A woman loves like she'll never leave. A woman can love like she'll never leave. But such a day may come, it will leave as if it did not love at all

The amazing beauty and sophistication of Monica Bellucci has been pleasing her fans for many years. Monica Anna Maria Bellucci was the only child of an agricultural worker, her mother, Maria Bellucci, was an artist.

At the very beginning of her career, she became the face of the D & G brand, posed for the famous Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani and Richard Avedon, who once photographed Marilyn Monroe.

The actress has never had plastic surgery. Monica Bellucci is the constant muse of Dolce & Gabbana. Their collaboration has been going on for 26 years. Since 2001, Monica Bellucci has been the face of the Cartier jewelry company.

For the glossy magazines GQ, Max, the actress also starred nude, and her most recent photo shoot in the pool only brought a new wave of admiration. Monica's personal life is not too happy. Heartthrob Vincent Cassel, two years younger than Monica, with whom she was married for 14 years, and met for 5 years before marriage, gave her daughters Virgo and Leon.

The actress had her first child two weeks before her fortieth birthday (the girl was named Virgo). And in 2010, at the age of 45, Bellucci gave birth to another daughter - Leoni. Both babies were born in marriage to actor Vincent Cassel.

“When I get old, I would rather look at my children than watch films with my participation,” says the star. Monica was married to Claudio Carlos Basso for 4 years.

From the disappointments, the actress took out life wisdom, but even today she surprises with her energy, love of life, femininity and beauty. She is one of the most sought after actresses.

Beauty for a woman becomes a problem only in two cases: when there is none and when there is nothing but beauty.

A woman can love like she'll never leave. But such a day may come, it will leave as if it did not love at all.

People can forgive a person's mind, even talent, but never beauty.

I don't care who sighs over it. I don't care who they are, what they do, or how much they like him. Since childhood, I have realized the rotten essence of all women and do not take them seriously. To speak of purity, jealousy, it is generally useless. Because my man is mine. And even if you break against the wall, it will not become yours. Never!

Beauty becomes alive and interesting when it is hidden by clothes.

Love lives only when there is respect for each other and freedom.

The desire to possess another as a thing is absurd.

I do not understand women who say that male desire humiliates them. In my opinion, they are simply not in harmony with themselves.

I feel good and comfortable alone with myself, but not because I am beautiful.

I know many very beautiful people whose lives are terrible. And they are very bad on their own. Feeling inner comfort is not about how you look on the outside, but how you feel on the inside. I am a happy person because I have experienced a lot of love towards myself - I have a very large family.

Nobody belongs to us: neither our husbands nor our children. We can only share something with the people we love.

I would never want to be twenty again. Now I am much happier than then, because at that age we are still just getting to know ourselves, trying to figure out who we want to be, suffering from self-doubt. Now I know exactly what I need and what I can live without.

You have to be forgiving. After all, who are we: crazy people trying to keep their balance on a ball, which itself, spinning at a terrible speed, travels through the Universe. Who in such conditions can be perfect?

You don't have to hate people who are jealous, because they will admit that you are better.

Someone told me that inside all artists there are sleeping beauties, and every time they play a role, one of these beauties wakes up. We have everything inside of us. We just need to see it.

In my opinion, it is stupid, being young and beautiful, to become the kept woman of some moneybags, to endlessly burn life at parties. Beauty should help us find harmony, love and meaning in this crazy world.

Femininity is harmony, naturalness and sensuality.

After making love, the man sleeps, and the woman thinks about how everything went.

This is a disadvantage if you are stupid, but if you are smart and know how to use your beauty, this is an advantage.

The human mind develops in terms of technology, but not in terms of feelings.

Men try to hold on to power at the expense of women. They are afraid of independent beauties, they are drawn to young immature girls, next to whom men seem to be strong.

The female actress is little more than a woman. The male actor is slightly smaller than the male.

It was Thursday 20 September 2012. The day it all started. I sat in the music class after the lesson and tried to play some light rhythm on the drums. I don't really know how to play drums, but learning has always been my dream. Unrealizable. At that time I was 16 years old and I just moved to another school where I didn’t really know anyone. A new school, a new city .. And most importantly, my heart was not busy. At that time, I had a period when I could not forget the former, but I was not in love with him either. Apparently this prevented me from falling in love. But on that Thursday, what is called love at first sight happened. I sat and calmly came up with the ending for the song that we learned in the lesson. Everyone was already leaving, and I was still sitting. And then my eyes seemed to be pulled somewhere by a magnet. A handsome guy with dark hair in a black hoodie entered the classroom. Rolled up sleeves. Wide gray pants with a protective pattern hung with chains. In general, a metal guy, but without any piercings on his face and any cosmetics (fortunately!). And I'm very confident myself. Despite all his "coolness", his features were still soft and pleasant. I always dreamed of meeting such a guy, but I thought that such a person does not exist. In my head, everything turned off and there was only the thought "Who is this guy?" And not even because of the appearance, but it was something on a spiritual level. But without worrying my head, I continued to play and called my friend to tell me which ending to choose, although she herself does not understand anything about drums. But instead, he answered me. He said "I've been drumming for seven years and maybe I can help." And how did he get here exactly at the moment when I needed him? I explained to him how to help me and he listened carefully and began to pick up something. And this rhythm was the easiest of all that I know even for me, and even more so for him, but despite this, he still immediately lost it. I will never forget his embarrassed smile and quiet "oh sorry." Then with that smile he showed himself to be real. Soft, friendly .. Then he came up with the perfect ending for me in a couple of minutes and I left, as I was already in a hurry without even asking his name. The next day I was looking for him in the corridors, but I didn’t see him anywhere, but in the evening I was with a friend and she checked her Facebook. I saw a familiar face over her shoulder and realized that the photo was of the same drummer. That's where I got his name from. Later it turned out that it turns out I saw him a million times. Although I looked, I didn't see it. He was already my friends on Facebook before he spoke to me, I once visited his group rehearsal and again saw everyone there except him. Yes, and most likely in the corridors I came across a bunch of times, but I just didn’t see it. Apparently all this was just waiting for the very one for when I needed to get to know him. But that's where it all ended. After that, we spoke with him once every 100,500 years, and then on business. But all conversations with him were very friendly and pleasant, but it does not go beyond that. He probably doesn't think of me the way I think of him. Although he brought out the real me in me. Since childhood, I myself was a "rocker", went around in T-shirts with guitars and listened to rock. Later, people stopped perceiving me and my style changed. I became like everyone else. Clothing, character, musical taste, desires .. Everything. But looking at him, all that old seems to awaken again in me. I like this feeling and thank him for it. Also for all the bright feelings he makes me feel. In general, this cannot be expressed in words. I thought a lot about why I like him, but I did not understand. Appearance? There are many beautiful ones. Character? I don't know him well. Rather, just his entire existence. The way it flips my mind. But I don't know if it's love, because love is a very strong word for me. It seems that I don’t know him so well to give my life for him, but I won’t survive if something happens to him. Doing something good for him does not expect anything in return. One thought that I'm with another brings disgust. I'm happy when he's happy. I don't know what it is, but whatever it is, it's great! Of course, there always comes a moment that I would still like to be with him and not watch from the sidelines. Nothing comes from him. No first steps, smiles to me, too, once in over 9000 years. However, even in such a rarity, they are always sincere.
One day I decided to take the first step and wrote to him on Facebook. Until then, we're just like that except on business didn't chat. And then I decided to just chat. He responded with unusually long messages and thought for a long time when he wrote (it was clear that he was erasing and writing again). We talked for a very short time and then he left and promised to return. But when I returned, I didn’t write anymore .. I didn’t get it and didn’t write either. We didn't talk at all after that for a couple of months. He didn't seem to see me, and I kind of "didn't see" him. Again, just not to be intrusive. But on St. Valentina, I kind of accidentally sat next to him at some school event in honor of the holiday. Everyone sat on the floor and had to lean on their hands. And he touched my hand three times with his. Was it an accident? Maybe. On that day, we exchanged a few words (again, on business) and that's it. Later, I accidentally gave myself away, for example, talking about him with a friend, which his good friend fired. Could tell and could miss deaf ears. And yes, there have been many cases. But if he hasn't figured it out yet, then I want to give myself away somehow before the start of summer. As they say, attempt is not torture. Jealous of him for everything that moves and staring at his back in general lessons is not the best way to make friends with him. I have nothing to lose and therefore I will let him understand everything and maybe there will be a chance to spend this summer not alone ..
I wrote this story rather to tell in words to myself what is happening, but maybe someone will recognize themselves in this. After all, there is love at first sight!

Monica Bellucci - Italian Goddess and just a woman that many men dream of can not be compared with more than one actress. Her charisma and natural femininity does not leave any man indifferent. In addition, Monica Bellucci is the mother of two wonderful children, knows three languages ​​and loves yoga.

clubber collected for you the best sayings of Monica Bellucci:

  1. Nobody belongs to us: neither our husbands nor our children. We can only share something with the people we love.
  2. People can forgive a person's mind, even talent, but never beauty.
  3. A woman can love like she'll never leave. But such a day may come, it will leave as if it did not love at all.
  4. For me, getting old means getting better!
  5. In my opinion, it is stupid, being young and beautiful, to become the kept woman of some moneybags, to endlessly burn life at parties. Beauty should help us find harmony, love and meaning in this crazy world.
  6. Human knowledge has grown significantly in the realm of technology - but not in the realm of the senses.
  7. Beauty for a woman becomes a problem only in two cases: when there is none and when there is nothing but beauty.
  8. I wouldn’t want to be 20 again for anything in the world. I’m much happier now than then, because at that age we are just getting to know ourselves, trying to figure out who we want to be, suffering from self-doubt. Now I know exactly what I need and what I can live without.
  9. Beauty becomes alive and interesting when it is hidden by clothes.
  10. Femininity is harmony, naturalness and sensuality.
  11. I do not understand women who say that male desire humiliates them. In my opinion, they are simply not in harmony with themselves.
  12. I always tell young girls, "Learn to love your body!" After all, the ideal does not exist, and it is quite obvious that a woman with forms is no less beautiful than a thin girl. You just need to learn to accept yourself for who you are.
  13. Feeling inner comfort is not about how you look on the outside, but how you feel on the inside.
  14. Beauty is indeed power, but only if you know how to use it. It's like having a Ferrari: if you can't really drive, you don't need it.
  15. You don't have to hate people who are jealous, because they will admit that you are better.
  16. Every woman likes to be loved.
  17. Love lives only when there is respect for each other and freedom. The desire to possess another as a thing is absurd.
  18. Someone told me that inside all artists there are sleeping beauties, and every time they play a role, one of these beauties wakes up. We have everything inside of us. We just need to see it.
  19. I will never be skinny. I'm pretty lazy by nature. I love to eat. I am the real one. And I don't intend to be fake.
  20. No matter how strong a woman is, she waits for a man stronger than herself. And not so that he would restrict her freedom, but so that he would give her the right to be weak.