Sphinx with a tattoo: the meaning and influence on the cat. Cat in law: the owner made a crime-themed tattoo for his sphinx cat Sketch of the sphinx tattoo

Anyone who decides to get a tattoo puts quite a lot of importance into it. It can be anything:

  • reflection of the inner world of a person;
  • the goal is to somehow change your life for the better;
  • display of any significant dates, close and dear people.

And that is why, before you make yourself small inscriptions and a tattoo that will last a lifetime, you need to carefully think through everything and draw the appropriate conclusions. The main thing is not only the meaning of the tattoo, but also the place where it will be located.

The sphinx tattoo is currently considered a fairly sought-after image, which in the modern world is associated with Egypt.

The image of a creature from mythology, which has the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle, the tail of a bull and the head of a man, today is quite famous for its high-quality pictures in Egypt. The Egyptian Sphinx is the personification of something bad, as well as power.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo

Today, both guys and women want to perform a variety of tattoos for themselves, and the Sphinx is no exception.

Usually men's tattoos are performed:

  • on the back;
  • On the hand;
  • on the forearm;
  • on the foot.

Girls also love to draw beautiful tattoos of Egyptian mythology:

  • on the side;
  • on the thigh;
  • on the lower leg;
  • On the hand.

Varieties of tattoos

Ideally, in mythology, there are three types of mythological animals that are used by tattoo artists:

  • The Egyptian sphinx, has a human head, a lion's body, a bull's tail, and its face was the property of the pharaoh, such a tattoo gives the owner of this picture prudence and a riddle.
  • The Greek sphinx, in its appearance, differs from the sphinx from Egypt, in that it has the head of a woman, the body of a dog and the wings of a bird. Such a tattoo will give the owner hostility and strength.
  • The Assyrian sphinx is applied to the body with a beard, each area has its own meaning:
    • the head is a "pantry" of knowledge;
    • a beard speaks of prudence;
    • wings, this is inspiration;
    • lion paws and claws, tells of courage and his strength;
    • bullish sides tell about perseverance, silence.
    • What is a tattoo

      Any tattoo of a mythical image is different, this can be seen from sketches and photos, due to which deity is depicted on it, but whatever it is, it speaks of mystery, dignity and the connection of eras. The Sphinx is out of time, out of competition, because his wise disposition allows him to contemplate the world, while sacredly keeping the secrets of his knowledge.

      This mythological figure contains only the best qualities, which include wisdom, physical abilities, controlled mind, speed, logical thinking, etc.

Not so long ago, hairless cats seemed to be something out of this world, some of them resembled aliens, others fell in love with these unusual animals at first sight, others attributed them to a bad character and even felt disgust for them. In general, the range of emotions that sphinxes evoke is very wide.

Due to their outstanding appearance, these cats have become not only favorite pets, but also quite popular tattoo characters. Today we will talk about the meaning of a sphinx cat tattoo, what this breed has to do with the mythical sphinxes, we will offer some interesting ideas about the plot and style of the future tattoo.

When we hear the word "sphinx", the imagination immediately draws yellow sands, a scorching sun and a huge stone guardian of the pyramids - the tombs of the pharaohs. It is one of the main attractions of Egypt that we associate with this mysterious mythical creature.

The Egyptian Sphinx, the first found images of which are about 12 thousand years old, was a lion with a human head. The age of the most famous sphinx in Giza has not yet been accurately determined, but many historians are inclined to believe that this majestic monument was carved back in the Predynastic period. The locals considered him the lord of the Nile, on which the tides depended, and therefore the fertility of the soil.
The fantasy of the ancient Greeks went further: in addition to the lion's body and human head (usually female), the sphinx acquired eagle wings and a bull's tail. Probably, the motif itself came from Egypt, and the Greeks had already reworked the image in their own way and surrounded it with sinister stories. The most famous of them is the legend of the riddle of the sphinx, which Oedipus eventually guessed and thereby saved Thebes.

The image of the sphinx is still widely used in all types of art as the personification of the guardian of secrets, a formidable protector, the keeper of great incomprehensible wisdom.

The clue to the sphinx

A logical question arises: what does it have to do with cats? There is a version according to which the Egyptians worshiped hairless cats. Indeed, looking at the ancient figurines, it is hard to imagine a fluffy pet. However, this version cannot be considered completely true, because there is no evidence that would fully confirm its authenticity, ancient people could well depict smooth-haired animals. In addition, although the sphinx has the body of a representative of the cat family, it is still not a cat. Therefore, the logical chain looks something like this: cats were worshiped in ancient Egypt, Egypt is associated with the sphinx, which is why the breed got its name.

By the way, it is possible that the ancient Aztecs also had bald cats. Even at the beginning of the last century, representatives of the oldest breed, the Mexican Hairless, were shown at exhibitions. But, unfortunately, the breed completely died out in the 30s.

If we talk about what the sphinx tattoo means, it is worth sharing the meaning of the image of the monument in Giza, the Greek sphinx and the cat. The ancient Egyptian statue is perceived as a symbol of eternity, the keeper of secret knowledge, while the Greek monster is the personification of fear, aggression, deceit, which only true wisdom can defeat.
The sphinx cat tattoo retains the symbolism inherent in the images of all cats (willfulness, love of freedom, temperament, craving for knowledge of the unknown and otherworldly), but the peculiarities of the behavior of the representatives of the breed and their perception by others leave their mark.

The aggressiveness and bad temper attributed to these cats is pure fiction. Sphynxes are very affectionate and simply cannot live without the attention of their owner, so a tattoo with the image of this animal can speak of openness and sociability.

Misconceptions about the nature of the sphinx are associated with its appearance - for many, the expression of its muzzle seems malicious. Therefore, it is quite possible to say that the image of this cat indicates a soft and kind character, hiding under an unsightly shell, which introduces others into confusion.

In the field of tattoos, one of the areas is mythology. Consider information about the sphinx tattoo, the meaning of the image and its types.

Sphinx tattoo, description and varieties

The Sphinx is a mythological creature in Egyptian, Greek, and Assyrian culture, but it is also a breed of pet cat.

Did you know that a tattoo can change a person's life, make adjustments to his behavior, manner of speech and communication style.

Egyptian sphinx tattoo description

The Greek Sphinx is a cunning creature that asks questions that are difficult to answer. Hence the symbol of the dark mysterious and demonic side, in everything there are notes of aggressiveness, cold and death on the one hand and prudence, prudence on the other. The dark side is the sphinx itself, a demon who wants to destroy and destroy everything, prudence and wisdom are the heroes who tried to defeat the demon.

The tattoo of the Greek sphinx will give its owner strength and aggression, self-confidence, help to keep control over feelings and emotions.

The meaning of the Assyrian sphinx tattoo


  • head - human
  • face - a mandatory attribute of a beard,
  • paws - a lion with large claws,
  • the body of a bull
  • wings - griffin.

In the Assyrian Sphinx, each part of the body has its own meaning. This sphinx is a kind of set of the best qualities that should be instilled and nurtured in yourself.

The head is for knowledge. The beard represents wisdom. Wings symbolize free flight for thoughts and inspiration, open space for creativity. Lion paws with claws represent strength and power, purposefulness. The bull's body shows perseverance and diligence, as well as patience.

People who have chosen a tattoo of the Assyrian Sphinx know what they want from life, they can be distinguished by silence and thoughtfulness. The Assyrian sphinx will open a wide and rich inner world of its owner, show his stability, endow him with wisdom and patience.

Sphinx cat tattoo, pet

Sphinx cat has two meanings:

  • the first is a kind of pet, endowed with its own meaning,
  • second - connection of mythological qualities with cat habits.

Here strength, wisdom and calmness are combined with cunning and caution, softness and grace, as well as with hunting habits. A tattoo in the form of a sphinx cat has protective properties against magical interference.

Suitable for people who do not want to go far into mythological subjects.

How to choose the right sphinx tattoo for yourself?

The answer to this question can be found within yourself. Analyze your strengths, think about what you lack, what you want to say and show with this image.

If self-confidence and strength are needed, the Assyrian Sphinx with its balance and moderation will do. If you decide on a Greek sphinx, be prepared for manifestations of the aggressive and demonic side of your character. The Egyptian Sphinx is a classic for calm and protection. People who choose the classic sphinx are distinguished by loyalty and established principles.

Sphinx tattoos are not as common as others, so there is room for creativity and fantasy to run wild.

It is important to know: do not mix the details of the Egyptian and Greek sphinx, so you can get the opposite meaning. But the Assyrian Sphinx can be modified at your discretion.

Place for a sphinx tattoo

Did you know that the meaning of the tattoo is affected, not only by the direct interpretation, but also by the location.

The most common places for a sphinx tattoo are the area from the elbow to the shoulder and shoulder, the entire surface of the back, less often the calves of the legs and thigh. It should be borne in mind that the sphinx is a rather large image with the smallest details that require painstaking drawing. It is in the details and design that the main meaning and significance lies.

Before applying a tattoo on the body, you should familiarize yourself with the various options for execution, as well as make a sketch.

It is important to know! The tattoo should be protected from exposure to direct sunlight, as this brightens it. When sunburning, it is necessary to apply a protective cream.

Sphinx tattoo sketches

A sketch is not just a sketch of a future tattoo on paper. This is a full-fledged drawing with the smallest traced details. Basically, the sketch is done in black and white.

Examples of sphinx tattoos, sketches can be seen on the Internet or directly in the tattoo parlor. Also, you can ask the master to help think over and draw a version of the sphinx tattoo in a sketch directly under you.



Sphinx tattoos are divided into two categories: the image of a mythical creature, and cat breeds. What designation is fraught with each category, you will learn in this article.

If we talk about the tattoo sketches of the mythical sphinx, in this case there are three categories of images.

1. Sphinx of Egyptian mythology. We all have long been familiar with the Sphinx from the mythology of Egypt: a human head, a lion's body and a bull's tail. This creature was the guardian of the tomb of the pharaoh. To this day, many tourists admire its majestic sculpture. A stone statue of a guardian is often found in the tattoo sphere. A sphinx tattoo from a mythological theme carries a certain mystery, a riddle. It is believed that by depicting this creature on his body, a person thus keeps his secrets, and will reveal them only to the closest person. Also, this tattoo is a sign of wisdom, a continuous connection between the future and the present.

2. Sphinx from Greek mythology. In this version, the creature is represented with the head of a woman, the body of a dog and wings like those of a bird. It was this creature that was described in the legends, where the Sphinx made riddles, and if the answer to them was not found, the person lost his life. But, in the legends, brave and smart heroes have always found a solution to the intricate riddles of the creature. A tattoo depicting a Greek sphinx depicts a prudent, wise, insightful person. Such a person always keeps his feelings in check, always confident in his abilities.

3. Sphinx of Assyria. A powerful creature, with a human head, a beard, wings like a griffin, powerful paws like a lion with huge claws. Why is the head with a beard? The head is the repository for knowledge, and the beard, in turn, represents their wise application. A tattoo with the image of this creature means courage, determination, wisdom, diligence, perseverance. Also, the Assyrian Sphinx says that the owner of this tattoo has a rich inner world.


As you know, the sphinx is not only a mythical creature, but also a breed of cats. Tattoos depicting cats of this breed are in great demand, both among girls and boys. Many people think that sphinxes are hairless cats, although this is absolutely not true. The body of cats of this breed is covered with fluff, sometimes with short hair. It is also a popular misconception that Sphynx cats are evil and vindictive animals. In fact, these are very cute creatures that love their master, love warmth and love.

The sphinx cat tattoo carries the features that this cat breed possesses, as well as the features of a mythological creature. If you combine them into one whole, the tattoo characterizes a person as cautious, soft, calm, flexible, wise and strong.

Also, the tattoo sketches of the sphinx (cat / cat) carry powerful protection. Such a tattoo is a talisman against evil forces and life's troubles. There is only one caveat, the tattoo must be stuffed in a place that is not accessible to strangers, which can be easily hidden with clothes. It is believed that then the amulet operates in full force.

Sketches of the sphinx also carry the meaning of wisdom, waywardness, friendliness and love of freedom. As a rule, people who choose such a tattoo are soft, but they can insist on their own and defend their point of view.

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Nowadays, no one can surprise anyone with a tattoo. A large number of young and not only young people want to put a certain image on their own body for various reasons. And if the society has slowly begun to get used to the "downtrodden" girls and boys, then animals with tattoos cause horror and pity in some, and indescribable delight in others. The thing is that in certain circles, tattooing on the skin of your pets is becoming more and more popular every year.

According to statistics, owners bring both dogs and cats to tattoo parlors. However, the peculiarities of the appearance of sphinxes make these cats the most frequent "victims" of tattoo artists. As a result, it is now quite common to find sphinxes with tattoos on different parts of the body.

What's the point

From the point of view of common sense, tattooing an animal’s body looks absolutely unreasonable and cruel, since cats are forced to lie under the needle of the master by force, against their will. It is hardly possible to find a cat who would voluntarily go to a tattoo parlor and calmly endure while the image would be applied to his skin.

However, progressive hosts have a different point of view. For example, they believe that a sphinx with a tattoo becomes more beautiful and better than other cats. Also, the ink on the skin makes his future offspring potentially more expensive. This belief has a concrete historical example. At the end of the last century, Belgian artist Wim Delvoye began tattooing pigs. This fact alone allowed him to sell the skins of these pigs for several times their real price.

Effect on the cat

It is argued that the skin of cats in general and sphinxes in particular is much rougher than human, so tattoos on the body of animals heal much faster. However, this by no means means that cats do not feel pain during the process of drawing the image. Therefore, in an attempt to protect their pets, many owners decide to give their pet valerian or alcohol to drink. Professional tattoo artists categorically forbid doing this. The thing is that these foreign substances in the body of the animal increase blood circulation. Thus, there is a very high possibility that a cat pumped up with valerian may lose a lot of blood during tattooing on his body.

It is precisely because of the above fact that in most cases tattoos are made to cats when they are under anesthesia. Thus, the owners want to protect their animal. However, do not forget that not everything is so simple with anesthesia.

Cats and anesthesia

Despite the fact that anesthesia will still make the process of applying a tattoo absolutely painless for an animal, and specialists today use fairly harmless drugs to inject cats into anesthesia, certain risks still remain.

Ideally, cats are anesthetized in professional medical clinics only after they are fully examined for hidden problems with internal organs. If there are any, then anesthesia may be too dangerous for the life and health of the animal. When a tattoo is applied, these precautions are often forgotten, as a result of which the tattooed Sphynx may experience serious health problems after this procedure. Thus, the entire responsibility falls on the shoulders of the owners of the animal. In addition, there is an opinion that each subsequent anesthesia is more dangerous for the animal than the previous one. In this regard, the unnecessary introduction of an animal into anesthesia without an important reason can cost the cat's life in the future.

Public opinion

It is understandable that the mere act of inflicting pain on a cat can cause outrage from animal welfare societies. As a result, any sphinx with a tattoo automatically becomes the subject of discussion by human rights activists and public figures.

Also, this fact does not go unnoticed by religious people. Many of them advocate that a sphinx cat in tattoos is a sin, because, according to religion, God created all creatures according to his plan, and trying to change this plan is considered wrong.


Today, the issue of animal tattoos is very relevant. As this trend steadily gains momentum, photos of sphinxes in tattoos are becoming more and more common. Despite the outright harm to the health of animals, tattoo artists continue to fulfill the whims of the owners who decide to make their pet unique and fashionable.

But the most frightening thing here is that simple tattoos sometimes seem not enough, and images on the body of cats are applied with fluorescent ink. They are special in that they become visible only under ultraviolet radiation. It is quite clear that such ink has a special effect on the body of the animal. The only thing that pleases here is that people have not yet thought of applying and taking photos of criminal tattoos on sphinxes.