Where is the uterus located at 10 weeks pregnant. Discharge from the genital tract. Ordinary observation in the LCD

By the middle of the third month of waiting for the baby, the expectant mother is already quite accustomed to her position and takes all the changes that happen to her for granted. Outwardly, no special changes were noticed compared to the previous week, but for the baby they are quite significant. What happens at the 10th week of pregnancy with him, and how does mom feel?

fetus at 10 weeks pregnant

The 10th obstetric week is 9 full obstetric weeks or 7 full fetal weeks. Very soon, the gynecologist will begin to call the embryo a fetus, but for the expectant mother this is not essential: for her, a “baby” lives in her tummy from the first days.

Size and weight

The child has already grown significantly. In length, it can reach 3-4 centimeters and weigh about 4 grams. Now there is an intensive growth and development of the future man, the formation of internal organs and functional systems of the body continues.

What develops in the tenth week?

The placenta is already intensively forming, and "on the go" takes over the reproduction of hormones. The baby's heart now has 4 chambers, the main blood vessels are practically formed. The brain grows, eyes, arms, legs continue to develop. The development of the intestines and respiratory system continues. The baby already has an anus, and the kidneys produce urine.

10 obstetric week is important in that this is the moment of the beginning of the formation of the reproductive organs (ovaries or testicles). And now the baby is moving inside the mother, however, she still does not feel it.

What does the baby look like?

The baby looks more and more like a human. His rudimentary tail has already fallen off, the arms and legs have “peeled off” from the body, bend at the joints, fingers form on them. The tip of the nose stands out on the face and there are already the rudiments of the eyelids. It is not yet possible to know the sex of the baby. However, the next screening at 12 weeks is already able to show who the mother is carrying under her heart - a son or daughter.

Feelings at 10 weeks pregnant

What's new in the 10th obstetric week of pregnancy for a woman?

Physiological changes in a woman

The beginning of the third month of pregnancy is not yet noticeable changes in the appearance of the expectant mother. But she herself notices these changes. Due to the increased volume of circulating blood, veins in the legs and abdomen may become visible. However, red blood cells are not produced as quickly as plasma, and due to the lack of the first, a woman feels weak and quickly gets tired.

If the toxicosis is not very harassing, and the appetite does not decrease, then by the 10th week a woman can add up to 2 kilograms in weight. So far, the belly is not very noticeable, and a special “pregnant” wardrobe is not required.

How does the uterus react in the tenth week of pregnancy?

At 9 completed weeks of the obstetric period, the uterus increased markedly in size. Now she is 8-10 centimeters in height. Now the baby in the uterus is reliably protected from external influences by a cork - a clot of mucus that covers the cervix. The cork will stay in place until childbirth.

Already now you can start doing Kegel exercises - this will prepare the uterus for childbirth, make the muscles of the vagina elastic and elastic. However, with hypertonicity of the uterus, such activities are prohibited!

Breast at 10 weeks pregnant

Some women notice that their breasts have stopped hurting at 10 weeks pregnant. This is due to the fact that the hormonal "boom" has somewhat slowed down. The breasts may become noticeably larger and heavier. Nipples and areolas become darker. Large veins may pop out. Now is the time to start preparing for lactation: “harden” the breast, otherwise the sensitivity of the nipples can cause severe pain when the baby starts eating. The chest should be washed with water at room temperature and rub the nipples with a waffle towel.

Nausea at 10 weeks pregnant

Nausea still worries in the morning on an empty stomach. The blame for everything is hormones that have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the intestine. To avoid discomfort, it is worth eating often and in small portions, it is better to take breakfast in bed. After each meal, it is recommended to lie down a bit. Drinking will help from frequent nausea - water or sour fruit drinks, juices, mint tea saves well. For many women, brushing your teeth frequently or rinsing your mouth with breath fresheners also helps. Vomiting more than 5-10 times a day is a possible reason for hospitalization, as it can cause dehydration.

Discharge at 10 weeks pregnant

Normally, at the 10th week of pregnancy, vaginal discharge may change color and consistency - become thinner or thicker than usual. This is due to hormonal influences. However, there should be no blood impurities in them.

An unpleasant odor and a cheesy consistency of vaginal discharge can be symptoms of vaginosis or thrush. This is a reason for a premature visit to the doctor! Fortunately, today there are enough safe drugs for these ailments, and the doctor will select the best course of treatment.

Sometimes it can be frightening to quickly get wet underwear or daily pads. The reason is the leakage of urine. The pressure on the bladder increases due to the growing uterus, and the muscles of the bladder itself weaken. Sneezing or laughing aggravates muscle hypotonia, and urine may leak slightly.

Features of IVF pregnancy

IVF is an assisted reproductive technology that has helped many couples with infertility. The main difference between IVF and normal pregnancy is that conception occurs outside the female body, and the embryo is transferred to the uterus at the age of 2 to 5 days. But according to statistics, only a third of women carry IVF children before delivery.

7 full embryonic weeks of IVF pregnancy are characterized by the same intensity of development of the embryo's organs as during natural pregnancy, however, with hormonal support with progesterone-containing drugs. If there are no complications, a woman can be registered at the antenatal clinic, however, many expectant mothers prefer observation by their reproductologists.

Features of multiple pregnancy

A multiple pregnancy - pregnancy with twins or more - is diagnosed at the first ultrasound, but if it has not yet been performed, the doctor can detect it during a manual examination of the patient - the uterus, as a rule, is larger in size than it should be for a period of 9-10 weeks. An analysis for hCG will also help confirm the fact of a multiple pregnancy - the hormone in the blood will be significantly higher than normal.

Pregnancy with more than one child is considered a high-risk pregnancy and requires special monitoring. Mothers should be prepared to attend counseling more often. In the first trimester, such a pregnancy carries few more complications than a singleton.

Problems in the tenth week of pregnancy


Symptoms of toxicosis may still not leave the pregnant woman. However, by this time, most women have already adapted to the peculiarities of their state of health and have learned to correct them.

Weakness and dizziness occur due to a decrease in blood pressure (hypotension). If the pressure is constantly low, the child receives less oxygen. Against the background of hypotension, migraine may develop. Headaches can only be treated with a limited number of drugs, and they must be recommended by a doctor. The best remedy for a migraine is sleep, even for a short time.

Toxicosis usually goes away after 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Diarrhea and constipation

Constipation often torments pregnant women. They pose a danger, and a very significant one. So, for example, against the background of constipation, the development of hemorrhoids, painful cracks in the rectum, and even the threat of miscarriage is possible.

From constipation, the main and safe remedy is an adequate intake of fluids and foods rich in dietary fiber. Only a doctor can recommend a laxative, since it is difficult to choose a drug without contraindications on your own. In no case should you resort to enemas - they cause uterine contractions! Sometimes you can use glycerin suppositories - this remedy is safe.

But there is also the opposite problem - diarrhea.

If diarrhea is a manifestation of an eating disorder, it is quite simple to eliminate it, “fixing” products will help:

  • crackers;
  • millet, rice porridge;
  • baked apples;
  • soups on lean meat broths;
  • low-fat cottage cheese.

From folk remedies, a decoction or blueberry and bird cherry jelly, compote of their dry pears, an infusion of pomegranate peel help well. At the same time, it is important to control the water-salt balance: you need to drink a rehydration solution prepared from a liter of water, 6 teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. You can take prebiotics. If diarrhea is caused by infectious diseases, you need to go to the hospital.


Many pregnant women suffer from heartburn, and not only at the 10th week of pregnancy. Heartburn occurs due to the effect of gastric juice on the esophageal mucosa, resulting in a burning sensation behind the sternum - a rather unpleasant sensation.

Heartburn can be due to the effects of hormones during pregnancy, and it is also caused by certain foods (sour foods, pickles, fried foods, brown bread, and others). It is necessary to adjust the diet, a gynecologist can give good advice, but you may need to consult a gastroenterologist, since sometimes heartburn is a symptom of very serious gastrointestinal diseases.

It hurts and pulls the stomach

Abdominal pain during pregnancy in the first trimester is different. Small pulls at the bottom with recoil on the sides can be caused by uterine distension. Such pains are of a non-permanent nature, without bleeding and a general deterioration in the condition of the expectant mother. Sometimes an eating disorder can be the cause.

But the stomach at the 10th week of pregnancy sometimes hurts for more serious reasons, for example, with:

  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • the threat of miscarriage;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • abdominal trauma.

If the pain is permanent, accompanied by bleeding, fever, fainting - this is a reason to immediately seek medical help!

Bleeding at 10 weeks pregnant

Why does he bleed at 9 obstetric weeks? It is no longer possible to confuse bleeding with menstruation, the embryo has long been fixed in the uterus, therefore, implantation bleeding is already in the past. What are the possible reasons?

Sometimes it can be slightly “smeared” after a gynecological examination in the chair or ultrasound with a vaginal probe. Such secretions are caused by minor damage to the inner layer of the epidermis of the vagina. In addition, it can bleed if a woman has not treated the previously formed erosion before pregnancy. The presence of polyps or cysts in the vagina is another possible cause of spotting. As a rule, this does not pose a threat of termination of pregnancy. But the reasons may be more serious. For example:

  • cystic drift is the degeneration of chorion cells into vesicles, in which the embryo resolves, however, pregnancy symptoms persist, but abdominal pain, increased pressure and bleeding are symptoms when ultrasound is required;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • threatened abortion.

Any suspicious vaginal discharge is a reason to immediately consult a doctor!

Ectopic pregnancy

A fairly common pathology is an ectopic pregnancy, in which the attachment of the embryo does not occur to the wall of the uterus, but in the fallopian tube, less often in the ovary, in the abdominal cavity or in the cervical canal of the uterus. At seven embryonic weeks, the embryo is already quite large, it grows, and the fallopian tube expands, which can cause severe pain and fainting in a woman. If measures are not taken in time, this may result in a pipe rupture. In this case, the woman has no chance of having a child, the extraction of the embryo is a prerequisite for saving her life and further reproductive ability.

Threatened miscarriage at 10 weeks pregnant

The middle of the third obstetric month of pregnancy is still a rather alarming period of bearing a child. The threat of miscarriage is mainly due to a lack of progesterone or due to increased uterine tone. An experienced gynecologist will definitely notice if there is a threat, but the woman herself should not be silent about suspicious symptoms.

Another reason for the threat of miscarriage at the beginning of the fourth obstetric month is ICI - isthmic-cervical insufficiency. With this diagnosis, the cervix becomes shorter and opens slightly, and the lower region of the fetal egg lends itself to infection, the elasticity of the membranes is lost, which can lead to the death of the fetus. At the same time, a woman is able to experience no pain at all. The doctor should detect the problem during the examination, and ultrasound can confirm or exclude the diagnosis. Timely diagnosis of ICI increases the chance of carrying a baby and giving birth without pathologies. Treatment consists of conservative or surgical methods. Surgical treatment is carried out either by suturing or by installing a special ring on the cervix.

The age of the mother is an important indicator for the normal course of pregnancy. The older the woman, the higher the risk of miscarriage. However, the obstetric 10th week of pregnancy (from conception - the eighth) is a kind of milestone, when it is left behind, the risk of natural abortion is sharply reduced.

Frozen pregnancy at 10 weeks

When pregnancy is desired, its termination is a real psychological blow for a woman. One of the indications for medical interruption is missed pregnancy. With such a diagnosis, the initially normally developing gestation stops for some reason, the fetus stops growing and dies. However, spontaneous miscarriage may not happen. Sometimes a woman carries an already dead fetus inside for quite a long time, unaware of it, because the symptoms of a progressive pregnancy can persist.

However, the diagnosis can be confirmed by:

  • a blood test for hCG - the hormone concentration will be low for the expected gestational age and its growth will stop;
  • Ultrasound, which will show the lack of dynamics in the development of the embryo.

The most likely causes of pregnancy failure are genetic mutations or infections. The likelihood of a successful subsequent pregnancy is increased after a thorough examination of both partners and, if necessary, appropriate treatment.

Termination of pregnancy at 10 weeks

The risk of termination of pregnancy haunts women, starting from the 5th obstetric week, and it is still there at 9 complete fetal weeks. According to statistics, up to 25% of planned pregnancies end in natural termination. Sometimes the reasons lie in the wrong lifestyle of a woman who abuses alcohol, nicotine or drugs. A miscarriage can occur due to physical overload, stress, due to an infectious disease suffered by a pregnant woman.

But most often, spontaneous abortion occurs due to:

  • gross malformations of the embryo;
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus of a woman;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system of the mother;
  • lack of progesterone.

Termination of pregnancy can be prescribed by a gynecologist, if there are strong indications for this. Some women are able to make the decision to end their pregnancy on their own through medical or surgical abortion, and at 9 completed weeks, they are fully entitled to do so. There are still disputes about the ethical and religious side of this issue, but it is illegal to condemn a failed mother for this step.

Colds. SARS, fever, flu. Whether it is possible or probable antibiotics?

Antibiotics are, of course, irreplaceable drugs, but they have many contraindications. Pregnancy is one of them for most drugs. And especially this taboo applies to the first trimester, but since it is not known for certain when the formation of the fetal organs is completed, antibiotics are not recommended until the end of the fifth month of pregnancy. But what if the disease attacked - to no avail to drink decoctions recommended by traditional medicine, and then deal with complications, or take a chance and take a pill?

The table below shows the most well-known antibiotics that have indications and absolute contraindications for use during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Indications for use at 10 obstetric weeks of pregnancy
Name of the drug (active ingredient) Possible Complications
Safe according to indications
not identified

Appointed with obvious indications
not known

Fusidic acid
Not recommended
maternal and fetal liver dysfunction

fetal skeletal disorder
Sulfamilanide (for Streptocid tablets)
possible violation of embryonic development, mutations (studies were conducted on animals)

In fact, the 10th obstetric week of pregnancy is not a reason to put a woman's health at risk by refusing effective drugs. There are antibiotics allowed at this time. But there is one condition: their reception is possible only according to indications!

Food poisoning - what to do?

Despite the fact that during pregnancy a woman should carefully monitor her diet, no one is immune from food poisoning. But if under normal circumstances you can use a whole list of drugs for poisoning, what should the expectant mother do?

You should definitely seek medical help, because vomiting and diarrhea that have opened as a result of poisoning can cause dehydration of the body, and intoxication is dangerous for a child. Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to wash the stomach, take sorbents and provide bed rest.

Toxoplasmosis at 10 weeks pregnant

With intrauterine infection at week 10, there is a risk of developing pathologies that are not compatible with life. The probability that the fetus will be infected is approximately 30% of all maternal cases.

Analyzes and examinations

Ultrasound at 10 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound at week 10 of the obstetric period can be prescribed for:

  • pathology of pregnancy;
  • the threat of miscarriage;
  • multiple pregnancy or IVF pregnancy.

However, unscheduled ultrasound, according to some experts, can carry a potential risk to the fetus, therefore, without special instructions, diagnostics should not be done once again.

HCG at 10 weeks pregnant

Perhaps right now, hCG has reached its peak, and from this week its level will gradually decline. The maximum concentration of the hormone in the blood at week 10 is 290,000 mIU / ml.

If the hormone is still growing, this may indicate:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • Down syndrome in a child;
  • overestimated pregnancy.

The situation is clarified by ultrasound and additional laboratory blood tests.

Norm of progesterone

Progesterone is the most important hormone that allows you to support the development of the baby. A lack of progesterone leads to pathologies of pregnancy, and, as a rule, causes a threatened miscarriage or spontaneous abortion.

By the 10th week of the obstetric period, the progesterone content is normally 23-28 ng / ml.

The lack of progesterone is compensated by the additional intake of hormonal drugs: Utrozhestan (oral and / or intravaginally) or Duphaston and their analogues.

Endometrium at 10 weeks pregnant

If for successful implantation, the embryo needs the endometrium to be from 7 millimeters thick, but as the embryo grows, the endometrium must also thicken. In the first trimester, its thickness is normal - 15-20 millimeters.

However, the endometrium thickens not only during a normal pregnancy - with some pathologies, for example, with an ectopic pregnancy, the endometrium still continues to grow.

The tenth week of pregnancy can bring mom both satisfaction from her appearance and grief.

Mom's beauty and health: skin care, hair, nails

Now, under the influence of hormones, the skin of a pregnant woman becomes smooth and elastic. However, pimples are not uncommon. Acne often accompanies the mother until the very birth. According to popular belief, the deterioration in appearance is due to the fact that a girl develops in the mother’s stomach, “stealing” her beauty. However, from a medical point of view, the cause of acne is exactly the opposite: when carrying a boy, due to an excess of male hormones, the body reacts with skin rashes.

Mother's skin now needs special care: to prevent stretch marks that particularly attack the chest, hips and abdomen, it is worth using special creams or ordinary cosmetic oils. Solarium is not recommended!

Now mom's hair pleases her more than ever - they have become softer and more obedient, they have stopped falling out and splitting at the ends. Many are afraid to visit a hairdresser, but the harm from hair coloring on the fetus has not been proven.

If in doubt, you can replace the usual dyes with natural ones, basma or henna, or completely postpone the staining. But the perm should be abandoned!

Manicure at the 10th week of pregnancy is not contraindicated, but it is better not to do nail extensions. It is worth visiting only proven, trustworthy masters - there are frequent cases of infection with a fungus and even HIV precisely through manicure tools.

Sex at 10 weeks pregnant

Despite the fact that a woman may experience increased attraction to a man, sex is dangerous at 10 weeks of gestation if:

  • there is a threat of miscarriage (especially with IVF or multiple pregnancy);
  • the uterus is in good shape;
  • There are doctor's orders.

If everything is good with the health of the expectant mother, then closeness will benefit her - positive emotions are very important now.

Sometimes couples experience some embarrassment from the realization that a third person is present during their lovemaking. However, in fact, the child practically does not feel any vibrations - he is protected by amniotic fluid and the wall of the uterus. And during an orgasm that a woman experiences, due to the flow of blood to the pelvic organs, the baby receives more oxygen.

Sports at 10 weeks pregnant

Sports, with the exception of swimming, are a risk factor for miscarriage at 10 weeks. Strength exercises and sports such as wrestling (karate, boxing, and so on), running, jumping pose a particular threat.

Relaxation exercises and breathing techniques have a positive effect on pregnancy. You can apply static exercises to stretch the muscles (especially the spinal ones).

Travel: travel and flights

Due to the woman's still unsettled condition and the high risk of miscarriage, it is better to postpone long and tiring trips until at least the 18th week of pregnancy. If the expectant mother suffers from toxicosis and hypotension, flights can adversely affect the course of pregnancy.

The best options for recreation at this time are sanatorium or resort without a noticeable change in climate and time zones.

Diet in the tenth week of pregnancy

Due to the manifestation of toxicosis, the expectant mother sometimes does not want to eat at all, but it is still necessary to eat. And the opposite problem may arise - an excessively high appetite. It's not worth overeating! It is best to take meals frequently (every 3-4 hours) in portions of about 150-250 grams.

What can't be eaten

So that there are no problems with digestion and the baby does not receive "harmful things", and the mother feels good, it is worth excluding or limiting from the diet:

  • coffee;
  • milk chocolate;
  • smoked meats;
  • marinades and pickles;
  • blue cheeses, smoked and very salty;
  • soda;
  • whole milk;
  • meat and fish products of insufficient heat treatment: sushi, slightly salted fish, steak with blood, and so on;
  • citruses.

Do not eat foods with carcinogens, artificial colors and flavors, high in preservatives.

What can you eat

A balanced diet is the key to good health for both mother and child. How should mom eat?

The basis of the food pyramid of a pregnant woman at week 10 should be cereals and cereals (cereals, bread, pasta). Vegetables and fruits, vegetable proteins (nuts, seeds) are the next "floor" of the pyramid: they should be enough in the mother's daily menu. A slightly smaller part should be seafood, fish, meat and poultry. This is followed by dairy products, preferably fermented milk and cottage cheese. In general, the daily need of a pregnant woman for food can be traced in the table.

Supplements, vitamins

The end of the ninth, the beginning of the tenth week of pregnancy is a period of special need for both the mother's body and the fetus in vitamins and trace elements. Even the most balanced diet is not able to cover the needs for them. So, for example, iodine, which is important for the endocrine system of mother and child, is not enough for all pregnant women, unless, of course, they live on the coast. And folic acid from food is practically not absorbed, and in fact it is necessary for the formation of the nervous system of the fetus. Calcium also comes from food in a small amount, and the skeletal system of the mother and baby suffers from its lack. Vitamin C is also needed, which is important in the hematopoietic system and the immune system, and it is destroyed during the heat treatment of fruits and vegetables. How to be?

Vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women will help. It is rather difficult to approach their choice due to the variety of manufacturers and prices. However, the doctor will advise the best option, taking into account the needs and requirements of each patient in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Is alcohol allowed?

Do you think that a little beer or a sip of wine at the very beginning of pregnancy is safe? This is wrong!

Alcoholic embryopathy affects up to 50% of newborns born to mothers who abuse alcohol.

“For a child, the very conception in a state of alcoholic intoxication is already dangerous,” warns the author of a textbook on neonatology, Professor Shabalov L.P. “These children have lower intelligence, neuroses, visual and hearing impairments, and high aggressiveness are more common.”

Children whose mothers drank alcohol in the first weeks after conception already suffer from a deficiency of folic acid and vitamin E, zinc and oxygen in utero. As a result, they inhibit the synthesis of proteins and DNA, slow down the development of the brain, develop pathologies of the cardiovascular system and internal organs. In addition, such children are more prone to deformities: they can be born with facial asymmetry, a cleft palate or cleft lip, with underdeveloped fingers (fused) or with muscular hypotonia. The risk of cerebral palsy, oligophrenia increases. At the same time, the mother is not always to blame - it is enough that the father was drunk at the time of conception.

The tenth obstetric week of pregnancy is a relatively calm stage in a woman's life. Now there is still no particular fatigue from work, the body has not undergone significant changes that require a change of wardrobe, toxicosis is slowly receding. You should beware of physical overload, review your diet and enjoy every day, bringing new sensations and joy from the realization of upcoming motherhood.

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The first 8-10 weeks of intrauterine development of the fetus are considered the most dangerous in terms of high risks of miscarriage. External negative factors can adversely affect the health of the baby inside the womb. Gynecologists and other medical professionals advise a pregnant woman to avoid stress, colds and other negative conditions that will adversely affect the development of a baby inside the womb. It must be remembered that the internal organs and systems of the baby have just completed the laying process, and with the negative impact of pathogens, they can stop or greatly slow down their own development.

At the 10th week of gestation, the size of the fetus inside the womb is similar to a strawberry. By weight, your baby already reaches 5 grams, and the height of the baby varies between 31-42 mm.

Feelings in the 10th week of pregnancy


At the tenth week of pregnancy, many women still have symptoms of severe toxicosis. Moreover, this unpleasant phenomenon can even increase, and a pregnant woman should be patient, waiting for her own condition to improve. It is advisable, of course, to follow all the recommendations of medical specialists.

At the 10th week of obstetric pregnancy, severe heartburn is added to symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. Its manifestations are due to the fact that at this time there is a strong contraction of the muscles that separate the esophagus from the stomach. Because of this, the acids in the stomach rise higher, getting into the esophagus, and greatly irritating its mucosa. A pregnant woman at this moment feels a strong burning sensation in her chest, sometimes turning into severe pain.

An additional symptom of pregnancy at the 10th week of pregnancy is more frequent urination. They are due to the fact that the enlarged uterus exerts strong pressure on the bladder. Sometimes in such cases, even urinary incontinence can occur, with laughter, sudden coughing or sneezing. In general, such a symptom is more typical for late pregnancy or for repeated pregnancies, but in some cases it may appear as early as the 10th week of an interesting situation.

Ultrasound at 10 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound at the 10th week of obstetric pregnancy already belongs to the number of routine examinations. In general, doctors send a pregnant woman for the first scheduled screening from the 11th to the 14th week, but sometimes the doctor recommends that such an examination be done earlier, as part of special medical indications. At this time, it is already possible to accurately determine whether the baby is developing correctly, whether he has gross malformations, whether there are any pathologies in the uterine cervix, the uterus itself or the placenta.

At the tenth week of pregnancy, the embryo is a full-fledged little man, corresponding in size to a plum fetus. With an ultrasound examination, it is already possible to accurately see the arms and legs of the baby. The child gesticulates well with his limbs, sucks his finger, on his arms and legs you can distinguish and count the fingers. The baby already has ears and a mouth, which he already knows how to open and close. The baby already knows how to touch his face with his hand.

At the 10th week of intrauterine development, the production of gastric juice in the baby's stomach begins, the rudiments of teeth appear, the kidneys are already fully functioning. In the photographs obtained by ultrasound, you can see that the embryo still retains its transparency, but the first fluff is already forming on it, which will later become hairs. The genital organs have already been formed by this time, but it is still very difficult to see them on an ultrasound machine. It is possible to determine the sex of the baby at the 10th week of pregnancy only with modern ultrasound equipment, with a high degree of resolution, which is skillfully used by a qualified doctor with extensive experience working with pregnant women.

Ultrasound examination for a period of 10 weeks allows you to determine:

  • The number of fetuses in the uterus in the diagnosis of multiple pregnancy;
  • The state of the formed placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid;
  • Features of the placement of the umbilical cord and the number of vessels in it. Here it is important for the doctor to determine whether there is a risk of cord entanglement;
  • Fetal parameters such as weight, height, etc.;
  • Diagnosis of gross fetal malformations;
  • Preliminary determination of the location of the baby (in the breech, transverse or head presentation).

In general, ultrasound diagnostics at the 10th week of pregnancy is carried out only in rare cases, when, for example, there are cases of hereditary diseases in the family of a pregnant woman. If the results of the study are suspicious, then the doctors will still have time to repeat the scan in a couple of weeks. In addition, doctors will have the opportunity to correct pregnancy management and, if necessary, prescribe treatment for the expectant mother. If the situation is difficult, then the gynecologist decides to terminate the patient's pregnancy.

Changes in the female body at the 10th week of pregnancy

The uterus in a pregnant woman at the 10th week gradually increases, now located slightly above the pubic bone. At this time, your favorite clothes are already becoming cramped in the hips. And if earlier your tummy was absolutely flat, then at the 10th week of pregnancy it becomes already rounded at the bottom. However, for others, as before, changes in the appearance of a woman will be imperceptible.

At this stage of fetal development, a pregnant woman may notice the appearance of skin pigmentation associated with hormonal surges. In addition, her hair growth is activated, a slight fluff appears on her stomach, and sometimes on her chest. However, you should not sound the alarm about this, because such symptoms are nothing more than a side effect of the hormonal changes in the female body, which is in a new state for itself. Within a few months after childbirth, such defects will disappear on their own.

Photo of the abdomen at the 10th week of pregnancy

The visibility of the abdomen to others at the 10th week of pregnancy will depend on the individual characteristics of the woman's build, as well as the initial weight of the future mother. In thin women, the tummy is a small protruding tubercle, which is not noticeable at all under clothing. Fat young ladies and, in general, by the 10th week of an interesting situation, may not notice changes in their own appearance. However, if there are tight-fitting dresses or overalls with belts in the wardrobe of the expectant mother, then they will no longer converge at this stage of pregnancy. And another sign, enlarged and swollen breasts, will not allow you to put on the old bra. In no case do not allow tightness in your clothes, because pressure straps and straps will squeeze the blood vessels, provoke a feeling of numbness, discomfort and inconvenience.

Features of the development of the baby at the 10th week of pregnancy

The tenth obstetric week of pregnancy corresponds to the eighth embryonic week, and during it the active development of the baby takes place. An ultrasound at this time is almost never done, except for special indications. However, the gynecologist, even without such a study, can already tell the expectant mother that the baby's skeleton, which in the past weeks consisted of cartilaginous and soft tissues, from now on begins to reshape into solid bone tissues. This indicates that the body of the expectant mother is in dire need of calcium. It often happens that there is a deficiency of this trace element in the female body, and therefore she should eat more foods rich in calcium (sour-milk products, vitamin preparations with calcium).

At the 10th week of pregnancy, a woman should be especially careful, avoid stressful situations, and eliminate overwork of the body. Rest more, gain strength and remember that there are still a lot of difficulties ahead. At the moment, the face and lower part of the jaw are already fully formed in the embryo. The upper lip and jaw of the baby are actively formed. The baby's nose is not yet fully formed, it is covered with a thick layer of mucus and already has smell receptors.

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The content of the article:

The 10th week of pregnancy is a kind of milestone, after crossing which you can be sure that the most dangerous and difficult period in the formation of your unborn baby is over: if no dangerous genetic pathologies have been identified so far, then you can be calm about the health of your unborn child. And although the threat of miscarriage has passed, and toxicosis has receded, the expectant mother should know what awaits her in the next 30 weeks.

What is meant by 10 weeks of pregnancy

The 10th obstetric week corresponds to the middle of the 3rd month of pregnancy and the 8th fetal week, which completes the embryonic stage of development, during which all the organs and systems of the unborn child were laid. Also, the 10th week is characterized by the final stage of the formation of the placenta, which will support the pregnancy until the very birth. From this moment on, the embryo, which is now called a fetus, enters a new stage of its development - the fetal one, which, with a favorable course, will end with the birth of a new life.

At the 10th obstetric week, the height of the bottom of the uterus is about 10 cm, and the uterus itself is located just above the pubic bone, but it is still impossible to feel it through the abdominal wall. For many expectant mothers, the stomach is already slightly rounded in its lower part, but from the outside it is still difficult to guess that the woman is in position.

With an increase in the total volume of blood in the mother's body, the heartbeat may become more frequent - up to 100 beats / min. Sometimes it may seem to a pregnant woman that her heart can jump out of her chest, but this should not frighten her.

At this time, a dark vertical stripe may appear along the midline of the abdomen, and birthmarks may also darken and pigmentation on the face may increase. Many have increased hair growth; some even develop hair on the abdomen and fluff on the chest - this is normal during pregnancy.

Due to loosening of the mucous membranes of pregnant women, bleeding gums, as well as nosebleeds, can be observed.

Feelings at 10 weeks pregnant

At the 10th obstetric week, the uterus has already increased so much that the pregnant woman may notice a feeling of heaviness and "fullness" in the lower abdomen, as well as an increase in the urge to urinate. Also, expectant mothers can still be bothered by toxicosis, severe drowsiness and fatigue, but very soon these symptoms will fade away, and overall well-being will improve.
Some pregnant women experience irritability, irritability, mood swings and, as a result, sleep disturbances and insomnia. Experts believe that increased emotional lability, constant thoughts about pregnancy and the unborn baby are associated with the formation of a "pregnancy dominant" - an activated focus in the cerebral cortex of a pregnant woman.

Discharge from the genital tract at 10 weeks pregnant

A healthy woman at this time may have moderately abundant, homogeneous, light or transparent, odorless discharge. In the presence of purulent, cheesy, yellowish or greenish discharge, accompanied by a pungent odor, you should contact your gynecologist as soon as possible and undergo the necessary treatment.

A common occurrence among pregnant women is thrush (vaginal candidiasis), which develops as a result of uncontrolled reproduction of fungal microflora against the background of a natural decrease in the body's immune forces during pregnancy. Thrush is accompanied by profuse curdled discharge with a sharp sour smell, as well as severe or moderate itching in the genital area. If these symptoms are detected, it is better to start treatment as soon as possible in order to avoid complications.
Spotting bloody or brownish discharge is not normal in pregnant women, even if it is not accompanied by pain. Any spotting may indicate an existing threat of miscarriage, therefore, such conditions require timely medical attention, which will allow you to save the pregnancy. If you notice spotting after intercourse, it would be best to report this to your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Your body and weight at 10 weeks pregnant

At the 10th week, changes in the figure are not yet so noticeable, but expectant mothers already note that they are uncomfortable in tight things. The average increase in this period is 1 - 1.5 kg. If a pregnant woman lost weight during the period of toxicosis and only now returned to her previous parameters, then this should not be a cause for concern - very soon she will begin to gain weight. In any case, if not now, then very soon you will have to reconsider your wardrobe.

HCG concentration at 10 weeks pregnant

Right now, the level of hCG in the blood of a pregnant woman reaches its maximum value and falls in the range of 20900 - 291000 mIU / ml. Gross deviations from the norm can indicate either an incorrect determination of the gestational age, or a pathology. After 10 weeks, in most women, hCG production gradually decreases, which is associated with changes in the placenta.

Fetal development at 10 weeks gestation

With each week of its development, your unborn child looks more and more like a little man. The baby has already formed all the main parts of the body and organ systems, he actively moves, can unbend, bend and turn his head, straighten his legs and even suck his thumb! The baby already has its own blood type, and his heart beats at a speed of 160 beats per minute.

The head of the embryo is still disproportionately large compared to the body: with a body length of no more than 5 cm, its diameter reaches 1.73 cm. On the already formed face of the baby, the eyes are well defined (closed for centuries), mouth, auricles, there is a nose with olfactory receptors. At this stage, the lower jaw is already formed, the facial and chewing muscles, the upper lip, tongue begin to develop, the muscles of the pharynx and neck are formed.
The development of the nervous system continues, which is now clearly divided into central and peripheral. The brain is also developing at a tremendous speed: for the “construction” and development of its departments, up to 250 thousand nerve cells are formed every minute. At week 10, the boundaries of the medulla oblongata are already clearly defined, the differentiation of the layers of the cortex begins.

The baby's skeleton, which previously consisted only of soft cartilaginous tissue, begins to gradually ossify, at the same time the rudiments of teeth are laid. Therefore, from now on, a pregnant woman needs to ensure that her body receives enough calcium. The fetus has a fully formed spinal cord and spine, which is clearly visible through thin skin.

The fetal digestive system has finally developed: intestines, stomach, liver and bile ducts. By week 10, the stomach has shifted down and taken its rightful place in the abdominal cavity, where it will continue to grow and prepare for its functioning. In addition, the embryo is already able to absorb glucose as an energy source. Another baby can swallow amniotic fluid, and his kidneys form urine, which is then excreted.
The thyroid gland of the baby does not yet synthesize thyroid hormones, but is already capable of accumulating iodine. A diaphragm has formed - a muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity, which will later take part in the act of breathing. The skin is still translucent due to the lack of subcutaneous fat and is covered with a small fluff. In the male fetus, the genital organs are actively developing, and testosterone, the male hormone, begins to be produced in the testicles.

By the 10th obstetric week, the corpus luteum begins to fade, and the fully formed placenta has taken over its functions. So, the placenta begins to perform an important function of supporting pregnancy, and its thickness at this time is approximately 1.34 cm.

Photo of the fetus at 10 weeks of gestation (fetal age 8 weeks)

Weight and size of the fetus at 10 weeks of gestation

Body length - 60-75 mm;
Weight - 6-10 gr.

Possible problems at 10 weeks pregnant

At week 10, the threat of miscarriage is no longer as high as at earlier dates, but this does not mean at all that a pregnant woman does not need to be careful and pay attention to her condition.

Normally, at this time, there should be no pain in the lower abdomen, so if you are worried about pain, be sure to tell your doctor about it. Perhaps this may be due to increased uterine tone and you need to prescribe treatment. It is important to note that with hypertonicity of the uterus, pain can also be given to the lumbar region. Pain in this area can also occur with inflammatory diseases of the kidneys.

The most dangerous symptom is spotting, especially if it is accompanied by pain. All these signs can signal a miscarriage that has begun, or even the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, during the development of which it is on the 10th week that a rupture of the fallopian tube and severe internal bleeding may occur, requiring immediate surgical intervention.

Often pregnant women suffer from hemorrhoids, which develop as a result of the pressure of the growing uterus on the intestines, although in most cases hemorrhoids appear already in the second half of pregnancy. In order to prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids, first of all, a pregnant woman needs to adhere to a certain diet aimed at normalizing the functioning of the intestines: eat raw vegetables and fruits, consume sour-milk products and, conversely, limit baking, flour products, spicy and spicy dishes. Morning exercises will also be useful, helping to reduce venous stasis in the small pelvis.

If there is a risk of giving birth to a child with genetic defects, between the 9th and 10th weeks a special prenatal test can be performed - a biopsy of the fetal villi, which allows to identify the presence of possible genetic abnormalities (Down's syndrome, etc.), this test is not 100% safe procedure and carries a small risk of miscarriage (1-2%). The specimen can be obtained by abdominal biopsy (through a micro incision) or by transcervical biopsy. The test results are usually known within a week.

SARS and influenza can pose a danger to a pregnant woman in the first trimester, complications after which can lead to sad consequences. When treating seasonal colds, it is better for expectant mothers to turn to folk remedies or use only safe drugs approved for use during pregnancy, and only on the advice of a doctor. Read more about how to treat a cold in pregnant women in the 1st semester on our website.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman at 10 weeks pregnant

At week 10, as throughout pregnancy, the expectant mother should provide herself with a complete and varied diet, including raw or steamed vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. Of particular value for pregnant women is cottage cheese, which is a source of easily digestible protein, essential amino acids, calcium and phosphorus, necessary for the normal development of the baby. New, exotic foods for the mother should not be introduced into the diet in order to avoid the development of allergies in the newborn baby. On the recommendation of a doctor, folic acid, vitamin E can be continued at this time, and in case of a threat of miscarriage and increased uterine tone - Magnesium B6.

Physical activity at 10 weeks pregnant

A normal pregnancy does not impose any restrictions on physical activity in the first trimester. On the contrary, pregnant women are advised to move more, take daily walks in the fresh air, and also engage in special gymnastics appropriate for the period, which prepares the body for gestation and successful childbirth. Swimming and water aerobics are especially beneficial for pregnant women. The intensity of physical activity of a pregnant woman should be regulated based on her well-being: exercise should not cause discomfort or lead to malaise.

Sex at 10 weeks pregnant

At this time, the doctor may recommend limiting intimate life with the existing threat of miscarriage and an enlarged uterus. In a normal pregnancy, spouses may not refuse sex by choosing safe positions and taking precautions.

Medications at 10 weeks pregnant

In some cases, at the 10th obstetric week, the expectant mother may need progesterone support for pregnancy. It is progesterone that is considered the main hormone of pregnancy, necessary for its normal course. In turn, low progesterone levels can cause fetal underdevelopment and even miscarriage. Therefore, if you have been prescribed progesterone preparations, you must take this with the utmost seriousness and do not ignore the doctor's prescriptions.

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then you should not get carried away with drugs, especially if the intake of these drugs is not agreed with your obstetrician-gynecologist. The best thing for you right now is to get more rest and sleep well.

Examinations and tests at the 10th week of pregnancy

Usually, by the 10th week of pregnancy, a woman is already registered with the antenatal clinic. If you have not done this yet, it is best to contact the appropriate medical institution as soon as possible, where you will be under the supervision of specialists. In addition, you can count on an allowance for registration in early pregnancy.

During registration, your obstetrician-gynecologist will perform a general (pelvic, blood pressure, weight) and obstetric examination, take an anamnesis and create an exchange card, which you must always carry with you. In the standard case, you will need to undergo an examination by narrow specialists (their list and a special form for a physical examination will be issued by a gynecologist) and pass the following tests:

General urine analysis;
- A smear from the vagina;
- Blood tests (general and biochemical, Rh factor, blood type, TORCH infection, HIV and RW).

Depending on the state of health of the pregnant woman and the requirements of a particular medical institution, the list of tests and examinations can be expanded. For example, if a doctor suspects a multiple pregnancy or any fetal pathology, he may send the pregnant woman for an ultrasound examination, and if there is a family history of diabetes, a glucose tolerance test should be performed.

Features of the 10th week of multiple pregnancy

When carrying twins, the expectant mother experiences a double load on her body, which can manifest itself in fatigue and loss of strength. In this case, the pregnant woman should have more rest, walk in the fresh air, not overload herself with chores, transferring part of the household duties to her relatives. Although in the early stages, “all the charms” of bearing twins are not yet so noticeable and pregnancy proceeds in the same way as when carrying one fetus.

Features of IVF pregnancy at week 10

Pregnancy after conception by IVF requires more medical supervision and attention to the health of the expectant mother and her baby. At the 10th week of IVF pregnancy, there is still a threat of miscarriage, therefore, at the first appearance of malaise or other symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist. Often, to support an IVF pregnancy, it may be necessary to take progesterone preparations, the main pregnancy hormone necessary for successful gestation. Also, on the recommendation of a doctor, control tests of the level of hCG and estradiol in the blood are carried out.

This picture shows a 10-week-old fetus with a recognizable human appearance, but its head is still too large relative to the body and takes up almost half of it. Due to the raised head of the baby, you can see a small neck, and a small point is determined in the chest area - a tiny heart beating at a speed of up to 170 beats per minute. On a tiny profile, a nose, a mouth, and even an auricle, located somewhat lower than its usual place, are determined. Also in the picture, the outlines of one handle are guessed, although the legs are not visible. The baby's habitat, amniotic fluid, is defined as a dark outline in the image. And the cord rising up in it is the umbilical cord, through which a connection is established between the mother's body and the fetus. It is through the movement of blood along the umbilical cord that nutrition occurs, as well as the breathing of the crumbs.

In the next picture, you can see two fetuses separated by an amniotic septum. Every 10-week-old baby has an amniotic cavity and its own amniotic fluid. And the placenta, located on the anterior wall of the uterus, is common to both fetuses. In the baby, located on the right in the picture, you can see the beginnings of small arms that can bend and unbend at this time.

Ultrasound by weeks of pregnancy with a photo will help you understand how the organs and tissues of a little man are formed.

10 weeks pregnant: video

The tenth week of pregnancy completes a difficult stage when negative factors (including viral diseases of the mother, taking medications) can affect the development of the baby. The basic structures of his body are already formed, and at this stage the embryo is already called a fetus. All vital organs are laid down, the placenta has formed and is actively working, providing the baby with all the necessary substances and protecting it from harmful substances.

Your baby is now the size of a strawberry. During pregnancy of 10 weeks, the size of the fetus is about 3–4.5 cm, and its weight is about 5 g. It is still disproportionate, it has a large head, arms and legs are already formed. The skin is still completely transparent, and blood vessels are clearly visible through it. Your baby is already active, moving his arms and legs well.

How many months have passed? The tenth week of pregnancy is the middle of the third obstetric month. Now your baby is developing at an incredible speed, the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, and the musculoskeletal system are actively maturing. The baby is growing every day, and, despite the fact that he is still such a baby, he is actively moving.

What's happening?

The embryonic stage of the development of the baby ends, now it is called the fetus. The development of the baby's organs continues. The most significant changes are now taking place in the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system. Mom at this time may still experience nausea, weakness, fatigue and other signs of toxicosis, but very soon your health will improve significantly.

10-11 weeks of pregnancy - the stage of completion of organogenesis. Further, there is an improvement of all systems of the baby's body. At this stage, the diaphragm has already formed, and the chest cavity of the crumbs has separated from the abdominal cavity. A four-chambered heart has already been formed, which is actively beating.

Every day new and new neurons develop, the nervous system improves. The baby's brain does not yet have convolutions, but the cortex is already differentiated. Very soon, the nervous system will allow the baby to control his body, and movements will become purposeful.

At this stage of pregnancy, the formation of the external genitalia is just beginning, so it is not yet possible to distinguish a boy from a girl with an ultrasound examination.

The baby's fingers are almost separated from each other. Large joints have been formed, which still have a cartilaginous structure. The baby already knows how to move his arms, legs, he can push off from the walls of the uterus, but so far he cannot bend his fingers.

The baby has already formed a blood group. Now the hematopoietic function lies on the liver. Later, the role of hematopoiesis will be performed by the bone marrow.

Baby photo, ultrasound


It is difficult for some mothers to choose the optimal menu for themselves at this stage of pregnancy. After all, there can still be disgust for many foodstuffs. Try to diversify your diet - introduce completely new dishes from healthy foods, you might like it. Usually, the body of a pregnant woman, even with toxicosis, responds well to natural products: vegetables, fruits, natural yogurt, dietary meat. Your baby's body is growing incredibly fast right now and needs a wide variety of nutrients.

Already from the very beginning of pregnancy, and even better before it, you should receive a complex of vitamins and trace elements. If for some reason you have not done this yet, consult your doctor, he will help you choose a good drug. If toxicosis is very pronounced, eat what you like. Of course, with the exception of foods that are harmful to the baby: fried foods, preservatives, dyes, carbonated drinks, etc. Eat small meals, but often. Very soon, the nausea will completely pass, and you will be able to enjoy healthy products in full.

Mom's Feelings

Pregnancy of 9–10 weeks is characterized by the activation of the metabolic processes of the expectant mother. Gradually, my mother's blood volume, so the body has an increased load, despite the fact that your baby is still so small. There is an expansion of blood vessels in the pelvic basin - this is how your body adapts so that the baby gets everything he needs. Because of this, other organs of the mother may not receive enough oxygen, and periodically you may experience dizziness and weakness. This is especially true for women who have had low hemoglobin levels during pregnancy. For the same reason, you may notice how sometimes it is difficult to do ordinary work, and sometimes even when reading a book it is difficult to concentrate.

Due to changes in hormonal balance, you may still notice frequent mood swings, tearfulness, increased irritability. Try not to blame everything on hormones, it's easier to adapt to a new state. Moreover, hormonal balance will be established very soon, and your well-being, as well as your mood, will improve significantly.

Many mothers may still have signs of toxicosis at 10 weeks of gestation: nausea, aversion to certain foods, weakness, fatigue. Try to devote more time to rest, take care of yourself, walk, if possible - work less during this period.

Frequent urination is an integral part of pregnancy. For now, this may not bother you too much, but you need to monitor your feelings: if there are cramps, pain during urination, you need to go to the doctor, as this is a sign of an inflammatory process. Infections of the genitourinary organs often accompany pregnancy, because the future mother has reduced immunity - this is a natural reaction of the body that allows you to bear the baby. Any suspicion of inflammation is a reason to consult a doctor, because the disease can harm the baby, and self-medication during pregnancy is strictly unacceptable.

Decreased immunity in pregnant women also leads to the fact that thrush often develops. Therefore, you need to monitor the nature of the discharge. They should not change significantly, they may become somewhat more abundant. The development of fungal inflammation contributes to the preparation of the vaginal mucosa, which occurred under the influence of progesterone. The mucosa became looser. With the development of vaginal candidiasis, the doctor will prescribe a local treatment that is safe for the baby. It must also be remembered that abundant carbohydrate nutrition contributes to a change in the pH of the vaginal environment, which is favorable for the development of fungal flora.

At the end of the first trimester, the mother may experience difficulty sleeping. The reason for this are both experiences and hormonal changes. Your thoughts are often occupied with how the pregnancy will proceed further, how you will meet the baby, whether everything will be all right. Therefore, psychological comfort is now very important. Try to take a walk with your spouse before going to bed, listen to pleasant music. The tummy at the 10th week of pregnancy is not yet so enlarged as to prevent mommy from taking a comfortable position during sleep, but if you are used to sleeping on your stomach, you need to give it up. Accustom yourself to sleep on your side, this is the optimal position for late pregnancy, when you can’t even sleep on your back - the uterus squeezes the blood vessels.

10 weeks pregnant with twins

Carrying twins is a double happiness, but also a double burden on the mother's body. You may feel that you get tired too quickly, and you don’t have the strength to do your usual work. Try to relax more, entrust household chores to your relatives. Walk in the fresh air, pay attention to the diet. In general, in the initial stages, twin pregnancy proceeds in the same way: your babies are actively growing, developing rapidly, and soon you will fully feel that there are two of them.

Pain at 10 weeks pregnant

Pain should not normally occur now. If you notice that at 10 weeks of pregnancy, be sure to consult a doctor. During this period, there is a risk of abortion, so timely treatment should be prescribed. You should pay attention to any pain, because even pain in the lumbar region can be a sign of uterine hypertonicity.

This period is the period when the expectant mother should be very careful - not to overload at work, try to have a good rest at home, take a walk on the street, do light gymnastic exercises if you feel well. At this time, a strong load can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, and this can manifest itself from pulling sensations to severe pain. A miscarriage at the 10th week of pregnancy is not uncommon, therefore, with any pain, you should immediately seek medical help.

Required studies and analyzes

At this stage of pregnancy, a woman usually becomes registered in the antenatal clinic. When registering, the doctor will ask you in detail about the function of the reproductive system, menstruation, previous pregnancies and childbirth, previous diseases, including gynecological ones. A general and gynecological examination will be carried out. The doctor will complete the necessary medical documentation. In addition, you will be given referrals for tests.

Mandatory analyzes for registration are:

  • blood type, Rh factor (if you do not have a conclusion with the result of this analysis);
  • bacteriological examination of urine;
  • blood test for syphilis, hepatitis;
  • smear (cytological examination).

You will also be given a referral for an ultrasound scan, which needs to be done at a gestational age of 11-14 weeks (optimally - 11-12). Until the 10th week of pregnancy, ultrasound is performed only according to indications, since the baby's body is not yet sufficiently developed, and it is not possible to take the necessary measurements to eliminate the risk of chromosomal abnormalities.

Useful video

Questions - answers

What does brown discharge indicate during pregnancy 10 weeks?

The brown color of vaginal discharge comes from blood. There can be many reasons for this. During pregnancy, the vaginal mucosa becomes loose, easily injured. If you notice a single brown discharge after a gynecological examination, this is not scary. But if the discharge is abundant, constant, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, this is a threat of termination of pregnancy. Be sure to see a doctor.

What to do if the stomach pulls at the 10th week of pregnancy?

Pulling sensations in the lower abdomen in the first trimester of pregnancy are associated with an increase in the tone of the uterus. If you experience such sensations, try to lie down, relax, and everything will be normal. If these sensations do not stop, develop into pain - consult a doctor.

I had a runny nose, sore throat, low temperature at 10 weeks pregnant. What can be treated?

My chest hurts quite badly. This is fine?

The mammary glands are preparing for the natural process of feeding the baby. Under the influence of hormones, the glandular tissue begins to function, the blood supply to the mammary glands increases, so pain is quite normal. To alleviate them, wear comfortable supportive underwear without wires, you can do a very light stroking massage.

When does toxicosis usually end? At week 10, I am still worried about nausea in the morning, I can hardly eat anything for the first half of the day.

Usually, toxicosis completely disappears by 12–14 weeks of gestation, but sometimes its signs can persist at a later date. If the symptoms are very pronounced - consult a doctor, do not just wait until the nausea ends. You just need to eat well, because the baby needs nutrients for development. If you notice that nausea is gradually decreasing, and the regulation of the diet (frequent fractional food, sufficient drinking) still helps, try to adjust your regimen - this will help alleviate the symptoms of toxicosis.

Quietly, imperceptibly, a miracle happens inside. Literally from nothing, new organs are formed, tissues and cells are laid. Very soon, organogenesis will be completed, and it will be possible to exhale, relax - one of the most difficult critical periods of intrauterine development has been passed.

What happens to the baby

At the 10th obstetric week of pregnancy, the fetus completes the formation of internal organs and quickly changes externally:

  • The head is rounded and gradually straightened;
  • The eyelids are developed, the eyes are half-closed, but the pupils are already pigmented;
  • Ears take shape;
  • Cells appear in the mouth, from which teeth form a little later, and taste buds appear on the tongue;
  • The external genitalia are formed;
  • Fingers grow on the upper and lower extremities;
  • The foot continues to increase;
  • Tail degeneration begins;
  • The first ossification points appear in tubular bones.

From this point on, all the bones in the baby's body will gradually become ossified. And for this you need calcium, a lot of calcium! The expectant mother will have to take care of an additional source of vitamins and macronutrients.

Fruit length and weight

During the last weeks of pregnancy, the baby grew rapidly. Its length is already about 3 cm, and its weight is 10-15 g. Women often complain that the weight and height characteristics of the fetus differ from each other on many resources. This is due to the difference in the measurement system. To determine the length of the embryo, two characteristics are used - the total length and the coccygeal-parietal size. In the early stages, the difference between these indicators reaches 2-10 mm.

What's going on with mom

The uterus reaches the size of an average grapefruit. In the small pelvis, she is cramped, and she rises above the pubis. In overweight women or expectant mothers with strong abdominals, the tubercle of the uterus is almost invisible. You can only feel it with your hands. It will take a couple of weeks before the slight bulge looks like a real pregnant tummy. What happens to the appearance, besides the slowly growing belly? There are changes, but they are hardly noticeable:

  • the mammary glands continue to grow in volume;
  • blood flow to the pelvic organs causes cyanosis and swelling of the external genitalia, which is a variant of the norm;
  • in HPV carriers, the number of small papillomas on the neck, under the arms increases.

In 40% of pregnant women with toxicosis, by the 10th week of pregnancy, nausea and morning vomiting are on the wane. The remaining 60% will have to endure until 12-13 weeks. Drowsiness, apathy and lethargy continue to affect mood and performance. Emotional instability and irritability persist.

To remove the negative manifestations of a fluctuating hormonal background, fine coordinated work of the hands, for example, knitting, coloring, drawing, folding puzzles, solitaire, helps well.

The ovaries gradually increase the production of progesterone, which is needed to reduce the tone of the uterus and the growth of the mammary glands. But along with the tone of the uterus, progesterone also weakens the tone of the intestines, due to which its peristalsis worsens, so that the tenth week of pregnancy in expectant mothers is marked by the beginning of problems with regular stools.

The best option to improve digestion is to add pumpkin juice, dried apricots and prunes, beet dishes to the diet. If it is difficult with these products, wheat or rye bran can be used as an additional source of dietary fiber. It is only important to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water in order for dietary fiber to properly perform its function.

Analyzes and examinations

The main block of analyzes of pregnant women falls on 12 weeks. Up to this point, you need to submit:

  • General urinalysis and bakposev;
  • General blood test, for blood type and Rh factor, for HIV, RW and HBsAg;
  • Scheduled ultrasound screening, carried out simultaneously with a double biochemical test of hCG and PAPP A;
  • Smear for cytology and flora.

With a complicated history, unsatisfactory results of a general analysis of urine and blood, the patient's complaints of pain, strange discharge and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, the doctor may prescribe a test for hormones, specific infections, etc.

Dangers and Complications

10 weeks of pregnancy - the middle of the second critical period of fetal development. The baby develops vital organs, placental circulation is formed, so that any damaging factors can cause serious harm to the health of a small person. The following organs and systems are most sensitive to the impact of negative factors at this time:

  • CNS, as it continues to develop and improve almost until childbirth;
  • the heart, in which, under the influence of teratogenic factors, defects of the interventricular septum are formed;
  • genital organs, the formation of which is distorted by anatomical and functional defects.

The most dangerous and harmful factors include:

  • chronic endocrine diseases of the mother, for example, diabetes mellitus;
  • biological pathogens (toxoplasmosis, rubella);
  • chemicals (retinoids, gestogen-containing and anticonvulsant drugs, antidepressants, broad-spectrum antibiotics, etc.);
  • temperature and ionizing effects.

In addition to infections, medications, X-rays, elevated temperature in the bath and sauna, seemingly harmless herbal decoctions, infusions, and extracts pose a certain danger to pregnancy in the early stages.

Some in all respects useful and healing herbs are highly abortifacient. There are many of them, but we will list the main ones: oregano, brittle buckthorn, barberry and common tansy, medicinal dandelion, hops, yarrow, cinquefoil, etc.

Stress at this time is not as dangerous as it is commonly believed. Daily work shocks and occasional household troubles will not bring harm to the child, but really strong shocks are best avoided.

Pregnancy is still a new state for you, so there are many questions, and even more ambiguities. We will try to talk about what most often excites expectant mothers.

How dangerous is toxicosis for a child? What will happen to him if I am still losing kilograms?

Vomiting up to 4-5 times a day will not harm the child. As well as the loss of 4-5 kg ​​of maternal weight. The female body has thoughtful and amazingly accurate compensatory systems, so you should not worry about the child. Yes, for myself too. Lost pounds will more than return in the second and third trimesters!

When should you buy maternity clothes?

If things begin to reap and squeeze the hips, legs, chest, stomach - feel free to go shopping. Now it is especially important to make sure that nothing interferes with the lymph and blood flow. This is important not only for health, but also for your beauty - the deterioration of blood and lymph circulation in the legs, hips and waist will manifest itself as cellulite by the third trimester. Getting rid of it is difficult and expensive.

Spotting - is it dangerous?

Any discharge that is pink, red, or brownish in color is a danger sign. And only a doctor can determine what caused them. It can be both a threat of miscarriage and a miscarriage that has begun. Don't wait for it to go away on its own. Go to the doctor.

Take care of yourself, take care of your baby and be healthy!