Close the mouth of gossip plots. Conspiracies from Splot

Urgent help for those who fell into trouble. Conspiracies from misfortunes and diseases of Stephanie Sister

Protective conspiracy from gossip and rumors

It happens that there is a lover of gossip about others in the team, and even worse - rumors to dissolve. If it touched it, that is, the conspiracy is true that the mouth of the mouth will close on the castle. In a small bottle of water, type, yes on the evening there are such words on it:

I will become, blessing, go, cross, out of the door door, from the gate of the gate, go to the clean field. In the pure field - the Black Sea, in the Black Sea - the black stone, under this black stone there is a black butterfly snake. As the Yena of this stone does not burn, does not palette, it does not empty and the slave of God (name) The word did not harm, did not paul, did not serve. From now on in the century, drkie, forever. Amen.

Crighten, put a bottle for the night under the icon, and go to bed yourself. In the morning, you need to go to work early, you need to wash the cloth in the water, and everything around your workplace wipe, and if we succeed, then where the gossip is usually sits. Water residues can be sprinkled corners.

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48. Protective conspiracy for the house, the place of residence can eave and retreat from the house of this and from the place of this! And I am also interested in every feewely and travel, in nudion and chickens, from the slave of God (the name of the rivers) - all sorts of devilish the circumstances and magic tribes of the prayer and

From the book of the author

From the book of the author

The conspiracy is protective against the enemy of the human race so that things do not spoil in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will become a naz, the slave of God (name), blessing, I will go, cross, in the God of God, on God's way, out of the houses, from the courtyard gates - in a clean field, from the pistol, in

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Spell for the expulsion of rumors My customers very often ask me to make spells on love, money, healing and cessation of rumors. There are many traditional spells that stop rumors, but it is one of the easiest. Perform it can

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Protective conspiracy against damage to the wealth of Lord, Poszo, Zeezhi, Lord, I am mighty with a sacuost, to me, for me and for me, for me to speak, in the servant of God (name), on him, the servant of God (name) Always now and died and forever. Righteous you, red

From the book of the author

The conspiracy is protective against the enemy of the human race so that things do not spoil in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will become a yaz, the slave of God (name), blessing, I will go to cross, on the God of God, on God's way, from the houses, from the courtyard gates - to a clean field, from the clean field,

Complete assembly and description: Prayer conspiracy on gossip groups for the spiritual life of a believer man.

Gossip and rumors are able to make a person's life unbearable. Protect against the crosses and stop talking about yourself using magic. There are special rites that differ simplicity and provide reliable protection for a long time.

But besides this should be remembered that in order not to provoke the appearance of gossip, you need to talk less about yourself. Important in society will learn to listen more than speak. Do not wake up envy, telling about your achievements. It is divided with its alarms and hopes can only with people, friendship with which has withstanding the test time.

Effective rites from gossip

There is a very large number of protective rites that use a conspiracy from gossip. They need to choose a purely individually depending on the current situation. After all, sometimes it happens that gossip does not carry a dangerous negative and deliver small trouble. In such cases, simple high-speed rites should be used.

But if you feel that your success in life causes the envy of many people - it already becomes dangerous, can seriously harm and even lead to health violations. In such situations, it is necessary to perform potent protective rituals.

Rustic fashion

Back in ancient times, our grandmothers protected from gossip using conspired water. This simple rite allows you to successfully resist the crouch and guarantees a quiet life. All you need is to speak water and wash it every morning.

Conspiracy sounds as follows:

Water needs to head every morning and try not to miss a single day. Before washing, the water should be crossed three times. It is very important every time, washing, tune into a positive result. This will allow you to free your own natural protective forces.

Removing symptoms of envious conversations

Probably every one familiar feeling when an unpromanded at the subconscious level comes an understanding that someone discusses you at a particular point. For example, they suddenly begin to burn the cheeks. Another obvious sign is woven about you is a feeling of inner anxiety.

To remove these symptoms you need to use this conspiracy from woven:

Before pronouncing a conspiracy, it is necessary to cross. If you believe in magic, this conspiracy helps instantly. But it should be understood that it is short-term protection, for a more reliable barrier for gossip, you need to spend a more powerful rite.

Powerful plot

If you are sure that it is a particular person who dismisses gossip about you, you should take advantage of a powerful rite with candles.

For the ritual it is necessary to get a photo of the unkind gossip. Special requirements for the image are not presented, so you can imperceptibly photograph a person, for example, a mobile device.

Reacing in a separate room you need a photo of a person who is directed to the impact, put on the table, and three church candles should be installed on the snapshot.

After this candle, you need to light and speak such a plot:

This is a very powerful conspiracy. Its action is based on the fact that a person who will gather something bad about you, in order to harm you, it will immediately feel very bad.

Protective amulet

A very effective magical attribute is a protective amulet that you must be constantly with you. This charm can be any subject. For example, a silver decoration is considered the optimal faucer. You can also order the manufacture of a protective amulet from a professional magician.

It should be known that envy may seriously harm the person who has such feelings in the soul in relation to other people. And if you are a positive and bright person, it is unlikely that you need to be afraid of gossip and crosses to your address.

Prayer conspiracy on gossip

Conspiracies from ill-wishers, envious, slanders and gossip

Prayer for hated and offending us

About the collapse of the tall, vague, Lord, and the slave of yours about the sorry, pray for the headless, hate and offended us, and from all slander and the villaness to the brotherly and virtuous people to have a residence, humbly plenty of you bring you; Yes, in the consistence of the Odylony, I willcilitate, the unagnigu of the human man. Jacques the first fellowship of your Stefan about you who kill him with a prayer, Lord, and we are plummingly molim: I'm sorry for hate and offended, in the whole of them for the sake of you for the sake of perishing, but everyone to escape with gratefulness, God all walked.

Prayer martyr John-Warrior to protect against offender

Bliss Gospel Love, Bogomud Ioanne, the purity of the heart is honored. The bustle of this world neglected, I rushed away from the Zreti God, and it's likely to glorify wonders in the healing of various suffering. This is for Molim's for Molim: asking Christ of the Lord of all sorrow of the deliverance and receipt of the kingdom of heaven. The piety of the warrior of Christ, winzago enemies of the shower and bodies of God, John the martyr, Wastodolly by the songs of praise, mysteriously by Bo, gives abundant healing by the terrible people, and prays the Lord God from all sorts of dissection to the belief. Oh, the great Christ Martyrchi John, Orthodox chase, enemies, a voyage and insidual intercessors. We hear us, in the troubles and sorrows of you praying to you, Yako is given to you the grace of God sadly comforted, weakly helping, the unhappy from inadvertent death is to save and for all the evil of the suffering pray. Budi Welcome and we will have a fastener for all visible and invisible enemies of our, IKO, yes, I will be aware of us and the voyage on us will face WSI that are evil. The mind of our Lord, but the sinful and unworthy of the slaves will be prompted and unwanted by the slaves, it is also helpful with him, in the Trinity of Slavimago Slavimago God, always, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

A handkerchief is blocked with sprinkled water, give it to dry and wipe their arms and face to meet with a detractor. Water must be well or thawa. This water must be pouring onto the bottom of the rocker, quite a bit - so that it absolutely absorbed into the handkerchief.

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord Savaof, Wait for the sky and the land of glory. Amen. Lord Almighty, walk in the thunder, sitting on the clouds, autumn the power of heaven, the sky and the earth created the same, and all the water that under the heavens, and over heaven, and throughout the Earth, in the seas, in the oceans, in rivers, lakes, keys And the rains, consecrate the water by the strength of your saint's spirit, and I will be a fence, protection and about the Lord joy. Amen.

Conspiracy on the castle, locking the wovers, envious and slanderous

This conspiracy is read when leaving the house when you lock the door lock:

The Lord God pumped up, the Holy Muslim worship, and Zory Zoryami, the Lord's assistants. Become, proceed, my spirit will reverse. For the threshold, I step, the road is blocking all the boots, focusing, void, envious, slanders and gossip groups, witches and sorcerers. I do not lock the door, I'm closed to you lips and teeth. Gossipant-ram, witch-sheep, now do not pray for me neither the word. I go with the Lord Easter, and you are not with evil on me, but with caress. Pollinate with good words, I will not catch you bitter tears. Amen.

On the Bear I'm going, I chase, I will chase all the foul language and the vane speech closure. Who will count on me, the eyes will climb. Amen.

On the field of Zionsky standing Mount Eleonskaya, on that mountain, the temple of the Lord, in that temple, the throne will holy, on that throne herself is also sits. The servant of God (name) came to her, bowed to the legs, tearfully prayed. Mother of God, the Most Holy Mother of God, a fence, relief, from dick people to protect. Twelve thrones ahead of me, twelve apostles behind me, twelve prophets on the left side, twelve martyrs on the right side. Stand, defend, dying people are distilled off. Amen.

I will stand, the slave of God (name), crossing, will come out, blessing, I will go on the road with the Lord Christ. I will not meet any sacuosta, no Lich will attract, the power will drive away, Tlen, fire, illness and any attack go. I hope for the Lord God of the Father of Almighty, the Creator of the sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible. And on the Lord and the Savior of our Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the Spirit of the Saint Compeger. I hope and I hope for the strength of my God, the sockshago of the sky and the earth and the whole white light, ledged month, the Red Sun, the frequent stars, I'll drop the morning and in the evening, and thunder, and lightning, and the birds of heaven, and the fish, and the animals of Polish. And created from the ashes of the earthly forefather of our Adam and Ramater Evu, and the whole creature of Heaven and Middle Kingdom. I bow to the true Christ, his invincible, incomprehensible and almighty strength, by force, I was defending it, I will get sick with a cross, it's not a snot. Always, now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Conspiracy for a good deal, he was guarded from an enviable eye

The Lord God pumped up, the Major Virgin Mary worship, to all the holy prayer to create: the Holy Elijah, St. John the Baptist, Saint Nichoke, St. Hird, and all heavenly forces led by ArchReart Mikhail. Oh Holy ArchRatch of God Mikhail! From me from me all the evil spirits, to protect me with his wing Arkhangelsk, with his sword fiery from the sorcerer and from the sorcerer, from the thing and from the thing, from the pioneering and from the porers, from the hairstyle and from the compound, from Fershal and from Fersalitsa, from black and from yellow, from Sivago and from Rusago, from Panov and the gentry, and from guests uninvited, from the German and from the Tatars, from half-dead and case, from the Cudesmen, from the hotel and the decklock, from the elder and from the old man, from Skimnik and from Schimnica, from the pop and from the Paddy, from the Dyakon and from Dyaconitsy, from the Dyachie and from the Diar, from the shelter and from the Pohnaris, from Kuznetsov and from Kuznetsov wives, from Polants and from Lesnikov, and from Zuleshnikov, and from fishermen, from husbands and wives, From Beltsy and from Belitz, from Calica and from the scomerous, and from Mehonoshi, and from my bad thoughts and black sin. Amen.

Conspiracy from intrigues, attackers and competitors

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Budy the name of the Lord is blessed from now on and before the century. Lord, I'm sorry, humbly, sinful, and on the path of the mind. Not the evening dawn sweaty, the no one was the dark, the stars were frequent, a clear month came out. With that month, I lie down, I stick to the cross, I get up with a white zage, I sing Glava. I will stand, the slave of God (name), blessing, go out, cross, out of the hut on the garden, from the gardens on the clean field, in a clean field there are copper oak, under the top of the copper standing is an iron man, in the ground I have been putting it with the Iron Street. Like a man's man, the mouth does not dissolve and the language does not rise, so that my enemies did not dissolve and the languages \u200b\u200bdid not rise. As the staff of the Iron forever do not rise, so that my hands at my enemies did not attend me, no matter what business is. The Lord is my fortress, strength and power, with the Lord stand up, with the Lord I will start, with the Lord I'm concluded. Amen.

Conspiracy binding all evil thoughts and business

Lord God pursue, the Lord God will ask. Motherful prayer, stepfather blessing, rags, Lord, from the soul of my every sin, and from the case of my every evil possession. Suspension, Lord, the forces of the Diavolskie, the Umanessee of enemies and Sugostites, in days and novain, in thought and in affairs. Sign by their power, the cross of the life-giving. I will go out, blessing, I will go, crossing, go out in a clean field, in a clean field of the bridge-rainbow, by the bridge, the Army is driving a brave, holds a sword's sword in the Rutch, rides, shirts, all my enemies will drive away. How did you come from, go there and go out, do not go to the case. Amen.

Conspiracy from gossip, 3 severe conspiracy

In this article, I will introduce you to the easiest plot from gossip. You can knock it in any day without exception.

Gossip pursue us at work, in everyday life and in broad daylight.

Again what was not in messenger. And the reputation with the brutally "swelling".

To secure yourself from gossip and magically "tie languages," was invented a special occult plot that you can fulfill when you want.

No candles will not have to light up. And the full moon wait, too.

The only condition is the involvement in the conspiracy power of its own energy.

Here and "Give on the lips" to those who breed gossip. Just do it not palm, but "distance."

Sit down at table. Calm your thoughts. Do not think about anything even about the gossip.

After some time, mentally imagine how "tied sharp on the sense of languages."

If you suspect someone, do not shlit the rolling, but "Close to him" magic plot.

For gossip conspiracy, I do not like Flame and Gomon. Let let the tolly, let all the enemies are happy. In my soul it will not come together, the mouths will not disarm from the woven. As soon as someone ops up, his hour of Ikot is strolling. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

There is another short conspiracy that you can pronounce "on the go."

Chur Garlet is not Maija, close mouth and quine. Amen.

How gossip will disarm, let me not touch me. Amen.

Now you can not be afraid of the grumpy gossip, which are bred by those who have nothing to do.

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Conspiracy from gossip: how to get rid of slander

I do not like anyone when they are talking behind him, so it is worth using a conspiracy from gossip if you suspect that they became the subject of hot discussions. This is a fairly simple people's rite that anyone can perform. Let's talk about how to fulfill this magic ritual correctly so that it will accurately work, and the gossip went out of your life.

What are dangerous gossip?

Many people do not attach the values \u200b\u200bof gossip, which invent those surrounding about their person. There is an opinion that "I'm talking about me, it means that I am popular." But gossip can seriously harm.

What can be expressed by this harm:

  • Negative discussions of your personality do not affect energy. Usually, the gossips invent non-residents of envy - and this feeling kills a person. And one who envies, and the envy object. If you do not stop gossip, dangerous diseases can develop
  • If the gossips discuss your personal life, it can seriously harm relationships with a partner. First, he may simply believe the ill-wishers and stop you trust. And, secondly, such discussions create negative energy vibrations that will not affect your union.

If gossip is harmless and do not carry a negative context, it is not worth worrying. Discussion of your life in a positive harm key will not bring. Therefore, to read a conspiracy that will help get rid of gossip, it is worth only when there are no burdens about you are negative.

Conspiracy is a simple folk rite that can easily make anyone. But there are certain rules - they need to follow if you want a conspiracy to fully affect, and the gossip stopped once and for all.

  1. Believe in the magical power of the conspiracy. There should be no doubt, skepticism. The rite works only at the man who is certainly believed in him, not trying to understand
  2. Read the text of the conspiracy clearly and distinctly. It is impossible to stuff, pry in a piece of paper and forget the words. Therefore, memorize the words in advance, so that nothing bothers to read the conspiracy correctly and accurately
  3. Have pure intentions. You must pursue only good goals. If you wish to harm someone with the help of a conspiracy, there is only trouble on yourself. Evil sent to a stranger will return to you in a triple size
  4. Read the plot in the dark day, with the light of the moon. Moon energy has a very powerful force that helps strengthen conspiracy
  5. Make sure that no one prevented you during the rite. No one person should go into the room. It is desirable that pets are not attended indoors

If you do all these rules, the conspiracy will definitely affect and relieve you from the dotted gossip.

Rustic conspiracy: how to get rid of woven with water

Water is a good energy conductor, so it is very often used in conspiracies. Try to gain water from a natural source - a spring, river or lake. In the extreme case, you can use the melt water or stealing water from under the tap. But then the plot will have less power.

At night, type the water into the glass cup, stand over it and say the words of the conspiracy:

After you read the text of the conspiracy, you need to make a crisp three times. Remove the bowl with a conspired liquid into a secluded place.

Merrately wash with conspiracy. And gradually the flow of gossip, slander and non-pieces subsided. Evil languages \u200b\u200bwill be silent and will find another object for hot discussions.

Emergency plot

There is such a sign: if the ears are suddenly "tanned", it means that someone speaks poorly about you. If you felt that blood stuck to earns, you can use this plot to avoid gossip.

As soon as the "burning ears" felt, mentally say a plot three times:

Then turn three times. A sign that the conspiracy has affected - the ears will stop burning. And the man who tried to discuss or condemn you, will immediately stop doing it.

Conspiracy from gossip

This rite applies when you know exactly the name of a person who speaks about your nasty behind you and dismisses gossip. Such a case cannot be left unpunished - if the gossip is not losing, and the conversations and clarification of relationships do not help, make a rite.

You will need a clear and high-quality photo of the gossip, as well as three wax candles. They are better to purchase them in the church shop on Friday, in the afternoon.

Wait for midnight, swinging off the window in the room so that the lunar light penetrates the room. Light the candles and place a photo of the gossip in front of you.

While the candles are burning, clearly read the text of the conspiracy:

Wait until the flames of candles get out. Sparks must be assembled and buried to the ground, together with the photo.

This is a very strong conspiracy that should work instantly. Now the gossip every time you gather something to say about you in a negative context, I will not be able to do this. He will either feel bad at this moment, or will feel a serious psychological barrier.

Watch a video about what gossip and rumors of human life are harmful:

Council: To protect against gossip even before they started, wearing amulets and charms. They will protect against the negative impact of emotions that are tested by disadvantages in relation to you.

And most importantly - try yourself about yourself not to gossip, do not criticize anyone and do not condemn. Then evil tongues will not touch you.

It seems to me that in our time it is almost impossible to get rid of woven. But this conspiracy is certainly worth trying.

Now everyone is discussing each other, and I myself do not hide that sometimes I do it too. This is part of our life and have no place to go from it.

Unpleasant, of course, when they whisper behind his back, so I decided to make a plot. Conspiracy with water is so complicated, quite every can do it. But I am more interesting with the candle, only the question is what you need? Black or ordinary?

Yes, and the Council is quite useful, really need to go less about others, everyone has their own life.

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All about religion and faith - "prayer to close your mouth gossip" with a detailed description and photos.

In this article, I will introduce you to the easiest plot from gossip. You can knock it in any day without exception.

Gossip pursue us at work, in everyday life and in broad daylight.

Again what was not in messenger. And the reputation with the brutally "swelling".

To secure yourself from gossip and magically "tie languages," was invented a special occult plot that you can fulfill when you want.

No candles will not have to light up. And the full moon wait, too.

The only condition is the involvement in the conspiracy power of its own energy.

Here and "Give on the lips" to those who breed gossip. Just do it not palm, but "distance."

Sit down at table. Calm your thoughts. Do not think about anything even about the gossip.

After some time, mentally imagine how "tied sharp on the sense of languages."

If you suspect someone, do not shlit the rolling, but "Close to him" magic plot.

For gossip conspiracy, I do not like Flame and Gomon. Let let the tolly, let all the enemies are happy. In my soul it will not come together, the mouths will not disarm from the woven. As soon as someone ops up, his hour of Ikot is strolling. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

There is another short conspiracy that you can pronounce "on the go."

Chur Garlet is not Maija, close mouth and quine. Amen.

How gossip will disarm, let me not touch me. Amen.

Now you can not be afraid of the grumpy gossip, which are bred by those who have nothing to do.

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How to shut your mouth gossip magic phrases

At your work a gossip appeared? No strength to endure her bliss? Shut up her mouth with magic phrases. Now you will see, the gossip will soon take it.

Apparently, with the help of gossip, you want to shift from the post.

Perhaps this is an envious drop, when someone's mouth sets up the whole team against you.

There is no time to understand. The right decision is to shut up a gossip with an effective magical phrase.

After the end of the working day, leaving the office building, whisper these words to themselves:

As a lousy mouth gossip, let this scum suffers from pain. Amen!

Before taking the workplace, read these magic phrases:

Shoot the gossip of the mouth, let her a birth in the bed takes. Amen!

Being at work, not necessarily next to the gossip, but feeling third-party negative, read these words:

From Gloves saves, evil mouths are not scared. Suddenly shut up, kill the hell. Amen!

Short turned out to be an article.

Now you can shut up the gossip of the mouth that sues you at work.

When magic phrases come accelerates, you will feel the desired result.

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The security conspiracy will protect against gossip

Gossip and rumors are able to make a person's life unbearable. Protect against the crosses and stop talking about yourself using magic. There are special rites that differ simplicity and provide reliable protection for a long time.

But besides this should be remembered that in order not to provoke the appearance of gossip, you need to talk less about yourself. Important in society will learn to listen more than speak. Do not wake up envy, telling about your achievements. It is divided with its alarms and hopes can only with people, friendship with which has withstanding the test time.

Effective rites from gossip

There is a very large number of protective rites that use a conspiracy from gossip. They need to choose a purely individually depending on the current situation. After all, sometimes it happens that gossip does not carry a dangerous negative and deliver small trouble. In such cases, simple high-speed rites should be used.

But if you feel that your success in life causes the envy of many people - it already becomes dangerous, can seriously harm and even lead to health violations. In such situations, it is necessary to perform potent protective rituals.

Rustic fashion

Back in ancient times, our grandmothers protected from gossip using conspired water. This simple rite allows you to successfully resist the crouch and guarantees a quiet life. All you need is to speak water and wash it every morning.

Conspiracy sounds as follows:

Water needs to head every morning and try not to miss a single day. Before washing, the water should be crossed three times. It is very important every time, washing, tune into a positive result. This will allow you to free your own natural protective forces.

Removing symptoms of envious conversations

Probably every one familiar feeling when an unpromanded at the subconscious level comes an understanding that someone discusses you at a particular point. For example, they suddenly begin to burn the cheeks. Another obvious sign is woven about you is a feeling of inner anxiety.

To remove these symptoms you need to use this conspiracy from woven:

Before pronouncing a conspiracy, it is necessary to cross. If you believe in magic, this conspiracy helps instantly. But it should be understood that it is short-term protection, for a more reliable barrier for gossip, you need to spend a more powerful rite.

Powerful plot

If you are sure that it is a particular person who dismisses gossip about you, you should take advantage of a powerful rite with candles.

For the ritual it is necessary to get a photo of the unkind gossip. Special requirements for the image are not presented, so you can imperceptibly photograph a person, for example, a mobile device.

Reacing in a separate room you need a photo of a person who is directed to the impact, put on the table, and three church candles should be installed on the snapshot.

After this candle, you need to light and speak such a plot:

This is a very powerful conspiracy. Its action is based on the fact that a person who will gather something bad about you, in order to harm you, it will immediately feel very bad.

Protective amulet

A very effective magical attribute is a protective amulet that you must be constantly with you. This charm can be any subject. For example, a silver decoration is considered the optimal faucer. You can also order the manufacture of a protective amulet from a professional magician.

It should be known that envy may seriously harm the person who has such feelings in the soul in relation to other people. And if you are a positive and bright person, it is unlikely that you need to be afraid of gossip and crosses to your address.

Conspiracy from gossip: how to get rid of slander

I do not like anyone when they are talking behind him, so it is worth using a conspiracy from gossip if you suspect that they became the subject of hot discussions. This is a fairly simple people's rite that anyone can perform. Let's talk about how to fulfill this magic ritual correctly so that it will accurately work, and the gossip went out of your life.

What are dangerous gossip?

Many people do not attach the values \u200b\u200bof gossip, which invent those surrounding about their person. There is an opinion that "I'm talking about me, it means that I am popular." But gossip can seriously harm.

What can be expressed by this harm:

  • Negative discussions of your personality do not affect energy. Usually, the gossips invent non-residents of envy - and this feeling kills a person. And one who envies, and the envy object. If you do not stop gossip, dangerous diseases can develop
  • If the gossips discuss your personal life, it can seriously harm relationships with a partner. First, he may simply believe the ill-wishers and stop you trust. And, secondly, such discussions create negative energy vibrations that will not affect your union.

If gossip is harmless and do not carry a negative context, it is not worth worrying. Discussion of your life in a positive harm key will not bring. Therefore, to read a conspiracy that will help get rid of gossip, it is worth only when there are no burdens about you are negative.

Conspiracy is a simple folk rite that can easily make anyone. But there are certain rules - they need to follow if you want a conspiracy to fully affect, and the gossip stopped once and for all.

  1. Believe in the magical power of the conspiracy. There should be no doubt, skepticism. The rite works only at the man who is certainly believed in him, not trying to understand
  2. Read the text of the conspiracy clearly and distinctly. It is impossible to stuff, pry in a piece of paper and forget the words. Therefore, memorize the words in advance, so that nothing bothers to read the conspiracy correctly and accurately
  3. Have pure intentions. You must pursue only good goals. If you wish to harm someone with the help of a conspiracy, there is only trouble on yourself. Evil sent to a stranger will return to you in a triple size
  4. Read the plot in the dark day, with the light of the moon. Moon energy has a very powerful force that helps strengthen conspiracy
  5. Make sure that no one prevented you during the rite. No one person should go into the room. It is desirable that pets are not attended indoors

If you do all these rules, the conspiracy will definitely affect and relieve you from the dotted gossip.

Rustic conspiracy: how to get rid of woven with water

Water is a good energy conductor, so it is very often used in conspiracies. Try to gain water from a natural source - a spring, river or lake. In the extreme case, you can use the melt water or stealing water from under the tap. But then the plot will have less power.

At night, type the water into the glass cup, stand over it and say the words of the conspiracy:

After you read the text of the conspiracy, you need to make a crisp three times. Remove the bowl with a conspired liquid into a secluded place.

Merrately wash with conspiracy. And gradually the flow of gossip, slander and non-pieces subsided. Evil languages \u200b\u200bwill be silent and will find another object for hot discussions.

Emergency plot

There is such a sign: if the ears are suddenly "tanned", it means that someone speaks poorly about you. If you felt that blood stuck to earns, you can use this plot to avoid gossip.

As soon as the "burning ears" felt, mentally say a plot three times:

Then turn three times. A sign that the conspiracy has affected - the ears will stop burning. And the man who tried to discuss or condemn you, will immediately stop doing it.

Conspiracy from gossip

This rite applies when you know exactly the name of a person who speaks about your nasty behind you and dismisses gossip. Such a case cannot be left unpunished - if the gossip is not losing, and the conversations and clarification of relationships do not help, make a rite.

You will need a clear and high-quality photo of the gossip, as well as three wax candles. They are better to purchase them in the church shop on Friday, in the afternoon.

Wait for midnight, swinging off the window in the room so that the lunar light penetrates the room. Light the candles and place a photo of the gossip in front of you.

While the candles are burning, clearly read the text of the conspiracy:

Wait until the flames of candles get out. Sparks must be assembled and buried to the ground, together with the photo.

This is a very strong conspiracy that should work instantly. Now the gossip every time you gather something to say about you in a negative context, I will not be able to do this. He will either feel bad at this moment, or will feel a serious psychological barrier.

Watch a video about what gossip and rumors of human life are harmful:

Council: To protect against gossip even before they started, wearing amulets and charms. They will protect against the negative impact of emotions that are tested by disadvantages in relation to you.

And most importantly - try yourself about yourself not to gossip, do not criticize anyone and do not condemn. Then evil tongues will not touch you.

It seems to me that in our time it is almost impossible to get rid of woven. But this conspiracy is certainly worth trying.

Now everyone is discussing each other, and I myself do not hide that sometimes I do it too. This is part of our life and have no place to go from it.

Unpleasant, of course, when they whisper behind his back, so I decided to make a plot. Conspiracy with water is so complicated, quite every can do it. But I am more interesting with the candle, only the question is what you need? Black or ordinary?

Yes, and the Council is quite useful, really need to go less about others, everyone has their own life.

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Conspiracy from gossip will help close your mouth with your ill-wishers.

It does not want any person to say various gossip "for the eyes" about him. Conspiracy from gossip will help you protect yourself from evil languages. This is a simple rite, which is under the power of everyone. If you can make it clearly and correctly, slander and mow will forever leave your life.

To protect yourself from woven and evil languages \u200b\u200bwith the help of a rite, do not spread rumors about other people, otherwise the conspiracy will not help.

What is dangerous by the crust?

Many people do not understand all the seriousness of gossip. Some have a kind of euphoria - "If someone says me, it means that I stand something and I am popular." But it is not. Most slander is aimed at causing a negative injury to a person. What does it mean?

Any discussion of a person, his personal life, has a negative impact on its internal balance. Often, gossips are slander to a person, from the feeling of envy, killing this feeling and the object envy and, as neither paradoxically, itself. The human energetic shell is destroyed and it can seriously get sick. Gossip, capable of creating negative vibrations at the energy level, which neither will lead to anything.

Gossip, which reached the hearing of your partner, can destroy your relationship. And not always your arguments and excuses will be on your part. The partner will stop trusting you.

How to prepare for reading conspiracy?

Hello. Please tell us how to better read conspiracy. How to prepare for the rite? It is better to read in a whisper, about yourself or out loud.

Is it possible to read a conspiracy to another without his knowledge?
What days it is better to read conspiracy?

I noticed that some conspiracy on your site specified a specific day of the week in which you need to read a plot, more often.

Rules of reading conspiracy

  • Conspiracy from gossip can read anyone. But when it is fulfilled, it is necessary to comply with certain recommendations and the rules so that it will certainly be:

Do not doubt the strength of the conspiracy. Believe in what he will definitely help you.

  • Try the words of the conspiracy clearly and correctly, without stick and peeping into a piece of paper;

    Do not wish the evil to another, during the rite, otherwise you will harm and yourself.

    Conspiracies from gossip and evil languages

    Conspiracy on water

    Water is very often used when conducting different conspiracies, it is an excellent conductor of any energy. It is desirable to use non-tap water, and water scored from sources of natural origin. Water from the spring or river will have a greater force than from under the tap.

    At night, quietly stand up and type water into the water container. Capacity is best suited glass. Take a clear conspiracy from gossip over the water:

    "The Holy Virgin, bless me for a good deed, to save me from oblique looks, affection of gossip and crosses. Let evil tongues bang themselves and forget about me, your strength is great - the word my firm! "

    After reading the plot, turn yourself three times. Then hide the bowl into a secluded place. And wash every morning only with this water until it end when it happens, the gossip directed to your address will stop.

    Fast plot

    Each of us experienced such a feeling, as if neither from this "tanned her ears." This means that someone discusses you. In this case, read three times conspiracy from gossip:

    "Lord, help me, get rid of the bobby, and those who stipulate me - punish, fall to the stamp on their mouth. Let their gossip and come back to them. Amen!"

    Spreading words, immediately turn around three times. And if your ears have ceased to burn after that, then the conspiracy hit the point. The person who discussed you will not hurt you with his word.

    Rite for protection

    Knowing a concrete person who flies intrigue around you, it is easier to protect yourself from his attacks. If the gossip makes you a long tongue for a very long time, you should temper his dust and make a certain rite for this.

    Take a photo of the gossip and 3 wax candles, bought on Friday day in his second half. Waiting for 12 o'clock in the morning, open the window of your room so that the lunar light freely fell and illuminated everything around. Fit the candles and put a photo right in front of yourself. When burning candles, read the plot from slander:

    Fire is red to help me, it will come to any enemy, and his sharp and evil stand on his tongue. So come that I will completely give it. Protect me fire, make me around my white circle. So that no enemy is toothy and trembled and tongue before me. So that no evil mouth has opened on me, but did not talk. No one else will laugh at me thin, evil language to dissolve. Amen!"

    Do not extinguish the candles, let them cool down to the end or their flame will breathe. Skip the flats from the candles together with the photo of the gossip in the ground.

    Read this article: protection against evil people at work. You will be interested ...

    The power of this conspiracy is very big, so it should immediately work. And now the gossip will not be able to say something thin on you, since at that moment he will feel bad himself, or he will have a psychological barrier to utter words against you.

    To prevent crosses and gossip, use special amules or overalls. They will help protect from various negative energy and unwanted emotions aimed at your ill-wishers. Read also: Amulets and carries from a bad eye.

    Rite during cleaning

    The essence of this conspiracy is that it is held during housekeeping. Together with the deliverance from home debris, a person suggests order regarding himself and gets rid of the negative energy of evil gossip and enviousness.

    Reeling in the house and the woven garbage can be a conspiracy from evil languages \u200b\u200bto read:

    "I remove your house, we deliver from negativity. Let them rise, will be removed forever - all evil wishes and words. "

    So that you do not do during cleaning, repeat these words with reference to the process itself. Insert all the forces on cleansing from all the negative and dirt in the house.

    You can think of the words of such conspiracy-cleaning, since here it is important to make rid of ferrous energy.

    Christian charm

    Evil should not be unpunished.

    If you do not know where to wait for the "impact" and the detractors are unknown to you, you can make an overlap to protect yourself from all evil languages. The best in this regard is the Christian charm.

    To begin with, you need to choose the day when the phase of the decreasing moon occurs. You will need:

    • 1 candle of green;
    • consecrated red thread;
    • black, white and red fabric (three slices).

    Nobody talk about what is going to spend this rite. Do not devote in it even your relatives. Close up in an empty room, burn the green candle and tell me:

    "I urge all saints to help me! The envy of the white was never, but only black is strong and evil. Green candle burning, herself from envy. And the red color is envy to anything, I will give her sacred fire. Let the words remain only white, while others burn out fire. Amen!"

    After reading the text, put the candle in the candlestick. Spelling from the candle should not see from the street. Cut three small circles from different colors of matter and put with a candle. After that, read the second part of the conspiracy:

    "Black and white red cover. I closed the words and thoughts in thinness. I have a holy cross helps! "

    The topic "How to read conspiracies for healing" Theme "plots of Stepanova - work or not?" General Forum "White Magic"

    Folding the mugs in this order: from the beginning black, then white, and on top of a red circle. The red thread of the mugs are stitching among themselves in the form of an embroidered Christian cross. The cross will be the basis of the overag. During embroidery, conspiracy is also read:

    Sewing the holy cross - lips, words and thoughts on the eternal castle. The Lord of the Will and Sacred Coviet. From now on before the century. Amen!"

    Upon completion of the embroidery, on the back of the overag, you need to start a dense node from the thread and say:

    "I reinforce the power of my words. From now on, there is an eternal castle on the human rotch. "

    According to the silhouette of the embroidered cross, wear the flow wax from the green candle. The remaining of the embroidery part of the red thread with a needle is sticking to this candle and hide. At the end, everything is read "Our Father". Charm ready.

    Having waited for the Great Church Holiday, you need to come to the intersection and when the bells can be revealed, turn the needle and throw it on the roadside, saying:

    "Four roads stay my castle, do not let the evil language on the threshold."

    The candle will burn again in the church and put the Jesus Christ under the icon and say:

    "Finished Kanva - the Lord of the will is as follows. Amen!" (3 times)

    Wear this charm with you, and he will protect you from the affiliation of gossip and leaning moloss.


    Conspiracies from gossip must be updated regularly. Ourselves also need to avoid gossip and overwhelms so that in the future it is not to become an object for threading behind the back. If you do not discuss anyone, then nothing threatens you.


    If you have any questions or you need help in the established life situation, you can consult with our experts.

  • Everyone love to suck, but no one wants to hear the gossip about their secrets. At work or in the company of friends, there will always be wisp to move bones. They are very interested to follow someone else's life, tell stories, and very often, just invent them. "Spoiled phone" works fast. You can learn a lot about yourself if you allow gossip to your life. That this does not happen, there is a great remedy - a conspiracy from gossip. Say it, spend a small ritual - you will not need anything that would not have found at home or in the nearest store. Gossip on your address will end once and for all.

    Gossip and their influence on our life

    We all love to talk about others. The life of some of our colleagues, acquaintances, friends of the campaign on soapy opera. Meetings, parting, crazy deeds and words, spoken in a rustling of passion or grief. All this can be the topic for rapid discussions. It is not interesting for anyone why a person comes in one way or another. We are gossiped by those whose life is not so rich in events or emotions. Discussion, laughter, envy or sympathy, in any case, gossip do not lead to anything good. So all of the world are your secrets and intimate secrets. People love to watch other people's drama, condemn what they do not understand. It is very unpleasant when you become the subject of discussions, guessing, gossip. It is impossible to stop gossip, in the usual way. But it is possible by conspiracy. So the gossipants will not have the thoughts to discuss your life.

    How to avoid gossip?

    Early or late, they say about everyone, they are healing. But, such things that should not be done:

    telling anyone in your personal life, problems;
    boast of achievements;
    boast your partner;
    You can talk about your alarms or problems with the most trusted people.

    Imagine: You tell the unfamiliar colleague about what your wonderful husband or guy you have. He gives gifts, takes to the cinema, suits surprises all the time. Nice to talk about it. But, your friend can envy and try tribal to repel the Uhager. On your own, or magic.

    It is hard to remove the love spells and bindings, and it will spoil your relationship with a man.

    Gossip and envy

    Often, gossip are very harmless. Something will talk about something, but forget. But, if the stories about you, your love, life cause envy - it is scary. Here the delay will act against you. It is the envy that causes many negative consequences - the evil eye, damage, the crown of celibacy.
    Envy to you and your life can become so strong that it will take the form of damage, then you can lose much.

    Envy accumulates, and if many people are jealous, and not good, then wait for trouble. So dangerous diseases come, infertility. If many women envy your beauty or mind, it is these of your qualities that will become a dangerous target, which marks all the negative from envy. If you learned that someone began to gossip about you in the team or in the company, immediately stop it. Conspiracy from gossip will begin to act quickly, so there will be no problems. It is better to immediately remove even the slightest opportunity to discuss your personal life.

    Conspiracies will protect against gossip

    Good conspiracies will help against gossip, and you can live calmly. Your life is your personal secrecy.

    Conspiracy on water

    A simple rustic way will help against gossip. It takes every day to wash the conspiracy in the morning. To do this, speak:

    "Bless, the Blessed Virgin, this water, see me with me all the boots and views of the braids, the words envious and bad, gossip women and men, all put on and fakes, all lessons, ohh, sighs."

    Cross the water three times and wash. After that, no one will not even say the words about you. It will be completed by gossip, slander your address. Try, the method does not fail. You need to do it every day, not missing, for the best effect.

    Fast conspiracy if the ears are "burning"

    There is a nate in the people that if the "ears are burning" or cheeks, then someone is about you, someone gossip. Rather, put an end to this. As soon as you feel what it happens, you are baptized and say three times:

    "Lord, my God, the collapse of otgoni, gossips punish! Guardian angel, my guardian, I wings in Okrani, gossip back! May it be so! Amen!".

    Helps instantaneous. Good and fast way to stop any conversations about your person.

    Christian charm

    If you do not know where to wait for the "impact" and the detractors are unknown to you, you can make an overlap to protect yourself from all evil languages. The best in this regard is the Christian charm.
    To begin with, you need to choose the day when the phase of the decreasing moon occurs. You will need:

    1 candle of green;
    consecrated red thread;
    Black, white and red fabric (three slices).

    Nobody talk about what is going to spend this rite. Do not devote in it even your relatives. Close up in an empty room, burn the green candle and tell me:

    "I urge all saints to help me! The envy of the white was never, but only black is strong and evil. Green candle burning, herself from envy. And the red color is envy to anything, I will give her sacred fire. Let the words remain only white, while others burn out fire. Amen!"

    After reading the text, put the candle in the candlestick. Spelling from the candle should not see from the street. Cut three small circles from different colors of matter and put with a candle. After that, read the second part of the conspiracy:

    "Black and white red cover. I closed the words and thoughts in thinness. I have a holy cross helps! "

    Conclusion from evil tongue

    If you know that a woman or man dissolves evil gossip about you, then do not leave it unpunished. Take the photo of this person (or a few), put under three church candles. They need to be lit. While the candles are burning and melted, read the text on them:

    "Not my legs, I, the slave of God (name), I go, and the raven black ray. I am kicked by a ring, and I chase red fire, right-handed the threshold of enemies step.
    With the right foot on the threshold, I will give the languages \u200b\u200bevil enemies. My enemies will only clap lips, but silent, teeth from the malice to gripe, but knock.
    There is a white circle around my body around my body, protects the enemies of evil, enemies toothasts, enemies of envious, tongue.
    From the neighbors in the court will protect me, the slave of God's Lord, from serving evil. I will not give my circle of languages \u200b\u200benemies to dissolve, but to steer me.
    There will be enemies, like fish to be silent, they will never say more bad about me. May it be so. Amen".

    The conspiracy force is very large. Against all gossips helps without difficulty and immediately. Now, if they want to chat about you too much, you will immediately feel bad. This plot of candles does not fail. A person literally stumbles on the shield when trying to slander you.

    Conspiracies from gossip must be updated regularly. Ourselves also need to avoid gossip and overwhelms so that in the future it is not to become an object for threading behind the back. If you do not discuss anyone, then nothing threatens you.
    This is a simple conspiracy from black energy, envy and evil gossip, but it is very strong. It helps to get rid of all the conspirators right away. In the future, when someone wants to take offaches, he will feel bad, the invisible shield is growing between you, which prevents slanderers.

    Strong ritual with photography and church candles

    There are also strong conspiracies from gossip, for which candles and photography of the non-emerge will be needed. Spell is pronounced at midnight. Better on a decreasing moon. Loop the candle, before it keeps the right hand with a picture of the envious and gossip, read such words:

    "I will come to you in a dream, yes, I will not come, and your black curl, your dark soul will nibble you from the inside, do not give peace. As in the morning you wake up, I will forget about me, you won't be brought up. I will cover your tongue and mouth closing. You can not get rid of my way. I do not climb. And its life is the system. I will not give you your life to break. Strong and strong my words. "

    After that, I burn photos, and the ashes dispel in the wind (it can be done in an open window).

    Conspiracy with the use of candles from gossip

    If people love to suck, you can punish them, make sure that they no longer gossip. There is an effective ritual, which is carried out after sunset. Take a photo of the gossip, three brown candles (which were purchased in advance on Friday). Wait for midnight, open the window in the room, the moon should lick everything around. You need to light the candles, put the profile of the offender in front of you. It is better to read, looking at the candle flame, then on the moonlight:

    "The flame is red, the flame scarlet, help to get to the enemy of my evil. Help to come on a long tongue, close your mouth black. So I will come that I won't want to dismiss more gossip. Protect me fire, protect the moonlight. Let evil mouths close, and the languages \u200b\u200bdo not pull me. Amen".

    Candles should fire completely. After that, to endure the spars together with the image of the enemy and burn into the ground in a deserted place.

    Conspiracy from woven on the castle

    You can close your mouth with ritual with a castle. You can shut down the ill-wishers using a statement that read over a new lock by closing it into a key:

    "Close the keys of the locks, let the envious and unkind mouth become empty. Let him not say about me bad, not slander, do not come up with. May it be so".

    Wrap a closed lock in a deserted place, and the key to throw into any natural reservoir.

    Ritual in a bath from gossip

    Against the naval, you can spend a ritual in the bath. It is recommended to conduct it in church holidays. Go to the bath, wash with the use of oak broom. In the bath read such words:

    "Bey yourself a broom, but not long. Let all evil rumors stop, slander will lapse from me. Help me, higher forces. Amen".

    Such a rite acts quickly, helps to get rid of the robes from the surrounding. But you should not repeat your mistakes, telling a stranger about your life, praising with your success.

    From gossips during cleaning

    To warn the crust and the provisions will help the defense set by the ritual. Removing the house, all the time sentence words:

    "Removing the house, surgery, eliminate the negative. Let the evil words and wishes in my side be recovered.

    Press up garbage from each room, take it out to the street. Such a ritual during cleaning can be repeated every month. It will strengthen its action.

    Conspiracy to a new rope

    If you want to stop gossip and slander, buy a new rope. Cotton, not synthetic. It must be tied on three knots and moisten with holy water. Wet rope bring to the thick candle and say:

    "Here is the rope, here are three nodes. In the nodes, the words are sly, thoughts of the obanite, a sneaky whisper, and a look of oblique against the slaves of God (name) abandoned, said, subsequent, fumped, unpromised. Light nodes Yes Do not light up, do you do not freeze. Walk me to the side, deception, do not be afraid of me and fog. Go, the robe, where the Voroni Edge, shouts there, everyone will teach me, I do not touch. Amen".

    Be sure to moisten it well in order not to catch up. If it turns, then the effect will not. This will forever close the mouth to those who slander you.

    Prayer from slander

    It is also an effective method. At the same time, it is not necessary to teach the prayer by heart. It is enough words to ask for help before icons, ask for protection from a pure heart. It is also useful to drink holy water, wash back in advance with water.

    Man is a imperfect being. Everyone strive for a better life, more inconsidery, popularity, success. Everyone is different in different ways - someone is richer, someone can boast of excellent health, someone's gifted children. And on the part it seems that a person who has such benefits does not attach to their achievement any effort. Here it arises envy.

    The envy is white, (if honestly, this is found quite rarely, if at all exists). And it happens black. And the people who envy you exactly black envy are capable of making any dirtyness, up to magical actions.

    You do not just make a charm. To do this, you need to hold a whole ritual, which gives it a protective force from evil people.

    It is necessary to pick up a day for a decreasing moon. At sunset, stay alone in the remote room so that no one bothered you. But it is about to do that you cannot do anyone, even to households. Light a pre-cooked green candle and say:

    "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Trinity knows: the envy does not happen. And her, black, frowning, evil, the candle of green burns out. Trinity knows: Flying red does not happen. And her sting with fire is burned by the sacred. And I molly, the slave (a) of God (ya) (your name), the Lord of the Words: "Every word that supposedly white flame candles will whiten to chalk. Famous matter. Amen. Amen. Amen"

    Put a candle in the candlestick, but so that its glare is not visible from the street. Then cut three mug from dense material, a small diameter of three colors is black, white and red. Then put the circles to the bottom of the candle and turn the spell again the odd number of times.

    "Black Couple White Cool, the Red Cook. All the envy does not notice the snow, and the cross is chopping. Lips, words, thoughts thin Eternal Castle. The thread on canvas is the lesson. True! "

    Then take the circles and impose one on the other in such a sequence: black - white - red. In a new needle and in the red wool thread (preferably consecrated in the church). Take out all three circles, simultaneously piercing them, the symbol of the Christian cross. This procedure accompany the words:

    "Three churches, sainted domes, the Red Canva Son of God with me, baptized (oh), prayer (Oh) slave (your name). Lips, words, thoughts thin Eternal Castle. The Lord Kanva and the will of him is as follows. From now on before the century. Amen. Amen. Amen"

    Having finished embroidery, on the reverse side of the amulet, tie the nodule and tell me the following words:

    "The Cross Saint is my castle. Occasted lesson »

    Take the finished amulet, tilt the candle over it and scream with wax along the loop. Candle is extinguished, but in no case can be trembled. Stick the needle with the remains of the thread in the candle grid and hide. Over the amulet three times, read the prayer "Our Father".

    Amulet always keep with you. It is impossible to someone to show or explain his purpose. It will keep you from free or involuntary envy, evil people, evil eyes and unkind envious envious.

    In the nearest big church holiday (Easter, Christmas, baptism, Trinity) go to the temple on the morning service. Under the conclusion of church bells at the crossroads of four roads, overwhelm the needle and throw on the side of the road with the words:

    "Hold down, my castle. From now on, a lesson is completed. " The flag itself, being in the temple, burn and install Christ from the icon, saying: "The Lord Kanva. The will of the Son is. Amen. Amen. Amen"

    In the temple, burn the candle and put it for the health of your envious. Do not move away until the dog is completely.

    Now the ritual of protection against envious is fully completed. Always wear amulet, periodically (on large holidays) sprinkle it with fresh holy water.


    From envy

    If you notice that things sharply "went down", everything falls out of the hands - think about the reason for this situation of things. You will definitely remember when "bad luck" began - the memory is sharpened in stressful situations, analyze everything that is happening. Undoubtedly, you can find the cause - the evil languages \u200b\u200bof envious people made their black things. It's time to be achieved for correcting the situation.

    The most important thing in the conspiracy is not to wish the evidence of the envious, because it usually returns to boomerang. It is best to spend a conspiracy in front of holy icons, to protect against the bad and the impact of otherworld antagonists.

    Preparation for conspiracy from envy. Buy seven large candles in the church and type holy water. Put in a secluded room (preferably in the corner) icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Savior and Panteleimon Healer.

    Write yourself on a sheet of clean paper:

    There will be no envy of caustic people in me,
    I am better than my merit.
    Sokro income, in the soul grace,
    Let the evil eyes do not see.
    Any successes in themselves
    Then the family health is preserved.
    And if already started this dirt,
    From the fire of the Ozorno, he rings to attack.
    Enemies won the victory in fate,
    And the evil quarrel burned in the ground.
    Amen! Amen! Amen!

    At midnight, in front of the icons and holy water, wish the good and blessings of the Lord to all their envious. Look at the flames of candles and take a conspiracy seven times. Drink the holy water and wait until the candles themselves go out.

    Then wrap the flacks in the sheet, with a plotted plot. Skip objects in a deserted place. In the morning we drink all households with holy water.

    Such a conspiracy does not carry the negative surrounding. Everything bad in the house will go to the ground without causing harm. This is the most important thing if you want the evil to be returned.

    From Gloven.

    No one wants to become the object of crosses around others. But it happens slander, which causes laughter, does not like the truth. It is not worth paying attention to such a chatter, only "stupid" people can cut it out.

    But it happens because of the gossip, the attitude of friends is radically changing. If you do not want a long and hard conversation, try to do the following.

    Take a new soap and read the words:

    Water-queen, my assistant,
    You wash off everything,
    All from dirt free
    Clear and with me Houdo Glevo,
    Turn the enemies to my trouble.
    How does not keep water on the glass,
    So that my name did not hold in Molve.
    And who spelled about me
    With the language, let the bridle flit.
    On the same hour the enemy then
    When you move to say about me.
    Lips, teeth, key, castle, language.
    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Wash this soap from my head to items, put in the water - let it completely be decking. Then pour this water to the sink or river with running water. But do not keep this water in the house more than 3 days.

    From evil languages

    "You can't throw a handkerchief for every rotock," said grandmothers, sitting on Zavalinka near the village house. These mouths are negotiated that there is no live! Sincere prayer, not causing evil, has great strength.

    We talk yourself (name)
    From yaro-evil languages:
    Old maids, old men
    Old people, old women, widovers-verse,
    Relatives, other people's, healthy and patients,
    And who will say thin me
    That Lord God will punish
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
    And now and confessed and forever.

    Meeting on the road of a person, with a bad character and a bad "look", especially on young children, say mentally three times:

    Salt to your eyes - smoke in heaven.
    Language on the tie - the words with me carrying.
    To me, the word will not stick
    And if I wish me evil - your father will become the language.

    Always wear a hairpin on clothes, plugged down. The whole negative sending to you will pass through the heel curl and through the edge go to the ground.