Magic tattoos sak yant and their meaning. Where to Get a Real Sak Yant Tattoo in Thailand – Story of a trip to a forest temple. "Abroad": Doesn't it work on the principle of placebo

I have been meaning to write about my experience with the mystical Sak Yant tattoo for a long time. But she did not do this, since it is believed that if a person boasts of this, then the tattoo loses its power. But there is a difference between the term "boasting" and what other people might find useful if I share information. In life, everything is relative, the main thing is my personal attitude and belief in one or another fact. Again, it is much easier to remain silent about the fact that you have a sacred tattoo than to keep the commandments that a person undertakes to fulfill before applying it. More on this later. First, let's figure out what "SAK YANT" is.

“Sak in Thai means “to stuff”. Yant (Thai ยันต์; from Yantra) are sacred patterns (including tattoos) that are made in the countries of Southeast Asia, mainly in Thailand and Cambodia. The Yants themselves came to Siam from Cambodia during the middle period of Ayutthaya during the reign of King Naresuen the Great, when Siamese and Khmer armies first marched together against a common enemy in Burma. Yants contain in their pattern Buddhist prayers and magical elements in the Pali language, which are believed to give the owner certain preferences, such as health, strength, protection, the well-being of others, etc. Since the Pali language does not have its own script, then with yants are applied using the Khmer or Thai alphabets.

According to their appearance, they are divided into:

  • round - represent the face of the Buddha, in the Brahmin tradition - Brahma.
  • triangular - represent the Triple Jewel of Buddhism: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha; in the Brahmin tradition of three gods: Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu.
  • rectangular or square - represent the four elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
  • artistic - depict various angels and mythical animals According to the "purpose" - the effect on the owner:
  • Amnaj - the owner of the tattoo receives physical strength, cunning and prudence.
  • Metha Mahanyom - compassion from others, people of higher rank perceive the owner of this tattoo as an equal.
  • Kong Grapan - protects against melee and firearms.
  • Maha Sana - makes the owner attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, allows you to find the love of a particular person.
  • Claev Klaad - Power of Evasion - from accidents and dangers.
  • Tam Kvaam - the action of this Yant is classified as black magic
  • Jang Ngang - reducing the capabilities of the enemy.
  • Sathv Himapant - tattoos of mythological animals that give certain qualities to this animal. (WIKIPEDIA)

The tattoo is applied with a metal needle, which requires special sharpening and is passed down from generation to generation, from master to master. Most craftsmen simply process the games in alcohol between clients. When applying sak yant, the needle does not penetrate the skin as deeply as in the case of a machine, which is why there is either no contact with blood at all, or there is, but very limited. This also causes a lower risk of infection when applying sak yant in comparison with machine tattoos with approximately the same level of hygiene. Not a single case of HIV has been officially recorded while applying this tattoo.

It is customary to address the master as A-tyan (translation of the Thai-Russian dictionary by A.N. Morev), but more often we can hear that the Master is called Ajan or Ajarn. Initially, only Buddhist monks and only men could apply a tattoo (since a monk does not have the right to touch a woman). Nowadays, it is not only monks who make it. You can call such a person a white shaman. He has a wife to whom he is obliged to be faithful, meditates, and observes the Buddhist precepts.

Sak Yant is made in three colors: black, red and colorless tattoo. Most often choose black, less often - red. Transparent tattoos are applied with oil. The oil is completely absorbed by the body and leaves no visible marks except for red dots that disappear after a day or two. No one can see her, but her strength is preserved, moreover, she is considered the strongest.

Many people who want to get a tattoo are much more concerned with sak yant ink. Some masters use individual capsules of fresh ink for each client, but this practice has not been widely adopted. Most of the pigments used in inks are not approved by the FDA for skin contact. Some of the ingredients are industrial coloring agents that are more suitable for printing purposes or car painting. And although allergic reactions to tattoo ink are rare, if they do occur, they are often severe due to the difficulty of removing the pigment from under the skin. There are cases when allergic reactions develop years later after tattooing. Therefore, be careful!

So you've made the decision to do Sak Yant. Found and selected masters. Arrived in Thailand. What is going on? I am talking about my experience on Koh Samui.

To be honest, I was not going to do it at all and really did not know anything. But it so happened that I am sitting in front of the Master and we are talking. My English is not very good, neither is his. The shaman's wife served as our translator. The dialogue lasted two hours. He was interested in some details of my life in order to understand what my priorities are, what I want from life, my goals and values. He calculated the material and spiritual proportions of my being. Then he summed up that the tattoo is not a magic wand. You need to work hard on yourself and follow the principles.

  1. Don't kill.
  2. Don't steal.
  3. Do not lie.
  4. Don't commit adultery.
  5. Do not take any psychotropic substances that alter consciousness.

I timidly asked: “What, and sometimes you can’t drink wine?” - "You can, but not more than 2 glasses." Discipline and restraint gives strength, originally laid down by the master. And the violation of this word destroys the power and, moreover, can be directed against the owner of the tattoo.

The “something” formed by tattoos is not just abstract elements, but a sacred, metaphysical object for which the human body is a repository. Drawings applied in ink (or oil) on the skin turn into a boundary between the inner world of the student and the outside world around him. To put it simply: I form a clear intention - the master gives me energy and the help of natural forces for embodiment, and I pay for this with moral and ethical behavior. For me, this is quite acceptable.

Sacred tattoos are morally neutral, and their power does not exist unconditionally. If the owner of the tattoo uses the power of Sak Yant with good intentions, then he receives good in return; in exactly the same way, evil begets evil. Careless handling of tattoos can lead to accidents, illnesses and other unpleasant things. Those. the tattoo is not so much important as the behavior of the one to whom it is inflicted.

Angelina Jolie got the tattoo in 2003. We know that this is one of the most successful women on Earth, and we can watch her life. I don’t know if the tattoo is “guilty” or something else, but thanks to her, we Europeans learned about the miracle tattoo.

Well, so I digress from the process. When I confirmed that we were doing a tattoo with oil, the Master chose for me the drawings that he would apply on the crown, between the shoulder blades and on the ankle. Then we did various rituals, I asked everyone for forgiveness, I made offerings to the Gods. Then, chanting mantras, he quickly "stung" me. It hurt a little, but it was bearable. Then I glued it with golden leaves, which dissolved on my skin. And it's all over. The whole procedure, including the dialogue, lasted 4 hours.

I didn't feel any change in myself right away. But later I began to understand that habits began to change. And what for my actions, I really get what I deserve from the outside world. I can definitely say that Sak Yant has influenced my life. And I don't want to talk about whether it's mysticism or the placebo effect, the important thing is that it gave me a different level of consciousness.

Elena Petrova is a certified Hatha yoga instructor, a student of the Himalayan Yoga Academy, a professional traveler.

Yant ยันต์ - "sacred patterns", take the basis from the teachings of Yantra. And first you need to understand this basis.

Yantras are symbolic images of energy structures, each yantra contains a specific Hindu deity or energy. It is believed that during meditation / Buddhist spells, yantra is filled with power. Yantra is universal, as it consists of archetypal parts common to all phenomena.

The syllable "yang" - means "retention", holds the essence of thought, concentration. "Tra" from the word trana - "liberation from bonds." Yantra is what preserves the essence and liberates, it is expressed in a symbol, the symbol itself holds, and the spell releases the power of the symbol.

The dot - "bindu" - is the most compressed form of energy, and the circle means the spread of force.

A circle is an extension of a point. The circle, in which the lotus petals are inscribed, personifies the Cosmos. Lotus petals signify the manifested reality. This is the whole phenomenal world, which has 8 aspects: akasha, air, fire, water, earth, mind, higher understanding and higher consciousness. That is 8 main worlds.

Three rings, they three golden circles inside a lotus - symbolize the three components of time - past, present and future.

The triangle with its apex upwards draws attention to the higher and leads thoughts away from this world, personifies male energy, the fiery element.

The downward facing triangle is the element of water, female energy.

The Star of David in the center is a static balance, this is the balance of two energies - male and female, fiery and water, light and dark, yang and yin, again.

Nine-pointed star - means nine energies. Three triangles with their vertices facing upwards mean the three primordial forces that create, preserve and destroy - Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva.

3 of anything - it is also - the three qualities of shakti energy - Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Sattva is the divine balance. The three main human energy channels are Ida (Tamas, moon), Pingala (Rajas, sun) and Sushumna (Sattva, balance, Kundalini). The three qualities of the universe (triangles) are connected to the three rings of time.

The outer square symbolizes the most practical use of space. Square - stability, hardness. Square is the element of earth. T-shaped protrusions mean 4 cardinal directions - "bay".

The horizontal line - the base of the triangle, square - is the inactivity and stability of yin.

Vertical lines - the movement and activity of yang.

Three layers/lines - three states of matter - solid, liquid and gaseous.

(Oddly enough, this does not always correspond to the gender of even a god, not that a person, for example, Shiva, is considered static, i.e. Yin energy, and Shakti is considered dynamic Yang energy ...?).

3 examples of yantra:

Yantra Durga is one of the incarnations of Shiva's wife. It is believed that it destroys all kinds of evil - poverty, suffering, hunger, bad habits, diseases and sins. This force manifests itself in the form to establish balance, peace and well-being.

Yantra Kali is another incarnation of Shakti Shiva. Kali is the goddess of change, "death", which is necessary for energy renewal and spiritual development.

Attachment to the material form causes fear of death. And this sign fights the fear of change.

Sri Yantra (the power of 3 according to the concept above) is a mystical device of the cosmos. It is formed by the mutual intersection of triangles in two directions: four points up, symbolizing the Yang principle, and five points down, symbolizing the Yin principle. This yantra gives an image of the fullness and integrity of existence, the final comprehension of one's unity with the universe.

Now back to yants. In yanks, the evenness of the forms of the yantra acquires roundness.

These designs may be temporary on the body, paper, clothing, etc.

Or forever - in the form of a tattoo - "Sak Yant" สักยันต์

In general, initially such tattoos appeared in Cambodia. They have spread in all countries of Southeast Asia since the Middle Ages, especially in Siam, where they survived most of all. Even monks, and even especially monks, cover themselves with them and

others are helped, and the way they do it is very unusual in appearance:

It is believed that such tattoos necessarily give the owner certain powers / skills, carry out the meaning of the yantra of certain deities, - it serves as the owner's talisman.

These are patterns consisting of compilations of all the characters described above + Khmer script (Pali language) and Thai letter - spells, + other symbols - animals; and + a lot of other little-studied things.

I tried to understand a little in this "little studied".

A few different looks:

1) กระดูกยันต์ “Bone-talisman”, I don’t know why “bone”, maybe “the basis of faith”.

The continuous twisted line in the middle is the essence of the Buddha.

in the 1st picture - triangles on 4 cardinal points (4 elements also symbolize) from 3 stones with peaks - “3 buddhas. jewels "or" 3 worlds ", 3 brahmins, or again - Shiva-Brahma-Vishnu:

2) คลัง ภาพยันต์ - "Gallery" - has several types. It serves as a defense against enemies. Signs in squares - ???, the rest also, triangles, square / rhombus, protection from enemies that can come from 4 cardinal directions:

3) ยันต์มหาศิริมงคล - "Talisman Siri" - from all dangers. Round or lotus shaped.

4) ยันต์ มหาสาวัง - "Talisman for the protection of property or body"- square, triangles upside down, are in the cells:

5) ยันต์ มหาอุด - "Talisman of the Mercy of the Gods":

6) ยันต์ โภคทรัพย์ - Talismans of Wealth:

7) ยันต์ ท้าวเวสสุวรรณ

Many times I took tourists to the best sak yant master in Thailand. The tattoo is applied with a specially forged and slandered thinnest needle, and wearing it obliges a person to observe rituals for life. As a reward for such rigor, tattoos help achieve goals and often cure diseases. These and other properties of sak yant Konstantin Anisimov explained to us personally.

Konstantin Anisimov, guide-interpreter, reenactor, volunteer

He has been living in Thailand for 13 years, and is fond of motorcycles, sewing leather bags and the reconstruction of the early Middle Ages. In his free time, he studies the ancient traditions of Thailand and helps his compatriots get to Ayutthaya to see the master of the sak yant tattoo, shaman Ajan Kobu.

"ZagraNitsa": What does the process of choosing a tattoo look like?

There are several stages. First Cob holds your hands, looks into your eyes, then says a few things. He sees if you have health problems and where they come from. For example, there are people who take on damage, the evil eye, and there are those who do not. In fact, there are few who accept damage - about three percent of those who come. But we now have all sorts of psychics very common, because every second believes that he has damage. It even leads to scandals. A well-fed healthy woman of 80 kilograms says: I have an evil eye on me. And with the evil eye, hair falls out, teeth, skin deteriorates very much. But she is sure that her sister jinxed her, and she demands to fill herself with a sak yant tattoo. Master beats - where to go? It happens that a person is too sick. I brought one girl: young, blood with milk. Master her: I can't help you, you're too sick. I translated it to her: they say, the master is mistaken, he is talking about some diseases. And she confirmed that she was completely sick: heart disease, anemia, and much more. Although it was impossible to tell from the outside.


"ZagraNitsa": Can sak yant make a person luckier?

K.A.: All people are divided into lucky and unlucky, and the master always sees this. An unlucky person, in order to earn 100 rubles, must plow for the whole 1000, but these 100 rubles, as a rule, immediately go somewhere. To such people, Kob adds good luck and ease in life. The shaman tries not to tell the person the future and not to say that everything is very good or very bad for him. If a person knows that he was born lucky and everything will turn out easily in his life, he will relax. And if he finds out that no matter how hard he tries, he will not achieve anything, he despairs. Therefore, the master believes that knowing your future is always bad. In his opinion, in any case, you need to work on yourself.

A lot of Russians, having come to him, are asked to inflict the same tigers as Angelina Jolie on the lower back. Apparently, just like the picture.

The master necessarily warns about the negative side of a strong sak yant tattoo. He very rarely stuffs tigers, because they need to be brought here “for a walk” once a year. If you are an office worker, it will be difficult for a tiger to sit still all day and you will become aggressive. Well, and most importantly: with a tiger tattoo, you will always be alone. There was a case: a guy who stuffed a tiger with his wife from school, they have three children, and laughed that no tigers would separate them. Arrived a year later - already divorced. And the master inflicts such tattoos, for example, on the world martial arts champion: he doesn’t need a family, he fights all his life. Some of our big officials, I know, inflicted.

There was another case: a couple came, a husband and wife. The wife asked for a tattoo for a prosperous life with her husband, and the master told me in Thai, not for translation, that she had a lover. And indeed: the next year she came with another man.

"ZagraNitsa": How to understand if you need one tattoo or several, how to choose the size?

K.A.: That's when the master looks and talks with a person, he himself will say what you are missing, and he will make a tattoo for this. And then they think: I’ll get a tattoo to attract money and I’ll be rich. But in order to earn money, one must also add perseverance, eloquence, and get rid of laziness. Just a mantra of money is not enough. Kob himself understands what to add. He takes money and writes in it the mantras that you will need to achieve wealth. Even in the same sak yants, the mantras are still different. Depending on the number of mantras and the desire of the customer, they can be placed in one tattoo, or you can paint the whole back with them.

Photo: Shutterstock 4

"ZagraNitsa": There are people who say "I am happy, I am satisfied with everything", and the master tells them: you just need to add this mantra, and everything will be fine?

K.A.: Yes. I myself, when I came to the shaman at the age of 23, I said: “I’m fine, I just want something as a keepsake.” He replied: "You are quick-tempered, you need to be calmer" - and stuffed the turtle. Many argue that sak yant are magical tattoos that only work if you believe in their power. This is a misconception, I have tested it myself. Kob applied a mantra of calmness to me, and I treated the tattoo as if it were an ordinary one - for beauty. He did not believe in all this and even laughed at those who believed. And six months later, my friends asked me to “sprinkle the grass”, I became so unnaturally calm! Everyone was sure that I smoked marijuana every day. Then I sat down and tried to remember the last time I cursed, quarreled and got angry. I realized that a very long time ago, and that really has changed. But I decided that it was a coincidence and maybe I just got older. Six months later I went to the master - I wanted to conduct an experiment. Since childhood, laziness has been my scourge. And not just laziness, but laziness. I could give up anything to lie in front of the TV all day or sleep until dinner. The master remembered me, asked if I had become calmer. I said yes, but it's just a coincidence. And then he gave me an ant, which changed my whole life. There were mantras for getting rid of laziness, finishing what I started, and my constant growth as a person. About a year later, I became different. He began to do everything that he had only planned before, but he always put it off.

ZagraNitsa: Doesn't it work like a placebo?

K.A.: Nobody knows. But even if you change because of self-belief, why not? The cult is 8000 years old, if it were a dummy, it would have disappeared long ago, like Kashpirovsky, for example. Apparently there is something in it. Time is the best test for any cult, doctrine, religion. Sak yant used to be everywhere, all over the world. Historically, the Slavic tribes also had tattoos, battle amulets. Like the Vikings and Celts. Unfortunately, in Europe and Russia this culture was completely destroyed by Christianity.

"ZagraNitsa": And if you do not beat the magic tattoos sak yant, but buy a talisman with yants?

K.A.: This is completely different. In Thailand, there are 25 daily publications about amulets, many are interested in this: both tourists and collectors. But it is impossible to buy a real amulet without understanding it. Usually, even if the work is done with high quality, it is a copy of a copy. If a Thai or a tourist shows you an amulet and claims that it was made centuries ago, don't believe it. Such amulets are not only very rare, but also worth tens of millions of baht. Who would wear something like this around their neck? And with an amulet there are more difficulties than with a tattoo. If you accidentally sit on it or put it in your pants pocket, it no longer works. So the saint who guards the amulet can take revenge on you.

In order for the amulet to work again, you need to recharge it at the master. And how will you do it if he died hundreds of years ago?

My master sak yanta makes amulets for collectors. There are his works in specialized magazines. There are many materials: from elephant bone to goat horn. He takes the order, and the collector waits for a year, and then receives the item.

Photo: Facebook 7

"Foreign": Then let's get back to the tattoo. In sak yant, not only the drawing is important, but also the worship of the saint, the mantra?

K.A.:Yes, there are a lot of prescriptions. In Buddhism, in order to receive, you need to give - this is an exchange of energy. In other words, to fill a cup with tea, you must first pour coffee out of it. By itself, the tattoo will not work. "Payouts" consist in compliance with certain rules. You need to hang a portrait of a saint (the master himself says which one) and put five incense on him every week.
Photo: Shutterstock

Plus a number of restrictions: don't drink, don't swear. If in Russia a person with tattoos is perceived as a criminal, a dangerous person, then more calmness and tolerance can be expected from the bearer of a sak yant tattoo.

"Foreign": But Angelina Jolie, after all, shows tattoos in the media, boasts of them, and this is prohibited ...

K.A.: First, we do not know what vows the teacher gave her. Or maybe she broke them. Or at first she violated, but then she went to respeak, this also happens. The master never tells anything about the clients.

"ZagraNitsa": Is it true that there are colorless tattoos?

K.A.: Yes, the master makes them with oil. A lot of women, for example, come with the problem of infertility. At the same time, they work in government institutions, and in general, our attitude towards tattoos is not very tolerant. But they want to be cured, and therefore the master inflicts colorless sak yant tattoos on them. It's about the mantras and rituals, not the shade of the ink. Most are cured; many then move to Thailand. And those who were not cured may not have performed all the rites.

"ZagraNitsa": They say that sak yant tattoos heal quickly.

K.A.: So it is - the whole point is that the needle is very thin. In conventional needles, the needle is slightly blunted, because large areas need to be covered, and its diameter is larger, which means it injures more. And what is the task of the master of sak yant? You need to apply a thin drawing, and quickly. The needle is so thin that it does not tear the skin at all, there is not a drop of blood. You can take a shower and swim on the same day. And another plus: if there is no blood, you cannot catch the disease. The master, of course, constantly sterilizes the needles, but when I went to see him with the doctors, they said that in the absence of blood during application, there is no risk of the virus entering the human body.


"Foreign": You say that some tattoos need to be "walked" and sak yant needs to be repeated if something is done wrong. What happens when the master dies?

K.A.:For Buddhists, the topic of death is not considered closed or unpleasant. Death is just a continuation of the path. Therefore, I once directly asked the master: who will conduct the annual ceremony of renewing strong sak yant tattoos when you die? He replied that a few years before he retired, a student would definitely come to him. It has always been that way, hundreds and thousands of years in a row. It is interesting that many shamans consider their gift to correct the destinies of people as a punishment, retribution for negative deeds committed in past lives. The life of a real sak yanta master is, in fact, house arrest. Every morning at 6:00, Kob picks up a needle and tattoos until midnight, sometimes until the next morning. And it's been that way for 45 years. Seven days a week. He cannot “not go to work” because people who need help constantly come to his house. The Master has never been to the sea or the mountains. He has never traveled or been on vacation. But he says that in this life he will pay everything, and in the next he will rest. Only a very strong, wise and believing person can do such a thing as a sak yant tattoo.

As you understood from the conversation with Konstantin, sak yant is far from being an ordinary tattoo and its application, like wearing, requires lifelong self-control and compliance with the rules. Whether to apply sak yant on your body is up to you, but we hope that our advice will help you take the sacred Buddhist tattoo with all responsibility and get only good luck and benefit from the ritual.

A tattoo depicting a shaman means a person's connection with nature, the unity of the material and spiritual worlds, a talisman against diseases, misfortunes and evil spirits, harmony, successful hunting and harvest.

The meaning of the shaman tattoo

Shamanism, whose history goes back to the Paleolithic period, is the oldest art of communication with the world of spirits and is aimed at the most natural understanding of the world, the study of the process of communication between people and nature.

Scientists in this field are sure that the shaman is primarily called upon to heal his people from any misfortunes and ailments. However, the functions of the shaman are very wide. In addition to healing, he must protect his tribe from misfortune and trouble, supporting its economic structure. Communicating with the spirits of nature, the shaman asks them for plenty of game and harvest. Thus, the shaman is obliged to ensure harmony and balance in the world.

The traditional shaman, in addition to the above, could search for disappeared objects and people, accompanied the souls of the dead to the afterlife, predicted the future and made conspiracies against dark forces. If the shaman abused his gift out of selfish motives or caused evil, then he was called a sorcerer.

In the modern world, the shaman keeps the customs and rituals of his ancestors, uses various practices to summon spirits. For this reason, a tattoo with the image of a shaman is chosen by extraordinary people who believe in nature and higher powers.

The shamanic worldview testifies that the whole material world is inhabited by spirits, each of which has its own peculiarity and ability. Shamans are strongly connected and united not only with nature, but also with the cosmos, they gain strength, help and advice in the spiritual world.

As for tattoos depicting a shaman, drawings of a similar theme are true talismans and amulets. Complementing the image of a shaman with various details, you can get powerful wearable protection. However, erroneously pierced shamanic symbols can only bring trouble to a person, making him unhappy, if the owner of the tattoo sincerely believes in shamanism and the culture of ancestors.

Basically, tattoos depicting shamans are complemented by various bright ornaments or images of totem animals. Previously, it was believed that the shaman could turn into such an animal at will, while intricate patterns actually endowed him with certain abilities, including the ability to communicate with the world of spirits. For this reason, images of shamans dressed, for example, in the skin of a wolf, are often found in tattoo images. In this case, the meaning of the drawing will be expanded due to the symbolic meaning of the animal itself.

Much less often in the shamanic theme of tattoos, you can find special letters, since each of these signs has its own meaning, and not every person is able to understand it correctly. Even one wrong letter can radically change the symbolism of the tattoo.

It is worth noting that a truly shamanic tattoo is very different from the traditional drawings offered in the salons. A real tattoo depicting a shaman and shamanic signs should not be interpreted in two ways, it has one single meaning, which is the appointment of the shaman himself. Otherwise, the idea of ​​such a drawing will be lost.

  • Transfer from any hotel in Pattaya and back (individually or in a group - depending on the option you ordered)
  • The work of a professional Russian guide-interpreter
  • Making an appointment with Adjan
  • Insurance
  • Ajahn offering - for each case individually
  • Payment for Sak Yant - from 1500 ... 2000 to 25000 Baht depending on the size of the tattoo and some other points
  • Copy of international passport
  • dress modestly
  • Offering money

What is a Sak Yant tattoo

Sak Yant is a magical tattoo of a special sacredness, which is done mostly in the territory of the Kingdom of Thailand. Similar sacred tattoos can be seen in many, many Thais, for sure everyone who has ever rested in the Land of Smiles has paid attention to this fact. People believe these tattoos that they will help in troubles and misfortunes, diseases, they can protect from injuries and enemies. Tourists coming to Thailand are also interested in the sacred tattoos of Sak Yant and many would like to go through this ceremony. After all, such a tattoo can bring happiness and wealth to the one who wears it. Especially the popularity of Sak Yant grew after the tattoo of a magical nature was seen on Angelina Jolie. The famous actress decided to make herself Sak Yant in order to attract more luck into her life. After all, would you still like to become happy and successful in all your affairs and undertakings? Of course yes! But everything is not so simple, because in the case of applying a tattoo "at random" or by an inept ajan master, one can attract not so much happiness as problems and troubles.

Sak Yant is translated from Thai into Russian: "Sak" means "stuffing" or "tattoo", "Yant" - "holy", "sacred". The miraculous prayers read when applying a tattoo are called "Kata", or in a more understandable language - mantras. This is a very ancient custom and each of the masters has his own secrets, his own methods of drawing a picture and its conspiracy. These secrets are passed down from the master to his disciples.

Surely you have noticed that there are several types of magical Sak Yant tattoos. They can be black, red, but there are also transparent Sak Yant tattoos. As a rule, everyone chooses the black color of the tattoo, red Sak Yants are much less common. Transparent tattoos are applied with oil. They are made as a rule to children and civil servants in the case when they are forbidden by their position to have tattoos visible to the eye on their bodies. But a transparent tattoo is just not visible to other people, only the carrier knows about its existence. But its strength is preserved, and in this sense, the transparent Sak Yant is in no way inferior to black and red. According to some reports, a transparent Sak Yant tattoo is stronger than its colored varieties.

If you decide to make a magical tattoo on your body, then keep in mind that Sak Yant is not just some kind of abstract pattern on the body, it is actually endowed with magical powers. Therefore, think ten times before doing it: do you really need it? Indeed, unlike the usual tattoos, Sak Yant has the ability to turn fate in a diametrically opposite direction. So - good ... or bad.

Only among real Thai monks are there true masters of Sak Yant who can make a truly magical drawing with sacred symbols. In addition to tattooing, the monk reads Buddhist prayers and special formulas that are designed to bestow blessings. Many people offer to get a Sak Yant tattoo for a ridiculous fee, but this will only be a semblance and the pattern will have absolutely no meaning. It will not become a talisman and protection, but will only be a picture on the body, which absolutely any master of a tattoo parlor can make.

All masters speak Thai. For many, this is one of the biggest difficulties on the way to fulfilling the idea of ​​​​acquiring a magical Sak Yant tattoo. After all, in addition to the process of applying the pattern, the monk will also give some mandatory recommendations that must be followed in order for the tattoo to give a result and, by the way, the result is correct, positive. You need to know the Thai language, or use the services of an interpreter. When ordering a service from us - the accompaniment of a guide-interpreter will be included in the price.

How to apply a Sak Yant tattoo

Before proceeding directly to the magical ritual, you should discuss with Ajan what the tattoo will mean, tell him the necessary details from your past life, as well as your aspirations and plans for the future. Then the master will be able to choose a pattern specifically for you. As you can see, in such a case, an individual approach is needed. It is necessary to be as open as possible in communicating with the master and not try to hide even the smallest details, otherwise the tattoo may not work for you or will not be effective at full strength.

For example, Master Koba (who in turn was taught by the famous Luang Pu Nai) who works in Ayutthaya has several albums with the main variants of Sak Yant. And also with the amount of the donation after their application. Ajahn can point to the version of the tattoo that he considers the most suitable in your case. And if suddenly he becomes categorically against the drawing you personally liked, then there is no need to object. Here it is better to listen to the opinion of the master and stop at something more suitable.

From ancient times to the present, the technology of applying Sak Yant has undergone little change, since several dozen generations of craftsmen passed on to each other and tried to preserve the established rules and traditions. The tattoo is stuffed with a bamboo or steel stick. Contrary to popular belief, these sticks are not disposable because each tattoo tool is unique. Before the very first use, special prayers in Sanskrit are said over it - a kind of consecration. Before the ritual, the instruments are treated with alcohol, and other methods of disinfection are not used here.

How long does it take to apply a magical Sak Yant tattoo? It entirely depends on the complexity of its design and the size of the tattoo, ranging from 20 minutes to several hours. The procedure for applying a tattoo is certainly palpable, but it should hardly be recognized as really painful. At least you can endure it without clenching your teeth and not presenting yourself as a partisan during interrogation by the Gestapo. So forty-degree anesthesia is not required)))

In the end, when the work itself is ready, the master will give advice. He usually asks to fulfill basic commandments, such as: do not kill, do not steal, do not lie and do not commit adultery. These are the rules that play an important role for every Buddhist. If the bearer of magical tattoos does not fulfill the commandments, then Sak Yant will not act. Also, ajahn may ask for compliance with some additional requirements, which even sometimes seem strange or intuitive. However, do this with all seriousness.

How much does it cost to get a Sak Yant tattoo

It is possible to organize a trip to Ajahn Kobu and Ohu in Ayutthaya. During the trip you will be accompanied by a Russian guide-interpreter. The cost of the service is calculated for the entire group (per car). There are also group trips, but then you will be tied to certain days and times of departure. Below are the rates for a private trip.

Man in a group Price per group, baht Will come out of each (for reference)
1-4 people 7000 From 1750
5-12 people 10000 From 850

This includes an individual transfer, an appointment with Ajan and the services of a professional Russian guide-interpreter.