How show business stars lose weight after giving birth. Anna Khilkevich: secrets of slimness and beauty How actress Anna Khilkevich loses weight

Star of the series “Univer. New hostel" Anna Khilkevich is one of the brightest blondes of Russian cinema. They try to imitate her, envy and admire her. The ideal parameters of a star seem to many to be a natural gift, but this is not so. After her last birth, Anna Khilkevich lost 18 kg. thanks to perseverance and willpower.

The star admits that due to her busy work schedule, she doesn’t have any time for herself. But how then does Anna manage to look so attractive? Let's reveal her beauty secrets.

Biography of the actress

The blonde was born on October 15, 1986 in Leningrad. Since childhood, the future star stood out for her activity and curiosity. Her parents sent little Anya to the Svetofor vocal and dance studio, where she studied piano.

In 2003, the girl entered the Higher Theater School named after. Shchepkina, but soon leaves there. The reason for this was the incoming offers to play in films. For 5 years, Khilkevich starred in such famous films as “Lawyer”, “Prima Donna”, “Flight of a Stork over a Cabbage Field”, but everywhere Anna played only minor roles.

Then the actress's career took off. The girl was noticed and began to be invited to play serious characters. Khilkevich can be seen in the films “Yolki-2”, “Don’t try to understand a woman”, the TV series “Barvikha” and “Univer. New dorm."

The star was married twice. The actress’s first husband was Anton Pokrepa; the couple’s married life lasted only a year. Then Anna tied the knot with Arthur Volkov, to whom she gave birth to two children. According to the girl, each pregnancy was accompanied by excess weight gain, which she then had to get rid of quite quickly.

By the way, Anna does not go on diets or starve. Her weight loss menu includes balanced and healthy dishes.


Khilkevich’s proportions are close to ideal, so the girl was increasingly invited to shoot as a model. The star was also honored to appear on the cover of Playboy magazine, where she fully demonstrated her gorgeous body.

As for her figure parameters, with a height of 160 cm, Anna weighs only 45 kg, and her volumes are close to those of a model: 84/59/86 cm. The girl admits that she owes her appearance to her parents and nature.

Why did I gain excess weight?

On her Instagram, Khilkevich complained that all the clothes that she calmly wore before the birth of her child became too small for her, because she had gained so much weight.

The actress fights excess weight in well-known ways: she doesn’t eat after 6 and moves more. Anna visits the pool with her eldest daughter and walks in the park.

Such weight loss can rather be attributed to weight control.

Goal: lose weight after childbirth

Losing excess weight after giving birth is quite difficult, but our heroine managed it and now happily shares her secrets. In such a difficult task, the actress was helped by proper nutrition and sports.

Khilkevich does not hide the fact that she even resorted to the services of a cosmetologist to get rid of the orange peel.

Colored diet

What is such a power system? The main point of the diet is to eat foods of only one color per day. On average, weight loss in 7 days is 5 kg. The colored diet is worth a try for those girls who are used to not restricting themselves too much in their diet.

Prohibited Products:

  • salt and sugar;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • fast food;
  • sweets;
  • bakery products.

Steamed or oven-cooked fish and meat are suitable for the diet. Products of plant origin are best boiled or eaten raw.

One of the advantages of a colored diet is that you can choose your own dishes based on the list of what is permitted. Do not overeat; you are allowed to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions.

Don't forget to stay hydrated to cleanse your body of waste and toxins.


Anna Khilkevich is completely satisfied with her weight and figure, because her parameters have become the same as before giving birth. Here is a sample menu that the actress offers to fans who dream of getting rid of the hated kilograms. You should only choose 2-3 foods and eat them throughout the day.

Mon White Day. Milk, white rice, banana, cabbage, potatoes, low-fat cheese (feta or mozzarella), egg white.
W Green Day. Cabbage (Brussels sprouts, broccoli), spinach, lettuce, parsley, dill, cucumbers, kiwi, green apples.
Wed Yellow day. Yellow bell pepper, corn, yolk.
Thu Purple day. Lilac grapes, eggplants, plums, black currants.
Fri Red day. Tomatoes, sweet peppers of the appropriate color, red fish, sweet peppers, raspberries, wild strawberries, strawberries, 100 ml. red wine.
Sat Orange day. Peaches, apricots, oranges, tangerines, sea buckthorn, carrots.
Sun Unloading. The menu for this day includes your choice of kefir or still water.

This diet should be followed for no more than 14 days, since the selected menu is not balanced.

Nutritionists about the colored diet

A colorful nutritional method not only reduces weight, but also improves mood, which has been proven by psychologists. In general, the colorful diet is designed for a week, but if you are overweight, you are allowed to stick to the diet for 14 days. Here's what experts say about this diet.

A meal where food is divided according to color is beneficial for the body. Plant foods contain phytonutrients, which determine the color of vegetables and fruits. They have a beneficial effect on human health and fill the body with vitamins. I am definitely FOR such a diet.

Kovalchuk Svetlana, nutritionist

A diet based only on fruits and vegetables cannot be called healthy and balanced. Such products put extra strain on the gastrointestinal tract and can even cause ulcers. Only a healthy person can withstand such a diet without problems. I would advise the rest to choose a more balanced diet.

Margarita Lesnova, nutritionist

Star secrets

The work rhythm, two children and a beloved husband - the star of "Univer" is literally in great demand. And how quickly does she manage to take care of herself in order to charm her fans with her beauty? The answer is simple: no fast food and good sleep.

  • Try to get more rest. If your whole life consists of working 24/7, think about how to help your body maintain such a rhythm. Give yourself a day off, turn off your phone and visit the spa.
  • Beauty has no age. The main thing is the right attitude. A woman can be beautiful both at 20 and at 50. Each age corresponds to a “certain” beauty.
  • Use makeup to highlight the features of your appearance. Anna Khilkevich tries to highlight the eyes, because they are the mirror of the soul. At the same time, the actress applies a layer of gloss in a nude (natural) shade to her lips.
  • Form healthy habits. The girl advises everyone to overcome their laziness and set aside 15 minutes in the morning for a light warm-up.
  • Start your day with water. Choose a glass of warm liquid with lemon.
  • Beauty is a complex of measures. Anna admits that her impeccable appearance is ensured not only by cosmetologists, but also by proper nutrition, her favorite sport, family and recreation.

Khilkevich also tries to maintain a tan using a solarium, takes care of her hair herself and spends time in the bathhouse, where she applies nourishing masks to her body.

It's hard to believe, but Anna is unhappy with her weight. She is trying to gain 2-3 kg to feel more comfortable.

Celebrity mothers never cease to amaze the public: no sooner do they give birth than they appear in public in perfect shape. What is the secret of these wonderful metamorphoses? Maybe they know the secret of beauty and slimness? Let's try to figure out how stars lose weight after childbirth.

Ivanka Trump and yoga

For the beloved daughter of the newly elected US President Donald Trump, being slim is not so easy. However, having given birth to her third child at the end of March 2016, Ivanka now boasts a toned figure. By the way, just two days after giving birth, Mrs. Trump allowed herself to wear a short dress! Ivanka admits: the secret of her slimness is regular exercise, and she has been practicing these types of activities for many years, and she does it even while pregnant.

Liv Tyler and cycling

Another example of how sports helps you quickly get in shape after childbirth is star Liv Tyler. In July 2016, the actress became a mother for the third time. As the star mom admits, during pregnancy she carefully monitored her diet and did not allow herself to overeat. After the birth of the baby, the actress began to correct her figure with the help of and.

Anne Hathaway is happy with her extra weight

Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway stands out from the ranks of star mothers who are actively losing weight. She became a mother in March 2016 and slowly but surely returned to her usual slim figure. What is the reason? The star mom decided not to torture herself with physical activity and diets, but preferred to simply enjoy motherhood. The actress mercilessly cut up all the clothes that became too small for her.

Anna Khilkevich and the vegetarian diet

In mid-December 2015, Univer star Anna Khilkevich became a mother for the first time. The actress never suffered from excess weight; rather, on the contrary, she looked very thin. However, during pregnancy, she finally had cute cheeks - while she was carrying the child, she gained 18 kilograms. But a little less than a month after the birth of her daughter, Anna was puffing with might and main on the treadmill in one of the gyms in the capital, and also switched to vegetarian diet. A couple of months later, the blonde reached her usual weight of 46 kg. Now she is sure that pregnancy does not harm her figure, and is even thinking about a second baby.

Natalia Podolskaya and breastfeeding

Natalia Podolskaya's son is two years old! By the way, the singer regained her excellent shape a little less than three months after giving birth, since Natalya gained about more than 11 kg during her entire pregnancy. The singer admits: she forbade herself from eating fast food and cakes, which she had been treacherously drawn to for almost the entire 9 months. After giving birth, she quickly lost extra pounds thanks to breastfeeding.

Elena Kuletskaya and hula hoop

In June 2016, model and TV presenter Lena Kuletskaya gave birth to her first child. The naturally slender girl did without dieting—the 16 kg she gained during pregnancy went away quickly and unnoticed. But the beauty had to work hard on her waist - the volume increased from 63 to 70 cm. To tighten her stomach and become slimmer in general, Kuletskaya selflessly twirled a hula hoop with weights. The TV presenter also tried to regularly do exercises consisting of squats, bends and lunges.

Natalia Vodianova and nutrition according to blood type

The supermodel can safely be called a mother-heroine - in 2016, 34-year-old Vodianova gave birth to her fifth child! Natasha, as in previous times, quickly got into great shape. What is the secret of the magical metamorphosis of the model, who manages to appear on the catwalk and take part in filming less than a month after giving birth? Vodianova has good genetics; in addition, her figure is positively influenced by an active lifestyle and nutrition adapted to her blood type.

Examples of celebrity mothers are a great motivation to get in shape after childbirth quickly and with pleasure. But remember that it is better to lose weight, especially for new mothers, under the supervision of a doctor, so as not to harm yourself and the child.

Many in Russia know Masha Belova from the TV series “Univer”. The real name of this beauty is Anna Khilkevich. Her beautiful figure became the envy of her colleagues and the dream of all the beauty’s fans.

That is why Anna Khilkevich’s diet is of great interest, with the help of which the actress maintains her body in ideal shape. The girl is happy to share the secret of being slim, without hiding anything.

Rules for losing weight

To the disappointment of the fairer sex, Anna Khilkevich does not have any special diet. The girl maintains a stable weight of forty-seven kilograms with a height of one hundred and sixty centimeters, following a number of simple rules for losing weight.

You can follow her advice. Of course, such weight loss will take a little longer than strict diets, but the results obtained will last for a long time.

In addition, you can follow the rules of losing weight all your life, then your figure will always be ideal, and you won’t be able to gain extra pounds.

Do not eat sweets.

Drink as much plain water as possible.

Have a hearty breakfast.

Do not overuse quick and unhealthy snacks.

Do not eat anything after six o'clock in the evening.

Try to choose low-calorie dairy and fermented milk products.

This is where the rules for losing weight end. It would be a good idea to eat fresh and reduce portions. In addition, many representatives of the fair sex know how many calories are in any serving of fried food.

Therefore, fried, smoked and too salty foods should be avoided. This is a small sacrifice on the way to an ideal figure that everyone will envy.

It is also worth noting that Anna does not really like to do physical activities; instead, she simply walks for a long time.

Absolutely everyone can follow the rules, and if you want, you can not only take a long walk, but also start visiting the gym,

For many viewers, Masha Belova is one of the favorite characters in the series “Univer. New dorm." The public also loves the performer of this role, 28-year-old actress Anna Khilkevich, just as much. Masha - for her charm, and Anna - for her acting abilities and, to be honest, for her appearance. Anya’s principles of being slim are not so secret: proper nutrition and exercise.

Find out the secrets of Anna Khilkevich's slimness!

Two extremes

Anna Khilkevich is sure: the key to good shape is a healthy diet. The actress controls her diet, although she admits that she does not exhaust herself with diets. He can even afford his favorite dish – pasta. " I can eat it every day! I probably know a million recipes for delicious pasta.", says the actress. But she doesn’t risk eating a lot of such food - she had weight problems that led to health problems.

Anna is not prone to gaining weight, but, as a teenager, she still managed to gain weight. Hormones are to blame, according to Khilkevich. With a height of 160 cm, Anna gained weight to 50 kg. Then she loved to eat chocolate bars secretly from her family, and washed down all this deliciousness with sweet carbonated drinks. And the girl was madly in love with shawarma and never missed the opportunity to treat herself to this completely unhealthy food.

At the age of 18, plump Anya lost weight sharply and began to weigh 43 kg. The girl desperately tried to get better, but nothing worked... Having finally overcome this problem, Anna realized that being overweight and being underweight were two extremes that she did not want to go to. As a result, the actress gained a little more weight, reached the 45 kg mark and stopped - she is comfortable in this state. Anna also had experience in following diets, including. It turned out to be negative: after just two days, the actress desperately wanted regular food. She even imagined the smell of meat and pies!

The star of the series “Univer. New hostel" helps a colored diet

But friend Khilkevich gathered her will into a fist and suffered for two whole months. The result is minus 7 kg and a long treatment, since during this time the body did not receive enough valuable substances. The stomach also suffered. But Anna was left with a good impression of the colored diet. It was easy to follow it, since the menu is varied and changes every day. Khilkevich was pleased with the result and willingly shares her “color” menu.

Color diet of Anna Khilkevich

  • Monday, white day. Milk, bananas, cheese, rice, pasta, egg whites, cabbage and potatoes.
  • Tuesday, red day. Tomatoes, red bell peppers, all red berries, red fish, you can have a glass of red wine.
  • Wednesday, green day. Any green cabbage: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, etc., spinach, lettuce, greens, various herbs, cucumbers, kiwi.
  • Thursday, orange day. Orange tomatoes, carrots, oranges, sea buckthorn, apricots.
  • Friday, purple day. Lilac grapes, eggplants, purple plums and black currants.
  • Saturday, yellow day. Yellow peppers, corn, yolks, peaches, zucchini.
  • Sunday, a colorless day. Unloading. On this day, only non-carbonated mineral water is allowed. You can drink it in any quantity.

You should eat often, but in small portions. This diet is designed for a week.

Wedding photo of slender Anna

9 rules for being slim

To ensure her figure remains perfect, Anna adheres to the following rules.

  1. Proper nutrition is above all. It provides not only a good figure, but also health.
  2. The actress starts each day with a glass of water, which she drinks on an empty stomach. Getting used to this and morning exercises turned out to be the two most difficult tasks on the way to a new lifestyle.
  3. The star controls her drinking regime. To comply with this rule, she uses a mobile phone app. The norm for Anna is 2 liters of drinking water per day. Water, tea, juice, coffee and other liquids do not count.
  4. Anna does not mix proteins and carbohydrates. She also excluded baked goods and flour, smoked, fried foods and dishes from the menu, and also does not consume mayonnaise and sweet carbonated drinks at all.
  5. The actress weighs herself every day. If it turns out that even an extra 500 g appears on the scales, he immediately takes action. Usually, to return to normal, it is enough to reduce portions for a short time.
  6. Khilkevich never eats sweets at night. He might drink tea instead. Green helps remove toxins, and she just loves Chinese black and oolong.
  7. Tries not to eat too much. It helps the actress that she is very picky about food. Between hunger and a dish she doesn’t like, hunger will choose.
  8. The actress eats meat every day.

Anna leads an active lifestyle. Goes to the gym at least twice a week. If you can’t do this on weekdays, be sure to catch up on the weekends. With a huge workload at work and the impossibility of getting out to workout, she pumps up her abs and does the “bicycle” exercise at home. The actress is also actively resting. In winter he skis and snowboards, and in summer he likes to go cycling.