From ichs to y ku. b) longer exhalation. See what "Physical Education" is in other dictionaries

Physical Culture

Berlin 1933: joint preparatory exercises.

Physical Culture- the sphere of social activity aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, developing the psychophysical abilities of a person in the process of conscious physical activity. Physical Culture- a part of culture, which is a set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society for the purpose of physical and intellectual development of a person’s abilities, improvement of his motor activity and formation of a healthy lifestyle, social adaptation through physical education, physical training and physical development (in accordance with with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 4, 2007 N 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation").

The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society are:

  • the level of health and physical development of people;
  • the degree of use of physical culture in the field of upbringing and education, in production and everyday life.

The concept of "physical culture" appeared at the end of the 19th century in England during the rapid development of modern sports, but did not find wide use in the West and eventually disappeared from everyday life. In Russia, on the contrary, having come into use since the beginning of the 20th century, after the revolution of 1917, the term "physical culture" received its recognition in all high Soviet authorities and firmly entered the scientific and practical lexicon. In 1918, the Institute of Physical Culture was opened in Moscow, in 1919 Vsevobuch held a congress on physical culture, since 1922 the journal "Physical Culture" has been published, and from 1925 to the present - the journal "Theory and Practice of Physical Culture".

The very name "physical culture" names something very important. Physical culture is a part of the general culture of mankind and has absorbed not only the centuries-old valuable experience of preparing a person for life, mastering, developing and managing for the benefit of a person the physical and mental abilities inherent in him by nature, but, no less important, the experience of asserting and hardening manifested in the process of physical activity of moral, moral principles of a person. Thus, in physical culture, contrary to its literal meaning, people's achievements in improving their physical, as well as, to a large extent, mental and moral qualities, are reflected. The level of development of these qualities, as well as personal knowledge, abilities and skills for their improvement constitute the personal values ​​of physical culture and determine the physical culture of the individual as one of the facets of the general culture of a person Social and biological foundations of physical culture.

To date, a number of theorists dispute the appropriateness of using the term "physical culture". One of the arguments "against" is that in most countries of the world, this term is generally absent from the scientific lexicon. The only exceptions are the countries of Eastern Europe, in which the development of physical culture and sports for more than half a century was carried out in the image and likeness of the Soviet system. In this regard, leading Russian sports theorists sometimes express polar opinions about the further use of the concept of “physical culture” in science: for example, A. G. Egorov believes that this term should be completely replaced by the concept of “sport” accepted all over the world. ”, while L. I. Lubysheva considers the scientific definition of physical culture a “step forward” compared to Western sports science.

At the moment, L.I. Lubysheva actively introduces the concept of "sports culture". Without entering into debate. it can be noted that this position is not productive, since, according to the main theorists of this field of knowledge (P.F. Lesgaft), the concepts of "physical culture and physical education" and the concept of sport should not be confused in principle. According to this scientist, youth destroy three things: wine, excitement and sports.

According to A. A. Isaev, it is quite logical to consider physical culture as a goal, and sport as a means to achieve it. It is for this reason that the definition of "sport for all" is becoming widespread, reflected more and more substantively at the international level - in the documents of UNESCO, the Council of Europe, the IOC. "Sport for All" puts physical culture in its rightful place as a qualitative characteristic, absorbing the activity components that once belonged to it. Theorists of physical culture of the Soviet school, wrote A. A. Isaev, actively resist the process of transformation of the meaning of physical culture, dictated by the change in socio-political dominants in the development of modern Russia. This circumstance, influencing managerial decisions, noticeably slows down the development of a sports policy in Russia that is adequate to changes in society. This approach is the key to resolving methodological contradictions associated with the definition of the concepts of "physical culture" and "sport" [clarify]

Means of physical culture

The main means of physical culture, developing and harmonizing all manifestations of the life of the human body, are conscious (conscious) employment in a variety of physical exercises (bodily movements), most of which are invented or improved by the person himself. They suggest a gradual increase in physical activity from exercise and warm-up to training, from training to sports games and competitions, from them to the establishment of both personal and general sports records as personal physical capabilities grow. In combination with the use of the natural forces of nature (sun, air and water), hygiene factors, diet and rest, and depending on personal goals, physical culture allows you to harmoniously develop and heal the body and maintain it in excellent physical condition for many years.

Components of physical culture

Each of the components of physical culture has a certain independence, its own target setting, material and technical support, a different level of development and the amount of personal values. Therefore, sport in the activity sphere of physical culture is singled out especially, using the phrases "physical culture and sport", "physical culture and sport". In this case, under "physical culture", "physical culture" in the narrow sense, it is just possible to mean mass physical culture and therapeutic physical culture.

Mass physical culture

Mass physical culture is formed by the physical activity of people within the framework of the process of physical education and self-education for their general physical development and health improvement, improvement of motor capabilities, improvement of physique and posture, as well as classes at the level of physical recreation.

Physical recreation

Recreation (lat. - recreation, - "recovery") - 1) holidays, a change at school, 2) a room for rest in educational institutions, 3) rest, restoration of human strength. Physical recreation is motor active recreation and entertainment using physical exercises, outdoor games, various sports, as well as the natural forces of nature, which result in pleasure and good health and mood, restore mental and physical performance. As a rule, classes at the level of mass physical culture for a healthy person are not associated with very large physical and volitional efforts, however, they create a powerful disciplining, tonic and harmonizing background for all aspects of his activity.

Healing Fitness

Another, also unsportsmanlike in terms of goals, direction of physical culture is formed by therapeutic physical culture (motor rehabilitation), which uses specially selected physical exercises and, as already noted, some sports facilities for the treatment and restoration of body functions impaired as a result of diseases, injuries, overwork and others. reasons.


Adaptive physical culture

The specificity of this activity sphere is expressed in the complementary definition “adaptive”, which emphasizes the purpose of physical culture means for people with health problems. This suggests that physical culture in all its manifestations should stimulate positive morpho-functional changes in the body, thereby forming the necessary motor coordination, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body. The main direction of adaptive physical culture is the formation of motor activity as a biological and social factor of influence on the body and personality of a person. Knowledge of the essence of this phenomenon is the methodological foundation of adaptive physical culture. St. Petersburg University of Physical Education. P. F. Lesgaft, the faculty of adaptive physical culture was opened, the task of which is to train highly qualified specialists to work in the field of physical culture of the disabled. In addition to working with people with disabilities, adaptive physical culture is aimed at using physical activity to promote social and psychological adaptation, prevention of deviations in socialization (for example, within the framework of this direction, the use of physical culture and sports for the prevention of drug addiction is being developed).

Physical education

The modern broad concept of "physical education" means an organic component of general education - an educational, pedagogical process aimed at mastering the personal values ​​of physical culture by a person. In other words, the purpose of physical education is the formation of the physical culture of the individual, that is, that side of the general culture of a person that helps to realize his biological and spiritual potential. Physical education, whether we understand it or not, begins from the very first days after the birth of a person.

The founder of the scientific system of physical education (originally - education), which harmoniously contributes to the mental development and moral education of a young person, is the Russian teacher, anatomist and doctor Pyotr Frantsevich Lesgaft (1837-1909) in Russia. Created by him in 1896, the "Courses of educators and leaders of physical education" was the first institution of higher education in Russia for the training of specialists in physical education, the prototype of the modern St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgaft. Graduates of the academy receive a higher physical education and become specialists in various fields of physical culture, including in the field of physical education, that is, the development of physical culture values ​​by people. In relation to work in higher educational institutions, such a specialist is called a teacher of physical culture, or a teacher of the department of physical education.

It is necessary to distinguish between the terms "physical education" as professional training in special educational institutions and "physical education" in its original (according to P.F. Lesgaft) sense of physical education. In English, the term "physical education" can be used in both senses. It should also be borne in mind that the English term "en: physical culture" in the sense of our broad concept of "physical culture" is not in use abroad. There, depending on the specific direction of physical activity, the words “en: sport”, “en: physical education”, “en: physical training”, “en: fitness”, etc. are used.

Physical education in unity with mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education ensures the comprehensive development of the individual. Moreover, these aspects of the general process of education are to a large extent manifested in the process of physical education organized accordingly.

In higher educational institutions, the process of physical education of students is carried out at the Department of Physical Education through the discipline "Physical Culture".

The goal of physical education is achieved in solving interrelated health-improving, developing, educational and upbringing tasks.

Health-improving and developing tasks of physical education include:

  • strengthening health and hardening of the body;
  • harmonious development of the body and physiological functions of the body;
  • comprehensive development of physical and mental qualities;
  • ensuring a high level of efficiency and creative longevity.

It is believed that in order to fulfill these tasks, the total time of training sessions in the discipline "Physical Education" and additional independent physical exercises and sports for each student should be at least 5 hours a week.

Christianity about physical education

  • Christianity in the 4th century banned the Olympic Games and anathematized them as pagan

see also



  • Federal Law on Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


What is physical culture? Everyone is familiar with this lesson since school, but exactly what does this concept of physical education mean? Are you really interested? Then read the article, we will talk about everything related to physical culture in order. Physical culture is one of the areas of social activity, which is aimed at improving the physical qualities of the body and strengthening the muscular corset through active movement.

Physical education helps to always stay healthy and full of vitality and energy. And as you know, a healthy mind in a healthy body! Exercise works on the cerebral cortex, causing feelings of satisfaction and joy, put our nervous system in order.

It is necessary to engage in physical activity all your life - from your first days to old age. Classes should be regular. Gradually, you need to increase the load, but so that it does not cause you discomfort. You don’t have to work to the limit of your capabilities and do set after set to exhaustion. Practice for fun and health!

Physical education educates, prepares and develops the physical abilities of a person. Do you think sports and physical education are identical concepts? Your answer must have been yes. But no, physical education is a general concept, designed to simply improve health, and sport is a part of physical culture, aimed at achieving maximum results by any means; consists of training and competition.

  1. Who and when invented physical education.
  2. The origin of sports in ancient Greece.
  3. The main differences between sports and physical education.
  4. What does the concept of physical culture include.
  5. What is physical education.
  6. Why do we need exercise? 10 reasons to exercise.

Who and when invented physical education

It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. But we'll still try. Physical education appeared with the advent of the first man, that is, many millennia ago, even before our era. It all started with the fact that the ancient man had to somehow learn to survive in such harsh conditions, to get his own food, to defend himself from predators. At that time, the fittest survived, so had to move a lot and perform huge physical loads so that the muscles become stronger and the body stronger.

A person saw the result, making certain movements from day to day and began to understand that the more repetitions he did, the the effect becomes stronger. This experience was accumulated and passed down from generation to generation and has come down to our days.

The origin of sports in ancient Greece

The Olympic Games have their origins in Ancient Greece. It was there that the first sport appeared, with training and competition. At the time of the Olympic Games, wars even stopped and a friendly atmosphere reigned everywhere. Ancient traditions have safely survived to this day. This ancient Greek philosophy united the physical virtues of the body, soul and mind into a single whole. It has become a way of life embodying the highest values.

"Citius, Altius, Fortius!" - This is the motto of the Olympics, meaning "Faster, higher, stronger!". This means that there is no limit to our physical capabilities, limitations exist only in our head.

The main differences between sports and physical education

  1. Sport involves constant training and competition, physical education - the general improvement of the body.
  2. Sports need to be practiced regularly and purposefully, physical education - often, but, most importantly, to be a pleasure.
  3. Sport constantly sets tough goals, for the implementation of which you need to work to the limit of your capabilities, while physical education teaches you to exercise measuredly, select loads for your physical fitness, so as not to harm your health.
  4. Professional sports cripples, and physical education heals.
  5. In sports there are many rules and restrictions, in physical education there are no strict rules.
  6. The result of playing sports is competitions and awards, but we do physical education only for our health.

Now you are convinced that sport and physical culture have significant differences and are not identical concepts.

What does the concept of physical culture include

Physical education consists of a number of components, without which its existence is impossible. Let's take a look at the types that are described in Wikipedia:

Let's take a closer look at each type of physical activity.

Physical recreation

This recovery, in other words, exercise during the holidays through active games, natural elements and a variety of sporting events. As a result - excellent health and good mood. It's a great way to pass the time and interact with other people.


This is a whole branch of medicine. It is used to restore physical capabilities after severe injuries or for health reasons. Physiotherapy prescribed by a doctor during the rehabilitation period. These are special physical exercises and loads that will help restore the normal functioning of the body as a whole. It is also prescribed for preventive purposes.

Gymnastic therapeutic exercises are effective means of therapeutic load.

This is a type of human physical activity that includes a set of strict rules, regular training and competition. Achieving maximum results is an integral part of the sport. There are a huge number of sports. The most popular are:

For adaptation

From the name it is clear that this type of physical education is intended to adapt to social life for people with any deviations from the norm in the state of health. In other words, adaptive physical education is aimed at developing and improving the physiological qualities of a person.

Benefits of physical education for adaptation:

  1. Forms a real attitude to their strengths and abilities in comparison with a healthy person.
  2. Teaches how to overcome psychological obstacles on the way to a fulfilling life.
  3. Explains how to replace missing organs or body functions with others that function normally. For example, if a person has been disabled since childhood, and he does not have both legs, then adaptive physical education will help to use hands instead of missing organs.
  4. Determines the amount of physical activity required.
  5. Increases efficiency and desire to improve their physical abilities.

Thus, physical education for adaptation has huge advantages and plays an important role in human life.

What is physical education

First of all, this is an educational process that conveys to us the importance and necessity of physical education. Teachers can be teachers in a kindergarten, school or institute. As well as parents who begin to teach us from the first day of birth. P.F. Lesgaft - doctor who pioneered in the wilds of the science of physical education. Without physical education, it is impossible to build a holistic and harmonious personality.

Physical education includes:

  • hardening;
  • comprehensive development of the physical and physiological properties of the body;
  • formation of healthy habits and proper nutrition;
  • longevity and health.

Basic methods of physical education:

  • personal hygiene;
  • physical exercises;
  • massage;
  • natural and natural causes.

The goals of physical education:

  • educational;
  • developing;
  • health;
  • educational.

Only with the synergistic (complex) application of all these methods, you can achieve harmony and get a full-fledged physical education.

Physical education for pregnant women

Women need loads even in anticipation of the baby and up to the very birth.

Childbirth is a huge physical work and the strongest stress for the body, so you need to prepare for it in advance. And help in this moderate physical activity. There are a number of contraindications to exercise:

  • uterine tone;
  • bloody issues;
  • placenta previa;
  • miscarriages in the past.

Attention! Only your local doctor will be able to prescribe a set of gymnastic exercises for pregnant women! So be sure to check with him!

Professional-applied physical training

This is the preparation of a person for a certain kind of craft through the methods of physical education and sports components.

It is divided into two types:

  • professional and applied physical training;
  • military-applied (based on the basic abilities of the general physical state of a person).

The main tasks of professional and applied physical training:

  • development of psychological and physical qualities necessary in a particular profession;
  • formation of skills and abilities.

10 reasons to exercise

First of all, it is the main basis for a healthy life for any person.

So, we hope that physical education will become a useful habit for you and you will enjoy this pastime. Leading an active lifestyle is the key to good health and longevity.

Accustom yourself to do a fifteen-minute exercise in the morning with an elementary set of exercises for different muscle groups. After charging there should be no feeling of fatigue, but on the contrary, you should feel a surge of strength and good spirits. Let your every morning start with a charge, and your life will become better. You will become healthier, fitter, stronger.

Get fit and strengthen your immunity. Keep an eye on your overall health, don't let everything take its course! Consult a doctor if there are any problems, he will prescribe you an effective treatment.

Do physical education, love it with all your heart, and teach your children to it, and you will be happy!

Physical culture gives a person not only bodily strength, but also spiritual health. It is impossible to harmoniously educate a personality if you do not make efforts to form a beautiful and healthy body.

A set of exercises that is aimed at strengthening the physical components, and, as a result, the emotional state - that's what physical culture is. Exercise is used all over the world for the prevention of various diseases, as an additional method for treatment.

A complex of certain sports exercises aimed at the development of all muscle groups is the concept of physical education.

The definition represents not only sports aspects, but also certain knowledge, skills, values ​​that allow a person to lead a healthy lifestyle. Activity favorably affects health, allows you to adapt socially.

Usually people find permanent friends by visiting sports sections, clubs, groups. This is explained by the fact that a healthy passion for sports allows you to find like-minded people who have similar life values.

The concept is very related to sports. The goal is the same - through the effectiveness of exercises to develop bodily and spiritual qualities. However, if sport aims to make a person the best and strongest, while using exhausting workouts, then physical education includes other methods.

This is, first of all, the observance of comfort for a person (there are no heavy exercises that only a well-trained person can do). The main features are mass and therapeutic effect.


Exercise, massage, personal hygiene - this is what physical education includes. Harmonious development is impossible if all factors are not taken into account.

The complex application of all methods of healthy education is the basis for the full development of the body, physiological and psychological.

There are several directions, each develops a certain area or is aimed at a certain type of activity.

Types of physical education:

  • background - these are movements that a person performs almost unconsciously: climbing stairs, cycling, a short run behind a departing minibus. Such activity requires practically no load, is performed automatically, but at the same time, brings invaluable health benefits;
  • mass is a type of activity that is performed under the supervision of a specialist. This type includes visiting various sporting events, groups, sections;
  • adaptive is strictly individual in nature, a set of exercises is selected taking into account the patient's condition and is aimed at the rehabilitation of the body, the correction of well-being, is often used after injuries, sprains and chronic diseases;
  • therapeutic is a real panacea that does not require financial investments, but shows effectiveness. For rehabilitation during the course of drug treatment, a specially designed set of exercises is used to help restore physical health after illness and injury.

There are many types, and all of them involve a complex effect on the human body.

Take note! Motor activity is indicated for people of any age, healthy or with diseases.


The answer to the question of why it is necessary to engage in physical education, everyone must answer for himself. For physically healthy people, sport helps to keep the body and spirit in good shape.

During the rehabilitation period after surgery, exercises will help to quickly restore motor activity.

What gives a person constant physical activity:

  • health promotion;
  • hardening;
  • comprehensive physical and psychosomatic development;
  • performance training;
  • increased endurance;
  • stimulation of brain activity.

The benefits of playing sports are undeniable. During training, more oxygen enters the body, especially if the exercise is conducted outdoors, as a result of which youth is preserved.

Take note! It is especially useful for older people to exercise, as this allows you to stabilize the activity of the central nervous system.

Applied physical education

Applied physical culture is a specialized technique. What it is can be easily understood if you observe how the method is used in practice.

With its help, muscles are restored, active rest allows you to relieve stress received during a long working week. Typically, such physical education is included in the mandatory plan for training in institutions with a military bias.

Sailors, firefighters, the Ministry of Emergency Situations must, in addition to professional activities, have excellent physical training.

There are several aspects that characterize the discipline. The simplest of them are the basic ones. These are the ones they teach in school. At a young age, the foundation is laid for further achievements.

After that, you should move on to achieving higher results. In this vein, children's and youth sports are distinguished, and then - mass and individual.

There is an applied and professional culture that allows you to master a certain profession. For this direction, the use of slightly different methods is practiced, it is distinguished by a more thorough study of achievements.

Wellness orientation is also included and is aimed at strengthening the body's functionality. At the same time, do not forget about the hygienic component, which includes gymnastics, daily warm-ups, adherence to diet and sleep.

The emergence of the term

For the first time in the modern sense, the word "physical education" arose only in the 19th century in England. Until that time, what is now commonly called physical culture belonged to sports.

In Russia, this term began to be used in the 20th century, when special schools for children from wealthy families appeared. And in general educational Russian institutions, the concept began to be used only after 1918.

Then certain plans, standards and the number of allotted hours were established. Since that time, this direction has been completely removed from the sport.

How physical activity appeared, which has become a universal culture, is definitely impossible to say, just as it is impossible to answer the question of who invented it. According to the official version, it all started with the fact that a person had to survive in difficult conditions. To protect yourself and your family from predators, getting food required great effort and preparation.

In ancient times, people had to withstand heavy loads, move a lot. The man understood: the more he moves, the more his strength and endurance increase. Experience began to be passed on from one generation to another, and later classes were no longer carried out only to achieve a certain goal.

Even when it was not necessary to hunt predators, people did just that, for general strengthening of the body, so to speak “for themselves”. This is how physical culture appeared.

Scientists still do not know when physical education appeared. It is difficult to answer the question due to the fact that it is not known for certain whether this was an achievement of ancient people.

With the fact that when certain exercises appeared and people began to do not for the sake of food and survival, it is easier.

In ancient Greece, gladiator fights and competitions were organized, which showed what a person is capable of. This is not surprising, because it was then that the culture of a beautiful body was born (this can be seen if you look at ancient statues), and people began to make every effort to make their body beautiful.

In the modern sense, the definition appeared in the 19th century. Then, for the first time, certain methods were developed and the final separation of the concepts of "physical education" and "sport" appeared.

The Benefits of Exercise

The first one who first realized that it is useful to develop the body not only instinctively, but systematically and constantly, cannot be found.

The fact is that it is not even clear when the understanding of what sports does to the body first appeared.

Nevertheless, answering the question of who invented physical culture, one can name P.F. Lesgaft, a doctor who took up the scientific construction of a picture of the correct upbringing of a harmonious personality with the help of sports exercises.

According to Wikipedia, physical education is defined as a field of human knowledge, which is designed to maintain and strengthen health, develop psychophysical ties. Wikipedia also indicates that science forms a healthy lifestyle, sociological adaptation occurs during classes.

Sport, unlike physical education, is not intended to improve health, but is aimed at achieving maximum performance. Everyone knows what physical culture gives a person and why it is needed today.

What will be the result of regular practice:

  • toned and beautiful body;
  • healthy and flexible muscles;
  • improved metabolism;
  • healthy respiratory and circulatory systems;
  • reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • increased immunity;
  • improving brain function and memory quality.

Useful video

Summing up

A healthy lifestyle is the very first factor that a modern person should pay attention to.

Even 20-30 minutes a day of light activities that do not burden and do not require financial investments allow you to enjoy and keep your body young, improve your mood and vitality, make active and healthy friends. Love exercise and stay healthy!

Annotation: Terms and basic definitions of physical culture, history of development, value of sports.

1.1. Basic concepts of physical culture and sports

The theory of physical culture uses such concepts as "physical culture", "sport", "non-specialized physical education", "physical recreation", "motor rehabilitation", "physical development", "physical education", "physical training", " physical exercise" and many others. These concepts are of the most general nature, and specific terms and concepts, one way or another, follow from the definitions of more general categories.

The main and most general of them is the concept of "physical culture". As a kind of culture, in general social terms, it represents the most extensive area of ​​creative activity, both scientific and practical, as well as the results of this activity in creating people's physical readiness for life. In personal terms, it is a measure and a way of the comprehensive physical development of a person.

In both cases, physical culture is of decisive importance not in itself as a field of activity, but its qualitative results, degree of efficiency, value, usefulness for a person and society. In a broader sense, the effectiveness of this activity can be manifested in the state of physical culture work in the country, in its material, technical, theoretical, methodological and organizational security in specific indicators of the physical development of members of society.

PHYSICAL CULTURE- this is a type of culture, which is a specific process and result of human activity, a means and a way of physical improvement of people to fulfill their social duties.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION- the process of forming the need for physical exercises in the interests of the comprehensive development of the individual, the formation of a positive attitude towards physical culture, the development of value orientations, beliefs, tastes, habits, inclinations.

SPORT- type of physical culture: game, competitive activity and preparation for it, based on the use of physical exercises and aimed at achieving the highest results.

It is aimed at revealing reserve capabilities and identifying the maximum levels of functioning of the human body in the process of motor activity for a given time. Competitiveness, specialization, focus on the highest achievements, entertainment are specific features of sports as a kind of physical culture.

PHYSICAL RECREATION- type of physical culture: the use of physical exercises, as well as sports in simplified forms, for active recreation of people, enjoying this process, entertainment, switching from one type of activity to another, distraction from ordinary types of labor, household, sports, military activities .

It is the main content of mass forms of physical culture, is a recreational activity.

MOTOR REHABILITATION- type of physical culture: a purposeful process of using physical exercises to restore or compensate for partially or temporarily lost motor abilities, to treat injuries and their consequences.

This process is carried out in a complex way, under the influence of specially selected physical exercises, massage, water and physiotherapy procedures and some other means. This is a restorative activity.

PHYSICAL TRAINING- type of non-special physical education: the process of formation of motor skills and development of physical abilities (qualities) necessary in a specific professional or sports activity (physical training of a pilot, fitter, steelworker, etc.)

It can also be defined as a type of general training of an athlete (physical training of a sprinter, boxer, wrestler, etc.).

PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT- the process of changing the forms and functions of the body either under the influence of natural conditions (nutrition, work, life), or under the influence of the purposeful use of special physical exercises.

It is also the result of the impact of these means and processes, which can be measured at this particular moment (the size of the body and its parts, indicators of various motor qualities and abilities, the functionality of body systems).

PHYSICAL EXERCISE- movements or actions used for the development of physical abilities (qualities), organs and systems, for the formation and improvement of motor skills.

On the one hand, it is a means of physical improvement, bodily transformation of a person, his biological, mental, intellectual, emotional and social essence. On the other hand, it is also a method (method) of a person's physical development. Physical exercises are the main, "through" means of all types of physical culture of non-special physical education, sports, physical recreation and motor rehabilitation.

1.2. The history of the development of physical culture

"The physical perfection of man is not a gift of nature, but a consequence of his purposeful formation."

N.G. Chernyshevsky

The harmonious combination of intellect, physical and spiritual forces was highly valued by man throughout his development and improvement. Great men in their writings emphasized the need for the comprehensive development of youth, without highlighting the priority of physical or spiritual education, deeply understanding; to what extent the overestimation, the accentuated formation of any qualities lead to a violation of the harmonious development of the personality.

The term "culture", which appeared during the period of the emergence of human society, is far from unambiguous, closely related to such concepts; as "cultivation", "processing", "education", "education", "development"; "reverence". This term in modern society covers a wide range of transformative activities and its results in the form of relevant values, in particular, "the transformation of one's own nature."

Physical culture is a part (subsystem) of the general culture of mankind, which is a creative activity to master the past and create new values, mainly in the field of development, health improvement and education of people.

In order to develop, educate and improve a person, physical culture uses the capabilities of the individual, the natural forces of nature, the achievements of the human sciences, specific scientific results and attitudes of medicine, hygiene, anatomy, physiology, psychology, pedagogy, military affairs, etc. Physical culture, organically intertwining in the professional-production, economic, social relations of people, has a significant impact on them, fulfilling a humanistic and cultural-creative mission, which today, in the period of higher education reforms and the revision of the essence of previous concepts, is especially valuable and significant.

Academician N.I. Ponomarev, relying on the results of a study of extensive material, came to the conclusion that became fundamental for the history of the emergence and initial development of physical education, that "man became a man not only in the course of the development of tools, but also in the course of constant improvement of the human body itself. The human body as the main productive force. In this development, hunting, as a form of work, played a decisive role. It was during this period that a person appreciated the benefits of new skills, vital movements, qualities of strength, endurance, speed.

Archeology and ethnography have made it possible to trace the development of man, and consequently, of physical culture, since ancient times. The results of scientific research allow us to conclude that physical culture emerged from labor movements, vital actions into an almost independent type of human activity in the period from 40 to 25 millennia BC. The appearance of throwing weapons, and later the bow, contributed to the need to prepare food-getters, warriors, to develop and improve even then, in the Stone Age, the physical education systems that appeared, motor qualities as a guarantee of successful hunting, protection from the enemy, etc.

It is also of interest that many peoples have traditions and customs of using physical culture, its educational component in initiation rituals when moving from one age group to another. For example, young men were not allowed to marry until certain tests were completed - tests, and girls were not allowed to marry until they proved their fitness for independent living.

So, on one of the islands of the New Hybrids archipelago, holidays were held annually, culminating in "jumping from a tower" on land (L. Kuhn). A participant in this competition, to whose ankles a fixed rope of vines was tied, flies headfirst from a height of 30 m. When the head almost touches the ground, elastic vines contract and throw the person up, and he lands smoothly on his feet. In those distant times, those who did not pass this test were not allowed to the initiation ceremony, could not appear in public.

The physical culture of the primitive period, developing stamina, strong will, physical training of each member of the tribe, brought up among the tribesmen a sense of community in protecting their interests.

Of particular interest is the physical culture of Ancient Greece, where "those who could not read, write and swim were considered illiterate" (Ageevets V.U., 1983), physical education in the ancient Greek states of Sparta and Athens, where gymnastics, fencing, horse riding were taught , swimming, running from the age of 7, wrestling and fisticuffs - from the age of 15.

An example characterizing the level of development of physical culture in these states was the organization and holding of the Olympic Games.

The world-famous great people of antiquity were also great athletes: the philosopher Plato - a fist fighter, the mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras - an Olympic champion, Hippocrates - a swimmer, a wrestler.

All peoples had mythical heroes with supernatural physical and spiritual abilities: Hercules and Achilles - among the Greeks, Gilgames - among the Babylonians, Samson - among the Jews, Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich - among the Slavs. People, exalting their exploits, victories in competitions, the fight against evil and the forces of nature, strove to be healthy, strong, skillful and hardworking themselves, which, of course, was reflected in the characteristics of education, physical education, and physical culture.

It makes sense to emphasize the importance of physical culture for the Greeks in the words of the great Aristotle: "Nothing exhausts and destroys a person like prolonged physical inactivity."

Military physical education is characteristic of the Middle Ages. The warrior-knight had to master the seven knightly virtues: horseback riding, fencing, archery, swimming, hunting, playing chess and the ability to compose poetry.

Sports as an integral part of physical culture have reached the greatest development in capitalist society.

Various forms of physical exercise have long been known to the Russian people. Games, swimming, skiing, wrestling, fisticuffs, horseback riding and hunting were widespread already in Ancient Russia. Various games were also widely used: bast shoes, towns, grandmas, leapfrog and many others.

The physical culture of the Russian people was distinguished by great originality and originality. In physical exercises, common among Russians in the XIII-XVI centuries, their military and paramilitary character was clearly expressed. Horseback riding, archery, and hurdling were popular folk pastimes in Russia. Fisticuffs were also widespread, for a long time (until the beginning of the 20th century) they played an important role as one of the main folk original forms of physical education.

Cross-country skiing, skating and sledding, etc., were very popular among Russians. One of the original means of physical education was hunting, which served not only for fishing purposes, but also to show one's dexterity and fearlessness (for example, hunting a bear with a horn).

Hardening was carried out in an extremely peculiar way in Russia. It is a well-known Russian custom to douse yourself with cold water or wipe yourself with snow immediately after a stay in a hot bath. Valuable original types of physical exercises were also distributed among other peoples that became part of the multinational Russian state created later.

The emergence and strengthening of the noble empire of Peter I (XVIII century) also affected to a certain extent the state influence on the development of physical culture. This affected, first of all, the combat training of troops, physical education in educational institutions, and partly the education of the nobility.

It was in the era of the reforms of Peter I that physical exercises began to be used for the first time in Russia in the system of training soldiers and officers. At the same time, physical exercises, mainly fencing and horseback riding, were introduced as an academic discipline at the Moscow School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences (1701), at the Naval Academy and other educational institutions. Under Peter I, physical exercises were also introduced in civil gymnasiums, and rowing and sailing classes were organized for young people. These measures were the first steps taken by the state to lead the cause of physical culture.

In the future, physical exercises are increasingly used in educational institutions, and especially in the system of military education. Much credit for this belongs to the great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov.

In the second half of the XIX century. among young people, modern sports begin to develop in the form of sports circles and clubs. The first gymnastic and sports societies and clubs appear. In 1897, the first football team was created in St. Petersburg, and in 1911 the All-Russian Football Union was organized, uniting 52 clubs.

At the beginning of the XX century. in St. Petersburg, sports societies arose: "Mayak", "Bogatyr". By 1917, various sports organizations and clubs united a fairly large number of amateur athletes. However, there were no conditions for the development of mass sports. Therefore, in the conditions of pre-revolutionary Russia, individual athletes managed to show world-class results only thanks to natural data and the perseverance with which they trained. These are well-known - Poddubny, Zaikin, Eliseev and others.

With the advent of Soviet power, in pursuit of the goal of mass military training of workers and the education of physically hardened army soldiers, in April 1918 a Decree on the organization of universal military training (Vseobucha) was adopted. In a short time, 2 thousand sports grounds were built. In 1918, the country's first IFC was organized in Moscow and Leningrad. The question arose of strengthening the state forms of management of physical culture and sports work in the country. On July 27, 1923, the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR on the organization of scientific, educational and organizational work in physical education was issued.

The resolution of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) "On the tasks of the party in the field of physical culture" adopted on July 13, 1925, was a program for the development of the physical culture movement in the new conditions of a socialist society. The resolution defined the essence of physical culture and its place in the Soviet state, emphasized its educational value, indicated the need to involve the broad masses of workers, peasants, and students in the physical culture movement.

In honor of the 10th anniversary of physical culture in the USSR (counting from the moment of the organization of Vseobuch) in 1928, the All-Union Spartakiad was held, which attracted over 7 thousand participants.

In 1931-1932. the sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR" developed by a special commission of the All-Union Council of Physical Culture under the Central Executive Committee of the USSR is introduced. Over the years of the complex's existence, more than 2.5 million people passed its norms. In 1939, a new improved TRP complex was introduced, and in the same year an annual holiday was established - the All-Union Day of the Athlete. The policy of the state was also aimed at the development of mass tourism. Sections of tourism, mountaineering - rock climbing and later orienteering were in the post-war years in almost every educational institution, at enterprises and factories. The club system began to develop. Tourist clubs have become methodological and educational centers. The clubs trained instructors, coaches, section leaders. It should be said that the first tourist club in the USSR was organized in the city of Rostov-on-Don in 1937. It was a universal club that brought together lovers of all types of travel. The clubhouse was very modest. It was located in two large rooms. Here is how the magazine "On land and at sea" wrote about the club's work plans:

"Here, tourists have the opportunity to exchange experience in their work, discuss their travel plans, get advice on how to organize training in tourism technology. There is no doubt that the form of club-tourist work will fully justify itself.

Methodological, consulting and reference material on all types of amateur tourism is placed on the walls of the rooms. There is a corner for a climber, a waterman, a cyclist and a pedestrian.

Where can you go in the summer, where and how to spend a day off? Dozens of route posters answer this question. The club has sections: walking, water, cycling and climbing.

In the near future, geographical, local history and photo circles will be organized. The club held a consultation on how to organize tourist and excursion work at the enterprise, and lectures with transparencies about Kazbek and Elbrus.

It is planned to organize evenings of meetings of the tourist activists and to hold a number of mass consultations on tourism for factory and local committees and voluntary sports societies.

Until the Great Patriotic War, the Rostov Club of Tourists remained the only one in the country. After the war, it was organized again in October 1961.

During the Great Patriotic War, Soviet athletes contributed to the victory over the enemy. A number of athletes were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Skiers and swimmers provided invaluable assistance to the Soviet Army.

In 1957, there were more than 1,500 stadiums, over 5,000 sports grounds, about 7,000 gymnasiums; IN AND. Lenin in Luzhniki, etc.

After 1948, athletes of the USSR over 5 thousand times updated all-Union records in almost a thousand times - world records. The Spartakiads of the peoples of the USSR played an important role.

Every year, international relations in sports are expanding. We are members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the International Council for Physical Education and Sports (CIEPS), the International Sports Medicine Federation (FIMS) and many others, members of the International Federation for 63 sports.

The Russian Student Sports Union (RSSU) was established in 1993. At present, the RUSS is recognized as a single body for the management of student sports in the Russian Federation in higher education. Ministries and departments that have higher educational institutions in their jurisdiction, the Russian State Committee for Physical Culture and Tourism, RSCC actively cooperate with the Russian Olympic Committee, being its member, with government bodies, various youth organizations. RSSS joined the International University Sports Federation (FISU), takes an active part in all its events.

RSSS unites sports clubs, various physical culture organizations of more than 600 higher and 2500 secondary specialized educational institutions of the country. In the structure of the RSSS, regional bodies for managing student sports have been created. For sports, gyms, stadiums, swimming pools, ski bases, sports grounds of higher and secondary educational institutions are at the disposal of students. 290 sports and recreation camps operate in universities to organize summer holidays. About 10 thousand specialists conduct regular classes in physical culture and sports with students. More than 50 sports are cultivated in Russian higher educational institutions, the most popular of which are basketball, athletics, cross-country skiing, volleyball, football, table tennis, tourism, chess, and orienteering.

The Russian Student Sports Union annually holds national and regional championships in the sports included in the programs of the World Universiade and World Student Championships. In many sports, students make up the majority of Russian national teams and take part in the European and World Championships and the Olympic Games. RSSS is the legal successor of the abolished student DSO "Petrel", continues its ideas and traditions. In the near future, it is planned to hold winter and summer All-Russian Universiades, the regular publication of its own printed organ, the creation of a fund for the development of student sports, the release of student sports lotteries and other events aimed at implementing the statutory tasks.

The role of physical education and higher educational institutions is increasing. Its tasks: education of students' volitional and physical qualities, consciousness, preparation for work and defense of the Motherland; preservation and promotion of health; professional-applied physical training, taking into account future labor activity; acquisition by students of the necessary knowledge on the basics of the theory, methodology and organization of physical education and sports training; preparation for work as public instructors and judges in sports; improvement of sports skills of students. Classes are held throughout the theoretical training in all courses.

Physical culture is a human activity aimed at strengthening health, developing physical abilities. It is part of the general culture of a person, as well as part of the culture of society. The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society: the level of health and physical development of people; the degree of use of physical culture in the field of upbringing and education, in production, everyday life, in the organization of free time; the nature of the system of physical education, the development of mass sports, the highest sports achievements, etc.

Even in ancient times, doctors and philosophers believed that it was impossible to be healthy without physical education. Constant and varied physical exercises make the human body strong and beautiful. Until now, we are fascinated by the works of ancient sculptors who embodied in their creations physical strength and a harmoniously developed human body - Apollo Belvedere, Venus de Milo, Hercules, Disco Thrower, Spearman.

If nature has not endowed you with the appearance of Apollo, it can be achieved through physical exercise. In addition, physical education helps to maintain health, increases efficiency, and relieves fatigue.

The main elements of physical culture: physical exercises, their complexes, competitions, hardening of the body, occupational and household hygiene, active-motor types of tourism, physical labor as a form of active recreation for mental workers.

Physical exercises, acting on the cerebral cortex and subcortical centers, cause a feeling of cheerfulness and joy, create an optimistic and balanced neuropsychic state. Physical education should be practiced from early childhood to old age. The basis of physical education is the principles of systematic training and a gradual increase in load.

Physical activity is important both for overcoming motor deficit (physical inactivity) and for maintaining and strengthening health. Along with physical education and sports, hardening is an excellent tool for this.

Having a beneficial effect on the neuro-emotional system, physical culture prolongs life, youth, and beauty. Like a sculptor's chisel, physical exercises "polish" the figure, give grace to movements, and create a reserve of strength.

Neglect of physical education leads to obesity, loss of endurance, agility, flexibility.

Table 4. Energy consumption during various types of physical exercises.

Physical culture is the way of liberation from the chains of heredity. Defeat the slave of the biology of heredity, and you will feel comfortable, confident and can count on the attention of others. See Physical exercises, as well as in the section "Health" - Therapeutic exercise, Active recreation.


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