Secrets of Daria Dontsova's slimness. Diet of Daria Dontsova. How Daria Dontsova lost weight

Daria Dontsova is a well-known writer of ironic detective stories. Currently, with the writer’s height of 164 cm, her weight is only 45 kg. This unique woman developed a diet for herself.

The diet of the Russian writer consists mainly not in excluding any foods from the diet, but in key principles and little tricks that Daria Dontsova adheres to every day.

Diet principles from Dontsova

Basic principles of the Russian writer’s diet:

    Counting calories eaten per day. Daria Dontsova claims that strict calorie counting is the first step to losing weight. A person who leads a mostly sedentary lifestyle should consume no more than one thousand calories per day.

    Food diary. To track your calorie intake, the writer advises getting a special notebook, which will simplify the process of calorie counting.

    Strict control of consumed fats. The daily intake of fat should not exceed 30 g. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the “hidden” elements that are contained in many products.

    Refusal of auxiliary aids. Daria claims that, despite the effectiveness of some pills and nutritional supplements, you should avoid them, as they negatively affect the digestive system.

    Clear diet plan. In this case, the writer chose a low-calorie diet, which is based on eating low-fat foods.

Using the key principles of Daria Dontsova’s diet, you can significantly lose weight and keep it at an optimal level.

“Little” weight loss tricks from Daria Dontsova

    Full length mirror. Day after day, watching your reflection, you hardly want to see the flaws in your figure.

    Regular weighing. This aspect will help control even the slightest weight loss. And visible results will encourage the process of further weight loss.

    The outfit is a size smaller. A beautiful dress in a smaller size is a great incentive to change.

    Regular physical activity. Full training will help you achieve the best results.

Daria Dontsova's diet is an ideal option for effective weight loss!

Among the numerous diets, it turned out to be very difficult for me to find something acceptable for myself. I can’t fast for a long time, I don’t have enough willpower. It’s also not possible to eat the same food for several days; on the second day I give up. Fasting days were the only thing that could work, but only if you went to bed after 6 pm, because in the evening you were ready to eat an elephant.

And after reading a lot of information and talking with friends and acquaintances, I finally found an interesting and affordable diet for myself, recommended by the writer Daria Dontsova. As a matter of fact, looking at Daria, I want to look no worse. And considering how old the writer is, I think that everything can be repeated for us ordinary readers.

I figured out Daria Dontsova’s diet mainly from her books and numerous interviews. After defeating breast cancer, the writer had to struggle with excess weight, and she describes this in detail in her books.

Now the essence of the diet itself. All harmful foods are excluded: fatty, fried, smoked, sweet. After 19.00 do not eat anything at all. And try to exclude salt from the table. Eat small portions, but 5-6 times a day. The most important condition of this diet: one serving of food should fit in the palm of your hand.

In general, nothing complicated. At first, a small portion caused a protest in the body. I wanted to eat within 30 minutes of eating. But within a week I got used to it. And I think that the essence of this diet is that the stomach gradually decreases in size and it requires much less food than we are usually used to eating.

I have set numerous concessions for myself. I still eat sweets and starchy foods, but not more than 1-3 times a week.

For breakfast, porridge and a small cup of coffee. Porridge without salt, sugar and butter. To make the taste pleasant, Daria Dontsova advises adding finely chopped low-fat cheese (30%) to the plate, believe me - it’s very tasty. For sweets, I add dried fruits to the children and everyone is happy.

Second breakfast - fruit or cottage cheese.

Lunch is up to your taste, but the portions are very small. I don’t like the first one, so I allow myself a full plate of the second one with something meaty.

Afternoon snack – fruit or cheese.

Dinner should be light, but I have a regular dinner, I just serve myself a portion the same size as for my five-year-old son.

In three months of summer I lost 5 kilograms. I am very glad that the weight has decreased. I’m gradually starting to switch my whole family to a healthy diet so that they completely forget the taste of fried and fatty foods. It's just a pity. that healthy dietary products are very expensive here.

The famous writer shared with her fans the secrets of her slimness - for many years now, the author of her favorite ironic detective stories has weighed 45 kilograms. She doesn’t hide behind a mop, but on the contrary, she feels great and is pleased with herself. All her followers know that Agrippina Arkadyevna (Dontsova’s real name) heroically fought cancer, but hormonal therapy did not go unnoticed - Dontsova gained a lot of weight. Agrippina Arkadyevna did not “put on” the extra pounds - being overweight literally became the price of her salvation, and almost immediately after recovery she began to lose weight. And the results are still amazing.

At sixty, with a height of about 165 cm, Dontsova weighs only 45 kilograms.

Let's find out how she does it.

How did Daria Dontsova lose weight?

Having started to struggle with excess weight, the writer first of all signed up for the gym. And she still goes there. I didn’t even change my coach – enviable consistency! Dontsova does fitness twice a week, mostly in the evening: exercise on machines, cardio and always (!) stretching.

The food is exceptionally clean. Both in the process of losing weight and now. The writer admits that she does not and has not been on strict systemic diets, but of course she does not eat “food garbage.” She has not eaten sausage and processed foods, red meat, pork, pastries, cakes, muffins and other sweets for a long time. Wednesday and Friday are fast days for Dontsova - you can eat only modest food and only twice. Then – keep your mouth shut! And Agrippina Arkadyevna fasts 4 times a year.

Secrets of slimness from Daria Dontsova

  • Fitness 2 times a week
  • Daily stretching
  • Palm-sized portions
  • Refusal of red meat, sweets, fatty foods
  • Fat burning pills and teas are nonsense and harmful! Due to their actions, Dontsova has absolutely no faith and categorically does not advise women to resort to these means, even if you are close to despair.

Dontsova believes that for a woman who leads a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, 1000 kcal per day is enough. This is her personal observation. Anything above will most likely go to fat.

To monitor the achievement of goals, the writer advises weighing yourself regularly, keeping a food diary, and be sure to buy a full-length mirror for your home.

Trick from Dontsova: if you really want to eat, deceive yourself. This is called the law of substitution. Do you want a sandwich with bread and cheese? Eat it, but only with cucumber, without bread. It is clear that only women (and men, why not?) with iron willpower can do such methods, but we hope that the advice from our favorite writer and TV presenter will be useful to someone.

Dontsova teaches not only how to deceive the body, but also how to motivate yourself - for example, buy a beautiful, expensive dress a couple of sizes smaller. In this case, she laughs, you will have virtually no chance of staying at the same weight.

The words of one of the heroines of her book “Grandfather of Marriageable Age” have spread all over the Internet:

“There is a very simple way to get yourself back to normal. Use everything, but divide the portion in half. Let's say you used to have two sandwiches for breakfast and wash them down with a glass of coffee, where you put four lumps of sugar. So, eat one sandwich, half a glass of coffee and a couple of pieces of refined sugar. For lunch there was soup, cutlets and mashed potatoes? Great, I don’t see any logic in separate meals, our stomach has long adapted to receive proteins along with fats and carbohydrates! Pour half a plate of broth, take one half of the steak and mashed potatoes. And so with everything!

Did you enjoy a bag of nuts? There are two hundred grams. Now you can only eat a hundred. Don't forget to drink. Did you calmly blow out a liter of Coca-Cola? I won’t give a lecture about the dangers of sweet carbonated drinks, but stop at five hundred milliliters. In six months you will lose some of the excess weight. Do you want to lose more weight? Nibble off another quarter of your diet.”

Calorie control and good scales

In an interview, Daria repeatedly admitted that she does not like diets, strict food restrictions and various diet pills, which she considers frankly harmful to the body. That is why her own nutritional method, thanks to which Dontsova lost extra pounds, is based not on the constituent portions, but on their quantity and volume.

And here, first of all, we should talk about controlling the number of calories consumed. The writer advises purchasing accurate scales in order to have a complete picture of how weight loss is progressing, as well as keeping a special diary to record and account for everything eaten per day, counting calories, the number of which should not exceed 1000-1200. This figure is explained by Daria’s profession, which involves a sedentary lifestyle and spending a long time at the computer. At the same time, you do not need to exclude all foods from your usual diet. You just need to choose a low-calorie menu that you yourself will like.

Less fat

In addition, Dontsova recommends limiting the consumption of fats, which are found mainly in milk, butter and cheese. The body uses fats as a strategic reserve, that is, excess weight, which is the last thing to get rid of, and therefore the consumption of products containing it should be reduced to 30 grams.

A good addition to this diet can be sports or any other active activity in the form of, for example, a long walk around the city. After all, if you don’t burn off the weight you’ve already gained, your diet will be of little use.

portion no more than 100 grams

Now Dontsova does not adhere to any diet or strict nutrition system, but continues to monitor her weight. She weighs herself regularly, tries to control the size of her portions, which do not exceed 100 grams, and also monitor the foods she eats. For example, the writer practically does not eat bread, pork and beef, avoids confectionery, baked goods and fried foods, preferring healthier chicken and cottage cheese.

However, Daria does not starve at all - on the contrary, she does not allow long breaks between meals and always takes containers of food with her on the road, for example, buckwheat, and usually uses nuts, dried fruits and dark chocolate as a light snack. In addition, Dontsova tries to maintain water balance and drink more fluids. In the morning she always drinks a glass of water on an empty stomach, and throughout the day - one and a half to two liters.


Sports also play a significant part in the life of the famous writer. Despite her advanced age, Daria devotes a lot of time to training. Three times a week she goes to the gym, where she does fitness for several hours under the guidance of a trainer. Dontsova is convinced that physical activity helps not only maintain health, but also maintain a slim shape better than any diet.

Biography of Maya Dontsova

The surname Dontsov has long been associated with the name Dasha among a wide audience. However, the famous writer Daria Dontsova has nothing in common with her namesake Maya. Real fame came to the latter after participating in the “House 2” project.

Before participating in the reality show, Dontsova was a down-to-earth girl - with cheeks and a round tummy. True, a couple of extra pounds did not bother her at all and she was never dissatisfied with her weight. Everything changed when the girl’s boyfriend Alexey Kupin began to demand changes in appearance. According to Kupin, Dontsova loves to eat delicious food and does not deny herself fast food.

During the filming of the television project, thanks to another participant Ruslan Minakov, Dontsova noticeably became slimmer. Minakov compiled a nutrition and training program for the girl, thanks to which she lost about 5-7 kg. A detailed diet of Maya Dontsova can be found here.

Shape Options

There is no exact information about how many kilograms Dontsova has lost. Likewise, there is no data on the girl’s figure parameters. What is known is that within 10 days after using the “drying” technique, her waist size decreased by 6 cm.

Age, height and weight for 2018

In 2018, Dontsova turns 26 years old. According to various sources, her height ranges from 162 to 165 cm, weight – 50-52 kg. True, some sources indicate that the girl has lost even more weight and weighs about 47 kg. In the before and after photos the difference in volume is colossal.

The essence, principles and rules of the diet

How Maya Dontsova managed to lose weight using “drying”:

  • I completely gave up fast food, smoked meats, marinades, pickles, sauces, soda, alcohol, sweets, baked goods and candies;
  • monitored the drinking regime - drank at least 2 liters of non-carbonated mineral water per day;
  • gave up fried foods in favor of steamed, baked, boiled ones;
  • gave up fast carbohydrates in favor of complex ones;
  • switched to fractional meals in small fist-sized portions (up to 300 g), which she consumes at intervals of 2-3 hours;
  • I developed the habit of starting every morning with a glass of water to start the process of cleansing the intestines.

The “drying” technique involves shifting the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates towards the former. If in the classic version it is 1:1:4, then when drying it is 3:1:1.5.

For the technique to work faster, it is important to combine the diet with sports – strength and cardio exercises.

Sample menu

Before using “drying,” Dontsova tried to lose weight with the help of strict mono-diets. She often exhausted herself on a cucumber diet and could eat only cucumbers for a week. However, this diet allowed me to quickly lose up to 4-5 kg. After returning to the usual diet, the weight returned. And the figure with this diet was far from ideal - the volume went away, but the skin became flabby and hung unsightly.

Thanks to Ruslan Minakov, Maya managed not only to lose weight, but to qualitatively change her figure. Today the girl is slender, fit, but not without pleasant curves.

A sample menu is:

  • Breakfast - 2 egg omelet, whole grain toast with a slice of cheese, tea.
  • Snack – 50 g cheese, 8 olives.
  • Lunch – 150 g boiled buckwheat without salt, 150 g chicken breast, dried fruit compote.
  • Snack – 100 g of cottage cheese, green tea.
  • Dinner – grilled fish, vegetable salad with a spoon of olive oil, tea.

The role of sport in Dontsova’s weight loss

Regular training entered Dontsova’s life after collaborating with Ruslan Minakov. The fitness trainer has put together several effective complexes that allow you to make your figure more toned, but without pumping up your muscles. Twice a week the girl works with weights (dumbbells 2-3 kg), once she resorts to cardio exercise - walking, jogging, cycling for an hour.

Star plastic surgery

Maya herself does not confirm the information about plastic surgery. But if you compare the photos, you can notice the difference in the cheekbones, shape of the nose, lips and chest.

Despite the absence of problems with excess weight, Dontsova repeatedly tried to lose weight using different diets. Not all attempts were successful. Over the years of trying, the girl developed the following rules for herself:

  • Don't try to lose weight quickly. All qualitative changes must occur gradually. The ideal rate of weight loss is 2-3 kg per month. This is a guarantee that the weight will not return when you switch to your usual diet.
  • It is important to distinguish the feeling of hunger from thirst. If you feel hungry, Dontsova drinks a glass of water and waits 15 minutes. If after a while you still want to eat, eat something light but satisfying - a banana, cottage cheese, a boiled egg.
  • Strict diets are harmful to hair, nails and skin. If you resort to these, then be sure to take additional vitamin complexes. Otherwise, the body will not receive all the micro- and macroelements it needs.
  • You can’t resort to diets often. Maximum – once every three months. But it is much healthier and more effective to balance your diet.

Personal secrets of the creator of the method

The “drying” technique is considered one of the most effective, but it can only be used under the supervision of a specialist. Due to a sharp restriction in the amount of carbohydrates, headaches, insomnia or drowsiness, apathy, and irritability may occur. These symptoms appear because the brain does not receive enough glucose, the main source of fuel. Therefore, it is advisable to reduce intellectual stress during the drying period.

If such a diet is supported by strength training, it is important to increase the amount of protein in the diet. Ideally, you should consume 1.2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. If the training program includes weight training, the amount of protein can be increased to 1.4-1.6 g per kg of body weight. A specialist should calculate the daily portion of proteins more accurately.

To avoid problems with hormones, it is important for women to consume healthy fats, which are found in nuts, avocados, vegetable oils (walnut, sesame, flaxseed, corn), and fish. Thanks to Omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, metabolism is maintained and female sex hormones are produced.

More information about “drying” for girls can be found in the video below.