How to choose the right school for teaching permanent makeup. Permanent makeup training for beginners. Execution technique, color selection

Some women are proud of the beautiful natural line of their eyebrows, while others have to diligently pluck, paint, adjust the length and width. You can give the desired shape using an alternative method - a temporary tattoo applied with special paint. This procedure is known as eyebrow tattooing and is considered the most permanent form of permanent makeup.

Because of its significant benefits, it is preferred by many women. A beautiful tattoo saves time on daily makeup and is more durable than simple cosmetics. But not every woman decides to implement it, since the sad experience of some familiar ladies can scare off in the absence of reliable information. How to properly make eyebrow tattoo in order to avoid mistakes? What contraindications or side effects are possible? Let's consider everything in more detail.

Types of eyebrow tattoo

There are two main types of eyebrow tattooing according to the tasks facing the master and the way they are performed. This is a soft shading and hair tattoo of eyebrows. If everything is more or less clear about the first, then the latter is also divided into two varieties - European and Eastern. In oriental execution, hairs are drawn from root to tips at different intervals. Recently, the natural look of eyebrows is the most popular, but only high-class specialists can "draw" eyebrows in this way.

Hair of different lengths are directed in different directions. This arrangement is better suited for women of the oriental type, with dark thick hair. Correction is performed to enhance the color. According to the European method, the hairs are drawn of the same length, directing them up and tilting them towards the tail. With a correctly performed European eyebrow tattoo, the interval of strokes is almost the same, but after the procedure, after about a month, correction is also required.

Eyebrow tint

Despite the fact that the tattooing procedure is equated with permanent makeup, it would be more correct to call it "semi-permanent", since its effect lasts only a few years. The paints used do not cause staining of fabrics, but only act on the skin.

Microimplants of natural origin begin to fade after a couple of years as a result of cell regeneration, and then disappear altogether. Need to know: Tattoo and tattoo inks are different from each other. Be sure to keep track of what type of paint the master uses, as tattoo paints are much cheaper, and unscrupulous masters can take advantage of this. You should not settle for “eternal” make-up for the sake of economy.

If you or an expert, by your consent, decide to save on paints, you can very soon get brown eyebrows, which can then take on a greenish tint. Sometimes the paint is mixed, for example, red for lip tattooing with black for arrows and tattoos. This can not be done categorically, otherwise, in addition to uneven color, a different structure of lines is also obtained, a violation of dimensions due to uneven washing off of the paint.

Eyebrow tattooing procedure

The face should be carefully prepared - cleaned of cosmetics and dirt with antibacterial soap or other aseptic agent. Then comes the most crucial stage - the shape of the eyebrows is selected. Pull your hair back and open your neck, evaluate the oval of the face. Usually, eyebrow tattoo artists are highly qualified makeup artists who are able to choose the right shape and agree with the client. Correct the shape together before finalizing it. If you cannot find a common language with the master, it is better not to start the procedure, but to look for another specialist.

Stages of eyebrow tattooing

Stage 1:
- a drawing of a non-intense color is performed
- the tone is gradually added so as not to make eyebrows too rich;
- the skin is disinfected in the chipped places;
- a layer of wound-healing cream is applied to protect the wounds from dust.

Stage 2:
- Eyebrow correction. The exact depth of the puncture is almost impossible the first time, due to the different structure of the skin, immunity, metabolism. The tattoo is corrected after the crust comes off.

Eyebrow tattooing: contraindications

Before the procedure, you should definitely consult your doctor. The main contraindication is considered to be poor blood coagulation, as well as diabetes mellitus. Alcohol should not be taken for several days before and after the procedure, as it reduces blood clotting. Pay attention to the use of medications - analgesics, aspirin also reduces blood clotting. Also, do not schedule this event at the time of your period.

It is worth paying attention to tattoo machines - they must be with disposable parts for contact with the skin. The technician must print the needle in the presence of the client. Another "forbidden" feature of the body is the tendency to form keloid scars. If the scars after any scratches are too noticeable - you also have a taboo on beautiful "artificial" eyebrows, you will have to look for other ways, for example, cosmetics. With imprudent actions, complications are possible - long-term healing of the injured area. In addition, the following diseases are an unconditional contraindication: epilepsy, oncological diseases, mental disorders.

Can tattoo be removed?

The answer to this question is rather positive. Removal is carried out with a laser, in about the same way as when working with tattoos, only with a lower power. With the correct distribution of paints, the pigment is located almost under the surface of the skin; it can be destroyed by several procedures. True discoloration will be about 80%, however, this is a very high result. The drawing is completely removed in 5 procedures. Laser removal is painless, leaves no scars, and the skin heals completely within two weeks.

Eyebrow tattooing - common questions and answers

1. Does it hurt to make eyebrow tattoo?
- During the procedure, anesthesia is performed at the request of the client, a large number of anesthetics are used to choose from. The procedure is performed with a special apparatus. Without pain relief it will hurt, but bearable.

2. Should I completely remove my eyebrows with a razor?
- No, they are corrected by the master using tweezers, and only where the hair growth does not match the new line.

3. Does hair growth change after tattooing?
- No, it doesn't. Since the effect is carried out only on the stratum corneum and epidermis, the hair follicles are not damaged, since they are much deeper. Hair grows as well.

4. How long does the tattoo last?
- The timing is influenced by the type of skin, the rate of metabolism in the body. For everyone, this happens differently, on average, from 2 to 5 years.

5. How long after the procedure can I take a shower or carry out other water procedures?
- Not earlier than in two hours. You need to do this gently for several days until the wound is completely healed. A dark crust will remain on the tattooed area for some time, which cannot be scratched or torn off. She herself disappears after complete healing. You can rinse it gently.

6. Is it possible to sunbathe after the eyebrow tattoo?
- No, and this is very important! Until. Until the crust falls off, you should refrain from going to the sauna, solarium, the beach or the pool.

7. How long does it take for the crust to heal and how to care for it?
- It will take 4 to 10 days for complete healing, but it is almost invisible on the eyebrows. Antiseptic and moisturizing creams, such as Rescuer or Nivea moisturizer, should be applied to the tattoo site. Do not use a lightening cream or scrub on the eyebrow area.

8. How many days can the edema last?
- There is no edema during this procedure, only slight redness, which already disappears after 2 hours.

9. Can an eyebrow tattoo (more durable) be done?
- Experts do not recommend doing this, this is also confirmed by numerous reviews: the “eternal” tattoo turns yellow over time and acquires an unnatural greenish color.

Eyebrows are the most creative component of female beauty. It is the beautiful eyebrows that emphasize the geometry of the face and reflect the individuality. Be original and beautiful!

Eyebrow tattoo

Working as a tattoo artist, you can not only maximize your creativity, but also make good money. If you dream of making the world around you a little brighter, then this activity will undoubtedly suit you.

About the profession

Since time immemorial, people have adorned their bodies with permanent drawings. Then all this was done with primitive tools: a needle or a thin stick impregnated with the pigment of a plant. Each pattern on the body had a special meaning: it served as protection from evil forces, attracted good luck, and helped in hunting the beast. Over time, the techniques for applying them have changed. Now the master makes real masterpieces on human skin using a special machine, bright colors and the finest needles.

This profession appeared in Russia not so long ago, around the beginning of the 90s. Then the so-called "thieves" tattoo came into vogue. Crosses, images of churches and the faces of saints, various kinds of inscriptions, portraits of Soviet leaders and beloved women. All this was injected with blue ink and a long gypsy needle. Naturally, no one thought about disinfection. Then the tattoo artist, or, as he was called, "kolshchik", was a rather respected person, but did not receive money for his work.

In the early 2000s, there was a new boom in this industry. Prison tattoos began to gradually cease to be popular. They were replaced by stars, roses, cats, in general, almost everything that was then pinned on foreign and Russian pop stars. At this time, the first salons began to open not only in the capital, but also in small towns, the profession of a tattoo artist appeared. Over time, the fashion for wearable images has changed a lot, the drawings on the body have become better and brighter, and the profession has turned from being simply creative to being creative and profitable.
Surely, many have at least once thought about the question: "How to start working if I want to become a tattoo artist"? It is quite natural, because we know little about this type of earnings. Undeservedly, this work is considered frivolous in our country, but in vain. After all, this is a unique chance not only to develop your artistic outlook on the world, to make many friends from different parts of the world, but also to receive good money for a business that you are truly passionate about.

How to start working as a tattoo artist?

Unfortunately, in Russia there is not a single university or specialized school for people who dream of learning this profession. The only way out is to ask a student to an experienced and famous artist, or to take short courses in which they will explain to you how to work correctly with the client's skin, create a sketch, and competently tell you how to start tattooing. Will give important information about the types of equipment. They will tell you how to become a tattoo artist from scratch. A huge disadvantage of such training is the lack of real practice.
The main thing is to constantly hone your style, develop your own style.

I want to become a tattoo artist, where to start creating a drawing?

There are two ways to work with an illustration.

  • In the first case, the master first transfers the drawing from paper to the body, and then draws and paints it with a typewriter. These drawings are called flash sets, and the client can choose any one he likes from those available to the master.
  • The second method is called freehead. Its essence lies in the fact that the drawing is immediately applied to the body, that is, the master uses exclusively his imagination, and your skin serves as a kind of canvas.

Of course, this method is more risky for both the master and the client, so at the initial stage, work only with pre-prepared sketches.

Many masters will never repeat someone else's work, so even the finished images that customers bring require some processing. Better yet, create your own unique designs right away. Firstly, this is undoubted creative development, and secondly, they pay much more for such. It is more convenient to immediately determine which of the tattoo styles is closer to you and master its drawing style.

  • Minimalism - small illustrations, thin straight lines, simple geometry. These are mainly black and white images.
  • Linework - a feature of the style is that the drawing consists of many straight lines that intersect and form it.
  • Realism - its essence is to depict the drawing as close as possible to the original. Such tattoos look like photographs, and only the most experienced artists take on them.
  • The Chicano style came to us from Latin America in the 1920s, when gang members applied such drawings to themselves. Now these are just various images of flowers, faces of Catholic saints and inscriptions that do not carry a certain semantic load.
  • Old school is the oldest of the styles. Bright ribbons, skulls, anchors and red roses - many novice craftsmen prefer this one.
  • Dot work - complex drawings, their density and color depend on the points with which they are applied. Quite a painstaking kind of work.
  • Oriental - assumes the image of oriental elements of culture. Sakura, fish, samurai and geisha, an abundance of color and small details.

But your artistic technique can and should be constantly developed. Therefore, many people, being able to create at least something remotely similar to a drawing on paper, immediately start trying to beat a tattoo to their friends and acquaintances. Develop sketches on your own and make them to anyone who wants to. Only the presence of practical activity will help you to learn this skill. The creation of a pattern has its own characteristics, size, color, place of application of the pattern, the specifics of the skin - all this is very important. A pile of theory in your head will not relieve you of the difficulties that you will face as soon as you take on your first client.

I want to become a tattoo artist: how to start getting a tattoo, gain experience and find clients?

So, you filled in a few images of your friends, learned how to draw good sketches. It's time to think about how to make money on this creative activity.
The most effective way to attract new customers is word of mouth, try to do the best possible work for your friends, because a person who decides to get a tattoo for the first time will turn not to an unknown master, but to someone whose work he will like on someone else. The second option to find clients is all kinds of forums on social networks and on sites, many novice masters offer to make a drawing on the body for food, a nominal fee or alcohol.

It's better not to advertise in newspapers. Firstly, the age of people getting tattoos is from 18 to 35 years old. They hardly read newspapers, so they may not know about you. And secondly, older people are sure that the services advertised in newspapers are of very high quality, so they will most likely be disappointed to learn that you are a beginner master and are just trying to gain experience.
Attack social media! Start Twitter and Instagram, constantly post photos of your work and drawings, equipment. Let potential clients see you grow professionally and invest in your work.

Start a Vkontakte group, hold free promotions. Only in this way can you gain experience and attract new customers, remember that this is closely related.

How to start beating tattoos in a tattoo parlor?

Many clients do not trust the craftsmen who work from home very much, despite the excellent portfolio. Therefore, sooner or later you will be faced with the question of how and in which salon to get a job?
To get started, familiarize yourself with existing studios, as a rule, some of them specialize in a certain style, so consider this point as well. Make friends in the crowd of craftsmen, you can ask them about a free space or good working conditions.
Try to build a decent portfolio - this is very important when applying for a job, a developed and recognizable style can be a big plus. This will set you apart from other craftsmen and possibly make a name for the salon.
Get a base of regular customers, the owner of any tattoo parlor will be glad that they move there with you.


Attend various battles and festivals, now they are in abundance. Let them notice you and invite you. Then you will be able to dictate favorable working conditions for yourself.

What is the work schedule for the tattoo artist?

If you work in a salon, it is usually officially around 8 o'clock. Studios are often open on weekends, so be prepared for that too.

The master working from home has a free schedule. It all depends on you. Do you want to do 1 drawing a day, but want to work from morning to night, earning big money.
By the way about them.

How much does a tattoo artist earn?

To begin with, be prepared for the fact that at first you will have to significantly "go into the negative", that is, you will spend more than you earn. But this is true. The first works most likely will not look like masterpieces, and the first working tools are far from those that real pros work with. A good machine for drawing on the body costs from 7,000 rubles, high-quality pigments from 1,000 rubles for a small tube, in addition to this, you need good needles of various types, disinfectants and other trifles. However, all expenses will pay off significantly over time.

What determines the cost of a tattoo artist?

  • Town

It is known that Moscow, Kursk and Sakhalin are different price categories. In large cities, as a rule, there are more experienced craftsmen and their prices are higher than that of provincial ones.

  • Tattoo size

A full-back dragon and an infinity sign on the wrist will naturally cost different money.

  • Number of sessions

The average duration of a session with Russian masters is 4 hours, usually it has a fixed price, about 8,000 rubles. If the image is too large, and the process of its application takes several sessions, the wizard makes an impressive discount to the client.

  • Professionalism of the master

The winner and awardee of festivals naturally puts a higher price tag on their services than a beginner.

Working from home will bring you more money, firstly, you make your own schedule, and secondly, you do not pay tax and do not give a certain percentage to the owner of the salon.

How much do tattoo artists earn in the end?

If you work in the salons of St. Petersburg or Moscow, then your average earnings per month are from 50,000 rubles. There are several components of success: professionalism, demand for a service, the level of clients' salaries. In big cities, people more often treat tattoos as a simple decoration, therefore, they apply large images to the skin. And the larger the drawing, the more sessions - such a client becomes profitable for the master. After all, a person becomes more beautiful, and a tattoo artist - richer.

In a small town, you can count on more modest earnings. From about 30,000 rubles. The customers are very popular with inscriptions, small images that carry their own special meaning. The income level of people is somewhat lower than in the capital, so it makes no sense to put too high a price tag for your work.

In both cases, there is no “ceiling” to earnings. The main condition for a high salary is constant self-improvement. Develop, the more people know about you, the more profit you will receive in the end.

A special vision of the world, subtle artistic taste, perseverance, the ability to work on oneself and constantly improve, distinguish a real tattoo artist who is completely devoted to his work. Which, by the way, requires a lot of effort and time. Get ready for sleepless nights, creative pursuits and specific customer wishes. If this kind of activity is to your liking - go for it! Now you don't just want to become a tattoo artist, you know how to start making money.

Tatuzh! Over the past ten years, this topic has become the most discussed and controversial, dividing people into two camps. The former want their eyebrows to always have the desired shape and bright color, while the latter, with a grin, take out a stack of photos with unsuccessful tattoo options and sarcastically ask "Do you want this?" I go in search of the truth and the answer to the question of how eyebrow tattooing is done.

Educational program on the topic "Tattoo"

Permanent make-up is the closest relative of tattoos; techniques differ only by the depth of the pigment introduction.

The love of naturalness displaced thin black eyebrows from the fashionable Olympus and gave rise to the emergence of new tattoo techniques, which are designed to create that very natural effect.

  1. European method. It involves tattooing by applying individual strokes of the same length and shade. In this case, the "hairs" are located parallel to each other.

The technique of this method will be appreciated at its true worth by the owners of the Slavic type of appearance, since it allows you to create "hairs" neatly "growing" in one direction.

  1. Eastern method. Unlike the European method, the strokes when performing the oriental have different lengths and are located taking into account the natural growth of the hair.

I would recommend choosing this technique for those who have fairly dark and thick eyebrows.

  1. Feathering. To perform this method, a pigment of several shades is used. A light color is applied to the base of the eyebrow, while the tip is worked out in a darker one. The result is a natural effect of eyebrows tinted with shadows or pencil.

  1. Mixed method. Combined the advantages of shading and hair technique. On 1/3 of the eyebrow, medium-intensity pigment is applied and a shading procedure is carried out, 2/3 (tip) is worked out in a hair technique using dark pigment.

A few words about the form

The components of a successful tattoo: the right shape, color and application technique.

So the form.

The main mistake that leads to the appearance of demotivators on the topic "Expectation / reality" is the desire to get the same eyebrows as in the picture in a glossy magazine. You can sigh for hours over the eyebrows of Dita von Teese or Megan Fox, but this will not guarantee that by getting the coveted eyebrows with a house, you will find a harmonious image.

Remember! The type of face and its features that require visual correction should become a guideline in choosing the shape of the eyebrows.

Once again about color

Before you learn how to make eyebrow tattoo, you will have to devote a little time to the issue of color. In rare cases, pure pigment is used for tattooing in the form in which it is offered by manufacturers. Most likely, you will have to conjure up to obtain the desired shade.

Hair color is used as a guideline when choosing an eyebrow shade.

  1. When working with blondes, feel free to consider the range of brown and light brown shades. If there are notes of ash in the hair color, use a dye with a grayish cold pigment.

Advice! Blondes with light skin and gray (light blue, gray-green) eyes are recommended to use light brown shades for eyebrow tattooing.

  1. Several shades fall under the concept of "brown hair", so there is no universal color for eyebrow tattooing. From my experience, I would recommend adhering to the rule - the color of the eyebrows should be lighter than the eyelashes, but darker than the hair by 1-2 tones.

Look for a suitable color in the palette of chestnut and terracotta. Dark golden tones are suitable for representatives of the Nordic type with fair skin and blue eyes.

For dark blond shades, choose a rich brown or chocolate, but dark chestnut is suitable only for those with dark skin.

Advice! If you are just starting out in the eyebrow tattooing segment, give up the idea of ​​using pure black pigment. In most cases, it gives a bluish tint and must necessarily be mixed with brown or red.

  1. For girls with red hair, you can safely offer the classic brown or dark brown palette. In addition, it is desirable that the eyebrows are one tone lighter than the hair.
  2. I will begin the conversation about brown-haired women with the fact that with their eyebrows novice masters make the most mistakes. Remember that even for girls with tarry hair, black eyebrows will not work; choose dark brown and dark gray shades.

If your look has combined black hair and fair skin, consider using a palette from light brown to dark gray.

  1. When working with brunettes, it is important to consider not only hair color, but also skin tone. For fair-skinned people, use a brown with a small amount of blue pigment, which will remove the unattractive redness.

In search of “my” master, I met Galina Tanaeva, who not only creates eternal female beauty, but also teaches permanent make-up at her author's school.

Galina shared her secrets of the correct eyebrow tattooing with me.

Let's go a little bit - the shape of the eyebrows of movie stars

  1. Correctly chosen one can visually correct the imperfections in appearance. For example, an oval face that is too elongated can be slightly widened by increasing the distance between the eyebrows.
  2. 2/3 of the eyebrows should go up and 1/3 down.
  3. The inside of the eyebrow should be wider than the outside.
  4. The bottom line of the eyebrow from the beginning to the bend should be as flat as possible.
  5. Wide fashionable eyebrows are not suitable for everyone; owners of small facial features and thin lips will have to abandon the idea.

I'm sure you don't know! Permanent makeup artists and makeup artists agree that the shape of the eyebrow should follow the outline of the upper lip.

Tattoo technique

So, if you decide to become a master in this field, it's time to tell you how to properly make eyebrow tattooing.

The procedure begins with drawing a sketch, at this stage it is important to take into account not only the shape of the client's face, but also his age. The thing is that over time, the skin tissue sinks, the older your client is, the faster this process goes.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but when drawing, you need to get the shape of the eyebrows that will not stand out on the face as a separate part, but will harmoniously fit into the image. Remember that the eyebrows take part in facial expressions and are mobile.

Note! When drawing a sketch, keep in mind that the tail of the eyebrow cannot be located below its head.

After completing the artistic stage, you can proceed to correcting the shape using tweezers or thread. All hairs that go beyond the previously indicated shape must be removed.

With the shading technique, water for injection is added to the color mix of pigments, this allows you to achieve a blurry effect. For European and Oriental hair techniques, the pigment is not diluted.

When introducing pigment, it is important to carry out the procedure in stages, layer by layer. This rule is especially true in the shading technique. Also, remember that the bottom line of the eyebrow should be sharper and the top line slightly blurred.

Rules for working with pigments

So pigments. A layman would call them paints and would be partly right. Pigments are made up of two parts - a coloring agent and a solvent. The latter can be alcoholic, glycerol or sorbitol.

If you are a beginner master, keep in mind that glycerine pigments have the most dense color. But hydroalcoholic ones lose their original brightness over time.

Coloring pigments can be organic mixed and mineral.

I will give an example of using different shades of pigment in work:

Shade Instructions and recommendations
Blak (black)
  • For the arrow, between the eyelashes.
  • To eliminate the likelihood of getting a blue undertone, it is recommended to add Burgundy, Red or Orange in the amount of 10% of the total.
Chocolate Brown
  • Use to create "black eyebrows" (IV-VI types according to Fitzpatrick).
  • Add Orange or Real red (10% by volume) to prevent blue discoloration.
  • For light lightening, Light Brown is suitable (no more than one drop).
Dark Brown
  • For obtaining classic dark brown eyebrows (types III-V according to Fitzpatrick).
Slightly Lighter (MP) Chocolate Brown
  • Recommended for use on olive and dark skin.
  • Use Orange to eliminate blue.
Brown (brown)
  • Allows you to get reddish eyebrows (I-III types according to Fitzpatrick).
  • To prevent redness in color, add Olive (10% total).
Light Brown (golden brown)
  • For light brown eyebrows (Fitzpatrick types I and II).
  • Suitable for Anglo-Saxon girls.
  • Olive is added (10% of the total volume) to avoid the formation of a pinkish undertone.
  • Highlight Yellow or Taupe.
Taupe (taupe)
  • For light eyebrows (Fitzpatrick types I and II).
  • Suitable for blending on light skin. Lets you get a light brown palette for the correction of pink eyebrows.
  • A lighter tone is obtained by adding Yellow.
Gray (gray)
  • In its pure form, it gives a rich gray shade, suitable for tattooing gray eyebrows.
  • When working with types I - II, it is recommended to add Beige or Taupe (1 drop).

Separately, it is worth considering the rules for correcting an unsuccessful tattoo, the shade of which has acquired a pink, blue or green undertone:

  1. The shade is too dark. An overlay with a Yellow shade is suitable. It is not recommended to use White and Beige, there is a high probability of getting contrasting white spots.
  2. Gray or blue tint. Use an orange shade for preparatory shading.
  3. Pink shade. The main color for the overlap is Taupe. Small bugs can be eliminated with Beige.

Permanent make-up as a biological process

Now you know how to properly do eyebrow tattooing, but if you want to become a true professional in your field, you cannot do without the basics of biology. What for?

  • First, it will allow you to understand the principles and process of healing, and avoid many mistakes.
  • Second, you will be able to answer your customers' questions.

How is the pigment injected? Through a needle that penetrates the skin and destroys the epidermis, blood vessels and connective tissue cells.

In response to such "arbitrariness", the skin triggers a local, protective vascular-stromal process, which is popularly known as inflammation. From the above, we conclude that swelling, pain and redness are natural processes during tattooing.

During exudation, through the enlarged pores and walls of the skin, the most liquid component of the blood, plasma, flows out, therefore, interstitial pressure increases and edema forms. 4 hours after the tattooing, leukocytes are sent to the damaged area, creating a leukocyte infiltration shaft. Lymph and blood pass to the surface of the skin, forming a crust and scab that protects the skin area.

Let's sum up the intermediate result - the formation of crusts does not depend on the skill of the master and is a mandatory and necessary stage of healing, which is regulated by the body.

After 3-4 days, the stage of reproduction begins, which is accompanied by increased cell division along the edges of the wound. Tubular formations are formed, growing towards each other and connecting into vascular capillary loops. As a result, the circulatory system is restored at the site of damage.

Advice! The regeneration process can be accelerated by using creams with ginseng and lemongrass.

The final stage is epithelization. The cells of the basal layer begin to divide as intensively as possible and "crawl" to the center of the wound, the basement membrane is formed, which fills the formed defect. After rejection of the scab, the wound is intensively peeling off, and many horny scales are formed. The process ends in 3-4 days.

Confessions of a tattoo lover

My story would be incomplete without a true story. This will not only be an opinion and reasoning about the advisability of tattooing, but a small diary with recommendations for those who make a decision about tattooing or have already done it.

So let's get started.

The first question to be considered is why or why? I have naturally light eyebrows and a complete lack of a sense of symmetry, so daily coloring them with pencils, shadows and newfangled lipsticks led me to morning despondency.

The decision was made - tattooing.

I did not choose the master for a long time and was guided by the reviews of friends and acquaintances. And then the day "X" has come. The whole procedure took no more than 30 minutes, during which time the contour was created and the complete filling out of the form.


A man with black eyebrows and a slightly reddened area around them was looking at me from the mirror. The shape seemed perfectly even, but the color was a little embarrassing.


Waking up in the morning, I immediately rushed to the mirror with the thought “I did my eyebrows!”. A man with black eyebrows, which "ached" a little when touched, still looked at me from the mirror. The redness completely disappeared, but I did not refuse the Bepanten.


All the previous day, I was actively looking at my fresh tattoo in the mirror, so I got tired of it, and I stopped treating it as a novelty.

On the third day, the healing process starts, thin crusts form at the site of the eyebrows, which are noticeable only upon careful examination. But rest assured, no one will look at you from that distance.


I eliminate a slight feeling of tightness with "Bepanten", 2 times a day I treat my eyebrows with "Chlorhexidine".


After washing in the evening, I saw that the crusts peel off a little; outwardly, the process resembles a slight peeling.


In the morning, nothing foreshadowed trouble, the eyebrows were still peeling slightly, as if telling me "Everything is fine, we are healing." In the evening, the eyebrows began to itch furiously, and the number of crusts doubled.

The thought flashed through my head to help the crusts leave my eyebrows. But! This cannot be done! The master, me and everyone who has ever done a permanent make-up or a full-fledged tattoo will certainly remind you of this. Removing the crusts mechanically will result in an uneven color of the brow.


Waking up in the morning, I found a funny picture - all the crusts heaved and fancifully ruffled their eyebrows. Well, at this moment you need to be patient and wait.

By the way, the color of the crusts is dark brown, and the eyebrows under them have become an order of magnitude lighter and more natural.


The crusts have completely left the territory of my eyebrows, now symmetrical eyebrows of a pleasant natural shade open to my eyes. As it should be according to the technology - a little darker than hair, but lighter than eyelashes.

Summarize. The healing process described above can proceed faster or slower, depending on the characteristics of the body and the depth of the pigment injection.

Word to the master

With the idea to find out everything about tattooing, I went to visit Anna Savina, a master of permanent makeup of international class. Everyone is wondering what I managed to find out? I share with you.

- Is tattooing always necessary or, in some cases, is it better to find an alternative method?

- Permanent make-up strife. For some, it has an exclusively decorative function. Most often these are women who do not like to waste time in the morning on careful beauty guidance.

The second group - those for whom tattooing is a way to eliminate defects. The latter category often includes alopecia, scars, vitiligo and asymmetry. Not so long ago, another procedure appeared - a permanent concealer, which allows you to hide bruises under the eyes.

As practice shows, 70% of our compatriots see a decorative effect in tattooing, only 30% apply for correction.

- Fashion is changeable, trends change each other every two years. And what to do with the tattoo if its "shelf life" is from 1 to 5 years?

- Firstly, in the matter of choosing the shape and color of eyebrows, try to follow not a fashion trend, but focus on the shape of the face. In this case, you will not become a hostage to fashion.

If you nevertheless decide to change the shape of the tattoo, look for a specialist who performs the removal with a neodymium YAG laser. But be prepared for the fact that the procedure is not performed in one go, which is quite painful and expensive.

- What determines the durability of the tattoo?

- Durability is formed from many factors. The area of ​​application matters, eyebrows are considered the most unstable. How much? Because there is powerful blood circulation in this area of ​​the skin. In addition, after the nose, this is the most prominent part of the face that is actively exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Eyebrows retain their attractiveness for 1-1.5 years. Lips, for example, 3 to 5 years old.

- How do you explain to the master what effect I want to get?

- The first mistake is the frantic desire to have the eyebrows of a Hollywood star. You do not need to carry a photo of your idol, it is better to grab a cosmetic bag with your favorite products for eyebrow shaping.

Show how, what and in what intensity you dye your eyebrows. This does not mean that your everyday brow routine will become a guide when choosing a shape, but this way you show the master how you see yourself and your eyebrows. Further, the search for a compromise begins between what comes and what you want.

- To whom is tattooing contraindicated?

- Temporary contraindication - pregnancy and lactation. You can take up work with young mothers only 2 months after the completion of feeding.

The eyebrows are a very important part of the face. Bright and pronounced eyebrows play a big role in creating the image of a girl. Correctly chosen bend, length and shape can significantly change the shape of the face, highlight the advantages and hide its disadvantages.

Not all girls have naturally thick and naturally bright eyebrows. Many need regular adjustments and staining. There are several ways to emphasize the shape and make the color brighter: with the help of special paint, makeup, etc.

Recently, tattooing has become a very popular procedure. Otherwise, it is called permanent makeup. It allows you to emphasize the eyebrows, change their shape, if necessary, make them more expressive and bright. The result from this procedure is very long lasting, it can last up to several years.

But this service is quite expensive. Its cost for some masters exceeds 10 thousand rubles. Not all girls can afford this procedure. Eyebrow tattooing at home is suitable for them. It won't hit your wallet hard, but it will help you achieve the desired result. There is a lot of controversy around the topic of eyebrow tattooing at home.

The best tattoo that you can do at home with your own hands is biotattoo. How to make a high-quality eyebrow tattoo yourself at home? It is worth considering this service in more detail.


To create the perfect eyebrows for oneself with this technique, henna is used. Henna is a biological material that is quickly removed from the layers of the skin. This is what explains the name of the technique.

The biotattoo procedure consists in the fact that henna, under the influence of special preparations, penetrates deep into the thickness of the epidermis. The effect of this procedure can last from several weeks to several months.

To implement this technique, you will need high-quality equipment and the necessary knowledge base. Unfortunately, without them, it will not be possible to achieve the desired result. The eyebrows will turn out to be unnatural, irregular in shape and shade that does not match the hair color.

Necessary accessories

In order to perform permanent eyebrow makeup at home, you should get all the necessary tools. Their list includes:

  • High quality professional henna. You should not save on this tool. The final result largely depends on it.

  • Devices for adjusting the shape. These can be tweezers, cotton threads, or special wax.
  • Makeup remover.
  • Degreasing agent. It is necessary to remove dust, dirt, make-up and grease from the skin area.
  • Disinfectant or antiseptic. Necessary to maintain the sterility of the procedure.
  • Pain reliever. It can be purchased at any pharmacy. Such funds are presented in different forms: spray, gel, cream, etc. Choose what is convenient for you to use.
  • Thin flat brush.
  • Fatty cream.
  • Tattoo machine. The use of needles is strongly discouraged. The tattoo machine can be purchased at specialized stores.

Tips to help you make henna biotattoo for eyebrows on your own:


So, after considering the definition of the procedure and the necessary devices for its implementation, it is worth answering the question of how to make eyebrow tattooing at home. Tattooing is performed in several stages:

  • Selection of the color of the pigment. To achieve the most natural result, it is worth sticking to shades that suit the hair color or darker by one tone.

  • Eyebrow tinting. In order to test the shade of henna, to choose the correct shape, eyebrows are stained with henna. To do this, apply it for 15-20 minutes with a thin makeup brush. In order to achieve the desired shape and not go beyond it, the skin around the eyebrows is thickly covered with a fat cream. After the time indicated on the henna package has elapsed, it is washed off and the result is evaluated. If it fully meets the expectations, you can proceed to the next steps.
  • Shape correction. Excess hairs that go beyond the form are removed in any convenient way. The length can be removed slightly with small scissors. Stencils are often used for correction. In any case, it is better to build on the natural growth of the eyebrows, not to disturb their natural shape.

  • Skin cleansing. If there is cosmetics on the treated area, it must be removed with special cosmetics. Further, the skin is degreased, removing dust, unwanted makeup residues, sebum, etc.
  • With the help of a special pencil, outline the desired shape again. This is necessary in order not to go beyond it and achieve the desired result.
  • Work by the apparatus. The tattoo machine is filled with henna. Next comes the process of drawing the hairs. If you are inexperienced and inexperienced, use the thinnest needles in the kit. Start drawing from the beginning of the eyebrow. Draw short and fine hairs. Maintain natural hair growth as much as possible. In the process of work, it is worth replacing the needles several times. They very quickly lose their sharpness, while the paint lays down unevenly and sloppy.

  • Site processing. Apply special products to the eyebrow skin that eliminate the risk of inflammation and promote rapid skin healing.


Any tattoo requires careful maintenance. This will allow not only to increase the period of wearing it, but also to reduce the risk of occurrence and development of complications.

After the procedure, it is necessary to treat the skin daily with antiseptic agents until it is completely healed. You can use both lotions and special creams and ointments.

The crusts formed at the site of the tattoo should not be peeled off by yourself. They should fall off in a natural order. Otherwise, there is a high risk of abrasion and scarring.

After healing, the hairs should be moisturized with cosmetic oils. It can be castor oil, burdock oil, almond oil, or mixtures thereof.

After complete healing, it is worth making a correction in order to correct the shape and return the previous brightness and expressiveness to the color.

If you really want to get yourself a tattoo, then it is best to go to a trusted salon, where the sterility of the instruments is carefully monitored. You can try to make a tattoo yourself, but initially we recommend purchasing a training kit on the website and practice on silicone arms and legs. Do not forget that even a low-quality tattoo that loses color remains on the body for many years, and scars appear from laser removal.

Tattoo training kits cannot be used for tattooing on the skin, only for practice on artificial materials. During this procedure, there is a great chance to introduce an infection through the wounds, you need to carefully monitor the sterility of all instruments. If there is an opportunity to go to the salon, then go to the salon, do not experiment on yourself again.

If you want to learn how to make a tattoo, try to buy a set of tattoo machines with all the necessary materials in the form of paints, needles, cups and other things. Make sure the kit includes clear instructions in your language.

When tattooing, use only natural special paint or Chinese ink. All other types of dyes are contraindicated. They can cause rejection and allergic reactions. With them, you will either bring an infection, or the drawing will come out ugly.

Purchase sufficient supplies of sterile consumables. These are alcohol, cotton wool, needles, rubber gloves, paper towels, a container for paint and an antibacterial healing ointment with which you treat the finished tattoo.

Beginners shouldn't choose fancy pictures. Keep it simple, or make some simple element to which in the future you will be able to complete the full version of the tattoo.

Prepare your skin before tattooing. Wash, dry, walk over it several times with a razor, even if the hairs are not visible to the eye. Do not take blood thinners or pain relievers.

Prepare your workplace. Spread out the instruments, sterilize the required surfaces. Naturally, all tools for work must be sterile. Ventilate the area well and even leave the window ajar. You will most likely be thrilled and hot as you work, so it is best to practice in a slightly cool room.

Transfer the selected design to the skin either with a pen or with a stencil. And you can start applying the tattoo. Follow all steps clearly according to the instructions.

If you have done a tattoo on the skin, be sure to treat it with a small layer of antibacterial ointment (it is applied within 2 weeks), apply a sterile gauze bandage for the first two hours and do not wet this area of ​​the skin yet. You can buy normally only after 48 hours.

Keywords: tattoo equipment, equipment for tattoo, permanent make-up, tattoos, training tattoo sets, buy a set of tattoo machines, learn how to make a tattoo, tool, paint, ink, room, pictures, drawing, salon