During holidays. General rules of conduct during the holidays. Behavior during the autumn holidays

There is very little time left before the start of the winter holidays. All schoolchildren - young and old - are looking forward to them. After all, the holidays are a wonderful opportunity to get enough sleep, have fun, go through all the levels of your favorite computer game, lie on the couch and click on the TV remote control. Of course, all parents dream that the holidays will be as beneficial as possible for their child. “How to effectively organize a student’s rest during the holidays?” - this question worries almost all parents. From this article you will learn useful practical tips on how to develop the right approach to organizing a student’s vacation during the holidays.

Recreation for schoolchildren

Holidays are a long-awaited time for a wonderful pastime for children and their parents. How can you ensure that your child can profitably enjoy every moment of relaxation? It needs to be organized correctly. You need to clearly understand: the success of his studies in the next quarter depends on how the student spends his time and how he rests. So, the basic rules for organizing schoolchildren’s recreation during the holidays:

  1. We follow the regime. Wake-up and bedtimes, meal times, hygiene procedures: all this must correspond to the age and needs of the student.
  2. We watch our diet. Constant consumption of candy, candy bars and other sweets, soda, and fast food will not bring health to the student.
  3. We are doing sports. Let your child not forget about daily morning exercises, and let games in the fresh frosty air add vigor, strengthen and temper him.
  4. Expanding our horizons. We offer the student interesting books to read during the holidays and visit the library.

We remember that during the holidays the most important thing is to recover from intense studies and prepare the body for the next academic period. And the options can be very different.

Planning your daily routine

When starting to plan your child's vacation, first of all, figure out how to make the most of it. Please pay attention to student's daily routine during the holidays. Many parents are concerned about the question: “Should I allow my child to change his usual daily routine during the holidays?” That is, allow you to get up later than usual, shift your breakfast-lunch-dinner schedule, walk time, etc. In this case, everything is individual; parents have the right to choose the child’s daily routine during the holidays. It is best to take an individual approach to solving this issue, because one child normally tolerates getting up early in the morning, while the other has difficulty adapting to all sorts of changes. For children of the second type (most often this applies to younger schoolchildren) it is better to leave their usual routine, which was during school time. This way we will not disturb the favorable psycho-emotional state of the child. You can simply shift your bedtime a little: for example, by 1 hour. After all, the guys were tired while studying: let them rest.

You can completely abandon strict adherence to the regime: let your plans for the day slightly adjust it. However, the children's sleep time should be maintained:

  • Doctors recommend that younger schoolchildren sleep 10-11 hours
  • children 10-11 years old - at least 10 hours
  • students 12-14 years old - about 9 hours
  • High school students can sleep a little less (8 hours).

"Advice. Let the students get enough sleep during the holidays, because they often don’t get enough sleep during school hours, and this is fraught with neuroses, breakdowns, and depression.”

The child’s body must recover during the holidays - this is the main purpose of rest between academic quarters. This becomes especially important in winter, when the need for sleep increases.

Where to spend your holidays?

There are often situations when there is no one to leave a child at home with during the holidays. It’s good when parents also have holidays or can take a vacation. But what to do if there is no opportunity to spend the holidays with your child? Let's consider the options.

  1. Visiting grandma. Close relatives exist to help us out in difficult situations. A schoolchild under the supervision of his grandmother during the holidays is a good option. You don’t have to worry about nutrition and routine; the main thing now is to offer ideas for leisure.
  2. Prishkolny. There are cases when such camps operate in the off-season, and not just in the summer. Find out about the availability of such a camp at your school.
  3. Tourist trip with class. If the class teacher is also a good organizer, then the children can go on a trip to the sights of the country under his leadership. This is a great way to provide a child with leisure time during the holidays, which will make working parents feel relieved. And the student will learn independence, make stronger friends with classmates, see and learn a lot of new things. Such trips are remembered for a lifetime.

What can you do if you have no one to leave your child with during school holidays (video)

How to spend the holidays at home

If your child is going to be left alone at home during the holidays, then do not forget about his safety: give him instructions, call him more often.

Tell us what he can do at home when you are at work:

  1. Let's do the tasks. Let him read a certain number of pages of a children's book, and retell it in the evening. Let him draw a picture or prepare a wall newspaper on a given topic. Or you can make a craft, collage, applique. Give your child ideas for interesting things to do, and let him sit less at the computer or in front of the TV.
  2. Let your creativity run wild. Provide opportunities for children to be creative. Provide girls with hoops, threads, embroidery patterns, paints, brushes and paper, and boys with a new modern construction set. Let them do it, because new things always spark interest.

Many parents find it easier to sit their child in front of a computer or TV so that he does not whine from idleness. However, not many people know that younger schoolchildren are recommended to spend time at the computer no more than 20 minutes, and older students - no more than 30 minutes. Sitting in front of a screen carries the danger of losing vision, developing poor posture, and poor posture leads to the appearance of all sorts of diseases. Therefore, carefully consider what your child could do while at home.

Learning by playing

During the holidays, unobtrusive development of the child within the framework of the school curriculum will be useful. This is especially true for younger schoolchildren. Organize games and activities with your child during the holidays.

  1. Reading. What you should definitely read during the holidays is a fact. Visit a bookstore or library - let the child choose the book that interests him. Then you won’t have to force it to read.
  2. Mathematics. Create math-focused games for elementary school students. For example, “Treasure” (where you need to count steps and perform simple examples), “Culinary Masterpiece” (where, when preparing a dish, you can practice weight measurements or divide baked buns between guests). Ask your child for help: this way he will feel important and will complete your tasks with interest. Review the multiplication tables by placing sticky notes around the house. Exercises with puzzles, games of chess, lotto and checkers will bring benefits.
  3. Speech development and logic. Communicate with your child, play oral games with him that develop imagination, speech, logic, and vocabulary.
  4. History, geography, biology, chemistry, physics. Holidays are the best time to plan visits to museums, thematic exhibitions, and historical places. The student will, in a completely unobtrusive way, expand his knowledge, expand his horizons, and even become interested in something seriously.
  5. Aesthetic education. Introduce the student to the best examples of music, painting, and folk art. Vacations are a good time to go to an exhibition or concert of the children's philharmonic society, and then speak about your impressions.
  6. Lessons during the holidays. Did you know that homework is given during the holidays? Yes, so that schoolchildren do not lose their ability to learn. It is recommended not to do everything at once, but to complete one lesson a day.

"Advice. The best time to complete assignments according to the school curriculum during the holidays is11-12 noon.Do not overdo it!"

Keep your child interested in learning in natural ways. Don't forget that children need rest.

Let's spend time together

Spending time together will benefit the whole family, especially today - during the disastrous busyness of many parents.

Even if parents are at work during the holidays, they should try to organize evening family leisure: quizzes, joint themed games and walks, a fun family dinner.

Traveling with children

If the holidays of parents and children coincide, then you can go on a trip with your children. Today, travel companies offer something for every taste: weekends and two-week tours, hot countries and the delights of the northern regions, bus tours and cruises, excursions around their native land. You can also organize the trip yourself. To make such a vacation truly interesting, you can come up with a fix idea. For example, we strengthen our knowledge of the English language, study painting in the museums of Paris, check the legends and myths of Ancient Egypt and Greece, etc. Traveling time spent together will bring a lot of pleasure to everyone.

While traveling, expand your child's knowledge and vocabulary. Discuss together everything you saw, did, heard, and were surprised by. Read books on the road - now you can simply download them to your tablet. Give your child thematic tasks based on the impressions he receives: let him make a collage from photos or draw what he saw on his trip.


The student’s health status and his positive attitude towards further studies depend on how productive children’s holidays will be during the holidays. Help your student have a great time during the holidays and you will soon see how happy and cheerful he will be, delighting you with new successes.

General rules of conduct during the holidays...

Every child, regardless of age and the scope of plans for the holidays, must know a few simple safety rules during the holidays, otherwise the holidays can have unpleasant consequences. So, the small list of rules read out by teachers on the last day of school is by no means empty words. And every student should be familiar with it.

Basic rules of behavior that guarantee safety during the holidays:

It is necessary to follow the traffic rules, be careful and attentive on the roadway.

You should not go into the forest, to reservoirs, or go to another city without your parents’ knowledge.

All fire safety rules must be followed.

You need to behave as carefully as possible in bodies of water.

You cannot pet, let alone tease, homeless animals.

Depending on the time of year, you can spend your holidays in different ways. For example, if we are talking about spring or autumn, a child can go to the forest with friends or relatives, in winter - to the skating rink, and summer can hardly go without a trip to camp or to the sea. Therefore, it is quite obvious that the rules of behavior for different seasons are somewhat different....

Safety during the autumn holidays...

Safety during the autumn holidays is ensured by the following rules of conduct:

It is necessary to follow the general rules of conduct during the holidays.

It is necessary to follow the rules of the road, both as a pedestrian and when riding a bicycle or scooter.

When hiking in the forest, it is recommended to wear a hat and long sleeves to protect against insects.

Safety during the winter holidays...

Winter holidays are a wonderful time, which is characterized by a huge number of exciting activities and at the same time many additional risks.

You should be careful during icy conditions: do not rush when walking, do not run, and do not overtake passers-by.

You must follow safety rules near bodies of water and do not walk on ice.

It is necessary to follow fire safety rules and be especially careful with firecrackers, fireworks, and sparklers.

While skating, you must maintain a distance of 3-4 meters and listen to the instructions of the instructor.

While skating, you must keep a distance from other skaters, try to avoid people who skate poorly, as well as those who perform various tricks, in order to avoid a collision.

If you fall on the skating rink, you need to keep your hands close to your body, and also try to get to your feet as quickly as possible.

Winter holidays - the kids have a lot of free time. Winter always pleases us with snow and frost. On the one hand, it’s great: sleds, snowballs, on the other hand, slippery roads, the temptation to ride on the ice of the river, the possibility of catching a cold. Be careful!

Safety during spring break...

Spring break safety includes following general rules of behavior. However, there are also special requirements specific to this season. So, during spring break, the child should:

Do not walk near buildings, as icicles and snow may fall from the roofs.

Be extremely careful near bodies of water.

First of all, you should not go to bodies of water without adult permission.

You must not approach bodies of water with melting ice, and it is also prohibited to ride on ice floes.

Be careful when riding a bicycle or scooter and follow the traffic rules.

When using a skateboard, roller skates, or scooters, you must not only follow the rules for their use, but also remember that the roadway is not intended for them, and you must ride only on the sidewalk.

When going to the forest, be sure to have a hat, since spring is the period when ticks and other insects are active.

Also, don't climb trees...

Safety during the summer holidays

During the summer holidays, in addition to the basic list of safety rules, you must also adhere to the following:

Be sure to wear a hat during solar activity to avoid sunstroke or heatstroke.

While staying near a body of water, you must follow all water safety rules: do not swim in places with a deep or unknown bottom, do not swim in large waves, do not swim over fences, do not stay in the water for too long, do not swim close to boats, sails, ships. .

When hiking in the forest, you must wear a hat and long sleeves to avoid insect bites.

When using scooters and bicycles, you must follow the rules of the road; when using a skateboard, skates, or scooters, you must ride exclusively on the sidewalk....

Every year the curriculum becomes less accessible to students, compared to previous years: many new subjects are added, the requirement for the level of knowledge increases, etc. Therefore, before loading your child with studies during the holidays, you need to take into account all the wishes of teachers, psychologists and doctors who are more competent in this matter.

Experts recommend that parents put the health of your child first, of course, and give him the opportunity to fully enjoy the rest. After all, you can destroy all children’s expectations and reduce motivation to study if you constantly sit your child down with textbooks. Your student will be so tired that by the beginning of the school year he simply will not have the energy.

The exception to the rule is students who are classified as underachieving. For these guys, during the holidays, study should dominate over rest. But before starting the educational process, you need to take into account such an important fact as childhood neuroses. Many doctors believe that the main cause of their occurrence is nothing more than a difficult school curriculum. Please note that the main signs that may indicate this disease are the following:

  • the child does not sleep well;
  • circles appeared under the eyes;
  • there is a deterioration in appetite;
  • The baby began to stutter and bite his nails.

Another exception is the male applicants. For many of them, summer is not only a vacation, but also an opportunity to review previously learned material and prepare well for entering a university, college, technical school or lyceum. Now their future depends directly on the level of school knowledge.

But for those parents who believe in the need for summer learning, there are many facts to know. Do not forget that you should not overload the child, as indicated by such external signs as pallor and bruises under the eyes. Judge for yourself, scientists have proven that children who are actively involved in sports, spend a lot of time in the fresh air, have high academic performance. It follows from this that the daily routine is very important for a child; the alternation of study and rest should be in equal proportions.

We also cannot ignore the fact that additional fiction only affects the overall development of the child. Doctors note that overwork is a serious cause of many chronic diseases and mental problems, including. When all the characteristics of overfatigue are evident, you need to immediately stop classes and give the child a full rest. The best way to rest for him is to get a good night's sleep. You also need to know that summer classes can completely destroy all desire and desire to study in September. After all, during the holidays the child will not have time to miss school - he will not have the strength, the desire and interest in further activities will disappear.

If your child has independently shown interest in the educational process, support him and help him cope with this difficult activity. Do not judge him or try to lure him to a picnic or river. Please note that he will not do more than he can.

For parents who have listened to the recommendations of doctors and replaced studying with active recreation, we advise you to take note of ways to make the holidays bright and unforgettable. So, the most optimal thing for a city child is to relax closer to nature and away from the big fuss. For this purpose, a vacation to grandparents in the village can serve, which can fully leave good impressions and a charge of positive emotions for the whole year. After all, there is a river, a forest, a meadow, a lot of picnics and a lot of games in the fresh air, which is important.

A good option would also be to plan a joint holiday at sea, the advantage of which is both the improvement of the child’s health and new experiences, as well as the opportunity to finally spend time with the whole family.

We, of course, support the idea that the holidays are a time for relaxation, and only extremely necessary circumstances, which were mentioned in this article, can violate this axiom. It’s up to you to decide what to do, because there are so many people, so many opinions, but you must definitely take into account the recommendations of competent specialists in the field of medicine and pedagogy before making such an important decision in relation to your child.

Let the holidays for your baby become a sea of ​​positive emotions, because they were created for this, and not a negative imprint on the soul.

During school holidays, the child does not go to school, but parents usually work. In addition, your babysitters, whom you can completely rely on at other times, usually ask for a day off during holidays and vacations. During school holidays, children's clubs, sections, and study groups cancel their classes.
There is also a positive side to this situation: you know exactly when your child’s holidays will begin, which means you can prepare for them in advance. At the very beginning of the school year, make a copy of your child's school schedule - this way you will know about the upcoming holidays and can make a plan for the months ahead. Children's holidays are usually the main focus for families when discussing family vacation plans. If you know the school holiday schedule in advance, you can plan your holiday time so that it coincides with your children's holidays.
Vacations for parents, as a rule, are much shorter than vacations for children, so parents need to think in advance about who the child will stay with during the holidays. If your spouse has a flexible work schedule, you can plan your holidays so that your child spends the first half of the school holidays with his mother and the second half with his father (or vice versa). Some families create a schedule like this: in the morning the wife sits with the children, and in the afternoon the husband replaces her. If both parents have flexible work schedules, they can arrange it so that one of the parents is at home all the time (for example, the father works from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., and the mother works from 2.30 p.m. to 11.30 p.m.) .
Fortunately, modern employers are much more attentive to the needs and needs of their employees. The Federal Family Law, adopted in 1993, guarantees parents the right to leave for the birth or adoption of a child, as well as in the event of a child’s illness. This Act, however, does not contain any legislation relating to school holidays.
Sometimes situations arise when neither parent can take leave during the child's school holidays. In this case, parents will have to urgently rearrange their plans: under no circumstances should school-age children be left unattended. If you do not have the opportunity to hire a babysitter, then you will have to control the child from a distance. By this we mean the following: parents must take appropriate safety measures, they must provide the child with a clearly developed program of activities during their absence, and, most importantly, they must maintain regular contact with the child by phone.
Maybe one of your distant relatives or friends can help you. Some families with school-age children unite and develop a common “duty schedule” (for example, once a week one of the parents becomes a babysitter for all children from several families).
Students willingly take on babysitting responsibilities on holidays and weekends. Many educational institutions have special employment offices where students are offered work during the holidays. Contact your nearest educational institution for more information. Carefully read the recommendations of your future babysitter - she must have an impeccable reputation. Try contacting your local children's and youth organizations (Boy Scouts, Boys and Girls Club, etc.). Such public organizations usually organize special programs for schoolchildren during the holidays. If there are no such organizations in your city, gather the parent community and submit a collective petition to the city authorities.
Sometimes parents of schoolchildren open their own small business and run it at home - thus, their child is constantly under parental supervision. For a child, such a solution to the problem may be ideal, but working from home also has its negative sides, and not all of us are able to create our own family business.

How to make the most of your holidays

Try to ensure that during the holidays your child not only relaxes and has fun, but also learns something new and develops spiritually and physically. Before the holidays start, make an activity plan with your child. If you want the holidays to be a truly memorable time for your child, follow the tips below.

  1. Teach your child to perceive the world around him as a kind of mystery, a riddle that must be solved. Let every minute of the coming day become unique for you, unlike all other minutes. The approaching holidays should evoke only positive emotions in the child, leaving no room for any doubts, hesitations, or fears. If your child was disappointed during the previous holidays, he or she may develop negative expectations. Parents should try to correct their mistake, but they should not give their child unrealistic promises - all your plans must be realistic. During the holidays, a child should learn something new, make new friends - give him this opportunity.
  2. Consider the interests and inclinations of the child. Let the child make his own decisions. Ask your child what he would like to do with you.
  3. Let the most ordinary actions become an exciting game for you. Spend your days lightly and carefree, do not overshadow them with any negative emotions. Avoid fuss and haste, don’t try to be on time everywhere. You can just take a walk or watch your favorite program on TV, since the greatest joy for a child is communicating with loved ones.
  4. Do not plan tiring trips during the holidays. Some parents strive to send their child on an expensive tourist trip - it seems to them that in this way they can establish their parental authority. Do not forget, however, that the most precious gift for your child is you, your love, those precious minutes of spiritual intimacy that you give him. The simplest, everyday things acquire great meaning for a child if they are imbued with the light of parental love. You ride a bike, eat ice cream on a park bench, look at an album with family photos - these moments will remain in your child’s memory for a long time. Even just one day spent together can bring great joy to both you and your child.
  5. A stress-free day trip is just what your child needs during the holidays. For example, if you want a change of scenery, try spending a couple of days at a nearby hotel. Swimming pool, gym, golf course, slot machines - the holidays will be a real adventure for your child. Don't compare yourself to other families, just enjoy every minute of your holiday. Sometimes parents (especially if they are divorced) try to outdo each other. They feel obligated to offer their child something exotic and expensive, but as a result, psychological tension and discomfort arise between parents and children.
  6. Some families develop a kind of holiday ritual: all family members perform the same actions year after year. This has its own positive side - in this case, family members do not need to argue and quarrel, they know in advance what they should expect from the upcoming holidays, and therefore can spend more time communicating with each other.

Child free from school- this is a happy child. Therefore, the holidays cause a real flurry of positive emotions for every student. But children's joy is often overshadowed by the fact that adults have prepared a whole list of mandatory activities for the holidays. Is it right to burden a child with studying during the holidays? Is it possible to allow a schoolchild to completely forget about books, notebooks, equations and rules during the rest period?

Every year, teachers at the school practice at the beginning of the school year conducting tests, independent work, testing, in order to check the level of knowledge. As a result, it turns out that for the vast majority of children after the summer holidays this level is significantly lower than that shown at the end of the last school year. In addition, prolonged idleness and lack of routine during the holidays have unpleasant consequences - children have great difficulty adjusting to the educational process, get tired, and get nervous a lot.

Studying on vacation

The practice of continuing education during vacation has its positive aspects:

  • If the daily routine during the holidays is less strict, but still approximately corresponds to the usual everyday routine, and the child’s brain regularly consolidates acquired knowledge in practice and receives a fresh portion of information, there will be no problems when returning to the educational process.
  • During the holidays, the child has a lot of free time, the lack of which prevented him from studying a foreign language or improving in some subjects.
  • Children have complete freedom in choosing the time and method of learning.

The disadvantage of studying during the holidays is the child’s disappointment that the rest will be disrupted by boring lessons. However, if you develop the right strategy, there will be no problems and everyone will be happy.

How to combine the useful and the pleasant?

  1. When developing a study schedule, be guided by the fact that vacations were invented for relaxation, so let the schedule, in addition to classes, take into account entertainment and even time to do nothing.
  2. The choice of subject of study and developmental activities should belong to the child. Let him do what interests him.
  3. You cannot force children to study. This will only push them away. But the right motivation will set you up for independent manifestation of cognitive initiative.

By the way, the holidays are an excellent opportunity for you to teach your child responsibility and independence, teach discipline and planning skills.

A reasonable decision would be to choose a good developmental methodology. These include the Japanese method of teaching mental arithmetic “Soroban”, aimed at revealing and improving the child’s cognitive abilities and increasing the functional capabilities of the brain. Thanks to the Soroban School, children learn new material much easier. The training program is ideal for the holidays, since the duration of daily home exercises does not exceed 20 minutes. Regular training will not allow the brain to relax and will help consolidate existing knowledge. The effectiveness of the Soroban method is explained by the fact that it teaches children to learn with pleasure, so they themselves look for an interesting activity for their minds.