How can you open paint from clothes. How to independently clean things from paint that has dried up for a long time. Removing oil enamel

Paint stains are quite difficult to remove from fabric fibers, so the approach requires patience and attention to detail. It is especially difficult for housewives who want to remove dirt from delicate products. There are effective folk remedies that help solve the problem quickly and without much cost. We will give practical recommendations and consider the important aspects in order.

Kefir and sodium borate

In the common people, sodium borate is called "borax", the product can be purchased at any hardware store. The tool is especially effective in case of removing not only paint stains, but also wine, coffee, rust, marker, etc.

Take 55 gr. sodium borate, add to it 30 ml of table vinegar 9% and 75 ml. fat yogurt, mix the composition thoroughly with a fork to eliminate lumps. Apply the mixture on the outside of the stain, wait for partial drying.

Place a cling film on top, then turn the product inside out, perform the same manipulations. After 20 minutes, rub the dirt with a toothbrush, rinse with water. If the stain cannot be removed, increase the amount of sodium borate to 75 grams. After cleaning, send the clothes to the launderer.


As a rule, the product is used to remove paint stains from silk and other delicate materials. It is allowed to use the composition on wool, cotton, linen, but the procedure will need to be carried out several times. Do not be discouraged if the result is unsatisfactory.

To carry out the treatment with turpentine, you must first shake out the product and scrape off any possible dirt. Next, soak a cotton swab in the composition, treat the stain from the wrong side and front side, leave for 10 minutes. No need to press hard, light driving movements are enough. Otherwise, the paint will even more eat into the fibers of the product.

After the due date, take a few paper towels, place them on both sides of the contamination, squeeze them with your palms. After that, wipe the stain again with a cosmetic disc dipped in turpentine, wait 45-60 minutes. Then send the product to the machine or wash by hand.

In cases where the contamination has been partially removed, cover it with unscented baby powder. Place a landscape sheet on the surface, walk with an iron. As it gets dirty, change the paper, complete the treatment with another wash.


Oil paint is removed with butter, no matter how ironic it may sound. For the procedure, you will need to take 75 gr. product and soften it at room temperature. After that, combine the composition with 80 gr. powder for hand washing, stir with a fork until smooth.

Rub the paste on the paint stain, rub it with a toothbrush, remove the excess with a paper towel. Re-apply the product to the contamination, cover with cling film, leave for half an hour. After all the manipulations, wash the item with laundry soap, then place it in the machine.

Table vinegar and ammonia

Ammonia is ammonia. In combination with an acetic solution, it removes paint stains in almost 100% of cases. As a rule, the method is especially effective in the fight against water-based (acrylic) composition.

To properly prepare the mixture, combine in one composition 30 gr. crushed edible salt (not iodized, it burns out the pigment), 65 ml. acetic solution with a concentration of 6 to 9%, 50 ml. ammonia (ammonia).

Place a piece of polyethylene on the inside of the stain, spread the prepared mixture over the dirt, leave for 7 minutes. After the time has elapsed, rub with a toothbrush (if the fabric is not delicate) or a soft cloth. Remove the remnants of the composition with water, machine or hand wash.


The method is designed to remove paint stains from white or very light things. For the most part, chlorine-containing preparations are used to process cotton and linen, the fibers of these fabrics are more wear-resistant.

To remove impurities, buy Perrox or Whiteness at the hardware store, pour 80 ml. preparation in an aluminum bucket, add 6 liters of water. Put the container on the stove, boil the solution, send the product there. Boil for 30 minutes, constantly “drown” the thing with tongs so that it does not float.

After this period, take out the clothes, send them to the washing machine. Set the "Heavily Soiled Laundry" function, add the bleaching gel to the special compartment. After turning off the timer, hang the product on the balcony to dry, avoid direct ultraviolet light.

Tar soap

Tar or laundry soap, which is sold in any supermarket, will help remove fresh stains. Moisten the paint mark with water, rub it with a bar, leave it to soak for 2 hours. After that, rinse, repeat the steps 2-3 more times, rub the stain with a carpet brush or a hard sponge.

Next, send the thing to be washed in the machine, add a stain remover like Sarma, Domestos or Vanish. The second compartment, in which the powder should be located, fill with baking soda in an amount of 100 g. Turn on the intensive wash, dry the product away from direct sunlight.

Lemon and hydrogen peroxide

Take 1 lemon, cut it into small pieces and pass through a blender or meat grinder to make a porridge-like mass. Moisten the stain with hydrogen peroxide, place the citrus mixture all over the stain, rub in well. Leave for 1 hour, then remove the excess with a napkin, evaluate the result. If necessary, repeat the procedure several more times until the stain is completely removed.

If desired, replace the peroxide with "Chlorhexidine", which is sold in a pharmacy (the composition of the preparations is identical). If you decide to remove ink stains from colored delicate fabrics, do not rub the stain with hydrogen peroxide. It is enough to moisten the area with lemon juice and wait half an hour, then machine / hand wash.

Acetic essence

Do not confuse vinegar essence with a table solution (food vinegar). Their difference lies in the maximum concentration: in the first case, the indicator is 65-70%, in the second - a maximum of 9%. Not many people know that the product is used in factories to brighten the shade and improve the structure of the fabric. For this reason, vinegar essence can be used in reasonable amounts on fabrics of all kinds and colors.

To prepare the soak solution, mix 75 ml. essences from 3.3 liters. filtered water, put clothes in the basin, wait about 1-1.5 hours. After the specified time, send the clothes to the machine. In cases with light soiling, treat traces of paint locally.

It is easy to get rid of traces of paint on clothes if you have sufficient knowledge regarding the available folk remedies. Consider a recipe for preparing a solution based on kefir and sodium borate, turpentine, hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine. Rub the contamination with butter, use chlorine, ammonia or table vinegar.

Video: how to remove paint from clothes

The world is full of surprises and sometimes unpleasant ones. Just now you were walking down the street cleanly and smartly dressed, and suddenly such an opportunity! Yes, it is truly not necessary to work at a construction site as a painter or do repairs in an apartment in order to stain decent clothes with paint and never wear them anywhere else, except to work in the garden. You can often get dirty right on the street in the spring, when tireless janitors paint benches, fences and panels in the porches. You can get such an unexpected blow from your own child, who decided to take up painting. What to do, how to remove paint from clothes without loss? Let's look at all the possible methods.

To save a good thing from disaster, you can contact the dry cleaners. But most often, employees in it are reinsured and about the possible result they answer very vaguely, and at the same time they ask for a lot of money. So, it remains to adopt the famous motto about saving the drowning and get down to business ourselves.

To achieve this goal, you need to reliably know two things: what kind of paint got on the clothes and how old is the pollution. And with proven methods that tell you how to remove paint from clothes without much effort and money, we will introduce you in this article.

To achieve this goal, you need to reliably know two things: what kind of paint got on the clothes and how old is the pollution.

First of all - do not remove the subject of your frustration until better times. The older the stain, the less it can be removed. But fresh dirt can often be removed with ordinary laundry soap. Especially if the paint tends to dissolve in water.

Watercolor, tempera, gouache

These types of paints are water-soluble. If you get dirty with watercolor, first rinse the stain under a strong stream of cold water, or soak it in cold water with the addition of powder, and then just wash it - this will be enough.

The paint called "tempera" is oil-based and is often used for painting on clay. It will be somewhat more difficult to get rid of its stains - you can use the same cold water with the addition of a detergent that breaks down fat (for example, dishwashing detergent). By the way, if you are going to use tempera paint for creativity, then possible difficulties with removing stains from it can be warned in advance - just drop a few drops of liquid soap directly into a jar of paint, and subsequently removing a stain from such a composition will become possible with a simple laundry soap and water.

Stains from latex and acrylic paint

The question of how to remove paint from clothes, if this paint is latex or acrylic, and the stain is completely fresh, can be removed in no time. To do this, you only need a few simple household items:

  • Toothbrush;
  • bleach;
  • washing powder;
  • cold and hot water.

And here is a step-by-step instruction that will definitely help save your dear thing:

1. Turn the garment inside out and dampen thoroughly with a stream of cold water under strong pressure.

2. Wring out the clothes with your hands, and then load them into the washing machine.

3. Set the settings on the machine - the longest mode at a water temperature of 30 degrees.

4. If the stain is still visible after washing, restart the machine and wash again.

5. If the stain does not want to give in even after repeated treatment, then the procedure should be continued until the stain is completely defeated.

6. Apply a little powder to the stain, take a toothbrush and try to remove it with gentle circular motions.

7. Remove powder residue with hot water.

8. Load your clothes into the machine for the third time, but now wash at the maximum temperature allowed for this type of fabric.

9. If the stain still persists, try again with a stain remover or bleach.

Personal experience

Alkyd enamel

It is believed that white spirit works best with this type of paint. On the wrong side of the fabric, apply a little of this solvent with a cotton swab and gently process. If the fabric is light, be sure to place paper towels or something else during processing so as not to damage the clothes. After that, wash the item in the machine or by hand with laundry soap.

Oil paint

If the stain is still fresh, try the tried and true method with cold water and soap first. Only now you need to pour a sufficient amount of liquid soap on the fabric, wait until it is absorbed and then try to wipe it off with a clean cloth. If nothing worked out for you, and by this time your stain has only eaten into the fabric more, take a non-sharp knife and try to remove the top layer of the stain with it. Dampen the sponge in turpentine and work the fabric - the paint itself will be removed immediately, but the oil stain will remain. You can remove it in two ways:

  • take two sheets of white paper, attach to the stain on both sides and iron it;
  • Dissolve a teaspoon of any detergent in a glass of water and thoroughly wipe the stain with the resulting mixture. Then rinse in warm water.

A separate topic is how to remove paint from clothes, if these are clothes made of wool, leather, synthetics, cashmere. Such materials will not withstand treatment with powerful solvents. Therefore, try to do it differently: take a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil and remove the stain with slow circular motions. After that, wash the item as usual and dry it on the balcony or outside to remove all unnecessary odors.

There are a few other products that will help get rid of oil paint stains: kerosene, refined gasoline (bought in stores, not at gas stations!), alcohol, acetone, ammonia (only for plain fabrics).

There are other ways to remove paint from clothes without resorting to dry cleaning. But we told you about the most proven and popular of them. The main thing is that when treating the stain, do not damage the fabric so as not to spoil your favorite clothes even more; do not save on cotton swabs and try to solve this problem as early as possible, before the paint dries.


Minor repairs resulted in the need for a thorough cleaning of the house and now you don’t know how to wipe the paint off your clothes. Or, returning from a walk, they saw that they were sitting on a painted bench.

And now you need to remove the paint from the clothes. How to do it so as not to spoil the thing? Depending on the type of fabric and type of paint, a method of struggle is chosen.

Consider what not to do

  1. Do not use aggressive solvent without understanding.
  2. The stain is rubbed from the edges to the center, otherwise there will be stains.
  3. Turn the item inside out and rub the stain from the inside out so that the paint does not penetrate deeper and stain other parts of the clothing.
  4. Do not wait, wash the paint as soon as possible.

Gouache is not a problem. Wash off clothes with washing powder or brown laundry soap. But first of all, wash off fresh gouache under running water.

Oil base

Before rubbing the paint off the clothes with solvents, try to clean it mechanically. Use a razor blade, hard-side scouring pad, or your fingernail to mechanically remove anything you can. If the paint is not dry, blot it with a tissue or toilet paper.

Attention! Grandma's method: a spoonful of butter and a spoonful of powder. Mix the ingredients together, rub the stain with them. Actively rub the mixture into the painted part of the clothing, you can rub the fabric on the fabric.

The stain is not washed off instantly, it takes up to 10 minutes of directed efforts, but the result will please you. Will there be a grease stain? Someone writes that there was no stain, someone that was. In this case, use ammonia to remove greasy stains.

Just vegetable oil

To launder oil-based substances, vegetable or butter is used. The stain will soften and be easier to remove. To soften, also use petroleum jelly, pork fat, etc.

When a paint stain appears on clothes, at first glance it seems that it will not be possible to get rid of it. However, do not jump to conclusions, it is better to get down to business and try to remove the stain until it has eaten deep into the fibers of the fabric. Let's try to figure out how and how to remove paint from clothes.

Do not rush to throw away soiled things, in most cases paint stains can be dealt with at hand

Oil paint

You can try removing a fresh paint stain with cold water and detergent. Pour liquid soap or dishwashing detergent onto the stain, allow the compound to soak into the fabric (10-15 minutes), and then try to wipe the paint off with a clean rag.

If the stain has already dried up and eaten in, in order to remove the paint from the clothes, you will first have to lubricate the contamination with grease, such as petroleum jelly, vegetable oil or lard. After the paint has softened, the stains should be brushed off. After that, solvents can be used.

You can get rid of oily stains left after cleaning the paint with ammonia, heated glycerin or concentrated dishwashing detergent.



Acetone will help remove oil paint from clothes. Drop a little liquid on the paint and wait until the product works (5-7 minutes). After the time has elapsed, you can proceed to the usual wash.

Attention! Do not use acetone on colored or acetate fabrics.

Refined gasoline

You can remove paint stains from clothes with refined gasoline. Moisten a cotton swab and gently wipe off the dirt. Wipe the remaining traces with ammonia, and then wash the item with a stain remover or laundry soap.


Another solvent, turpentine, will also cope with paint stains. Soak a sponge in turpentine and work the fabric.

After such cleaning, oil stains may remain, which can be removed as follows: lay the stain on both sides with sheets of white paper and iron it. If this method does not help, dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of water. detergent, pour on the stain and rub thoroughly. You can use liquid soap, dishwashing detergent or shampoo. After the procedure, rinse the fabric in warm water and wash.

You can also remove paint stains from clothes with kerosene, alcohol and ammonia. All the above products (acetone, gasoline, turpentine) are only suitable for plain fabrics. Do not use solvents for rubberized and stretch materials.

Gasoline + alcohol + turpentine for old stains

Old stains from oil paint can be removed with a mixture of refined gasoline, alcohol and turpentine (in equal proportions). Apply the composition to the stains and clean the paint with an old toothbrush. You can soak dirt for 2-3 hours.

Gasoline + clay (for white items)

A mixture of white clay and refined gasoline will help remove paint from white clothes. Mix the components in equal proportions, apply to the stain and leave for 2-3 hours. Clean off the dried mass with a brush and wash the item, additionally using a stain remover.

Gasoline or kerosene (for denim)

For denim, gasoline or kerosene is used. The agent is applied to the contamination from the wrong side, and a dense fabric is placed under the stain. After 10 minutes, the thing is generously rubbed with laundry soap, and then washed with powder.

Solvents are not applicable to all types of fabric: before scrubbing the stain, make sure that the material does not deteriorate. Test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. Special care must be taken with artificial fabrics.

Vegetable oil (for wool, leather and synthetics)

To remove paint stains from wool, leather, synthetics or cashmere, vegetable oil is used: castor, sunflower or olive. A cotton swab is moistened with oil and the stain is treated in a circular motion. Oily traces are removed in a manner suitable for the fabric.

Butter and powder (for colored fabrics)

Butter and washing powder will help to remove paint from clothes from colored fabrics. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and rub into the dirt. Wait 3-5 minutes and wash the stain.

This method is safe for fabrics and effectively cleans traces of dyes based on drying oil.

Oil is washed off leather items with ordinary soapy water. Spots on the wool are sprinkled with talc or starch, then the dried mass is removed and the thing is washed. From silk, nylon and nylon oil traces are removed with warm alcohol, and then washed in soapy salted water.

Water based paint

There are many varieties of water-based paint and each of them can be washed in different ways. Sometimes powder and stain remover are enough for washing, in other cases you have to use more serious products.

Normal wash

To begin, try scrubbing the stains by hand using cold water and liquid detergent. If the paint does not lend itself well, proceed to washing in hot water using powder.


Water-based paint stains can be cleaned with alcohol. To do this, stretch the cloth, moisten it with alcohol and rub the dirt with a clean cloth. The tracks should be gone. Do not forget to rinse the item from alcohol and wash it.

Vinegar and ammonia

A special solution will help to remove paint from clothes at home.

Mix 1 tbsp. l. salt, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar and 2 tbsp. l. ammonia. Apply the mixture to the stain and rub the dirt with a soft brush. Dissolve the rest of the mixture in water and soak the item for several hours. After soaking, wash as usual.

Delicate fabrics (silk, cambric, velvet, etc.) are best cleaned with high-quality and proven stain removers

Watercolor, tempera, gouache

watercolor paint can be washed with cold water and ordinary detergents: powder, gel or liquid soap. Rinse off the paint under a strong stream and soak in cold water with the addition of powder.

tempera paint is made on an egg or oil basis: getting rid of its stains is a little more difficult. To remove dirt, soak clothes in cold water with the addition of concentrated dishwashing detergent.

Fresh stains from watercolors and gouache can be washed off with cold water and laundry soap. Soak the item for 15-20 minutes in soapy water and rinse thoroughly

Gouache, the composition of which includes an oil and adhesive base, can be cleaned with a solution of ammonia and oxalic acid. Mix the components in equal proportions, apply to the stain and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse and wash the item.

A mixture of glycerin, ammonia and alcohol (in equal proportions) will also help remove paint from clothes. Soak the item in the solution for 30 minutes, rub the dirt, rinse and wash. Such methods will help to remove stains from simple and dense fabrics, such as trousers or jackets.

Alkyd enamel

With stains from such paint, white spirit is most effective. Soak a cotton swab in the solvent and gently work the stain from the wrong side. Place paper towels under the stain during treatment to avoid damaging the item. After the procedure, wash the fabric with laundry soap.

Latex and acrylic paint

Latex and acrylic paint is easy to remove while the stain is fresh. Clothes with such contamination are soaked in a cold solution of laundry soap. If the stains are difficult to clean, load the clothes into the washing machine and run a long wash cycle at a temperature of 30 ℃.

Dried paint can be brushed off using a powder or slurry of water and soap shavings. Stain removers suitable for the fabric can be used. In the most difficult cases, they resort to the help of solvents: white spirit or refined gasoline.

Gasoline, kerosene, acetone and white spirit are "heavy artillery". Use these remedies only when other options have not worked. Remember that there is a very high risk of damaging the fabric.

Hair dye

It is quite difficult to remove hair dye, especially if time is lost and the stain has dried up.

Fresh contamination should be carefully rinsed with cold water and washed with laundry soap. If there is no effect, try applying hairspray or 9% vinegar to the stain. Peroxide can cope with the task, however, for colored fabrics, a preliminary test should be carried out on an inconspicuous area. Apply the selected product to the stain and wait 15-30 minutes, after which you can start washing.

For white fabrics, acetone or white spirit is also used. After this treatment, the clothes must be rinsed before washing.

In some cases, ordinary laundry soap helps to remove paint from clothes.

Removing dye from cotton

To remove paint from cotton clothes, prepare the mixture in the following proportion: for 1 liter of water, 1 tsp. soda and 100 g shavings of laundry soap. Boil the mixture and immerse the soiled item in the solution for a few seconds. Repeat the procedure until the stain disappears. After that, wash the clothes in the usual way.

A hot soap and soda solution will help remove any type of paint from cotton items.

Another way: cotton is soaked for 3-5 minutes in a solution of ammonia (water and ammonia 10: 1), and then washed in the usual way.

We remove paint from nylon, silk and nylon

Warm ammonia helps to remove paint from clothes made of nylon, silk and nylon. Pollution is treated from the wrong side, be sure to place an absorbent cloth under the stain, for example, tightly folded gauze. After such cleaning, the thing is washed with the addition of salt (1 tsp per 1 liter of water).

Use mechanical cleaning with caution - there is a risk of damaging the fibers of the fabric and hopelessly ruining the thing

When you need to remove paint from clothes, many people prefer to use the entire arsenal of aggressive cleaners: acetone and gasoline are mixed. In this case, it is important to understand that chemicals not only affect the tissue, but also react with each other. Do not thoughtlessly mix all the means in a row. If one method does not help, be sure to wash the item before trying the next method.

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Do you know that:

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you can not be afraid of leaks from neighbors from above.

The easiest way to remove scale and soot from the sole of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, pressing lightly, run the iron over the salt bedding.

Fresh lemon is good for more than just tea: clean stains from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with a half of cut citrus, or quickly clean the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

To combat moths, there are special traps. In the sticky layer with which they are covered, pheromones of females are added to attract males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

If the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets appear on your favorite things, you can get rid of them with the help of a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to a decent look.

The habit of using the washing machine “economically” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

In the dishwasher, not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

The threads of gold and silver, with which clothes were embroidered in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with tongs to the state of the required fineness. This is where the expression “pull (raise) the gimp” came from - “engage in long monotonous work” or “delay the execution of the case”.

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the chosen solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Let's talk about the sore problem of housewives, in whose family there are artists, painters, employees of printing houses and just "lucky ones". Removing paint stains from clothes at home is not an easy task. So that a fun game, repair and relaxation on a freshly painted bench do not spoil your mood, arm yourself with these tips for washing various stains.

Gouache and watercolor are not a problem, but what to do with a dried stain of drying oil, water emulsion and other complex compositions? Do not attempt to remove alkyd paint with water and powder. Always keep solvents, such as lighter gasoline or mineral spirits, in the household. Laundry soap and a number of unexpected folk recipes will help: lemon juice, hairspray and even dishwashing gel.

The first steps when a stain appears:

  1. Blot it with a dry cloth or paper. Let the paint soak in as much as possible.
  2. Examine the item label.
  3. Determine the type of paint.
  4. Don't put off cleaning until later. If there is no time at all, then try to at least soak the pollution in a suitable solution.
  5. If a harsh solvent is required, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the garment or on a piece of fabric that came with the item. If the fabric is not faded or warped, the solvent can be used on the stain.
  6. Remember to ventilate the area and wear protective gloves when working with aggressive solvents.

Removing fresh paint stains

The sooner you start washing, the higher the likelihood of success. Do not let the paint dry and get fixed in the fibers. Such contamination is especially dangerous on delicate and thin fabrics.

Removing dried paint from clothes

To get rid of the dried stain, you will need several procedures. This will take longer, so please be patient. If it is possible to gently scrape off the greasy layer - do it.

Paint stains on various types of fabric

Natural cotton is the easiest - it can be washed in hot water and even boiled. White clothes are also easier to wash, despite the fact that the stains on them are the most noticeable. Do not be afraid of bleaches, in some cases even "Whiteness" will be appropriate.

Bleaches are not used on color, look for stain removers marked "colour".

Synthetics, modern sports materials, leather, suede require careful handling.

Dye on delicate fabrics

Do not rub the paint stain, do not scrape it with a knife - there is a high chance of tearing fine fibers. The method of soaking and washing the paint must comply with the recommendations on the label. If there is a hand wash at 30 degrees, then all hope for a solvent and powder.

Blue denim should not come into contact with bleaches. Color stain removers, laundry soap, gasoline work well on jeans.

We remove stains by type of paint

We determine the type of paint, and then select the desired solvent. Sometimes it is ordinary water, sometimes it is turpentine, white spirit and even butter.

Paints for drawing (watercolor and gouache)

These are water soluble paints. If the child gets dirty with gouache, just hold the thing under a stream of cold running water. The substance will disappear before our eyes. The same is true with watercolors.

Do not pour hot water on the paint so that it does not soak into the fabric. If the pigment is not completely removed, wash with ordinary toilet soap.

From plastic countertops, especially rough gouache is surprisingly poorly washed. Microfiber, well rubbed with toilet or laundry soap, will do the job perfectly. Liquid soap and dish soap are ineffective.

Stamp paint

Stationery stamp ink is removed with ammonia and denatured alcohol. For a dried stain, use glycerin, mustard powder gruel.

Acrylic and latex paint

We try all methods from soap and powder to kerosene and denatured alcohol.

For art acrylic paint, dishwashing gel or soap will be a panacea if the stain is no more than half an hour. From non-absorbent surfaces, such paint is removed like a film, if it has not had time to completely polymerize. Special solvents for artistic acrylic paints are also sold - they will help against stubborn dirt.

Alkyd paint

Alkyd paints include drying oil - oil, and enamel - varnish. Enamel paint will have to be removed with kerosene, gasoline, acetone and other similar means.

Oil paint

Oil paints must be treated with a grease remover. Improvised means - gel for washing dishes. It is enough to treat a fresh stain with a gel and rinse, an old one will have to be soaked in a solution for at least half an hour.

For old stains, caustic solvents are relevant. Glycerin, vegetable and butter will help soften the stain.

Water based paint

Try to remove the water emulsion with water, it does not have such a saturated pigment as oil. If the stain is running, head to the store for rubbing alcohol, try dish gel, or soak with more powder.

Hair dye

This is one of the most difficult stains. Never dye your hair in nice clothes. Water alone is unlikely to solve the problem, but a couple of folk tricks will save the situation.

Folk methods

To treat stains in folk ways, you will need the following inventory:

  • old toothbrush;
  • rags;
  • paper or napkins;
  • cotton wool (discs or swabs);
  • soft sponge.

Treat the stain from the edge to the center so that the pigment does not smear. If the product is delicate, start cleaning with the most gentle methods.

Tar and laundry soap

Soap helps to quickly clean gouache, watercolor, fresh hair dye from all types of fabrics. Wet the stain and lather well. Leave for 15 minutes. For old stains, as well as extensive dirt, it makes sense to prepare a strong soapy solution. Soak the item in it for 30-40 minutes, and then wash it. If it doesn't work the first time, repeat the steps.

Spray glass spray on the old stain to dissolve it. When the mark disappears, wash the clothes as usual.

Hair fixation spray

Works against hair dye. Spray a small amount on the stain and immediately send the item to the wash.

Vinegar, salt and ammonia

Acetic compounds help remove old stains from water emulsion, oil and enamel:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. regular salt (no additives), 2 tbsp. l. vinegar and 2 tsp. ammonia.
  2. Blot a piece of cloth and apply to the stain.
  3. You can rub a little.
  4. Rinse thoroughly in running water.

Kefir, borax

The method is not popular, since kefir is not found in every refrigerator, and you will have to go to the pharmacy for borax. However, the mixture works on old stains.

Mix borax powder with kefir, add a little table vinegar. Rub the cloth with the mixture and leave for a few minutes.


Oil dissolves even old traces of paint. Mix room temperature soft oil with granular powder, rub the mixture into the stain. Wait half an hour, gently rub the place with a toothbrush or sponge. After the procedure, wash with powder.

An alternative to oil is glycerin.

hydrogen peroxide and lemon

Combine two folk bleaches - lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide. The method is only for white, for light and colored it is better to limit yourself to one lemon:

  1. Wet the fabric with peroxide.
  2. Squeeze lemon juice on top or place a piece of citrus on the stain.
  3. Rub the resulting mixture a little, leave to work for 30-60 minutes.
  4. If the stain has not completely dissolved, repeat.

Gasoline and alcohol

We turn to heavy artillery, namely: solvents for alkyd enamel, oil formulations and hair dyes.

Gasoline is used only purified, for example, for lighters. It is sold in hardware stores.

Alcohol is effective in combination with laundry soap. First wash the thing, and then treat with alcohol. For the best effect, it is slightly heated in a water bath.

Will make the company alcohol ordinary salt. After solvent treatment, rinse the stain in a warm, strong saline solution. By the way, this method will save your nylon tights.

Rub white spirit into the stained area of ​​the fabric until the dye disappears. But do not overdo it: delicate fabric does not accept aggressive friction and excess solvent.


Safe on delicate fabrics if the ink stain is fresh. Apply acetone or nail polish remover with a cotton pad. The processing time is 10-15 minutes.


Soak a cotton pad in turpentine and apply to the stain. Helps bring delicate things back to life. Keep the solvent on the stain for 10 minutes. If the dirt is old, - longer.

You do not need to rub the substance, just lean on the cotton wool. After processing, blot with paper towels on both sides.

Sprinkle the stain with talcum powder, cover with paper and walk with the heated sole of the iron. This helps to remove any remaining paint.


Chlorine is a well-known caustic agent. Do not risk pouring concentrate on silk, wool and synthetic items. Dilute bleach, "Domestos" or "Whiteness" according to the instructions. The cleaning method is suitable for white organic cotton or linen. A 10-minute treatment is enough.

Any stain can be removed if you start cleaning right away. Take care of your clothes and always have on hand folk remedies for such stains.