How and why men check women. Checks that all men arrange for their women How long do men check

A feminine take on various male checks, and it doesn't matter if you only know the car door test from The Last Bronx Tale.

“Did you ask a girl out on a date? Great, Si. Take my car and follow her. At her house, lock both doors and go up for your beauty. Then open her door, help her sit down and go to your door. And look through the rear-view glass to see how it behaves. If she bends down to help you open the door, she is a good girl. If she doesn’t do this, she’s a damn selfish, leave her, Si! .. ”From the movie. "The Last Bronx Tale"

When people enter into a relationship, women willy-nilly test the chosen one: is he able to endure the company of her friends during the evening, does he love children, is he not greedy, can he withstand the blows of fate? There is nothing reprehensible in this, because in order to recognize a person, you need to eat a pound of salt with him. But sometimes it’s reluctant to spend time and nerves on eating sodium chloride, and hunting in the shortest possible time to dot the i's and decide where to go next - together towards one goal or each in his own direction.

For this, there are mini-checks and tests to which candidates for princes on a white horse are subjected. Moreover, they begin with the first date: he came without flowers - which means he is a greedy and ill-mannered chump, with one stunted flower - a greedy and a pig, with a luxurious bouquet - he is admitted to the next stage.

The most natural and at the same time outrageous is that men also test women. And they do not just draw conclusions from how the girls behaved in certain circumstances, but consciously create these circumstances. And when the woman is sure that without a second thought she helped the sweetest old woman collect the scattered vegetables, the granny suddenly turns out to be a mishandled Cossack woman and a secret agent who, for a reason, dropped a string bag with eggplant peppers from her hands.

Basic male checks:

“You only think about yourself!”

It was not for nothing that we began the story with the phrase of the movie gangster Sunny. All men are sure that the root of evil is in female egoism. If you have this trait, you are supposed to run away at full speed, but if the chosen one is Mother Teresa, you can relax. About whether you profess the principles of "my hut is on the edge" and "my shirt is closer to the body", they find out with the help of, for example, a box of chocolates. And now let's give the floor directly to the heroes:

“I can’t stand arrogant princesses who are sure that everyone should squat around them. Therefore, on the first date, I give the girl a box of chocolates: if she treats me - “normal flight”, if she doesn’t think - goodbye ... "

“Shopping is the best controller! Before marriage, he did this - he gave the girl his credit card and offered to buy whatever your heart desires. If the beauty swept the contents from the shelves, regardless of color, style and size, you yourself understand - mademoiselle from the breed of kept women, we are not on the way. If I started to study the price tags and grumble, they say, “these boutiques have exorbitant prices” - it’s already better, but still “not a fountain”. It is commendable that she saves my money, but, firstly, it is possible that a stingy wife will grow out of a thrifty bride; secondly, it offends - it turns out that she doubts my viability. And my future (at that time) wife won the race: the first thing she went to the menswear department and chose a shirt for me.

“And in one fell swoop I lay down several birds with one stone - I invite the girl to the company of friends, where the first test line is a feast. If the lady of the heart is frivolous, capricious - “I don’t eat pork, but I refused bread five years ago” - it’s already bad, she has obvious problems with respect for people, she is used to nurturing only her needs and considers herself the center of the universe. If she laughs at the jokes of her friends, flirts, but she forgot to think about me - “madam, our meeting was a mistake.” But if he takes care of me, makes sure that the plate is not empty, puts tastier pieces and straightens the napkin - keep it up.

Well, how do you like "road checks"? In principle, nothing fatal - no one forces you to pull a scratching cat out of the fire or swim across the English Channel. But for some reason it seems that these tests have too high a percentage of error. Judge for yourself, there is such a thing as the human factor - mood, health and other little things in life. If you refused to buy at someone else's expense, you may think that you are not familiar enough, or maybe you fundamentally refuse sponsorship, while remaining a golden man. But to treat a young man with a candy from a box presented to him is a matter of good breeding, but in no way selfishness of nature. You can feed him all the chocolate, but then calmly throw it on the night track - cuckoo around a stalled car.

"Money, money, money..."

“I want to be loved just like that, not because of money and not because I am the Sultan of Brunei!” - the second most important male fad. In fact, it’s time to learn: as we are, “black”, only our mother is ready to love us, and for everyone else we have to be “white” and show weight in society. However, men continue to temporarily turn from a prince into a beggar, disguise themselves as a dervish and try their luck. In order not to overlook the millionaire, women should keep in mind what masks he can try on.

“I make a date with the girl, I promise to pick her up at the agreed time and I stop by ... on an old grandfather's Oka. If she doesn’t run away right there, within half an hour she doesn’t come up with urgent cases, and even more so agrees to the next meetings - well, you can show her the goods in person. And there is something to show, be sure.

“And on the very first evening I offer the girl to fly with me to Bali. It doesn't matter that we only know each other for a day, are we flying or not? If she agrees, they say, I love adventures, just let's pick up my passport - most likely, she will end up in Bali with someone else. You see, if common sense and the elementary instinct of self-preservation fail her, if it is much more important for her to get to the resort at someone's expense - alas, the test is failed. What if in my place there would be a swindler or a criminal? And in general, the thought that she is ready to keep company with anyone who has money is unpleasant.

“I try to quickly find out the environment of the contender for my heart. If they are all glamorous fifas, who have all the conversations “who is on what, what for how much” - most likely, the girl is also a materialist. So far, unfortunately, there have been no errors.

In principle, checking for the disinterestedness of girlish intentions is no longer a novelty, and the method is not revolutionary. And King Solomon wandered through the vineyards like a simple farmer, and the French kings sat in taverns under the guise of grimy wanderers. The desire to win love precisely with one's crystal soul, and not with hard cash, is, of course, understandable. But where to go from the eternal "meet by clothes"?

“And I will be faithful to him for a century ...”

It is not enough for the chosen one to knock out tears of tenderness with her caring and disinterestedness, this treasure must also be devoted. In matters of fidelity, almost all men are Shakespeare's Moors of Othello. And all the young ladies turn out to be Desdemons... After monitoring the revelations of the stronger sex about tests for devotion, you involuntarily come to the conclusion that there are few equals to them in terms of cynicism and meanness...

“I send a bouquet of flowers to my chosen one with a note “This is for you!”, But I don’t sign my name. If he doesn’t thank me and even tell me about the gift, then I have at least one rival.”

“Once my girlfriend went away, and I was left alone with her cell. At this time, a message came from her friend: “Hi, what are you doing?” He typed back: "I'm cheating on Max." Immediately arrived: "And with whom?" Me: "Think about it." And thunder boomed: “With Anton?” When my beauty returned, he said: “Good luck with Anton” - and left ... "

“In my youth, Andryukha was handsome in our company. His services were used by everyone who doubted the loyalty of the new passion. It happened like this: Andrei was informed about the movements of the girl, he arrived at the right place and began to seduce. If the young lady agreed to make an acquaintance and continue the evening alone with the "indicator" - you yourself understand. If Andryukha received a turn from the gate, the girl was included in the category of trustworthy. I can only say that when all the boys once found their only ones, no one dared to check them with Andryukha's charms. It was terrible to be disappointed."

The last interviewee confirmed the old truth: love is blind. And if there are doubts about the satellite, as well as the desire to test it on a lie detector, there is no talk of a real feeling. But if a “crash-boom-bang” happened and butterflies flutter in the stomach, it doesn’t matter that the chosen one did not thank for the bouquet sent. Maybe she just lost her memory and speech from joy.

"Don't you understand jokes?"

In the final, we open the page of the most ridiculous checks. The consolation is that the results of these tests do not characterize the lady, but rather the one who suits them.

“I always check every girl for jealousy. In her presence, I flirt with not very pretty girls. If she is offended and leaves, then she is jealous and will restrict my freedom. And I don't need this kind of schedule. You say if she would flirt with my friends? Well, I wouldn’t like it, but don’t confuse me – I’m a man, polygamy is normal.”

“I invite the chosen one to a restaurant, make a chic order and enjoy the evening. And when the waiter brings the bill, I leave under an innocent pretext. From a secluded corner I observe how the girl behaves, because time passes, I'm not there, but I have to pay. It happens that the girls pay themselves - naturally, I immediately return the amount to them. If the poor thing is already ready to burst into tears, I appear, apologize and say that I played her. Alas, no one reacted adequately, everyone called me an idiot.

“And I arrange a test for a sense of humor. In a crowded place, I loudly say to my chosen one: “No, we will not go to you, otherwise you will attack me and rape me.” And look at the reaction. Most blush, call you a jerk, and leave. But one came out of the situation with honor, just as loudly answering: "I swear, I will not encroach on you until you are cured of lichen." True, this was our last meeting ... "

If a girl fails such an exam, she can rejoice - the gentleman discovered not her, but his own inadequacy, and without any effort on the part of the woman. And thank God that the relationship did not go far.

There are no universal ways to draw global conclusions from a single act of a person. No wonder they say: to find out the truth, you need to live life with a person. And those who have survived a divorce even gloomily claim that in order for the true nature of the second half to manifest itself, you need to go through the dissolution of the marriage.

But you know what's interesting? There is a very accurate saying: “When she gets married, a woman hopes to change her man; when marrying, a man hopes that his chosen one will remain the same. The number of marriages and, alas, divorces suggests that people decide to be or not to be together, regardless of a box of chocolates eaten in one person or the absence of flowers on a first date. So we live, “we check, they check us ...” Sometimes it even coincides.

Hello dear ladies! Recently, one of my clients found herself in a terrible situation. Her new boyfriend arranged a series of tests and checks. The girl guessed about some of them a week later. She felt cheated. How necessary are such tests, and how do men test women for accessibility, thriftiness and commercialism? Today we will talk about male checks, tricky ways to find out girls' secrets and what it all can lead to.

What is verification

Building relationships can sometimes be very difficult. We rub against each other, learn something new every day, evaluate and try on. Some do it mostly unconsciously. The guy just watches how the girl behaves with the attendants, how she reacts to his jokes, communicates with her parents and behaves in unforeseen situations.

Others, on the other hand, take the issue of choosing a companion in life more seriously and arrange numerous checks for lice, so to speak. How exactly men arrange tests, we will talk later.

Such tests show young people the real reaction of their companion. After all, it's no secret that at the beginning of a relationship, many try to seem better than they really are. And many girls, in order to lasso a man and bring him to the registry office, pretend to be ideal women.

It is when faced with such a fake that a man begins to think about further tests for the chosen one. Once having met deceit, he would prefer to know in advance what awaits him with a woman. Should I take her as a wife, or can I say goodbye and look for a friend?

What are the checks

The most common moment in which guys test girls is fidelity. They persuade acquaintances to hit on her, send a bouquet without a note and look at the reaction. Sometimes men go to extremes, get into the phone, read correspondence, hack into accounts on social networks. It's better to run away from such a guy.

Another test can be an intelligence test. The man starts a serious conversation and follows the answers of the young lady. Can she coherently substantiate her point of view, does she admit that she swims in this issue and so on.

In a normal situation, this becomes clear from a simple conversation. If a girl does not talk about anything but clothes, clubs, parties and entertainment, then the guy will understand everything after ten minutes.

Rich men have their troubles. For them, the indicator of commercialism is very important. They want to see a woman nearby who is not obsessed with money. He can come to you by metro, give you a trinket, refer to the lack of money. With all this, he will carefully monitor your reaction.

Availability of the girl is checked twice. If in the first half hour she allowed herself to be pawed as she liked, then most likely such a young lady would be needed only for one night.

For many guys, housekeeping is important. It is tested in different ways. They come to visit and ask to cook a meal, ask in a restaurant what this or that dish is prepared from, ask to mend a shirt or mend trousers.

In addition, men can test a girl for a sense of humor, accuracy, reaction to a loss, selfishness, and so on. One of my acquaintances constantly checked his future girls for behavior in unforeseen circumstances. It is not always possible to understand what is in their head.

Is it worth it

Many people build an ideal image of a partner in their head and check all their passions for compliance. To be honest, such checks most often lead to nothing good.

If everything is done carefully, imperceptibly and out of good intentions, then perhaps everything will turn out well.

In general, such checks are a sign of disrespect and mistrust. What kind of serious relationship can we talk about in the future if the partner behaves in this way at the very beginning.

Ladies, you also do not be zealous with checking your gentlemen. To get to know him better, observe, communicate more, be frank and honest yourself. Then the man will reciprocate, truthfully tell his story and not hide important details from you.

You can understand what kind of person is in front of you without such checks. It is worth being attentive and prudent, not losing sight of the little things and details. Pay attention to, be able to unravel the subtext and hints.

I bring to your attention articles that may be interesting and useful for you: "" and "".

Have you had any such checks? Have you tested your suitors yourself? Do you think such actions are acceptable? How else can you get to know a person better?

Trust each other and do not forget about respect!

How does a man test a woman for feelings for him and for loyalty? What guides the opposite sex when choosing a partner, and what qualities do they prefer? If you want to successfully pass the test and enter into a long-awaited alliance, then you ask certain questions. Find out how to do it right now in this article.

When does a man think about his wife's fidelity?

Many women do not even know what thoughts visit a loved one, and in what ways he tests you for fidelity.

Any couple sooner or later comes to the idea of ​​marriage and the consolidation of a love union. According to statistics, about 76% of men begin to think about a woman only when she begins to dream of a white dress and a ring on her finger.

It is quite difficult to understand why men check the girl at this very moment, and not before. So how do men test women? Psychologists have long proven that the male version of the test is as complex and intricate as the female one.

It has been proven that a man can test a woman for fidelity if there were prerequisites for treason.

What kind of woman do men choose: method number 1, or the help of friends

Do men check women at all? Of course, every man considers his partner according to the criterion of "accessibility", and focuses on her qualities, manners.

In a civil marriage, many girls relax and cease to match the image that the guy has chosen. This is argued by the fact that the girl is already counting on the consolidation of the union by marriage.

To begin with, you will need to pass a kind of loyalty test, which will be prepared by a partner. Each question and activity will be unique and therefore cannot be considered in general terms. But there are several verification methods that men use most often.

Step 1: Get to Know Playboy

How do men test women for availability? With the help of your friends. Most often, the first way to check is getting to know the guy's friends, and paying special attention to one of them.

As a rule, this guy is the most prominent and handsome. He can flirt with you, kiss you on the cheek. At that time, your boyfriend will monitor the reaction of his beloved.

Remember that this is a test and you should never fail it. You can transfer to your partner, or gently refuse the local "playboy". If the guy continues the game, then go up to the future husband and say that you want to leave.

Step 2: meeting with the "playboy"

The next stage of how men check women for availability is a meeting with a guy who previously molested and "glued" to you. This is done in several steps:

  1. The man tells you that his friends are having a family reunion again and they are inviting his wife as well. Or the guy tells you to take a walk with him.
  2. On the way or in a cafe you will see a friend of your future husband, as if by chance.
  3. If this happens in a cafe, then your boyfriend will rush out of it, leaving his future wife alone with the "playboy". The same thing will happen on the street.
  4. You will stay with your main friend alone and should not upset your partner.

Your task is to hurry away. In no case do not linger for a long time with a guy who, after the meeting, will tell everything to a friend. Quickly come up with a trick similar to your boyfriend's and leave.

If they insist on escorting you, then allow it, but without stupid questions and scenes. Just go ahead and answer the questions briefly: yes, no, maybe, don't know. In no case do not accept too close gestures of courtship. When attempting a kiss or more romantic contact, don't hesitate to give a light slap if the man doesn't understand what you're saying.

Step 3: new friend

A man can test you with the help of his friends, whom you do not even know about. While walking down the street, in a cafe or at work, a pleasant young man will want to meet you. He will communicate nicely and follow the reaction of the woman.

The key factor that shows the availability of a woman in this case is the phone number. If you make contact, and even give a phone number, then your chosen one will lose confidence and offer to wait until the wedding for at least a few months or years.

Step 4: Chat Online

In addition to friends in the real world, you may receive a message with a desire to meet online. Do you think how a man checks a woman on the Internet if his acquaintances cannot write, since they are friends with the chosen one? Special groups come to the rescue to check the wife. This communication is not expensive, but there are enough advantages in the profile of a young and charming guy.

If you successfully pass the first stage of the test, then the man will be able to justify his thoughts about the unavailability of the chosen one. But it is worth remembering that these are only the first steps.

Questions about the past

Most men who fail to intrigue you with their friends move on to the next step: asking about ex-boyfriends and relationships.

These can be comparative questions about wealth and sexual relations. Even if you were previously popular with the male sex, try to be calm and balanced in answering questions. Give yourself time to think, reflect on what has been said.

Some men have a feature - to draw a parallel between their girlfriend's ex-boyfriend and themselves. Very often this leads to aggression, which should be avoided.

Put all the connections that were before your loved one in second place. Explain that all your partners were previously just a hobby and you did not have sincere feelings with them. If you say that the relationship with the man you currently have is real, then the chosen one will definitely be happy.

Testing for patience and longevity of relationships

This check is inherent in aggressive people, with an impulsive character and the same signs of the zodiac. How do Taurus men test women? Testing patience.

  1. The future husband will try to annoy you. Will give the wrong gift, put a snarky joke into context, and act aggressively in general, constantly changing his mind.
  2. Flirt. Too cute will start talking to your girlfriend, will use body contact. It will change before our eyes when your friend passes by.

Of course, this is unpleasant and really annoying. On the one hand, a man in this way tests you for scandalousness and aggressiveness, and on the other hand, it becomes unbearable. You can answer him the same, but within reason.

Remember that if this continues for a long time (1-2 months), the guy is worth talking to. Do not scandal, just explain that his behavior is unpleasant and insulting.

How do rich men test women?

If a man suddenly cuts your expenses drastically and began to control the management of bank cards, then this is also part of the test.

Few people like girls who like to scatter money without thinking about the sources of their receipt. This method is inherent in men with good material security. You can understand the partner - he does not want you to be with him solely because of the money.

In addition, some male representatives may give you their bank card and offer to spend some amount (a certain amount or any amount). Your task is to spend money wisely. If the amount was certain, and you have a surplus, then leave it on the card.

What kind of hostess are you?

Many people think why a man checks a woman for domesticity? It would seem that this factor should bother you, and it is the last thing.

But male representatives also think about cleanliness in their room. How will she look after you? After all, marriage means living together, on a common territory.

In addition, men also think about caring for their upcoming offspring. If your apartment is dirty, damp and you simply cannot wash a plate, then what is worth talking about children at all.

How to show a man that you are the mistress?

What needs to be done so that the guy understands that you are worthy of his children and living in a common area? Check the following points:

  1. A man always looks at the cleanliness in your room. It should be not only visual, but also real! It will not be difficult for you to wipe the dust, wash the floor and ventilate the room, right? Then prepare the apartment for the arrival of the future husband.
  2. The interior is not very important, but try not to "litter" the corridor, kitchen and other very first places that your loved one will pay attention to.
  3. Large apartment renovation, ironing and laundry are not so important. A man should not think that all this is for him.

Simple cleaning, which will show you from the best side, will be a big plus.

How does an Aries man check a woman? This zodiac sign tends to dominate, so it can invite you to your apartment. What to do in this case and where should I pay attention? You can also arrange a kind of test for a man for feelings and serious intentions:

  1. Help your loved one clean the dishes or solve some household problem. It’s just worth offering help, thereby showing your habit of cleaning up after yourself and independence.
  2. Check if the man will let you rearrange 1-2 things. Will the chosen one allow the perfume to be moved to another shelf and change the location of the table? If a man is serious, then perhaps reluctantly, but he will allow it to be done. Otherwise, he will not allow anything to be changed under any pretext.

You should not offer your services up to general cleaning. It is enough just to help with light household problems. A man should not use you, you yourself offer help.

Liquor check

How does a man check a woman? Pouring her a few more shots than she asked for. A man wants to see with him a companion who is not particularly fond of alcohol.

You must control the situation. If a man offers you a drink, but you don't drink alcohol, then just refuse.

If a woman drinks alcohol, then she should drink in moderation. Ideally, with such a test, the chosen one should drink 2 times less alcohol than a man. In this case, the beloved will make sure that the girl is calm to alcoholic drinks, and will provide you with a successful and fun evening.


Summing up, it is worth saying that the question of how men check women is individual, and it can only be considered in general. You must go through all the stages of verification, but remember that a man can come up with unique tests for you. So be prepared for them.

When choosing a lover or life partner, men are guided not only by feelings. Often they arrange conscious or unconscious checks on the contender for their heart. Most often this happens if a young man is disappointed in his ex-girlfriend or is having a hard time breaking up with her. Therefore, it is important for a man to check his girlfriend for fidelity.

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In addition, a young man can check his chosen one for the presence of another admirer, the ability to restrain her emotions, a sense of humor, intelligence, thrift and other qualities. If a girl finds out that a guy does not trust her, she will have to decide whether to connect her life with such a suspicious, jealous and distrustful partner.

How do men find out about the infidelity of their beloved at a distance?

If a man doubts the sincerity of his girlfriend, then he can consciously test for feelings for him. In the case when a guy does not dare to ask directly about the presence of another young man, he tries to find out about it at a distance.

A man uses quite simple methods:

  1. 1. Sends a message to a girl on her phone from an unknown number. The message may be a joke or an offer to get to know each other better.
  2. 2. Sends similar messages by correspondence on the girl's social media page.
  3. 3. Presents unexpected gifts and flowers without a note through a courier. If the girl then thanks her man, then this will be a clear sign that she has no one else.
  4. 4. While away, he asks his friend to follow his beloved and see who she communicates with.

If a man is very jealous, then he can decide on the most desperate step and ask his friend to approach the girl and get to know her, offer to meet, call.

Jealousy Test

Often men test their lovers with jealousy, because they do not like quick-tempered and overly emotional women who throw tantrums at the slightest provocation.

For this, the guy uses several methods:

  1. 1. Hoften remembers and talks about his former women. In this case, the girl needs to show that this information is important and she sympathizes with the guy. Don't talk about your past relationship right away, as this will only make things worse.
  2. 2. Specially hugs another girl during the dance, when young people are in the company of friends or at a party. This is done specifically to observe the reaction of the chosen one. If she becomes jealous, then the man is not indifferent to her. But in this situation, it is necessary to demonstrate your restraint and independence if the girl really likes the guy.
  3. 3. Asks questions like “Where have you been? "," What did you do? ", "Why so late? ". He will not be interested in the answer, but in the tone with which the beloved answered. Do not verbally attack a man, as this will only aggravate the situation. You must maintain patience and self-control.

Check for commercialism

If wealthy men doubt that girls love them not for money, they test their feelings by inviting their beloved to go shopping in expensive stores and watching her reaction.

Another way to test a woman for commercialism is that a wealthy man dresses very simply and invites a girl to an inexpensive cafe. To consolidate his image of a simple and poor guy, he takes off the Khrushchev and claims that he lives there.

Men pay attention to what the girl's friends are talking about. If they are busy looking for rich suitors, then with a high degree of probability the chosen one of the young man is also trying to find a wealthy man.

Other types of checks

Guys often casually ask questions about how many young people the girl had and why they broke up. In this case, the best answer would be the words that it does not matter, since the woman met a man who she really likes, and she does not need anyone else.

A man rarely ventures into a serious relationship, guided by feelings alone. Distrustful by nature, the representatives of the stronger sex want to be confident in their future life partner.

The verification process begins unconsciously: during communication, a man pays attention to the ability to behave in society, behavior in an unforeseen situation, reaction to jokes, communication with his friends. From such unconscious checks, a preliminary image of the chosen one is formed.

Intentional checks are another matter - once faced with deceit, a man will think over a complex system of tests for a new acquaintance.

Loyalty is a sore point

The most common test on the part of men is a test of loyalty. It is fidelity for a man that is the main quality of a woman, capable of outweighing beauty, intelligence, good manners.

The easiest way to check: SMS from an unknown number with a proposal to meet. A modified way is communication in social networks from someone else's or fake profile, an attempt to start flirting, invite them on a date. A woman may consider this as an innocent joke, meaningless communication, and a man is already drawing conclusions.

Another favorite male trick is to be late for a date. And at this time, his friend will approach the girl, try to charm her, get a phone number. So you need to be on your guard, and not succumb to provocation.

An insidious lover of checks can send an anonymous bouquet of flowers, a cute trinket, by courier, and wait for a reaction: if a girl thanks him for the gift, then she has no one else in mind.

Check for commercialism

Many men, especially wealthy ones, are afraid of marriage of convenience, they want to see a girl next to them who is not obsessed with money. Therefore, they arrange for the chosen one a test for commercialism. The scenario of such a test has been known for a long time: it is enough to recall the tale of King Thrushbeard. Over time, only the details change. A man hides his financial situation: he can come on a date in an old car, or even on a bicycle, dress simply, bring a girl to a “killed” Khrushchev. At the same time, he carefully observes the female reaction.

If you suspect that a man is deliberately emphasizing his financial insolvency, do not show obvious interest in his financial situation. Be more interested in his personality, ask about hobbies, dreams, plans. Carefully observe his behavior, and the falseness will immediately become noticeable, since most men are by no means brilliant actors.

Test for mutuality of feelings

At the beginning of a relationship, when a man is not yet completely sure of the feelings of a woman, he can arrange a reciprocity test to understand how much they value him. He may deliberately disappear for a while, stop calling, and will wait for your actions. Thus, he hopes to receive an answer: are you worried about him, are you ready to take the first step.

Another check: he can start a light affair with another girl in front of your eyes. For example, at a party she will pay increased attention to her, during the dance she will whisper something, hug her. But at the same time, it will be imperceptible to observe your reaction: anger, jealousy will convince him of a sincere feeling. Also, a man will highly appreciate your ability to restrain emotions, not to make a loud scandal in front of outsiders.

Limit Check

At the beginning of an acquaintance, a man tries to check what he can afford in a relationship with a woman. For example, raise your voice during an argument, forget about a date, or not warn that it is delayed. Thus, a man outlines the boundaries of future behavior, checks the possibility of manipulating a woman.

In these cases, your reaction is important: you endured, left without attention, which means that such situations will manifest themselves in the future. Remember that a man treats a woman only as she allows it.

Housekeeping Exam

If a man sees you as a future wife, he turns on the "Auditor" mode and arranges a thrift check.

First option: being your guest, he will certainly pay attention to the order, cleanliness, comfort in your home. Having offered to help in the kitchen, he will check whether the dishes are washed well.

Second option: having invited the girl to his home, he deliberately makes a little mess, complains that he is tired of semi-finished products, but he really wants homemade food. In such a situation, it is appropriate to offer to put things in order by joint efforts and cook something together. Thus, you will also have the opportunity to evaluate his household skills.

A variation of such a test may be an offer to make joint purchases. At the same time, the man observes how rationally the girl uses the allocated amount. In this case, try to observe the measure: especially do not save, choose high-quality goods, and be sure to please him with some pleasant trifle.

If you understand that a man is testing you, do not show that you have figured out his tricks. Too obvious tests are better to be translated into a joke. The best reaction on your part is complete self-control. But in the case when the checks are constantly repeated, you need to think: why does he do this, what prerequisites did he have to check your feelings? The answer to these questions will help you understand whether you need such an incredulous, suspicious chosen one, and in what direction to develop your relationship.