What if the chest is small? Small breasts What to do: Simple recommendations

If you believe the statistics, each second girl is not satisfied with the size of his chest and wants to make it. The most interesting thing is that the volume of the breast is not necessarily small - but whom it worries when advertising campaigns continue to sell us the image of a fatal beauty with lush breasts and an aspen waist as an option that is without exception.

We did not convince you, and before with full self-dedication, do you want the chest to become more voluminous and elastic? Here at once there are ten things that you should try (and notice, no).

The first thing to be done in order to make your breast grow - it is to study information on the topic. Arm yourself with books and articles that will help learn about the physiological features of the breast, its functional orientation and optimal care methods. If you understand how it works, bring the breast to the desired form will be much easier.

2. Drink fruit cocktails

Incredibly, but the fact: studies have shown that one of the best and quite natural ways to make a small breast more without surgery - drink a cocktail daily from papaya juice and milk. The nutrients and vitamins contained in these products are gradually carried out to the "swelling" of the breast, which at the same time increases its size. Alternatively, you can try there is a papaya for breakfast 1-2 times a week.

3. Exercise

Breast muscles are all the same muscles that require regular and high-quality loads to increase the volume. In other words, to make a little breast more, you just need to pick up the type of training with an accent on this area (for example, push-ups). Look for information on the network or contact the coach in the hall, which will surely tell you which simulators should be in your fitness diet.

4. Consume protein

Protein - one of the best ways to make breasts volume with nutrition. So add as much milk and dairy products, eggs, low-fat fish, chicken and nuts as possible. Ideally, you must also comply with a balanced diet with a certain content of complex carbohydrates, useful fats and vitamins. This will not just strengthen the breast muscles, but also bring the body into the tone. Important note: For optimal results, exclude the carbonated drinks, processed food and fast food from the menu, replacing them with drinking water or.

5. Try breast creams

In the rules of some cosmetic brands you can find creams to increase the chest. Of course, they do not make a small breast more for two sizes, but herbs and other stimulating components in the composition allow them to make it more elastic, tightened and rounded, which will immediately be noticeably surrounding (and if you are not a fan of candid outputs, then Ex force your man). Attention: Beware of creams with hormones and always carefully study the information on the package.

6. Make Massage

It is rumored that if you really want to increase the amount of breast without contacting the surgeon, you must regularly pour it with a light massage. Fans of this method claim that it helps to stimulate metabolic processes in tissues and transform breasts at will. And let the information on how much centimeters and after which time remains a mystery - to try it.

7. Do not be afraid of contraceptive

Did you know that the contraceptive pills are packed with estrogen, the increase in the number of which in the body leads to an increase in breast? If not, it's time to learn. Another thing is that before changing your familiar way of contraception to this one, it is necessary to obtain a consultation with a specialist (to minimize the risks and choose the perfect option).

8. Slide yogu

If you are not an amateur to do push-ups and with sports rather on "you", do the harsh and relaxing yoga. It is believed that some of the Asan can really increase the size of the chest at the expense of "distillation" of fat into the glandular fabric. Additional bonuses will be, spectacular stretching and skill to disconnect from problems, concentrating on the main thing.

9. Take additives

Correctly selected can work immediately in several directions, including improved skin and hair,

Many girls are nervous about the fact that they have a small breast. But they do not think at all about the fact that exactly the same amount of their peers complex from the non-gravity sizes of their breasts.

Also worries and Masha, who wrote a letter to our psychologist:

« I study in the 10th grade, and I have no breasts, only with me. This is my sick topic. I'm not deform, and many guys offer me to make love, but I can't - and all because of this. Soon summer, I will be disgraced - I know the boys. My girlfriends understand me, and unfamiliar girls ... laugh. Help me please. Maybe pills for breast growth, can, what exercises? Masha ".

Increased maiden sensitivity and anxiety about his appearance arise even on the soil of what is completely unclear, in which direction the girl is changing. Once I change, then the other should be? This is something incomprehensible. Such uncertainty, of course, is very concerned. With her, I want to cope with some easy way, for example, having drank the pill for the growth of the breasts so that the changes are over faster. It seems that then everything will fall into place, the fears will disappear, and life will seem raspberry, but this is unfortunately, not so.

With you, Girl, serious changes do. It is impossible to cross them some kind of tablet or rush through them at the speed. But to cope with the complexes is real. To do this, you must first stop equal to yourself with some part of your body. After all, besides the fact that you still have legs, hands, head or chest, you are also a person, and therefore you have many qualities, opportunities and even talents.

Young people, of course, are interested in the appearance of the girl, but this does not mean that they are looped in forms. They are important how the girl holds himself as she treats him and how he behaves in relation to others. Non-flawless figure makes the girl charming and attractive. The charm stems from a combination of charm, self-confidence and attentiveness. Young people like when they are listening when they feel in the eyes of the girl the only and unique. And the most interesting thing is that in the girls there are not perfection form, but unusualness, uniqueness. which girls don't like boys.

The impeccable appearance of the supermodel is good when it is depicted in a glossy magazine or poster. Looking at her, the guy is well fantasized, to imagine omnipotent and irresistible. In reality, the girl with the model appearance very often makes the guys to rob, feel uncertain. It seems to them that they will never be able to meet their high demands, and it takes out of equilibrium.

Therefore, young people very often prefer beauties, although charming, but more terrestrial girls, with whom you can feel naturally and calmly. And the charm, in contrast to natural beauty, is available to any girl, because it depends on the relationship to itself. If the girl wants to be attractive, she cares for himself, keeps himself with dignity. When the guy sees it, he begins to feel that there is a raisin in the girl - and it starts to worry, fascinate. So it's worth just wanting - and everything is in your hands.

The main thing is not an appearance, but charm, mysteriousness and feeling of dignity. It all reliably attracts the attention of young guys. Believe me, intrigue the guy is much more difficult if you have long legs, but there is no raisin.

And a girl who will try to humiliate you, reminding you about the little breasts ... Think, because it has dozens of own complexes (legs or teeth curves, red hair, which it is shy, or hair over the upper lip). She just tries to defend and have time to attack someone, until they attacked her ... Treat this philosophical ...

    i have little chest, what to do? Tell me.
    Tablets - I will not understand clearly, but the exercises should be somehow.

    Girls, and you do not know that women with little breasts attract men even more than with big "watermelons" ??
    Even there are whole lists of the reasons why the small breast is better big.

    You understand at all that I have absolutely no breast! 3 cm breast difference and under the breast. This is a complete pipette, I cry at night, I have even monthly years, and I already have 14! And I know that the monthly will go in 17-18, and the chest will not be more than 0 .. my sister (in dad) is also ... Aunt is the same, and almost everyone has a dad, and also they have a tendency to completeness .. I'm slender, while. But very similar to dad. Mom's menstruation in 12 began, and the chest was then 1 size was, now there are 4 (grandma also) .. I'm definitely not in mom .. And I will cry again, because everything is called me underdeveloped, 5 naewklocks with second sizes , the chest is directly falling out of Mains on Phys-Re.Nikhto, I do not communicate with me, I'm a rode ..

    Diana, cute. Love yourself as you are. That you think that you are "omit" because of the lack of a breast, so it's all in your head. Do you mean? Wear a shop Push-Aux Intimissimi (the best).
    I am 22 years old and I have 0 breast size, but I have beautiful legs, feminine hips, a beautiful flat stomach, graceful gait. Correct flat breasts This brass and a figurine is just an outpad :)
    Do not dwell on your chest, you are looking for a lot of other advantages, you will probably have it. Help for ourselves, go beautiful, be kind and confident in yourself. While the nose to all your peers, with big breasts :)
    Good luck !!!

    Diana, I had a small breast for up to 26 years, rather there was not at all, and I experienced anything. And then all the same was solved for the operation, I put the implants of the mentor with a viscous gel inside, which, when breaking the shell, does not follow, and I now do not leave the mirror, I do not stop admiring my beautiful chest. So everything will work out you, you just need to grow a little.

Lush and beautiful breasts - a dream of very many women. But unfortunately, not everyone is not the fact that the third or fourth, but even at least the second size. And the owner of an unattractive unit of course ask the question: "How it happened that there is no chest, and what can be done with it?" We will try to consider the reasons for the lack of breast, the ways to increase it, as well as talk about celebrities, which deliberately abandoned the big breast.

Why not chest

The main reason for the lack of a lush bust is heredity. Unfortunately, if you do not have a big breast gene, then you do not even count the huge size.

In addition, the lush bust does not shine:

  • Hardware with a small weight;
  • Miniature girls;
  • Sports athletes from childhood.

How to increase bust

Sometimes genetics manages in such a way that the breast does not grow with a woman at all, and the only option to find the desired beauty is to resort to plastic surgery.

Today get a magnificent chest is very easy - this is done using implants. Usually they are made of soft silicone, although there are also special biomplants, softer and naturally looking.

You can also install the implant in different ways, and now it is mainly done through a small incision in the axillary area. This allows you to quickly rehabilitate after surgery and make the scar completely invisible.

Remember - no folk remedies like cabbage and masks will not help you make breasts more! Exercises, massages and other methods are also useless, as nothing will increase fat fabric in the chest. The only option is the installation of the implant. Implants today look natural and beautiful, and no one distinguishes your bust from the present.

Little breast today in fashion

We are all accustomed that the big and lush breasts is an indicator of beauty, so women with a small bust strongly complex. But the opinion of men and famous personalities gradually shifts to the opposite - a small chest is included. It has several reasons:

  • In everyday life, a small bust is much more convenient;
  • Little breasts looks careful in any clothes;
  • A small breast does not squeeze with time and always looks quite beautiful;
  • Usually women with little breasts look harmoniously, and a big unnatural bust will look ugly.

Even on women's and male forums in discussions in size, you can see that more and more people are inclined to the fact that they are much more like a small chest. It is much more convenient to women with her - it's easier to choose underwear, play sports, and it's very easy to care for a small bust.

Yes, and men who like almost the "flat" girls are becoming more and more, mainly due to the fact that such breasts look much more accurately. Well, the famous stereotype that "the chest should be placed in the palm", now works in full force. So get upset and despair certainly not worth it.

Stars that reduced the chest

So that the small breasts did not upset you even more, pay attention to the stars. For you, we have collected a list of those celebrities that have abandoned the big breast for various reasons:

  • Jennifer Connelly. In the frank scenes "Requiem for the Dream" of the two thousandth year, the fans rated her lush bust, but in 2006 he had significantly decreased. According to rumors, in the youth actress put implants, and now removed them;
  • Drew Berrymore openly told the whole world, which reduced the chest due to the constant attention of men. In addition, she believed that her big bust was full;
  • Salley Moon Frey for another 16 years reduced the breasts by two sizes according to the testimony of doctors, and began to feel lighter and freer;
  • Masha Malinovskaya used to fond of operations, but now she removed the gel from the lips and changed implants to smaller to look harmonious;
  • Sheron Osbourne is fond of plastic operations, but due to the strong pain in the back, it reduced the chest and still refused implants;
  • Patricia Hiton After tightening the belly, decided to reduce the chest to return her to her former shape. And the actress really began to look younger!
  • Pamela Anderson changed the size of the breast so many times that fans were difficult to keep track of it. But she still turned in favor of naturalness and put implants much smaller sizes;
  • Christina Richie dreamed of a small bust since childhood, but Nature cost her "Surovo", and awarded large volumes. But even at the beginning of the two thousandths, at the peak of the popularity of silicone implants, it went on a reduction operation, and became truly happy.

In fact, it is difficult to find a girl who would be satisfied with its forms for one hundred percent. The female nature is such that almost every representative of the beautiful sex would like anything, but change in yourself. And the eternal object of envy, torments and disputes are a female breast. Of course, the owners of luxury forms have to be not easy - they often hurt a back, the chest saves, and finding suitable underwear is very difficult. But what if the little breasts have a girl?

In general, the owners of a small breast one can offer two main options for solving this problem: to accept the existing situation or try to change it by any strength.

Methods of independent increase in small breast

What if the girl is small in growth? Are there any increase in growth methods? Of course, there is, but if you start applying them in 25 years, it is hardly possible to grow. Just late, the body graduated from the growth phase. If you sign up for basketball, volleyball from the small years, then there is a chance of growing. With breasts harder. In fact, according to physicians, there is not a single scientifically substantiated method of increasing the breast on their own at home. No one simply does such studies ... they are costly, take a lot of time. As a result, if their effectiveness has not been proven, we can argue, then all sorts of devices, medicines, biologically active additives (known as dietary supplements), massages, exercises and various experiments from the menu will not help much to change the volume of the chest.

Exercises for strengthening and maintaining the breast muscles help only raise it. Of course, this change somewhat adds volumes visually, but does not contribute to an increase in forms. And dietary food (for example, cabbage intake in huge quantities) and does not affect the size of the chest at all. However, similar methods of influence on the chest are completely safe.

As for biologically active additives, ointments and tablets, they can somewhat increase the volume of the mammary glands, but exclusively for the period of their use. After the cessation of the course of therapy, the breasts, slightly increased in size, again "blown away", no matter how without anything. But besides, it is necessary to note that such funds have in their composition hormones (vegetable or chemical), so no one can say how much they can harm the specific organism. Basically, such funds are the source of estrogen, and the excessive admission of such a hormone at a certain predisposition or simply during circumstances can provoke the occurrence of uterine bleeding, hormonal failure and even oncological lesions (the same chest or uterus).

What can doctors?

If the chest does not grow or suddenly ceases to grow in adolescence (up to sixteen years), it will not be superfluous to consult with a doctor: a gynecologist, a mammologist or an endocrinologist. Medic will hold a visual examination of the breast to determine if there are reasons for anxiety. After that, the doctor can send a patient to the examination: ultrasound of uterus, ovaries, mammary glands and thyroid glands. It is also required to pass the analysis to the level of hormones in the body. List of surveys can be complemented.

Sometimes small breast size is a consequence of actual health problems. Such a phenomenon can be observed in the deficiency of estrogen in the body, in this case the doctors can write an additional reception of such hormones, to make measures to determine the causes of such a violation and for their correction.

Another underdevelopment of the breast can be explained by the deficiency of the thyroid hormones, which also requires the relevant therapy, often hormonal.

What really helps to increase breasts?

The only one hundred percent method of increasing the size of a small breast is an operation. It gives a valid resistant effect, which will not disappear anyone after any months, either years. But it is worth noting that such an operation is carried out only for a fee and only giving birth to women whose age exceeded the mark of eighteen years. In addition, this method of correction has a number of contraindications and can provoke the development of some complications, including quite serious.

How to enlarge small breasts at home?

At home, you can only add breast size visually - using corrective linen and specially selected clothing. So you can easily purchase a bra with special liners (Push-Up) at any underwear store. This simple device helps to visually increase the size of the breast one and even two sizes.

To add the visual volume of a small chest, take clothing with a large drawing in the chest. In the event that you are the owner of a small breast and quite wide thighs, you can use such sets of clothing, the upper part of which is decorated with a bright and large pattern, and the bottom looks like a negroc.

Also an excellent visual effect creates the principle of multi-layered. Purchase a two-layer dress, wear a strawberry over the turtleneck, and the shirt is over the T-shirts. Each of these uncomplicated techniques will add the visual volume of a small breast.

But what does it offer to do if a girl has a little chest folk medicine ...

Folk remedies

Specialists of traditional medicine advise to apply turmeric to increase breast size. Eat it three times a day before eating on a teaspoon, drinking home milk.

Even to increase the size of the breast, you can use oregano. Five tablespoons of crushed herb makes half a minute only the boiled water. Blide the capacitance with a lid and leave an hour for insteading. Perfoliate the finished product and drink it half a glass twice a day immediately before the meal.

Many women are complexed due to the size of their bust. Some think about what to do with little breasts. Others dream to reduce greater. Thirdly does not suit the form. Fashion on female figures is constantly changing. To follow it and change your body every 7-10 years is impossible. It is necessary to like it first. The surrounding do not notice the shortcomings, if a woman is confident in his sexuality and happy.

Perfect bust

Most women are confident that men prefer she really attracts and attracts his eyes. Scientists believe that the subconsciousness is guilty. As a child, a big breast guaranteed the baby an abundance of milk, warmth and comfort.

A few years ago, famous men's magazines conducted surveys on the topic, what kind of bust more like men. A few thousand people took part in the survey. About 33% of the vote scored a third-size breast. And immediately behind it - the second. The fifth and sixth dimensions scored no more than 5% of the votes.

In most answers, men paid attention to the fact that the condition of the breast is more important for them. The fourth size bust is most often elastic to boast. Especially if the woman already gave birth or crossed the 35-year-old frontier. Therefore, you should not worry about what to do, if very small breasts. Lose elasticity she will not be able to lose. So, even in adulthood will not be subject to accusation and deformation.

In fact, the breast size is not as important as it may seem. Among the Hollywood beauties there are women both large and with a small bust. All of them are popular and welcome for millions of men. It is only important how the woman herself appreciates itself. If she is not confident in herself and too compacon, even the most beautiful breasts will not help her be happier.

Why chest is not growing

In order to understand what to do with little breasts and whether it will become more, it is necessary to figure out for which it does not grow. Girls have breasts begin to develop approximately 8-10 years. First, there is a gradual swelling of the chest.

Dairy glands begin their development in turn. It is at this time that many girls and their moms cares about what to do if one breast is less than another. It is not worth worrying because of this is a completely normal situation.

Starting from 12 years in the field of breast, adhesive tissue begins. By 22 years, the chest should achieve that final size, which will accompany the woman throughout her life. There are several reasons why the growth of adipose tissue is stopped around the mammary glands:

  1. Insufficient development of estrogen (female sex hormones).
  2. Laptop fat tissue in the body.
  3. Genetic feature.
  4. Reduced level of thyroid hormones.
  5. Professional sport.

Can the already formed breasts decrease

Women who have the perfect bust may once find that the chest have become less. In the overwhelming majority of cases, such a situation can be explained by normal physiological causes. Sometimes the chest becomes less due to various diseases and hormonal failures.

The most common reason why the size of the bust becomes more modest, is a sharp weight loss. What if the chest became smaller, and I don't want to lose volumes? Stop weight loss. Weight will have to adjust and reduce very slowly. Otherwise, breasts will not only become much smaller, but also saves.

The size of the bust may decrease after the end of breastfeeding. And also if the woman took the contraceptive pills for a long time, and then stopped doing it.

Pathological reasons for reducing breast include hormonal failures. For example, problems with thyroid gland. In this case, pathological changes can also touch other organs. Without the help of the doctor in such a situation, do not do.

Why one chest is less

Greed glands is a variant of the norm. Usually it fully passes to 17 years. The same situation in an adult woman requires consultation of a mammologist.

Asymmetry can develop for the following reasons:

  1. Injury. Mechanical damage in childhood may adversely affect the process of breast formation.
  2. Lactation and pregnancy. In these periods, asymmetry is the norm. But in the event that it persists and after the cessation of the child feeding, inspection and consultation of the doctor.
  3. Plugs of ducts.
  4. Hormonal disorders.
  5. New formation. Pathological growth of tissues affects the size and shape of the chest.
  6. Inflammatory diseases of the sexual system.

Hormonal treatment

Women are often wondering what to do with little breasts. Some experts recommend to take hormonal drugs for these purposes. Only the attending physician may appoint them after passing all the necessary analyzes.

Hormones, promoting breast enlargement:

  1. Estrogens. It is this group that is responsible for breast growth.
  2. Progesterone. Regulates the growth of iron fabric.
  3. Prolactin. Responsible for breast volumes during the period of tooling the child.

To say in advance how much breasts will increase during the reception of drugs, it is impossible. In some women, the difference will be all right. Others are lucky more. Some breasts increase by two sizes.

Hormone reception gives an effect only until the woman drinks them. After refusing to use the drug, the volumes will disappear. Therefore, this option is not a panacea if the girl has a little breast. What to do, drink hormones further or decide on the operation? Many doctors believe that the operation is much safer.

All hormonal drugs affect the female organism in the best way, and in the case of long-term admission, unpleasant consequences can provoke:

  1. Significant increase in body weight.
  2. Phlebeurysm.
  3. Migraine.
  4. Thrombosis.
  5. Reduced immunity.
  6. Violation of the work of the gastrointestinal bodies (constipation, nausea).
  7. Depression.
  8. Reduced libido.
  9. Insomnia.
  10. Arterial hypertension.
  11. Allergies.

An increase in breast size by means of hormonal drugs is far from the best way. For a temporary result, a woman can pay his health.


The most common answer to the question of what to do with small breasts will be mammoplasty. Operation is a serious step. But this is the only real way to significantly increase the breast to the desired size and keep the result for life. In addition to changes in volume, the woman will receive elasticity.

There are several types of implants. They differ in density, form and filler. Modern implants are completely safe. Even in the event of damage to their shell, the contents will not follow and will not cause harm to the woman.

Surgical intervention on average lasts about 50 minutes. Breast fabrics The doctor does not affect, so the woman will be able to feed the child. The recovery period does not exceed two weeks. And the scar is dissolved after five months.

During the first 30 days it is necessary to constantly wear compression linen. About sports and swimming will have to forget for a while. It is also forbidden to raise gravity.

Only surgical intervention will help you quickly transform whether to make an operation, a woman should solve independently. This is a serious step that is impossible to make immensely.

It is necessary to understand that mammoplasty can provoke negative consequences. For example, the implant break or its displacement, the formation of a fibrous capsule. And sometimes it is not possible to get the shape that a woman dreamed about. In most cases, this is due to the fault of the surgeon, due to its insufficient qualifications. Therefore, the clinic selection must be approached very responsibly.

The increase in the mammary glands is far from everything that mammoplasty is capable. Many women are interested in what the chest become less. Some it may seem amazing, but there are a fair sex representative who wants to have volumes more compromising. The decrease procedure is called it is necessary in the case when large volumes begin to cause physical and psychological discomfort. After the operation, the chest will become elastic and taut.

Receive Badov

Various popularities are enjoyed by various breasts. These drugs include phytogorms derived from plants. The effectiveness and safety of such funds has not been proven. Despite this, many women are ready to risk the health of the sake of obtaining the desired breast size by an off-hours.

Vegetable hormones have a similar composition with estrogen. Long-term reception of such agents can contribute to a certain increase in breast volume. The effect of such dubbeds is similar to hormonal means, but several times weaker. That is, except for increasing the volume of bust, a woman can become wider in the waist and hips. And after the end of the reception of plant preparations, breasts will lose volume and return to the previous size.

Physical exercises

Many fitness coaches attract clients, promising to show effective exercises to increase breasts. Unfortunately, this is impossible to do it. The chest consists of fat and breasts. It is simply impossible to pump these fabrics. Exercise are not able to increase breast volume.

This situation does not mean that sport can be ignored. There are exercises that are able to influence the muscles under the mammary gland. If you keep them in a tone, they will tighten the top of the chest. This visually makes a bust a little more. The most effective exercises are conventional flooring from the floor.