Bride's diary and wedding planning strategy. Bride Diary Wedding Planner - Bookbride Company


1. Determine the date of the wedding
2. Announce your engagement to your parents
3. Decide on an estimated budget
4. Choose a registry office
5. Apply to the registry office
6. Determine the format of the wedding

  • in a close family circle
  • with the invitation of a large number of guests
  • wedding abroad
7. Define the concept of the wedding:
  • traditional
  • linked to specific colors
  • linked to a specific topic
8. Choose witnesses
  • prepare a redemption script
  • determine the duties of witnesses
9. Wedding
  • Determine the date and time of the wedding
  • Choose church
  • Meet with dad
  • Purchase the necessary attributes for the wedding
10 Make a wedding and wedding guest list
11. Consider accommodation options for visiting guests: rented apartment or hotel
12. Find a wedding agency
13. Choose a wedding planner and coordinator
14. Decide on the wedding venue:
  • restaurant
  • hotel
  • banqueting hall
  • outdoor (tent)
  • country complex
  • other
15. Choose a wedding dress
16. Buy Wedding Accessories:
  • gloves
  • decorations
  • bride's handbag
  • garter
  • stockings (2-3 pairs)
  • shoes for the bride
  • groom shoes
  • tie or bow tie
17. Purchase the groom's suit
18. Think over the image of the bride:
  • consult a stylist
  • choose a hairdresser
  • do a test haircut
  • choose a make-up artist
  • do a test makeup
  • book a manicure and pedicure
19. Wedding printing:
  • choose or order invitations
  • sign invitations
  • send invitations to guests
  • purchase seating cards and a seating chart for guests
20. Plan your honeymoon:
  • prepare international passports (check their validity)
  • choose country
  • choose a tour operator
  • order tours
  • pick up tickets
21. Approve the wedding menu with the restaurant:
  • approve alcohol with the restaurant
  • approve buffet for guests
22. Host and DJ:
  • choose a presenter and dj
  • meet with the presenter and DJ
23. For the next meeting:
  • - approve the competitive program
  • - pass the list of guests to the host
  • - Prepare and communicate information about the guests to the host in advance
  • - for the DJ, prepare a list of all the musical compositions that should be played
  • - discuss with the DJ a song for staging 1 dance
  • - write down what little things you will need to buy for the program (competitions)
24. Choose a photographer:
  • schedule a love story photo session (optional)
  • define the concept of a photo shoot for the wedding day
  • think about places to walk
  • consider options in case of rain
  • choose a photo album or photobook
  • agree on the date of completion of photographs
  • prepare photography accessories
25. Select videographer:
  • Discuss with the videographer the shooting of the future wedding film
  • Negotiate a pre-wedding video or love story (optional)
  • Discuss the possibility of a wedding video
26. Floristics and decor
  • order a bridal bouquet and an understudy bouquet
  • order a boutonniere for the groom in one scale
  • order flower bracelets for bridesmaids
  • order a composition on the table for young people
  • order decorations for the hall, compositions on the table for guests
27. Wedding ceremony (traditional or away)
  • Prepare petals
  • Prepare crackers
  • Prepare glasses for the young (from which they will drink for a walk and for whipping)
  • Prepare glasses for guests (you can buy very nice plastic wine glasses)
  • Prepare the pillow for the rings
  • Take champagne
  • Take soft drinks
If outbound:
  • order an arch
  • red carpet
  • angels (flowergirl)
  • decoration of the ceremony
  • leading to the ceremony
If traditional:
  • find out in advance at the registry office what you need to bring
28. Staging 1 dance
  • choose a choreographer
  • decide on a musical composition
  • prepare nanets
29. Choose a show program and special effects
  • fireworks
  • bunch of balls
  • sky lanterns
  • live butterflies
  • other
30. Order a wedding cake, loaf

31. Transport

  • bride and groom cars
  • cars for guests
  • order car decoration
32. Draw up and approve the seating chart for guests

33. Prepare wedding attributes:

  • candles
  • home
  • towel
34. Buy Wedding Gifts:
  • for guests
  • for parents
35. Organize a bachelorette party:
  • determine the date of the bachelorette party
  • think over the concept of a bachelorette party
  • choose a venue for a bachelorette party
  • invite girlfriends
36. Organize a bachelor party:
  • determine the date of the bachelor party
  • think over the concept of a bachelor party
  • choose a venue for the bachelor party
  • invite friends
37. Pack things and documents for the honeymoon

38. Create a wish-list - a list of desired gifts

39. Select joint photos of the couple for the wedding slideshow

40. Make an advance payment for services


Comparative characteristics

  • Maximum number of seats
  • Kitchen
  • Availability of parking
  • interior
  • Availability of a wardrobe
  • Availability of changing rooms
  • Dance floor and space for musicians
  • Convenient transportation
  • Cleanliness around the building, the appearance itself
  • Availability of picturesque places for photos
  • Banquet price for 1 person
  • Availability of rent for the hall
  • Minimum order amount
  • Possibility to bring your own alcohol
  • Required prepayment
  • Fixing the final account
  • Date Booking Guarantee
  • The possibility of decorating the hall
  • Availability of special banquet tablecloths
  • Closing time
From the restaurant administrator you need to find out:
  • Is there a wedding menu;
  • What is the cost of a banquet per person;
  • Find out if there is an additional payment for renting a restaurant;
  • What is the minimum order amount;
  • Is an advance payment required for booking?
  • Can you bring alcohol with you?
  • Will the final amount change by the time of the wedding;
  • Is it possible to decorate the hall;
  • Is there a refrigerator for cake and other perishable products
And, if in doubt anyway, then go there as a guest: look at the service, evaluate the taste of the dishes and the speed of order fulfillment.

When compiling the menu, we recommend paying attention to the seasonality of the event.
So, for example, in the summer, fresh vegetable salads are most often preferred with minimal use of mayonnaise and vinegar dressings.
In summer, you want to drink more, so you should order more water and take care of a sufficient amount of juices.
In winter, on the contrary, it is recommended to order more salads a la Olivier.
In winter, you can order more fish dishes, for example, "Herring under a fur coat" and meat dishes.


To avoid confusion in the hall, a detailed plan for accommodating guests is posted in the hall in front of the entrance. Also, near each place, on a plate or next to a napkin, you need to place cards with the names and surnames of the invitees. If there are a lot of people and the banquet hall is large, make sure that someone helps guests get their bearings faster.

1. Newlyweds should always be in a central place, facing the hall and entrance doors, so that all guests can see them. The rest depends on the arrangement of tables in the wedding hall
2. The closest relatives are usually located closer to the table of the bride and groom. Then relatives, friends, colleagues sit.
3. The main goal is to seat guests in such a way that they feel comfortable and have fun in each other's company. The best option is when the guest sits next to someone he already knows, but at the same time has the opportunity to meet new people.
4. You need to “mix” the guests, taking into account certain rules:

  • men, as well as women, are not seated in places nearby, but are seated in turn, so that pairs form. At the same time, according to etiquette, the man at the table looks after the lady who sits on his right side.
  • Men and women alternate places, while the woman should not sit on the edge;
  • The guests are mixed both from the side of the bride and from the side of the groom, so that members of the intermarried families can get to know each other and make friends.
  • According to the rules, married couples should sit opposite each other, but this is a purely individual matter and it is worth considering the wishes of the spouses
  • If you invited divorced spouses, do not sit them next to each other and be sure to warn that the second spouse is also invited
5. It's great if you managed to seat your guests in such a way that they can see well not only the newlyweds, but also each other!
6. Toddlers are seated only next to their parents. Another thing is if a nanny is hired to look after the children. Then it is she who entertains the little guests and makes sure that they do not go hungry.

Children's table at the wedding

An option worth considering is the organization of a separate table for children. They will probably be more interested in having fun in the company of their peers, and adults will be able to get rid of every minute surveillance of their children. If there are many children, it may be worth hiring a nanny who will additionally look after them, so that parents can fully enjoy the holiday.

When drawing up a plan, take into account the degree of kinship, interests, likes and dislikes of the invitees. Who better than you to know who will be a suitable neighbor to each other, because these are your relatives and friends. Do everything so that nothing darkens and spoils this joyful day.

"They met, fell in love, got married and lived like in a fairy tale,
happily ever after!"

Here is a summary of any romantic movie. Unfortunately, this only happens in movies. Because between these "met-married" there is an important stage of life together, which happens to take a lot of time, and sometimes not (although the number of cases is always definitely a lot.) As you guessed, this is wedding preparation. After a touching moment, when a marriage proposal was made, after notifying relatives and friends about the event, the time comes for the child's dream of a beautiful white dress to come true, into a no less beautiful celebration.

Naturally, first of all, you should set the date of the wedding ceremony, so it will become clear how much time is available for pre-wedding preparations. Next, you need to make a strong-willed decision - to entrust the organization of the celebration to a wedding agency or to start preparing for the wedding on your own. When choosing a path, as a rule, people rely on several determining factors: will you have assistants (you definitely can’t do it alone), experience in planning and holding holidays (even if it’s a school KVN), finances (you can do everything yourself, but to help hire a professional wedding planner), and so on. If you have chosen the first option and left the preparation in the hands of wedding agency professionals, then all that remains for you is to make important decisions and set the main direction of the wedding celebration. If you cannot trust strangers at such an important moment for you and decide to organize everything on your own, then a difficult, but no less interesting path to your desired dream lies ahead.

The organization of a wedding is a difficult and very responsible matter, in which every little thing plays an important role, because the wedding day is special and you want only the best memories of it. There is so much to prepare, take into account, remember a lot of the smallest details, calculate the wedding budget so that everything is within the financial possibilities, you will have to make many meetings with a florist, designer, hairdresser and other craftsmen. In general, do everything possible and not possible to look the very best at the wedding celebration and start your married life with the word “YES”.

But how do you get it all done? How to make sure that there is no budget overrun? And others to look after the wedding chores, so that everything is done on time? I need to follow the menu, because my grandmother is allergic to cheese. Carefully consider the seating arrangement of guests, because Aunt Clara hates Aunt Raya. How not to drive yourself before the wedding and throw off at least a small part of your worries?

How sometimes it is a pity that there is no good Fairy Godmother, who at the most difficult moment will come, wave her magic wand and a miracle will happen. Everything is ready, you are in a magnificent wedding dress, riding in a carriage to a wedding ball. As they say: the plan is good, but a little not thought out. Crystal slippers rub nightmarish calluses, dress after twelve spreads and there is nothing to go home ... So we stop dreaming and take into our beautiful hands the business called "wedding organization". And to simplify our task a little, we will use the help of a glider. Bride's diary.

A banquet begins with a recipe, a dress with a sketch, a good wedding with planning. Wedding planning is like a complex and big puzzle, when you put it together you get a beautiful picture.

Since it is simply impossible to remember everything, you need to use the bride's diary, it will facilitate your task and, importantly, save your time. I bring to your attention an interesting version of the wedding notebook. Maybe you will like it completely, or maybe just some small part.

The wedding notebook has a complete list of all the necessary things, as well as useful tips on choosing a dress, hairstyle, operator, etc. Today, there is a wide range of services, listing which will make your head spin. Using the glider, you will not forget about anything, do not spend extra money and, most importantly, save time that you can spend on yourself.

How to start preparing for a wedding?

Firstly, do not panic! Breathe in and out. Believe in yourself, you will make it.

Secondly, make a plan! The main rule of good planning is the division of one case into several, those into smaller cases, and so on. And then it remains only to follow your own instructions step by step.

In your diary, you need to record everything, all the ideas and thoughts that come, all the necessary information. The diary can look different: a simple notebook with multi-colored sections, a table on a PC, an application on a tablet or an online program on a smartphone.

Bride's notebook. What's inside?

I propose to create a wedding diary with your own hands, it can be left as a memory of the fun pre-wedding turmoil. It is better if it is an organizer on detachable rings. Such a design will allow, if necessary, to insert additional sheets for notes, fabric samples, thick cardboard with sketches, photographs of the design you like, clipping files with useful information.

In general, it is not difficult to assemble it, anyone can do it. Here's what we need for this:

  1. A folder of A4-A5 format is well suited (to whom it is more convenient).
  2. A piece of fabric of the desired color for the cover.
  3. Thin synthetic winterizer (3-8 cm) in size corresponding to the size of your folder.
  4. Glue gun or just instant super glue.
  5. Sheets of paper of all possible density and appropriate format for your pages.
  6. Hole puncher.
  7. Files, again the desired format.
  8. Scraps of fabric, colored threads, lace, multi-colored ribbons to decorate the cover of the diary.
  9. Fantasy in full swing.

Bride's notebook. Step-by-step instruction:

  • We take a binder folder and wrap it with a layer of synthetic winterizer. It must be glued along the entire length and along the fold. If you wish, you can not suffer with one large piece of synthetic winterizer, but cut it into a couple of rectangles for the cover and a strip on the spine. You don't need to make a turn on the inside.

  • Next, take the fabric, which on all sides should be a centimeter and a half more than the folder for the fold. If the edge of the material “spreads”, it is necessary to process it - turn it up and stitch it, overcast it manually or with the help of an overlock, or you can simply burn it. Although if this (spreading) is required by your idea, then on the contrary, you can artistically fray the edges a little more.

  • We tightly wrap the diary with cloth and fix the edges with glue. Remember to carefully lay the corners. At the place of the fold, the fabric also needs to be glued, then it will not ride while opening the daddy. It is also desirable to glue the disheveled threads so that they do not spread more than necessary.

  • So, the basis of our wedding diary is ready. Connect your imagination and decorate the cover. You can embroider the inscription with colored threads, you can write the name with beads using glue, you can lay it out with lace braid. In general, who is in what much.

  • And now we need to fill our glider with pages. Pages can be either from plain printer paper, or from thicker landscape sheets or from colored cardboard. Make holes with a hole punch and insert. To delimit sections of the notebook, sheets are needed slightly wider than the bulk of the pages. They can also be decorated in various ways (rhinestones, sparkles, stickers, drawings and inscriptions, etc.). And you can use small bright labels located at the top or side along the page to easily open the desired section.

The content of the bride's notebook or "what does wedding planning consist of?"

The whole point of a wedding planner is to collect all the ideas, tasks, contacts, lists, and other wedding stuff in one place and have free access to all the necessary information at any time. Therefore, you need to purchase a supply of multi-colored paper clips, felt-tip pens, a stapler and staples in sufficient quantities, glue, pins, and so on and so forth. All this will help to attach, record, mark and save everything that is necessary for the preparation of the wedding celebration.

On the very first page, you need to make a general checklist (to-do list), for example: a banquet hall, a wedding procession, a dress. On the first pages of the categories (banquet hall) you can make another list, for example: hall decor, menu, seating plan, table setting. And in front of each item, put a tick after completion. Well, on the subsequent pages of the organizer sections, the actual information should be located - sketches, ideas, tips, reminders and other ideas.

wedding images

  1. The image of the bride - dress, veil, shoes, underwear, garter, hairstyle, makeup, jewelry.
  2. The image of the groom - shirt, trousers, tie, jacket, shoes, boutonniere.
  3. Wedding rings

Here you can also come up with and develop images of your witnesses - if you have a dress code (color scheme of outfits and accessories for them).

Banqueting hall

  1. Enumeration of various places of celebration and all related information - address, phone number, price offer.
  2. Pictures of the premises or landscapes, if an outdoor ceremony is planned.


  1. Invitation cards - the invitation itself, a map for out-of-town guests and other additional information.
  2. Seating plan for guests.
  3. Name seating cards.
  4. Thanksgiving gifts to guests - bonbonnieres.
  5. Comic diplomas, certificates and diplomas, medals and other incentive prizes.
  6. Wedding chest.
  7. Wish album, fingerprint tree, photo booth photo album, small card board, etc.


  1. Flowers - bridal bouquet, boutonniere, decoration of the banquet hall and tables.
  2. Props for a photo shoot on a walk - fans, smoke bombs, signs, mustaches-crowns-lips-hats on sticks, a board with crayons, soap bubbles, picture frames of various shapes and sizes.
  3. Outdoor wedding ceremony - a carpet, baskets with petals, a flower arch, a table for glasses and pillows for rings.
  4. Banquet - hall decor, newlyweds table, table setting, dance area, everything for the ceremony of transferring the family hearth.


  1. All the data of the necessary specialists - evening manager, restaurant administrator, video operator, photographer, DJ, toastmaster, hairdresser, stylist, make-up artist, florist, pastry chef, choreographer, etc.
  2. REGISTRY OFFICE - list of documents, location, time of registration.
  3. Invited guests - the number of guests, phone numbers, marks for sending invitations, confirmation of arrival.

Wedding estimate

  1. Budget - each item is calculated and the required amount is written down, or vice versa, the available amount can be divided into the most basic items, and then it becomes clear what is really needed, and what can be abandoned and thus saved.
  2. Expenses - every payment, even the smallest one, is carefully entered here.
  3. Checks and receipts - checks are attached for payment for the services provided, or, if a check for prepayment is not issued, receipts for receiving the amount of money for prepayment in order to avoid various kinds of misunderstandings.
  4. Contracts - all concluded contracts for the provision of any services are added up.

Daily routine or timing plan

  1. Fees - the morning of the bride, ransom.
  2. REGISTRY OFFICE - solemn painting.
  3. Wedding walk - photo session.
  4. Outdoor wedding ceremony (if any).
  5. Banquet - a meeting of the young, congratulations, competitions, removal of the veil and transfer of the hearth.

Well, that's actually all. I really hope that this article will be useful and help you not to get lost at such a crucial moment in your life. If you are interested in the electronic version of the wedding diary, then you can download it "here".

(4 ratings, average: 3,75 out of 5)

_____________________________________GOOD DAY!___________________________________

I am getting ready for the wedding, I have a lot of papers, notebooks, notes where I make some notes and notes regarding the wedding. I keep losing or forgetting them. And then I accidentally stumbled on the Internet on the cutest notebook Wedding planner - Diary of the bride. I immediately understood - this is what I need to organize all the information on the wedding. I didn't hesitate to order it.

Makes a diary bookbride company - Ekaterina Komarova

What is a Bride Diary?

This is a handy publication in which you can record all the necessary and useful information about your wedding. You will never miss anything, because all the information about the wedding is already included in the Bride's Diary! You just have to fill it out for yourself!
All information is arranged in the order in which you need to prepare for the wedding.
For almost every item there is a table that will easily help you compare the selected candidates for wedding services and structure the information. There is a to-do list, a wedding day plan, and more!
We have left space for your personal notes. So there will be no need for additional notes.
As you already understood, the bride's diary is a necessary, useful and beautiful thing! And it's available to everyone!

Bought on site [link] . Price: 300 rubles+ delivery by Russian Post from St. Petersburg to Moscow 100 rub.

The order was sent to me last Friday, yesterday I picked it up at the post office, sent it by registered mail.

Spring diary for easy flipping. Pink color with the bride on the cover. Format 10x15 cm.

The notebook is amazing, it has EVERYTHING that the bride needs: tables, a calendar, estimates, descriptions of services, and so on and so forth.

___________________________ The diary is divided into several stages _____________________

Stage one - Budget planning, wedding concept, guest list.

Stage two - Find contractors, buy wedding details, search for a restaurant.

Stage three - Schedule of the day, to-do list a week before the wedding, to-do list the day before the wedding, preparation for the honeymoon trip.

And now a lot of photo examples of the contents of the notebook.

Good afternoon, my dear readers!

I love order in everything, especially - order in my head and in all affairs.

However, when you are a final year student of one of the most difficult areas of your technical university, you study, study the rest at home, go about your daily business, and even manage to keep a blog, in preparation for the wedding there is no time left.

In the summer, of course, I had much more time: I I watched videos, read articles and took notes. In the end, there were so many leaflets with all the described tips and subtleties of the organization that I began to get confused in them.

And so, walking on the expanses of instagram, I see profile organizers Best Bride and instantly took an interest in them. It is led by a girl who has several years of experience in the wedding industry. She is also the creator of the organizer. And already from the first pages it was clear that an experienced and competent person in these matters was engaged in its compilation.

Well, are you interested?

I chose delivery by "Russian Post", it is free. You can also order by courier, but then you have to pay extra.

And finally, a notification came to the phone - the package is already in my post office! I was waiting for her the same way I was waiting for New Year's gifts in childhood, so I ran to the post office the same day

You can see the view in which my organizer arrived in the photo above. It was packed in a regular postal package, but the packaging was not damaged. How I love it when things are packaged like this! ❤

The organizer also comes with a pen. Apparently, for the same girls as me: to get it and write it right away ... But no, I first need to take a picture!

The book is of very high quality, hardcover, glossy cover. There is a ribbon bookmark.

On the first pages - a greeting and parting words from the author. To the right are the preparation points. Just look how many there are! Twenty nine, Charles!

And everything is collected in one place. Seeing this, I was pleasantly shocked.

If you think that a book consists solely of tables and lists, then this is not so.

Many important points have something like a preface, which talks about how to do better, how and on what you can save money from the section, and also reminds you of the most important things that you need to take into account. And, what probably pleased me most of all - there is questions for contractors! Down to whether there is a cake cart and knives to cut. I am not kidding.

Yes, as you probably already noticed, the organizer is not cheap. But if you think about the fact that the same tables, lists, etc. are provided by the organizers or presenters of special courses for newlyweds (both online and offline), then the price seems not so high.

And yes, I think that those who believe that preparing for a wedding is a headache, trouble, and nerves simply do not know how to structure and process, or do not prepare for it in advance.

Everything will be great for me! Because everything will be the way I want, and I will take into account all the details, because I have acquired such an assistant. I don’t regret the purchase one bit and I recommend it to all future brides! And then the holiday, as well as preparation for it, will bring only pleasure, otherwise why then arrange it?

Thank you for attention! Hope it was helpful!