Learning to read in syllables. How to teach a child to read: the right and quick ways Suggestions for reading to preschoolers by syllables


Po-sa-dil grandfather rep-ku and go-vo-rit:

Ras-ti, ras-ti, rap, sweet! Ras-ti, ras-ti, rep-ka strong-ka!

You-grew-la rep-ka is sweet, strong, big-shay - pre-big-shay.

Grandfather went to tear a turnip: ta-no - po-ta-no you-ta-nut can’t. Grandfather called ba-bku.

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for rap -

Pull-pull - pull, you-pull can’t.

Poz-va-la grandmother granddaughter.

Granddaughter for grandmother

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for rap -

Pull-nut - pull, you-pu-nut can’t. Poz-va-la granddaughter Zhuch-ku.

Beetle for the granddaughter,

Granddaughter for grandmother

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for rap-ku-

cha-nut - po-cha-nut, you-cha-nut can’t. Poz-va-la Beetle cat-ku.

Cat for Beetle,

Beetle for the granddaughter,

Granddaughter for grandmother

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for rap -

cha-nut - po-cha-nut, you-cha-nut can’t. Poz-va-la cat-ka mouse-ku.

Mouse for a cat

Cat for Beetle,

Beetle for the granddaughter,

Granddaughter for grandmother

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for rap-ku-

cha-nut - po-cha-nut - and you-cha-well-whether rep-ku !!!

Hedgehog in the fog.

Zh-whether in le-su Yo-zhik with honey-ve-jon-com. Live o-no ho-ro-sho, friendly, but from time to time-no pro-is-ho-di-whether with them not-o-bull-but-vein-nye adventures…

Thirty ko-ma-ri-kov you-be-zh-whether on-la-well and for-ig-ra-whether on your squeak-la-vy violins. Because of the clouds, the moon came out and, o-ly-ba-s, floated on the sky.

"Mmm-u! .." - sigh-well-la ko-ro-va behind the river.For-you-la-so-ba-ka and so-rock moon-hares-be-y-whether on the road.

Tu-man rose above the river, and sadness-on-I was-la-I lo-sha-d-so-well-la in it chest-deep, and now ka-for-moose - pain-sha-ya be-la-ya duck floats in tu-ma-not and from-snort-ki-va-yas, o-pus-ka-et in no-tho-lo-woo .

Yo-zhik sat on a hill under a pine tree and looked at the os-ve-puppy-well-th moon-light to-li-well, for-top-len-well-that -ma-nom.

It was so beautiful that from time to time he shuddered from time to time: isn’t he dreaming of everything?

And ko-ma-ri-ki don’t get tired of playing on your fiddles, moon hares dance-sa-li, but so-ba-ka you-la.

“I’ll tell you - they won’t believe it!” - in a thought-small Hedgehog and began to look at the do-li-well and pay attention-ma-tel-no-e, so that you could remember the thread until the next tra-vin-ki the whole country -so-tu.

“Here is the star-yes-y-pa-la,” he remarked, “and the grass on-clo-ni-left-to-the-left, and from the fir-ki was one-to-ver -shin-ka, and now, o-on, it floats next to the lo-sha-dyu ... "

“And in-te-res-but,” thought Yo-jik, “if the horse lies down to sleep, oh-for-bread-no-sya in that-ma-not?”

And he began to slowly descend from the mountain, so that he could fall into the fog and see how it was inside.

Here, - said Yo-zhik. - I can not see anything. And yes, the paws are not visible. Horse! he called.

But the horse didn't say anything.

"Where is the horse?" - in a way-small Yo-zhik. And crawled straight. In the circle it was deaf-ho, dark-but and wet-ro, only you-so-co-up top sum-rak weakly shone.

He crawled for a long, long time, and suddenly it felt like the earth was under him and he was flying somewhere.

“Let-kay re-ka sa-ma don’t-set me!” he decided. As best he could, he took a deep breath, and it carried him down the river.

Re-ka shur-sha-la ka-we-sha-mi, bur-li-la on re-re-ka-tah, and Yo-jik feeling-in-the-shaft, which is really pro-mok and speed- ro y-no.

Suddenly, someone to-tro-null-sya to the e-th back-paw.

Fox and crane.

Li-sa was friends with zhu-rav-lem.

So it’s inflated-ma-la once-a-day-y-sa u-go-tit zhu-rav-la, go-la to call him to your place in the state:

- Come-ho-dee, ku-ma-nek, come-ho-dee, do-ro-goy! Oh, how I ho-ho-schu!

And the zhu-ravel is given to the big feast, and li-sa on-va-ri-la man-noy ka-shi and raz-ma-za-la it on ta-rel-ke. Po-da-la and sweat-choo-et:

— Che-shay, my go-lub-chik ku-ma-nek! Sa-ma stre-pa-la.

Zhu-ravl clap-clap-no-catfish, knocked-chal-knocked-chal, nothing is pa-da-et. And if it’s si-tsa at this time, is it se-be and is it ka-shu - so all sa-ma and bore-sha-la. Ka-sha eat-de-na; li-si-tsa and go-vo-rit:

- Do not judge, any godfather! More sweat-che-wat nothing!

- Spa-si-bo, ku-ma, and on the e-tom! Come to visit me.

On another day, a li-sa comes, and a zhu-ravl brought something about a crumb, put it in a jug-tire with a narrow mountain-lysh-com, put on the table and go-vo-rit:

- Ku-shay, ku-mush-ka! Don't be ashamed, ho-lu-bush.

Li-si-tsa na-cha-la turn around the jug-shi-na, and so it will come in and e-so, and liz-no e-go and nu-ha-et; tol-ku everything is not there! Do not le-zet go-lo-va in a jug-tire. Meanwhile, the zhu-ravl, meanwhile, is pecking, se-be-yes, pecking, while he ate everything.

- Well, don't judge, ku-ma! There is nothing more than.

I took-la-su to-sa-da: du-ma-la, that I-eat-sya for a whole not-de-lu, but to-my went-la, like not-so-lo-but bread-ba-la. Since then, the friendship between the li-sy and the zhu-rav-lem has been apart.

Teaching a child to put letters into words, and words into sentences is not an easy task. On this difficult path, parents will need patience, accuracy and consistency. Today we will answer the main questions: how to teach a child to read by syllables without the help of teachers, and what exercises for teaching reading at home are most effective.

Learning to read: is the child ready to learn to read?

According to psychologists, the best age for learning to read is from 4.5 to 6 years. In practice, a child strives to learn to read at the age of 5 years. It is worth remembering that each child is individual in his development, and if you do not fit into the generally accepted deadlines, this only means that the learning process should be postponed a little.

There are a number of factors that indicate whether a child is currently ready to master the process of reading. Here are the most important ones:

  • No problems with pronunciation- the child has the correct pace and rhythm of speech, all sounds are set;
  • No hearing problems- the child does not ask again many times, does not distort words that are easy to pronounce;
  • Sufficient command of speech- a rich vocabulary, the ability to build phrases and express their thoughts clearly for others;
  • Developed phonemic awareness- the child can freely distinguish the sounds of speech, reproduce the sounds heard, name the first / last sound in the word;
  • Free orientation in space- the child clearly knows the concepts of right / left and up / down.

By carefully observing the child, you will notice the moment when he becomes interested in putting letters into words. The child will show familiar symbols on store signs to mom and dad, and one day he will try to read them in their entirety. Of course, in his first attempts, the baby will probably read the word incorrectly, but this is not scary - this indicates that his brain is ripe for learning a new skill.

Known methods of teaching children to read

Methodology How it works
Doman Method Training Global reading - such a phrase can be used to characterize Doman's technique. It provides for learning to read in whole words and relies on the features of the baby's brain. The idea is to surround the child with words written on brightly colored cards/posters (“table”, “chair”, “wardrobe”, etc.). Mechanical memory allows the child to memorize and retain the accumulating volume of simple words. You can start following the technique as early as 5-6 months.
Method of reading by syllables The traditional method, which from year to year remains the most popular among parents who want to teach their child to read at home. The child first puts the letters into syllables, and then into words. In children older than 4.5-5 years, this method brings a quick result. The material is easily fixed in game tasks. This method of teaching is used in kindergartens and schools, which is a definite plus.
Warehouse reading method In this technique, not a word is divided into syllables, but sounds are combined into warehouses. For example, the word "cup" will not be read "cup", but "cha-sh-ka". A warehouse can consist of a single letter, a consonant and a vowel, or a consonant and a hard/soft sign. Despite the fact that the technique is very common, there is a possibility that the child will have to relearn at school - after all, they use the method of reading by syllables. The habit of splitting words into warehouses can take root, which will subsequently make it difficult to perceive the text and slow down reading.
Zaitsev Cubes The technique helps to master the basics of reading through the perception of syllables. A variety of tables, colorful cubes of different colors with fillers take an active part in the visual learning of connecting letters into syllables. Classes with the help of Zaitsev's cubes are highly effective in group interaction (in kindergartens, child development centers, etc.). The considered technique helps to get the maximum result in the minimum time for those kids who find it difficult to sit in one place.

Moms and dads, seeking to teach their child to read as quickly as possible, should be very delicate in their approach to this important issue. So that the child does not lose interest in reading from the first lessons, we suggest that you get acquainted with relevant tips. They will help in the learning process to instill in the child a love for the book.

Alphabet from an early age

Let a child from infancy "absorb" into himself, like a sponge, the name of the letters in a song-game form. Short memorable rhymes about letters will be deposited in the child's memory, and closer to two years the child will be able to tell them quite consciously. From time to time turn on various songs and mini-cartoons about the alphabet, especially since in such a presentation the letters are remembered effortlessly.

Unobtrusive learning

For a preschooler, the game is the main process through which he learns the world around him, including when mastering skills. Boring classes and cramming will not bring the desired result, moreover, the child may completely stop loving reading. Present information in a warm, patient way, and the child will learn the necessary knowledge at a pace that suits him specifically.

Get busy every day

If you have begun to take the first steps in reading syllables, and they have gone to no avail, it is too early to give up. You can take a break for 1-2 days, and then try again. Did the child manage to read a couple of syllables from vowels? Great, it means that the initial reading skills have been obtained and they need to be developed. Practice regularly, and the result will not keep you waiting.

Engage in reading

Often, learning difficulties arise with those children who were practically not read in childhood, and relatives did not set their own example of reading books. It can be fixed. Stories, fairy tales, children's fiction, interesting to your child, should appear in your house. Make it a family tradition to read a short story before bed. The kid will not refuse parental attention, and an interesting story will stimulate his interest in the book.

From simple to complex

It happens that a child knows the names of letters, but does not know the sounds. A child will not be able to master reading until he learns the pronunciation of sounds well. Do this step by step:

  1. study sounds;
  2. move on to reading by syllables;
  3. teach your child to merge syllables.

Only after passing through these three stages, you can start learning to read full words.

A detailed video with tips from the teacher - learning to read:

First Steps to Reading: Introduction to Letters

To teach a child to read, it is necessary to maintain an interest in books and letters from an early age. As a rule, at 2-3 years old, babies begin to show attention to the alphabet. It is very important for parents to provide the right developing space at this moment.


The child will quickly remember the letters if there is a bright poster with the Russian alphabet in his field of vision. The baby points to the letter - say the corresponding sound. You may have to go back to "A" and "B" more than once and repeat them, but this is how the baby will remember them faster. For busy parents, an interactive panel with letters will be a good help - it itself sounds the letter that the child clicks on.


To memorize the letters of the alphabet, it is important for a child to use touch. To develop the abstract thinking of the baby, invite him to get acquainted with the letters molded from plasticine or cut out of cardboard. Pay attention to the similarity of objects and letters - the horizontal bar looks like a "P", and the bagel is a spitting letter "O".

Tea party to the letters

The process of learning letters will be very fun and tasty if you offer your child an edible alphabet. With the help of figured pasta, you can cook Abvgdeyka soup, and for dessert, bake your own hand-made cookies - the alphabet.

Magnetic Entertainment

With the help of a magnetic alphabet, you can turn the process of learning letters into a fun and memorable game. For example, kids 1-2 years old can be lured by simply attaching a letter to the surface of the refrigerator and saying it. "Give me a letter! What do we have? It's the letter A! If the child is already 3 years old, then he will like the game of "magnetic fishing". You need all the magnetic letters in a container, and make an impromptu fishing rod from a stick and rope with a magnet. Having caught a "fish", pronounce its name, drawing an analogy with the word. "It's a fish! Look how she looks like a beetle!”

By keys

Children love to imitate the actions of adults. Let the kid press the buttons in the open text editor - he will be interested in the appearance of letters on the screen. Show how to type the simplest word "mom". You can print the first letter and give it to the child. Even if there is a completely unthinkable combination, this will be a kind of impetus for memorizing the alphabet. Also, to master the letters, you can give the child an old keyboard from the computer “to be torn to pieces”.

Mastering the principle of reading by syllables

Usually children pronounce each sound separately, and this is understandable - they need time to remember what the next letter is called. The task of parents is to help the baby overcome this natural difficulty.

You need to start the exercises with words consisting only of vowels. For example, AU, IA and UA. You need to draw / pick up illustrations for these simple words - for example, a girl lost in the forest (“AU!”), a baby lying in a cradle (“WA!”), And a cute donkey chewing grass (“IA!”). Ask the child not to read the inscription, but simply sing it. You can sing slowly, “pull” the syllable, but do not stop: AAAUUU, IIIAAAA, UUUAAAA.

On a note! Be sure to teach your child to recognize exclamatory and interrogative sentences. Highlight the moment of exclamation with your voice, the baby must distinguish between “Ah?” and "A!"

Do not be afraid to go back to the past, continue to teach your child to read the simplest syllables. When the first sound of a syllable is a consonant, it is more difficult for a child to read it. But, nevertheless, you also need to learn to read it, without it there is no way at school. Let the child “pull” HHH and then add A, O, or U. The boy gives the girl a candy - HHHA (“ON!”). The kid swings on a horse - HHNO ("BUT!"). The girl took her mother's hand - MMMA ("MA!"). Please note that the child may "pull" the first sound long enough to remember the next one.

Important! Do not rush the child if he thinks while reading a syllable that is difficult for him - when he feels the principle of folding syllables, the process of mastering the skill will go much faster.

If the baby did not manage to read the word, then the parent must read it himself, then try to read it again with the child. Then move on to the next syllable. Regardless of success, encourage and praise your little student.

Most primers for children 6-7 years old offer to learn from syllabic tables. They are a list of various syllables that do not have a semantic meaning, but are based on visualized memorization. Example: on the letter “N” the sounds “NA-NO-WELL-WE-NI”, on “M” - “MA-MO-MU-WE-MI”, on “T” - “TA-TO-TU-YOU -TI", etc. Of course, such tables have the right to life, but they are not at all interesting for children. It is absolutely not necessary to force a child to read various “VU” and “VA”, it is quite possible to cope without such outdated methodological material.

Advice! The child should not get tired of reading. In the first month, read syllables no more than 3-4 times a week. Let the lessons go not in a row, but every other day. From the second or third month, you can teach your child to read daily.

Games that help children learn to read

Reading requires diligence and regular practice. To make learning easy, look at the pictures in the books, discuss the situations depicted in these pictures, make up stories based on them. Communicate and talk more with the child - this will help him develop thinking and coherent speech.

To discover the wonderful, interesting and vast world of books, we offer you games for learning syllables, their correct pronunciation and memorization. The exercises in these games are suitable for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Letter learning games Games for the ability to add syllables Reading games
Create with your child images of letters with which he can play. They should be bright and memorable. You can independently make cards with letters and animals / objects depicted on them (A - STORK, B - DRUM, etc.). A simple and at the same time interesting game - "Make a word." At the core: circles with written syllables and pictures that tell the child what word to make. For example, a picture of a river. The child must choose two circles. On the first circle, the syllable PE, on the second - KA. A picture depicting porridge: choose circles with the syllables KA and SHA. Game "Make a word". The child needs to make a word from syllables and letters mixed up in places. For example: we create a game situation - granddaughter Masha decided to give gifts to her grandmother and wrote them down so as not to forget. Suddenly a strong wind came up and shook everything. Let's help Mashenka remember what she wanted to give her grandmother, making the right words out of syllables and letters mixed up in places.
To memorize the letter and sound, tell short association verses, for example:

A-ist A-zbu-ku li-became,

On A-auto-bus o-pos-dal.

The Cat is looking at Kar-tin-ku,

On Kar-tin-ke Kit swims.

O-slick vi-dit

O-tra-zha-et their re-ka.

Game "Find the hidden word." It is necessary to lay out a path in front of the child from different words. The task of the reader: to choose what you have guessed. For example, among the words: “cat, swing, chair, carrot”, find a “living” word - an animal, a vegetable, a piece of furniture, children's entertainment. Game exercise "Read quickly." The child should pronounce the words as quickly as possible:

- soaps, soaps, soaps, honey, soaps;

- cheese, cheese, cheese, peace, cheese;

- saw, saw, saw, linden, saw;

- salt, salt, salt, villages, salt;

- river, river, hand, river, hand.

Design letters with your baby from improvised materials - pencils, matches, counting sticks or salt dough. The game "Word in a word" is very interesting for children aged 5-6 years. You need to find a smaller word in a big word, for example, E-LEK-TRO-STAN-QI-YA: CAT, NOSE, TRON, etc. The game "Name what you see." The meaning of the game - the child must name everything that he sees around him with a certain letter. You can also name animals with a specific letter (CAT, RAT, RABBIT), toys (BALL, CAR), or the names of cartoon characters (CARLSON, KROSH).
Create a coloring book where a certain letter will live on each page. For letters, you can draw a house, or decorate the letter with a pattern starting with it (A- ASTRA, B - SHORE, etc.). The game "Make a syllable of halves." For the game, you need to write various syllables on cardboard cards, and cut them in half horizontally, then mix them. The task of the child is to collect the cards and read the syllables written on them. Game exercise "Guess what is wrong." The child is invited to look at the picture, under which the misspelled word is written. The task is to read the word syllable by syllable, find the error and replace it with the desired letter (for example, KO-RO-VA and KO-RO-NA)
To study letters, you can use board games - dominoes, lotto with the alphabet. A parent can make a loto with letters on their own. To make, you will need 8 cardboard cards with written letters, as well as small pictures with letters that the child will call to search on the cards. Walking games help to understand the principle of reading syllables well. Such games can be purchased or made by yourself, taking ready-made walking games as a basis. In empty cells it is necessary to enter various syllables. On them it is necessary to move the chip. During the game, the child rolls the dice. The kid must read the syllables that are on his way. In the process, sound tracks consisting of 4-6 syllables can be obtained. The one who reads all the syllables faster and gets to the finish line wins the game. Game exercise "What's on the plate." Before eating, ask the child to say in syllables what food is in front of him. Help pronounce words with a large number of syllables, while setting the pace of pronunciation (KA-SHA, MO-LO-KO, PU-RE, OV-XIAN-KA).

One of the interesting variants of this game can be a game of "cook". The task of the child is to make a menu for lunch from words starting with the selected letter, for example "M". If you get few words for one letter, then you can offer to find products in the refrigerator that start with 2 letters, etc.

Note! How to quickly teach a child to read so that he does not get tired of the learning process and does not lose interest? You need to deal with it regularly, but at the same time not for long. For the first lessons, 5-7 minutes will be enough. Gradually, this time can be increased to 15-20 minutes. If you conduct classes in a playful way, it will be easy and not boring for the child to learn the skill of reading.

Exercises with words: we consolidate the skill

As soon as the child learns to merge letters into syllables, parents can be congratulated on half the journey. Now the most important thing is to consolidate the acquired skill. In this case, fun and interesting tasks will be used.

What to play What to do
Who eats what? Write in the column the names of the animals: CAT-KA, KO-RO-VA, SO-BA-KA, BEL-KA, KRO-LIK, MOUSE-KA. And to the right and left of the words, draw pictures: fish, grass, bone, nut, carrot, cheese. The task of the child is to read the word and “feed” each pet with the right food with the help of arrows.
Who is extra? Write a few words in a column: GRU-SHA, YAB-LO-KO, A-ON-US, PO-MI-DOR. Ask the child to cross out the extra word, and be sure to explain your choice. So you can play with the names of vegetables, clothes / shoes, flowers, trees, birds, etc.
Big and small Write the words DE-RE-VO, GO-RA, GRU-ZO-VIK, JI-RAF, I-GO-DA, CAP-LA, BU-SI-NA at the top of the sheet. Draw two pictures below - a house (large) and a chicken
(small). Let the child read the words, and determine which ones are big and small, and connect with lines with suitable pictures (berry, drop and bead - to the chicken, the rest of the words - to the house). Similarly, words can be divided into sweet and sour, heavy and light, etc.
Who lives where? Mix up the names of wild and domestic animals: WOLF, ELSE, LI-SA, KA-BAN, KO-RO-VA, KO-ZA, CAT-KA, SO-BA-KA, Hedgehog. Under the words, draw a forest on one side, and a village hut with a fence on the other. Let the child read the words and use arrows to depict where each of the animals lives.

Forming the habit of reading books from infancy

At the beginning of this part, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the experience of mom. How to teach a child to read by syllables (video):

Personal example

"A child learns what he sees in his home." The well-known expression comes in handy for the formation of a child's concept of the importance of reading. If the baby often sees his parents and relatives with a book, then reading will become a part of life for him. Let the kid know from an early age that reading is interesting, and a good book may well replace a computer game or watching a cartoon.

Bright illustrations

When choosing a book to start reading, do not forget that pictures are important for children. Thanks to the expressive, bright drawings, it will be easier and more interesting for the child to follow the plot.

Regular reading

Love for books is not formed overnight. If an adult regularly reads small fairy tales aloud to a child, after a month or two the baby himself will show more interest in the works. The first words you read are often the ones on the cover of your favorite book.

Possibility of choice

The child should be interested in what you plan to read with him. Already at the age of 4, a small reader is able to determine how interested he is in this or that book. At this age, it's time for the first trip to the library - let the baby choose the book himself in accordance with his own desire.

TV viewing restriction

Reading, of course, requires certain intellectual efforts from the child. What can not be said about television - it literally takes away the opportunity to dream up, providing ready-made images. You should not completely deprive yourself of watching cartoons, but it makes sense to limit the time spent behind the screen and strictly select allowed TV programs.

Children's texts for reading by syllables. Read on your own. When a child learns to read, some children need to read syllable by syllable, and some are more comfortable reading in full words without dashes. The page provides simple texts in both versions. We read in syllables.

There would be thunder. It was pouring heavy rain. Gre-chalk thunder. Stre-ko-za-bra-la-s under the mushroom. Mi-mo on do-ro-ge half-evil u-lit-ka. Stre-ko-for go-vo-rit:
- Wu-lit-ka, w-lit-ka! Come to me. Here soo-ho, like under. roofs.
- I don't need a roof! My house is with me.


There was a thunderstorm. It was pouring heavy rain. Thunder rumbled. The dragonfly climbed under the mushroom. A snail was crawling along the road. Dragonfly says:
- Snail, snail! Come to me. It's dry as hell in here. roof.
I don't need a roof! My house is with me.

It's not just a ve-dot

Mi-sha slo-small ma-le-n-cue du-bok.
- Why did you do this? - oh-gor-chi-la-s Ma-sha.
- Yes, it's just a hundred ve-dot-ka!
“No, you po-gu-beat pain-sho-e, mo-gu-che-de-re-vo,” said Ma-sha.

It's not just a branch

Misha broke a small oak tree.
– Why did you do it? Masha was upset.
- Yes, it's just a twig!
“No, you destroyed a big, mighty tree,” said Masha.


Re-bya-ta gu-la-li in the forest. Went-la Na-dya on-la-well. Looks: oh-ko-lo no-e red-we-e I-go-dy. I-a year would-lo not-much. Na-dya collected them in la-dosh-ku, but didn’t eat.
-Peter! Vasya! Come to me! Earth-la-no-ka! Per-va-I earth-la-no-ka!
When-be-zha-whether be-bya-ta. And everyone is two years old
- Oh, how taste-but!
Soon the earth-la-no-ki will be a lot. But the first I-go-dy-sa-we-e sun-nye.


The children were walking in the forest. Nadia stepped out into the clearing. Looks: there are red berries near her. There were few berries. Nadia gathered them in her palm, but did not eat.
-Peter! Vasya! Come to me! Strawberries! First strawberry!
The guys came running. And everyone has two berries.
-Oh, how delicious!
There will be plenty of strawberries soon. But the first berries are the most delicious.


Boy-chik and de-vo-chka go to school.
And Le-na drinks tea.
- Daughter, it's already seven o'clock! - go-vo-rit ma-ma
Le-na looks at the watch.
-Our watch is too-three, ma-moch-ka!
- No, Le-noch-ka. Hours are right. And you de-la-eat everything honey-le-no.


Boy and girl go to school.
And Lena drinks tea.
- Daughter, it's already eight o'clock! - Mom says
Lena looks at her watch.
-Our clock is going too fast, mommy!
- No, Lenochka. The clock is running right. And you do everything slowly.

In kindergarten, too, the beginning of the school year. Children gradually come from holidays. Many have learned letters over the summer and begin to read a little by syllables.

Where do texts for reading by syllables come from? Of course, from the primer. Old primers are interesting, according to which grandmothers studied. The second source is the Internet. We also prepare texts for our pupils of 5-6 years old, depending on the available skills, starting with simple and short texts. It is better to read little by little, but more often.

In the first syllable-reading texts, each sentence begins on a new line. This makes it easier for children to read the text. The first texts to read by syllables should be printed large.

It is useful to accompany them with coloring pages - a work familiar to preschoolers. Tasks are like this.

  1. First you need to read to your mother, grandmother or someone else.
  2. Colorize.
  3. Label the items in the picture.

Why write words? When a child reads, hearing and vision interact. When writing, - auditory (I pronounce), visual (I fix the image of the word) and motor analyzers.

In addition to narrative texts, it is useful to use short simple verses for reading by syllables.

How to prepare texts for reading by syllables?

Parents teaching their child to read can prepare the material themselves. You need to know the following. Texts for reading by syllables may look different. It all depends on how we divide the word into syllables.

1. We divide the words into syllables as in the primer with hyphens (short horizontal lines). Below, several texts are divided into syllables in this way.

2. Words are divided into syllables by vertical lines.

3. Syllables are distinguished from below by arcs.

Like that. It is better to start with the first option with hyphens. The first texts should be very simple in content, as below, gradually getting more complicated.. First, you give a picture for coloring. And then the kid draws himself according to the meaning of the text. Reading texts can also be downloaded from our website. Just prepare them in one of the ways suggested above.

Texts to read by syllables

This is a cat Ku-zya.

At night, Ku-zya lo-vil mice.

That's why the cat slept on di-va-ne.

And we are si-de-li in a hole.

  1. Name of the cat?
  2. What are his actions?
  3. Why did mice sit in a mink?


Sa-ni had-la u-daughter.

Sa-nya on-ko-fell worms.

He went to the river.

There are fish in the river.

Sa-nya lo-vil fish-boo.

  1. Boy's name?
  2. What was he doing?
  3. How many fish did you catch?


This is a tree.

De-re-va has a trunk.

Have de-re-va leaf.

At de-re-va vet-ki.

Question. Na-zo-vi de-re-vo.


Ko-ro-va eats se-no.

Ko-ro-wa yes mo-lo-ko.

Ma-sha love-bit mo-lo-ko.

Ma-sha loves ka-shu.

Ma-sha has ru-me-we-cheeks.

Question. Why does Masha have rosy cheeks? (For some reason, all mothers thought about diathesis)

In the forest.

De-ti went to the forest.

They are co-bi-ra-li ma-li-nu.

Next to the house for-tre-shcha-whether bushes.

De-ti is-pu-ha-lis.

And from the bushes you-be-zha-la so-ba-ka Zhuch-ka.

Everyone became ve-se-lo.

  1. Where did the children go?
  2. What were they doing in the forest?
  3. Who scared the kids?


Let something red-but-e.

Why o-but red-no-e?

Red-but-e, means beautiful-si-in-e.

Ze-le-ny-e le-sa.

Blue sky.

Bright flowers.


Na-ri-sui le something.

  1. Why is summer red?
  2. What forests?
  3. What a sky
  4. Which flowers?
  5. Why do you like summer?


Ko-lo-kol-chi-ki in-le-you-e-flowers.

Why o-no-le-you-e?

In a way, that the races are here in the field and in the meadow.

Ko-lo-kol-chi-ki si-ni-e

Li-za gu-la-et in the meadow.

Li-za co-bi-ra-et ko-lo-kol-chi-ki.

Li-za has a do-ma va-za.

There ko-lo-kol-chi-ki.

Na-ri-sui ko-lo-kol-chi-ki.

  1. Why Bluebells Wildflowers?
  2. What color are the bells?
  3. Where is Lisa walking?
  4. Where will Lisa put the bells at home?

Reading is like jumping down stairs. I just started reading and the verse is already over.

Adults need to try and

  1. pick up poems with short words (fortunately, there is plenty of material on the Internet);
  2. one way to divide words into syllables;
  3. come up with questions on the content that you will ask the baby;
  4. choose a word and offer to find it in the text.

It would be nice to pick up small coloring pages (1/2 A5) to color quickly. Invite the child to sign the parts of the objects in the picture after coloring. Short words can not be divided into syllables, but read as a whole.

Poetic texts for reading by syllables

We offer a selection of poems from the Internet, prepared for work as described above.

Summer poems by syllables


In the forest near the stump
Su-et-nya, be-got-nya:
The people of the worker
All day chlo-po-even,
Se-be the city is building.

  1. What people are we talking about?
  2. Where does this people live?
  3. What is the name of the city?

I am a red-haired li-si-tsa,
I run ma-te-ri-tsa,
I'm on the forest be-zha-la,
I zai-ku do-go-nya-la
And in the yam-ku boo!
And there f-tuh.

  1. Where does the fox live
  2. What does she eat?
  3. Why didn't the fox chase the hare?
  4. Who did she meet in the hole?


What is ko-lo-kol-chik about
Ringing on lu-gu?
From-ve-tit to e-to
I can't you.
But I think like this:
He's ringing in the morning
And hear the flowers - you -

  1. Where does the bluebell grow?
  2. What does he do in the morning?
  3. What do flowers hear in the ringing of a bell?
  4. Find and underline the longest word.
  5. Color and label the parts according to the arrows.


Sun-nce for-snu-lo,
For-snu-whether pitchers-shin-ki.
Tee-ho ba-yuka-yut them
In the morning,
Only a sunny ray
It's pouring,
That-hour jug-shin-ka
Listen, but sleep.

  1. What is the name of the flower? Sign the drawing.
  2. Why did the water lilies fall asleep?
  3. When will they wake up?
  4. Find the shortest word and underline it.


Pla-ka-la Sne-gu-roch-ka,
Zi-mu pro-vo-zhaya.
Sadness followed her,
Everyone in the forest is chu-zhaya.
Where the pla-ka-la went,
Tro-ga-I be-ryo-zy,
Did you-grow under-snow-no-ki -
Snow-gu-roch-ki-we tears.

  1. What are the flowers called?
  2. Why are they also called "Snow Maiden's Tears"?
  3. What was the Snow Maiden doing in the forest?
  4. What time of year is it?
  5. What season is gone?

At ok-not so early
Ras-pus-ka-et-sya ge-ran.
Round foxes-points,
Lush flowers dots
Yes, o-chen ho-ro-shi -
So re-shi-li ma-ly-shi.

  1. Write the name of the flower.
  2. Where does geranium grow?
  3. What are her leaves?
  4. Find and underline who cares for the flower.
  5. Find a word that has 3 sounds but 4 letters.


Oh-doo-wan-chick zo-lo-toy
It was beautiful, mo-lo-doy.
Not afraid of anyone,
Yes, the same wind-ra sa-mo-go!
Oh-doo-wan-chick zo-lo-toy
Got old and became gray-haired,
And as soon as in-se-cases,
Together with the wind u-le-tel.

  1. Circle all the words with the same syllable.
  2. Why is dandelion golden? Is it really gold?
  3. Why did the dandelion turn gray?
  4. What happened to the gray dandelion?


Look, look,
What kind of red oh-ho-nek?
It's di-kay nail-dee-ka
Hot cue ra-du-et de-nek.
And when there is no evening,
Le-pest-ki turns-no flower-current,
"Until morning!
See you!" -
And on-go-no oh-ho-nok.

  1. Color the coloring book.
  2. Think about why the flower has such a name CLOVE?
  3. What color is the carnation?
  4. Where does she grow?
  5. What happens to the flower in the evening?
  6. Label the parts of the plant indicated by the arrows.

I ask you:
In-for-you-blow me -
How-tus bloomed
At my window.
Bright color current,
Brave-ro go-rit
Between acute-ryh ko-lu-check.

  1. Where did the cactus bloom?
  2. Why is the girl so happy about the flower?
  3. Draw a cactus with a flower.
  4. Circle the five-syllable word.

WHAT'S WRONG? (L. Yakovlev)

What happened in the white world,
What's that sweat, what's the cry?
This is Pe-te
This is Pe-te
Do not ku-pi-li gruz-zo-vic.

  1. What is the boy's behavior? Choose the right word: ka-priz-no-e, su-ro-vo-e, example-no-e.
  2. Draw what kind of face Petya has.

KA-SHA (V. Berestov)

Ta-not ka-sha not yes-et-sya,
Do not put in your mouth from a spoon,
And con-fe-you without chlo-sweat
Sami and le-zut in the mouth.
Raz-ve Ta-nya vi-no-va-ta?
Ka-she mes-ta ma-lo-va-that.

  1. Why won't Tanya eat porridge?
  2. Why are sweets easy to eat?
  3. Why do children need to eat porridge for sure, and sweets only sometimes?

Winter poems by syllables

SNE-GI-RI (T. Shorygina)

Paws freeze on the mo-ro-ze
At the pines and e-whether.
What's the wonder? ‒ On the be-ryo-ze
Yab-lo-ki in a spa-whether!
Come closer to her -
And the eyes do not believe:
Flock of scarlet snow-gi-ray
About-le-pi-la de-rev-tse.

  1. What season is in the verse?
  2. What kind of birds are we talking about?
  3. Why are they confused with apples?

IN-RO-BAY (T. Tarasova)

Look what kind of bird
to us in the glass-lo this hour is knocking-chit-sya?
You are ok, but open it to her,
this bird - in-ro-bay!
Do-ga-give our An-to-sha:
- The bird wants bread crumbs!

  1. What is the name of the bird in the poem?
  2. What is she doing
  3. Why does the sparrow knock on the window?
  4. What is the name of the boy in the poem?


On the boo-ma-ge I draw
Babu snow big-shu.
Eye-ki, ro-tic, nose carrot-coy
I sculpt without snow-ha lov-ko
On the ri-sun-ke, the snow does not melt -
It's all de-tish-ki know.

  1. What is the child doing?
  2. What is he drawing?
  3. Why doesn't his snowman melt?

ME-TEL (V. Berestov)

The day has come.
And suddenly stem-no-lo.
The world was burned. We look in the window.
Snow lies white-white-white.
Why is it so dark?

  1. What part of the day is it?
  2. Why did it suddenly get dark?
  3. What do children see outside the window?