How to measure basal temperature with a regular thermometer pregnancy. How to understand chart data? Reasons for a decrease in basal temperature

22.07.2017 by baby-malavki

Most women who dream of getting pregnant know firsthand about basal temperature. After all, it is she who helps to determine the absence or presence of ovulation that has occurred, conception that has occurred and the normal course of pregnancy in the early stages. However, in order to obtain reliable information and not make mistakes in measurements, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules prescribed over the years by obstetrician-gynecologists.

To do this, you need to learn not only how to measure correctly, but also to know that the result can be considered reliable only if the measurement of BT falls on the wake-up hours (immediately after the woman woke up). Otherwise, the schedule will jump and simply confuse its owner.

So that our readers are sure to know about all the rules and factors of the procedure, in today's article we will talk in detail about how to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy before and after a delay, we will show a photo of the schedule and real reviews of the fair sex, who have already passed the planning stage and became a mother.

What is basal body temperature?

BBT is the lowest body temperature maintained by the body during full sleep or lying down. Its distinguishing feature is that its measurement is carried out in the rectum and falls in the morning hours, when the woman has just woken up and has not yet gotten out of bed. The result is recorded in the chart and helps not only to determine the fact of ovulation, but also the pregnancy.

After the end of menstruation, the basal temperature is - 36-36.8 C degrees, after ovulation it increases and reaches a threshold of 37-37.7 C degrees. If pregnancy has occurred, then on the graph in the second half of the cycle there will be a sharp drop in temperature for 1-2 days - this will mean the implantation period or the attachment of a fertilized egg to one of the walls of the uterus. A decrease in BBT in the last days of the cycle may indicate the completion of the cycle and the onset of menstruation.

Also, obstetricians-gynecologists note that if the temperature of the graph constantly jumps, this may indicate hormonal problems in the female body and defective ovulation.

Basic measurement rules

Despite the fact that the measurement of basal temperature is one of the elementary procedures that can be carried out at home, it has quite a few prescribed rules. They are decisive and help to get the right and very accurate result.

  • 1 rule

The daily measurement falls in the morning hours, when the woman woke up, but had not yet got out of bed. Therefore, it is best to keep a thermometer at hand, making sure that it does not break due to carelessness.

  • 2 rule

Rest in bed or good sleep before measurement should exceed 5-7 hours.

  • 3 rule

Taking medications and medicines, colds and infectious diseases, can affect the results. Therefore, before being surprised by the schedule, hoping for better or worse, it is necessary to consult with a leading gynecologist, telling him the essence of the concern.

  • 4 rule

It is necessary to measure BT with one thermometer in order to avoid measurement errors.

  • Rule 5

There is a belief that it is preferable to measure the basal temperature in the morning hours - 5-6 in the morning. Therefore, those who sleep until lunchtime cannot do without an alarm clock!

Also, every woman should be aware that there are several factors that can affect the correct result. Distortion can be caused by the following reasons:

  • nervous stress, emotional disorders;
  • inadequate sleep, insomnia;
  • frostbite, overheating in the sun;
  • colds and infectious diseases, weakness, high body temperature;
  • a sharp change in climate, seaside holidays, etc.;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • intense physical activity, diet, nutritional errors.

Chart decoding

If BT jumps every day, and the graph resembles sharp jumps resembling a cardiogram, then for a complete decoding, it is better to make an appointment with a doctor. After a full-time examination, studying the schedule and the problem, he will determine the possible problem, prescribe treatment and give the necessary recommendations.

Applications for IOS and Android

If in the days of our mothers, the basal temperature chart was recorded on a blank sheet in a notebook, today convenient applications for smartphones are offered for tablets, which will always be at hand. Common options for IOS and Android include: Eggy, Women's Calendar, Cycles, OvuView. They will allow you to store the recorded data, while building a beautiful and even graph in electronic form.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy? Reviews

  • Tatyana, 21 years old

Knowing nothing about measuring BT, I measured it incorrectly in the evening hours through my mouth for a whole week. The schedule was intimidating! It's good that my mother suggested what I was doing wrong and right.

  • Vera, 25 years old

The third child did not work out for a very long time, so the reproductive specialist suggested measuring the basal temperature. For a whole month I woke up at 5 in the morning and sketched the result in a notebook ... however, the result exceeded my expectations. At the next appointment, my doctor identified problems in the genitourinary system and prescribed treatment for 3 months, after which I immediately became pregnant.

  • Inna, 29 years old

Better ovulation tests than this BT. Once I was nervous, and the result began to jump. Apparently the measurements are not calculated for women with nervous work.

  • Vika, 40 years old

For 2 years I was planning my second pregnancy, because before that I had miscarriages. It's good that an experienced doctor got caught and said that it was necessary to measure BT. This helped to identify problems with progesterone.

  • Oksana, 19 years old

All this is nonsense! Previously, no one measured anything, did not know about ovulation, and because of this, there was no psychological infertility. So - think less and worry!

Photo graph of basal temperature:

Many planning couples want to know how to determine ovulation by basal temperature. Building a graph will not take much time. If a woman cannot figure it out on her own, a specialist consultation is necessary. The doctor will explain how to dot the graph and how to decipher it.

This technique should not be taken lightly. It allows you to determine not only the day of ovulation, but also the presence of various pathological processes in the hormonal and reproductive system. For this reason, it is recommended to track fertility for three menstrual cycles. This will allow you to more accurately understand the possible reasons for the lack of pregnancy.

Before you understand how to build a system, you should know how it works. This technique was developed in 1953 in England. The active scientist Marshal revealed the relationship between temperature changes and hormonal substances.

The main influence on the increase in performance is exerted by progesterone. It causes a gradual rise in the graph in the second phase of the cycle. On the difference between the temperatures of the first and second phases, you can notice days that are accompanied by a decrease and a sharp jump in the curve. It is these days that are most favorable for a successful conception.

The change in basal temperature depends on the phase of the cycle. Each phase must have a specific duration. The first part of the menstrual cycle depends on the work of estrogen. This hormone begins to function actively the next day after the end of menstruation. The average for a healthy girl should not exceed 36.8 degrees. Measurement should be carried out daily to obtain a clearer clinical picture.

Estrogen causes preparatory processes in the uterus. The substance contributes to the appearance of the endometrium, which is necessary for the introduction of a fertilized egg. The endometrial layer also actively changes over time. The fabric is divided into three layers. The thickness of the layers should also increase. On days 10–12, the basal temperature chart shows a decrease in performance. The result of the obtained changes may differ by 0.5 degrees. This phenomenon occurs due to a decrease in the amount of estrogen. This period indicates the onset of the ovulatory phase.

The normal ovulatory period begins with the appearance of luteinizing hormone in the bloodstream. The luteinizing substance is responsible for the rupture of the dominant follicle. The follicle grows on the surface of the ovary in almost every cycle. It is located at the site of the release of the egg under the shell of the organ. Follicle growth is observed under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone. An increase in the volume of fluid filling the cavity of the follicle occurs when a luteinizing substance appears. The appearance of LH is accompanied by a drop in estrogen hormone. A dip appears on the chart. The norm of this period can be 2-3 days. If the fall is longer, there are certain problems in the work of the ovaries. A computer program that draws a graph of basal temperature, on the second day of sinking, draws an ovulation line. After ovulation, the patient should continue to measure BW and plot the result on the chart.

In this case, the work of the corpus luteum and the progesterone substance is monitored. Progesterone is involved in fixing the fetus in the uterus and its further development. This same technique allows the girl to know how to determine ovulation by basal temperature.

The appearance of progesterone causes an increase in indicators on the graph. The difference between the ovulatory phase and the progesterone stage can reach 0.8 degrees. In a healthy woman, the increase in the curve in the table should occur no more than three days. If the increase in the line is slower, there are problems with the hormonal background.

It is recommended to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation when various problems with conception appear. The technique is recommended for the fair sex, who have problems such as:

  • prolonged absence of pregnancy;
  • infertility of unknown etiology;
  • irregular menstrual cycle.

The main reason for visiting a doctor is the long-term inability of the patient to become pregnant. It is possible to establish the reason for the lack of conception only with the help of a series of tests. During the examination, the girl is recommended to use this technique. It allows you to determine the presence of hormonal failure or various pathological processes in the reproductive system. Also, according to the schedule, the doctor can set the length of each phase of the menstrual cycle. This is necessary to determine the proper functioning of each hormone. The norm of the content of each hormone is prescribed in the laboratory form. After the examination, it is handed over to the patient.

Prolonged absence of pregnancy in apparently healthy parents is called infertility of unknown etiology. This problem is common in modern people. The reasons for this problem are varied. Pathology may appear due to the presence of hidden processes in the reproductive system, an unhealthy lifestyle, the presence of weak physical activity and other negative influences. At the same time, during the examination, the couple does not show any signs of disease. You can determine the cause of infertility of unclear etiology using a table indicating how ovulation proceeds according to the basal temperature chart. The presence of any hidden processes causes a jump in the curve. By the time of its appearance, the doctor can determine the cause of the pathology.

Measurement of basal temperature is also recommended for irregular menstrual cycles. The graph allows you to determine if the patient has ovulation, and when it happens. According to the table, a woman can determine the beginning of the fertile period. At this time, the couple may begin to plan a pregnancy or be heavily protected. Also, the gynecologist can determine the cause of the violation of the cycle and select the necessary treatment.

Often, planning couples resort to measuring basal temperature. By temperature fluctuations, the patient determines the approach of ovulation. The norm in this case is 13-16 days of the menstrual cycle. You can also use the schedule to plan for a specific gender of the baby. In this case, it is necessary to have sexual intercourse on certain days of the menstrual cycle. To conceive a girl, you should have sex 3 days before ovulation. A boy, on the other hand, can be born to a couple whose sexual contact occurred on the day of the onset of ovulation.

The veracity of the methodology

As the English scientist found out, each phase has certain temperature indicators. In the first phase of the cycle, the temperature should be lower by 0.5 degrees. On the day of ovulation, there is a decrease in indicators for 2-3 days. The progesterone stage is accompanied by a rise in the curve by a few tenths of a degree. This construction gives a clear picture of the two-phase menstrual cycle.

The phases of a healthy woman should be of approximately equal duration. Deviation is allowed for 2-3 days only in the duration of the estrogen period. An error can be observed due to an untimely increase in estrogen after menstruation.

The progesterone stage should not have an error. The prolongation of the phase can only be observed in the presence of elevated prolactin or pregnancy. The average length of the progesterone phase should be 2 weeks. If a phase is observed that has a duration of less than 11 days, the patient has a lack of the hormone - progesterone.

Thus, this technique allows you to accurately determine the presence of ovulation, the characteristics of the menstrual cycle and the causes of infertility.

Measurement Rules

To correctly determine what the basal temperature is during ovulation, certain rules must be followed. It is recommended to measure basal temperature according to the following rules:

  • correct use of the thermometer;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • observance of the time of measurement;
  • consideration of related factors.

These rules will help determine how to measure the basal temperature to determine the fertile period. Basal temperature should be measured with a separate mercury thermometer. The use of an electronic thermometer is not recommended. Such a device carries out further measurement after a signal to stop working. Experts advise an additional holding time of one minute. Otherwise, the result will be invalid. A mercury thermometer, on the other hand, measures for a longer time, but has an accurate result. Each measurement should be performed for at least five minutes. Basal body temperature rises slowly during ovulation. When entering the results, it is necessary to accurately determine the degrees to tenths.

The main rule is to reduce physical activity. Before the study, a woman must remain physically calm for at least four hours. This contributes to the setting of indicators at the same level. Due to this feature, experts recommend measuring in the morning. The thermometer must be put in a place located at arm's length. This arrangement will help the woman to carry out less movement. After the woman woke up, she should not make any movements. The thermometer should be placed rectally, orally, or vaginally. The most accurate is the measurement in the intestines. To do this, it is necessary to insert a thin part of the thermometer into the anus to a depth of 2 cm. When inserting a thermometer, do not make sudden movements. Basal temperature should be measured after 5-7 minutes. Only then can you get up.

If, before measuring, a woman had sexual contact or an unplanned trip to the toilet, the basal temperature for determining ovulation should not be taken into account. The next measurement is carried out 4 hours after physical rest.

All measurements must be taken at the same time. If the time changes, then the result is considered uninformative. The definition of ovulation will be incorrect. In order to comply with this rule, you must use an alarm clock. This will help you stay on time.

A common cause of jumps in the basal temperature chart is the use of alcohol-containing drinks. Alcohol adversely affects the functioning of the central nervous system. Under its influence, the activity of the pituitary gland decreases. The pituitary gland produces female sex hormones. For this reason, there is a decrease in the content of the hormone, the schedule falls.

Drug treatment of concomitant diseases also affects what the temperature should be. This is especially true for women with diabetes. Endocrine diseases are cured with medicines containing hormonal substances. Substances cause changes in the hormonal background. In this case, ovulation is not set according to the basal temperature chart. Also, this method should not be used by patients who are protected by oral contraceptives.

Impaired ovulation and basal temperature changes under the influence of prolonged stress. The presence of stress causes a change in the functioning of the pituitary gland. Against the background of stress, there is a decrease in the work of the sex glands. There is a hormonal imbalance. In this case, the schedule may also change.

Changes are also observed against the background of strong physical activity. Performing heavy exercises causes a strong tension in the muscular frame. Such loads are also not recommended for women who measure basal temperature during ovulation.

The presence of any of these factors should be noted in the graph. This contributes to its correct decoding. If the patient does not follow these recommendations, the schedule is considered incorrect.

What can the table show

Why do you need to know what the correct basal temperature should be? According to the schedule, it is possible to establish the presence of various ailments in a woman. The table of basal temperature during ovulation shows the presence of diseases such as:

  • hidden endometritis;
  • lack of estrogen or progesterone;
  • anovulatory cycle;
  • luteinization of the follicle.

Endometritis is a serious illness for many of the fair sex. In the presence of this disease, the patient is not able to become pregnant for a long time. This problem arises due to the presence of cells on the tissues of the uterus that are unusual for the endometrium. The disease can be cured. To do this, it is necessary to set a constant temperature increase in the first phase on the graph. The indicators of the second and first stages will be approximately equal. In this case, the occurrence of an auspicious day and pregnancy is impossible.

The lack of hormones is also easy to determine using basal body temperature. The hormone, which is in insufficient quantity in the body, affects the duration of the phase. If the first phase is shorter than the second, a lack of estrogen is detected. With a short second stage in the body, there is a lack of progesterone.

Anovulation is easily determined from the table. There is no temperature drop in the middle of the cycle. In this case, the doctor should identify the reasons for the lack of ovulation.

Luteinization of the follicle prevents the egg from leaving the ovary. The follicle degenerates into a cyst. In this case, after ovulation, the temperature rises gradually. The postovulatory period is more than three days.

The presence of problems with ovulation does not allow the couple to conceive. To determine the cause of the problem, you need the help of a specialist. A competent doctor advises girls to measure basal rates for three months to find the cause of infertility.

We have heard about the temperature many times. She happens; high, low, subfebrile. We monitor the temperature on the street, in the house, in the water. Of course, we measure the body temperature of a person, an animal. But lately, you can often hear, read about such a type of temperature as basal.

Women who are planning a pregnancy are often faced with plotting a basal temperature chart. Especially if it doesn’t work out for a long time, the wait itself has already been somewhat delayed. Therefore, I would like to give a few words to this topic. After all, not everyone knows what it is and how to measure basal temperature correctly.

Basal body temperature is the body temperature in a state of calm for at least 5-6 hours. Usually, its measurements are carried out in the morning. It is at this time that the body is in a relaxed and rested state.

For a woman, the basal temperature curve changes under the influence of various hormonal surges, and its peak comes on the days of ovulation. According to such data, a woman can determine the best (ovulation), find out the exact days of the onset of menstruation, determine the safest days for sex, and even see women's problems.

Quite often, gynecologists resort to the help of basal temperature when you need to find out:

  • how many days left ;
  • does the patient have it;
  • trace the hormonal background of a woman;
  • identify the reasons why and identify the causes of infertility;
  • with the help of this temperature, early pregnancy is diagnosed;
  • there is a strong claim that it can even help a certain gender. But this fact is not scientifically confirmed.

To do this, representatives of the beautiful part of the planet must keep a chart of basal temperature. This is a fairly simple method. BBT is measured every day and marked on the graph.

According to the basal temperature chart, you can see the dynamics of hormonal changes in the body.

Usually, the BBT chart needs to be kept for several cycles in order to more accurately see the picture of what is happening.

BBT measurement rules

To accurately plot a graph, you need to know how to measure basal temperature. For this, there are special rules for measuring basal temperature. If they are not adhered to, the BT schedule may be inaccurate.

They must be adhered to, especially if you are concerned about reproductive problems.

Choosing a thermometer and measurement method

So let's remember:

  • The first thing I wanted to highlight was the choice of a thermometer. In principle, it doesn’t matter which one you take electronic or mercury. The main thing is then to take the same thermometer throughout all the days of measurement. True, mercury is more preferred, it seems, as they are better and more accurate. Everyone else hesitates. But if you are confident in your other thermometer, then you should use it.
  • basal temperature is measured in three ways: in the mouth, in the rectum or in the vagina. It is usually recommended to use the rectal method. It is considered the most accurate. And for this it is very important, because we need favorable days for pregnancy ?! The tip of the thermometer is inserted into the anus by 3-4 cm, after which minutes of measurement are expected. To measure the basal temperature in the mouth, it is worth putting a thermometer under the tongue for five minutes. Keep your mouth closed while doing this. The vaginal method involves inserting a thermometer halfway into the vagina.

And remember, you should always stick to one measurement method.

There is a debate around the world about how many minutes should be devoted to measurement. According to doctors, the lowest temperature will be in a person after 4-5 hours of sleep. That is, it turns out that those who go to bed early, for example at 22:00, should wake up at 2 a.m. and freeze for 10 minutes, and then sleep peacefully again. But everyone understands that this is almost impossible. Although, what can not be done for the sake of the unborn baby.

Therefore, everyone agreed that it is necessary in the morning around 6-8 o'clock in the morning. And you should follow this recommendation.

No need to take too long with the measurement. Let's say it's convenient for you to do this at 10 am. But then the human biorhythm affects the indicator. Therefore, we learn self-control and measure it at the right time.

Rules for measuring basal temperature

By adhering to strict rules for drawing up a clear BT schedule, you can know all the changes in your body.

To do this, you need to be patient and do this procedure for several months.

The basal temperature will tell you the exact, possible pregnancy or some kind of malfunction in the woman's reproductive system.

So the rules are:

  • It is better to start measuring basal temperature in the morning, when the body is in a state of calm for more than 5 hours. It is measured immediately after waking up for several minutes. At the same time, the woman moves minimally: she does not sit down, does not get out of bed, does not swing. In general, try to stay as much as possible in the position in which you woke up. Otherwise, the organs will begin to move, the blood supply will accelerate and the temperature will rise. This will not be the indicator that we need. Therefore, all experts and experienced ladies recommend putting a thermometer at the head of the bed from the night at the level of the outstretched hand, so that in the morning it is less drawn to it. Be sure to bring down its indicator to the minimum since the evening.
  • It is necessary to measure BT if the body has been stationary for 3-6 hours. Situations where a woman got up in the morning to go to the toilet, and then lay down, slept for less than 3 hours, are not acceptable. Otherwise, the meaning of temperature measurement is lost, there will definitely not be accurate data.

After entering the thermometer, you need to wait about five minutes and only then remove it if the thermometer is mercury. If the thermometer is used electronic, then you need to wait a few minutes, and when the beep sounds, remove it.

It is always worth measuring the basal temperature at the same time. Even if the girl has a day off, and she can lie in bed longer, it’s still worth waking up and taking the temperature at the time it usually happens.

As for critical days, this process is done constantly, then the schedule will be reliable.

How to keep a schedule and what should be considered?

There are many factors that affect BT. First of all, any activity. That is why the body should be after sleep and in a state of complete rest.

Even a sleepless night due to stress or overexcitation of the body can make its own adjustments.

Try to take into account each factor in order to plot an accurate basal temperature chart.

What you should pay attention to:

  • After measuring the basal temperature, the resulting readings should be immediately recorded in your schedule so as not to forget its data. You can build a schedule yourself, and you can also use special programs and sites to build it. The World Wide Web offers many sites where many girls build their schedules. There you can find photos of the charts, and then compare with your own, and you can also discuss the nuances on the girls' forums. Here you will see that you are not alone and you can share your story with someone else. The Internet has made life easier for many. He even offers a video where they tell, and maybe even show how to measure basal temperature correctly.
  • As for the schedule, it is worth making notes on it. For example, the day before you had a feast, or you couldn’t sleep all night, or maybe you are stressed today in the form of an exam at the institute. You should also write down if you caught a cold, what medications you took. These are all worth noting because they affect your readings.
  • The schedule is made daily and for several months. Why how much? Because the more photo graphs, the more accurate the result will be.

And if something is not clear in what is written, then you can find a video on the Internet where the luminaries of the world will tell you what needs to be done to measure the basal temperature.

Basal temperature by phase

It is known that during the monthly cycle the female body goes through several phases: menstrual, follicular, ovulation phase and luteal phase.

If it comes to basal temperature, then here it is conditionally divided into two phases: before and after ovulation, as well as the menstruation itself.

The curve of the graph will change depending on the phases, so it is important to know how many degrees the thermometer will show at different stages.

  • First phase is the low temperature phase. Characterized by low temperature. This is somewhere around 36.5-36.8. When the temperature rises, it speaks of women's health problems.
    In the first phase, the follicle matures, and then the egg. The culmination of this phase is ovulation. It should not be too long or too short. If so, gynecologists talk about violations in the process of ovulation. It happens that there is no ovulation at all, then it becomes impossible.
  • Second phase begins when ovulation has occurred. This phase is considered the high temperature phase. Her height reaches 37-37.3. A few days before the expected period, there is a gradual decrease in it.
  • Separately, we note ovulation. Before ovulation, the temperature is in a reduced form, but rises. It turns out that if a woman sees a sharp rise in basal temperature, then this means that ovulation has already occurred. Often women observe that the temperature drops on the day of ovulation. After the ovulation process has taken place, conception has not occurred and the egg dies, there is a sharp jump in BBT up. There are also several ovulations per cycle, but this is rather an exception to the rule than a pattern.

Now about the temperature difference between the two phases. This is very important: BT should be with a difference in performance of at least 0.4-0.5 degrees. When the difference is smaller, then additional tests are prescribed to find the causes of the failure.

Situations where the graph curve practically does not change may indicate anovulation. This may be, but if this is repeated monthly, then you need to go to the doctor to find the reason for the absence.

In the absence of ovulation, conception is also impossible, because the egg does not mature. And without it, it is impossible to get pregnant.

Basal temperature and pregnancy

Many are interested in the question: "what should be the basal when pregnancy occurs?". We will now tell you:

  • The first is that the temperature continues to be high, over 37.2 degrees, for more than 18 days of the second phase and there are no critical days. It tries the hormone progesterone. This high temperature will last until the 20th week of pregnancy. If a woman has already had miscarriages or fetal fading, the doctor recommends continuing to measure the temperature in order to avoid a recurrence of the problem.
  • If you still have, but the basal keeps high, then this can talk about. Therefore, it is urgent to contact the antenatal clinic in order to save the pregnancy.
  • By the way, pregnancy can be assumed even at the stage of the second phase, when implantation occurs. On the graph, this process will be reflected in the form of a drop in temperature for several days. True, this is not manifested in everyone and may not necessarily indicate the presence of conception.

What affects the basal temperature

In the female body, a lot of different processes take place in one. All of them are interconnected and cyclically repeated.

But it is worth changing something, moving away from your usual way of life, as much changes.

When a woman becomes pregnant, the normal cycle stops and a new schedule for the body begins. We can not only feel it, but also observe it with the help of BT.

It is important to remember that the body is not a clock, it cannot constantly work in the same mode.

Therefore, it is worth considering this:

  • Declining health has an effect on the curve;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Hypothermia or overheating of the body;
  • climate change;
  • stressful situations;
  • Active strength exercises;
  • Alcohol, etc.

Basal temperature is a fairly easy and affordable method to monitor the processes in the reproductive system. No need to buy expensive tests to determine the day of ovulation, tests to determine. A nice bonus is the ability to monitor your women's health.

So go ahead, ladies and be healthy.

Not all women manage to get pregnant quickly after getting married. And the test can not always show the fact of conception in the early stages. One hundred percent readings can be given almost immediately by measuring the temperature in a certain way. How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy and will be discussed today.

Correct measurement of basal temperature

For the sake of the effectiveness of the indicators, you will have to spend time on drawing up a certain schedule. Basal temperature (BT) also shows the onset of ovulation and various changes in hormonal levels. It is measured at rest by methods such as rectal, vaginal, or oral.

First you need to understand the mechanism of the graph (scale with temperature indicators).

These numbers are influenced by many factors, such as drastic changes in diet or lifestyle, but not only:

  • deviations in hormonal levels;
  • if you smoke or abuse alcohol;
  • being in constant stress;
  • change of residence or change of climate zone;
  • pathologies of internal organs and colds.

Important: with constant temperature measurement, it is possible to detect a problem at the level of hormones that prevent pregnancy, and accordingly, promptly take measures to restore it.

To obtain the most reliable indicators, it is necessary to measure correctly - in the morning immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. Every day, these manipulations should be carried out at the same time - an allowable error of 30 minutes. And one more rule - to carry out measurements in one of the three chosen ways, that is, if you did it orally on the first day, then all subsequent days should be carried out only in this way.

What thermometer to use

If we talk about a thermometer for such measurements, then any one is suitable - digital or mercury. If we compare them, then a mercury thermometer gives more accurate information, but a digital one (the error is 0.2-0.3 degrees) is more convenient to use.

You will receive complete information when measuring basal temperature for 3-4 cycles.

How long to measure

It is not advisable to get out of bed at night for any needs - the measurement is done after you wake up and immediately. If this happened at night, then you are measuring at this moment. But remember that the next day you will need to wake up at about the same time, otherwise the information will be distorted.

The measurement time depends on the selected measurement method:

  • by oral 4 to 5 minutes under the tongue;
  • rectal up to 8 minutes by inserting a thermometer into the rectum by 5 cm;
  • vaginal mercury lasts up to 8 minutes;
  • electronic 10-15 seconds or until the signal, entering the vagina halfway.

Perhaps you are interested in the question - is it possible to measure the basal temperature in the evening? It is better not to do this, since at this time of day the indicators are always higher than in the morning. With constant nighttime wakefulness, measure BBT during the day immediately after waking up, but sleep should last at least 5 hours in a row.

What the measured values ​​show

Regularly measured BBT lets you know how hormone levels fluctuate throughout the cycle, how it deviates, shows the day of ovulation and conception. The basal temperature chart also helps to identify the reason for the delay in menstruation.

With the help of such measurements, it is possible to identify disorders in the body due to a malfunction in the hormonal system. If you are protected by the calendar method, then this method is also shown. It is also possible to plan the gender of the unborn child if BT data is used. With unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant and if infertility is suspected, a similar method can help.

How to chart your basal temperature

Basal temperature is an indicator recorded at rest, which is not affected by external factors, heat, stress, and so on. The results are taken every day in the morning after at least 6 hours of sleep. It is best to do this rectally, which will give the most reliable indicators.

Bring down the thermometer to 34-35 degrees and insert into the anus at the required distance. After the specified time, remove it, and write the result in a notebook, making notes about existing violations, for example, alcohol taken the day before, bad sleep, and so on. And so every morning.

In the first phase of the cycle, the temperature will be from 36.4 to 36.6 degrees. Ovulation raises this level to 36.9-37.1. The day of ovulation, or when the temperature drops, is the most favorable for conception. If the temperature is too high or low, we can talk about existing violations, to identify which you need to contact a gynecologist.

It will be possible to talk about accurate diagnostics after temperature measurements for three cycles in a row.

Important: drinking in the evening before measuring alcohol affects the results. Certain medications work the same way.

And if you drink hormonal contraceptives, then such manipulations are generally meaningless, since any useful information will be missing.

Early indications and definitions

An important hormone for attaching a fertilized egg to the uterine wall is progesterone, and it is most abundant during ovulation. It is thanks to this process that BT in the early stages of pregnancy reaches values ​​from 37 to 37.3 degrees.

BT during pregnancy: norm and deviations

The above figures will indicate the normal development of the process. Although it happens that the temperature reaches up to 38 degrees, which is explained by the individual characteristics of the woman's body. But just in case, with such indicators, you need to visit a doctor.

The determination of BT is also carried out in the morning after waking up at the same time. Eating, emotional overload or physical, greatly affects the basal temperature, which is why it makes no sense to do this in the afternoon or evening.

If there is a low temperature in phase 2, then there is a risk of miscarriage. Similar indicators in a non-pregnant woman will indicate possible infertility.

An appeal to a specialist will be required if the numbers are less than 37 degrees or more than 38. In the first case, this is a lack of progesterone, which is dangerous for the baby, and in the second, the development of some kind of inflammatory process.

Diagnosis of pathologies using BT

There are a number of diseases that directly affect the BT schedule, for example, with endometritis, the temperature rises to 37 degrees, keeping it that way even when menstruation occurs.

Adnexitis will also show an elevated temperature for several days in a row, then returning to normal values. The same result indicates the inability of the egg to fertilize.

Jumps in indicators when measuring BT will indicate the death of the egg due to stress, the use of pharmaceutical drugs or other factors.

If menstruation does not occur on time and BBT is reduced, then most likely it is ovarian dysfunction, to confirm which you will need to visit a gynecologist and undergo additional examinations.

Elevated temperatures in the proliferative phase mean a lack of estrogens, and low progesterone and corpus luteum.

Indicators for a frozen pregnancy

Unfortunately, pregnancy does not always end in childbirth, miscarriages, premature births and missed abortions occur. This happens in 15% of women, which is difficult to determine. It can occur at any stage of pregnancy, but most often during the initial period, up to 13 weeks.

And it is the measurement of basal temperature (low rates) that helps to see this process in a timely manner, when it can still be prevented. The causes of this condition can be infectious diseases and the endocrine system, disruptions in hormonal levels, alcohol and nicotine abuse, as well as age after 30 years.

It happens that the basal temperature is kept at 37 degrees, and the development of a missed pregnancy has begun. This can be judged then by the sharp disappearance of all symptoms - suddenly the toxicosis disappeared, the chest does not hurt, you began to look at any food normally without any special changes. In this case, the lower abdomen may begin to hurt and blood may appear in the secretions. All this should force you to immediately consult a doctor.

If nothing can be done and the pregnancy has stopped, then the only treatment is an abortion, but if the period is long, then curettage. Before the next fertilization after such procedures, it is necessary to wait six months, which will allow you to fully recover and conceive safely.

Regular and correct measurement of basal temperature will not only help you get pregnant, but also identify various abnormalities in your body. Health to you and your loved ones!

This is the easiest way to diagnose changes in the female body on a hormonal background. Measuring basal temperature to determine pregnancy is a long-term practice of identifying a favorable period when planning conception.

The principle of the method is to analyze the rectal indicators of BT in different periods of the menstrual cycle (MC). According to the compiled schedule of basal temperature, you can accurately determine the day of ovulation, determine the degree of fertility and the state of the reproductive system of a woman.

The menstrual cycle is divided into two periods.

  1. Follicular phase - characterized by increased production of progesterone. It begins after the release of the egg, lasts until the onset of menstruation.
  2. Luteal phase - is counted from the last day of menstruation to the arrival of ovulation.

It is important to do this

Elevated progesterone levels are accompanied by an increase in temperature. Rectal (or vaginal) indicators rise to an average of 37.3-37.7°.

A short-term decrease in BBT is noted on the eve of menstruation. During menstruation, moderately elevated temperature values ​​are observed.

What is the essence of the method of measuring BBT to determine successful conception?

The first weeks of pregnancy are characterized by a stable increase in rectal temperature. The condition is due to increased production of progesterone by the corpus luteum, formed at the time of conception in the ovary.

The release of a large amount of the hormone is necessary to maintain the viability of the embryo. A characteristic feature of progesterone is the stimulation of metabolic processes with a simultaneous increase in basal temperature.

An increase in blood flow to the genital organs and the activation of nutritional functions create favorable "warm" conditions for the normal development of the embryo.

Increasing the appearance of progesterone has a double effect. In parallel, the hormone affects the uterus, preventing the rejection of the endometrium (inner layer) and relaxing the muscles of the organ.

Due to this effect, serious changes occur in the form of the absence of menstruation. This helps normal gestation.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

We need indicators obtained rectally, that is, through the rectum. Due to individual nuances, it is allowed to measure BBT vaginally or in the mouth.

Rules for determining basal temperature.

  1. In the evening, put a thermometer on the bedside table next to the bed, as all actions are performed without getting out of bed. Violation of the recommendation will lead to data corruption.
  2. Night sleep should last at least 6 hours.
  3. Each temperature measurement is carried out in the morning, it is advisable to set the alarm clock to the daily operating mode so that the signal sounds at a certain hour.
  4. The thermometer is inserted 2–3 cm into the anus, held for 5 minutes. The action is performed in a state of complete rest.
  5. After waking up, no movements are allowed (get up, spin, turn), even the thermometer must be shaken in advance.
  6. Temperature measurement is carried out at 5–7 o'clock in the morning, regardless of the further duration of rest. This is due to the production of hormones of the adrenal glands and hypothalamus, the daily biorhythms of which correspond to this period of time.
  7. Actions performed later or in the afternoon are not taken into account in the analysis.
  8. To measure your basal temperature correctly, prepare a digital or mercury thermometer in advance. During the preparation of the entire schedule, the thermometer cannot be changed.
  9. Similarly, choose the method of measurement - rectal, vaginal or oral. The first option is preferable.
  10. Temperature indicators are immediately noted in the graph. Each menstrual cycle is drawn up on a separate card.
  11. It will take at least 3-4 months to compile a basal temperature calendar when planning a pregnancy.
  12. Each measurement must be accompanied by comments. This is an abundance of bleeding during menstruation, pain in the chest or abdomen, overwork, physical overload, stress, poor sleep, a cold, drinking alcohol the day before, etc.

Don't miss a day

How to determine pregnancy by basal temperature

What is a BT schedule? These are the lowest rectal rates recorded at home while providing maximum body rest.

Only if all the measurement rules are observed, can we talk about a reliable determination of pregnancy using a temperature graph.

How is a BT map made?

  1. On a notebook sheet, each cell of which will be taken as 0.1 ° C, draw two axes.
  2. X - horizontal lines to indicate the day of the cycle and the date of the month.
  3. Y is the vertical axis, on which you will set marks from 36 to 38 ° C.
  4. The intersection of X and Y is your basal temperature.
  5. At the bottom of the sheet, leave space to indicate the abundance of bleeding during menstruation and additional comments.


Phases of the basal temperature chart

The first sign of natural conception is that rectal temperature indicators stay above 37.3 °, without falling before menstruation.

Calendar example:

This is an auxiliary diagnostic.

After the IVF procedure, it is a common occurrence when the embryo transfer is accompanied by an increase in basal and total body temperature in the subsequent phase of the cycle.

After replanting a viable egg, a woman is prescribed hormonal drugs to increase the release of progesterone. For example, capsules "Utrozhestan" or "Dufaston".

An increase in temperature during IVF for the most part is a confirmation of the correct therapy during the luteal phase. The accuracy of the conclusions is not recognized as sufficient when compared with natural conception.

However, the temperature graph is an important tool for supporting diagnostics even with artificial insemination. With it, you can identify both successful conception and the manifestation of pathology.

Measurement of basal temperature to determine missed pregnancy

Anembryony (death of the embryo) returns rectal indicators to the level of the first phase, that is, for the period before conception, accompanied by a decrease in temperature.

Sometimes, with the death of the fetus, BT can increase, which is usually caused by inflammation of the endometrium due to the decomposition of the embryo. Any change in basal temperature in the early stages of pregnancy can be assessed as a pathology.

Perhaps there are problems here

The data obtained are often erroneous. The reason for this is non-compliance with the rules for measuring temperature, an outbreak of a chronic disease, severe stress, overload, sex, which is not recommended during the experiment.

In addition to fluctuations in rectal temperature, there are other signs that clearly indicate a halt in fetal development.

  1. All manifestations of toxicosis, if any, disappear sharply.
  2. The chest is soft, tension and high sensitivity disappear inside.
  3. There is a change in the dark pigmentation of the nipples to the usual color.
  4. There are pulling pains in the abdomen, resembling contractions.
  5. Sometimes there is a discharge of a bloody or brown hue, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

Frozen pregnancy is a very dangerous phenomenon for the life and health of a woman. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm any suspicions by timely contacting a doctor who will prescribe a diagnostic examination.

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