Chemical peeling person: effectively or not, is it worth doing. Chemical peeling at home, efficiency, recipes of domestic peels, contraindications

Chemical peeling person is a salon procedure, which is designed to improve the condition and appearance of the skin. The technique suggests the removal of the upper orified layer of the epidermis. The exfoliation occurs not mechanical, but by a chemical way. In this case, the integrity of the skin is not disturbed. Cells simply dissolve under the influence of chemicals. As a rule, organic acid acts as an active peeling component.

The chemical peeling procedure in the cabin allows you to remove the top layer of the dermis cells, launching the physiological update processes and stimulates the protective function of the skin. This accelerates the production of collagen fibers, hyaluronic acid and elastin. The skin tone increases, its color and relief is aligned, wrinkles smoothed. Peeling helps to get rid of other signs of aging, such as pigmentation. Traces from acne disappear, scars and other irregularities.

Types and features of peeling

The main tasks that chemical peeling solves:

  • Exfoliation of the upper layer of epidermis and subsequent renewal of the skin.
  • Elimination of skin defects.
  • Activation of regenerating and protective properties of the skin under the influence of acids.

Varieties of chemical peeling:

1. Superficial is the easiest type of chemical impact, in which only the upper layer of the epidermis is affected. Does not require a long restoration and a person may not change way of life. Mostly this species is used for young skin when it is necessary to solve a number of problems. The effect of the procedure quickly disappears and returned.

2. MARNED Chemical peeling penetrates deeper. The top layer of the dermis is affected up to the basal membrane. The patient requires special care and longer recovery. The skin of the face begins to peel greatly. Malnal peeling is made to eliminate a specific problem or age-related changes. The effect is retained for a long time. The re-course is usually carried out no earlier than a year.

3. The deep implies the rejection of the epidermis, the basal membrane is also involved. This is a more difficult procedure that requires professionalism from the cosmetologist. She passes under the anesthesia so that the client does not experience pain. This chemical burn is happening, which launches the processes of skin regeneration. The session is carried out in the hospital. With its help, you can eliminate deep wrinkles and scars. The rehabilitation period lasts about 5 months. The skin needs careful care. The effect is kept for several years.

There is another kind of chemical peeling, which combines the properties of the surface and median. It involves the use of retinic acid. During the procedure, the skin is pigmented, so it is also called chemical yellow peeling. Unlike other species, it does not damage the upper layers of the epidermis, but it struggles with age-related changes, eliminates wrinkles and various dermatological problems.

The chemical composition of retinium peeling except the acid of the same name can also include a phytinic or ascorbic. They act as auxiliary components that enhance the effect of the main ingredient.

Contraindications for peeling

Indications for conducting chemical peeling are:

  • skin defects - pedestal, acne, comedones;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • extended pores;
  • debrity;
  • photostation;
  • age disorders in the skin of the face;
  • scars, ingrown hairs;
  • bad complexion;
  • increased function of the sebaceous glands;
  • thickening of the skin, irregularities.

Also, chemical peeling can be used as a basic procedure before more serious interference.

As for yellow peeling, it is carried out mainly for mature skin in women after 35 and only in exceptional cases at an earlier age, for example, with excessive pigmentation, acne or scar.

Contraindications for chemical peeling are:

  • aggravation of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy and feeding period;
  • colds;
  • a tendency to the formation of keloid and hypertrophic scars;
  • period of preparation for radiotherapy;
  • fresh tan;
  • problem treatments such as mesotherapy, deep chemical facial cleaning, laser grinding, carried out in less than 8 weeks before;
  • mental disorders;
  • increased sensitivity to components;
  • reception of retinoids, immunosuppressants, preparations with photosensitizing properties;
  • pronounced cooperosis;
  • long healing;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • phototype skin IV-VI;
  • aggravation of skin diseases;
  • wounds, scratches in the field of application;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious, bacterial, viral or fungal skin diseases;
  • hypertonic disease.

There are also relative contraindications for chemical peeling:

  • multiple moles;
  • increased exhaust;
  • sensitive face skin;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • menstruation.

Before you decide on the procedure, it is best to consult with your doctor to take into account all contraindications. The specialist will tell you how to properly care for the skin after peeling.

Salon peeling

The sequence of actions of the cosmetologist during the procedure of chemical peeling does not depend on its type and looks like this:

  1. A cleansing agent is applied to the face of massage movements, which is then washed off.
  2. The skin is wiped with alcohol-containing lotion in order to degrease.
  3. Apply the acid composition, starting from the forehead to the chin. During median peeling, for example, TSA concentrations of 30% or more, the client may feel burning. Local anesthesia or fan is used to reduce pain sensations.
  4. The beautician must control how deep the tool penetrates. To this end, special compositions are sometimes used, which slow down this process, such as Blue Peel. The skin is painted in a blue color. If the penetration of the substance occurs unevenly, the procedure is performed with a violation and complications are possible.
  5. After 5 minutes, the cosmetologist re-applies the solution. The number of layers directly depends on the type of peeling and the severity of the problem.
  6. After a couple of minutes, the acidic composition is removed.
  7. The face is lubricated with a moisturizing, soothing means.
  8. After removing the mask, the moisturizing cream is applied to the skin.

If everything is done correctly, there should be no negative consequences.

Reviews of the procedure

Judging by the reviews, the chemical peeling almost always leads to the expected result:

"I wanted to try peeling for a long time. Girlfriends advised a good salon in Moscow. After the procedure, the skin remained red for 5 days, but then recovered. The face after chemical peeling really funned and looks much younger, wrinkles have become not so visible. I am very pleased with the result and I recommend everything among the middle glycolic peeling. "

Elena, Moscow region.

"I have combined leather, expanded pores and there are traces from acne. I cared for myself with the help of various salon procedures. In the end, according to reviews, I chose for myself the middle retinue peeling. During the session, I felt burning. Two days later, the skin began to flap squeeze. Soon the effect was visible. The skin was updated, entertained. "

Lyudmila, St. Petersburg.

"Currently I make a course of chemical peeling. Salon I chose the reviews of my girlfriends. The procedure turned out to be absolutely painless. The skin after it looks amazing. The only unpleasant moment is a recovery when it starts. It is good that this period quickly passes. "

Natalia, Nizhny Novgorod.

"Not so long ago I took a deep peeling. My main goal was to remove traces from burns on the face. The skin was restored for a very long time. I even had to go through a special rehabilitation course. After him, the face became smooth, the skin elastic, the scars disappeared along with wrinkles. Familiar argue that I got out for 5 years. "

Ekaterina, Moscow.

"I have problems with the skin of the face, pedestal, pigmentation. Since I did not have contraindications, I tried on myself first superficial, and then the middle peeling. After the salon, the face was very flashed, but the result was noticeable immediately. The skin glows, she cleared, became more tender, traces of acne disappeared. I am satisfied with the resulting effect and I think to repeat the course through time already in order to rejuvenate. "

Piling reviews are mostly positive, but the risk of complications is still present.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Judging by the photo before and after the peeling of the face in the cabin you can get the following effect:

  • stimulation of the processes of regeneration and developing collagen;
  • increase the turgore and improving skin color;
  • an increase in elasticity and elasticity;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • getting rid of acne and acne;
  • elimination of congestive phenomena in the skin.

The undoubted pluses of surface peeling include:

  • safety;
  • fast effect;
  • minimum of consequences;
  • fast recovery.

Cons of such peeling:

  • does not help with pronounced age changes;
  • does not eliminate serious skin problems;
  • you need to pass the course, the unit procedure does not give results.

The advantages of median peeling:

  • effectively relieves inflammation;
  • eliminates scars and irregularities, pigmentation, dery, wrinkles;
  • rejuvenates.

There are disadvantages:

  • high probability of negative consequences;
  • long course;
  • pain during the procedure;
  • long rehabilitation.

Deep peeling has its advantages:

  • effectively struggling with age-related changes;
  • corrects serious defects.

Cons of deep peeling:

  • pain;
  • high probability of negative consequences;
  • risk of toxic poisoning of the body;
  • long recovery.

Complications of chemical peeling, which can be corrected, are:

  • severe peeling;
  • severe redness;
  • swelling;
  • darkening of the skin;
  • strengthening the skin reaction to touch, sun rays and temperature differences.

If the procedure is violated, the consequences may be more serious:

  • dermatitis;
  • aggravation of acne
  • herpetic rashes;
  • guns;
  • erythema;
  • clear boundaries of treated skin sections;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • skin marble;
  • scarring;
  • allergy.

Peeling is best done in the fall or winter. Fit and early spring. This is due to the fact that solar activity at this time of the year is reduced, as well as the air temperature. The frequency of peeling courses is about once every six months. The optimal time for the procedure is evening, but no later than a couple of hours before sleep. Then the skin will have time to relax and recover a little overnight.

Face care after peeling

1. After surface peeling, no special care is not needed. It is impossible to touch the face. After about a day after the procedure, the feeling often arises that the skin is tightened. Externally, it looks like a film on the face. Now it is already possible to finally wash using a remedy without abrasive particles.

2. If necessary, the face is treated with Panthenol spray. It is effectively cooled and heals the skin. Apply for a quarter of an hour several times a day. The remains are removed with a napkin.

3. For 2-3 days, the top layer of the epidermis begins to move the top layer, but it is impossible to skip it. It is necessary to continue to care for itself with the means for washing and panthenol. After 7-10 days, the peeling should end. If redness remains, you need not only to use panthenol, but also to consult a doctor.

4. Use cosmetics during the recovery period is permitted selectively. It is allowed to paint eyes and lips. Only after the skin is completely updated, it will be possible to resume the former care.

5. After the median peeling for 2-4 days, any face care is excluded. Skin can not soak. On the 5th day, the crust appears, as after the burn. Now you need to use Panthenol 6-8 times a day for 20 minutes. It is allowed to start washing. Panthenol is applied until peeling goes. This happens on 10-12 days. Skin care is continued until red, that is, about 2 weeks. But sometimes recovery is dragged to 21-28 days.

6. Carry out the skin of the face after peeling affecting the deep layers of the skin, it is necessary to be especially carefully. Rehabilitation in this case lasts much longer. You can not substitute the face of the Sun during the first 2 days. Then the cream with high SPF should be applied. It is forbidden to wash. Eating is carried out through the tube.

7. From the procedure of retinue peeling, the patient most often comes out with a yellow mask on his face. The doctor says when it needs to be washed. The next day, skin sensitivity will rise. It is allowed to wash and apply panthenol if necessary. A week later, the skin will start sliding. When this process is over, you can care for yourself as usual.

Cost of different types of peeling

The cost of chemical peeling may differ in different salons. The price also depends on what type of procedure is used in a particular case.

Name Price, ruble

Surface peeling face

Salicyl, with 30% solution 3 500
Glycolic, 40% 4 500
Glycolic, 70% 6 000
Almond and azelain 2 000
Fitinian 3 500
Comprehensive phytinovo-glycolic, with 15% solution 2 500

Medicine peeling face

With trichloroacetic acid 3500-8000
Jessner 3500-7000
Glycolic 2000-4000
Salicylic 2500-4000
Yellow 5 650
Intense retinue peeling 6 650

Deep peeling face

Coffee 12 000
Hollywood 6 550
TSA, 15% trichloroacetic acid 4 150
TSA, 35% trichloroacetic acid 4 650

The cost of one type of peeling may vary depending on the solution with which an acid percentage uses a cosmetologist. Prices are taken on average in Moscow.

Chemical peeling is a cosmetic procedure aimed at rejuvenating and eliminating skin defects, for which chemicals that cause controlled chemical skin burns to a given depth are applied.

The mechanism of action is based on a negative stimulation - activation of regenerative processes in the skin in response to damage. Depending on the depth of the burn, the reaction of the skin of varying degrees of intensity is formed.




  • call an intensive update of the top layer of the skin;
  • purification of the mouth of the sebaceous glands from the overlapping leather scales;
  • eliminate the shallow pigmentation and lightening of the skin of the face;
  • normalization of acid-alkaline skin balance;
  • reducing the number of pathogenic bacteria, the increase in the number of which is disturbed in the normal source for the skin;
  • decrease in skin production with saline glands;
  • eliminating hyperkeratose and smoothing the skin surface;
  • disinfection of the surface layer of the epidermis to facilitate the mechanical cleaning and facilitating the penetration of the active components of cosmetics in the deep layers of the skin.

Surface - affects only the upper layers of the skin. This means that it does not affect the deep skin processes:

For rejuvenation, during surface peeling, the result of exfoliation is often given, after which the skin reflects the light in a different smoothness.

For the effect of bleaching and clarifying pigment stains, again give the result of exfoliation, after which the skin becomes much lighter until the first stay in the sun.

Video: Chemical leather cleaning

Who fits

  • adolescents and young people with fatty sensitive skin, acne, acne and pedestal;
  • people aged 25-35 years to improve the appearance of the skin and eliminate cosmetology defects;
  • people over 35-40 years old to prepare for median peels.

For dry skin, not all chemical peeling is suitable. The best solution in this case will be milk or almond and abundant moisturizing in the postpiling period.


Competition among cosmetologists led to the fact that median peels are doing now almost from 18 years old. Practice is inherently vicious, since up to 35-40 years it does not make any sense.

At this age, the skin itself perfectly copes with the development of collagen and elastin, hyaluronic acid. Therefore, it is much more important to choose the right care and connect such cosmetic procedures as a massage of the face, cryotherapy or microcuria and other physiotherapy techniques.

Executed testimony and age such cleaning in most cases leads to the disappointment of the client, which in front of the procedure, instead of reliable information, receives advertising promises, and the emergence of non-efficiency, uselessness, and sometimes its harmfulness.

The purpose of the holding:

  • active cellular update of the upper layers of the skin, skin seal, smoothing its surface;
  • stimulation of the work of fibroblasts, an increase in the production of collagen and elastin to the level of which it was in young skin;
  • influence on the vessels, strengthening the vascular wall, improving blood circulation in the skin;
  • reducing the number of melanocytes, suppression of melanin synthesis.

It acts deeper superficial, but it is not able to completely update the frame from collagen and elastin fibers, cause a significant renewal of the skin to all its thickness. Therefore, it cannot completely deliver the client from the scars on the face, stretch marks.

Skin defects can be smoothed by smoothing their contours, but it is quite difficult to achieve the complete disappearance of defects.

Some cosmetologists go to apply for defects during the procedure more concentrated acid solutions or withstand them longer than the protocol follows.

In some cases, it passes painless for the client, and sometimes the scars or portions of smooth skin remain, which is absolutely deprived of the pigment, which is sharply different in color from the surrounding healthy skin.

Deep peeling

During this procedure, the skin is burned to the grid layer of the dermis. It is carried out only in medical centers under anesthesia and in the presence of anesthesiologist-resuscitator and requires a long reducing period.

If you did without anesthesia and on the same day they let go home with a can of a cream like Vaseline, then you were just misled and made you the middle peeling for the price of deep.

The ability to endure pain does not play any role in whether there will be a deep peeling procedure under anesthesia or not. This is the same as deciding whether to do the anesthesia before the transaction about the appendicitis.

Another distinctive feature is a long recovery period, which normally takes from six months to 10 months. If we went for a week-two and got a smooth face, then this is also not a deep peeling, but the midst.

The purpose of deep cleaning is:

  • full destruction and replacement of the skin frame from collagen and elastin fibers;
  • activation of hyaluronic acid production to maintain a normal level of moisturizing from the inside;
  • radical refreshment of the cell composition of the skin.

This procedure is performed no earlier than 55 years.

Active substances for the preparation of solutions or gels


This group of substances is also known as an an acid or alpha hydroxy acid. These include apple, glycolic, wine, dairy and citric acid. All fruit acids are well soluble in water.

The common properties of antic acids are:

  • the ability to destroy the intercellular cement and accelerate the exfoliation of the horn layer of the skin, clean the mouth of the sebaceous glands;
  • indirect stimulation of skin moisture due to an increase in the content of functionally active natural moisturizing factor;
  • the ability to cause long-term use of the skin structure, in which the epidermis becomes thinner, and the dermum thickens;
  • the ability to protect the skin cells from the action of free radicals, i.e. antioxidant;
  • reducing the severity of the inflammatory response of the skin in response to any external influence, elimination of redness;
  • toxic effects on pathogenic bacteria and fungi, which can cause a disease.

Beta hydroxy acid

They are VNA acids. They have one radical difference from fruit acids: they are weakly dissolved in water, but they are greatly soluble in fats.

In addition to the above properties of beta hydroxy acids, purposefully affect the activity of the sebaceous glands and the composition of their secrecy. Under the influence of VNA-acids, skin fat becomes more fluid, which is an excellent prevention of ease of acne, acne and closed comedones.

Salicylic acid belongs to beta hydroxy acids.

Azelain, Koya, Retino

In addition to properties characteristic of hydroxyc acid has the ability to reduce the activity of anomalous melanocyte, which cause the emergence of foci of pigmentation and melasma. Block the activity of the enzyme tyrosinease, which is involved in the development of melanin.

Such peeling is shown to customers with Rosacea, with Cooperose.

  • Pirogradic acid.
  • Trichloroacetic acid.
  • Almond acid.


All peelings have serious contraindications that are largely the same for both superficial and deep.

Video: Surface cleaning on glycolic acid

Active Sun.

Any chemical peelings increase the skin sensitivity to the exposure to sunlight. Now it is actively discussed by the possibility of performing during the active Sun and even before traveling to the sea, where the sun is generally a batch in general, and the main time is the transmission - this is a visit to the beach.

In those countries where summer all year round, peelings are also executed all year round. But with the condition of the mandatory use of sunscreens in the FF protection factor not less than 50. For different peels, it will also be distinguished and the period of time when the skin needs to be protected from the Sun. For superficial it is 2-3 weeks, for TCA is a year since the procedure.

Given some optional of its customers who can forget about the protection of the sun, many cosmetologists do not risk carrying peelings in spring and summer so that later they do not listen to reproaches and accusations that he appeared pigmentation after the peeling.

And why expose yourself to the risk of advent of pigment stains and accelerate the photorestation of the skin when there is an excellent opportunity to make peelings autumn-winter period?

Fungal, bacterial, viral diseases

If everything is clear with fungal and bacterial infections, then the manifestations of viral infection and risks that are associated with it often by customers are underestimated. The breaking of the epidermis and trauma of such skin manifestations of viral infection as papillomas, warts, herpetic bubbles, elements of the contagious mollusc can lead to a significant spread of the virus.

For example, one small wart on the skin brush hand after chemical peeling hands can give more than a dozen new warts in a short time.

  • Bad tolerability of procedures and microdermabrasion in the past.
  • The presence of hypertrophic or keloid scars on the skin.

The expansion of the connective tissue at the site of skin damage is contraindicated to conduct them, so as not to provoke the appearance of scars and shmicks on the site of the client's crust.

Fish, with the help of peeling, do not have sharp teeth, so the procedure is absolutely painless and safe. Details in the article -.

Despite the fact that ultrasonic peeling person has many advantages, he also has some contraindications. .

The presence of deep pigmentation of traumatic or disapplosable

Contraindication is not absolute. With a competent approach, almost any pigmentation can be significantly lighted with meaningful selection of cleaning preparations and home care products.

But if there is no funds from the cosmetologist, and there is no experience with peelings of various compositions, it may be more harm than good.

Addiction to allergic reactions

Typically, those customers who are inclined to allergic reactions, mark a greater degree of edema and redness of the skin after the procedure. Therefore, it is desirable to have an antihistamine drug at hand.

The hormonal background during pregnancy is that the result of peeling can be unpredictable. Plus the propensity of pregnant women to pigmentation. Plus the toxicity of some preparations for peeling for the body of a woman and the fetus. With breastfeeding, peelings are not recommended both due to a hormonal background and due to the ability of preparations for peeling and toxic products of the decay of tissues to pass the skin through and fall into the blood.

Small doses of harmful substances will not damage to an adult man with a healthy liver and kidneys, but they can damage the newborn, which can get along with maternal milk.

  • Diseases of the endocrine system, in particular, the thyroid gland.
  • Sugar diabetes in the decompensation stage.

This refers to such a stage of diabetes mellitus, when the vessels and decrease in immunity begins. At the same time, any minor injury can cause serious purulent inflammation, which can move to subcutaneous fatty tissue.

The presence of a cancer

Everything is so serious that it is undesirable to spend even if there are moles on the skin at the venue of the peeling, as they are influenced by the damaging an acid can give malignant growth.

Impaired skin integrity at the venue

Where there are wounds, cuts, the penetration of acid into the skin will be deeper and the likelihood of the development of a deep local burn is not excluded.

The use of retinoids is local or inside

If retinoids are applied locally, then after their cancellation must pass at least a month. When taking retinoids inside (the same roaccutane), a break between the end of the reception and the beginning of the peelings should be at least six months.

Dermatoz, Psoriasis, Atopic dermatitis

Not absolute contraindications. But only a dermatologist can be prescribed in such cases.

  • Diseases of internal organs are sharp or aggravation of chronic.
  • Decompensated diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Here, all diseases come to the fore, accompanied by a violation of the heart rhythm. Especially careful should be the one who has a pacemaker.
  • An established diagnosis of epilepsy, repeated seizures of convulsion in the past, increased convulsive readiness.
  • Tuberculosis of any localization.
  • Recent plastic surgery on face.
  • Fresh tan.
  • Cooperoz, Rosacea.

The presence of extended vessels is contraindicated for most of the peelings other than azelain.


Dedoex. - This is a skin tick that dwells in the mouths of the ride glands. Normally reproduction is suppressed by the human immune system.

If it begins to occur uncontrollably, the ticks are clogged by the hair follicles, and with them and the mouth of the sebaceous glands and contribute to the appearance of abundant urnets.

The photo is just visible to such a hair follicle, from which the "tails" of demodeks sticks out.

Chemical peeling can become one of the factors uncontrolled the reproduction of ticks, therefore it is desirable to make sure that the demodecosis you do not have.

Conducting microdermabrasion or any laser procedure earlier than 1 month before the peeling procedure.

Video: Chemical Surface Cleaning


Any chemical peeling person requires careful skin training to the effects of acids. Without a complete pre-deplighted care, the effect is reduced and the likelihood of side effects increases. Usually in two or three weeks before the procedure is carried out mechanical cleaning of the face. For all peelings, without exception, the use of professional facilities for washing and creams with weak acid concentrations is obligatory.

They are usually included or any of fruit acids, or salicylic acid. Less often apply azhelin acid based agents. Contains acids in home cosmetics usually from 6 to 10 percent. Homemade tools for cleaning preparation are appointed no earlier than 2-3 weeks before the procedure.

Simultaneously with the beginning of the use of domestic products with acids in the composition, it is necessary to conceive the skin from the sun. Even such a slight acid concentration (6-10%) increases the sensitivity of the skin to the solar rays by 50%.

It is also necessary to stop sunbathing and visiting the solarium. Those who have the last episode of the exacerbation of herpes (it is still often called "cold on the lips") was previously 6 months before the procedure, it is necessary to start taking antiviral drugs for 3-4 days. Before the procedures of the median chemical peeling, 2-3 surface cleaning procedures are performed after skin preparation with means for home use.

Video: Chemical cleaning at home


Redness of the skin

It happens not always with surface peels and necessarily with the median. Usually accompanied by swelling of varying degrees of severity.


Photo: Redness and skin peeling

The sign, in which most customers mistakenly estimate the effectiveness of the procedure. The peeling can be so weak that small flakes are simply washed off with water during washing. Or more noticeable when thin leather films are located. This is in the case of surface peeling.

The exfoliation of the layers of the skin and crust is the consequences of the median peeling, when not only burns and comes down the top layer of the skin, but the fibrin film is formed, usually having a brownish color.

Sensation of skin tightness

After surface peels, the feeling sensation can be caused by the drying effect of peeling, especially when an alcohol-containing drug for peeling is applied to the skin. The feeling of piling after the median peeling is more due to the formation of the fibrin film.

Acid peeling for the face gently affects the upper layers of the skin and destroys the molecular structure of already dead cells. All the details on this link.

Side effects

Lack of expected effect

The most common complaint of those who agreed to the peeling procedure without having testimony. Make the middle peeling to make the pores on the face to stroll - it is not serious.

It is also such a result, or rather the lack of result, I can get those clients who decide to save on pre-preparation and postpiling care.

Development of an uncontrolled skin burn

Photo: Skin burn

Usually an uncontrollable burn is or the result of a violation of the technique of performing the procedure, when extra layers of the drug are applied for a more pronounced effect, or underestimating the importance of contraindications. This may be after dermabrasion or laser peeling, when the acid is applied to the skin, which has not yet had time to recover after the first injury.

This may be with the skin damage to the Sun or the radiation of the lamps in the solarium. It can also be a manifestation of individual skin sensitivity to acid. But this is a single case.


Photo: Pigments on the face

This is the most frequent complication of the peeling procedure. And it happens both after superficial and after the median. In many respects, patients who do not use sunscreen or make procedures before traveling to hot countries are to blame. But there is such a category of patients who have pigmentation develops regardless of the Sun. This may be traumatic or volatile pigmentation, the methods of preventing the prevention of which are not yet developed.

Appearance of gunbochy rash

Many clients notice that they had acne after peeling. Typically, rash appears during the first week after the procedure. Many cosmetologists do not consider this skin reaction with complication, since rash usually passes independently without treatment or requires one mechanical cleaning.

Often appear in those who neglect the recommendations of the doctor for the period of rehabilitation: Bed linen is a change in the first evening after the procedure, refusal of sports, baths, pools, the use of special means with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components in the composition.

Formation of scars

Maybe if:

  • the client jumps his crusts that are formed after peeling;
  • cosmetologist caused locally much large acid concentrations or increased the time of finding the drug on the skin to eliminate defects;
  • there was cracking of the fibrin film in the first day or two after its formation, therefore was disturbed by the process of formation of new skin.

The absence after the peels of complete cure of the acne disease.

Photo: acne

Piling improves skin condition, reduce the amount of rash. But it is usually unable to cure the angry disease, since in its occurrence, internal mechanisms are often obedient, which cannot be actuated with acids.

If there is an acne disease, a number of cosmetic companies producing peeling preparations have developed special acne tools for home use, which are used both before and after the peeling procedure.

In the lineup of Alpha Complex Holy Land, for example, there is even a special lotion for dissolving closed comedones to once again not injure the skin with mechanical cleansing.

Pronounced dry skin

Maybe after any cleaning, but most often occurs after Retinol and TSA. Therefore, it is sometimes for the prevention of dry skin, cosmetologists are recommended to undergo a course of mesotherapy or biorevitalization to facilitate the process of skin restoration after conducting.

The appearance of demarcation line

This is a defect that is found only after median and deep peels. It looks like a clear boundary between the renewed skin, the ancient and the former skin, where the peeling preparation was not applied. That is why all drugs for median peeling are used for the skin of the face and skin around the eyes.

Rehabilitation and recovery

Care during the recovery period is almost identical for surface and median peeling. It consists in using sunscreen, the use of drugs that improve the healing that have antimicrobial effects.

On the second or third day you can already wash it with water with a neutral cosmetic agent for washing. For all the peeling, it is better to take cosmetic serum and water-based ampully concentrates. After the end of the peeling, you can move to the use of funds of its usual cosmetics.

  • sunbathe and spend time in the sun;
  • visit the pool, sauna, bath, solarium;
  • swipe crusts;
  • whatever procedures for the face, except for intensive exfoliation and skin moisturizing in the cabin.


How often can you do

Surfaces are usually performed at intervals of 7-10 days. They can be conducted by a course of 6-10 procedures.

The median different manufacturers are very different in the intensity of exposure to the skin, because each company supplies its drugs with detailed instructions and protocols, in which the maximum possible number of procedures for the course and optimal interruptions between sessions are prescribed.

Diamond peeling to some extent violates the integrity of the epidermis than causes cell division. Learn more by reference.

Before carrying out acidic peeling at home, it is necessary to check the skin sensitivity to the components of the drug. .

Any woman who takes care of her skin, sooner or later resorts to such a peeling procedure. It is necessary and as an independent, and as a stage preparatory for more complex cosmetology procedures. Salons Recently offer a variety of types of cost, method and strength of exposure. How to figure it out in such a big assortment and pick up what is suitable for a specific case?

Peeling: what it is

Peeling is such at which old, dead cells that interfere with new regeneration are removed. This procedure rejuvenates the face, give the skin a healthy look. Also, this cleansing will help get rid of scars and scars, pigment spots and other imperfections.

The only condition is all types of peeling for face in the salons. Only qualified specialists with relevant certificates and preferably medical education should conduct.

Pros and cons

So, when you should think about the facial cleaning procedure. If, looking into the mirror, you observe the sweat, tired skin, it is worth visiting a beautician who will offer optimal peeling for the face. In addition, the procedure can fix such aesthetic problems:

  • scars;
  • dark spots;
  • wrinkles.

Periodically, it is necessary to get rid of dead cells by those who have excessively fat or, on the contrary, dry skin. The first provokes the appearance of acne and acne, and the second is not moisturized enough. It will help the procedure to get rid of the first signs of aging and slow down this process.

Despite the excellent cosmetic effect, peeling in some cases can harm. We give a number of states under which the procedure is contraindicated:

  1. Wounds, abrasions and foci
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Herpes in an exacerbated stage.
  4. Individual intolerance to the drugs (revealed before the procedure on a small skin section).
  5. Recent epilation.

To clean up the most efficient, trust only professionals. Consultation of a cosmetologist's doctor before it is obligatory.

Classification of peelings

Depending on the result you want to achieve, various peelings for the face are provided. Views vary in two aspects: the method of exposure and its depth.

Depending on how the procedure is carried out, it can be chemical, mechanical, hardware or natural. These types of peeling for the face will describe in detail later, and now we will focus on what skin layers can use such cleaning.

  • Surface peeling. It affects the outer layers of the skin, does not affect the horny layer. However, this is enough to smooth out wrinkles and even remove pigment spots. Performed on the face cleaned from makeup.
  • Median peeling. Enables deeper skin layers, reaches the top dermis. The effect is more resistant than the previous species.
  • Deep peeling. Works in the horn layer of the epidermis, has the most resistant and pronounced effect. The procedure is very painful.

Mechanical peeling

Types of peels for face in cosmetology heads a mechanical option. Special compositions with soft abrasive substances affect surface layers of the skin, thereby removing dead cells. The most popular microcrystalline, gommage and challenge.

The microcrystalline facial cleaning occurs as follows: the smallest particles of aluminum are sprinkled under pressure on the face. They are specially affected by the skin, removing irregularities, smoothing it by improving the appearance. Microdermabrasion will help get rid of the freckles, pull the face, make it the contour more distinct.

Gommage is carried out with the help of fruit or dairy acids. They affect dead cells, exciting them from healthy. Cosmetologist using a brush, after a while it easily removes unnecessary skin particles.

You do not use any additional means and compositions, except for special soft abrasive brushes. They affect the surface of the skin, polishing it and making smooth.

The last two ways are possible for self-use at home.

Hardware peeling

The name speaks for itself: the procedure is carried out with the help of special devices. The most common is the following: ultrasound, laser, vacuum and brashing.

The most comfortable peeling for the patient is ultrasound. The waves affect the damaged skin layer. The only condition is moisture, so the face is treated with special solutions or thermal water.

The advantage of the laser skin cleaning procedure is that this method acts on certain areas (wrinkles, pigments). Healthy skin remains unchanged. Due to this, the impact of the laser is very delicate.

Vacuum peeling works on the basis of creating negative pressure inside the specialized nozzle. Thus, in the process, not only dead cells are sucked, but also acne, wrinkles smoothed. The recovery process is started. It is noteworthy that the variability of nozzles depends on the type of skin and the desired result.

Brasing is the same quantity, only carried out manually, but a special cosmetic device.

Surface chemical peeling

Recently, popularity has been received for the face. Species depend on what kind of skin depth they act. The acids included in the solutions react with the skin, and then neutralized with special alkalis. The exposure time and aggressiveness of the composition depends on the proposed results and the necessary depth of impact.

All chemical species of peeling for the face require a dry, skin makeup peeled. As for the procedure intended for surface layers, it is facilitated. Natural acids are used: fruit or dairy, also used azelain, wise or glycolic. However, even weak drugs will help get rid of acne, extended pores, pigment spots. This method is also recommended in combating aging as a preventive measure. If you consider all possible chemical types of peels for the face, reviews are positioning this type as the most convenient: the effect is better than that of the mechanical and hardware option, at the same time there is no painful sensations and rehabilitation period.

Negotiable chemical peeling

If you are seriously thinking about skin rejuvenation, then the first thing to do is the middle chemical peeling. Due to stronger acids in the composition of the drugs, it affects deeper skin structures, encouraging it to regenerate, and accordingly, and smoothen. The procedure is carried out by patients not under 30 years old. The fact is that it is starting at this age that the skin begins to lose elasticity, the processes of production of hyaluronic acid and collagen are slowed down.

You will be denied if one of the following states is observed:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the intolerance of the components of the solutions.

It should be considered the fact that such an aggressive procedure requires a certain period of recovery and postpilming procedures. Solves all individually a cosmetologist conducted by an operation.

Customer feedback notes that this type of cleaning has a more resistant and pronounced effect.

Deep chemical peeling

In the most extreme cases, the patient is assigned to clean the deepest layers of the skin. Indications may be heavy scars or scars, pronounced wrinkles. A large concentration of acid in the solution causes a strong skin burn, as a result of which a long recovery period is needed lasting from one month. Corks from the burn will start to move only in two weeks.

Deep cleaning - manipulation is very serious, carried out under general anesthesia. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully choose not only a doctor, but also the office. The maximum sterility of the procedure is important.

Customers note that the effect of properly conducted deep peeling is comparable to surgical intervention to remove wrinkles.

Soft chemical peeling

There are still chemical types of peeling for the face. Milk is one of these. It is carried out with an acid of vegetable origin - lactanova. This component is absolutely safe because it is produced in the body during carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, this cleaning is recommended to everyone without limitation, even patients with sensitive and problematic, prone to skin inflammation.

Such a cleaning is well moistened to the skin, pull it through the activation of collagen, as well as speeds up the process of updating cells.

If you prefer natural chemical types of peeling for the face - the almond is the most gentle of them. Thanks to phenylglycolic acid, you will get a steady effect even on sensitive skin. Molecules of substance are very large, so do not irritate the skin.

Almond acid has a massive properties:

  1. She is a powerful antioxidant, so prevents aging.
  2. Very delicately, dead cells of the epidermis. It acts as a scrub, but the effect is more pronounced.
  3. Perfectly cleanses the pores, reduces the production of excessive fat secrets into them.
  4. Whitens the skin, eliminates pigmentation, even explicitly expressed.
  5. Tighters the skin, makes her surface smooth.
  6. Fights with bacteria living on the surface of the epidermis.

All chemical peelings for the face whose species we have considered require careful care in the recovery period. An aggressive impact on the cold, solarium should be avoided. Before entering the street, it is necessary to apply sunscreen with high SPF.

Enzyme and natural peelings

Cleaning the face with enzymes affects the intracellular composition of the epidermis. This allows you to restore the metabolism of skin cells. Enzymes of plant origin are used.

Natural is close. Preparations with which it is carried out does not contain any substances of unlikely origin. According to the reviews of Cosmetology Cabinets, the best effect is possible to achieve two types of varieties: biofitopyling and coral cleaning. The first method is a whole range of measures for cleansing and adjusting the skin surface. Along with the extracts of medicinal plants, the composition is enriched with vitamin complexes. Cleaning with coral crumbs is also very in demand.

In the process of the procedure, the epidermis enrichment with healing marine minerals. Also included rare herbs growing in Brazil.

Selection of peeling depending on age

Consider the recommended peening types depending on the age. It is necessary to carry out the procedure at any age, because the skin is updated constantly and dead cells on it are always. However, the method of exposure depends on the processes occurring in the epidermis.

The skin up to 25 years is elastic and tightened, dryness is not excluded. Sometimes there is a pigmentation and acne. Consequently, it is enough to use light cleaning: fruit acids, hardware (brush), gommage and all sorts of scrubs. Procedures are also held in order to prevent the aging of the epidermis.

Age 25-35 years - time when the first wrinkles appear, the first aging processes begin in the skin. Superficial chemical, laser peels or twilights are used here.

The peeling types for the face after 40 years are designed to deal with already noticeable wrinkles, expressly pronounced pigmentation, expanded pores and capillaries. Media peeling, vacuum and laser grinding are carried out.

Without peeling it is impossible to imagine comprehensive skin care, because it is considered its basis, it is peeling that gives the skin a healthy color and a radiant look, increases elasticity and eliminates various cosmetic defects. Unfortunately, not everyone can make such peeling in the cabin. An excellent alternative to professional peeling will be chemical peeling at home. Of course, the action of the procedure will be weaker, but with a systematic conducting it is a great result guaranteed.

Features of peeling at home.
Home chemical peeling is carried out using specially intended masks and compositions, in which fruit acid solutions (dairy, lemon, apple, etc.) are contained, and enzymes dissolving dead layers of skin cells. Despite such a different concentration of solutions for home peeling compared to the compositions for the professional procedure, it is necessary to contact a specialist-cosmetologist for advice if possible, carefully examine instructions for use. The key to the effectiveness of the procedure is the exact observance of all its stages.

In addition to cleansing, chemical peeling solves various skin problems: smoothes wrinkles, makes less noticeable or altogether eliminates scars, scars, stains after acne, brightening pigment stains, normalizes the production of skin fat, removes rigorous tubes and narrows the pores. The peeling procedure at home improves metabolic processes in cells and their regeneration and update.

The procedure of chemical peeling increases the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation, so it is desirable to carry out in a period of low solar activity (deep autumn, winter, cool spring). Of course, such a peeling can be done in summer, only a week before the planned date and ten days later, the sun should not be located on the open (beach, solarium). It is always necessary to use the sunscreen, but after chemical peeling, their application is required for two weeks, and the SPF or sunscreen should be at least 40. Such means must be applied with circular motions on dry skin with a smooth thin layer, including lip contours and external Corner eye.

Indications for chemical peeling.

  • Prevention of aging.
  • Correction of age-related signs.
  • Oily leather, extended pores.
  • Dull skin with signs of wilting, decay.
  • The presence of pigment spots.
  • Thickening of surface layers of skin.
  • The consequences of acne and acne (traces, stains).
Contraindications for conducting chemical peeling at home.
  • Skin diseases in the aggravation stage (angry rash, dermatitis, acne, etc.).
  • Super sensitivity to peeling solution components.
  • Herpes under activity.
  • Violation of skin integrity.
  • Skin inflammation.
  • Availability of neoplasms.
  • Thin and sensitive skin.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • The presence of cooperosis or vascular mesh on the face.
  • Psychic Diseases.
  • The period of tooling the child and the lactation period.

The main rules for conducting a chemical peeling procedure at home.
The test for the presence of allergies to the drug used must be made in advance if it is negative and if there are no other contraindications to the procedure, it is possible to perform its execution.

To prevent burns, the composition of chemical peeling must be evenly distributed with a thin layer. The composition can be purchased, or you can use the recipes, which will be discussed below.

Cleaning the skin before peeling must!

With strong tingling, burning with signs of redness of the skin or other signs of discomfort should be washed with warm water with warm water, and then make a compress from infusion samples and impose it in a cool form.

The frequency of procedures at home should not exceed every ten days.

During the day-two after peeling to face, it is advisable not to touch the hands and apply decorative cosmetics (only protective creams).

For the implementation of the procedure at home, it is not so much: a clean and towel with a good absorbency, a cosmetic composition with an acid, cleansing agent (milk, gel), a means for restoring a pH balance of the skin, a means with a moisturizing effect.

When buying compounds for chemical peeling at home it is important that there are such components as azolein acid, fitting acid or vitamin C. This will provide an effective result.

Stages of chemical peeling at home.
Carefully learn the instructions before using compounds for chemical peeling.

Initially, we clean the skin using the milk or gel applied to the set, or the usual you use.

Next, we distribute a small amount of peeling on dry skin, trying not to affect the sensitive zone around the eyes. The peeling makeup is kept on the face of no more than five minutes, here you should consider the type of skin and the concentration of acid in solution. Throughout this time, there should be a slight tingling that is not delivering any inconvenience.

Specified in the instruction, the exposure time of the composition, it is washed with warm water. At the end of the procedure on the skin, we apply a liquid to restore the natural skin balance (pH), it is also attached to the set. Next, the skin moisturize the cream.

The results of the chemical peeling.
Chemical peeling gives the skin health, returns to her lost elasticity and elasticity, gives her radiance and smoothness. Systematic procedures for exfoliation of dead cells of cells accelerate the cellular update, have a stimulating effect on the production of own elastin and collagen responsible for the youth of the skin. As a result of the course of procedures (depends on the problem), smoothed or becomes small wrinkles and wrinkles, smoothed or completely disappear stains and traces from acne, pores become clean, markedly narrowed, the skin is pulled up, elasticity increases. As a result, there is a pronounced effect of skin rejuvenation.

Recipes of domestic peels.

Chemical peeling with calcium chloride.
This peeling can be carried out in two ways. In the first case, it will take a 5% calcium chloride solution (buy in a pharmacy), for further convenience from the ampoule it is desirable to pour it into a glass vessel (bottle). We do everything according to the items described above. First we clean the skin, then we dry it, then we apply a solution of calcium chloride. Application should be carried out in layers, as the previous one dries, overlapping the next layer. As a result, you need to apply from four to eight layers. The first time you should restrict ourselves to four layers. When the last layer is dry, take baby soap and lay the fingertips. Take the composition with neat movements from the skin, together with the solution, dead layers of cells will go. Next, wash off the residues of the composition from the face with warm water, and then cool. Above the skin again and apply a moisturizer. The next time you can slightly increase the concentration of the solution, a total of up to 10%, not more.

In the second method, the same calcium chloride solution is used, only the method of application will differ. It is necessary to moisten a cosmetic sponge in the solution and apply to the purified face. Walk one or two minutes, lay the same spongeball baby soap and start handling the skin with light circular motions, following the lines of the smallest skin stretching. The result will be the same. After that, it is necessary to wash and moisturize the skin with cream. Despite the gentle procedure, it should be carried out once every ten days, not more often.

Classic chemical peeling at home.
In a handy of 30 ml of glycerol and camphor alcohol, a convenient to mix the dishes, add 10 ml of the ammmonium alcohol solution (10%), 10 g of boric acid, 2 tablets of 1.5 g of hydroperite (or replace 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide (3%)) . Grind a small piece of good quality baby soap. In gratened soap to enter with regular stirring in the mixture, so that the creamy foam cream is white. It can be placed in a jar with a lid and leave for storage in the refrigerator (no more than three months). So, we use this cream, we put it on the face and after drying it is flushed with a 10% calcium chloride solution (ampoule 10 ml). Next, it is necessary to wash it well, dry the skin and lubricate it with a means with a moisturizing effect.

Home chemical peeling with bodiagas and hydrogen peroxide.
For the procedure it is necessary to prepare. With oily skin, it is recommended to make a three-minute steam bath, in other cases it is necessary to simply moisten the terry towel in hot water, attach to the face for a couple of minutes, and then clean the skin and dry the napkin. The hair is better to stick and remove under the shower cap, eyebrows, the area around the eyes, lips in defective purposes need to be lubricated with vaseline. Be sure to wear rubber gloves (thin medical)! Now you can proceed directly to the procedure. Of the 40 g of dry bodiagas need to prepare powder, you will need two tablespoons of powder, which need to be mixed with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. It should be interrupified intensively until the composition turns into a mass resembling cream.

The composition is applied to the face to sponge the circular movements. Having distributed it in the face, you need to wait five minutes to fifteen or twenty (so much is required to dry out the composition). Next, wash off the composition with warm water, dry the skin and apply boric vaseline (the first two days). After the third procedure, after the final washing, a short and light self-massage of the person is recommended using such compositions: massage cream plus boric vaseline (equal proportions) or heated olive oil plus boric vaseline (also equal to equal ratio). After massage, apply a softening and soothing face mask. You can mix on a teaspoon of honey and olive oil, add yolk, or combine in equal proportions honey and milk, honey and chamomile infusion (parsley, calendula), or mix honey and yolk, yolk and oil.

A similar procedure should be carried out daily before the appearance of skin peeling. The greater the skin, the more procedures need. It happens that three procedures are enough. It is not necessary to warm up the skin when conducting subsequent procedures, it is enough to wipe it with a 2% solution of salicylic acid. During the period of home peeling, the use of any cosmetics is prohibited, that is, leaving and decorative cosmetics (creams, masks, washness). The only thing you need to do is close your face from the Sun and swim more often with Talc. Better, of course, such a peeling to do in the autumn-winter period. In the period after peeling, the use of sunscreen is required.

The course of home cleaning procedures can be done three times a year, then your skin will save smoothness and shine. The main thing is not to be lazy, because such a procedure, as a chemical peeling at home, will support your beauty and will retain youth.

Face Peeling Procedure involves removing contaminants, dead and old cells from the skin surface. The technique is widely used by cosmetologists around the world for cleansing and updating the skin of the face, neck and neckline.

The effect of peeling directly depends on the method and depth of exposure. Some varieties contribute to the mechanical removal of old cells, during other cells dissolve chemical pathways or evaporated from the surface of the skin.

Like any procedure, each type of peeling has its own characteristics, indications and contraindications.

In this article we will analyze the main varieties that are applied at home, in beauty salons and medical clinics.

Classification of peels in cosmetology in the depths depth

To understand how peelings work, remember the features of the structure of human skin:

The human skin consists of three layers. The most superficial - epidermis, then the dermis and the deepest - subcutaneous fatty fiber or hypoderma. In turn, the epidermis is divided into 5 layers:

  • Horny. The outer layer includes dead nuclear cells and flat leather flakes. Contacts with skin and performs a protective function.
  • Brilliant, transitional from dead cells to alive.
  • Granular consists of flat keratinocytes and overflowing epidermocytes.
  • Hydish, includes large keratinocytes.
  • Basal. Goes to the derma and consists of keratinocytes and melanocytes containing the Pigment "Melanin".

Derma is the main layer of the skin. The main cells of the demes are fibroblasts. They synthesize collagen and elastin fibers that give the skin elasticity.

The dermis consists of 2 layers:

  1. Pedple. Goes to the epidermis and contains a large number of blood vessels.
  2. Reticulate. A deeper layer that borders with a hypoderma.

Depending on the depth of exposure to physical factors or active substances, the following types of peels distinguish:

1. Surface.

Works at the level of the horn layer of the epidermis. The procedure does not require special skills, since it is not dangerous for the patient and does not affect living cells. Surface peeling types do not cause painful sensations.

First of all, the technique is used to cleanse the skin, giving the face of smoothness and freshness. Surface peelings include comprehensive procedures, as they improve the penetration of active substances from cosmetics.

2. Middle.

Their impact applies to alive cellular layers of epidermis (grainy, hipgy, basal) and puffular layer of the dermis.

3. Deep.

It affects the epidermis and dermis until the middle of the mesh layer.

Medino and deep species of peeling are painful for the patient. They require deeper knowledge and caution from a cosmetologist, since during care, adjustable tissue damage occurs.

Damage launches regeneration processes. Blood sticks to the skin, collagen and elastin fibers are actively synthesized in the dermis, new, young cell layers are formed. As a result, it becomes smoother and soft, irregularities, wrinkles, scars and pigmentation stains disappear from its surface.

The deeper the peeling, the longer the recovery period and the strongest aesthetic effects of rejuvenation.

Depending on the impact method, the following types of peels distinguish:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Chemical.
  3. Ultrasonic.
  4. Laser.

Types of mechanical peeling

1. Cosmetic.

Removing contaminants, leather scraps and dead cells is performed using abrasive particles evenly distributed in a semi-liquid-based cosmetics.

As an abrasive in cosmetics add: crushed apricot bones and nut shell, sea salt, coral crumb, clay particles and algae.

Cosmetics for exfoliation are called peelings or scrubs. They are used in home care and salon procedures for skin cleansing and stimulating cell updates. The frequency of use of funds is 1-3 times a week.

Most scrubies have a superficial effect. The exceptions are funds containing coral crumb. They have a superficial mechanism of action and are used in a cosmetology cabinet.

Peelings and high quality scrubs for professional procedures and home care "Algologie" and "Beauty Style" you will find.

2. Hardware.

  • Microdermabrasion.

It implies an impact on the skin of aluminum oxide microcrystals. They are fed to the surface and are removed along with dead cells and contaminants using a vacuum system.

Also, devices are used for microdermabrasses that are equipped with diamond spray applicators.

  • Quick or Brasing.

The device has rotating nozzles in the form of brushes from genuine bristles.

Under the action of hardware peeling, a tide of blood to tissues, leather and pores are cleaned, dead cells are extended. After the procedure, the person becomes smoother, soft and elastic, acquires a healthy and even color.

The impact depth is regulated by the cosmetologist: it is a surface or superficial level.

Hardware peelings are well combined with manual cleaning, cosmetic programs for fatty and age-related skin.

Chemical peelings in cosmetology

The procedure is based on the interaction of the skin with chemicals, most often with acids. As a result of this cell interaction receive burns. Then they gradually die and expose deep cellular layers, smoother and fresh.

Standard Chemical Peeling Protocol

  1. Demacion and skin cleansing.
  2. Application of acid or other chemical with a brush or cotton disk on the skin of the face.
  3. The composition is maintained on the face of the desired amount of time, different for each drug. Then the acid is neutralized with a special alkaline composition and washed off with water.
  4. Soothing mask.
  5. Protective cream.


Inflammatory skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, herpes), a tendency to the formation of keloid scars, abrasions and scratches, intolerance to the components of the drug, allergic rashes.

The procedure is contraindicated by pregnant women.

The depth of exposure depends on the PH and the concentration of the composition, as well as the exposure time.
To purchase professional cosmetics and compositions for chemical peels, go through.

Types of chemical peelings


Most often for the procedure, fruit alpha hydro-acids are used: glycolic, dairy, lemon, grape. When applied to the skin, they dissolve the cells of the horn layer of the epidermis.
In addition to cleansing and activating the update, organic acids also have other positive effects on the skin:

  • moisturizing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands.
  • persistent.
  • antiseptic.

Surface chemical peeling is shown in hyperkeratosis, acne and pedestal phenomena, oily skin, extended pores, initial age-related changes (small wrinkles, surface pigmentation).

To achieve a strong result, a course is required: 10-15 sessions with periodicity 1 time per week.


It is carried out by 25-30% trichloroacetic acid preparations and 30% salicylic acid. These substances dissolve cell layers to the papilla layer inclusive.

In response to chemical irritation, the skin blushes and swells. The recovery period lasts 1 week; During this time, dead cells are completely exfoliated.

The median types of chemical peels are used to combat age-related skin changes: wrinkles, spots of pigmentation, reduced by a turthome of the skin.

Also, chemical preparations are anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, median peelings are used in the complex treatment of acne.

Another area of \u200b\u200bapplication of compositions is the treatment of scars and Striy.


For the procedure, compounds with phenol are most often used. The drug has a profound effect until the middle of the grid layer of the dermis and contributes to a pronounced skin renewal. First of all, phenolic peeling is shown to correct the pronounced age changes in men and women after 40 years.

Indications for phenol peeling:

  • Wrinkles and folds: nasolabial, interburs, chances near lips and eyes.
  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Skin declaration.
  • Scars and stria.
  • Photostation.

Rehabilitation after the long-term procedure: peeling completely passes in 4-6 weeks. To avoid complications, the patient must strictly fulfill the recommendation of the doctor with regard to pre-preparation and post-epiling care.

After rehabilitation, the face looks younger on average for 10 years. The procedure is performed once, the effect is maintained for several years.

Phenolic peeling can not be carried out by patients with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.

Ultrasonic peeling in the beauty salon

It is a hardware surface cleaning procedure, during which dead cells are removed from the skin of the face and pores are cleaned.

Purpose 1. Preparation of the skin to other procedures (manual cleaning, mesotherapy, massages, care programs).

2. Cleaning the skin.

Mechanism The ultrasonic wave, which the device emits, literally knocks out the contamination when it is reflected from the skin surface.
The softening and breaking of the epidermis contributes to the effect of cavitation, the creation of airless bubbles in the medium for which ultrasonic peeling is carried out.
  • Fat and combined leather.
  • Dryness and peeling.
  • Dusty, "stressful" skin.
  • Photostation.
Technology 1. Demaciazh, skin cleansing.

2. Applying a special means for ultrasound peeling.

Professional cosmetics for ultrasound peeling you will find

3. The beautician has a shovel-emitter at an angle of 45 degrees and processes her face skin, moving slowly, smoothly and without pressure. Lasts 10-15 minutes.

4. Mask and skin cream.

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Fever.
  • Absadines and scratches.
  • Inflammatory and allergic skin diseases.
Course Every day or 2-3 times a week; 10-15 peeling procedures for the course.

Laser peeling in beauty salon

The impact on the skin is carried out with a laser beam. The effect of the procedure depends on the variety of laser radiation and the depth of its penetration.

Types of laser peeling:

NameDepth of exposureMechanismEffects

Cold peeling

affects only the horny layer of the epidermis.
Layered removal of the corneum stratum cells without warming up the following structures. Smooth, matte and velvety skin.
Hot peelingLayered removal of the horn layer cells with warming up the following structures and stimulation of metabolic processes. Improving skin elasticity, smoothing small and median wrinkles.
Laser grindingMedicine and deep
Touching the epidermis and dermis.
The destruction of the old skin frame under the action of the laser,
cell renewal,
Stressed synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers.
Rejuvenation, lifting, smoothing expressed wrinkles; Removal of scars, Striy and tattoos.

Contraindications for laser peeling:

  • Oncology.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Common and local infectious process.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Blood coagulation disorders.
  • Fillers at the exposure site.
  • Autoimmune diseases and connective tissue diseases.

Peeling procedures help to cope with various aesthetic problems.

So that they are as effective as possible, it is necessary to take into account the type of patient's skin and comply with the technology of each technique.