How early miscarriage symptoms manifest. Dangerous terms of pregnancy. What to do with an early miscarriage

Spontaneous abortion, more commonly referred to as a miscarriage, is the termination of a pregnancy between implantation and 22 weeks of gestation. According to the time of occurrence, a miscarriage is divided by doctors into early or late. In addition, according to their manifestations, they are divided into, abortion in progress, and a miscarriage. This is important so that doctors can choose the most optimal amount of medical care for a woman.

Table of contents:

If, with a threat or a miscarriage that has just begun, it is still possible to save the fetus by applying various methods of maintaining pregnancy, then in the later stages it is only necessary to carry out the entire cycle of life-saving measures (with severe bleeding due to the remnants of the fetal egg) and the preservation of the woman's health.

The interruption can begin after it has been formed or with a completely viable embryo, which for some reason is rejected by the mother's body.

Current abortion rate

Signs of an early miscarriage

Usually, the first manifestations or the onset of a miscarriage are discomfort, heaviness in the lower back, aches, and as at the onset of menstruation. In addition, there may be pinkish or brown, "daub" on linen, increased mucous secretions.


Sometimes the threat of miscarriage is detected only according to ultrasound when establishing the fact of pregnancy. The doctor on the computer screen sees a formation in the zone of the forming placenta or a hematoma in the area of ​​the placental site, reinforced along any of the walls of the uterus.

In these cases, timely measures to ensure complete rest, as well as bed rest and taking medications that relax the uterus and support the work of the ovaries (or - synthetic analogues of progesterone), are ways to maintain the pregnancy and eliminate the threat.

Signs of an early miscarriage

Usually, a miscarriage is accompanied by rejection of the fetal egg with a placental site and exposure of the uterine mucosa with bleeding vessels. In this regard, one of the main manifestations of miscarriage will be of varying severity, from minor in the initial stages of abortion, to heavy losses and life-threatening conditions. This is possible with a delay in the uterus of the remains of the fetal egg, when its walls cannot fully contract and squeeze the bleeding vessels. Against the background of bleeding, pain in the pubic area and perineum is possible, pulling or cramping, which are formed due to an increase in the tone of the uterus.


Sometimes during an abortion, against the background of pain, signs of bleeding may not appear for a certain time if the blood forms a hematoma in the upper uterus.

Closer to 10-12 weeks, the fact of a miscarriage will be the release of the remains of the fetal egg with the embryo and blood clots to the outside, which marks a complete abortion. If parts of the embryo or membranes remain in the uterus, this is an incomplete abortion, and curettage of the uterine cavity is necessary to stop bleeding and prevent complications. Any suspicious symptoms or the slightest spotting during gestation should be the reason for an immediate appeal to a gynecologist or an ambulance.

Diagnostic methods for threatened miscarriage and termination of pregnancy

The basis of diagnosis in case of a threatened miscarriage is data. Only on modern devices, the fetus can be determined after three to four weeks, and its heartbeat from the fifth week of pregnancy. When, according to the study, the doctor sees a small area of ​​detachment or hematoma, while the fetal heartbeat is good, the chances of bearing a fetus are up to 95%, but subject to normal uterine tone and cervix closure.

When bloody contents are released from the genital tract, if a deformation of the fetal egg is detected, the embryo itself is too small by this time or it does not have a heartbeat, termination of pregnancy will be inevitable.

Often, with bleeding arising from the genital gap, and pain, retrochoreal hematomas are detected. If their size is small, it is necessary to monitor the woman and take measures to preserve the pregnancy, but if the exfoliation of the forming placenta is large and the accumulation of blood is large, the chances of termination of pregnancy and severe bleeding are high.

Supplements data on ultrasound blood test for the level of hCG hormone(chorionic hormone), its definition helps in making a diagnosis at a time when ultrasound data are doubtful or not indicative. If, according to ultrasound data, there is no fetal egg in terms of 3-4 weeks, the level of hCG is determined at an interval of two days, if the level of the hormone does not increase or decreases, this indicates a miscarriage.

Methods of treatment for a miscarriage that has begun

Doctors say that it is almost impossible to influence a miscarriage that has begun in the first trimester, use hemostatic drugs and (if there was a history of miscarriages). These measures of therapy are limited, since it is often impossible to stop them, especially in the presence of fetal chromosomal pathologies.

Not applicable in modern obstetrics, such means as bed rest, papaverine and analgesics in injections, magnesium and vitamins. These methods have no proven effectiveness and are not recommended for use. In addition, strict bed rest can only aggravate the mother's condition due to constipation and a tendency to thrombosis and stress reactions.

Treatment, tactics for complete abortion

If a complete abortion has occurred with the release of blood and particles of the fetal egg, this condition does not require any additional therapy., it is recommended to take an analysis (blood for hCG) after 2-3 weeks from the date of interruption. When the indicators are normal, no further treatment is prescribed. If hCG does not have a downward trend or it is weak, it is possible to form a cystic mole, a serious complication that requires emergency treatment.

Measures to help with an abortion

In the case when a miscarriage began and bleeding broke out, but there was no discharge of the membranes and the fetal egg from the uterus, doctors apply three approaches, depending on age and the specific situation:

  • Expectant tactics for a week for detachment and release of the remains of the embryo and tissues
  • Drug induction of miscarriage by taking misoprostol (it shrinks the uterus and expels the ovum)
  • Classical curettage of the cavity or vacuum aspiration of the contents, which is applicable in case of treatment failure and with severe bleeding.


In each case, the question of how to help a woman is decided by the doctor, depending on the situation. If the bleeding is severe, hemostatic drugs, plasma transfusions and blood substitutes are applicable.

Recovery after termination of pregnancy

If the pregnancy was desired, losing it would be a great physical and emotional stress on the body. In addition, we must add to this list also worries about the consequences of a miscarriage and the possibility of having children in the future in general. Therefore, we need a full-fledged treatment tactics and methods of rehabilitation immediately after a miscarriage and then, during the recovery period and new pregnancies.

Doctors can resort to different tactics:

If there was relatively heavy bleeding during the miscarriage, the doctor will recommend taking iron supplements and enhanced nutrition to restore the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells. In some cases, the doctor will recommend immediately after the miscarriage to start taking oral contraceptives with a hormonal correction spruce, while the reproductive system is being restored.

When is it possible after a miscarriage?

If this was the first miscarriage, and it had no complications and consequences, then pregnancy planning can be started in 3-4 months or when the woman is psychologically and physically ready for this. If the miscarriage is repeated or there is a diagnosis of habitual miscarriage, with three or more miscarriages in a row, a detailed examination is necessary to determine the reasons for this.

Alena Paretskaya, pediatrician, medical commentator

Early miscarriage is a common occurrence. According to statistics, every fourth pregnancy ends in spontaneous termination. What is the reason for this condition and how to prevent the threat of miscarriage? You will find the answer in this article.

Early miscarriage: causes

An early miscarriage in gynecology is a condition in which a woman loses a child for up to 12 weeks. Experts note that almost 60% of spontaneous abortions are caused by chromosomal mutations in the fetus. If a certain anomaly appears during the development of the embryo, the woman's body in most cases gets rid of non-viable offspring itself.

Genetic defects can be inherited or develop spontaneously. It is impossible to prevent such a miscarriage, but the risk of developing mutations can be eliminated even before conception, protecting the woman from the negative effects of teratogenic factors.

Common reasons for miscarriage:

  • Hormonal disruptions. Habitual miscarriages at an early stage can provoke hormonal imbalances, in particular, an increased concentration of male sex hormones that prevent the production of progesterone (pregnancy hormone). In this case, a properly selected course of hormonal drugs will help eliminate the problem.
  • The influence of the Rh factor. If the embryo receives a positive Rh factor from the father, then the body of a woman with a negative Rh perceives it as a foreign object that needs to be disposed of. As a result of the Rhesus conflict, spontaneous abortion occurs. A course of immunomodulatory therapy will help to correct the situation. Treatment is carried out at the stage of pregnancy planning.
  • Of particular danger to the embryo are sexually transmitted infections. Infection of the fetus with pathogens of syphilis, gonorrhea, toxoplasmosis, herpes or chlamydia causes damage to the membranes and provokes a miscarriage. Many pathologies can proceed secretly, therefore, even at the stage of pregnancy planning, the expectant mother must undergo a medical examination, which allows timely elimination of foci of infection in the body.
  • No less dangerous are chronic inflammatory diseases of internal organs and general infections, accompanied by intoxication of the body. This list includes rubella, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, viral hepatitis. Even a banal flu or a sore throat pose a serious threat to the fetus.
  • Taking certain medications. The cause of spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy can be some drugs - antidepressants, retinoids, NSAIDs or antifungals. When planning conception, this moment must be taken into account.
  • Lifestyle. Improper, unbalanced diet, excessive consumption of caffeinated drinks, bad habits (smoking, alcohol) are risk factors that provoke an early miscarriage.
  • The negative impact of regular stress, psycho-emotional overstrain, deep personal experiences should also be taken into account. Experts recommend adjusting the lifestyle even before conception and try to protect the woman as much as possible from the effects of any adverse situations and strong nervous shocks.

In addition, the cause of miscarriage in early pregnancy can be chronic diseases of the female genital area, previous abortions, congenital anomalies in the development of the genital organs, obesity, and the age factor. It is noted that after 40 years the risk of abortion increases several times.

How does a miscarriage happen?

The process of abortion develops gradually, over several hours or even days. With timely seeking medical help, a woman can still be helped. How does a miscarriage happen? In its development, spontaneous abortion goes through several stages.

  1. Risk of miscarriage. A woman develops slight bloody discharge, complaints of pulling pains in the lower back and suprapubic region. On examination, hypertonicity of the uterus is revealed. Even a slight release of blood is a dangerous sign that requires immediate medical attention. At this stage, it is still possible to stop spontaneous abortion.
  2. A miscarriage that has begun is manifested by similar symptoms, which gradually increase and become more pronounced. A fragmentary detachment of the fetal egg begins, a partial opening of the cervical canal occurs. But even at this stage, a woman can still be helped under the condition of emergency hospitalization in a hospital.
  3. Miscarriage in progress - there are cramping pains in the lower abdomen, the embryo is completely separated from the endometrium, but still remains in the uterine cavity. Abundant bleeding begins, which indicates the final death of the embryo. The external and internal os of the uterus open, in the lumen of the cervix or vagina, upon examination, the elements of the fetal egg are determined.
  4. incomplete abortion. This condition is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, profuse bleeding. Elements of the fetal egg remain in the uterine cavity. Large blood loss is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, drop in blood pressure, fainting.
  5. A complete spontaneous abortion is said to occur after the complete release of all parts of the embryo. After the uterus is cleansed, it contracts, returning to its previous shape and size. All associated symptoms (pain, bleeding) disappear, the woman does not need further therapy, but remains under medical supervision.

But far from always, fragments of the fetal egg completely come out of the uterus. In this case, the woman will have to go through the curettage procedure, otherwise the remains of the embryo will begin to decompose in the uterine cavity and become a source of infection. The spread of pathogenic microorganisms threatens with dangerous complications and severe inflammatory processes. The operation in this case is necessary, otherwise there is a direct threat to the health and life of the woman.

Consequences of a miscarriage

Spontaneous abortion at an early stage can be accompanied by a number of complications.

  • Injury to the endometrium during curettage of the uterus can later lead to the development of endometritis.
  • Significant blood loss during uterine bleeding often causes posthemorrhagic anemia, accompanied by constant weakness, pallor, dizziness, decreased performance.
  • Hormonal imbalances after a spontaneous abortion can cause repeated miscarriages, which reduce the chance of carrying a normally developing pregnancy.
  • Psychological problems. A miscarriage during a long-awaited pregnancy is a strong emotional shock for a woman. Many couples go through a difficult situation that destroys hopes for the birth of an heir. At this stage, the woman and her husband need the help of a psychologist to come to terms with the loss and continue trying to find a happy, full-fledged family.

If, after a miscarriage, the temperature rises sharply to high values, chills, severe weakness, purulent discharge from the vagina, pain in the pelvic area appear, you should urgently consult a doctor. Similar signs indicate infection of the body and the development of a severe inflammatory process.

A few weeks after a complete abortion, an analysis of the level of HCH is necessary. If it does not decrease, there is a risk of developing a dangerous complication - cystic drift. Pathology is characterized by the growth of chorionic villi into fluid-filled blisters. The consequence of this condition may be infertility, intrauterine infections, or the development of malignant choriocarcinoma.


Diagnostic methods

How is threatened early pregnancy termination diagnosed? If a threat of miscarriage is suspected, the doctor conducts a gynecological examination, takes into account the patient's complaints and data from laboratory and instrumental research methods.

During the survey, the obstetrician-gynecologist finds out the date of the last menstruation, draws attention to the presence and influence of adverse factors - occupational hazards, recently transferred infectious diseases, in the treatment of which certain groups of medicines were used, and other nuances. Next, the doctor assesses the general condition of the woman and the nature of the pain syndrome.

During a vaginal examination, the gynecologist finds out whether the uterus is in good shape, whether its size corresponds to the declared gestational age, and also pays attention to the condition of the cervix and the volume of vaginal discharge. In addition to routine blood and urine tests, laboratory tests are performed to determine the level of progesterone and to detect the hormone chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the presence of which may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

A special role in terms of diagnosis is given to ultrasound (transvaginal ultrasound). This method is the "gold standard" to determine the threat of early miscarriage. If it is impossible to conduct it, they resort to the procedure of transabdominal scanning. Using this method, it is possible to determine the cessation of the cardiac activity of the embryo or the complete absence of the fetal egg.

Therapy Methods

When anxiety symptoms appear, it is important not to panic. You need to contact your obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible for examination and treatment.

Treatment in a hospital

The first recommendations to a woman are the exclusion of any physical exertion and adherence to bed rest. Usually a woman is placed in a hospital to maintain pregnancy. In especially severe cases, the patient is forbidden to get out of bed.

In order to maintain pregnancy, doctors prescribe to a woman drugs containing gestagens (female sex hormones) that block uterine contractions. With the threat of bleeding, tronexamic acid is used. Antispasmodics will help relieve pain - no-shpa, drotaverine, rectal suppositories with papaverine. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe injections of vitamins, droppers with magnesia.

When hormonal deficiency is detected, the therapy includes drugs with progesterone - utrogestan or duphaston. In the presence of a Rh conflict, a woman needs to take medications that eliminate the threat of rejection of the fetal egg. After the ultrasound, the doctor may recommend suturing the cervix. This procedure allows you to leave the fetal egg inside the female womb.


Surgical intervention is resorted to at the following stages: spontaneous miscarriage in the course, incomplete abortion or massive bleeding. The purpose of such an intervention is to remove the remnants of the embryo and restore full hemostasis. The procedure is done under anesthesia using a vacuum aspirator or by means of mechanical curettage (scraping) of the walls of the uterus.

If the patient is admitted to the hospital with a complete abortion, they do not resort to surgical intervention, limiting themselves to monitoring the woman's condition. In the future, in almost 85% of women who have had an early spontaneous abortion, subsequent pregnancy develops normally.

Treatment at home

If the threat of miscarriage is insignificant, a woman can stay at home, provided that all medical recommendations are carefully followed. The main ones are:

  • exclusion of physical activity;
  • correct daily routine;
  • good nutrition - the basis of the diet is fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, dairy products, dietary meat;
  • walks in the fresh air before going to bed;
  • a ban on taking hot baths - you should wash yourself in the shower.

On the advice of a doctor, you can take folic acid, vitamin B6, or special vitamin complexes for pregnant women. In the process of treatment, it is important to avoid negative thoughts and stressful situations. Relatives and relatives at this time should surround the pregnant woman with attention and care.

Prevention of miscarriage

Before planning a pregnancy, every woman is advised to undergo a complete medical examination and consult with a geneticist. It is very important at the stage of preparation for the upcoming conception to exclude the influence of any teratogenic factors. Doctors recommend:

  • give up bad habits, taking large doses of caffeine;
  • exclude work in hazardous industries;
  • maintain physical activity;
  • Healthy food;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • treat chronic diseases in advance and eliminate foci of infection;

Additionally, you can take special vitamin complexes designed to prepare a woman's body for conception.

Miscarriage in early pregnancy is a common occurrence in women. Many of them are not even aware of their position. Every girl needs to know how a spontaneous miscarriage occurs in the early stages in order to know how to act in a dangerous situation and prevent serious consequences.

Causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy

Experts identify the following causes of miscarriage:

  1. genetic disorder. In the first weeks of pregnancy, it is important that the fetus has all the organs laid down correctly, which requires 23 chromosomes from the mother and father. If a mutating element is present in one of them, then it is considered incompetent, as a result of which the pregnancy is terminated. Such an element can occur with unfavorable ecology, viruses and occupational hazards.
  2. Hormonal disruptions. Hormones are responsible for a woman's well-being and health. Their imbalance can provoke a miscarriage. Deficiency or excess of the male hormone progesterone also causes this phenomenon. It is important to diagnose hormonal disorders before pregnancy in order to undergo hormone therapy prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Rhesus conflict. In order to avoid termination of pregnancy, before conceiving a child, a man and a woman must take a blood test to determine the group. If a woman has a negative Rh factor, then it is important that the man has the same Rh factor. Otherwise, a Rh conflict may occur when the fetus inherits a positive indicator from the father, and the mother's body perceives its tissues as foreign and does not accept it, thereby saving itself. To eliminate this risk, you should take the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for protecting the embryo during pregnancy.
  4. Infectious pathologies. In the presence of a sexually transmitted infection, it is necessary to cure it before pregnancy, otherwise the fetus will become infected and rejected by the body.
  5. abortion. If a woman has had an abortion before, then there is a high probability of spontaneous miscarriage or infertility.
  6. Taking medication. In the first trimester, it is forbidden to use any drugs to prevent defects in the development of the fetus. You can also not take decoctions based on parsley, nettle and tansy.
  7. Frequent stress and emotional overstrain. Severe stressful and unstable mental state can lead to sudden termination of pregnancy. A patient with such a threat is prescribed sedatives.
  8. Lifestyle. A woman is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke. You should also adjust the diet and make the diet balanced.
  9. physical impact. Strong loads in the form of lifting weights, unsuccessful falls can lead to miscarriage.
  10. Systemic pathologies of the mother. If a woman has a thyroid disease or autoimmune disorders, then she has an increased risk of spontaneous abortion.

Do not provoke a miscarriage moderate physical activity, sex up to 13 weeks, as well as flying on an airplane.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, special attention is paid to the healthy laying of all organs of the future person, which requires equal 23 chromosomes from mom and dad. And if a mutating element suddenly appears in one of them, then it is recognized as incapacitated, and a miscarriage occurs.

Signs of a miscarriage

Early miscarriage symptoms include:

  • pain syndrome in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • bleeding from the vagina with or without pieces of tissue;
  • excretion of amniotic fluid.

With minor discharge, there is a chance to keep the pregnancy. If the bleeding was accompanied by parts of the embryo, then this indicates a miscarriage that has already occurred.

You can avoid an unpleasant outcome of events if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. This must be done in such cases:

  • spotting at any time;
  • severe pain attack in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort in the groin area, which was not there before;
  • the release of a large amount of fluid;
  • weak state of the body;
  • heat.

To diagnose the symptoms of miscarriage in early pregnancy, the following research methods are used:

  • PAP test.

With ultrasound, the doctor can identify the fetus from 3-4 weeks of pregnancy. A few weeks later, a pronounced fetal heartbeat appears. If, with minor spotting, a specialist detected a fetal heartbeat, then the probability of carrying a pregnancy to term exceeds 95%. If the bleeding is combined with a damaged fetus, the embryo is too small, and there is no heartbeat, then abortion is an inevitable procedure.

Important! Quite often, with bleeding, ultrasound shows a retrochorial hematoma. It is not dangerous unless it is large. In the case of severe detachment and large hematoma, the risk of abortion and heavy bleeding increases significantly.

The study of chorionic gonadotropin is usually carried out only in the early stages, when ultrasound does not yet show the vital activity of the embryo. If the period is no more than 4 weeks, and the fetus is not found, then there is a need to determine hCG 2 times, with an interval of 2 days. Depending on the results obtained, an ultrasound is prescribed or a termination of pregnancy is ascertained.

In some cases, with bleeding, a smear is made for oncocytology. Such a measure is necessary if a live embryo was detected on ultrasound, a hematoma in the chorion region was not detected, but the bleeding does not stop. A smear helps rule out cervical cancer.

If you still have a miscarriage at an early date, be sure to consult a doctor to find out if a cleaning is needed. The specialist will examine you and write recommendations

How does an early miscarriage happen?

At first, the woman feels weak and dizzy. She is worried about pain in the lower abdomen. Such symptoms should not be ignored. If a slight bleeding has begun, then timely seeking medical help will help stop it. Usually, a miscarriage occurs at home according to this scheme - a slight delay in menstruation, the test shows 2 strips, then slight spotting appears.

Important! When a woman realizes that she has lost a child, she should consult a doctor, since an early miscarriage without cleaning is almost impossible. Removal of the remaining tissues from the body will be required. If this procedure is not performed, then the remains of the fetus will begin to decompose, which will lead to the spread of harmful microorganisms and the appearance of an inflammatory process.

Cleaning is carried out 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation (after a miscarriage, this is not always possible). Scraping of the remnants of the fetus is carried out on a gynecological chair. First, anesthesia is required, after which the doctor inserts a special dilator into the vagina, which allows you to visually observe the condition of the cervix. Then a probe is inserted into it to inspect the cavity using a portable video camera. For scraping, a surgical instrument is used that looks like a spoon. The specialist carefully removes the surface layer of the uterus, then the resulting material is used in a histological examination. The operation takes an average of 30-45 minutes.


Treatment for a threatened miscarriage depends on the underlying cause. It is impossible to influence the course of events before 3 months of pregnancy. Often, doctors prescribe Tranexam to patients to stop bleeding. If a woman had experience in unsuccessful pregnancies, then Utrozhestan is prescribed to her.

The following drugs do not bring any effect on bleeding:

  • Baralgin;
  • Magne B6;
  • Vitamin E

With a high level of male hormones, a woman is prescribed medication for hyperandrogenism. You can not do without certain drugs with the threat of Rhesus conflict. If the Rh conflict nevertheless arose, then the therapy includes intrauterine blood transfusion to the fetus through the umbilical cord. After birth, the baby will need treatment for jaundice. To do this, it is placed under special blue lamps. Sometimes such treatment is not necessary.

Most patients with a threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy are treated in a hospital setting. In some cases, therapy begins in a hospital, and then the woman may be allowed to go home.

Quite often, the doctor prescribes the drug Duphaston with the threat of miscarriage in the early stages. It is a synthetic analogue of progesterone in tablet form. The dose of the drug is prescribed in each case individually, focusing on the condition of the expectant mother and her hormonal disorders. It should be taken at the full rate until all the symptoms of an early miscarriage disappear. When a woman feels better and there are no signs of a threatening abortion, she is prescribed a “maintenance” dosage of the drug. In case of a repeated threat, the course of treatment must be repeated.

Side effects of the drug Duphaston include:

  • violation of the chair;

With the appearance of pain in the right hypochondrium, as well as with obvious signs of jaundice, you should stop taking Duphaston.

Prevention of miscarriage

Pregnancy planning should be meaningful. A woman should undergo a medical examination to make sure that she is healthy and ready to bear a child. This significantly reduces the potential risks. Expectant parents need to timely stop drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and uncontrolled intake of any medications.

A woman before conception must treat all existing infectious pathologies. Also, while carrying a child, you should avoid companies with infected people.

It is important for pregnant women to monitor their diet and once again not to be nervous over trifles. If for some reason stressful situations cannot be avoided, then you should take sedatives that your doctor will recommend. Strong physical exertion and blows to the stomach should also be avoided.

If a woman has her first pregnancy at the age of 30-35, then she should especially carefully monitor her health and regularly undergo examinations.

What to do after a miscarriage?

In many cases, abortion cannot be avoided. This situation becomes a huge tragedy for the woman and her loved ones. The natural reaction then is the speedy conception of a new child. However, doctors strongly recommend planning a pregnancy only 6 months after the miscarriage. It is important to take the correct contraceptive during this period. According to statistics, a pregnancy that occurs immediately after a miscarriage has a high risk of also ending with an interruption.

If a woman has a sexually transmitted infection and the bleeding is prolonged, then after a miscarriage it is necessary to take antibacterial drugs. With abundant spotting, you can not do without the use of drugs, which include iron for therapy.

In case of repeated miscarriage (the woman had more than 3 of them), additional procedures are required and all necessary tests must be passed.

Unfortunately, the onset of pregnancy is far from a guarantee that it will end safely and the baby will be born healthy. It often happens that the body simply rejects the life that has arisen in it and an involuntary termination of pregnancy occurs. This phenomenon is called a miscarriage and often it occurs precisely in the early stages of pregnancy, up to 12 weeks. Why does this happen, what does a miscarriage look like in early pregnancy, what reasons provoke it and what consequences does it have? We will consider all this further.

A miscarriage is considered an involuntary termination of pregnancy, which can occur up to the 22nd week of pregnancy.. However, the lion's share of miscarriages are still early and occur for up to 12 weeks. It often happens that a woman does not even suspect that she is pregnant: she simply notices a delay, and then menstruation still occurs (just more abundantly and painfully), and with her a blood clot comes out of the vagina, similar to a burst bubble. This is how an early miscarriage happens.

Judging by the description, it may seem that this phenomenon occurs almost instantly, but this is not so. The process of abortion in the early stages lasts a certain period (up to several days) and consists of several stages:

  1. Risk of miscarriage. A woman notes the appearance of dull, cramping pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, as well as spotting bloody discharge from the vagina. If a woman knows that she is pregnant, then this is an immediate signal for her to see a doctor. The sooner in this case seek medical help, the more chances there are to save and keep the fetus.
  2. Gradual detachment of the placenta. After placental abruption occurs, the fetus dies due to hypoxia (oxygen starvation). It is already impossible to stop a miscarriage.
  3. Final detachment of the placenta and the beginning of separation of the fetus.
  4. The exit of the fetus and child's place from the uterine cavity.

It is extremely important after the incident to consult a doctor so that he makes a thorough examination and, if necessary, cleans the remaining tissues in the uterus.

Causes of early miscarriage

The most common causes of early miscarriage are:

  • Genetic abnormalities in the fetus. Various developmental disorders can be either hereditary or completely spontaneous, caused by adverse external factors (for example, a viral infection in the mother). In this case, the female body regards the fetus as something pathogenic and incompetent and hurries to get rid of it.
  • Hormonal disorders. A healthy and full pregnancy proceeds against the background of the production of the necessary hormones. So, in the early stages of pregnancy, to maintain it, the female body urgently needs such a hormone as progesterone. If, for some reason, it is not produced in sufficient quantities (for example, due to an excess of male hormones), the body cannot support pregnancy.

  • Rh-conflict of the fetus and mother. If the fetus inherits from the father an opposite Rh factor than the mother (for example, the mother has a negative Rh factor, and the fetus has a positive Rh factor), the female body perceives it as something a priori alien and rejection may occur. With the timely identification of such a cause (it is advisable to take a blood test to determine the Rh factor for both parents at the stage of pregnancy planning), hormone therapy with the hormone progesterone is prescribed, which is a kind of protection for the baby.
  • Various infectious diseases. There are many different infections that are sexually transmitted: syphilis, herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, toxoplasmosis, etc. If the mother has such a disease, the fetus and fetal membranes can also become infected, as a result of which the body will begin to reject the embryo as something pathogenic . Many of these diseases can be completely asymptomatic, which is why the expectant mother needs to undergo a thorough examination at the stage of pregnancy planning.

  • Viral or chronic diseases. In the presence of any inflammatory processes in the body, it weakens significantly and becomes unable to support the pregnancy and hold the fetus, so the pregnancy is terminated.
  • Abortions in the past. Abortion, one way or another, can negatively affect the functioning of the ovaries, adrenal glands, and cause the development of inflammatory processes in the female reproductive organs. Therefore, it is not surprising that such an intervention, even made long before a new pregnancy, can have a detrimental effect on it.

  • The use of drugs and traditional medicine. Various medications taken in the early stages can lead to abnormalities in the development of the fetus, which in themselves are a possible cause of miscarriage. Few people know that many traditional medicines, and even such harmless herbs as nettle, tansy, St. John's wort, parsley, etc., when taken regularly, can cause uterine tone and provoke a miscarriage.
  • Stress. Oddly enough, but stressful situations and nervous tension very often do not allow the body to hold the fetus and become the cause of abortion.

  • Strong physical activity. A miscarriage can also occur from severe physical overexertion. Therefore, pregnant women should abandon intense physical activity and weight lifting.
  • Bad habits. Smoking, alcohol and drug abuse can lead to defects in the development of the fetus and, as a result, to miscarriage.
  • Taking a hot bath. For the period of pregnancy, especially in its initial stages, a woman should refuse to take an excessively hot bath for a long time, since such procedures more than once caused the loss of a baby.

  • Falls and injuries. Injuries themselves are not capable of harming the fetus, since it is reliably protected in the womb, but they can cause various disorders in her body, which will lead to negative consequences.
  • Individual characteristics of the organism. These are various pathologies of the body of the expectant mother, as a result of which it is extremely difficult for her to bear a child: oncological diseases of the organs of the reproductive system, congenital anomalies (for example,), etc.

Early miscarriage symptoms

The most common symptoms of involuntary termination of pregnancy in its early stages can be:

  • dull pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back (it has a periodic, cramping character);
  • the appearance of brown or bloody discharge from the vagina (bloody discharge indicates that placental abruption has begun);
  • profuse bleeding with clots and pieces of tissue (this indicates that the miscarriage has already taken place);
  • (however, it is not always accompanied by discomfort and pain).

How is a threatened miscarriage diagnosed?

Ideally, a possible threat of abortion is diagnosed even before it occurs, at the planning stage. So, a woman planning a conception undergoes thorough examinations and tests to identify any pathologies that can interfere with the healthy bearing of a baby. If the pregnancy occurred spontaneously, then it does not matter, because with timely access to a gynecologist, you can also identify factors that indicate a possible termination of pregnancy. This happens with:

  • comparison of the size of the uterus and the duration of pregnancy;
  • determining the density of the closure of the cervix;
  • identifying possible uterine tone;
  • analysis of the presence and nature of vaginal discharge;
  • taking tests (for example, a blood test for hormone levels, a blood test for intrauterine infections, a smear for ureaplasma, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, etc.).

A sufficiently informative method for diagnosing such a threat in the first trimester is transvaginal ultrasound, which makes it possible to examine the condition of the cervix, its length, etc.

Treatment of threatened miscarriage in the early stages

If there is a threat of spontaneous abortion, a woman is most often subject to hospitalization, she is prescribed bed rest (minimum physical activity) and emotional peace. Treatment is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, based directly on the cause of the probable miscarriage. Usually pregnant women with such a threat are treated:

  • hormonal drugs to increase the amount of progesterone (Dufaston, Utrozhestan), or to suppress male hormones in case of their excess;
  • antispasmodics that reduce the tone of the uterus;
  • vitamins to support the pregnancy itself;
  • sedatives to maintain emotional health, which is also incredibly important for the preservation of the child.

Special treatment may also be prescribed, which is necessary in one case or another, for example, with ICI, sutures can be placed on the cervix to prevent its opening, with genital infections - local antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.

Prevention of miscarriage

The best prevention of miscarriage is a complete examination of both partners at the stage of pregnancy planning and the elimination of possible pathogenic factors. So, before the onset of pregnancy, it is advisable to take tests to determine the chromosome and gene set, to exclude autoimmune pathologies, to sexual infections, it is also necessary to carefully examine the thyroid gland, reproductive organs to identify various defects in their work, etc.

Already being pregnant, the expectant mother should also follow simple rules:

  • eliminate bad habits;
  • avoid excessive physical exertion;
  • refrain from frequent use of strong tea and coffee;
  • regularly visit a doctor and follow all his recommendations;
  • maintain emotional calm;
  • Watch closely for new symptoms and sensations.

Consequences after a miscarriage in the early stages

After a miscarriage, particles of fetal tissue or its membranes may remain in the uterus. That is why women after a miscarriage do an ultrasound scan to detect such residues and mechanical cleaning of the uterus if they are found.

If parts of the fetus are not removed from the uterus, an inflammatory process can begin, blood poisoning, and severe uterine bleeding can open, which can lead to death. That is why it is so important to seek medical help in a timely manner after the loss of a baby.

How many days does it usually bleed after a miscarriage? Normally, this can last from 5 to 10 days, if the blood goes on for a longer time, this is already a serious cause for concern. As for the restoration of menstruation and when they come next time after a miscarriage, this happens on average after 21-35 days.

It is absurd to think that after an early miscarriage, the next pregnancy may not occur or end in the same way. Only the root cause that provoked the loss of the baby earlier can affect a second pregnancy, if it is not detected and treated.

Video about the causes of miscarriage

This video explains in detail what a miscarriage is and what causes it most often accompanies.

I would like to hear the comments of those who had such a sad experience in life: how did you understand that a miscarriage occurred, at what time did it occur, what provoked it, and were there any negative consequences? Your comments will be very useful for those women who are just getting ready to become a mother.

You still easily fit into tight jeans, have not yet encountered morning sickness, age spots, stretch marks on your stomach. But you already have a test with two red stripes - the main proof of your belonging to the happy class of pregnant women.

Your treasure is still quite tiny. Only the most sensitive equipment can detect its presence in your womb. But this does not prevent you from coming up with a name for him, talking to him and stopping at stores with children's clothes to look after something for an unborn, but already existing baby. But this joyful prospect, this rosy illusion can be interrupted overnight by a terrible and inexorable word Miscarriage.

According to statistics, 15-20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriages.

In most cases, this happens when a woman does not yet realize that she is pregnant. But sometimes it happens to those who have already become attached to their belly-maker and fell in love with him. How to console a woman in this case? Only next pregnancy. But those who have had such a misfortune in their lives, and those who have not yet known the bitterness of loss, should go through a small educational program on issues related to miscarriage. The most important thing is to know what factors can cause miscarriage, and what can be done to prevent miscarriage.

The conversation will focus on early miscarriages that occur for up to 12 weeks, because the vast majority of them happen during this period.

The most common causes of miscarriages in early pregnancy

  1. Genetic disorders in the fetus
    According to statistics, about 73% of miscarriages occur for this reason. As a rule, these genetic defects are not hereditary in nature, but are the result of single mutations that occurred in the germ cells of the parents under the influence of harmful environmental factors (radiation, occupational hazards, viruses, etc.). Termination of pregnancy for this reason is a kind of natural selection - getting rid of weak, non-viable offspring. It is almost impossible to prevent such a miscarriage, you can only reduce the risk of genetic abnormalities even before conception, by protecting yourself from the effects of mutagenic factors as much as possible. But with modern ecology, the probability of mutations still remains, because miscarriages that occur for this reason can be considered a boon, because they save a woman from many problems and troubles in the future.

  2. Hormonal disorders
    When the balance of hormones in a woman's body is disturbed, early pregnancy termination often occurs. Most often this happens with a lack of the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone. With the timely detection of this problem, pregnancy can be saved with the help of progesterone preparations. An excess of male sex hormones can also cause an early miscarriage - they suppress the production of estrogen and progesterone. Androgens are often the cause of recurrent (habitual) miscarriages. The adrenal and thyroid hormones also influence the formation and development of pregnancy. Therefore, dysfunction of these glands can also cause miscarriage.

  3. Immunological causes
    As a rule, this happens with a Rh-conflict. The embryo inherits the Rh-positive father, while the mother's Rh-negative body rejects embryonic tissues that are foreign to it. To prevent miscarriage during immune conflict, progesterone preparations are used, which in this case have an immunomodulatory effect.
  4. Sexually transmitted infections: trichomoniasis, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, chlamydia, as well as herpetic and cytomegalovirus infection often cause miscarriage.
    Pathogenic bacteria and viruses cause infection of the fetus, damage to the membranes, resulting in a miscarriage. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to treat infections before pregnancy.

  5. Common infectious diseases and inflammatory diseases of the internal organs.
    All diseases accompanied by intoxication and an increase in body temperature above 38 ° C can lead to miscarriage. Rubella , viral hepatitis , flu are in the lead in this list . Even a banal sore throat can become fatal at 4-10 weeks of pregnancy. And pneumonia, pyelonephritis, appendicitis are a serious risk to the fetus. That is why, when planning a pregnancy, it is worth undergoing a complete medical examination, identifying and treating all foci of chronic infection.

  6. History of abortion
    Abortion is not just a medical manipulation: it is a huge stress for the female body, which can cause dysfunction of the ovaries, adrenal glands; contributing to the development of inflammatory processes in the genital organs. This can cause infertility and habitual miscarriages in the future.

  7. Medicines and herbs
    In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid taking medications altogether. Many of them can cause abortion or cause the formation of developmental defects in the fetus. So, for example, narcotic analgesics or hormonal contraceptives often become the culprits of abortion. You also need to be careful with medicinal herbs: parsley, nettle, cornflower, St. John's wort, tansy - are contraindicated in early pregnancy.

  8. stress
    Strong fright or unexpected grief, resentment or prolonged mental overstrain are dangerous for a small creature in your womb. If you, by the will of fate, are forced to be under the influence of stress, discuss with your doctor the possibility of taking sedatives, at least the same valerian.

  9. Unhealthy Lifestyle
    Alcohol, drugs, smoking, regular coffee consumption, improper and malnutrition are all allies of a miscarriage. It is better to correct your lifestyle even before conception.

  10. Falls, heavy lifting, sexual intercourse
    All this, although rare, can become a trigger for abortion, so take care of yourself, and therefore your baby!