Breast child crying very much. Do you understand the baby without words, or why is the newborn baby crying? Bad sleep and crying on colic background

Each inexperienced mom is panic, when the kid is crying. Discern the crying of a newborn baby and find out his cause, thanks to this article.

Everyone knows that the birth of a child is accompanied by the first cry. Sometimes, young mothers are experiencing through this crying. In fact, there is nothing to panic, because the first cry of the child is a sign of adaptation to the new environment of existence.

Even our grandmothers said that the child was useful to shout, because it develops light and voice ligaments. During the first cry, a respiratory function is developing. Some baby bodies in the womb did not work, and now begin to develop, perform their functions.
Of course, after reading the blog, it is impossible to say with accuracy why the baby is capricious, but in most cases, newborn children cry out of the same reasons.
  • Hunger. The most common cause of crying a newborn is a feeling of hunger. The baby is crying loud, long. The intensity of such crying grows and gradually goes into a cry.
  • Pain. In this case, there is a plaintiff, it seems that the child is desperate. If the pain is sharp, then just as suddenly, the infants will pay loudly.
  • Fear. Hysterical, loud crying of a newborn baby testifies to the feeling of fear. It can suddenly begin, also suddenly end. For such types of crying children, parents must immediately respond, calm the child, not ignore.

Child crying during swimming

Newborn children, as a rule, love to swim very much, because water, all 9 months, was their habitat. Sometimes it happens that the baby cries during swimming. There are the following reasons for this situation:

  • Uncomfortable water temperature. With a high or low temperature of the water, the baby feels uncomfortable, it provokes a cry. The ideal bleeding temperature is 37 degrees Celsius. At children's degrees for swimming, this temperature is usually indicated by a red mark, it is impossible to exceed it.
  • Change medium. If you sharply translate the child into the aquatic environment, it may not understand what happens to him and to start suddenly crying. Before starting swimming a child, you need to make a relaxing massage, and it is not entirely dipped, and starting with the legs. The kid must understand that he is waiting for it.
  • Toughness. Another common problem with bathing is the presence of toddles of diaper areas. When immersing in water, such areas of the skin will be a furnace, and pain will provoke a cry. You can not allow mynelties, often use the means under the diaper, add soothing herbs or starch to water.

Child crying during feeding

Crying when feeding can occur for two reasons:

  • The child is not satisfied with the taste of milk or baby mixture. It often happens when a nursing mother has become eating previously unknown products. The taste of milk is changing, for a child it is unusual.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane, swallowing a large amount of milk, teething or various infections of otolaryngological organs.

Baby cries after feeding

Often young mothers face the problems of crying a child after feeding. This is a fairly common situation that occurs for several reasons:

  • Belching. After feeding the child, it is necessary to put it up vertically, so that he jumped up the extra milk.
  • Colic. Almost all children suffer from colic in the first trimester of life, because the child's body is difficult to get used to breastfeeding.
  • Problems with lactation. When a nursing mother does not have enough breast milk, then after feeding the child, he still remains hungry.
  • Otitis. Specialists have proven that when the ear is inflammation, the pain is sharpened after eating. This is caused by the process of sucking, in which muscles are involved near the auricles.

Cry during sleep

Most of his time the newborn baby pays to sleep.
Usually, the infants are sleeping for 20 hours a day, but often young parents face a problem of restless sleep in children, which is accompanied by crying. Exists a few reasons This situation:

  • The child was hungry. Even during sleep, the baby will attract the attention of mother to himself, looking for a breast.
  • Horrible dream. The kids will also dream of dreams, so often the baby breaks away, attracting attention to himself.
  • Uncomfortable posture. When the baby is not asleep not in a crib, and next to his parents, he may be uncomfortable. It will be the cause of restless sleep, he will spin, cry.
  • Lack of mom. The kids cry in a dream also to make mom put to the chest or the beginning of the taper. This most he understands that not one, mom is near.
  • With colic, constipation, teething, the child can shudder, shout in a dream.

Child cry before urination

This situation occurs periodically. Such crying can be due to several reasons:

  • Intertrigo. In diallas, the child occurs their wrecks that cause a sharp pain when urinating. In order to avoid such a problem, you must often change the diaper, use ointments, creams under diapers, bathe your baby in herbs or starch.
  • Deviations of the anatomical structure of the urinary tract. The anatomical deviations in children are very rare. The boys are called phyms, and the deviation of girls is called a urethra. Such a problem can be easily solved by surgical path, it is removed without consequences.
  • Cystitis. This disease is characterized by pain when urinating and stinging urine. Custitis provokes kidney disease, so with such a problem, it is necessary to immediately consult with a specialist.

Other typical reasons for crying baby

  • Diskforphic temperature medium. Often, newborn children are crying due to discomfort in relation to the ambient temperature. When too cold or hot baby whims. If your baby is frozen, his skin will be pale, cool, and crying can suddenly go to Icot. When overheated, the face of the baby becomes red, the body is hot, the kid is too moving with legs, handles. Often overheating is accompanied by an increased body temperature, overwork.
  • Body depletion. Baby need to shake in a crib or even put sleep. If the child recently woke up, you can try to entertain it with toys.
  • The need to communicate. Often leaving a child alone, he begins to capricious, thereby attracting the attention of his mother to himself. When parents fit the child, he immediately calms down.
  • Uncomfortable clothing may also have the cause of kid's capriciousness. Mom must constantly check if there is no gum on the sliders, there is no inner label, which causes discomfort, does not nibble in clothes on clothes, or other typical inconvenience of clothes.
  • Crying when dismissing feces. Often causes the rear pass irritation. Insufficient baby hygiene or improper introduction of candles. In this case, the infants will cry during defecation, you need to consult a doctor.

How to calm the crying newborn?

Each mother should be able to calm the child under different reasons for his capriciousness:

  • When a child suffers from colic, he needs to make a massage. To do this, put a comfortable dressed baby on the back, stroke the tummy in a circle clockwise. It is necessary to focus on the bottom of the abdomen for the well functioning of the intestine. The child will certainly feel much better.
  • In diarrhea, we make a similar massage, the difference is only that circular movements must be made counterclockwise. So that the gases are easier to come out, you need a child's legs to bend, pressing a knee tummy.
  • If the reason for crying the baby is a wet diaper before changing it on dry, you should leave a child a little on the diaper to avoid climbing bed linen in case of urination. You can make a massage, then wipe the ass, smear with a cream under a diaper or powder.
  • If the baby is capricious, does not calm down, you need to take it on your hands down the tummy down the legs and knobs hang. Children's tummy should touch your palm, which will warm and eliminate pain.
  • When the baby wants to sleep, it is impossible to entertain it with rattles. It will only be nervous, and crying will continue. It is better to swing a baby in his arms or in a children's cradle, you can give a pacifier, a bottle. Often the children of this is enough to calm down and fall asleep.
  • If the child needs the attention of the mother, and the mother is busy with his own business, Sling or Kangaroo comes to the rescue. Robzak-kangaroo straps must be carefully adjusted so that the child is comfortable. The kangaroo backpack should not be too pressing the child to the mother, the legs should hang out, the back should be somewhat rounded, and the head is supported by the back kangaroo. This makes it possible to twerind the head, but not throw it back.
  • If mom has no sling or a kangaroo backpack, they can be replaced with a conventional thick scarf or handkerchief. As they correctly tie them, so that the child is comfortable, you can look at the Internet.

Warning crying

To prevent baby crying, you need to create a child comfortable conditions for existence. It should be full, diapers dry, and to avoid diaper areas, it is necessary to use special ointments, creams, powders.

To prevent colic and the diarrhea, the mother should use only those products that do not cause changes in the intestinal functions.

The child's clothing must be comfortable and do not restrain movement.

Water during swimming should be neither cold, no hot, and approximately equal to the human body temperature. When the crying is provoked by changes in the body, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

The first thing to remember every parent - crying is the norm of the existence of the baby. It is impossible to panic, because then it will have to calm not only the baby, but also his parents. There is a thesis that children feel the mood, because when mom is alarmed, the baby also begins to worry, it causes crying.

First of all, it is necessary to check whether the child is comfortable. The diaper must be dry, baby full, clothing comfortable. If the crying is caused by an atypical situation, you need to refer to a qualified specialist who will certainly solve the problem.

Fatherhood is accompanied by not only a joyful laughter and the first word of the baby, but also by challenge, hysterics. Crying is an integral part of the paternity that you need to take, survive, because our children grow so rapidly that they do not have time to look back, and they are already adults.

Birth of the baby is a long-awaited event in any family. In the first months of life, Kroch gets used to a new surrounding and parents. He still does not know how to talk, and all his needs is crying. Having got the desired, child will fall or smile, showing satisfaction. Initially, my mother is difficult to understand the demands of the baby, but over time it will learn. But what if the monthly child is constantly crying and does not sleep? Need to figure out.

Lack of sleep and constant crying monthly child indicates violations that need to be diagnosed and eliminated on time.

There is an opinion that in 1 month the life of the baby should constantly sleep, and wake up only in order to eat. This is an incorrect statement. Wake-up period is very important for a small organism. At this time, Kroch meets the new world, listens to the sounds, trying to catch and remember the voices of people nearby. Sometimes the child can wake up for 1-2 minutes, accompanying this process with a grill or groove. Such awakening is considered the norm, if they do not decide.

Signs of lacking:

  • The total duration of sleep per day is less than 15 hours.
  • Baby wakes more than 5 hours in a row.
  • Day sleep lasts 5-10 minutes, the child wakes up and crying.
  • It can not fall asleep, capricious.

A healthy child under the age of 1 should sleep more than 15 hours a day.

In this case, it is worth finding out that it prevents the crumb to sleep. This is a complete diaper, or he is just cold, maybe something presses in bed, or the baby wants to eat.

Wet diapers and hunger - frequent causes of crying a newborn.

At night

The duration and quality of night sleep depends in many ways, as the day has passed from the crumbs. Some events can upset the baby, and he will wake up all night, spinning, crying, ask for attention, and others will make sleep, without waking up even on feeding until the morning.

From 2 weeks the child is tormented by colic and gases in the tummy, which will contribute to the quality and duration of sleep.

A little later, the crumbs begin to cut the teeth, delivering a lot of inconvenience: pain, an increase in body temperature, vomiting, stomach disorders. When the baby does not hurt anything, and it is not hungry, then the night sleep passes without constant awakening, tears and whims. But for this it is important that the child's wake period has passed as much as possible and he has spent a lot of energy. Mama is worth singing songs and talking with a bluer, play, make a kid charging, massage.

The quality of the child's night's sleep depends on the presence of certain violations, as well as the toddler day mode.

The reasons

There is a large number of grounds for crying a newborn. While the baby does not know how to talk, so he expresses his needs. It is a loud and observable crying indicates that something needs something to the baby. The main reasons why the child does not sleep can be:

  • Environment. High air temperature and low humidity in the children's room are caused by frequent awakening. Normal is considered to be 21-22 o C, and 50-60% of moisture content.
  • Clothing . The outfit for sleep crumbs should be comfortable, do not argue movement. For newborn - seams outside, so that it does not give anywhere. Mama should be checked so that the baby is not too hot. Otherwise, he will wake up and cry. If the child sleeps badly at night, you can block it. Some kids are hard to get used to such a large space around, they scares them. Warding symuts closeness, which was in the mob of mom and calm the crumb. It is important to follow the filtering of diapers and change them on time.
  • Noise. At night, there should be no extraneous sounds in the children's room, the light is necessarily muffled, it is better to use the night light. During the day during sleep, a small background noise is welcome, for example, the operation of the TV or radio. It is not necessary to accustom to crumb to sleep in the afternoon in absolute silence, it may lead to the fact that he will wake up from the slightest shore.
  • Pain. If the child is constantly crying, most likely, he has something hurts. At the age of 2-3 months, these are colic, which occur due to increased amount of air in the intestine. Warm diaper on the tummy, lightweight massage around the navel clockwise, usually remove the symptoms. It is colic that can cause concern. At the older age, the crumbs begin to cut the teeth, so he often cries and does not sleep.
  • Loneliness. It happens that the child woke up and did not see his natives nearby, he becomes scary that he is alone. In this case, infants can cry, calling parents.
  • Hunger. The older becomes a crumb, the more eats. Mom must follow the number of food eaten, but it is important and not to overpay. When a child is hungry, crying especially loud. Fill the baby in such a state will not be, until the desired.

The causes of the absence of sleep can be up to 10 different factors that need to be found and eliminated.

Other grounds

Overwork is another reason why the child did not sleep at night and cried. If all the day of the newborn was saturated with events, he played for a long time with his parents or other relatives, it exhausts it. And even more so, if the baby does not sleep all day, in the evening he will be strongly tired and will not be able to fall asleep on his own.

Attempts to calm and lay the crumb into the crib only complicate the situation. The child is crying all the time, capricious - it may be a consequence of excessive wakefulness. Some children, looking out loudly and strongly, calm down and fall asleep.

If the baby plays a long time and then begins to cry, most likely he is just tired. Put it in the crib and let it be one for a few minutes. You can get out of the room. Sometimes children move to sleep only alone, without the presence of parents. This is how the crumb to fall asleep independently and without techs.

Overwork often can cause a bad dream of a monthly child at night.

You can calm down a crying child by shaking in a wheelchair, a crib or on hand. Some infants begin to dry after such manipulations. But moms should not often use this technique to calm the child, because Kroch will quickly get used and then fall asleep independently can no longer.

Improving sleep quality

Before laying sleeping a crying child, calm it and then create all the conditions for a comfortable sleep. What should I do?

  1. If Krocha in 1 month is constantly crying, capricious, sleeps restlessly - this may indicate the presence of some disease. Be sure to show the baby pediatrician, because only a specialist is able to determine what is the problem.
  2. Sleep outdoor sleep is extremely useful.. In good weather you need to walk with a child 2 times a day, at least an hour. Let the baby sleep on the street. Stroller swing, wind noise will help to relax.
  3. Exclude quarrels and scandals of the house. Kroch though does not understand what is happening, but Mom's emotions feels good. Parents must give the child only warmth, tenderness and take care of him.
  4. When bathing a baby in a water, you can add herbs champs such as chamomile and a series. They relax the crumb and configure a long sleep.
  5. You can make a small pillow and fill valerian grass, then the child will sleep peacefully. It is important not to put the pillow with a newborn under the head, until the year, pediatricians do not recommend this.
  6. All day, infants should pass in active mode. Already closer to sleep, you need to turn off loud music or TV, play a calm game. The newborn must calm down.


The appearance of an infant in the house brings many joys and questions. If the baby is the first, parents are difficult to immediately figure out what he wants and why crying. Mom should listen to the crumb, follow his behavior. Already in one or two months, she will completely learn to understand his desires, which are usually expressed in crying and shouts.

In the first month of the life of the baby, it is not easy to figure out what the cause of his crying is. There is an opinion that it does not need to "indulge" and approach every cry, but such a "education" theory cannot lead to anything good. Crying a child is his way to communicate with her parents, an indicator that some kind of trouble was brought into his life.

The child in 1 month is not crying from spoiling or whims, at that age it is impossible! Crying is either a disaster signal, or an attempt to tell you about something important. We list the main reasons why the kid can cry:

- He is hungry.

This is the most common reason for the children to express their dissatisfaction with cry. It is "dissatisfied", the grieving character of crying, becoming more and more demanding, indicates that the kid is hungry. However, from what he would not cry, it should always begin with feeding, and not only because most often the tears are caused by hunger, but also because the mother breast is the best way to calm the child.

The reason for crying must be eliminated, in this case it means that it is impossible to torment the child with hunger, even if unscheduled feeding destroys the wonderful schedule made by you. At one age, no persuasion will help convince the baby that you need to suffer and wait for milk silently.

- He is uncomfortable or wet.

Crying, accompanying wet pelleys, it is not difficult to distinguish - your child sward and grieves, you won't call it. However, the inconvenience can be caused and improperly swaddling, and too bright light, and turned up unsuccessfully emerging - the reasons may be much, and it is necessary to find out what the matter is, otherwise calm the crumb will not succeed.

So, getting rid of this problem - to change the child or find a factor irritating it. Reduce the number of screams will help the use of diapers.

- He is just boring.

The most important person for the baby is Mom, and the child in 1 month is crying often due to the fact that he lacks her attention. There is a mother to go to the bed, and the baby is already smiling.

If the crying is caused by this reason, the child needs to be taken to the hands, chat with it. This is important not only for good kid's mood, but also for his well-being and development.

- He is tired and wants to sleep.

It would seem that the tired man should just fall asleep, and not crying here because of what. However, this applies to adult people, and small children from overwork often begin to whip. Overwork - a sign that the child needs to revise.

How to cope with such a cry? It is necessary to help the baby fall asleep, sing him, burning on his hands or in a crib. To fall asleep to him may be uncomfortable, and next to his mother he quickly calms down.

- He is painful.

This is the worst of all possible situations - the child crying from pain. At one age, the cause of pain is often gastric colic, and it is possible to alleviate them with a massage, but such a crying can mean a proprietary disease. In case you are sure that the cause of the cry is not in the factors listed above, and if the crying does not subscribe more than thirty minutes - you need to call the doctor. Leave the baby without help in no case!

Very soon, parents learn "from the first notch" to determine why the child is crying and how to calm it, it is just a matter of time and experience. In the infancy of the reasons for crying is not so much, and they are usually not difficult to eliminate them. It would be all as riddling in adulthood ...

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Last update of Articles: 01/18/2017

Since the birth of the baby and until the appearance of speech, crying is the main way to communicate. Only, he can show what he wants to complain that he bothers something, interferes something. It happens, the baby is not crying due to discomfort, but because of the capsies, but if the crying is accompanied by the lack of sleep, it means that parents should take it very seriously and to identify it in the shortest possible time why the child is concerned.

Features of children's crying

The first crying baby is his cry immediately after birth. It is a protest of separation from the mother. According to this, the doctors make conclusions about the viability of the child, his state of health. The newborn crying often, but over time he begins to cry less often, and the mother can already understand what the baby requires.

It is important to know that crying is harmful to the baby! He does not train lungs and does not temper the character, but on the contrary, looses the nervous system and deprives confidence in the safety and friendliness of the surrounding world. Long crying can lead to the formation of the umbilical hernia.

Older kids can cry because of the whims, but it does not apply to monthly kids. Crying a child, who turned only a month, is a reaction to a real-life problem. Therefore, it is necessary to react to it immediately - take the baby in hand, swing, soothe.

Why does the kid cry and sleeps?

Monthly child can sleep badly and constantly cry because of hunger. Even if he recently placed, there is a possibility that he did not eat. It happens when the child is wrong to apply to the chest. He takes only a nipple in his mouth, without halie, milk go bad, he gets tired and falls asleep with hungry. Hungry crying sounds demanding and intermittently.

Even if the child was flooded, he could have a dissatisfied sucking reflex. If the baby is on natural feeding, he himself tries to satisfy this reflex, often lying on the mother's chest. Children on artificial feeding needed nipples.

Parents of artificial children should carefully monitor the number of food eaten by the child. The mixture of the bottle begins to flow immediately and flows quickly (not that milk from the chest), so the baby is rapidly fought, but continues to suck the mixture to satisfy the sucking reflex and overtakes. From overeating after a meal can be hurting the belly, breaking sleep.

Why is a monthly child crying after feeding? The digestive system at the kid is not further faster, is in the phase of development and adapting to the conditions of the surrounding world. Industion of the stomach can cause products used by a nursing mother. Due to the abuse of mom by gas-forming products (cow's milk, legumes, vegetables and fruits, rich in fiber) or as a result of a swallowing of the air in the process of feeding, the tummy is bloated. He becomes hard, painful sensations appear. Many kids are tormented from colic that begin at one age and end after 3 months. Whoever before, who later, later, but all colic are completely stopped by half - the beginning of the donning period.

Switching a large amount of air to the baby during feeding occurs in cases where it is incorrectly applied to the chest. This happens due to uncomfortable pose of feeding. Cute artificials, swallow air, if in the nipple of the bottle too much hole. After feeding, you need to keep the baby "Stumpy". By the way, the incorrectly chosen mixture can also be caused by colic, as, in fact, breast milk, if the child has intolerance to him.

Colics can be a sign of serious diseases of the stomach or intestines (dials of the tract, enterocolites, enzymesopathy, dysbacteriosis).

With colic, the child sharply and piercingly begins to cry, squeeze the cams, his face blushes, becomes a hard tummy, he begins to be stuck with legs (then press them to the stomach, then completely straighten). So that gases faster came out, the tummy can be put on a warm heating or a laughing pellery. You can take the seed of flax, sew it into the fabric, making a small pad. It needs to be pasted from two sides and attach to a sick tummy. Flax seed holds heat longer than just ordinary fabric.

When the baby is sick, he does not sleep and constantly crying. This may be a cold illness. Then the baby will have symptoms such as elevated temperature and nasal congestion, cough. Monthly child can pick up gastrointestinal infection. In this case, the patient may have diarrhea, vomiting.

Sleeping and the occurrence of painful sensations accompanied by crying is observed at elevated intracranial pressure.

The kid suffers and does not sleep all day during teething. In a month such cases are rare, but still there.

So that the child slept well, you must constantly monitor it to be clean and dry. Some children do not react to a wet filled diaper, others can not sleep well in such a situation. Parents should not choose the brand of diaper, based only on advertising or advice of acquaintances. This subject of hygiene should be selected individually for the baby. It is better to try multiple brands to find the perfect diaper - such that he absorbed well, without filing, not a cooler, did not give, did not let the fluid, did not cause irritation and diameters. When discomfort from wet pellery, the kid cries persistently and complaints about.

The monthly child is not sleeping and crying due to discomfort from uncomfortable children's clothing (with seams inside or shying movement), loud sounds, bright light, stuffiness or cold. If the child sneezes, actively mechanics with legs and handles, it means that he is frozen, if he blins his face, he begins to sweat, hence it is hot. Parents can pre-exclude the emergence of most of these negative factors. They must constantly maintain the desired temperature in the baby's room (up to 22 degrees) and humidity (at least 60%) air, every day to ventilate and wash the room, before going to sleep light (tight curtains), try not to create springs of loud and sharp noise. Of course, it is not possible to foresee everything in advance, so regular noise of a drill or hammer from a neighboring apartment in which repairs started, it can become a problem.

If a monthly child is not sleeping, then the reason for this may be a sense of loneliness, defenselessness. The baby needs to constantly feel the maternal heat, smell, hear the native voice.

Why doesn't the child sleep all day? Perhaps this is guilty to change the weather. Children react very sensitively to various natural weather phenomena - magnetic storms, changes in atmospheric pressure. Even the moon phases can affect sleep.

If the kid wake up too long, then overexcitation and fatigue can generate something like nervous stress, because of which he does not sleep.

If, in addition to poor sleep and crying a child, a frequent liquid chair is observed with an admixture of mucus or blood, the springs, high temperature and skin rash, it is necessary to urgently cause ambulance. These may be signs of infectious disease or pathology, which requires urgent surgical intervention (for example, an attack of appendicitis).

What to do when the kid is crying?

First of all, it is necessary to calm down, since the nervousness of the mother is easily transmitted by the child. Often, children calm down faster in daddy hands, and all because men react less sharply to many situations and most of them are calmer than women.

Ways to calm the child, who cries:

  1. Suggest the chest. This method is triggered in 80% of cases when the monthly baby is crying on natural feeding. Baby-artificial can offer a bottle with a mixture or a pacifier, if he recently ate.
  2. Sling is a wonderful device, an alternative for long-term lying with children who sleep exclusively in the chest. The child feels permanently next to the maternal heat, can apply to the chest when he wants. So the monthly kid quickly calms down, it is easily falling asleep, sleeps tightly. With a sling at Mom is free one hand. She can move around the apartment and make any business in the house. Children in the sling are easier colic.
  3. Change the position of the baby: to displacing it with a "column" or a tummy down.
  4. Distract your baby, interested in its brilliant object, a bright ringing toy, turn on the suspension mobile.
  5. Include music, songs from children's cartoons.
  6. Speak with a crumb, changing intonation to attract his attention.
  7. Sing a lullaby.
  8. Press the unusual distracting sound (for example, to rose or rolling with the language).
  9. Rhythmically walk with a child on the room wearing a song.
  10. Change your hands, that is, give the baby dad, grandmother or another relative, whom the child knows well. So my mother will have the opportunity to calm the nerves, and the child can also calm down, being in other hands.
  11. Change the situation: shove the baby in a stroller or a children's chaise lounge, take it on the balcony or outside, if the weather is warm and not need to wear it for a long time.
  12. Cut the child on the hand on the room, slide a little.
  13. Show diet home plant. Babes love greens and flowers very much.
  14. Darken the room and turn on the beautiful night light or the starry sky projector, if any.
  15. Check the baby.

In order for the baby to do not sleep all day only next to mom, but in a dream he constantly felt her presence, you can put a handkerchief with my breasts next to him.

If the monthly child is not sleeping and constantly crying, the parents should not be expected that he himself calms down. Kids need to help. If it is not possible to calm him on its own, you need to urgently contact a specialist.

Many parents, especially Mom, ask the question of why the newborn is constantly crying. Almost all children during the first three months of life screaming a lot, they can do it up to four or five hours a day. Gradually, the mother will learn to determine the cause of such behavior of his baby to immediately calm it. However, it is necessary to know what a baby crying can be caused to better understand the child and help him quickly.

There are several reasons:

1. In after the birth, the baby can disturb the "memories" of their appearance. The process of childbirth is a huge stress and for mom, and for a child, so it is necessary for a while so that the baby forget this moment.

2. A common reason why the newborn often cry is hunger. Modern pediatricians advise the baby to feed the baby on the first request. I cried - give your chest or a bottle.

3. Baby hurt. As you know, children are tormented by intestinal colic for the first months of life. To facilitate the suffering of a child, keep it with a "column" after each feeding, and put to sleep on the tummy.

4. The child is hot or cold. The best temperature in the room where the baby lives, is considered + 20-22 degrees. The kid who overheated, blushes, he may have a paste. In this case, it is best to solve and ride it. If the child is frozen, dug it and press it - the baby gets warm at the chest. If only the handles and legs are frozen, they will help breaks with closed sleeves and socks.

5. Next reason why newborns are crying, this is fatigue. Despite the fact that the child is still small, he is able to tire. The kid gets tired of sucking, movement of his own legs and pens, massage, from what he saw during the day. The overwhelmed child often himself and "asks" to help him. In this case, you need to block the baby, shake it. The muffled light and calm melodic music also contribute to the rapid falling asleep.

6. Some immediately before wetting the diaper. In this case, the kid first quietly humps, then he can scream sharply. When you learn to recognize such crying, start to plant a child, thereby saving on diapers and clean diapers. The reason why newborns are crying during urination, there may be a lack of fluid in its body and, therefore, a high concentration of urine, which causes burning blade. Let the child more water during the day and maybe the problem will disappear.

7. The baby is inconvenient to lie. A child during the first days of life does not know how to change the position of the body, so he can get bored, for example, on the left side. Help your baby in this situation is easy. You need to shift it on another barrel, back or tummy, and the baby calms down. If the child got lost a diaper, a tight elastic band on the pants, he quit a worst diaper, he can worry and cry. It is enough to move it to console.

8. Why do newborns cry when there is no visible reasons for that? It turns out that the baby may just wish to be closer to her mother, because he still does not imagine himself without it. Take the baby more often, without fear to spoil it: the children who do not get parental love are much worse than those who from the first days constantly pressed to themselves and kissed!