an open field and catch grasshoppers. All insects are specially raised for culinary purposes.

In this review, we will talk about the most popular insect dishes in Thailand.

Grasshoppers– are considered a very healthy food, as they contain mainly protein. The preparation of grasshoppers is very simple, they are simply thrown into boiling oil, you can say that these are “grasshopper fries”. They say they crunch just like chips...

After cooking, grasshoppers are added to rice or mixed with vegetables, and the resulting dish is eaten.

There is an international organization called the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The specialists of this institution have been convincing the whole world for more than one year that eating insects is healthy, and all countries need to take a closer look at this practice.

They argue that raising insects as food is much more economically profitable. This is true; feeding livestock requires many times more feed than insects of the same mass. Some insects can gain a kilogram of weight from 1.5-2 kilograms of plant food.

For those who care about their figure, we will tell you about the calorie content of insects, although the site is not a culinary site. They are very high in calories. Some insects are superior in nutritional value not only to meat, but also to pure lard. This is especially true for ants and caterpillars.

Now let's tell you the most interesting thing. Have you been to Thailand and think you haven't eaten insects? Just because you haven't put a fried grasshopper in your mouth doesn't mean you haven't eaten insects. In Thailand, insects are part of some sauces. Of course, it is more difficult to find such a sauce in a resort region than, for example, in the north of the country, but still, it is impossible to say for sure whether you ate insects or not. If you are so afraid of this, choose , it is far to the south.

According to UN reports, the population of planet Earth is growing, but the area of ​​arable land is not increasing. It is predicted that the majority of the population will have to switch to eating insects as a source of protein. If this is indeed the case, then in Thailand you will have a unique opportunity to see what it will look like.

Read about other national dishes of Thailand in our articles ( links below).

Someday I will open a restaurant in Phuket with various delicacies. Imagine, the menu will include a variety of shrimp, grasshoppers with honey sauce, fried cockroaches with garlic, scorpions with vegetables and mushrooms, creamy soup from silkworm pupae, caterpillars with salt and pepper, frogs in curry, termite eggs in banana leaves, crickets in chocolate and many other goodies. Mmm! The saliva began to flow. No? I'm sure the Thais will definitely appreciate it. They will especially like fried bats and swallow saliva soup. They eat everything that moves and whatever stands still, they catch it and eat it too. On golf courses at night you can see people with flashlights - these are foodies out in search of bugs. On the shallows of bays, knee-deep in mud, Thais collect crabs. There are several swallow nest collection companies in Krabi province.

Insect dishes are an inexpensive source of protein, which is why they are so popular in Thailand, especially in the northeastern provinces. They are superior in calories to meat. For example, one hundred grams of beef contains the same amount of protein as one hundred grams of grasshoppers, and the percentage of fat in the latter is three times less. Because of their covering, insects are valued as a source of calcium. You need to be careful when trying insects, because they are superior to other foods in terms of the amount of vitamins and minerals. For example, a small glass of silkworm larvae contains a daily dose of calcium, copper and vitamin B.

In Phuket restaurants you can try shark fin soup, curried crocodile meat, fried frogs and barracuda steak. But who would be surprised by this in our time? The most delicious and inexpensive delicacy - crunchy insects, are sold at night markets and with. The assortment is almost unlimited. You should not experiment on your own with domestic cockroaches; no one knows what he ate today. Considering the scale of the sale of insect delicacies, it is easy to assume that they were not caught on the street. They are specially grown for gourmets.

I decided to try insects for the first time at the night market dedicated to the celebration of the Chinese New Year, near the Chalong Temple. The variety of delicacies was intimidating at first, so we bought various goodies and drinks to snack on. On the counter lay small grasshoppers, huge locusts, delicious larvae, and ten-centimeter winged beetles. For Thais, fried insects are not a delicacy, but an inexpensive snack, like sunflower seeds.

There is a wonderful place in Phuket Town, a market that is open on Saturdays and Sundays -. Among the various Thai delicacies, there are fried insects on trays. Unfortunately, without any special culinary delights that my imagination reaches in my dreams of a restaurant. Regular fried grasshoppers, silkworm larvae, water beetles, locusts and some other gastronomic exotica. You shouldn’t immediately pounce on all the crispy delicacies; it’s important to determine how to taste them correctly. For example, grasshopper and silkworm caterpillar need to be eaten differently.

From grasshoppers, you first need to tear off the head, wings and legs. Of course, you can absorb them whole, but there is a chance of choking on an unchewed paw. As my friend says, the most delicious grasshopper is the locust, they are larger in size and simply melt in your mouth. The real taste is very difficult to write, in my opinion, fried grasshopper is like a grasshopper that was caught, washed and fried. They can be remotely compared to sunflower seeds with oil and salt. Caterpillars and pupae are very tasty to eat with beer, however, they are not crunchy, but taste vaguely like pumpkin seeds or salted popcorn. Huge black water beetles or swimming beetles are also very juicy and tasty, they are chosen by size. They taste like overcooked bacon.

The evening market also sells bats, frogs, snails and other delicacies; exotic restaurants offer scorpions and snakes, but we’ll talk about them another time. Look, here and there you will find tasty insects. And, definitely, this is what you should try from food in Thailand.

Bon appetit!