How to sew a collar on a military uniform sizes. How to hem a collar on a field uniform

A military man in any situation should look neat. The collar on the tunic is intended to show how clean its owner is, but its original function is to protect the skin of the neck from chafing. It is necessary to hem a collar on a military uniform every day, and this must be done quickly and efficiently.

Preparatory work

You can buy a ready-made collar, but it will be cheaper to make it yourself.

The material for filing should be selected natural, preferably cotton or linen. The white color is very easily soiled and the collar will need to be sewn daily.

Stock up on all the necessary materials in advance for a long time. In addition to linen fabric, you will need white threads and a thin needle (if you take a thick one, it will be inconvenient to sew and punctures may remain on the collar). To make the collar look beautiful, the fabric can be folded not in half, but four times. The length of the fabric cut should be equal to the length of the neckline plus 5-6 cm for tucking.

The photo shows the process of sewing on collars in a military unit

The process of making a collar

It is better to fold the hemming material in four so that, if necessary, you can tear it off, turn it to the other side and sew it on again. This is very convenient when there is no way to hem a new collar or wash the old one.

Binder making instructions:

  • prepare the fabric
  • the width of the hemming should be equal to 20 cm, the length depends on the length of the gate swing;
  • iron;
  • unfold the cut and measure 5 cm from each edge, fold inward and iron the finished fold;
  • fold the part in half to determine the center and iron the resulting fold;
  • then we align the fabric and tuck each edge (top and bottom of the product) inward and iron it;
  • fold the resulting blank for the gate again in half and pass the iron over the product on both sides.

A detailed description can be viewed on the video, in which each step is described in detail and the work flow diagram is clearly shown.

Correctly sewing a collar to a military uniform is not so difficult, the main thing is that it can be easily, quickly torn off the next day and sew on a new one. In the army, speed plays a big role.

Sewing process

To properly hem a collar, you need to know the charter, because sewing rules may differ in different military units. The process begins with ironing the gate.

Then you should measure the thread. To do this, lay out the finished collar in front of you and attach a thread to it. Its length should be 4 times the hemming material.

The figure shows the details of the gate
  • the collar is sewn exactly from the place where the departure begins;
  • you need to sew the material so that it is visible from under the rack by 1-2 mm;
  • the seam must be hidden so that it is not visible from the outside;
  • the step between stitches on the inside is 30 mm, on the outside - 1 mm.

When performing stitches, it is advisable not to bring the needle to the outside, but to grab the fabric from the inside, by a pair of fibers and again bring the needle through the collar. So on the outside of the collar there will be no visible seams and the shape will look neat.

The material should not bulge and fit in waves - this is the most difficult task. Recruits are advised to sew both edges at once, and then continue sewing along the entire length. If everything is done correctly, then the collar when worn will not cause discomfort. The winter version is sewn along the inflection line of the collar, and the summer version involves sewing along the inflection line of the lapels. The summer version is the main one for hemming cadet tunics and the military uniform of the Airborne Forces, where the vest must be visible.

The above option is suitable for an army tunic with a stand-up collar. On one of the videos, you can view the option of filing the collar of an army overcoat with a step-by-step description of the actions.

Using a used collar

Hygienic requirements make it necessary to change the collar every day. It can be washed, but it will never be the same snow-white, and re-sewing that piece of fabric, especially thin, will be problematic.

Any cadet, soldier, and even the highest ranks must monitor the condition of their uniform, which also includes shoes. The used piece of fabric is perfect for rubbing boots or boots. It can also be used to wipe the shelves from dust.

How to hem a collar on a field uniform

A clean, ironed collar is sewn to the carefully ironed collar of the field uniform tunic with a white thread 70 to 100 cm long (depending on the age of the cadet and the size of the uniform). Before starting the procedure, the collar is applied to the unfolded collar of the tunic to determine the ratio of their sizes. If the length of the collar turned out to be greater than the length of the collar, you can visually determine how much excess material we can evenly bend on each side during the hemming process. If the collar turned out to be shorter, we determine how much to leave an indent on each side of the edges of the collar. Ideally, the edges of the collar should be hemmed at the same distance from the edges of the collar.

The collar is hemmed along its perimeter with a single thread. The indentation of the thread seam from the edge of the material is 1-2 mm. Position the tunic so that its collar is closer to you, so it will be easier to straighten the even line of the future top seam.

Fold up the excess material of the collar and start making the first stitch in such a way as to hide the knot at the end of the thread, as shown in the figure.

Then we apply the collar to the collar as it will be and sew with a needle through the collar and collar in the place where the thread exits, however, the exit and entry points of the thread should be nearby, but should not coincide.

This rule also applies when the stitch is returned from the outside of the tunic so that the thread is invisible.

After we grabbed the collar. we make the first inner stitch and sew in the upper corner of the collar.

Now let's move on to the top seam. Press the collar with your fingers to the collar, giving the latter a rounded shape. This is how the material will lie on the neck, but if this is not done, after filing, folds may appear either on the collar or on the collar.

We continue to make stitches, observing the learned rules. The length of each stitch should not exceed 2 cm.

In the course of the process, do not forget to bend the excess material in time on the other side of the collar. You can flash it discreetly, or you can create the effect of a two-layer material.

When you go to the bottom seam, it is advisable to place the tunic with the collar "away from you" for the convenience of hemming. Do not forget to press the material with your fingers to the collar.

We finish sewing where we started. We thread the thread under the collar and make an inconspicuous double loop under it, securing the thread from blooming.

Information from the site

Making beds is a tradition of the Russian army (I don't know how it is in other countries). Beds are not just made, but carefully and severely wrapped up. Refueling can continue indefinitely. When the soldiers have nothing to do, they unanimously go straighten and make beds, level, beat, and again level. Whatever the soldier does, as long as he is in business. I will try to describe this complex process. After lifting and charging, it is necessary to restore order in the company. By order is meant the filling of beds, their alignment and repulsion. It all starts with a mattress and bedding. The mattress is turned over, for greater evenness, a pillowcase is laid on it, stretched and all sides are tucked up (the main thing is that nothing hangs). The second pillowcase, which acts as a duvet cover, folded in half, is laid along the bed and tucked under the mattress from the side of the head. The blanket that the military and the prisoners have is the same, dark blue with three stripes on the edge. Three stripes is a very important part. First, the stripes indicate the location of the duvet on the bed, i.e. the edge with the stripes is located at the feet. Secondly, the bunks are aligned along them, so that there is a strip in a strip like a string. Wrapping the bed with a blanket, you need to leave an uncovered gap of about 10-20 mm from the side of the head, and tuck it under the mattress at the feet so that the last strip is on the edge of the mattress. Then, the blanket must be pulled like a string, aligned and beat off the edges so that you can cut yourself on them (that is, make an edging). They beat off with dice - a board with a handle similar to a spatula. The pillow is put in its place and the theme is given a square shape with dice. The berths are in rows, they need to be leveled and given the appearance of neatness - a long way of leveling begins. Everything is uniform in the army, so pillows, stripes on blankets, darlings and much more are leveled with a stretched thread. The final touch is the re-beating of the blankets. Only after the beds have been made can the company go to breakfast.


Sewing on the collar First of all, you need to know that the attached collar does not rub your neck when wearing a camouflage jacket for a long time, its collar does not get greasy. It's at home you can change shirts at least every day. And in the army they give out a uniform for a long time and wear it every day. The outfit is designed for durability - you have to run, crawl, subject the fabric to overloads in it. Naturally, such clothes cannot be gentle and pleasant for the skin. The use of collars allows you to wear a uniform without washing for quite a long time, even in hot weather. Naturally, the collar must be torn off daily, and another, clean and fresh, sewn in its place. Hemming in the army is a ritual, a tradition, a sacrament. At first, the fingers bleed, they hurt - horror, especially for those who are called in the winter. But - it is necessary, and it is necessary regularly. Not all fabrics are suitable. Her structure is different. More precisely, the main thing is that the collar is snow-white, and what you hem - no one cares except you, because you have to wear it. Usually a special hemming fabric is issued, which is very cool for such a case, dense and folds well. As a rule, the collar is changed every day. In general, if you don’t sweat and keep your neck clean, and hem in 4 additions, it’s enough for two days. If they don't pick on. In 2 addition, it will never be enough, some traces of dirt are still noticeable. First, the tunic collar and hemming material are ironed. Then a white thread 70-100 cm long is taken. The stitches are superimposed so that the thread is not visible from the outside of the collar, that is, the needle is stuck from the outside almost in the same place where it came from. It is advisable to sew the collar with 12 stitches 2-3 cm long on top and 6 stitches on the bottom so that it protrudes about 2 mm from above and in front, the collar should protrude according to the charter on a match head. The process of sewing on a collar is an essential attribute of military service. Training in sewing on a collar is usually carried out by old-timers. Sewing on the collar for the first time usually takes about an hour, with dexterity, it takes no more than 5 minutes to sew, it’s bad - an unevenly sewn collar is ordered to be torn off and started all over again. , hemming in youth was a very big headache. The first thing that was stolen was white threads. The first thing that was valued was thin needles with a thin eye. Only people who served in the army know a lot about them. There are actually a lot of needles, but only rare and thin ones are worth their weight in gold - they are simply convenient and quick to hem. With experience, sewing on a collar is not difficult. Used collars can be washed and reused, but they will no longer be snow-white as new. Therefore, soldiers always try to hem a new fabric, the so-called "hem". “Hemming” is brought from home, pieces are bought or torn off from freshly issued sheets, which is punishable by the authorities. Usually, military personnel sew on a fabric folded in half, among the “grandfathers” it is considered a special chic to hem a fabric folded in 4-6 layers. Just before the demobilization, "grandfathers" are sometimes hemmed with black threads. Starting from 100 days before the order. Sometimes the number of days remaining until dismissal is embroidered. The cleanliness of the collars is checked at the morning inspection and upon entering the outfit.


The most popular outfit in the army, a little about him. The company orderly is appointed from among the soldiers. It is allowed to appoint an orderly for a company from among the sergeants and foremen who are serving in the military positions of soldiers. He is responsible for the safety of weapons under his protection, cabinets with pistols, boxes of ammunition, company property and personal belongings of soldiers and sergeants. The company orderly is subordinate to the company duty officer. The next orderly in the company is serving inside the barracks, at the front door, near the weapons storage room. Responsibilities The orderly is obliged to: Do ​​not leave the company premises anywhere without the permission of the company duty officer. Keep an eye on the weapon storage room at all times. Do not allow unauthorized persons to enter the premises, and also do not allow the removal of weapons, ammunition, company property and personal belongings of soldiers and sergeants from the barracks without the permission of the company duty officer. Immediately report to the company duty officer about all incidents in the company, about violations of the rules established by the charter for relations between soldiers or sergeants of the company, about noticed malfunctions and violations of fire safety requirements, and take measures to eliminate them. Wake up the personnel during the general rise, as well as at night in case of an alarm or fire, give commands in a timely manner according to the daily routine. Monitor the cleanliness and order in the premises and demand their observance from the military personnel. Do not allow military personnel to leave the premises undressed in cold weather, especially at night. Ensure that military personnel smoke, clean shoes and clothes only in the premises or places designated for this. Upon arrival at the company of direct superiors from the company commander and above, the unit on duty, give the command “Attention”, and upon arrival at the company of other officers of the company, as well as the foreman of the company and military personnel not from their own company, call the company on duty. The next orderly is forbidden to sit down, take off his equipment and unbutton his clothes. The duty officer of a free shift is obliged to maintain the cleanliness and order of the premises, not to leave anywhere without the permission of the company officer on duty, to assist him in restoring order in case of violation of the rules established by military regulations for relations between soldiers or sergeants of the company; remaining for the duty officer in the company, perform his duties.

Taken from diaries MEN88



How to simply hem a collar on a military uniform?

January 19, 2018

According to the military regulations, there is a certain regulation, according to which certain limits of behavior for military personnel are established. However, this concerns not only the execution of orders, but also the appearance. The field uniform must have a collar, which is located on the inside of the collar. In this regard, the question arises of how to hem a collar on a military uniform.

What is a collar?

This piece of clothing is a white strip of fabric that is sewn to the tunic from the inside. It would seem why it is needed, but the collar has certain functions that it performs:

  • protects the skin from contact with coarse material used for sewing military uniforms so that the skin is not injured;
  • it is far from always possible to wash the uniform issued on time, and therefore the collar also plays a hygienic role.

The need for collars was thought about when the First and Second World Wars were going on. The neck must be clean so that difficult-to-heal wounds do not form. When there are active hostilities, there is no time for personal hygiene, but maintaining the health of soldiers is also an important task. Gradually, collars became part of the tradition, and now their wearing is consistent with the military regulations.

What do you need for stitching?

How to sew collars on the uniform? To carry out the task, it is necessary to acquire the following materials and tools:

  • fabric for filing (white calico having the size of a collar);
  • white threads;
  • needle;
  • iron.

Hemming the collar, you need to do it carefully so that there is no feeling of discomfort during the daily wear of a military uniform.

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Step-by-step instruction

How collars are hemmed in the army will be discussed later in the article:

  1. At the first stage, it is necessary to properly iron both the fabric itself, from which the collar will be made, and the form collar itself.
  2. As mentioned above, the size of the fabric strip and the gate must match. If there is a smaller fabric on the hands, then the same indents must be observed on each side of the collar. Much less problems if the strip of matter is somewhat larger. It will be enough to cut off an extra piece or simply tuck the fabric from both edges.
  3. A white thread is inserted into the needle, threaded and secured with a knot so that it does not jump out during operation.
  4. As a rule, a blind stitch is used for sewing. There is nothing complicated here, the thread is threaded through the collar of the tunic, which consists of two layers of material.
  5. To make the collar look neat, you will need to make approximately 12 stitches.
  6. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the needle must be inserted into the fabric in the place from which it came out during the previous stitch. As a result, the seam is smooth and beautiful.
  7. The recommended stitch length is approximately 4 cm.

This instruction details how to hem a collar on a military uniform.

Some tricks

Soldiers entering military service receive ready-made collars in the amount of 12 pieces annually, which can be replaced with a simple fabric, you will have to make the necessary part from it yourself in order to hem the collar on a military uniform. According to the charter, collars must be changed every day, and if the fabric is washed after use, then its appearance leaves much to be desired. You can buy the necessary material or a finished product in a military store.

According to observations, a double layer of material is best suited. In this case, the fabric will not bulge and will not rub the skin of the neck.

Door collars are checked for cleanliness every day during morning formations.

Now you know how to hem a collar on a military uniform.

The military regulations are strict: it provides for many rules, including a daily check of collars. The presence of a stale collar threatens with severe punishment, and therefore it has to be changed daily. This must be done not only quickly, but also correctly.

You will need:

I. Undercollar.
II. Needle.
III. Strong white threads.
IV. Iron.

Why do you need a collar on a military uniform

The collar on a military uniform, first of all, symbolizes the cleanliness and accuracy of a soldier. But it has a number of other equally important functions.

The collar protects the form from premature wear - the cloth is not salted, its service life is much extended. The neck, protected by a soft cotton fabric, does not rub during hikes, wounds do not form on it, and, therefore, the possibility of infection is excluded. Even after prolonged wear, the tunic can not be washed - the area most vulnerable to sweat and dirt is protected by collars.

How to sew a collar on a military uniform: we reveal the secrets of experienced soldiers

The army teaches a lot, including how to sew a collar on a military uniform. For beginners, this seemingly simple task turns out to be not at all easy: each sewing ends with fingers punctured into the blood, and the result leaves much to be desired. Skill comes with time - by the time of demobilization, this once difficult work is done in a matter of minutes. Because every case has its own little secrets.

They begin the process with ironing - it is necessary to iron not only the collar, but also the collar of the tunic. If both elements have the same size, then there will be no problems in the future. But if the collar turns out to be longer than the collar, then its edges will have to be bent, and if vice versa - shorter - then simply retreat from the edges to the same distance.

The collar is applied to the form so that it protrudes slightly from above - no more than a match head. Start sewing with stitches, the length of which is approximately 3 cm or slightly less. The threads used are strong, usually No. 10.

When sewing, the collar of the tunic is captured only slightly, the stitches follow almost close, one after the other. After each stitch, the collar is carefully smoothed out and only then the next one is made. This technology ensures that the collar will be sewn evenly, without waves.

The quality of work is checked in the process of wearing. If everything is done correctly, then this detail is generally invisible and does not create discomfort.

It is important to remember that the collar should be not only beautifully sewn, but also snow-white. It looks best double, sewn from a special dense fabric called hemming and sold in military stores. Such a collar is often used twice, not washed, but turned over to the other side.