General rules of conduct during the holidays. Rules of behavior for children during the holidays School during the holidays is almost an amusement park

Irina Burkhovetskaya
Children's safety measures during the winter holidays

New Year and Christmas are long-awaited holidays that everyone loves. Games, entertainment and fun around the New Year's tree are remembered by children for a long time. Do not forget that it is during the holiday weekend that children may face the most unexpected dangerous situations at home, on walks and at visits.

It is difficult to control a child and limit the possibility of danger, especially during winter holiday time. But most damage and dangerous situations can be avoided. And the prevention of childhood injuries naturally falls on the shoulders of kindergarten teachers and parents.

Child injuries are much more common than adult injuries, which is not surprising. Children are very inquisitive and strive to actively explore their environment. But at the same time, they have very few everyday skills, and they cannot always assess the danger of the current situation. Therefore, childhood injuries are quite common.

Some specialists conditionally divide childhood injuries into several types depending on the place where the child can be injured.

Domestic (injuries that occur at home, in kindergarten);



Domestic injuries - the most common - are the carelessness of parents. Parents who leave their unattended children, and may leave dangerous objects in places accessible to the child, forget to close windows and doors, etc.

Holidays- this is the most carefree time, but it is the responsibility of parents to provide in advance safety of your children.

Below are the basic rules of behavior, written in poetic form, which the child will read and easily remember.

When you go fast on a sled

Straight down from a high mountain,

You may not notice your friend

And, of course, plaster awaits you.

It's so wonderful to ride down the hill,

But the roads are always dangerous.

Fast cars rush along the roads.

Can you get there?

Directly to them under the tires.

Don't go under the roof

There is snow and ice on the roof.

Icicles may fall

When someone is walking.

When the frost is down to minus twenty,

You go for a walk with friends.

But before we play in the snow,

Remember, you can’t throw ice!

If you went to the skating rink,

Play hockey once.

Be careful, don't rush

Don't hit your friends with your skate!

The guys dug caves in the snow,

They played a game "cubs",

They dug a deep tunnel

But they couldn’t find a way out.

If there's a snowstorm outside,

You go to bed quickly.

And don't leave the house,

Wait out the bad weather.

The snow is flying and spinning,

And it falls under our feet.

Don't put it in your mouth

He's all dirty from the inside.

Dirt is harmful, it is dangerous,

There are microbes in it - that's clear.

- Don’t walk on ice in winter:

Could you get into trouble?

In a hole or in a wormwood

And you will waste your life.

When the frost starts to bite,

Only the walrus goes for a swim then.

If you toughen up

You shouldn't be afraid of frost.

Always remember these rules

So that trouble doesn't happen to you

Remember, there is only one life,

She is the most important.

How to avoid childhood injuries?

Of course, it is impossible to completely eradicate childhood injuries - no one is insured against an accident. But the main goal of parents is to maximize keep your child safe. Because a large number of accidents occur precisely through the fault of parents - they were overlooked, they were not explained enough.

We can say with confidence that children already at preschool age can perceive argumentation, and therefore, let him learn about the danger from your words rather than experience it from his own experience. You just need to tell it calmly, without raising your voice or intimidating your child.

The older children become, the more important the explanation of the rules of technique becomes. security.

It is not uncommon that when a child goes to kindergarten, parents shift all responsibility for child injuries to educators and physical education teachers.

Undoubtedly, in time classes, all responsibility for the child falls on the shoulders of the teacher, but parents themselves need to familiarize their child with rules:

Rules of behavior on the road.

1. Cross the road only when the traffic light is green at a pedestrian crossing marked with a special sign and "zebra". When crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing that is not equipped with a traffic light, you should remember to first look to the right and then to the left.

2. You should not cross the road in front of an approaching car.

Fire rules safety during New Year holidays.

1. Do not decorate the Christmas tree with cloth or plastic toys, and do not cover the Christmas tree stand with cotton wool.

2. Do not light sparklers indoors, wax candles, or use firecrackers.

3. Pyrotechnics should not be used.

Rules of behavior in winter on open reservoirs.

1. Before standing on the ice, you need to make sure it is strong by using a stick.

2. You should beware of places where the ice is covered with snow; ice grows slower under snow.

3. For sledding, skiing, or skating, you must choose places with a strong ice cover, previously examined by adults. If the ice cracks, bends down, or water appears on the surface, immediately return to the shore. Do not walk on ice in a crowd or with a heavy load.

Rules of conduct in time hiking and skiing.

In time Hiking or skiing can be subject to dangers such as hypothermia and frostbite.

First aid when hypothermia occurs or frostbite:

1. Move the victim to a warm room as quickly as possible.

2. Remove frozen or wet clothes and shoes from the victim.

Never with frostbite it is forbidden:

1. Rub frostbitten areas of the body with snow;

2. Place frostbitten limbs immediately in warm water or cover them with warm heating pads;

3. Lubricate the skin with oils.

Child injury is undoubtedly a serious problem, but dear adults and parents! We can avoid most injuries if we supervise our children very carefully and teach them the necessary rules. security.

In vacation time never leave yours unattended children.

Teach children follow the rules from a very early age security. And remember that personal example is the most intelligible form of learning.

Vacations are the most carefree, joyful time for a schoolchild. Even if they last only a few weeks, how long are they expected by every child studying at school? No studying, no need to wake up early in the morning. But the holiday period is also a time of increased danger, a period before which every child must learn a number of small and simple rules regarding his behavior and safety. Children's behavior during the holidays is more difficult to control, but when they themselves know how they should behave in a given situation, parents become much calmer about their children.

In each school, before the onset of the holiday period, all class teachers of the school conduct a conversation with children, the content of which is to familiarize themselves with basic reminders on safe and morally correct behavior. It’s even better if your parents do the same. After all, these rules apply not only to children, but also to adults, and who else but parents should be an example of their implementation.

Rules are not empty words at all, most of them are drawn up from experience and other people’s mistakes. Thanks to them, you can preserve the health and moral character of any person, even a small one.

General standards of behavior and safety during the holidays

Any child during the holidays is surrounded by a huge number of dangers. It doesn’t matter whether they are summer or winter, spring or autumn. Each season of the year is fraught with its own dangers: winter - ice, frost and ice-bound ponds, summer - heat, swimming and insect bites. Throughout the year there is traffic, there is a danger of fire, and various types of injuries. Do not forget about politeness and adherence to etiquette in all situations that a student may find himself in during the holidays.

Regardless of the time of year at which children's holidays begin, there are certain rules of conduct that MUST ALWAYS BE FOLLOWED:

  • You need to adhere to etiquette standards, be polite, attentive to your elders and peers;
  • Comply with the requirements of traffic rules, be careful when crossing the roadway, ride a bicycle or roller skates only in safe places;
  • Observe ;
  • Behave carefully during games in relation to yourself and others;
  • Do not talk to strangers, do not respond to their signs of attention from them and do not go anywhere with them;
  • Landfills, , roads under construction, abandoned buildings are not a place for children to play!
  • Important: you should always inform your parents about your intention to go out with friends, it is advisable that the parents know these friends;
  • You cannot visit reservoirs, forest plantations, or go to other populated areas without the accompaniment of adults and notification of parents;
  • You need to dress according to the weather;
  • There is no need to approach wild dogs or other animals, you cannot tease them or try to pet them;
  • When at home, do not touch sharp, incendiary devices, chemicals and medicines;
  • Follow the rules of electrical safety and use of household appliances.

The list of rules may not be complete. Each parent or teacher can add their own small tips. This addition will most likely prove reasonable. There are no trifles in the safety of a child.

Rules of conduct during the summer holidays

Summer holidays are the longest. Summer is children's favorite time of the year: lack of school, heat, swimming, new friends and much more makes schoolchildren look forward to these holidays the most. But the longer the vacation, the greater the dangers. Summer can be beneficial for your child if the following rules are followed:

  1. When outside the house in the summer heat, be sure to wear a hat to protect yourself from sunstroke. Clothing must be appropriate for the season;
  2. In extreme heat, it is better not to go outside at all, to stay at home - this will help avoid heat stroke;
  3. Staying near bodies of water in summer is a separate set of rules:
  • You cannot swim in unknown places;
  • It is prohibited to enter the water without parental permission and adult supervision;
  • It is prohibited to swim beyond the designated fences and buoys without authorization or, in their absence, to move long distances;
  • You cannot swim near motor boats, motorboats, or barges;
  • You cannot run into the water upside down; when diving, try to stay under water as long as possible;
  • Playing with water is not permissible: it is strictly forbidden to hold back swimming peers or drown them, supposedly while playing. Water does not forgive mistakes!
  • You cannot swim for more than 30 minutes. If chills begin, you need to quickly get out of the water and rub yourself with a towel;
  • If you experience any strange sensations while swimming, immediately seek adult help.

Water is fraught with a huge number of dangers, but if these rules are followed, recreation on the water becomes pleasant and safe.

Behavior during the autumn holidays

The autumn school holidays are short, but compliance with the rules of conduct during this period of time is necessary. In addition to the general rules, you should always remember:

  1. When in the forest in the fall, be sure to take a hat with you and wear long sleeves in order to avoid bites from ticks and other insects;
  2. It is prohibited to set fire to dry grass, climb trees, or perform other traumatic actions;
  3. With the onset of autumn frosts, fragile ice forms on reservoirs. Going out onto it is DEADLY DANGEROUS!
  4. Without adults, you can’t go to bodies of water or into the forest at all, you can’t go to another locality without the permission of your parents.

Worth remembering

In autumn it gets dark much earlier, and this requires increased attention to following traffic rules; walking late in late autumn is also not worth it.

Behavior during the winter holidays

Winter is a time of year fraught with many dangers: frost, ice, icicles, slippery roads. In addition to the general rules of behavior during the winter holidays, children should be as careful as possible when being outside. Winter time is the most traumatic. Rules for safe behavior in winter can be systematized in the following memo:

    • When there is ice, do not rush, never try to overtake others. In case of a fall, to protect yourself from serious injury, you should try to fall on your side;
    • Strictly follow the safety rules when skating on skating rinks, snow slides, and skiing: do not push, maintain intervals and always be attentive to others;
    • Dress warmly - winter does not tolerate carelessness. At the first signs of frostbite, immediately inform your parents or other adults; never wear tight shoes;
    • IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED to go out onto bodies of water covered with ice;
    • It is prohibited for children to use sparklers and firecrackers without the presence and permission of adults;
    • In winter games with snowballs, do not try to hit others in the face;
    • Ice icicles hanging from the roofs of buildings pose a particular danger. Therefore, you should not walk along buildings and structures in winter.

MCOU "Rostoshisnaya Secondary School"

Ertil municipal district

Voronezh region




Prepared by:

teacher of MKOU "Rostoshinskaya secondary school"

Susoeva Vera Nikolaevna



Russia entered the third millennium, having in reserve both undoubted achievements in science and art, as well as problems in various areas of public life (polluted ecology, chronic diseases, worsening “Fathers and Sons” contradictions, etc.). The truth is that only a healthy person with good health, psychological stability, and high morality is able to live actively, successfully overcoming various difficulties and achieving success in any activity. Therefore, parents and teachers are concerned about raising a healthy, physically strong child and developing his creative abilities.

The teaching staff of the MCOU Rostoshinskaya Secondary School attaches great importance to the development of the creative potential of children, but the work of the children's organization "Unity" and children's self-government is no less important. Not only the teachers of our school, but also the children themselves note that the social problems of modern society are generated by fundamental changes that have occurred within our country (revaluation of values, destruction of traditional forms of work with students, the withering away of old social institutions, structural changes in all subsystems of society) . In the current conditions, it is necessary to look for ways to educate the younger generation that would, on the one hand, revive the positive experience of the Soviet school, on the other hand, reevaluate this experience from a modern perspective, enrich it with achievements in the field of educating representatives of foreign schools and domestic innovative teachers. We follow this path only in the joint activities of children's (school) and adult (teacher) teams.

Taking this activity as the basis for the work of the Rostoshinskaya Secondary School, teachers and children unanimously believe that any positive development of a child can only take place in a morally balanced, socially active, healthy personality. It has been proven that if a child is sick, he cannot devote all his energy to creation, to overcoming tasks associated with creative activity, which directly affects both the student’s academic performance and inhibits his development as a socially active, significant person.


The concept of a “healthy lifestyle” must be laid down in childhood. If the school conducts active propaganda and activities in this direction, then according to surveys of children, the parents of many of them seek salvation in medications, underestimating the power of influence on the body and the effectiveness of such factors as physical activity, hardening, etc.

It turns out that when a child regularly attends school, he develops a systematic adaptation to the rules and norms of a healthy lifestyle (morning exercises, work in physical education classes, regular nutrition, etc.), but during the holidays, when the child can only to attend clubs and sections offered by teachers, 70% of schoolchildren’s activity and desire in this direction decreases.

Vacation is the Latin name for Sirius, the brightest star in the Galaxy. Is it by chance or not by chance that people called a break in classes for free time from studying?

Vacations make up a significant part of schoolchildren's annual free time, but not all parents can provide their child with a full-fledged, properly organized rest during the school year.

During the big summer holidays, accumulated tension is released, expended energy and health are restored, and creative potential is developed. And here the summer camp with daytime stay for children takes on these functions. Several months before the start of the camp, a lot of preparatory work is carried out.

Necessity The development of this program for organizing holiday recreation, health improvement and employment for children was caused by:

increased demand from parents and children for organized recreation for schoolchildren;

the need to streamline the existing system of long-term planning;

ensuring continuity in the work of the school camp of previous years;

modernization of old forms of work and introduction of new ones;

the need to use the rich creative potential of adolescents and teachers in realizing the goals and objectives of the program.

Relevance This program is that it provides for the implementation of educational and leisure activities in variousdirections :


Beauty surrounds us everywhere, we just need to see it, feel it and understand it. The germs of this wonderful skill are inherent in every child. To develop them means to educate them aesthetically. That is why aesthetic education has always been and remains the most important part of the joint activities of the children's organization and the teaching staff.

Withinmoral and aesthetic You can do a lot of education during the holidays, and you can act in several directions: music, song, dance; communication with books, nature, art, involving the work of the “Press”, “Polyglot” (educational), “Express” (cultural) sectors.

Withinphysical and sports education

Daily morning physical education and health procedures carried out by the “Athletic” sector (sports sector) - (gymnastics, aerobics, strength warm-up in the gym), etc.

The work of various sports sections and clubs (football, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, use of exercise equipment), the involvement of children from the younger group as “active athletes,” which creates a positive emotional charge.

Carrying out various sports and recreational events, competitions, competitions.


This direction includes all events of a patriotic, historical and cultural nature in which almost all sectors of Unity are necessarily involved. The leading role is given to the “Mercy” sector (Timurov’s work). Activities in this area run throughout all sections of the program and instill in children patriotism, love for their native land, and a sense of pride in their country, its history and culture.


The Druzhinnik sector (discipline and order, florist) is actively working in this direction. All events organized together with children reflect moral and aesthetic education. They contribute to the development in children of a sense of responsibility, reliability, honesty, caring and respect towards themselves, towards other people and towards the assigned work, as well as a sense of a wonderful, caring attitude towards nature.

Leisure-creative and arts and crafts

Creative activity is a special sphere of human activity in which a person does not pursue any other goals other than receiving pleasure from the manifestation of spiritual and physical powers. The main purpose of creative activity is to develop the creativity of children and adolescents. It is in this activity that children become emotionally liberated and make new friends. All events in this area are fun, emotional, energetic, short-lived, and educational. This area is directly related to other areas of the program and is one of the most important. It promotes children's creative development and their initiative. Consequently, all sectors are involved in its work and the burden of responsibility is distributed equally among all participants in any event in this area. There is no better form of introducing a child to knowledge than play. Firstly, the game acts as an independent creative activity of education, upbringing, training, allowing children to acquire knowledge, skills, abilities, and develop their intended qualities and abilities (for this purpose, didactic, cognitive, intellectual development, active, role-playing and etc.)


Through the organization of fairs, exhibitions and sales, children master the basics of practical economics and partly entrepreneurship

The creation of children's self-government in the camp is aimed at creating partnerships between children during the shift. Based on a sociological study conducted among parents and children on the organization of summer holidays at the children's recreation center named after. Yu. Gagarin in this program emphasizes the independent activities of children.

This is the novelty of the program, which provides for the solution of the following tasks by the center’s assets:

1. Participation in the work of general bodies through their representatives;

2. Participation in planning, discussion and decision-making on the organization and conduct of educational and leisure activities;

3. Activation of educational and leisure work.

This work on organizing self-government in the camp provides for not only the active participation of children in affairs, but also the opportunity to disclose each of them. In collective planning, along with preserving the general idea (from everyone’s proposals to the general plan), new accents are added:

Recognition of the value of both accepted and not accepted ideas for implementation.

Usage The program provides for various forms of work with children (Excursions, hikes, cultural events, cultural activities, etc.), which enable children to maximize their personal creativity, activity, intellectual potential and ingenuity. Participants in the program are children and adolescents from 6 to 18 years old. The composition of participants is variable. The program implementation period is designed for 3 years (2012-2015)

This program is comprehensive in its focus, i.e. it includes diverse activities and combines various areas of health improvement, recreation and raising children during the holidays.

Considering all of the above, the teaching staff of the school sets itself the following goals and objectives:


Through the joint activities of the children's school organization "Unity" and the teaching staff of the MCOU "Rostoshinskaya Secondary School" to create optimal conditions that ensure adequate rest for children during the holidays, their improvement and creative development, contributing to the further development of a socially active, patriotic personality, capable of successful adaptation in society.


Organize a system of recreational activities during the holidays related to the prevention of common diseases in children;

Creating favorable conditions for organized recreation for children. Increasing the number of children covered by various forms of recreation and recreation;

Introducing children to cultural values, involving them in social and leisure activities, developing in schoolchildren communication skills, tolerance, a sense of patriotism, love for their small Motherland;

Unleash the creative potential of children through the joint activities of the school organization “Unity” and teachers;

Develop various forms of communication in different age groups;

Involving parents and public organizations in organizing recreation and employment for children and adolescents;

Promote the development of environmental and environmental work;

Ensuring safety measures when organizing holiday work.

THE EXPECTED RESULTS of the program are as follows:

Creating favorable conditions and opportunities for children to relax and improve their health during the holiday period;

Creating conditions for the manifestation and motivation of creative activity of students in various areas of socially significant activities;

Unity of the children's team "Unity", formation of children's and parental assets, development of self-service skills, self-government, mutual assistance;

Providing social and pedagogical protection and psychological comfort for children, developing a sense of self-worth and self-sufficiency;

Creation and strengthening of functional connections between organizations and institutions involved in organizing and providing children's recreation;

Implementation of socially significant projects aimed at developing creative activity, increasing the level of self-development in creative activity;

Increasing the coverage of children and adolescents with organized forms of recreation;

Improving the work of the summer school day camp “Sparrow”.


People can do things together

what you can’t do alone;

unity of minds and hands, concentration

their powers can become almost omnipotent.

D. Webster

The scientific and practical basis for the creation of this program were the pedagogical ideas of V.A. Sukhomlinsky, K.D. Ushinsky, I.P. Ivanov, V.A. Karakovsky, N.E. Shchurkova. Having highlighted a single idea, we defined education as the purposeful management of the development of a child’s personality, carried out in educational and extracurricular activities by the teaching staff together with children’s creativity.

Managing the process of personality development is of a dialogical nature; it is not so much the influence of the subject on the object, but rather the interaction of the parties. We are talking about a “soft”, “flexible, indirect impact on the individual. Managing means creating conditions for the development of a child, including him in a variety of activities, in a system of relationships, stimulating self-knowledge, self-development, self-realization (L.I. Novikova, V.A. Karakovsky. N.S. Selivanova). Each educator largely provides pedagogical support to the developing personality, and universal human values ​​such as Man, Family, Work, Knowledge, Culture, Fatherland, Earth, Peace in this case act as the basis of a unified educational process (according to V.L. Karakovsky).


The principle of humanization of education (L.I. Novikova): placing the child at the center of all directions carried out within the framework of the program, the implementation of a person-oriented approach to the organization of socio-cultural activities during the holiday period;

The principle of cultural conformity (A.V. Mudrik): socio-cultural activities should be based on universal human cultural values. This principle requires the introduction of a person to various cultural values ​​of an ethnic group, society: to the culture of everyday life, physical, material, spiritual, intellectual, moral;

The principle of environmental conformity and ecologization is based on the scientific understanding of natural and social processes, on the formation of the environmental consciousness of schoolchildren in the process of education. The implementation of this principle gives obvious advantages: health, harmony, absence of complexes, deep and lasting knowledge in accordance with the needs and abilities of the individual.

Systematic principle. Only through a systematic approach to organizing vacation time is it possible to ensure the integrity of the educational process;

The principle of success and support: creating conditions of voluntariness and choice - providing the child with the opportunity to choose forms of recreation and employment, based on his personal needs and interests, in accordance with his own desires. Success not only helps to unlock the potential inherent in the level of current development, but also opens up new opportunities, that is, a new zone of proximal development (L.S. Vygotsky);

Principle of participation: involving children in direct and conscious participation in purposeful activities, rational use of free time, involving parents in purposeful activities to form healthy habits in children, involving children in various associations, in conducting active recreation, in creating a favorable atmosphere of communication;

The principle of social compensation: ensuring social and legal protection of children and adolescents in families requiring social support;

Principle of guarantees: implementation of the constitutional rights of children and adolescents to health, implementation of state guarantees aimed at promoting health and preventing diseases of children and adolescents.

Organizational aspect of the implementation of the “Country Vacation” program.

Based on the analysis of the most effective forms and methods of working with children and adolescents, which were described above, it was possible to build a program taking into account the institution’s experience in organizing vacation leisure. The program focuses on the specific requests of children and parents, taking into account program documents.

The implementation of the program contributes, firstly, to maintaining and increasing the number of children attending the Vorobey school camp, and secondly, to the interest of children in visiting school clubs and sections during the holidays.

The basis for organizing vacation time is the given cyclicity of school holidays, which allows you to divide the organizational period into four blocks: autumn-winter-spring-summer. The thematic planning form allows for more thorough preparation of events and building a system for organizing vacation time:

- autumn vacation : organizing festive events on National Unity Day, Week of Games and Toys, organizing and conducting gaming programs, organizing the work of the “Counselor” sector, which works with primary schoolchildren, holding a toy library, implementing excursion programs;

- the winter vacation : organization by the Express sector of independent preparation and holding of extracurricular activities, New Year and Christmas holiday events, holding New Year trees, Christmas concert programs, organizing family holidays, etc.;

- spring break : carrying out intra-school events: “Three Days of Music”, organized by the educational sector “Polyglot”, which includes lecture programs, musical duels, and music competitions; “Three Days of Good” is organized by the “Mercy” sector, which is engaged in Timur’s work. This includes visits to nursing homes, visits to sponsored veterans, and assistance to the elderly.- - summer holidays : organization of the summer school camp “Sparrow”.

The mechanism for implementing the “Stana Vacation” program during the work of the “Sparrow” school camp.

I. The preparatory stage includes :


Recruitment of the squad;

Development of documentation.

II. The organizational stage includes :

Identifying and setting goals for the development of the team and the individual;

Team rallying;

Formation of laws and conditions of joint work;

Preparation for further activities under the program.

III. The main stage includes the implementation of the main provisions of the program .

Parents, children, teachers, public organizations - program organizers:

They learn, they relax, they work;

They make discoveries in themselves and in the world around them;

Help in organizing events;

They learn to cope with negative emotions and overcome difficult life situations;

Develop the ability to trust themselves and others;

Strengthen your health.

During the implementation of the program, pupils design a squad corner with the theme of a healthy lifestyle and an exhibition of drawings.

IV. The final stage .

Pedagogical analysis of results.

Every year, a long-term plan for organizing vacation time is drawn up (Appendix 1), which is adjusted during the preparation of each vacation period.

Basic forms of organizing cultural and leisure activities

as part of the implementation of the “Country Vacation” program

Game programs. Outdoor, folk, theatrical and other games.

Purpose: recreation and entertainment for children. Along with vivid emotions, participants receive the most important experience of interaction and joint achievement of a goal.

Children's sessions

Purpose: practicing and applying skills acquired during training sessions. Children's sessions include final classes, concerts, exhibitions, competitions, etc.

Excursion classes

Purpose: promoting the successful development of educational programs on patriotic education, broadening one's horizons, and acquiring new knowledge. Excursion classes are part of the educational process of creative groups and include knowledge of the native village of Rostoshi as a cultural and historically significant center - excursions to the school and regional museum, concerts and exhibition events, hikes, excursions, etc.

Organization of family holidays.

Purpose: building relationships between children and parents based on cooperation, help and assistance; establishing interaction on the basis of mutual understanding, humane, friendly, trusting relationships, activity in the course of cultural, leisure and socially useful activities in establishing contacts, positive mutual influence on each other. (Joint hikes, environmental campaigns, participation in the project “Creating a recreation area “Nadezhda”)

Measures to implement the program:

1. Study of trends in the development of approaches to organizing the free time of children and adolescents during the holidays.

2. Determining priorities and supporting the most effective forms and methods of organizing leisure time during the holidays.

3. Participation in the development of new approaches to organizing cultural and leisure activities during the holidays at the Rostoshinskaya Secondary School.

Conducting experimental work to develop forms and methods of leisure activities during the holidays that contribute to the positive socialization of the child.

Implementation of educational programs during the holidays.

6. Development and implementation of cultural events for the school camp “Sparrow”.

7. Support and development of initiatives and undertakings of members of the school organization “Unity” aimed at interesting, meaningful holidays.

8. Organization of the publication of information literature (wall newspaper “Unity”, lightning leaflets, booklets “Unity is us!”)

9. Search for effective forms and methods of organizing family holidays.

Methodological and informational aspect of program implementation.

For the most fruitful implementation of the program it is necessary:

Carrying out systematic work with the teaching staff of the MKOU "Rostoshinskaya Secondary School" on the development and application of tools and methods for designing and programming educational activities during the holidays;

Application of our own and third-party projects and activity programs in the field of organizing vacation leisure for children and adolescents;

Conducting methodological activities for organizers of vacation leisure for children and adolescents;

Formation of a methodological base for program support;

reflection of the implementation of the program, the progress of the summer health campaign in the media.

The program's activities are financed from the funds of the establishment of the Rostoshinskaya Secondary School, and the sponsorship of Agrotech "Garant", the Moskovsky store, private enterprise Alentiev.

The program's logistics plan is drawn up and adjusted annually.

One of the most important conditions for the implementation of the program is the creation of an information environment:

Two weeks before the start of the holidays, a plan of main events during the holiday period is posted on the institution’s website;

Information about key events is included in the scheduled mailing to the “Home” Children's Educational Institution;

Press and post releases of the main holiday events are compiled for the regional newspaper “Ertilskie Novosti”;

The information stands of the Rostoshinskaya Secondary School MKOU are being updated, informing about the work of the school during the holidays.

The administration controls the implementation of the Program

MCOU "Rostoshinskaya Secondary School".


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There is very little time left before the start of the winter holidays. All schoolchildren - young and old - are looking forward to them. After all, the holidays are a wonderful opportunity to get enough sleep, have fun, go through all the levels of your favorite computer game, lie on the couch and click on the TV remote control. Of course, all parents dream that the holidays will be as beneficial as possible for their child. “How to effectively organize a student’s rest during the holidays?” - this question worries almost all parents. From this article you will learn useful practical tips on how to develop the right approach to organizing a student’s vacation during the holidays.

Recreation for schoolchildren

Holidays are a long-awaited time for a wonderful pastime for children and their parents. How can you ensure that your child can profitably enjoy every moment of relaxation? It needs to be organized correctly. You need to clearly understand: the success of his studies in the next quarter depends on how the student spends his time and how he rests. So, the basic rules for organizing schoolchildren’s recreation during the holidays:

  1. We follow the regime. Wake-up and bedtimes, meal times, hygiene procedures: all this must correspond to the age and needs of the student.
  2. We watch our diet. Constant consumption of candy, candy bars and other sweets, soda, and fast food will not bring health to the student.
  3. We are doing sports. Let your child not forget about daily morning exercises, and let games in the fresh frosty air add vigor, strengthen and temper him.
  4. Expanding our horizons. We offer the student interesting books to read during the holidays and visit the library.

We remember that during the holidays the most important thing is to recover from intense studies and prepare the body for the next academic period. And the options can be very different.

Planning your daily routine

When starting to plan your child's vacation, first of all, figure out how to make the most of it. Please pay attention to student's daily routine during the holidays. Many parents are concerned about the question: “Should I allow my child to change his usual daily routine during the holidays?” That is, allow you to get up later than usual, shift your breakfast-lunch-dinner schedule, walk time, etc. In this case, everything is individual; parents have the right to choose the child’s daily routine during the holidays. It is best to take an individual approach to solving this issue, because one child normally tolerates getting up early in the morning, while the other has difficulty adapting to all sorts of changes. For children of the second type (most often this applies to younger schoolchildren) it is better to leave their usual routine, which was during school time. This way we will not disturb the favorable psycho-emotional state of the child. You can simply shift your bedtime a little: for example, by 1 hour. After all, the guys were tired while studying: let them rest.

You can completely abandon strict adherence to the regime: let your plans for the day slightly adjust it. However, the children's sleep time should be maintained:

  • Doctors recommend that younger schoolchildren sleep 10-11 hours
  • children 10-11 years old - at least 10 hours
  • students 12-14 years old - about 9 hours
  • High school students can sleep a little less (8 hours).

"Advice. Let the students get enough sleep during the holidays, because they often don’t get enough sleep during school hours, and this is fraught with neuroses, breakdowns, and depression.”

The child’s body must recover during the holidays - this is the main purpose of rest between academic quarters. This becomes especially important in winter, when the need for sleep increases.

Where to spend your holidays?

There are often situations when there is no one to leave a child at home with during the holidays. It’s good when parents also have holidays or can take a vacation. But what to do if there is no opportunity to spend the holidays with your child? Let's consider the options.

  1. Visiting grandma. Close relatives exist to help us out in difficult situations. A schoolchild under the supervision of his grandmother during the holidays is a good option. You don’t have to worry about nutrition and routine; the main thing now is to offer ideas for leisure.
  2. Prishkolny. There are cases when such camps operate in the off-season, and not just in the summer. Find out about the availability of such a camp at your school.
  3. Tourist trip with class. If the class teacher is also a good organizer, then the children can go on a trip to the sights of the country under his leadership. This is a great way to provide a child with leisure time during the holidays, which will make working parents feel relieved. And the student will learn independence, make stronger friends with classmates, see and learn a lot of new things. Such trips are remembered for a lifetime.

What can you do if you have no one to leave your child with during school holidays (video)

How to spend the holidays at home

If your child is going to be left alone at home during the holidays, then do not forget about his safety: give him instructions, call him more often.

Tell us what he can do at home when you are at work:

  1. Let's do the tasks. Let him read a certain number of pages of a children's book, and retell it in the evening. Let him draw a picture or prepare a wall newspaper on a given topic. Or you can make a craft, collage, applique. Give your child ideas for interesting things to do, and let him sit less at the computer or in front of the TV.
  2. Let your creativity run wild. Provide opportunities for children to be creative. Provide girls with hoops, threads, embroidery patterns, paints, brushes and paper, and boys with a new modern construction set. Let them do it, because new things always spark interest.

Many parents find it easier to sit their child in front of a computer or TV so that he does not whine from idleness. However, not many people know that younger schoolchildren are recommended to spend time at the computer no more than 20 minutes, and older students - no more than 30 minutes. Sitting in front of a screen carries the danger of losing vision, developing poor posture, and poor posture leads to the appearance of all sorts of diseases. Therefore, carefully consider what your child could do while at home.

Learning by playing

During the holidays, unobtrusive development of the child within the framework of the school curriculum will be useful. This is especially true for younger schoolchildren. Organize games and activities with your child during the holidays.

  1. Reading. What you should definitely read during the holidays is a fact. Visit a bookstore or library - let the child choose the book that interests him. Then you won’t have to force it to read.
  2. Mathematics. Create math-focused games for elementary school students. For example, “Treasure” (where you need to count steps and perform simple examples), “Culinary Masterpiece” (where, when preparing a dish, you can practice weight measurements or divide baked buns between guests). Ask your child for help: this way he will feel important and will complete your tasks with interest. Review the multiplication tables by placing sticky notes around the house. Exercises with puzzles, games of chess, lotto and checkers will bring benefits.
  3. Speech development and logic. Communicate with your child, play oral games with him that develop imagination, speech, logic, and vocabulary.
  4. History, geography, biology, chemistry, physics. Holidays are the best time to plan visits to museums, thematic exhibitions, and historical places. The student will, in a completely unobtrusive way, expand his knowledge, expand his horizons, and even become interested in something seriously.
  5. Aesthetic education. Introduce the student to the best examples of music, painting, and folk art. Vacations are a good time to go to an exhibition or concert of the children's philharmonic society, and then speak about your impressions.
  6. Lessons during the holidays. Did you know that homework is given during the holidays? Yes, so that schoolchildren do not lose their ability to learn. It is recommended not to do everything at once, but to complete one lesson a day.

"Advice. The best time to complete assignments according to the school curriculum during the holidays is11-12 noon.Do not overdo it!"

Keep your child interested in learning in natural ways. Don't forget that children need rest.

Let's spend time together

Spending time together will benefit the whole family, especially today - during the disastrous busyness of many parents.

Even if parents are at work during the holidays, they should try to organize evening family leisure: quizzes, joint themed games and walks, a fun family dinner.

Traveling with children

If the holidays of parents and children coincide, then you can go on a trip with your children. Today, travel companies offer something for every taste: weekends and two-week tours, hot countries and the delights of the northern regions, bus tours and cruises, excursions around their native land. You can also organize the trip yourself. To make such a vacation truly interesting, you can come up with a fix idea. For example, we strengthen our knowledge of the English language, study painting in the museums of Paris, check the legends and myths of Ancient Egypt and Greece, etc. Traveling time spent together will bring a lot of pleasure to everyone.

While traveling, expand your child's knowledge and vocabulary. Discuss together everything you saw, did, heard, and were surprised by. Read books on the road - now you can simply download them to your tablet. Give your child thematic tasks based on the impressions he receives: let him make a collage from photos or draw what he saw on his trip.


The student’s health status and his positive attitude towards further studies depend on how productive children’s holidays will be during the holidays. Help your student have a great time during the holidays and you will soon see how happy and cheerful he will be, delighting you with new successes.

The vacation schedule at schools, universities and secondary vocational education institutions in Moscow is approved individually for each educational institution by its director, rector or other decision-maker. In practice, the vacation schedule rarely differs from the recommendations of a higher authority.

Russian schools live according to two academic “calendars”: quarters and trimesters. Depending on this, and also based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, educational institutions themselves determine the dates of the holidays. In general, it is beneficial for the school to adhere to the generally established framework, since general holidays mean greater opportunities for organizing quality children's leisure time: performances, excursions, concerts, etc.

Holidays in schools with a quarterly education system

Those who study in quarters have holidays four times a year - autumn, winter, spring and summer.

– 2019 academic year

Of these, the dates of the autumn holidays at the end of October and the beginning of November are less stable: their end date depends on National Unity Day, which is celebrated on November 4. For example, the autumn holidays of 2018 will not last traditionally from Monday to Sunday, but will last a day longer due to the postponement of the day off. That is from October 27 to November 5.

New Year holidays 2018–2019 academic year

New Year holidays, as a rule, begin in the last week of December and end on the 10th of January. Schoolchildren go to school on Monday. Winter holidays in the 2018/2019 academic year will continue from December 30 to January 8. First-graders will have additional holidays in winter* – from 16 to 25 February.

Spring break 2019 school year

The situation with holidays in the spring is much simpler - the dates do not depend on holidays. Spring break falls in the last week of March and the first week of April. In 2019, schoolchildren will have a rest from March 23 to March 31.

Summer holidays 2019 academic year

Summer holidays will begin as usual - on the last Monday of May. In 2019 it falls on the 27th. Thus, from May 27 to September 1 Schoolchildren are waiting for three whole happy months free from lessons.

* For students of first grades and classes of correctional and developmental education.

In addition to scheduled holidays, school classes may be canceled for the following reasons: