How to paint your head at home. How to choose the right equipment for coloring? Video: How to make colored hair "Ombre" at home

The desire to change the image is inherent in any of us. But the cost of the procedure in beauty salons makes many ladies give up the idea. From now on, you do not need an expensive stylist at all! Knowing how to dye your hair at home, you will do everything yourself!

4 steps for self-coloring

If you decide to dye your hair at home, follow these steps.

Step 1. Choose the right color

Any change in style starts with a shade. It is very difficult to choose it, since very rarely a lady knows exactly what she wants. Experiment, especially if you want to change dramatically. You can try on wigs or just upload a photo to the site and choose the color on the Internet. At the same time, you should also take into account your color type, as well as the need to change the entire wardrobe, because what suits a redhead may not suit a blonde.

Stage 2. Buying hair dye

  • When choosing a package with the desired color in the store, be sure to read the instructions on the side of the pack. It contains points regarding dosage for different lengths of strands. For medium and long hair, you may need two or even three packs;
  • All colors of modern paints are divided into three groups - blond, black and chestnut. And already each of them can be separately divided into different tones (light and dark). If you need to dye your hair dark, try a lighter shade from this color palette first. And one more thing - when coloring your hair at home, give preference to cold shades. Warm colors often behave "inappropriately", so it would be better to leave them to a specialist;
  • If you want to save money, analyze the additional qualities of the paint. Some give strands shine, others paint over gray hair. If you do not need it, take another paint - it will be cheaper. The price is also affected by the branded balm in the kit. If you have your own product that suits you, buy paint without balm;
  • If you dye your hair regularly, use the same brand of dyes. Even a very small difference in the composition of paints can adversely affect the health of the hair.

Stage 3. Additional accessories

For painting you need:

  • Special brush;
  • Comb;
  • Protective cape on the shoulders (it can be replaced with an old robe or towel);
  • Oily cream. They need to lubricate the skin along the hairline, as well as the ears, temples, and neck. The cream does not allow the paint to color the skin as well.

Stage 4. Painting

It will not be so difficult to paint the strands for yourself if you strictly follow the instructions on the package:

  1. Thoroughly mix the dye and oxidant.
  2. Comb the strands well. To improve the effect, they can be slightly moistened.
  3. Divide the hair into four parts - from the forehead to the back of the head, occipital, right temporal and left temporal.
  4. In each zone, first lubricate only the root zone. The layer must be even. Move the brush very quickly, otherwise your hair will take on a different shade.
  5. Spread this mixture over the entire length of your hair.
  6. Leave for half an hour. If you are painting for the first time, it is better to cut off a thin curl and try the dye of your choice on it.
  7. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  8. At the end of the process, lubricate the hair with the balm that comes with the kit.

The whole coloring process looks like this:

How to tint only the roots?

If you only need to touch up the roots of your hair, apply the dye to them for about 20 minutes. Even for long lengths, one package is enough. Stretch the rest of the product over the rest of the hair and wait 10 minutes. Then wet the strands with a little water and lather well with your hands. Wash your hair with shampoo or just water. In the latter case, the color will be more intense.

How to dye a long braid?

The technique of dyeing long hair is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. First, paint only the roots. Then divide the braid into several thin strands, apply a small dose of dye to each and coat it with a comb. This will ensure even coloration. Collect all the dyed strands in one bun and hide your head in a bag. Wait for the right time and rinse everything thoroughly. Lastly, apply a moisturizing balm.

Attention! If you did not succeed in dyeing the strands in the chosen shade yourself, do not try to fix everything with another procedure. Wait two weeks - in no case can you re-paint earlier, because the strands will suffer greatly.

  • Tip 1. Do not add any other components in the form of balms, shampoos and oils to chemical dyes. This updated roster can be unpredictable.
  • Tip 2. Do not prepare the paint for the future, apply it immediately.
  • Tip 3. Work only with gloves - chemical components have a bad effect on the skin.
  • Tip 4. Modern cream paints do not spread over the skin, therefore there is no need for polyethylene, as well as a warm towel.
  • Tip 5. Do not combine perm with coloring.
  • Tip 6. Remember, the coloring composition is more profitable not to overdo it than to overdo it on the strands.
  • Tip 7. Be sure to buy cosmetics for color-treated hair care (shampoo, balm and mask).
  • Tip 8. Hair after painting should be dried without a hair dryer.
  • Tip 9. Do not wash your hair with shampoo for two or three days before the procedure. This will allow the pigment to fix much better. The main thing is that there are no residues of varnish and other styling products on the strands.
  • Tip 10. If there are rashes, wounds, scratches or itching on the scalp, postpone the procedure.

How to paint with henna and basma?

Hair coloring with henna and basma can also be done without the help of outsiders. It is enough to remember a couple of simple, but very important rules:

  1. Dilute henna with hot water - it should look like homemade sour cream.
  2. Mix everything well so that there are no lumps.
  3. You can add any essential oil to the composition (just a few drops).
  4. In order not to stain the skin, lubricate it with a greasy cream (along the hairline, near the ears and on the neck).
  5. Apply henna to the strands, starting from the back of the head.
  6. Carefully work your way through the rest of your hair.
  7. Comb your hair with a thick comb so that the mixture is evenly distributed over them.
  8. Wrap your head with polyethylene and a warm scarf or towel.
  9. Wait 2-3 hours.
  10. Before washing your hair, do a light massage.
  11. Rinse the henna with warm water without using shampoo to set the pigment.
  12. Now mix basma with water.
  13. Apply in the same way.
  14. Wait for the right time - from 15 minutes to 2.5 hours. The longer you hold the basma, the darker the shade will be.
  15. Wash your hair with water and lubricate your hair with balm.

Hair coloring with tonic

Having decided to dye your hair with a tonic or shampoo, remember an important point - its color can only be darker by one tone. Hair toning occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. Prepare the mixture for painting, using the instructions.
  2. Moisten the strands a little so that the tonic grabs better.
  3. Divide your hair into several equal strands.
  4. Moisten each product with a special brush.
  5. Wrap yourself up in a warm hat.
  6. At the end of the term, wash your hair with water. You don't need to use shampoo.

How to make an ombre yourself?

Ombre is one of the most popular strand coloring techniques. To dye your hair at home using the fashionable ombre technique, you only need to clearly follow the tips:

  1. Mix the coloring composition. It can be both resistant and ammonia-free paint. If desired, take a tinted balm.
  2. Divide your hair into two equal sections.
  3. Tie two ponytails, placing both elastic bands at the same level and at the desired height.
  4. Using a special brush, lubricate each ponytail with the product. Hold the brush vertically. The border may be sharp, or it may be barely noticeable.
  5. Leave the paint on the strands for about half an hour.
  6. Wash your hair with shampoo and use a balm.

Coloring hair with crayons

To get it right, buy a coloring agent in an art salon.

A variety of colors opens up a huge selection, but remember that using these crayons too often can be harmful to your hair. And then follow the instructions:

  1. Divide your hair into several thin sections.
  2. Twist each into a bundle and secure with an elastic band.
  3. Paint over the bundles with chalk, without affecting the roots. You can apply one or more shades - it's up to your taste. Blondes can apply the product to dry strands, brunettes are advised to moisten their hair with water.
  4. At the end of the process, shake your hair to remove the remaining chalk.
  5. To fix the effect, sprinkle hair with varnish.

How to dye your hair yourself at home: a step-by-step technique with photos and videos, tips for preserving color

Very often, hair coloring at home ends in another fiasco. This is due to the fact that the technique of dyeing hair at home is violated, and as a result, an uneven distribution of the coloring matter or insufficient exposure time is obtained. If you still want to learn this skill, then you will need to study in detail the proposed material on how to dye your own curls.

It tells about how self-coloring of hair is carried out at home and what nuances you should pay close attention to. If you follow all the recommendations of the masters of hairdressing, then home hair coloring will turn out to be uniform and worthy of the attention of people around you. Before the procedure, it is worth preparing the coloring composition and all the necessary tools. Also, before you do hair coloring at home, it is recommended to check the condition of the curls and, if necessary, treat them. This should be done before applying the coloring composition. If you do not carry out the restoration, then it is possible to obtain an incorrect result.

See how hair coloring is done at home - the photo shows step by step the entire technological process of this procedure:

How to dye your own hair the right way

To dye your hair like a pro, you don't have to go to a junior chemist's school. Follow our recommendations, and we bet that your hairdresser will not notice the flaw.

While homemade hair dye cosmetics are more than perfect, they can't compare to the barber's hands. In other words, it is impossible to go from brunette to blonde without going red if you do it yourself. However, it is no less difficult for a blonde to become a brunette or a redhead so that the faded color does not look just disgusting. But if you want to go a tone or two lighter or add some sparkle to your natural color, that's fine. And, of course, there is no better weapon to hide gray hair by mimicking your natural color.

There are three types of home coloring. Before you dye your own hair, remember that there are short-lived tint products. They were invented in order to briefly give a certain tone and shine to the hair (as a rule, you can wash your hair from 6-8 times) and do not paint over gray hair at all. They are good for one exit or to easily give your hair such a beautiful, but such an unstable copper shade.

Before you properly dye your hair yourself, choose the right durable products. They are able to hide up to 50% of gray hair for several weeks, but at the roots the paint is gradually washed out. Finally, there are products for permanent coloring. It's worth thinking twice before doing this, as these products destroy the hair fiber, changing its color permanently. Only they are able to completely paint over gray hair, at least for a month, since hair grows at the roots.

Before you dye your hair with paint yourself, you need to choose the shade of your dreams, for this, carefully consider the natural color of your own curls. Indeed, we always think that our hair is darker than it really is. What if you are not a brunette, but "just" a dark brown-haired woman? Check the color by comparing your hair to the color swatches in the window. If they laugh at you, it is not fatal, but you will avoid a lot of trouble.

Before you do a step-by-step hair coloring at home, lay out everything you need in front of the sink or on the side of the bathroom. That is, a towel that you don't like too much (you will definitely get it dirty), latex gloves (gloves are included with the paint kit, but they are often of poor quality, it is better to go to the household goods department for them), a hair brush, a crab clip and everything that is in the box.

How to dye your own hair at home: step by step photo

Before you dye your hair at home to yourself, you need to thoroughly mix and prepare the coloring composition. The hair coloring product consists of two mixable products (coloring base and pigmenting composition), stir the mixture well so that no lumps remain. Also, prep your hair by brushing it from root to tip, then brush it in a sweeping motion from right to left and left and right to air out. Wet your hair if the instructions say so. Note that if you apply the coloring composition to dry hair, it is better that they are dirty, that is, protected by natural sebum.

There are two options: either your hair has already been dyed, or this is your first experience. In the first case, apply the paint only to the roots and soak for at least half the recommended time before spreading it over the entire length of the hair. Otherwise, apply the dye to all hair and soak for exactly as long as indicated in the instructions. Are you afraid to miss? Slightly reduce the exposure time. The same is true if regrown hair and ends are dry. Damaged hair tends to absorb pigments very quickly, causing the strands to become a bit stiff.

Be that as it may, before applying paint to your hair, apply a moisturizer along the contour of your face to protect your skin from paint. Finally, apply the color to your hair strand by strand, remembering to methodically brush the stripes on your head so as not to miss half the roots. As soon as all the hair is covered with a helmet, pin it with a crab hairpin and, if the paint flows ugly, wrap your head in a towel.

Although modern coloring formulations are enriched with cocoa butter (or pistachios) and do not contain ammonia or other fearsome substances, the hair becomes more sensitive as a result of their exposure. That is why the air conditioner is put in the box. Do not limit yourself to this dose and, after washing off the paint with shampoo, make a mask, especially if you use a permanent dye.

See how to dye your own hair: the photos step by step illustrate the entire technique for carrying out this procedure:

How to keep hair color longer after dyeing

Just a few weeks ago, you were a sophisticated brunette/brown/blonde. But hair, like clothes, sheds after washing, and your fiery red color is no exception to the rule. Wow, unlike natural color, dyed hair can be restored. You need to know how to keep your hair color after dyeing with simple and effective methods.

Before you save your hair color, buy a shampoo for colored curls. This is not just a "marketing" name, because these cosmetic products contain polymers that coat the hair, attaching to the hair fibers and protecting them from harmful external influences. As a rule, they contain many nutrients (shea butter, palm oil ...) that restore hair that has weakened after coloring. Some of these shampoos work quite selectively on light, dark or red hair. In this case, they contain natural extracts that slightly change the shade of the hair. This is how chamomile or henna works on dark hair.

Shampoos (for professionals) are also sold, which, thanks to the addition of an additional color, can change the reflection of the hair. For example, with the help of purple pigments, you can neutralize the yellow reflection of blond hair. Ideal if our Marilyn turned into a yellow Barbie, abusing sunbathing

There are many ways to make your hair color last longer, and some of them are easy to do at home. If the color that shimmers after visiting the salon faded after you washed your hair several times, get a repigmentation product. There are products for any hair that have their own characteristics, depending on their color - light or dark. How it's done? The pigment is applied along the entire length of the hair shafts, without touching the scalp, as is the case with dyeing. Apply the product like a mask to the entire mane and leave for the recommended time (usually no more than five minutes!). Don't be afraid if the product is applied unevenly, it's not real coloring, so you don't run the risk of turning into a zebra. The result of this scam lasts until the next hair wash. Attention: such products saturated with pigments usually stain the bath. Rinse it right away so you don't have to clean it up later.

Once you've rinsed your hair thoroughly (two to three minutes under running water isn't very environmentally friendly, but it's necessary for cleanliness), rinse it with vinegar for the last time. Some dodgy manufacturers have created special beauty products (for finished lazybones), but none of them compare to Grandma's old recipe: add a glass of vinegar to the last rinse of your hair. Thanks to its fabulous acidity, the hair scales are reduced, and the hair begins to shine brightly. Or just rinse your hair with cold water. Brrr, it's cold! Yes, but be patient for your own good: ice-cold water works just like vinegar on your hair and doesn't smell!

It is often said that air drying is better for the health of hair. This is true. But, absorbing water, they become heavier and dim. The best choice is to wring out the hair to the last drop and dry it quickly with a hair dryer on maximum power so that the water evaporates immediately.

How to keep color-treated hair

If your hair color has faded but is too weak to color, invest in a temporary toning product that you can make at home. Mix it with the same amount of palm oil or any other nourishing oil and apply along the entire length of the hair, like a mask, and soak for the time indicated in the instructions. After that, the hair will not only regain its color, but will noticeably prettier due to the effect of the oil and shine just like in a shampoo advertisement in a glossy magazine. You will last a whole month until the next "real" coloring in the salon. Before you save the color of dyed hair, be sure to ask what natural dyes you can use to maintain the brightness of the tone.

Despite your best efforts, you haven't achieved the color you dreamed of? The wedge is knocked out with a wedge: decide on a permanent dye that saturates the hair with pigments from root to tip. This feat can be done at home with a little practice or if you have a kind girlfriend. Before you start, read the instructions carefully and, if you are still afraid, watch the videos on the sites.

How to restore natural hair color after dyeing at home

Before you restore the natural color of the hair, you need to determine it using a special scale and then choose the shade of paint that matches it. Unfortunately, it is impossible to immediately return the natural color. Therefore, before restoring hair color after dyeing, you still have to apply the coloring composition to the curls once.

As a bonus, we offer three rules that should be followed in order to restore hair color at home and get a great shade:

  1. Never dye your regrown hair! More porous regrown hair and hair ends quickly "grab". So, you need to apply the paint on the roots and hold for half the recommended time, then smear it over regrown hair, and then at the tips.
  2. Wash off as much as possible! You need to stop the effect of the dye. Rinsing your hair for a few minutes, you notice that the water is colored, therefore, the product is still working!
  3. After coloring, apply a deep conditioning treatment to your hair. Despite all the developments, hair is very sensitive to oxidizing dyes. If after dyeing it is not recommended to wash your hair with shampoo, so as not to wash off the pigments, it is necessary to apply the care product supplied with the paint to the wrung out hair. And use it after every hair wash.

Sometimes it is useful to remember the good old grandmother's recipes on how to restore hair color after repeated color experiments. This one, anyway, is damn effective for girls with blond hair who want to be blond like babies. Mix two drops of lemon essential oil, three drops of chamomile essential oil and a tablespoon of vinegar in a liter of water. After shampooing and rinsing your hair, apply this mixture and let dry. Of course, you will not become a platinum blonde, but for a beautiful reflection - brilliant.

Useful advice. It is not always possible to explain to the hairdresser what color you want to dye your hair. And the truth is, as a rule, the color is darker than natural. Most brown-haired girls consider themselves brunettes, while hairdressers associate this color with jet black. The same goes for blondes: what we think of as light brown, colorists, in fact, call dark blond. Conclusion: it is better to discuss this topic with them with photographs in hand.

See how hair coloring is done at home - the video shows the procedure, describes the technique for its independent implementation:

Even in ancient times, girls sought to change the color of their hair using various folk recipes. Today, the beauty industry offers a wide range of products. On the shelves of stores and beauty salons there is loreal hair dye, all kinds of tinting balms and shampoos, tint mousses. That's just so that the joy of the new color is not replaced by bitterness due to damaged hair, you should know a few rules.

The paint is applied to dry hair, which was previously divided into four equal parts. If the ends and length are split and dry, or if there is a perm on the hair, pigmentation should be done. It is not recommended to use matte and ashy shades. The mixture is applied for a maximum of 15 minutes, and is prepared immediately before the procedure itself. If you decide to dye bleached hair in a natural color, then you should remember that they lack natural orange and red pigments.

If you plan to dye your hair with red shades, the composition should be applied to the ends of the hair and to the entire length, retreating from the roots by two centimeters. After the exposure time begins to come to an end, the paint should be evenly applied to the roots. When using several paints, all components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass, and only after that an oxidizing agent can be added.

Video: How to dye your hair

If gray hair is dyed, you should carefully paint over those parts of the head where there is most gray hair. When lightening four tones or more, the paint is applied from the back of the head, then you need to move on to the length and ends of the hair. It is not recommended to use the conditioner before the procedure. Just wash your hair with shampoo. But it is better not to wash it at all the day before staining.

Dark-haired beauties will have to work hard to lighten their hair. If you use low-quality compounds, the color can be unpredictable: from orange to green. Many are trying to save money, so they decide to carry out the procedure at home. In addition, the color is chosen according to the packaging, and the paint is bought in a regular supermarket. But the structure of the hair is different for everyone, so it’s far from a fact that the desired color will turn out the first time.

To avoid unpleasant moments, you should approach this matter responsibly, because blonding is an ambiguous and complex process. Someone needs to dye their hair with regular dye to get the desired color. Some people have to bleach their hair first. If you dilute the composition in the wrong proportion, you can easily get burned, so you should immediately contact the professionals.

There are cold and warm shades of blonde. Cold are platinum and ash colors. They are very difficult to achieve. We'll have to try to get the color you want, and not cause irreparable harm. In any case, you need to go through the useless bleaching procedure, and only after that, on a weak oxidizing agent, tint it to the desired color. And this procedure must be done every month and a half, because the hair will grow. Get ready for the fact that this color will have to be regularly maintained with the help of special tint shampoos and balms, otherwise it will turn yellow.

Achieving warm shades (for example, sand or wheat) is much easier. The color is more golden, but it suits many people, and the hair does not deteriorate so much. Often highlighting is used for clarification. With this type of staining, a composition is applied to the strand and then wrapped in foil.

How not to do it!

Before you start staining, you should check the body's reaction to the composition. A day or two before the proposed procedure, apply paint to the back of the neck, the inner crease of the elbow, or the area behind the ear. Most often, allergies manifest themselves in the following forms:

  • Inflammation;
  • Irritation;
  • Hair loss.

Do not dye all your hair at once. First, check for a small strand on the side of the neck. Paint is very tricky. It can leave strong stains on clothes or on the skin. Be sure to use gloves and wear an old t-shirt. To protect the skin from stains, apply petroleum jelly or a greasy cream to the ears and neck. If you get dirty with paint, wipe the affected areas with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol.

In no case can not overdo the paint. This can cause serious damage to the hair. It will be much easier to make the tone more intense than to lighten overly colored hair. If the result does not suit you, you will have to wait about 2-3 weeks before dyeing the curls again.

The dye can severely damage the structure of the hair shaft and change its physical and chemical characteristics, which are partially restored with proper care for dyed hair. But it is better to carry out the procedure correctly than to eliminate its consequences.

Folk signs and contraindications

Many girls believe that for any procedures that are associated with the desire to cut or dye their hair, you need to choose certain days. There is a belief that all barbering is recommended to be done on the growing moon, because it is the safest for hair. Signs say that you will become a little richer if you recolor your curls on Tuesday or Friday. To accelerate hair growth, it is advisable to dye and cut them on the fifth day of the lunar calendar.

Do not use paints or tinting lotions during pregnancy or menstruation. This is not about superstition. Chemical components can harm the unborn child when they enter the girl's body. And during menstruation, the hair structure is damaged much more. Do not dye your hair during a migraine. The smell of the composition may increase the pain.

If staining fails

If you choose the wrong hair dye and do not follow the rules, the result may be unexpected. Did the color of the strands after dyeing become lighter than planned? It is necessary to reapply the paint and leave it for five minutes, then rinse thoroughly. It is more difficult to correct the situation if the color is darker. In this case, you need to apply a special washing composition that will pull the pigment out of the hair, which will allow you to re-dye.

Using the wash is very easy. Apply it evenly over the entire length, leave for thirty minutes, then rinse. Experts do not recommend carrying out this procedure without special need, because it has a very negative effect on the condition of the hair. If you need to reuse the wash, you need to take a three-day break.

Hair as a result of improper staining can become yellow. This often happens if dark strands are discolored. In this case, apply ash or sand tinted paint as soon as possible.

Video: How to make colored hair "Ombre" at home?

Hair coloring has long been a common cosmetic procedure, today almost every woman changes her natural shade, experimenting with looks. To change the image, it is not at all necessary to resort to the services of a master: observing some subtleties, you can repeat the process at home on your own, since it does not involve any special difficulties, and the choice of colors is truly unlimited. So that you are not disappointed with the result, we will tell you how to do it right at home for yourself and avoid classic mistakes.

Choosing a paint

Main plus salon coloring is that there are no painful doubts about the choice of paint and correctness of own actions- just sit in your chair, enjoy the process, and all responsibility falls on the master. Another thing - staining at home: you have to study information on the labels of coloring compounds and wonder if they will harm the hair. Fortunately, there is a common action algorithm, following which will help to acquire a quality product:

  • Visiting the store cosmetics, first of all, look with the eyes of a sales assistant, he talk about the pros and cons different colors, choose the best option for you.
  • If there was no consultant, stand in front of the shelf with paint and immediately mentally cut off the cheapest sector- perhaps the means on it are effective, but the level of content harmful substances definitely overwhelms.
  • Choose an ammonia-free paint that contains natural caring components(oils, extracts of herbs).
  • Check the contents of the package for all required items, and tightness of the tubes themselves with coloring composition and balm. Employees of some stores glue paint boxes tape to avoid theft - treat the situation with understanding. Just ask check the goods directly at checkout.
  • Do not forget take into account the length and thickness of the hair. To color a short hairstyle, one pack is enough. If the strands are below the shoulders, it is better buy paint with a margin. Necessarily find the expiration date, production date, manufacturer information. This information should be presented as simply and clearly as possible. preventing inconsistencies.

Even the full compliance of the paint with all standards does not rule out the possibility allergic reaction, so be sure to do a preliminary test on the wrist, according to instructions. Only after this action, in the absence of irritation, the paint is considered suitable for use for you personally.

Dye your hair at home is a simple task, but when evaluating the result, the decisive factor will be application quality. To bring the level of independent manipulations as close as possible to a professional one, use a few proven tricks:

  • Do not wash your hair for 2 days before staining, this will preserve their natural protection - sebum. It is not recommended to use conditioners or balms. shampoo 2 in 1, creating a small film on each hair - there is a risk uneven color distribution.
  • Strictly keep time specified in the instructions. If you overdo the paint, the shade will not become richer, but the health of the hairstyle will inevitably suffer.
  • Avoid radical image changes, it is very difficult to make them yourself without the help of a professional. At home, it's better not to risk, give preference to shades that differ from the original by 1-2 tones.
  • Working with the coloring composition, do not use metal equipment, it can oxidize, which will significantly change the final hair color.
  • Do not add to the purchase composition your ingredients, the consequences can be dire.
  • After staining Set the hair dryer aside and let your hair dry at room temperature. try don't wash your hair at least another day, let the pigments be fixed.

Even if you have dyed your hair many times at home, be sure to check your actions with the instructions. For different coloring mixtures regulations mixing, application, exposure can be fundamentally different. For comparison, we suggest reading about how to lighten hair at home.

How to color your hair

Self-coloring at home, it still involves the presence of an assistant in the person of a girlfriend, sister, or even husband, in order to evenly apply the coloring composition. But qualitatively paint you can have your own hair, step by step:

  1. Equip a place for the procedure. The ideal option is to sit opposite the trellis, laying out everything you need on it: paint, a glass bowl for diluting it, gloves, old shoulder towel, a rare wooden or plastic comb, a flat brush for coloring, hairdressing clips.
  2. Along the contour of the face, almost close to the hairline, apply a fat cream. This will protect the skin from paint that has fallen on it.
  3. mix paint according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  4. The process begins with applying the coloring mixture to the back of the head, so provide maximum openness this zone. The hair should be divided into four parts, making two partings crosswise: from ear to ear through the parietal part, from forehead to neck. It will turn out just 4 sectors with cross area on the back of the head.
  5. Fasten the strands clips and start staining. First you need to paint the partings, then the back of the head itself.
  6. Whiskey and forehead area is better paint last, since the hair here is thinner and absorbs the pigment faster.
  7. When all the paint is on the hair, comb the hair with a rare comb to spread the mixture evenly. It is categorically not recommended to cover your head with anything - modern coloring agents need access to oxygen.
  8. After the necessary time, wash off the composition from the hairstyle, carefully walking your fingers through each strand. Pay special attention temples, area behind the ears - all areas should be well washed.
  9. Apply caring balm to restore hair, wash off after a couple of minutes. For subsequent care and recovery, you can use hair masks about which you will read.
  10. Wait until your hair is completely dry evaluate the result.

If all the steps are performed correctly and the color of the paint is chosen successfully, the reflection in the mirror will pleasantly surprise you: uniform coloring always makes the hair visually thicker, gives it a glossy shine and smoothness. Now, knowing what is right for yourself, you can improve your look at home by experimenting with different shades.

Services of stylists and hairdressers are not available to everyone. But every girl wants to look attractive. It is possible to achieve the effect of salon hair coloring at home, you only need to know certain secrets and techniques. Here we will look at a wide variety of hair coloring techniques, dyes and secrets.

To choose a method of staining, you should choose the paint that suits you best, and gentle. Ammonia-based paints or other strong colorants can cause a big risk. And if you also care about the health of your hair, then preference should be given to natural herbal based paints, although of course it will not give such a rich color as chemistry.

Without special knowledge, it is difficult to calculate the amount of paint and application time, and this is also determined empirically. Read the instructions for use on how to use the product correctly. Which hair should be painted: clean or dirty. With a dirty head, a product is applied that has strong substances that change the structure of the hair. Fat present on contaminated skin saves the hair follicle from chemical burns.

Do not use metal objects for dyeing, a chemical reaction is possible and the coloring pigments may oxidize and the result will be unexpected.

What you need to have for hair coloring at home

In order to dye your hair at home, you usually need this set of components and tools:

  • actual hair dye
  • glass or ceramic mixing bowl
  • plastic or rubber gloves
  • hair coloring brush
  • comb with large and rare teeth

Coloring with paint

Depending on the length of your hair, the number of packages is selected. For an average length, up to the shoulders, 1 pack of paint goes. Half a pack is consumed for a short haircut, 2 or more packs for long curls. This is the general rule, but there may be exceptions.

The package of paints most often includes: a tube / bag of paint, a developing emulsion and gloves. Shampoo and balm are sometimes added to the set.

The most common way to dye hair

Often, girls wonder how to properly dye their hair themselves? There is a stable algorithm for carrying out this procedure:

  1. In a non-metallic container (glass, ceramic, or plastic), mix the emulsion and paint with a plastic stick or toothbrush. Bring to a uniform color.
  2. It is good to comb the hair, and with a brush or a special brush in gloves, apply first to the hair roots.
  3. To avoid getting paint on the skin (it is difficult to wash it off later), you need to shield the exposed areas of the skin (neck, forehead, temples) with some kind of greasy cream.
  4. Then start coloring the strands, they should not be very thick. At this stage, you should monitor the even distribution of paint, otherwise you may not have enough paint. Strands are painted from the face to the back of the head, then go to the other side.
  5. Gather all the hair to the crown and shake your hands well, make sure that the tips are dyed. Take the rest of the paint with your hands and spread it on the top of your head. Make a tight bun from your hair.
  6. It is difficult to paint the back of your own head, for this it is better to ask another person or use two mirrors, place them opposite each other, and evenly apply the product to the back of the head.
  7. Leave the paint for the time period indicated on the package. The exposure time of the paint also depends on the shade that you want to get. Rinse thoroughly with water using shampoo and conditioner.

Video with stylist tips for hair coloring at home:

How to dye your hair in several colors?

There are several varieties of staining in two colors:

  • Degrade;
  • Balayazh;
  • Cross coloring.

The first type is used quite often, since two colors are used, but in different shades. With this coloring, the hair looks more natural.

The effect of hair coloring - degrade (gradient)

To create the effect burnt hair» use a tone that is not very different from the base color. In this case, the transfusion will look beautiful. For extravagant persons, cardinally different colors can be used. For example, if you take black paint and apply it to the lower part of the hair, and the crown in a light shade, you will get a very beautiful effect. The lower hair will visually lift the upper part, which will create additional volume.

Balayazh- now a very modern type of staining. In this way, it is enough to dye the ends of the hair in a color that contrasts with the main tone. Shades for this type of staining can be very different from brown to purple and green. Popular is the smooth transition from crown to tip. For this, blonders or special coloring agents are specially used.

Balayazh is best done in the salon, as this is a very difficult process for a non-professional.

Coloring style "Balayage", for short hair

How beautiful to make peppered coloring only stylists know. The transverse coloring was influenced by the Art Nouveau style. The essence of this coloring is a clear separation of two colors, as if your hair were divided into equal parts by a ruler. The method has gained success with celebrities. Colors can be used, as well as one shade, and completely different in structure.

Cross hair coloring

How to make an ombre at home

If the previous types are difficult, then ombre at home is easy. Simple and ombre can be done by yourself. You need to purchase a paint designed specifically for ombre, of course, you can use a regular clarifier. It is better to choose a creamy structure. Divide your hair into three equal parts, pin up two strands and then start dyeing your hair. Take the foil and carefully lay the ends of the hair on the foil, apply the product and wrap.

Read also: How to effectively restore hair at home, and be even more beautiful

Perform the same algorithm with the rest of the strands. Leave on for 20-30 minutes and rinse. For coloring in a more complex technique, divide the strand into several parts and apply a different color for each part and foil should be present on each section of the curl.

Ombre hair coloring

Blonde without yellowness

Many girls are faced with the problem of how to dye their hair white without yellowness. The basic rule for staining is the right paint and a strong wash of the previous color. It is difficult for redhead girls to get the right color without using strong chemical influences. Staining in white takes place in two stages:

  1. Hair bleaching (not to be confused with bleaching with hydrogen peroxide) with special reagents (alkaline bleaching powders, supra, brondon). After such a procedure, the hairline should rest for at least a day.
  2. Just coloring. Choose the color that suits you. If you want a pure blond like Marilyn Monroe, staining should be done at least 2 times.

The same technique is used for staining gray. It is better to use oxide on the weekends, otherwise you simply will not be able to go outside. After lightening, just choose the right shade, gray hair.

Lightening hair, blonde

Coloring in extraordinary colors

Calm colors are not suitable for the most extreme girls, they prefer to stand out with colors from space. Dyeing your hair blue is a bold choice. If you still doubt the choice, there is a huge selection of tonics in stores for you. Their function is only on a temporary effect, for only 2 or 3 days, until the first flush. But with the help of tonics it is difficult to acquire shiny hair and colorful color.

For blue shades, dark hair is more suitable, the pigment on dark hair will be better fixed and the effect will remain long, even when the roots grow back, it gets a beautiful natural ombre effect.

Hair coloring - ombre style in blue

Other types of hair coloring

There are a huge number of ways to color your curls without paint. Before the advent of chemical dyes, natural dyes were used: henna and basma, as well as onion skins.

We paint with henna

Henna is used not only as a coloring agent, but also as a nourishing one. Natural Iranian henna is sold in stores and is cheap, for this reason red-haired girls fell in love with it, and besides, many people love henna for the fact that it heals hair. However, many agree that Indian henna is still better, and gives a richer color. Before buying henna, we recommend that you study reviews on reputable resources about a particular company.

Using henna at home is simple:

  1. Pour boiling water (boil) the powder, stir constantly, until a slurry is formed. Let cool.
  2. On clean hair, apply the mixture with a brush over the entire head.
  3. Wrap your head in a bag and a towel. This creates a greenhouse effect and the hair is better dyed red.
  4. Wash off with plenty of water.

Often the powder crumbles, get ready for the fact that henna will pour from you for 3-4 days. But after interactions with water, everything will be fine. Curls will not only acquire a delicate copper or reddish hue, but will also strengthen their structure and become stronger.

Important to remember that it is impossible to dye in the usual chemical way immediately after dyeing with henna, your hair may become an ugly green color. After using henna, at least a month should pass. The rule also applies to Basma.

Henna and basma - natural hair dye


Basma is used to obtain dark, close to black shades. For the best effect, basma is used together with henna. Or in two steps the first day the head is covered with henna, on the second day with basma) or immediately mixed in one container. Basma coloring pigments are very strong, use unnecessary utensils and things for the procedure. The color lasts for two months, but if you tint the hair roots with a small amount of the mixture once every two weeks, the effect will last for a long time.