How little eyes make big. Illusion Deception - makeup, visually increasing eyes. Eye Enlarge Exercises

Large expressive eyes are a dream of any girl. Is it possible to visually increase the eyes with makeup? Look for the answer in this article.

Unfortunately, not all girls from the nature of the eyes are bright, but do not be upset, because you can make eyes visually expressive with the help of competent makeup. This will help you with photos or video lessons.

The best example of what such makeup can serve these photos. They see the difference between how they look before the use of makeup and after, their eyes have become more and brighter.

Some girls believe that any makeup makes eyes visually more, but it is not quite so. In the photo below, you may notice that the eyes of the girl after making makeup became visually smaller and lost their naturalness

To create a "right" makeup, which visually will increase the eyes, you will need:

  • base under shadow
  • some shades of shadows
  • eye Liner
  • powder
  • eyebrow pencil
  • makeup brushes
  • eyelash curling forceps

How can you make eyes visually more

To achieve the effect of large expressive eyes, we need to make their shape visually more rounded. It is best to master the technique of creating such makeup to help you will help with the relevant video lessons and step-by-step photo lessons.

So, proceed.

  1. At the first stage, the brush is applied to the upper eyelid base (it will help shadows to preserve their brightness throughout the day, which is especially important when creating makeup in the summer). We are growing the base with your fingertips.
  2. To achieve maximum depth and expressiveness of the view, we indicate the shadows place a little higher than the fold in the upper eyelid. We make it shadows of a light beige shade, imposing them with a fluffy tassel.
  3. To give the eyes visually more rounded form, use a matte brown tone. It must be applied with the help of arcuate movements a little higher than the fold of the upper eyelid.
  4. Do not forget to carefully grow the border between dark and light shadows with a soft cosmetic tassel.
  5. To achieve even greater eye expressiveness, apply light shadows, for example, light pink or beige not only directly to the region of the upper eyelid, but also slightly higher. Light shadow should cover the entire area between the line of eyelash growth and painted fold. We also do it with the help of arcuate movements, the shadows should be applied to a uniform layer.
  6. Now you need to use a contour pencil, it can be black or brown. Using a liner, draw a line in the upper eyelid as follows: in the zone of external and inner corners of the eye, the line should be thinner, and the in the middle of the century is thicker. From the classic shooter in this makeup it is better to refuse, because they are not able to give the eyes rounded shape.
  7. We rub the contour using a brush with a sposue. The lines on both centuries should be the same. Otherwise, the impression can seek a visually.
  8. Carefully bring the bottom eyelid with a pencil, the line should be thin and placed not along the line of eyelash growth, but just below. If you do not work from the first time to spend a flat line, then you can mark several pencil dots, and after connecting them into one line. We decide the lower contour.
  9. To give the look of greater freshness and radiance, you can add some pearl light shadows on the inner corners of the eyelids. This is done by using a pencil tassel.
  10. If you want to achieve the most open look, then we can not do without lining the eyelashes. This is done using special hinges for curling eyelashes.
  11. And last: we apply mascara, and it is necessary to apply it in the direction strictly up, 1-2 layers of the carcass will be quite enough.

How to make eyes more - video lessons

Small tricks to make eyes visually more

To increase the effect from the newly created eye makeup, it is necessary to emphasize the eyebrows. This will help us a special powder, eyebrow pencil, highlight or bright shadows, eyebrushes for eyebrows and a special cosmetic brush.

Complement to eye makeup

Our makeup will look defective if we dwell only in front of our eyes. The best option is the harmonious make up of the whole face completely and for this we need the following cosmetics:

  • tonal base
  • corrector
  • powder
  • blush
  • pomade
  • lip gloss

Now proceed:

  • To begin with, it is necessary to moisten the skin of the face with cream. There is also a special base that prepares the skin to apply makeup, creating a thin film.
  • . It will help to align the tone of the face, hobs the flaws of the skin, the small disadvantages can be disked for the correctors. Tonal cream is applied using a sponge or cosmetic brush.
  • Circles under the eyes still did not make anyone more beautiful and we also need to get rid of them. To do this, there is a bright shade consulter or a corrector. Carefully growing the tool with the tips of the fingers using the lungs of patting movements.
  • Powder will give the skin velvety, hobs the fat shine and makes the skin more matte. We apply a widespread brush.
  • Blush will give the face more freshness. Choosing the color of the Rumba, take into account the tone of your skin, better if it is only a little brighter. Rushane is applied to the zoom region.
  • You can emphasize your lips with lipstick or lip gloss. It is desirable that the color of lipstick is not too bright and screaming, because in our make-up the main thing - the eyes, so attention should be riveted to them first. Therefore, pick a shade in accordance with the general way.

Makeup options that visually make eyes more

This makeup will help visually increase the eyes, it can be done independently at home. Something may not work from the first time, so do not be discouraged. The main thing is - experience and practice. Follow the tips described above, watch video lessons and step-by-step photos. If you do everything right, your eyes will become much more expressive, open and attractive.

How to make eyes more with makeup. How to make your eyes anymore. Makeup. Step-by-step photos of video. How to make eyes visually more. How to make makeup so eyes seemed more. At home. How to make eyes big and expressive.

An extended eye cut is inherent not only to the eastern girls. Many European wanted to visually increase their shape, make a look more open. To achieve this effect simply, if you do not make some errors and follow simple recommendations:

  • The black color should prefer cobalt-gray, brown and other alternative shades depending on the image as a whole.
  • From liquid eyeliner, it is advantageously refused at all. Highlighting the growth line of eyelashes is worth using shadows applied with a humid brush, or a soft pencil with a subsequent careful decisive.
  • Performing eyeliner, it is necessary to retreat a little from the natural line of hair growth to visually round the cut. Also, you should not connect the arrows at an outer corner, such a reception will help open the view.
  • It is not recommended to use a lengthetic carbon black mascara. Too long hairs will cover the incision and create an unnecessary edging, which is why the form will seem even less.
  • For the visual increase and rounding the shape of the cilia can be twisted with special forceps.
  • In the color palette it is better to look at the light beige and pearl shadows. This will help make your eyes anymore.

An important detail in creating a beautiful makeboard will be a correctly selected line of eyebrows. The form of eyebrows for narrow eye should be chosen, pushing out from the head of the face, but their width should be a little more than usual. Extra hairs must remove forceps, and the space between them is to paint special shadows or pencil.

Regardless of which color palette you choose and for what case it is intended, the sequence of preparatory actions will always be the same.

To begin with, it is necessary to level the surface of the face with moisturizing cream or base. It is necessary that the subsequent layers have been smaller and longer lasted during the day.

After the base is absorbed, you can apply a bit of a tone to align the skin of the skin. It is better to make a choice in favor of light textures that will be less visible and more comfortable in use.

Next, you can already experiment with the color of the shadows and various techniques of their application. The upper eyelid should be scratched up to the abrasion. It is better to apply some bright means or a highlight to the eyebrow area. The inner corner of the eye is traditionally lazy with pearl or white shadows, and in external can be added bright color.

The gradient looks very well when the color smoothly stretches from a saturated dark eyelash line to almost transparent.

The ages for the age should be the highest quality, because the skin around the eyes is especially sensitive.

Mineral cosmetics are ideal. In its composition, only natural components that do not cause irritation and allergies. Particles are passed to cells oxygen, allowing them to breathe. Such products are care for the skin, struggling with small imperfections and allow you to prevent the first wrinkles. A rich selection of pigments allows you to create bright images every day without harm to health.

What arrows fit for narrow eye

It is necessary to bring eyes with a narrow section very carefully, since an overlook the heavy contour will give a make-up reverse effect: instead of opening glance, small slits will turn out. Therefore, make-up artists often do not recommend girls with such a feature to draw arrows. But if such a desire is, it is possible to experiment and the method of trial and errors choose the option to successfully look.

Clear lines will only attract attention to the cut, so to create arrows in this case, it is better to use soft pencils or shadows applied with a wet brush, and it is good to ruin the contours. It is necessary to spend the line at a short distance from the edge of the century to visually increase the eyes.

At the same time, several options are allowed:

  • carefully decisive arrows on both centuries;
  • line only along the contour of the upper eyelid thickening in the middle;
  • when the growth line of eyelashes in the upper eyelid is fully emphasized, and on the bottom only on the side of the outer corner.

Recall that it is worth avoiding black and choose a dark brown or gray option. Among the shadows of mineral cosmetics is a large range of different saturated shades. They applied by a wet brush, they do not infer at least inferior to the pencil, and the rich palette will create a brave and interesting image.

An example of the shooter for a narrow eye can be viewed in the photo.

As we have already spoken, the general rules for applying mekap will be the same for all. You should choose the color gamut, pushing out from the discharge set and the shade of the iris.

Makeup for narrow brown eyes

To emphasize the natural beauty of blonde carbohydrate girls will help the shadows of pink, greenish, peach and sandy flowers. Brunette dark affirms should look at golden, gray, lilac shades. It is worth avoiding the shades of blue and red so that the face does not look tired and inflamed.

Makeup for narrow blue and gray eyes

Blue diagonal eyes will benefitly allocate products of smoky, cobalt, blue-lilac and gentle blue. The main thing is that their shade differ from the tone of the cornea, otherwise natural paints may look more fad.

Makeup for narrow green eyes

Green-eyed beauties can choose various shades of gray, lilac, blue and brown. Among the tones of the green should pay attention to mint and turquoise.

Evening and wedding makeup for narrow eye cut

When creating a festive image, the principle of action remains all the same, however, you can play with color combinations and choose brighter shades.

It is necessary to start with leather leveling with a base and a tone.

For an evening image, it will be easier to bring a little eyelash growth line, but be sure to grow the contour so that there are no clear boundaries. Since the black eyeliner is not recommended in this case, you can safely experiment with a pencil of blue, green, silver-gray and golden colors.

Eyelashes should be covered in a single layer, pre-tapping them with tweezers. For a more dramatic effect, you can contact a specialist to add bunches of artificial eyelashes at an outer corner. This technique visually significantly rounds the form and makes the eyes more.

Here are some examples of bright evening makeup for diagonal eyes with a step-by-step photo.

For the bride, a more tender and feminine image is usually preferable. Therefore, makeup should be natural, with small bright accents. Depending on the color of the eyes, you can choose blue, golden, pearl, peach and greenish shadows. From the eyeliner it is better to refuse.

Maicap for Asian Eye

Asian appearance is very beautiful and mysterious. At the same time, a somewhat hanging eyelid and short eyelashes, a yellowish face color and beautifully outlined chubby lips. Asian's eyes are very expressive, however, there are some features that need to be taken into account when applying makeup.

To make a look more open, it is worth raising an omitted eyebrows tip, removing extra hairs.

To refresh the appearance can be applied on the growth line of the lower eyelashes white with a pencil or shadows, and from above draw a clearly defined arrow. Moreover, if in general cases, the makeup artists do not recommend black eyeliner with narrow eyes, then in the case of an Asian face it will be very relevant. At the same time, the line is better to draw only on a moving age, increasing its width in the middle.

If you want to emphasize the line of the eyelashes on both centuries, then it is preferable to use a soft pencil or shadow and delineate the contour.

How to make eyes narrow with makeup

Many European girls with round eyes want to visually make them narrower. The reason for this may be too big size, disproportionately with the rest of the facial features or the need to wear glasses with increasing lenses.

Often the coquettes just want to create fiery eye cut to add to the image of the dear and zador. This can be easily achieved if you follow several advice:

  • Choose dark creams for makeup. They visually deepen the landing of the eye and make them less.
  • Many smoke-ice will help to narrow the incision.
  • Properly drawn arrows will help the elongated form. On the movable century it is necessary to lead a line from an inner corner along the growth line of eyelashes to an outer angle, slightly withdrawing it beyond the border of the eyelids and lifting at the end. By the lowest, it is better to use a non-coal-black agent, but a dark gray. Similarly, to bring the edge to the growth of eyelashes, a slightly decisive line.

Now you know what to do if the eyes are narrow and how to view them to visually. We also offer you to get acquainted with the video game makeup creation for narrow eyes.

How to make makeup so that the eyes seem more - the question is important for girls who have small eyes from nature, with the hung and narrow.

Makeup to increase eye enjoys great popularity among women. In order to make eyes beautiful, you have to resort to different ways, in order to correct this flaw. For example, the right mekap. Knowing the technique of this makeup with the help of decorative cosmetics such a deficiency can be corrected and transformed itself to be unrecognizable.

How to make makeup so eyes seem more you will learn from our article


  • consiller, base;
  • eyebrow pencil;
  • pallet shadows;
  • black and white pencil;
  • liner or liner;
  • cutting black black.

Eye makeup tools:

  • a set of brushes (shadows brush, beveled brush to summarize the age, flat brush for decisive).

Preparation of the skin of the eyelids

Cosmetologists advise before applying makeup correctly prepare the skin of the eyelid. To do this, clean the skin with special means or wipe the eyes with a wet cloth that does not contain alcohol. It is impossible to apply moisturizing means, because the makeup will not hold.

Masking wrinkles and dark circles by consiler

To disguise the bruises under the eyes, small wrinkles and skin irregularities around the eyes, a consilet will help, which is selected in accordance with the skin tinge. He will hide disadvantages and give the skin a healthy appearance.

To completely hide dark circles under the eyes It is important to properly apply a consigner, for this you need to know several techniques:

  • if you rub a conservaler pillows of fingers, then they must be warm, because this moment affects the preparation of the desired effect;
  • means are applied small portions and small strokes so that there is no surplus and not aggravate wrinkles;
  • consiller is applied soAs if a triangle is drawn. This scheme allows you to remove dark bruises under the eyes and dry the skin as much as possible.

The zone under the eyes should be powdered with a transparent powder. This will help to avoid lubrication of shadows and do not spoil makeup.

If the shadows appear, it will be possible to light them together with a powder brush.

We bring eyebrows in order

How to make makeup so that the eyes seem more, you can with the help of special equipmentBut if your eyebrows are not in order, the image will be unfinished. Eyebrow makeup is a separate topic. The form of eyebrows changes face, look and completely appearance of a woman.

It's important to know! To determine your individual eyebrows form, you need to contact the cosmetologist so as not to get the opposite effect, and then you can independently be maintained correctly selected by a specialist's eyebrows.

Special pencil is considered the simplest tool for makeup eyebrows.

Usually its color is chosen on the tone of the lighter of the eyebrows:

  • it is necessary to draw a future eyebrows without pressure, without pressure;
  • small strokes draw, as if hairs - it will help to create the effect of thick eyebrows and fill out the form-drawn earlier;

With the help of shadows, you can also give eyebrows the desired color and make them clearer and visible, especially if they are bright and rare.

The colors of the shadows can be mixed to close them as much as possible to the eyebrows:

  • contours of eyebrows outline with a pencil;
  • special beveled tassel apply shadows, but not too bright to look natural;
  • growing them with a special brush.

Drawing Eye Contour Pencil

With the help of the pencil, you can change the shape of the eyes, emphasize it, make an image more spectacular.

The line can be made any, thin, wide, transparent or clearer. In pencil techniques there are no hard rules. You can use pencil any colors and textures, matte and with sparkles.

Drawing contour:

  1. To make makeup, with the goal so that the eyes seem like more, the mucous part of the eyes along the bottom century to outlines with a white pencil. This will be refreshing.
  2. Lower eyelid tested by a black pencil, slightly growing.
  3. Upon the upper century, you can draw a thin contour and add soft arrows, thus becomes visually wider.

Arrows can be made double and multicolored, one line over the other.

Do not forget about the arrows

Makeup with arrows makes an image more attractive and stylish. Arrows can be elegant and thin, and can be intense and wide, conventional and double, color, decisive, etc.

To draw arrows, you can take a pencil, eyeliner or special marker.

Execution technique:

Important to remember! The arrows draw symmetrically to each other.

Apply shadow

Before using the shadows for the age, it is necessary to choose the right color. They can be selected according to skin type, eye and hair color. In the labels of the shadows, they are usually selected in the palette of one color gamut.

Professional makeup artists advise to apply shades of one shade.

When the color is selected, you need to express emphasis. Under eyebrows and light colors are applied to the inner corner of the eye, it is darker to apply a darker color to the middle and it is cut to no obvious borders.

Evening makeup or brighter daily can be diversified with colored shadows.

Mascara with screwing effect

Mascara is the final stage in eye makeup. It completes the image and highlights eyelashes.

How to make eyes with internship so that the eyes seemed big, and the look more open and expressive is easy. Mascara is needed with a twisting effect. Her special curved brush evenly cries the eyelashes and twisted them.

Professional make-up artists advise not to disclose widespread eyes when staining, and cover them, a little stretching the skin of the upper age with his fingers. It turns out that the brush will be crushed at the bottom of the cilia and they will acquire curls and proceed well at the same time.

To make the makeup seemed completed, the lower eyelashes also need to cut down slightly.

Features Enlarge eye in specific cases

With the help of makeup, you can even increase very narrow eyes. In this technique, the main thing is to "reveal the eyes."

How to increase narrow eyes

The contour is drawn, retreating from the growth line of eyelashes in order to visually expand his eyes. The lower eyelid is also tested, the line on the upper century should be symmetrical to each other. Drawn contour can be slightly growing. To hide the gap between the line and eyelashes, shadows are applied. You do not need to be thickly painted with shadows, you can overdo it, and it turns out the opposite effect.

Makeup to increase deeply planted eyes

Such makeup has its own features in applying. The main thing in it is a bright shade of shadows. The eyelashes face black ink, and the shadows and the contour pencil should be white.

Light shadows are applied to all the eyelids and to the line of eyebrows. Under eyebrows are applied shades of medium shades. Thrums should be applied several layers.

Eye Enhancing Round Shape

  1. Contour pencils are tested along the upper age of the middle of the century, then bring the line beyond the folds.
  2. Cut the contour and apply dark shadows on all eyelids.
  3. In this technique, you should paint the eyelashes with extension. It is important to remember whether the eyelashes around the edges of the eye should be crushed most carefully to achieve the effect of elongation of the eye shape and its increase.

Makeup Features to increase brown eyes

Makeup for the Authority

Interesting fact! Professional make-up artists believe that the problem is how to make makeup so that the eyes seem more, if there are hanging eyelids, is not a problem.

And with the help of the proper application of makeup, you can turn this disadvantage in dignity:

  1. It is important to make eyebrows. They must be neat and thin, because thick and bulk eyebrows will exacerbate the situation.
  2. With the help of the corrector, hide the dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles. It will give another volume and freshness.
  3. Base is applied.
  4. Shadows are used by several colors that are combined with each other.
  5. Over the edge of the authorized century, matte shadows of dark shades are applied, as if drawing a fold. Alternatively, the shadows of the lighter shade (golden, flickering) are applied in the middle of the eyeball to enhance the visual volume.
  6. The border between the transition of different shades of shadows is to grow. External eye corners must be scratched in a darker color.
  7. The mucousness of the upper and lower eyelids outline the contour pencil of black. Rush lines so that they are a little longer than the present eye shape. Secure out the shadows with the brush.
  8. Inner corners of the eyes and space under eyebrows.
  9. Eyelashes to cry in several layers of carcasses. You can stick overhead eyelashes, it will give an even greater effect.

Secrets of professional makeup artists

There are several secrets in eye makeup technique.To visually make them more and expressive:

  • On the lower eyelids on the mucousit is applied with a white pencil contour, and on the agent of the centur with a black or dark brown pencil. Also on the lower eyelids, apply the color of the shadows, to the tone the darker of those whom the moving eyelid is scratched.
  • Paint eyes In order for them to cage more need dark matte shadows. To do this, you need to draw an arrow leaving outside the eye. It will give his eyes an ideal almond shape and extend them.
  • Eyebrows should be lifted. It is important to not only pull out and give them a form, but also to make fetter shadows.
  • The arrows are drawn thinhaving a bend up, or slightly decisive. They should be painted only at the top century.

Make your eyes more with the help of decorative cosmetics perhaps owning special makeup techniques. Learn to them just. The main thing is to follow the advice of professional makeup artists and cosmetologists. Any lack of appearance can be turned into dignity.

Useful video about how to make makeup so that the eyes seem more:

How to make your eyes anymore. How to hide the hidden century:

There is one interesting phrase: "God created all women with different eyes, and the makeup hundreds of their chances of success!" Nowadays, with the help of good makeup, you can change your appearance beyond recognition. We often see in the "yellow" press of cinema-diva, singers with a very impervious appearance, after looking at the film or another concert with them and see girls of incredible beauty. The magic of such a wonderful reincarnation lies in the right make-up! With it, it is possible to conduct adjustments for some flaws of appearance, such as small eyes. You ask how to increase your eyes with makeup?

Make a makeup to increase the eye is quite simple, observing some rules, you can easily master this skill. The first thing you should turn your glance is to the state of your eyebrows. If your eyebrows are not in perfect condition, then whatever makeup you do not try on, he will look very bad. Give the eyebrows an ideal form (tattooed eyebrows lose their popularity, an hour from an hour), go to a good wizard who competently will issue your brows.

Now the natural shape and color of the eyebrows returned, try to stick to this trend. The color of hairs should be darker on the tone than the color of your curls.

Shadows for eye-magic tool for the transformation of small eyes in expressive eyes

They can be called the main tool in creating this stunning illusion. Many beauties are sacred believe that to give widths and help shadows from a dark palette. This opinion is erroneous if you set the goal of how to visually increase your eyes, you must prepare the shadows of different tones. Another little secret, take advantage of shimmering shadows containing flickering particles, with them you will achieve a stunning increasing effect!

  • Under the brow line, apply the shadow of a light shade;
  • On the upper eyelid you need to apply light colors, and then thoroughly grow.

Now you can proceed to apply darker tones, it is better to distribute them at the outer corners, after a little growing, so you will achieve the release of folds

Color gamut shadows choose so that it is flawlessly harmonized with your skin, eye, hair and of course outfit.

The right selection of the lines of the eyelid is another important tool.

Girls, if you are still confident that the bold line is black, like an alignment coal, will help increase your eyes, then you are deeply mistaken. The same applies to the pencil, it is not necessary to draw thick lines in the upper eyelid, repeating the famous makeup Amy Wainthaus. Lines must be thin, elegant and best if you are growing eyeliner.

Eyelashes- main weapon of fatal beauties

Beautiful, lush eyelashes give the look of expressiveness and fight everyone. To make your eyelashes with the stunning put their special tongs. After that you can go to the applying carcass. Girls, remember that 4 layers of carcass on the eyelashes is quite unattractive, you will turn them on the contrary into an ugly fence. Masculated Maximum in 2 layers and best if it is black or brown. Discard the use of a multi-colored carcass in everyday make-up, color mascara is appropriate only on a carnival or a noisy party. Do not forget to crose bottom eyelashes.

What do not cost if you have little eyes?!

Draw thick clear contour lines in the upper eyelid. Draw contour in the lower eyelid. Do not interlene the line of the upper and lower eyelid contour at one point. Do not use the mascara unusual shade for you. Do not overdo it in the use of dark shades of shadows.

Makeup secrets. How to increase your eyes?

White line on the inner surface of the lower eyelid

The classic of the genre, such a reception is effective both in the day and in the evening Make- Up. Such a line can be carried out with a soft white pencil for the eyes. Some girls who have a magnificent art skill spend such a white shadow line or using a pearl gamut. What is the secret of this white pencil line? It smoothly merges with an eye protein, creating an illusion of continuing. The protein becomes more, and the eyes are wider. In addition, the white pencil line helps to refresh your appearance, make the look wide, and the eyes are full of live gloss.

Choose inner eye corner

By emphasizing the bright shadows of "tear" (this is exactly what the wizard was called a moss, the inner corner of the eye), you instantly achieve the effect of wide-open eyes. And if you have closely planted eyes, then such a reception will visually remove them from each other. For such a reception, you can use a white pencil or shadow of the same color. If you decide to take advantage of the pencil, then you must cause 3-4 points into the inner corner of the eye, and then make a make-up to the make-up taste. Shadows are applied in the same technique.

Red dot in the inner corner of the eye

Such a simple reception will allow you to achieve visual extension of the eye line. Find the place in the inner corner the place where the "tear meat" is located and put the point in its corner, with the help of a red pencil. The point must be fat.

Eye makeup nuances depending on their form

Could cope with the task "visually increase your eyes" if they are small, not quite simple. There are many nuances in which makeup to choose, because each person has an eye location individually. Someone has someone closely planted, someone's opposite from each other. Now we will talk step by step about how to paint your eyes so that they seem more, taking into account their features of their location.

Closely planted eyes

Quite often found eye location type. The first task of makeup is to make them further from each other. To do this, you need a pencil to create a circuit and a palette of the shadows. The light colors of the shadows need to be distributed over the inner corner of the eyes, and dark shadows along the outer surface of the century. The boundaries between the colors need to grow. We begin to apply the contour with the help of a pencil, the line must be drawn from the middle of the moving century. The arrow lines should slightly play abroad of natural fold. Now you can apply mascara. Voila and makeup to enlarge eye ready!

Round Jokes

In order to visually increase your eyes, you must perform several manipulations. A pencil to create an outline must be applied from the top of the upper century, the length of the arrows slightly goes beyond the boundaries of natural fold. On top of the circuit, apply dark shadows and grow the resulting contour. After that, apply mascara with the effect of increasing the volume, carefully scroll the eyelashes at an external corner of the eye.

We make narrow eyes wide

The owner of such a shape of the eyes most often think about how to paint eyes so that they seem more. To make an eye shape adjustment Take a pencil to make a contour. A slightly retreating from the edge of the eyelashes on the upper and lower eyelids, swipe the liner. After that, we grow a line and apply shadows on it. Shadows should be applied with a thin layer so as not to overshadow the eyeliner.

Deep planted eyes

In this makeup, 2 effects are combined - this is a visual increase in the eyes and approaching them to each other. You will need shades with a light palette, a contour pencil to create a lines of the eyeliner, it also must be a light shade. Only mascara should be black. Makeup creation technique repeats the above described.

Video: Makeup to enlarge eyes

Cute girls, you have learned only a small part of the secrets of how to increase your eyes using makeup. Taking the techniques described by us how to visually increase the eyes at home, go to a more detailed study of the MAKE- UP art. And then with time, you will not be able to remember any shortcomings in appearance, as you learn to skillfully mask them, creating flawless illusions.