How not to become an easily accessible woman. How to make you not considered an easily accessible girl

"Affordable" or "Ladut" - from what depends on how men do you have? WomanJournal.Ru tells that he thinks a strong sex about women's accessibility.

What do men think about women

There is no inaccessible women! There are not too persistently. Notice, I say "persistent", and not "annoying". Alas, Hama Ishidla, for which the process of acquaintance is limited by the phrase "Che, in the stop of the hype to me!", Abound. And they are sincerely surprised when they refuse them. When they do not understand and do not know, poor, which can be different. It presents such a word "romance". That any woman - no matter where it is at all crawled out, from the pool in a luxury cottage or from the nearest trashrs - a good word is nice. But we will not talk about these, so to speak, "Macho." Stranva fate from meetings with them.

Strictly speaking, the concept of availability-inaccessibility of women is subjective.
Remember, it's worth you, or someone out of your aggregate to the corporate party is slightly more flat, than usual, to dance the incendiary dance from the colleagne sex, and, God forbid, go home by taxi, with this Zheckolm - everything! The reputation of the lady who makes a career in a famous place, you areoboren!

And on the other hand, there are women who are in that gese farm team, we manage to scroll through the short novels almost with all men, while noting any irritation or envy on the part of the other, remaining cute, pleasant and charming for everyone. They are not offended by "abandoned" men, women speak with friendliness. Believe, there are such!
Of course, a lot in the behavior of women depends on how they were brought up in childhood. But, as life shows, it is not at all the fact that the esstation of parents with a conservative look, the daughter will grow "morally resistant." And vice versa. I, like a man, respectfully with respect to any women's female position. Whether "in life you have to try everything and as much as possible," or "a man should be one and for life." But, I repeat - not formerly accessible women! Time, perseverance and money (alas ...) - here are three kitamuhi success. Of course, I'm talking about the case when a man did not impress the woman of the first glance.

What do men think about women

On the question of the number of men in the life of a woman. Three, five, twenty, one hundred ... In my opinion, there is no special difference. I'm not at all interesting, how many things were before me. Here and now I'm with you, you are with me, and even love the whole world. Well, if I want to boast, then do not be surprised if it makes it a gear from your horizon, impressed by the number of your victories. By the way, I know, and not so few for which being the first and only in-law is important and fundamentally. What only confirms the subjectivity of the topic.

Our society is pleased with the labels. Regarding, and more and without. This is the Shalava, and the one worthy of respect for the lady. Why? Well, how! She goes constantly in a mini-skirt, and this in a strict dress up to pee and deaf amber. And the fact that the "Shalava" has three children and a beloved husband, and the "lady" in the evening "escort services" - does not matter at all. Yes, the neckline or minimize men is quite predictable. But isn't it for this, cute, do you like it? All your excuses like: "I like this style" - it's funny. In our place you like, even if you yourself do not confess yourself!

Of course, the holy right of every woman is only the most decide or not to be a concrete man next to her. And if there is, how soon. On the first date, in five years of candidate and bought relationships. I will not hide, often men, counting on fast sex, draw your time for women easier. Young girls who are not burdened with particularly intelligence, provinces, padded on everything that will not meet in a small town.

Affordable women? On the one hand - yes. Perspective in the bed of men in the evening they dating them very high. But from the foreferon, most of them sincerely believes that this is the greatest love, the flavor will come family happiness and well-being. Available? Alas, just naive. Or a different case: held, a successful woman changes partners as the acts. Affordable? That's not! Just lives in his pleasure. And with Keption - pickily chooses itself. And if a man does not fall into this circle, the prospect to be in her bed is ghostly.

You can argue on the topic of female accessibility for a long time. But lonely living remains too modest, or too naive. And the Talexible "Affordable" welfare married, the second and third time, as a rule, successfully, give birth to children and love men.

It seems to me that many women have something happened with self-esteem. Good women consider themselves "too" good and instead of encouraging men to develop and spiritual growth, inspire them on great feats with their beauty and inaccessibility, we are in a matter of days and weeks ready to pass our positions and do everything to keep next to you man.

Women agree to live with men who do not want to start a family, because they hope that "who knows, one day suddenly change his mind." Women agree to be "one of", because now "everyone lives", "" men have a polygamy nature. " Women are now playing "Alfasamok" and predatives, launching in the course of the spell of external attractiveness, starting the relationship from this, and then complain that "men crushed, no anywhere else." So why do men apply extra efforts if they are all given. What is it here to conquer if "mining" itself came and persistently suggests himself as a performer of the desires of a man? It is not about all women and not about all men, but such, unfortunately, a lot.

I understand that the readers will find dissenters. Both among men and women. And now the most amazing thing that among women will be dissent and dissatisfied ...

What did the woman won from the possibility of "conquer" a man in the modern world? What do we all win from a quick physical convergence? It seems to me that we have even a culture of communication between men and women are not particularly not, there is no culture of dates, there is no court culture. It is clear that who will wait here for two months (what's the horror! And if more?))) Without intimate intimacy, if there are many easily accessible options around there for pleasure. I think the question is not even in the physiology of male or feminine, but in where we send our energy.

The upbringing of boys in modern society does not really encourage the manifestation of men's qualities in them, at least internal male qualities: responsibility, purposefulness, determination, spirit of spirit, restraint in emotions, but will in feelings. Externally, yes, the image of a relief male body excites the minds of thousands of women, but surprisingly, for which the male body is so many muscles, if for many they are only required in the gym. Cutting firewood, build a house, work in the field, fight (in armor;)) on the battlefields, work physically on their land - among young people, not such a big percentage is busy in such events, and the easiest way to feel your masculinity is physical Proximity. And the more women, the more stronger than the man. Hmm ... It seems to me that in all of us there is much more sense.

Raising girls in our days is also torn off from the image of a mother and wife. Seductive predators, highly intelligent bitchs, "iron ladies" and a lot more in the modern world. And if you are a wife, mom and housewife, then this is not quite prestigious. Olga Valyaeva One of the first began to talk about it in his articles and books, and, of course, such statements cause resistance. I mean the statement that the purpose of the woman is to be a woman, be a wife and mother. And we are fighting for independence so for the fact that "I want to realize myself in my business." Wife and Mom are not too worthy of occupation for many of us ... In my opinion, it sounds terrible. And it is not very recognized in this and easily.

Starting a relationship from physical intimacy, can we expect that they will last for many years, what is about family and children, what is it about a joint way, what about self-development and about the depth? Perhaps there are also such stories, but they are rather exception than the rules. The problem is that there is no such request within us - the relationship for life, the family is until the end of life, etc. Someone has, but in general there is no value of the family in society. Divide, not living and years in marriage, do not reach even the fifth birthday of your baby, get married, but "if a meeting is better to leave for another." Somewhere stood on 02.09.13
System error, it seems to me. Something is wrong here.

It is clear that many of us already have as it is: both children, and divorces, and not the first family. But we need more attention to be prepared for the family, it seems to me that it is necessary to learn, grow, increase the level of spiritual development. Start everyone from myself, first of all, and not to rush with the accusations of the partner. I am very close to the idea that spiritual societies have no need for psychologists, because everyone lives on conscience and internal high standards, there is no need for external regulation of relations.

Does it make sense to strive to ensure that the partner is alone and for the whole life so that the first proximity happens after the marriage, I do not know, everyone needs to decide for himself. But I am convinced that it always makes sense more consciously approach the creation of relationships, first to talk more more, to hold one time for some time, learn each other closer, but do not hurry to jump into bed until a thinner connection has been established.

Physical proximity is certainly pleasant, but without mental contact, it rather devastates what she gives strength. The satisfaction of the needs of the physical body is unlikely to be the highest goal of human life leading him to happiness and harmony with himself. Heat, love, friendship, support, growth and development are the foundations of good and strong relationships, and physical proximity is part of them. But not the opposite. This I think so, and of course you have the right to think somehow differently.

I wish you all a great day and good mood :)

(c) Dina Richards.

Announcement: not free, but accessible.

Did not have time to meet. She says: - Let's go to me or to you?

- Yah you. Problemy you somehow!

Men are often missing, picking up affordable.

Aphorisms about men

Easily accessible woman Easily accessibility as the quality of the personality - the tendency does not differ as the rigor of the morals (about a woman).

A prostitute during sex tells the client: - I am a woman available. For reference: I have a dachshund - five rubles there, five back. He: - And I have only five ...

What does chicken think, running away from the rooster? Is it too fast I run?

Unlike availability, the easily accessibility of a woman has a completely different social color - vicious.

Easily accessibility is when a woman has a password of 1,2,3,4 installed in a causal location. The motorist would say: - the front oil seal leaks. Women talk more hard: - Lark on the front. An easily accessible woman looks at sex like a frivolous man. In sexual proximity she does not see the reason for dating.

The trouble is that a woman becomes what a man wants to see her. Such is the female nature, her psychology. The smaller in the relationship of the knighthood, that is, nobility, generosity, honor and dignity, the most accessible women become. Degradation of men pushes to the fall of women.

What a woman wants to see a degradant? Always for him affordable, undemanding, inclined to forgive him, hazardous and wordless. Responsibility for the availability of women lies on men. A man in the context of life goal is always a leader for a woman. The higher his goals, the higher the culture and loyalty of the woman. A woman often becomes easily accessible in a company with a non-flyrell man. A woman cannot be faithful to those who do not believe in anyone and anything she does not put in anything.

Easily accessibility is usually sold. She is ready to go with anyone, on his first whim, if only the wallet was full. More Ancient noticed: "For the miga of a pleasant possession of a foreign body, the hunter makes intercourse with easily accessible women and from now on forced to contain them, and at the same time their relatives, who are often insulting and humiliate him. It happens, he will bribe his prey to the woman, but another more deft hunter will cast it. In order to try a drop of honey, the hunter is happy to endure the bits of the whole roa bees. "

Easily accessibility is the complete ignoring of all the stages of the development of the relationship between a man and a woman, even the candidate bakery stage turns out of affairs. That is, acquaintance - cap. Why know who he is, what is his name, what does he do? It is enough to know chased. Uncertainty - by side. Woman does not ask himself a question: - Do I need to join him with him? There is no need for such a psychological problem. To disclose your best qualities - too, for nothing: - Remove the pants - we will get acquainted. That's all the disclosure.

Writer Yuri Polyakov in the "sky of the fallen" tells how his hero visited the easily accessible women in the institute dormitory: "There is some kind of sense school, who has already managed to get married, give birth to, divorce and send a child to mom in Native Gadyukinsk, naples me wagties, feed the scrambled eggs With a large sliced \u200b\u200bsausage, and then, if the neighbors went away, we embarrasses a bit on a narrow cassenaya bed: I will patiently chase an orgasm in the catcakes of my irrevocable after alcohol of the body, and she is passionately whisper in my ear: "Only not in me! Only not in me !! " The women of my youth shared on the sane and unbearable. "

According to Vladimir Koltytsky, "the woman is similar to the Arctic: she also has a pole of relative inaccessibility." Easily accessibility - planet without poles inaccessibility. Like the line is the shortest distance between two points and easily accessibility - the shortest time between the exchange of views and the tumbling in bed.

Easily accessibility signals about yourself so it is clearly that the male subconsciousness is rarely mistaken at its account. How do men scan easily accessibility? Vulgar, too frank outfit, excessive body disease, obsession and annoyance in all manifestations, non-verbal unequivocal signals about sexual hunger. When a woman, the more married, laughs loudly, men make up the impression that it is easily accessible.

Where blatants are treated, women are becoming easily accessible. Loyalty need to be deserved. The loyalty as the quality of the personality is the ability of once to determine about any object and on the basis of its choice without any doubt to show persistence and invariance in their feelings, relations, in the performance of duties and debt.

There is a causal relationship between the easier of his wife and discernience, not the purposeful of her husband. A woman can be loyal and devoted only to the man who respects. It becomes easily accessible, if he sees that he does not seek anything, does not put high goals, no one believes in anyone. The duty of a man not only to ensure the physical, material and emotional protection of a woman, but also lead her in the spiritual plan. If he in front of a woman turns into an animal, concerned only by food, copulation, sleep and self-defense, it loses respect for him, becomes rude and cynical - easy prey for other men.

Jokes in the topic. The guy invited a girl to ride a boat. By sailing near the coast, he says: "Of course, I don't really like the easily accessible girls, but I will consider that the boat I hired just an hour.

An easily accessible woman returns from summer holiday. Sits in an airplane, looks at his knees and says: - Finally you are together!

The husband leaves to relax and ask for a neighbor to look after his wife: - If it rises, let's telegram: "The wife died," and I will understand. A week later, such a telegram comes, and men in the room did not turn out. Solidal friends give a response telegram: "Notify when the funeral." Got a neighbor such an answer and writes: "When the funeral - I do not know, but access to the body continues."

Peter Kovalev

Our friend has a girl almost a model - high, with thin legs, bright brunette. One trouble - loves to walk. Fled from him to Novosibirsk, leaving alone with pain and packages of the phenozepama. But they told him - do not bind! She also has a native sister - a prostitute. I did not listen, and as a result ...

But, indeed, is there a way for men to protect yourself from a woman capable of treason, and still at the stage of courtship and dating, will it be the right chief chosen? I propose to consider the seven main male myths and analyze them. For each of the myths, men even created a special theory. The question is whether such a theory works.
So, the first theory - physiological. If we talk a completely spacious language, the theory says that some women B.And it is inherited. Supposedly there are some women which literally with Mother's milk absorbed a strong sexual constitution and a tendency to promiscity. The promise of the theory is this: look at the relatives of the girl in the women's line and draw conclusions. In the correctness of the theory, I am not personally sure. Recently, I was told about the groove of a daughter of one spiritual person who has extremely modest relatives.

Theory Second - evolutionary. In general, it is generally all the women b, but nothing about the sun and talk. Allegedly, to ensure genetic diversity, a woman should find both genes, good and different, preferably in a nearby tribe so that blood is not mixed. And let them feed them all the favorite Tarzan. I did not believe before. But having visited the Medical Forum, where future mothers strongly find out the paternity after several contacts with different men, began to think.

The third theory emphasizes the role education. They say, if they kept the girl in rigor, inspired her correct ideals and respect for a man, then do not wait for trouble. Everything will be chinno, right and at best. But the oranges will not be born! And the slitty mother has the same daughter. I'm not sure how the rule works with sludge mothers, but that, the modests often have a girl at the time of adolescent rebellion - this is quite accurate.

Not far from this we left talk about the impact environments. And they have a share of truth. Remember what happened to the main heroine of "Faust"? Nothing good was a girl in those days lost virginity. But now in any club can easily find a girlfriend until the morning and especially not to steam about this. Yes, and girlfriend is not offended. What is it for?

The fifth theory, which, for some reason, often forget, emphasizes the role of the man himself. For some reason, some do not have time to change girlfriends and have a lot of fans who are ready to fulfill any of their desire, and no one wants to communicate with others. Probably, it makes sense to conclude - a special role is played here just the process and quality of courtship. That is, there are men for whom all women are easily accessible.

Don't forget about psychological condition of women. Some believe that the Comcommunication for a woman is a kind of way to get positive emotions, love and affection that did not get it in another way, and the older partner, for example, is just a projection of the Father. Inner emptiness, loneliness, the need for communication makes it comes to dangerous connections.

Well, the last theory is taking into account female cycles. In different days, one and the same woman can be a faithful wife, and looking for adventures on their second ninety bitch. It's all about the approach of ovulation. True or not - I do not know. But it used to notice that when the day of the day was approaching the men around becomes much more nice. When you begin to like guys with missing teeth, you understand - the probability of conception is extremely large. Nature is visoring.

What do you think, under the influence of which factors, a woman loses control over himself? Why are some available, and other stories? Some change, and others - no?

It seems to me that many women have something happened with self-esteem. Good women consider themselves "too" good, and instead of encouraging men to develop and spiritual growth, inspire them to great feats with their beauty and inaccessibility, we are in a matter of days and weeks ready to pass our positions and do everything to keep nearby a man.

Women agree to live with men who do not want to start a family, because they hope that "who knows, one day suddenly change his mind." Women agree to be "one of", because now "everyone lives", "" men have a polygamy nature. " Women are now playing "Alfasamok" and predatives, launching in the course of the spell of external attractiveness, starting the relationship from this, and then complain that "men crushed, no anywhere else." So why do men apply extra efforts if they are all given. What is it here to conquer if "mining" itself came and persistently suggests himself as a performer of the desires of a man? It is not about all women and not about all men, but such, unfortunately, a lot.

I understand that the readers will find dissenters. Both among men and women. And the most amazing thing is that among women will be disagreeable and dissatisfied ...

What did the woman won from the possibility of "conquer" a man in the modern world? What do we all win from a quick physical convergence? It seems to me that we have even a culture of communication between men and women are not particularly not, there is no culture of dates, there is no court culture. It is clear that who will wait here for two months without intimate proximity, if there are many easily accessible options around there for pleasure. I think the question is not even in the physiology of male or feminine, but in where we send our energy.

The upbringing of boys in modern society does not really encourage the manifestation of male qualities in it, at least internal male qualities - responsibility, purposefulness, determination, strength of the spirit, restraint in emotions, but will be in feelings. Externally, yes, the image of a relief male body excites the minds of thousands of women, but surprisingly, for which the male body is so many muscles, if for many they are only required in the gym. Hug firewood, build a house, work in the field, fight in armor on the battlefields, work physically on their land - among young people, not such a big percentage is busy in such events, and the easiest way to feel your masculinity is physical proximity. And the more women, the greater the man. Hmm ... It seems to me that in all of us there is much more sense. The admission of girls in our days is also torn off from the image of a mother and wife. Seductive predators, highly intelligent bitchs, "iron ladies" and a lot more in the modern world. And if you are a wife, mom and housewife, then it is not quite "prestigious." Olga Valyaeva One of the first began to talk about it in his articles and books, and, of course, such statements cause resistance. I mean the statement that the purpose of the woman is to be a woman, be a wife and mother. And we are fighting for independence and for the fact that "I want to realize myself in my business." Wife and Mom are not too worthy of occupation for many of us ... In my opinion, it sounds terrible. And it is not very recognized in this and easily.

Starting a relationship from physical intimacy, can we expect that they will last for many years, what is about family and children, what is it about a joint way, what about self-development and about the depth? Perhaps there are such stories, but rather about exceptions than the rules. The problem is that there is no such request within us - the relationship for life, the family is until the end of life, etc. Someone has, but in general there is no value of the family in society. Divide, not living and years in marriage, do not reach even the fifth birthday of your baby, get married, but "if a meeting is better to leave for another." Somewhere I crept a system error, it seems to me. Something is wrong here.

It is clear that many of us already have as it is. Both children and divorces, and not the first family. But we must somehow pay more attention to this, it seems to me. Learn, develop, increase the level of spiritual development. Start everyone from myself, first of all, and not to rush with the accusations of the partner. I am very close to the idea that there is no need for psychologists in spiritual societies, because everyone lives on conscience and internal high standards, there is no need for external regulation of relations.

Does it make sense to strive for the partner to be alone and for life so that the first proximity happens after the marriage is, I do not know. I think everyone needs to decide for yourself. But I am convinced that it always makes sense more consciously approach the creation of relationships, first to talk more more, to hold one time for some time, learn each other closer, but do not hurry to jump into bed until a thinner connection has been established.

Physical proximity is certainly pleasant, but without mental contact, it rather devastates what she gives strength. The satisfaction of the needs of the physical body is unlikely to be the highest goal of human life leading him to happiness and harmony with himself. Heat, love, friendship, support, growth and development are the foundations of good and strong relationships, and physical proximity is part of them. But not the opposite. This I think so, and of course you have the right to think somehow differently.