What to write a former man. What you can write a guy who likes: We are looking for suitable words. What to write a guy to hurt him

This article is specifically designed for those girls who want to write a letter that threw their guy, the so-called "letter of revenge."

The first and most important thing is that I want to say about this - if you do not want to return the guy, and the content of your letter will not be aimed at restoring relations, but is meant only to speak in style - « But what would he know ...! ... And let it not imagine that ...! ... not a lot of loss ...! " , then -

No need to write a letter guy who threw you!

Why not need to write to the one who threw you

All that I will say below is based on my many years of psychological practice and trusting experience with several hundreds of men and women. In this case, I do not consider the moral and ethical side of the break of relationships, I do not understand who is right, and who is to blame. We only consider the dilemma - "write or not to write?".

And so, what kind of purpose you are haunting, wanting, by all the way to write a letter to throwing you a person? Vote, and then I will write a separate article, where we will analyze each of the reasons and the corresponding actions.

For what purpose do you want to write a letter to a guy who threw you?

  • Return it (44%, 71 vote (s))
  • So that he sang about what threw (29%, 46 vote (s))
  • Leave the last word (16%, 26 vote (s))
  • Cause pain (6%, 9 vote (s))
  • Make it to experience remorse of conscience (4%, 7 vote (s))
  • Revenge (1%, 2 Voice (s))

Do you really think that with the help of the letter you can achieve at least one of the total listed? If you really think so, they are very deeply mistaken. Whatever you wrote, whatever words and expressions in your letter, asking or offensive, all you will achieve is. After that, the guy is no longer doubting that he did the right thing, swaying with you.

I have a question about this - you want it?

Let's look at the situation at a different angle. He threw you, and you stopped communicating. Nebye and silence comes next. You can think about each other anything, but nor you nor he know exactly what it is for the thought and whether they are in general.

On the one hand, it hurts you due to the fact that he left, because he is not sensible to you. But if he left, hence, he does not feel deep feelings.

On the other hand, he does not know exactly what feelings after breaking the relationship you are experiencing. The guy, after all, can also think that, maybe you did not feed some special feelings to him and did not even love him, but they were just like that - "from nothing to do."

You both will be in this ignorance until someone out of you (I will not write a letter). From this point on, the one who wrote a letter is already just one of this fact that it is bitter and hard because the relationship has stopped. The content and tone of the letter do not have any value in this case.

Writing a letter is recognized in his weakness. That's how it will be rated those who threw. Do you think that after reading the letter, the guy will fight his head about the wall or bite elbows? I assure you, nothing like this will happen. On the contrary, it will be much easier for him. And the more humoring and even offensive will be the content of your letter, the stronger it will triumph, understanding his moral superiority over you.

Most likely, he will not answer, although you will wait for his reaction. Just do not convince yourself that you are indifferent to his reaction. Do not cheat yourself! And what will happen after? Write another letter? And write wanted, because you will be even harder than before.

Your relationships stopped. No matter what. It does not matter who is right, and who is to blame, but after that you have only two options (depending on your desire, the depths of feelings and situations):

And the first, and the second does not get along with the desire to write a letter of revenge.
Strong man is always generous. Anger, malice and covered offense - the lot of weak.
And now think again - write or not write a letter guy who threw you?

But if the feeling of revenge does not leave you, use the play below, it will remove your tension. The game is suitable for both women and men. Depending on the subject that you choose - a revenge will be or a woman - a man or a man - a woman. Most importantly - perceive everything with humor, but I warn you that the toy is very cruel, because otherwise it is difficult to achieve the therapeutic effect ... And the "letter of revenge" does not need to write.

From the author: My responses in the comments are the opinion of a private person, and not a recommendation of a specialist. I'm trying to answer everyone without exception, but unfortunately physically I do not have time to study long stories, analyze them, ask questions about them and then respond in detail, and I do not have the opportunity to accompany your situations, because it requires a huge amount of free time, and I have it very little.

In this regard, I really ask you to ask specific questions on the topic of the article, not to calculate that I will advise in the comments or accompany your situation.

Of course, you can ignore my request (which many and do), but in this case, be prepared for what I can not answer you. This is not a question of principle, but exclusively time and my physical abilities. Do not be offended.

If you want to get qualified help, please contact the advice, and I will devote my time and knowledge with complete return.

With Respect and Hope for Understanding, Frederick

Start your correspondence with a successful question. A well-selected question is the key to a successful start. So you will demonstrate a guy your interest in it. Unlike a long love message, there is a laconicity and simplicity. This is what many men love.

A successful question should be:
a) simple, without a philosophical meaning;
b) open, requiring a detailed answer (for example, not "What time will you be at home?", And "What are you going to do when you come home?");
c) straight.

Guys often appreciate clearly set questions without any hints. In addition, hints are not everyone able to understand.

Be original and interesting. To do this, try to laugh, shifting wit. In response to a joke, in no case do not write the standard "ahahaha". Try to parry in response. In addition, you can start a dialogue with funny observation or interesting news. Show him your attitude to life, tell us how fun spend the weekend and what are your hobbies. Find out what you have common interests. Be positive and mischievous. Otherwise, the dialogue can get boring and fresh.

Be flirty. Flirt is one of the main manifestations that a person is not indifferent to you. However, in this matter it is very important to "not reset the stick". Flirting, you can:
- tease guy;
- Use winking emoticons and double-digit hints. So you will unobtrusively give him to understand what you want to go on a date with him.

In time, finish the correspondence. This stage is very important, since if the conversation is delayed for a long time, the guy can lose interest to you. Here are the main to the termination of the dialogue:
- Brief replies from the guy "Yes", "No";
- The guy does not ask you counter questions and does not raise new topics for the dialogue;
- You can hardly come up with the topic to continue the conversation.

At the end of the correspondence with a guy, you should leave an open topic so that you can return to it easily, or intrigue it with some fascinating upcoming event. You can also write about your desire to meet or continue communication.

Errors that should not be allowed in correspondence with a guy

Do not write a guy for several messages in a row. Wait for his response first. Do not respond to his messages too fast. Hold the pause.

Do not send him a question mark and do not write "ay, are you here?", If he does not answer. Never ask the answer to which is obvious, for example: "Did you get my message?" Do not continue the dialogue if he is just dryly responding to your questions and does not show any interest to you.

Do not disclose all your "trumps" and do not write him about my strong feelings. Everything is your time, and talk about love follows in a personal conversation. Do not send him photos of an intimate character. This is one of the most stupid but widespread errors.

Do not be afraid to write first. After all, whoever does not risk, never recognizes the taste of victory. Believe in yourself, stay yourself and be happy!

It's no secret that anyone will delight an unexpected gift that will not only be for him surpriseBut it will meet its expectations and preferences. Many women break their heads over how to surprise her man and how to make a surprise to him - after all, a gift for a man is not always simple for a man. How to choose the original, and at the same time in demand and useful gift for a man?


If a man is practical and considers simple souvenirs with unnecessary junk, look for him a gift that you can apply in the farm and work. If the man is sentimental, and appreciates a variety of pleasant trivia, he can safely give an unusual.

Do not limit the material gifts - in our time, various gift certificates are very popular as gifts, and a gift can be a campaign to a concert of the favorite group, to the theater, to the cinema, on the road, or an exciting journey.

You can give men Parachute jump, day at the ski resort or at the database. Such a gift will remember him for a long time and raise his mood. Selecting the entertainment as a gift, do not forget that men's tastes are becoming the principal criterion of their selection, and not your preferences. If you want to go to the ballet, and the man wants to go to the club - give him a ticket to the club.

Create a holiday atmosphere for a man so that he looks forward to presenting a gift - the atmosphere in which you give him your gift is especially important. Invite a man on the evening walk, in a cafe or in the park, and make a surprise for him.

Also, a great and pleasant surprise for a man can be a gift that in secretly discovered several of his friends at once. Do not forget to inform all the donors that the secret cannot be disclosed, and that a man should not guess that a gift for him is preparing a whole group of people.

Avoid gifts containing banal and casual things - such as socks, bathrobes, homemade items, slippers, and other things that do not have a special value for a man.

Choosing a thing for the house, repel from thoughts about what is most consistent with his interests - for example, a rack for CDs or a comfortable office chair. Even if you give an inexpensive gift, it should be memorable and decorated with love - then the man will appreciate a surprise.

Video on the topic

If you love your man truly, you can give him a little pleasure. To understand what he would like, it is necessary to carefully look at his habits and preferences.

Culinary delights

Of course, almost all men love to eat well. Prepare your some culinary masterpieces that are not present in your everyday menu. To date, find a recipe is not a problem. There are constantly culinary shows on television, you can also find a recipe on the Internet.

In order not to get into an awkward situation before surprising your beloved chic kitchen, work out with a particular dish. You can cook something and first try yourself or treat your friends.


Listen to his words, ask how the favorite football team played yesterday, ask, whether the carburetor works in the car, etc. You will see how this simple step will be very pleasant to him. Your favorite will feel the interest of your part to your problems, and you will see how his attitude to you and the mood will change.

The strong floor is no less sentimental than women, just thoroughly hides it. Caring will always cause positive emotions. Men are more stress, so they must rest periodically.


The opinion that gifts should only make men are in the root wrong. A loving woman will definitely find that you can give your man. If he is fond of fishing, you can give him a rod. Do not know, ask experts.
You can also give small baubles that are very convenient, but what would you buy them before you lacked time. It can be a key chain, a card holder, a good mug. All of them are a penny. And imagine what feelings of a man when you give him a T-shirt with the image of his beloved rock star?

What he gave

His gifts also need to take correctly. If he gave you something from clothes, put on and show him in this thing. In fact, it is quite difficult for men to make a choice when it comes to female things. They spend a lot of time and nerves on it. So feel free to show you appreciate his gift.

Dear decorations are given people who love very much. That is, if you have a gold chain, received from your loved one, dear watches, brooch from valuable pebbles, is a sign of particularly gentle feelings. Ignoring these things will be perceived as a challenge.

If a man loves you, undoubtedly, he will appreciate any of your efforts. If a young man periodically makes you pleasant surprises, you can count on strong relationships and mutual thanks.

Video on the topic

Tip 4: How to tell the guy that you missed him

Parting for people's lovers is very painful. And even if you have not seen only a couple of days, it does not prevent you from worrying and looking forward to meeting. And you can please your boyfriend and tell how you missed him.

Like a guy. Imagine yourself Tatiana, writing a letter to Yevgeny Onegin, or any other sympathetic heroine and express all the sadness in writing, which you are experiencing away from your beloved, and hope for an ambulance meeting.

It's nice, being at work submersible in your affairs, upsetting because of the reversal of the head or evil on colleagues who took the jar somewhere with coffee, look for a minute in a mobile phone and see a message from a loved one. Periodically write to the young man sms about what you miss and look forward to when you finally be able to see and hug it. At the same time do not be intrusive - you should not send tens of shortness of the same type of letters every day. SMS is convenient because the person can watch it at a convenient time. Such a letter will not distract from work and will become a pleasant surprise.

Phone call

Call a young man in the evening and tell you how you missed him. Watch up cute nonsense ahead with a story about how you went through your day, try to tell the guy a fairy tale for the night. Together come up with plans, how do you spend time when you finally see: where are you going for a walk, which cafe goes to have a snack, at what stadium ride on the rollers, what movie will go to see movies. Such conversations will help you wait for a date.

Personal conversation

The long-awaited moment has come, and you met with a guy, for which they missed you so much. Hug it tightly and, koking in the collar of the shirt, tell me how badly you were without him, what long and lonely the evenings seemed to be held together, as I did not want to get up from bed and even your favorite croissants with coffee did not raise the mood. A young man who is experiencing similar feelings will be happy to hear such recognition and will surely try no longer you for a long time.

So you are again in search. But not completely forgot his former. And the feelings of your "ex" in relation to you, too, not until the end. In order not to complicate my life, refrain from writing SMS, the texts of which are shown below.

1. SMS about your suffering:

« Still love you, "or" I can't forget you ", or" I still miss you. "

For reconciliation after a small quarrel, these texts would be quite acceptable, but since you are in the process of parting and the mind suggests that there is no chance for a happy reunification, - such a case in the worst case will be upset by your former, most likely they will leave indifferent, but certainly not Return it.

2. Nostalgic message:

"No one comes with you!"

Oh if?! Truth? And what is the question, still quite recently you are so rapidly and without regard to the scaldings in different directions? Stop inflating romantic rainbow bubbles, come to themselves: in this "border" period of parting, when spiritual wounds have not healed, it is characteristic of idealizing the past. And forget the negative, which may have been significantly more. Return to reality, it will go soon.

3. Conquained-conciliation SMS:

"I am very, very sorry!", "I am alone in everything", "Return, well, please! Please !!! "," Let's start first. "

And what only nonsense come to mind in this dangerous period! Is one to blame? If this is true, then repent, apparently late. And if these are the next manifestations of the "parting syndrome with the former", then remember that both are really to blame. There is no point to humiliate. And even more so plunge the burden of guilt on their fragile, beautiful shoulders.

4. SMS "Flirt under alcohol":

"Do not want to drink?", "How about skipping into a small one?", "Make me a company?"

And what are you waiting for such a meeting? Do you think, under alcohol couples, your spells will affect him with a new force? Such sms will be 100% "triggered" at an early stage of relationships, and then their effectiveness (and benefits for relationships) seeks to zero. So, if it does not wait, it will be more correct to try their action on your new acquaintances.

5. Slitel-provocative text:

"Do you have or mine?", "Come at night"

Even if in your relationships such directness and rapidness were in the order of things and you are not interested in the foreplay, still try to send your sexual energy to a new goal. And by the way, this time is the best to rethink the proverb: "Old plow is better than new two." But no: now the more new and different, the better - feel the benefits of freedom after a divorce!

6. SMS, sent at three o'clock in a drunk:

"Hi, how are you?", "Are you not busy now?", "Can you talk?", "Just wondering, no matter how it was if we ..."

Variations of such a text can be a million, the most ridiculous, the content is not important here. The top of nonsense is to send messages to his former deep night in a drunken ugar. What's the point of this? What will you achieve? In the morning, rereading your "pearls", you will be in your hysterics, burning from shame and dying from the hangover.

7. Text Not:


This Troytoid after greetings gives you a head and speaks many. About what you do with the "former" like a dog on Seine: And herself is not "AM", and I will not give the other. From this walking around and about, the habit of "staying in touch", even when it is already absolutely nothing to discuss, from their permanent persuasion they suffer first of all. Such sms - the manifestation of a detrimental habit from which it is necessary to get rid of.

8. Infinite SMS flow:

"Hi, how are you?", "Are you busy now?", "Do you have a meeting?", "Can you call me back?", "Why don't you call?", "Where are you?" etc.

Do you have a serious reason to open an SMS hunting on it? "Bombs" with his SMS without end, from night to the morning - it is hardly acceptable, even if you broke up very friendly. The only case when you can choose this strategy is if your ex-boyfriend comes with you. But then you can apply a retaliatory blow using its own method. But in fact, cold ignoring acts much more efficiently. And it will not require temporary nor mental, nor financial costs.

9. Too many emoticons:

« ;) :-*** @)—>— <3 »

Don't you try to quickly break the emotional bonds connecting you with the former? Then what other manifestations of emotions in the texts? Write sms solely in the case.

10. Friendly message:

"Let's swim", "take a walk? Let's spend the evening as friends. "

Waiting again from your loved one? He promised to call in five minutes another hour ago? Are distressed by the fact that this situation is repeated far from the first time? And maybe he just left after you once again quarreled, contemptuously straining through the teeth another insult? Or and worse - you do not know how to stir up, make it less cold and indifferent? Write him a message that could touch him!

Unquestible fact - Men are less emotional than women. They give much less importance to the words, preferring to prove their right thing. They do not understand how it is important to hear something from them, feel the emotional response, make sure that you are still loved. Often they have to provoke to emotions not quite pleasant ways - scandals, hysterics, offensive or clinging sms ... In the struggle for relations as in war - all means are good!

However, many girls in principle do not accept too strong emotional pressure on a man. Screams and quarrels, even just an increase in tone is considered by them a sign of disrespect for himself and to the guy. In this case, the only thing that remains for them as a "auxiliary circle" is a worst chain word. One SMS or VKontakte message can make a guy nervous, worry, suffer or vice versa - to please him, to interest, excite, awaken some tender feelings. How to do all this? How to learn the words to subjugate guys? About this - in our article!

What to write a guy to hurt him?

Let's see for a start, what exactly we want: somehow revenge, pick up, hook a guy or on the contrary, to interest and please him. As you understand, approaches in this case will differ in principle.

The chief advice that can be given to girls who wish to surprise the guy and interest him - be straightforward, but mysterious, miles, but dangerous, cheerful, but a little sad ... In general, your goal is - create contradictory image and dual impression. A man should think: "And what really represents this beauty?". If he ask himself this question - everything can assume that the case is in a hat.

So, here's what tips can be given to girls who wish you nice to interest a young man:

  1. Do not be afraid to write first. There is nothing terrible or shame - moreover, often the guys value initiative in beautiful sex representatives! But it is better if the first message is not too intrusive. Experienced seductors are generally advised to start a dialogue as if by chance: "Listen, and this group (insert a favorite guy's favorite group, from which" crazy "and you) is it for us? Do not know how to get a ticket? "," Help, please find a good programmer ... oh, so are you? That's lovely!".

    Come up with a reason for circulation "If you feel that an attempt to communicate failed, it will be possible to smoothly round the conversation and beautifully go away, not traumating your pride and dignity.

    If you like each other, it will become clear to everyone that your message is only an excuse.

  2. Do not be afraid to joke! Humor - your best assistant! Here everything will depend on your image: if you are a trembling lady, do not let yourself rude humor. If you are "your boyfriend", then some not very female jokes will be quite excuses and even add you a charm in his eyes.
  3. Do not impose. If you feel that the "stuck" dialogue is better to stop chatting at least for a while. If the chill does not leave - this is not your option. If everything is in order - it's just wonderful!
  4. Show interest in his hobbies. Bear to football, yoga, exotic animals or collecting brands ... In general, becoming not only a pleasant, but also an interesting interlocutor! Successfully inserted into the conversation phrase about his hobbies can play a crucial role in your relationship.
  5. Do not write two phrases:"I'm bored" and "tell me anything." This is guaranteed to push away from you any, even the most patient guy!
  6. Be unusual. At times dramatically change the style of writing. Instead of discreet text, send a beautiful verse, become from the responsible girl with a mischievous joker at least 5 minutes. Your goal is not to arrive. Remember: You are not a boringly the same girl, but a deep multifaceted person, which is constantly changing! Well, if you have everything in relationships just begins and you want to call positive emotions from the guy. But it also happens that it is necessary to pour out a young man, upset him, - Simply put, to hurt.

  • It largely depends on what is your relationship. If you are together for a long time, then you know all its weaknesses and can easily press them. For example, your guy is jealous. In a short sms, you can beat it beautifully: "You had the reasons to do so. But do not worry - I have someone to console. " On the one hand, to console you can mom, sister, girlfriend ... But the imagination of the jealous will draw at all that you are just on your hand!
  • Try in SMS ke answer the question he often puts Before you in the heat of a quarrel. For example, he constantly asks you: "Why do you ask me questions, if you do not want to listen to the answers?" If you write a SMS to him about such a content "You know, I often ask you about everything, hoping for the best option. But your answers kill our relationship and I do not want to perceive them. " The impact on the fact that the person's emotionally worries will provide you with his thoughts and experiences about your SMS.
  • After a stormy quarrel with cries, mutual accusations and broken dishes Romantic SMS acts very wellwith notch sadness. For example, "then you didn't shout on me. And for each tear, spilled me, you were ready to die. What did we do with our love? Where did the feelings go? " The main thing is not to blame the guy. Your task is to return memories of past times, and not to put it guilty. He himself thinks and repent, the main thing is to prevent in SMS of the morality tone.
  • Use code words and suggestions in SMS-KEwho are in the way for your pair. Comic nicknames, phrase from jointly viewed video ... This method is very good when you need to hook a guy after a long-term protracted quarrel, "Cold War". Your "family" phrasses are guaranteed to melt the ice of his heart.

What exactly should not be in your post:

  • rudeness and insults;
  • mata;
  • reproaches in sexual insolvency;
  • reproaches in physical imperfections;
  • whips and snot, extensive regrets about the past;
  • frase a la "I'm reworked, I'll hang out, I will shoot, I will leave without a hat on the night of cold";
  • phrases "I am pregnant", if it is untolding. In no case write this - this is not forgiven.

Keep yourself in your hands And select expressions on the situation. And try to wait a while after a quarrel - so information is better perceived. Immediately on hot trails, we perceive the information otherwise than on the fresh head.

Now you know what you need to write a guy to hurt him. But how to be if this guy is former? This is written below.

You broke up - no matter, on whose initiative, it doesn't matter how smoothly and how much tears was. It is important that you are no longer together, you are not one whole. Sometimes you want to take revenge former, sometimes - just make it just thinking about you. Sometimes - so that he regretted you threw. Options mass. How to make the former guy hurt your message?

  1. Do not write romantically. He may think that you impose and want to resume relationships. This can not be allowed in any case!
  2. Try to write indifferent.You see, every guy in the depths of the soul considers himself the most best, most irresistible, most unforgettable. The only thing they will not tolerate is indifference! Therefore, write dryly, restrained, indifferent.
  3. If parting has passed hard, You can write about what you invite it to the party (Of course, the date should be such when it cannot come). It will show that you absolutely do not suffer from breaking relationships, do not think that he suffers and indifferent to him - ready to communicate with him despite all that there was between you.
  4. Do not write trite. "I was bad in bed", "I am pregnant", "I changed you" - this is all the last century. Bored, beaten, even funny places. The guy will not attend, only will hesitate or disappoint in you.
  5. Try to write something ironic, with subtext. The phrase "Cat is missing for you. Naive animal "- allows you to express the entire negative in relation to the guy. "Oh, what pity - your mug crashed. I can not pass, "make you think why you broke it or who broke it - guess what happens why it is bad to him. "I was looking for sadness from parting. Did not find. Let's take another time, we did something wrong. "Maybe a lot of guys hurt, especially if he hardly survived your gap.

In writing SMS former your main task - do not dramatize, cause no pity, and envy and admiration.

Let him bother himself all the elbows because he lost a chic girl!

As you can see the best way to hurt a guy, call it on a dialogue, get an emotional response from him - it is to write him without snotty risers about love, without hysteria and regrets about the past. Humor, indifference and restraint - three best means to hurt the guy.

Video: Tactics Communication with men

Well, in order to interest a man, he needs to behave as natural as possible, treat everything with humor, not to impose and not pour into it tons of negative. If you follow these non-slip rules, then he will never leave anywhere from you.

It is unlikely that you can ever forget this feeling of pain and offense that overwhelms the soul. But after all, life does not end.

The main thing that needs to be done after parting is not to try to return not to look for the numerous, do not call him, do not ask him to stay, do not intimidate, but just go to yourself. Try worthy to go through this stage in your life. Believe me that it is not done - it is done only for the better. Thanks to this rupture, you can seriously go to yourself - your appearance, figure, self-education, let in your life of new interesting people. Well, if you want to send your former letter to our forple, but do not know what to write a guy to hurt him, I will help you.

But first of all, try to take yourself in your hands and start enjoying life. If possible, do everything that delivers you to do fitness, visit the gym, boil new things, make a beautiful hairstyle, pedicure and manicure. In no case, do not abuse alcohol and do not fall into the embrace of the first oncoming. Do not get closed in yourself, and go to people. Meet other girls and guys. The more you communicate and work on yourself, the faster forget your former.

But if one thought is always sweeping in your head: "I want to return the guy!", Try to write a farewell letter to him. Of course, there are no guarantees that he will continue to read it, but if you really want it, then try it. So, let's begin.

What to write a guy to hurt him for living?

1. In no case do not need to write that he is an idiot, a goat and not even your mother's maiden.

2. In the letter you should simply thank your former guy for spending the wonderful months with him (years).

3. It is necessary to mention the errors that you committed when met with him

4. Complete the words that you really need to part.

An example of a farewell letter

You did the right thing that broke the relationship with me. I really did not care for you as you deserved it, I was not a good mistress and did not even try to understand you. I want to thank you for those happy years (months) that we spent together. I understand that you were not easy for me: not love, you could treat me so beautifully. Let's not communicate more and meet. Katya

You can improvise. If you have not yet decided that you write a guy to hurt him for a living, do not write anything at all. Remember that if this guy really was your second half, he would be with you together, no matter what.

I hope that by reading this article, you made the right conclusions for yourself, and the question of writing a guy to hurt him, firmly answered: "Nothing!". Why waste time and strength on a person you were just comfortable in a period of time. Do not doubt that your second half will definitely meet on your duty life. Good luck and only mutual love!