Monthly allowance for pregnant woman. What are the benefits - general information. What should students have

When studying the question of what payments made, which continue to work, in 2019, it is necessary to take into account that one part can be paid only before the date of delivery, the other part is only after the birth of the baby. This article will help to understand this rather popular question.

Women who are waiting for a child, but continue to work, have the full right to the following monetary types of state support.

One-time allowance for women who have taken registered on the early period of pregnancy

To get this help, you need to prepare these documents:

The statement of a woman who is insured;
Special sheet, which confirms disability;
Information or reference, which indicates that the woman has taken into account yet on early.

For women who stood up to twelve weeks, they can count on a one-time payment, the amount of which today is 576 Russian rubles. This amount of money receives a new indexation every year. All this is paid to women along with the rest of the benefits.

Payments for women on pregnancy and childbirth

Social benefits are considered the most impressive. They can be issued only, which is discharged in the female consultation institution.

In order to get this manual you need to have:

The statement of a woman who is insured, about the desire to receive this payment;
A sheet that confirms disability.

This type of care can be paid from the Social Insurance Fund, and can also calculate all types of revenues for two full calendar years. This period is preceded by making leave for the expectation of the baby, to which it is necessary to calculate the contributions to the fund. But it is important to take into account that not for every calendar days that fall on:

The time when the temporary is not the ability to work, also leave to care for the baby;
Periods that exempt employees from work activities while maintaining a salary volume full or partial. In addition, if the deductions to the FSS are not charged for this time period.

27 455 Russian rubles are the minimum amount that women in the Russian Federation.

Lump-sum birth

15 382 Russian rubles at the moment this is the amount that is. Depending on the region or subject, this amount may vary. In addition, the amount can be increased for women who are military wives. Monetary state support can be paid at the main place of women. This social manual is allowed for each child born.

In order to obtain this social payment, it is necessary to assemble the following documents:

Statement of the future mother;
certificate of the appearance of the kid;
Help with information from the workplace of the Pope of the child, that he did not receive a benefit;
If the future mother divorced her husband, then it is necessary to provide a divorce certificate.

Monthly child care allowance

A year and a half, women who have an official employment place can receive a special benefit every month. Its amount is calculated from the official wages. These are forty percent of the salary, in addition, it must be at least forty percent of. This allowance may be 5,768 Russian rubles and 19,855.

While the child does not turn three years, the mother has the right to receive this manual every month. To date, the official amount of state aid is fifty rubles. But in some regions it increases to two thousand Russian rubles.

To obtain this manual, you must have the following documentation:

The statement of a woman who is insured;
provide a copy of the order that the future mother is given a child care vacation;
There must be a copy of the fact of the birth of a kid, which must be certified by the head;
If this is not the first child, it is necessary to provide copies of all evidence of the appearance of the previous baby;
It is also very important to receive information from the place of employment of the Pope, that he is no longer on leave to care for the kid, and that he has not received social payment;
Information that parents did not take advantage of this type of state support. To do this, provide a special help.

Is it possible to work for future mommies

At the thirtieth week, a woman officially goes on maternity leave. But it is important to remember that it is officially beginning with the provision of a hospital who has been issued by women's advice. But not every woman can immediately go on vacation, especially if it concerns money. Russian legislation does not reborn the continuation of work. But in this case, the mother must choose between wages and this manual.

It is important to remember that social assistance is accrued in the amount of one hundred percent of the average salary for two years, this is the main difference from the hospital sheet. It is for this reason that it is very advantageous to refuse payments for the future mothers who receive wages officially in a small volume, and the remaining cash receive informally.

Decor of benefits and pregnancy assistance and childbirth

It is very important to remember that only official women can receive this manual. They can also include women who work on incomplete working graphics, they also have a payment if they are officially officially. But if a citizen of the Russian Federation works not under an employment contract, then it completely loses the right to receive this benefit and payments.

In addition, if a citizen of Russia has several official jobs, it has the full right to arrange a social allowance for each workplace. This became possible if contributions to the insurance social fund were listed for each place.

As soon as the mother of the kid decided to go to work, she completely refuses all social payments that she was laid. But when a woman begins to work, but the working day is not completely, it can receive payments.

Many people think that only a child's mother can get the allowance. But this is not so, even grandmother can get the allowance. To do this, it is necessary to issue all relevant documents in the name of a person who will actually take care of the baby.

Many non-working (unemployed) future mothers are interested in the question of maternity and childhood benefits. Whether they are allowed and if they are put on, then what payments they can count and in what size.

Pregnancy allowance and childbirth

As a general rule, if a woman did not work or resigned to (during) pregnancy, then maternity benefits such women not prescribed and not paid, except for situations when:

  • the woman was fired in connection with the liquidation of the organization, the termination of individuals by individuals as an IP, the termination of the powers of the notaries engaged in private practice, and the cessation of a lawyer's status for 12 months preceding the recognition of them in the prescribed order of the unemployed (paragraph 2, Art. 6 FZ -81 dated 05/19/1995 as amended from 05.12.2006 N 207-FZ). The manual is paid at the expense of the federal budget allocated to the Social Insurance Fund. To federal payments, local authorities may pay extra pregnancy benefits to such women at the expense of the budget of the relevant subject;
  • woman learned by full-time on a paid or free basis In educational institutions of primary professional, secondary vocational and higher professional education, in the institutions of postgraduate vocational education ( pP. "B", paragraph 9 of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2009 No. 1012n). The manual is paid in the amount of scholarshipsat the expense of the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, allocated to educational institutions for the payment of scholarships.

Unemployed Pregnant and Employment Center (Labor Exchange)

If a woman quit for any reason, she will be able to register in the authorities of the employment service (register as an unemployed) and receive unemployment benefits (in 2019 the minimum value of unemployment benefits - 1500 rubles, the maximum - 8000 rubles) before making maternity leave.

However, women who are registered with the employment service authorities, the rights to maternity benefits do not have the employment center manual is not paying.

The payment of unemployment benefits during pregnancy and childbirth is not produced, so the woman provides a disability sheet obtained in 30 weeks to the Employment Center. Throughout the time specified in the disability sheet, a specialist of the Center does not appoint a visit to the employment service.

If, at the end of this vacation, the woman will be ready to look for work and proceed to it, the payment of unemployment benefits will resume (if the period of payment has not expired), if not ready, then payments will be suspended for a period of childcare leave.

The period of pregnancy, the period of maternity leave and childbirth are not grounds for removing from accounting as unemployed.

One-time allowance for women to be recorded in early pregnancy for non-working

Since allowance for registration in early pregnancy (up to 12 weeks) is appointed additionally to maternity benefits and paid at the destination and pay maternity benefits, non-working pregnant women they have no right to to receive this payment.

Again, the exception is only women dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization and students who are studying for full-time learning.

In addition to federal payments, Moscow provides a one-time payment for registration in medical institutions (up to 20 weeks). This payment is appointed by a woman (registered at the place of residence in Moscow) to Rossen regardless of the fact of work, study or service, upon presentation of a certificate of the established sample ( Letter of the Department of Health of Moscow from 08.11.2006 No. 33-18-3165).

Obtaining non-working one-time benefits at the birth of a child

The right to receive a lump-sum benefit at the birth of a child has one of the parents. In the case of two or more children, one-time allowance is appointed and paid for each child.

The answer to the question of where to get this allowance depends on the husband of the non-working woman:

  • if one of the parents works, and the other does not work, a one-time allowance at the birth of a child is assigned and paid at work parent. Therefore, if the child's father works, only he can get a one-time allowance at the place of his work.
  • if both parents do not work either study on full-time education in educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education and institutions of postgraduate vocational education, a one-time allowance for the birth of a child is assigned and paid social protection authority population at the place of residence (place of stay, actual accommodation) of one of the parents.

Monthly child care allowance

Monthly child care allowance is appointed by unemployed women in case non-treatment of unemployment benefits In the social protection of the population at the place of residence from the birth of a child on the day of execution of a child and a half years.

The payment of a monthly benefit for child care Mama-students who are student in full-time is carried out:

  • since the birth of a child on the day of execution of a child and a half years - in case of a monthly child care benefit;
  • from the day following the end of the end of pregnancy and childbirth, a day of execution of a child and a half years - in case of a choice of maternity benefits and childbirth.

The manual is appointed no later than 10 days from the date of acceptance of the application with all the necessary documents. Payment of benefits is carried out by the social protection bodies through postal offices or credit organizations specified by the beneficiaries, monthly, no later than the 26th month, based on the minimum amounts of benefits.

Required documents:

  • application for the appointment of benefits;
  • certificate of the birth of a child (children), followed by care and its copy;
  • certificate of the birth of the previous child and his copy (in the event of the death of the previous child, a certificate of death and its copy) is presented);
  • in case the child's father does not work either manifests a full-time learning form - a certificate from the social protection bodies of the population at the place of residence of the Father, on the non-receipt of a monthly child care benefit;
  • a copy of the employment record, certified in the prescribed manner, with the presentation of the identity document
  • certificate from the authority of the public employment service of the population about non-payment of unemployment benefits (with the exception of people studying for full-time education in educational institutions);
  • document confirming co-residence in the territory of the Russian Federation a child with one of the parentscarrying out the care of it issued by the organization authorized on his issuance ( pP. "K" clause 54 of the Order of the Ministry of Minutes of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2009 No. 1012n);
  • help from the place of study confirming that the face is trained in full-time education, a certificate from the place of study on previously paid to the child's mother's maternity benefits - for individuals learned by the full-time education in educational institutions.

In the event of a woman's appeal to the social protection authorities at the place of actual residence, in addition to the documents, a certificate is submitted from the social protection authority at the place of registration, confirming that the monthly child care allowance was not prescribed and was not paid.

If the unemployed woman before childbirth did not work anywhere, she can't take advantage of child care leave, as the vacation suggests rest from working duties, so other family members (working dad, grandmother) to make a vacation for yourself and receive benefits also not have the right .

Dimensions of benefits to citizens who have children in areas and areas where regional coefficients for wages are established using these coefficients.

Summary table of receiving benefits non-working woman.
BenefitsFederalA place
(Moscow, MO)
A place
Maternity benefit
One-time allowance for women who are registered in the early periods of pregnancyPaid in MoscowRussen
One-time benefit at the birth of a childPaidIf the husband works - music work
If not working - in Rosn
If learned, the husband does not work - in Rossen
in some entities depends on the level of income (for example, in MO)
In Moscow, regardless of the average family income
Monthly, child care allowancePaidRussenPaid at a certain level of family income *Russen

Thus, non-working (unemployed) Mom lacks the following types of benefits:

  1. Maternity benefit;
  2. One-time allowance for women who put into account in early pregnancy time (up to 12 weeks);
  3. Monthly compensation payment from birth to 3 years in the amount of 50 rubles.

Pregnant and Mama benefits

The maximum amount of maternity benefits in 2019 - 417232 rubles (at the birth of two or more children). Minimum size - 51919 rubles. Pregnancy and childbirth benefits are produced in the nearest salaries day after appointment.

In addition to the benefits listed in the Federal Law No. 81-FZ "On government benefits, citizens who have children" exist to support families with children.

The right to maternity allowance and childbirth have:

A maternity leave has a duration of 140 calendar days in the case of uncomplicated single-flop pregnancy, 156 calendar days in the case of complicated births and 194 calendar days at the birth of two or more children.

Pregnancy benefits are calculated and paid in total for all vacation, regardless of the number of days actually used before delivery. If you, being on the decree, continue to work, the amount of benefits does not decrease.

There is free on the site

Working women subject to mandatory social insurance, pregnancy benefits are established in the amount of 100% of average earnings. Earnings are considered for two calendar years preceding the year of care for pregnancy and childbirth.

When calculating maternity benefits in 2019, income for 2017 and 2018 is taken into account.

According to Article 14 of the Federal Law No. 255-FZ and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, for each year it is possible to take into account no more than a certain amount. So in 2017 it is possible to take into account no more than 755,000 rubles, and in 2018 it is possible to take into account not more than 815,000 rubles.

Thus, for women leaving for decrees in 2019, the amount of pregnancy benefits for 140 days may not be more than 301,095 rubles, in 156 days with complicated birth - no more than 335,506 rubles and 194 days of hospital for pregnancy and childbirth At birth twins or triple - no more than 417 232 rubles.

At the same time, the maximum amount of maternity benefits does not depend on the district coefficients. And in Moscow, and for the polar circle, the maximum amount of the manual is the same.

A woman having an insurance experience of less than six months, maternity allowance is paid in the amount of the minimum wage (minimum wage) for each month of vacation. From January 1, 2019, Mroth is equal to 11,280 rubles per month. In the insurance experience, all periods are included, during which the employee was subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and due to motherhood.

In the event that the insured person works in several employers, income from all employers go to the credit, but payments to the benefits are made either according to one of the last jobs, or for each place of work, look for your own option in the article ". If a female worker wants a full allowance in one place, she needs to bring from other employers a certificate of income for a two-year period and a certificate that the allowance for these employers did not work.

The manual for pregnancy and childbirth is appointed by the employer (employers) within 10 days after the provision of all documents, and is paid to the commencement of salaries after appointment.

If the employer cannot pay pregnancy benefits and childbirth (no money in the account), the manual pays the territorial body of the Insurer (see the name of the insurance company on its policy of the OMS).

Documents for accrual of maternity benefits

  • disability sheet;
  • application for leave;
  • certificate of the amount of earnings from another place of work, if these were preceding two years;
  • application for replacing the estimated periods, if required.

Allowance dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization

From February 1, 2019, dismissed in connection with the liquidation of organizations, maternity allowance and childbirth is established in the amount of 655 rubles 49 kopecks per month and is paid by the social protection authority (USSN). For this, it is necessary for 12 months from the date of the dismissal to register in the center of employment and submit the following documents to the organs of social protection:

  • application for the appointment of maternity benefits;
  • disability sheet;
  • an extract from the employment record about the last place of work, certified in the prescribed manner;
  • help from the state employment employment authorities on recognition of the unemployed.

If a woman appeals to the manual to the body of social protection not at the place of residence (the place of constant registration), and at the place of actual stay, it is also necessary to provide a certificate from USSN at the place of residence that the allowance was not appointed.

Manual learning in full-time

A person who studies on full-time learning is entitled to maternity benefits, regardless of whether training is taught or free.

Students receive benefits at the place of study in the amount of scholarships (for every month of disability). Accrual and payment is made within 10 days after the provision of documents.

To obtain benefits, you need to provide a statement and certificate from a medical organization.

One-time allowance for women who put in medical organizations in early pregnancy time

The right to a one-time allowance additionally to pregnancy benefits also have women who are registered to the twelfth week of pregnancy.

One-time allowance for women in medical organizations in early pregnancy on February 1, 2019 is 655 rubles 49 kopecks.

Questions to the article

One-time payout, child care. Now I am again ...

After the birth of twins in favor of child care benefits

Another kid planned, wrote a child care application for ...

I can arrange a one-time allowance for yourself? ...

Received, now submitted documents in the social protection, to pay! ...

Right to pay below the minimum wagon? ...

Take 2014-2015, as I understand it. And in April 2016 we were transferred to the bid ...

January 2015. I want to take to calculate the decree 2015 and 2016. Whether there is a...

2016, certificates about the SP need for this year, or only for 2014 2015? ...

Nothing provided? And does it make sense to get up in the center ...

Late November 2016. I work since May 2016. Average salary 23000 ...

Experience, if the amount of payment will depend on this. Is it so?...

Pregnant. I plan to get a large one in the near future ...

I did not make me officially. Does it make sense to be issued now or ...

Of this year, i.e. 4 months. In 2015, he worked elsewhere with ...

2016. In the calculation of the benefits will include fully 2014 and 2015, or need ...

Agreement (contract). Our hospital is not paid, vacation ...

In September 2015, I went to my permanent place of work and ...

Months) without saving sn, it is possible to eliminate these calendar days ...

At the workplace of 6 months salary 4 thousand, in the labor contract ...

Three years and will already go 4 times. Please tell me, I'm leaving in December ...

I work in my organization since May 2015. Before that, worked in 2008-2011 ...

Already 2.2 years (I'm on leave to caring up to 3 years), I got pregnant with the second ...

Last year we live in Israel and waiting for a child, I am 6 months old ...

One place, s / a under the contract is 4444 rubles, I get on the hands ...

Decree. I worked in 2015 on Polfesta. And one month (January) in ...

Payments for maternity benefits, enterprise "LLC" from the FSS and ...

Going to work, between two children I went out for half a year and left ...

When issuing a benefit of a pregnant woman in charge of up to 12 weeks ... Everything ...

February is leaving for pregnancy and childbirth with second ...

1 year and 7 months ... and a month before maternity leave ...

06.2003 to 04.2015, from 05.2015 to 01.2016 in the CH, a new place of work from 02.2016 ...

That the main vacation falls on the summer months (June, July, ...

Husband citizen of Kazakhstan. I officially work and wait for the child, ...

In a wish, I worked at the enterprise 3 years, not to the labor office ...

2014 - until March 2015 I worked in another organization, of. the salary...

Of the year. In the state organization. Hospital sheet was open 30 ...

On hospital care and childbirth. Should an employer ...

The income for 2013 and 2014 amounted to 1300,000 rubles. What is the size of the manual ...

One-time allowance for women who are registered in medical ...

Paying for pregnancy and childbirth in my case: in 2016 ...

Pregnancy will be the difference in money with one-time pay, ...

Pregnancy, a certificate of registration, during which ...

Pregnant, settled on another job, but before leaving vacation ...

A child was born abroad, and at the moment there is no possibility ...

Citizen RB.The currently we work in the Republic of Belarus, I get registered by ...

Decree is leaving. But earlier I have not officially worked out. How much I ...

I sit at home with a child up to 1.5 years. A disabled child is 8.5 years old, I'm not ...

Another under the contract. The workforce of the second organization claims ...

The child gives a gift of 200 thousand rubles. It's true or ...

I work, will be reorganized (by allocating). I'm fine ...

The first child, if I am a student of the 5th year of full-time ...

Registered in early dates 412,08 rubles. to the district coefficient if I ...

The child is 3 years old, a few months will appear the second ....

Work. 06/21/2010 I was given a pregnancy vacation and ...

Not. Received a higher education in the territory of the Russian Federation. Now...

Mother, but is completely on my content, he is 13 years old ...

Vacation for 2010, the child was born on a period of 39 weeks. Is it possible ...

Work worked 3 messes and how much I will receive when my ...

Pregnant. S / n is 25 000 rubles. Before that worked ...

It works, his official sn is 9000 rubles. Can a husband instead of me ...

Analymoned child, 6 years old. The husband works in two places. Dream ...

It is not framed. Officially employed in St. Petersburg, but ...

Data to the employment record? Those. Now I am sitting on ...

Vacation. But the only thing that my bosses are interested - not ...

Already 1.5 years, I can't get s / n. In September I am satisfied with the new job, ...

Get a pregnancy and childbirth allowance at the calculation of the salary? ...

The term of pregnancy 29 weeks. What are the benefits for pregnancy and ...

Increase salary. Will the raising of decret and ...

Pregnancy benefit? Now I have a term of 29-30 week. Date: 12.08.2010 ...

Year I got a job and after six months quit (at work ...

How much should I pay at a new place if I ...

Nowhere has not studied and did not work. The husband is also unemployed. We live in ...

Seven months. I get a child care allowance to 1.5 years 2400rub ...

Give it with the help of cesarean section? (Complex childbirth) ...

Give it. On what cash payments in connection with the birth of a child we ...

Payment, ask to write on without detention, and I think that taxes are also ...

Vacation, I pay for a child care allowance to 1.5 years, in ...

That is, in our city it will not be at all. Pregnancy term 18 ...

Employer (1 person works). Registered in March 2010, ...

How much I will receive for the second child up to 1.5 years ...

I get the minimum allowance 990 rubles. I heard that the unemployed ...

Leave for the care of the first child will go to work for 5 months ...

It works, but I'm just lying (i.e. I have experience, and wages ...

Places of work and I will become in the center of employment, then what payments I can ...

Not officially. The work holder suggested that I was officially ...

We work for a private owner. What payments are we put on? ...

The scholarship did not receive, the hospital leaf did not disappear, I do not ...

Attending a kindergarten he can not. Now the second is pregnant, whether ...

Month, I plan to work before the decree, and there, respectively, like ...

Organizations in which we have not paid salary during the year ...

Distribute at the end of the trial period ??? ...

Is it possible to get a benefit to 1.5 years at work? And how much...

The generic certificate ... Previously, the wife worked in the IP and she was made ...

Postpartum payments - means that many families are needed for the establishment of a baby: buying things, medicines, baby food. The benefits are divided into several parts, depend on the employment experience and wages of the mother, the number of children in the family, the material situation. There are payments that are intended for all regardless of the working position and the number of children in the family. Others are issued only to those who received a certain amount of wages or gave birth to several children.

What are the benefits - general information

When and what are the generic benefits? The size depends on the time from the moment of birth, the region, the level of material support. For all Russia, privileges:

  • for mothers who have applied to the social space for up to 3 months. pregnancy (throughout the Russian Federation - after dismissal, in the capital - in any case);
  • payments by childbirth that are given once;
  • maternal capital;
  • care products for newborns up to 1.5 years, pay as salary;
  • compensation to preferential groups;
  • tools for the maintenance of a baby up to 3 years for children of military, occupied in the army of call;
  • means adopters.
Any woman during the pregnancy and after the appearance of a baby is relying a number of mandatory payments.

Support from the state is provided only if the legal representative will give a timely paper in social protection. There is a certificate that funds have not yet been received earlier. Read more about the packages of documents and methods for receiving payments below.

The state provides a baby up to 1.5 years, if there is no aggravating circumstances in the family. Multi-fashioned families, without a breadwinner, with disabled children payments can extend up to 3 years or even up to 18 years (23 in training).

Larger allowances are provided in the capital to residents of residents. This is caused by a large amount of subsistence spending.

Maternity benefit

Money is issued once. The right to receive benefits in an enlarged volume have only mothers who are working out officially. In the absence of an official place of work payments minimum. The husband cannot get paid for his wife.

Pregnancy payments and childbirth allows you to compensate for the cost of purchasing an initial set of children's clothing, children's mixtures, furniture and medical support of childbirth.

Pregnancy and childbirth payments are intended to acquire the parents of all necessary for the newborn

When and where to turn

A woman who was officially employed at the time of pregnancy and went to the maternity leave, should appeal at the place of work (in accounting or directly to the boss, if there is no financial department). With you, you need to have only a sheet of disability.

Important!You need to turn no later than 6 months after the birth of the child. Otherwise, payments may refuse.

If the young mother did not work or was an IP, then contact the local compartment of social protection and insurance payments. IP must provide a certificate of average income that the social security department can calculate the amount.

For registration of payments, it is necessary to have a filled list of disability

How to calculate

Guidelines for childbirth in 2017 - how much do you pay working and unearned mothers? The amount of payments for unemployed and employed is varied:

  • for working - 100% of wages;
  • for the unemployed - the minimum amount of payments, that is, 3065 rubles at the birth of the first newborn and 6131 at the birth of the second.

The amount of compensation for II is calculated separately.

If the payment is issued through the employer, not needed information about the average earnings. If a person turns to the insurance payment department, then it is necessary to provide a certificate of medium-income recently, as well as a labor book for non-working.

One-time allowance for children

The second one-time payment to support mothers and children is a one-time allowance for the kid. Payments after childbirth in this case are the same, and for working, and for unemployed. The amount of the benefit is 16350 rubles for 2017.

One-time allowance is equally both for previously working and non-working women

Who has the right

Postpartum security is provided to all mothers (or fathers), including IP, unemployed, students, beneficiaries, etc. For funds, you only need to collect the official package of documents.

Parents may choose who will be issued by the allowance - on the Father or Mother. Legally, this value does not have.

Where to go and how to arrange

A one-time allowance for children is issued either at the employer or in social protection bodies at the place of residence. In the first case, employed are accepted, and in the second - unemployed. The decision on the issue of payments is accepted within 10 days from the moment of circulation, while applying must be applied no later than the day when the child is half a year.

You must collect a package of documents:

  • help on the birth of a baby and registration in the form of a 24 registry office, which is issued in exchange for a document issued in the hospital;
  • application for appointment;
  • the document from the workplace of both parents is that funds have not yet been paid (for working) or from local social protection bodies if parents are not employed.

If parents do not work, they must provide an employment record with a record about the last place of work. For those who have not yet started working, it is enough to show diplomas or certificates of education or other evidence of the lack of working activities.

For people who are not given birth, but adopted, the package of documents is changing. Instead of a birth certificate, an extract from the court decision, which established that the married couple (or one person) goes into a discharge of a guardian (adopter) of a baby.

After applying, the funds will be paid within 10 days.

What payments are put on young mothers

Maternal capital

Recently, until December 31, 2018, the Maternal Capital Program is valid. Families that have 2 or more children have the right to receive the amount of more than 400 thousand rubles. To do this, you need to get a second or subsequent (3.4) child and contact the department of social protection.

The exact amount of capital depends on many factors. You can spend money in educational purposes or to improve the housing position of the family. At the same time, it is possible to pay for training as a second or third infant (in addition, after the appearance of which they gave payment), and for the student of the elder.

Third baby payments

At the birth of the third small family member, she gets a lot of status. Does this mean that it acquires the opportunity to use additional benefits?

Yes, privileges are appointed for travel and food children, education. But postpartum payments are not changing greatly. Additionally assigned:

  • compensation payments for the birth of a child in a young family (up to 30 years) in Moscow - 150 thousand rubles;
  • ensuring the baby is not up to 1.5, and up to 3 years;
  • monthly allowance 2500 to 3 years, 1500 Next;
  • 675 rubles for products up to 3 years;
  • 230 rubles for telephone, 522 - for housing and utilities, 600 - for reimbursement of expenses due to inflation.

Payments on the third child are somewhat different from others in size

Third child birth allowance

The size of a one-time benefit that is paid when 3 kids appears on the light, does not change. It remains in the amount of 16 thousand rubles. For registration, the same documents are needed as when referring to payments in the first and second time.

Maternal capital at birth 3 child

When 3 baby appears, the family can get the maternity capital in the amount established by the state, but only if it has not received a certificate earlier, when 2 infants appear. You can get a certificate until December 31, 2018, and use it - at any time even after the cancellation of the Maternal Capital program.

One and a half million rubles at the birth of a third child

In 2015, the draft law was considered, according to which the maternity capital of the third newborn could be introduced in 2017. Its amount was 1.5 million rubles. However, the draft law was rejected in the first hearing due to a large number of nuances:

  • the project would greatly hit the budget, increased the cost of providing families by 2 times;
  • families with 3 children, the last child of which was born earlier than 2017, would be in the oppressed position, because the manual was not issued;
  • the decision to pay 1.5 million rubles only in 2017-2018 could lead to a fertility boom, which is bad in the context of the economic crisis;
  • money could be spent only for the improvement of the housing conditions of the family, which shifts parents.

As a result, the laws remained the same - at birth 3 of the heir, no additional certificates are issued.

Monthly child care benefits

The amount of monthly child care benefits directly depends on Women's salary

Mother or fathers can receive a monthly care allowance for 1.5 years. The minimum size at the birth of the first child is 3000 rubles, the second is more than 6000.

The amount of money depends on the wage or father's wages. If they are not employed, then get minimal payment. And if you work or worked before maternity leave, then an amount of 40% of the average earnings over the past 2 years is issued.

There are other monthly payments:

  • for large families - compensation for household waste;
  • for lonely mothers;
  • for families with disabled;
  • on food.

Child care allowance for one and a half years

Family with a child up to 1.5 years receives providing monthly regardless of the material and social status. Additionally, child food is paid, free dairy products are issued, travel is allowed, sets of clothing are issued.

For the care of the allowance from 1.5 years is issued only to preferential categories of citizens, which are presented below.

Child care benefit up to 3 years

Child manual up to 3 years is issued not to all groups of the population. It is received only by the beneficiaries:

  • single mother (4500 rubles, if the income is below the subsistence minimum);
  • persons who do not pay alimony (3300 rubles);
  • mothers who during the decree were dismissed due to the closure of the enterprise;
  • large families (2500);
  • families with children with disabilities (2500).

Monthly benefits after 3 years are issued to disabled people and large families (1500 rubles), families of students, guardians and families with a bad material situation.

Baby care allowance for 3 years is supposed only to preferential categories of the population.

Monthly long-child care allowance

Officially, the amount of monthly security for the third child is no different from the benefit for the second child. The minimum size is 6 thousand, the maximum - 23 thousand, or 40 percent of the parent's salary. But add. Funds are given due to familiar family status.

On a note:Large families are issued additional monthly payments. Up to 3 years, the family receive 2,500 rubles, and when the baby is performed 3 years, payments are reduced to 1500 each month.

How to get - regulations

To obtain children's monthly benefits, you need to contact the social protection authorities. With you, it is necessary to have documents for a newborn (birth certificate, a certificate of residence with parents) and information about your work (workbook, help from work). Before getting money, it is necessary to prove that they have not previously been accepted. For this, social protection or at the place of work is issued a certificate. It is necessary to write a statement about the benefit.

If preferential payments are made, you need to provide documents that confirm the preferential position of the family.

You need to contact before reaching the child of 1-1.5 years. When approved, the money will begin to enter the account 10 days after the statement.

Other payments

In addition to monthly payments and one-time benefits, there are other payments. It:

  • benefits for the annual family day;
  • benefits for the Day of Knowledge (September 1) and funds for the purchase of clothing for training;
  • regional cash benefits;
  • manuals for wives of servicemen who cannot provide a family.

These additional money is given to large families and families with populatory fathers and children under 3 years. Regional payments are issued, regardless of the number of children and the provisions of the parents, differ territorially. Additional money is issued in 66 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Allowance for the Day of Knowledge Designed to help parents gather a child to school

Regional payments

Residents of individual regions can receive payments that are not appointed in other subjects of the Russian Federation. Bright example - Muscovites. For them, it should be issued:

  • compensation for young families up to 30 years (for the first infant - 75 thousand, for the second - 105 thousand, for the third - 150);
  • early pregnancy allowance;
  • increased children's birth payments (5500 for the first and 14400 for 2, etc.);
  • birth support at the same time from 3 children (50 thousand).

On a note! You can learn about special regional payments in the district community.

Manuals for military personnel

Now recruits are taking into the army, even if they have a pregnant wife at home. But pregnant girls who are in an official marriage with a conscript receive compensation for the time until their spouses serve in the benefit of the Motherland.

Honor of a pregnant wife of a serviceman

The conscript's spider should apply to the social protection bodies. Then she can get a one-time payment - 25 thousand rubles. The term of pregnancy should be more than six months.

For registration you need a packet of papers:

  • Reduss;
  • petition for issuance of benefits;
  • a copy of the marriage document;
  • paper from gynecology;
  • extracting about finding the service under the program of the General Military Meetility;
  • details of the card with cashless calculation, where the payment should be translated.
Wives of servicemen can arrange a separate one-time allowance

Allowance for newborn children of military personnel

Children of employees on a conscription program of the military receive additional funds every month. The amount of funds is 11 thousand rubles. To get benefit, you need to collect:

  • document on the child;
  • information certified by the Notary, about the income of the father and the mother over the past 24 months;
  • information of passport and bank account;
  • paper about the passage of the service;
  • issument about the permanent residence of the baby.


The benefits that are outstanding pregnant women and are on maternity leave, help Russia improve the demographic situation, supporting all categories of the population with children. The amount of paid money is constantly increasing, and with relevant information should be required in the official offices of the social protection of your area. In 2018, many benefits for beneficiaries will be twice as well, the next indexation of benefits per 1.08-1.1 and even more percent.

If you find it late for decoration, it may refuse it. Therefore, it is impossible to slow down when collecting documentation and campaign to the desired decoration department.