How to remove redness under the armpits. What are the causes of armpit irritation? Household causes of itching under the armpits

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Antiperspirants, deodorants, essential oils, dusts, powders, ointments - all kinds of means have not been invented by man in the fight against sweating and bad armpit odor. We are all accustomed to this part of the procedure, both obligatory and daily. But what if a new problem arises - skin irritation? Itching, redness, burning, inflammation - this is only a small part of the bouquet of symptoms that arise. A lot of unpleasant moments from the sore that has arisen worries both men and women, and even children.

In this article, we will take a closer look at where this problem comes from, and how to solve it.

You will need:

For what reasons there is redness in the armpit area

The causes of irritation in the armpit are very different.


Heavy sweating

With stress, excitement, physical exertion, strong sweating occurs. This is especially true for the underarm area in adults. Armpit sweat has a special composition. It contains fatty acids that give a yellow color. Everyone is familiar with hard-to-remove yellow stains on clothes.

The secretion of fluid by itself is not harmful, but fatty acids are an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Bad smell is the result of their vital activity.

Bacteria, multiplying, infect areas of the skin with cracks, pustules and rashes appear. With heavy and frequent sweating, diaper rash occurs - an area comfortable for the development of bacteria and a disease called candidiasis.

Shaving armpit hair

Never use an old blunt blade.

It costs no more than 3 times to use the blade, after which a new one is required. The machine should only be used for personal use.

Borrowing such things is contraindicated in every possible way. If you shave dry armpits and do not use an emollient soap solution, and after the procedure ignore the use of moisturizers, then irritation will inevitably occur. Peeling, cracking of the skin leads to the fact that the surface is affected by the fungus.

Candidal lesion

A frequent occurrence when personal hygiene is not followed. The yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida is especially active in attacking the area in the armpits, in the groin in men and under the breasts in women. In men, the problem with skin irritation occurs when they ignore the hair removal procedure.

  • With strong swaddling;
  • hot indoor air;
  • when wearing synthetic clothing;
  • with insufficient hygiene.

In infants, not only the armpit area suffers, but all areas where there are folds on the body. Areas with inflamed skin darken, itch, the skin flakes, sores, blisters appear, the child is irritated and worried.

Questions and Answers

    How to call diaper rash under the armpits?

    Diaper rash in dermatology is called intertriginous dermatitis. The disease has 3 stages of manifestation. In the last degree, ulcers and erosion occur under the armpits, in which case you should consult a doctor. Minor redness and itching can be relieved at home.

    What causes ulcers in the armpit?

    Armpit wounds can be the result of progressive fungus and other skin conditions such as dermatitis, lichen, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, and others. Some of the main reasons for the appearance of these diseases are:
    Improper nutrition;
    Weak immunity;
    Viral infections;
    Inflammation in the body;
    Excess weight;
    Diseases of the thyroid gland.

    What causes irritation under the armpit in a child?

    Improper diet can be the cause of irritation. Allergenic foods should be excluded. Unsuitable cosmetics are causing the problem. Unpleasant sensations in a child may appear due to high humidity or high temperature in the room.

    Why does my armpit hurt after shaving?

    The main cause of pain is damage to the upper layer of the epidermis with a razor or epilator. An old razor or a dirty blade can cause infection in the underarm area. The follicles turn red and pustules may appear, which bring pain. In order to remove redness and itching, while shaving, you should adhere to hygiene rules (clean razor, sharp blade, use of special shaving products), as well as moisturize the armpit area with cosmetics.

    How to shave your armpits to avoid irritation?

    Shave with a clean razor. Before the process, the skin should be prepared. Start by placing a hot towel on your armpits. This will open up the follicles and make shaving easier as the hairs become softer. Then you should treat the shaving area with a moisturizer or gel. After shaving, you should also use sedatives: a decoction of herbs, baby cream.


Symptoms of irritation include the following signs that occur in the armpit area:

  • White and red pimples;
  • intertrigo;
  • red rash;
  • swelling;
  • redness.

What is the threat of ignoring the problem

Dermatitis is one of the manifestations of skin irritation in the armpit area. The armpit turns into one big red spot and hurts. The resulting eczema from dermatitis causes severe itching.

Uncontrolled scratching can lead to ulcers and infection. The process of inflammation will begin.

There is a risk of fungus in the affected areas. The armpits hurt, their skin peels off, a bad smell comes out, a white coating is visible, the surface has a gray-yellow color - these are manifestations of candidiasis that causes discomfort and irritability.

Medication treatment

It is better to treat armpit skin irritation with medications under the supervision of a doctor. Different stages of the disease require their own medical approach.

  1. Ordinary irritation can be relieved with hydrogen peroxide solution.
  2. A solution of several aspirin tablets relieves pain and redness.
  3. Petroleum jelly softens the skin.
  4. For cracks and pimples, an ointment containing hormones is indicated.
  5. Means containing cortisone are used once or twice a week.
  6. Zinc ointment relieves irritation and normalizes the work of the sweat glands.
  7. Teymurov's Pasta, known since Soviet times, will dry out, reduce sweating and relieve irritation.
  8. For dermatitis, doctors recommend using baby creams containing aloe or calendula juice.

Areas affected by the fungus must be treated with antifungal agents as prescribed by a doctor, sometimes it is required to take antibiotics and antifungal drugs inside. The dermatologist will determine the severity and the steps to be taken. Self-medication can only aggravate the skin condition.


  1. If after shaving the armpits red spots appear - a decoction of chamomile, sage, mint or just ordinary black tea will easily relieve inflammation, soften and soothe the skin, and have an antiseptic effect.
  2. Washing with a solution of sea salt dries the skin, creates an uncomfortable environment for bacteria to multiply, and normalizes the work of the sweat glands.
  3. Drinking herbal decoctions will soothe, reduce emotional outbursts that are provocateurs of sweating. Green tea, chamomile, mint, lemon balm tea is useful and effective.
  4. Excessive sweating has appeared - it is necessary to make lotions from a decoction of oak bark.

You can get rid of the problem with recognized folk remedies if you make it a rule to do the recommended procedures once or twice a week.


Simply applying deodorant will not relieve sweat and irritation. Only an integrated approach will help. To avoid the appearance of a problem in the armpits, you need to follow certain steps:

  1. Reducing perspiration by using various hygiene products.
  2. Take a shower regularly, at least once a day.
  3. The indispensable removal of hair from the armpits using emollients and disinfectants.
  4. Avoiding wearing synthetic or very tight clothing. The armpit needs to "breathe", and synthetics do not allow oxygen to pass through.
  5. Wipe your armpits regularly with lemon, orange and other citrus wedges.
  6. Apply lotions with a vinegar solution.
  7. Rinsing with decoctions of herbs.
  8. Rub essential oils into your skin from time to time.
  9. Exclusion from the diet of foods that provoke sweating.

Everyone knows that deodorant simply masks the smell, and antiperspirants are necessary to reduce perspiration.

It is better to block the armpit area with these means in the evening, after taking a shower, when the skin is clean, dry and the pores are open. The applied product is better absorbed into the skin and, during the next day, has a beneficial effect.

In the morning, you need to apply another layer of the product. Before the anticipated exciting event, after applying the antiperspirant, it does not hurt to apply a layer of talcum powder or baby powder. A small child, in order to avoid a problem, rinse well after taking a bath with a decoction of a string, sage or chamomile. After treatment with mild disinfectants, lubricate the skin with Baby Cream, known for its positive effects. Wear spacious clothes made of "breathable" materials. It is necessary to keep the child in a well-ventilated area with normal temperature and sufficient humidity. People suffering from hyperhidrosis need to carefully monitor their diet. We'll have to exclude the following foods from the diet:

  • Garlic;
  • chilean pepper;
  • hot coffee.

It is better to drink coffee chilled, if not possible. It is desirable that the drink be decaffeinated.

Hygiene rules

Personal hygiene is a prerequisite for maintaining your own health and beauty. Taking an evening and morning shower with a thorough treatment of the armpit area is a pleasant and healthy procedure that guarantees freshness and gets rid of bacteria.

Shaving your underarms will help you get rid of excess sweating. This procedure should also be taken as a rule, but it should be approached carefully. It is better to shave after taking a bath or shower, when the hair and skin are more elastic. A mandatory requirement is the use of a special shaving foam.

Apply emollient gels to avoid irritation. If cuts and scratches appear, treatment with a hydrogen peroxide solution does not interfere.

After bathing and shaving, action is needed to reduce perspiration.

Frequently asked questions and answers

    Irritation around the armpits, causes?

    Common causes of axillary irritation include:
    excessive sweating after physical exertion, or with excitement and stress. Fatty acids contained in sweat serve as a good environment for the development of bacteria, therefore, with profuse sweating, diaper rash and redness appear on the areas of the skin under the armpits;

    Deodorants containing elements of aluminum, which leads to skin irritation. Frequently, using an antiperspirant can cause allergies. In this case, you should change the cosmetic;

    The razor is also irritating, as shaving removes the top layer of the epidermis;

    A fungus that occurs mainly due to the weakening of the body as a whole. The disease can cause stress, unhealthy diet, unhealthy habits, prolonged medication treatment, etc.

    Armpit redness, what are the reasons?

    Red spots in the underarm area can appear due to poor hygiene. Insufficient cleaning of the epidermis from sweat leads to the multiplication of microorganisms, which can cause unpleasant odors and infections. Redness can also be caused by the use of deodorants and antiperspirants, which block the activity of the sweat glands. Unsuitable gels, masks, creams, soaps can cause redness. Tight underwear and clothing will damage the top layer of the skin and cause micro-scratches, causing the underarm area to turn red.

    Redness under the armpits in men without itching, what is the reason?

    Redness in the armpits in men can appear due to dysfunction of the sweat glands, improper cosmetic product (deodorant, shaving gel) or skin disease. Most often, redness without itching is caused by a bacterial infection of the epidermis, erythrasmus. The disease begins with the appearance of pink spots in the armpits or groin. Sometimes the navel, chest and areas between the fingers are also infected. The spots grow and merge, while not delivering any unpleasant burning sensation. The disease is contagious and can be transmitted through shared use of a single towel, bath, bedding and through sexual intercourse.

    How to get rid of underarm shaving irritation?

    Shaving with a clean and sharp razor is best in the evening, because in this case, you can avoid using deodorant, which clogs the pores of the skin and leads to irritation. After shaving, wipe the armpit area with an alcohol solution or lemon juice diluted in water. Then powder with baby powder or use baby cream.
    After shaving irritation can be relieved with a decoction of chamomile, mint, sage, oak bark. Green and black tea will effectively reduce inflammation and redness. Aftershave lotions can help soothe underarm skin. Avoiding synthetic clothing and tight underwear will reduce irritation. For prophylaxis, wash the armpit areas daily with a mild cleanser.

    Skin irritation from sweat, what should I do?

    To get rid of the disease, hygiene rules should be observed, and then prickly heat will disappear in a few days on its own. If overlooked, cracks and wounds can appear. The rash can be removed by using baby powder, cream or special medications in the form of ointments (Sudocrem or Bepanten).

    What does the armpit skin peel off from?

    The skin under the armpits can begin to peel off as a result of allergic reactions of the body to an unsuitable cosmetic product. Anti-allergic deodorants and moisturizers should be used to correct the problem. Eczema can also cause peeling and scratching in the area under your arms. Along with the loss of dead skin cells, an unpleasant sensation, itching and pain occur. Treatment of the disease is prescribed by a doctor by taking corticosteroids and other biological agents.

    Armpits hurt from deodorant, what should I do?

    Using an inappropriate antiperspirant, deodorant, or other cosmetic product can cause armpit pain. The pain may be accompanied by a rash, itching, or redness. Lotions from herbal decoctions, the use of baby cream or other moisturizers will help to remove the problem.
    It could also be a shaving reaction. If such a problem arises, doctors recommend changing the hygiene product, or completely excluding the use of cosmetic preparations.

    Redness under the armpits and groin, from what?

    Redness in the armpits and groin can be caused by a fungus. Mycosis is common in children and men. The main reasons for the development of the fungus are:
    weakened body;
    a lot of sweating;
    metabolic disorder;
    excess weight.

    What are the sore armpits?

    The most common diseases:
    Allergy to unsuitable cosmetics.
    Mycosis is a fungal disease. It is characterized by a light white bloom on the hair of the armpits.
    Inflammation of the hair follicle occurs after damage from shaving or injury. The scalp area can fester.
    Improper functioning of internal organs: mastopathy (pathology of the mammary glands in women), heart disease, neuralgia or neurosis, osteochondrosis in the neck or chest, tumors.

    What causes the armpits and groin to itch?



To avoid irritation of the armpit area and subsequent complications, it is necessary to carefully select cosmetics. Regular body hygiene and delicate skin care will greatly reduce the risk of a problem.

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Irritation of the skin under the armpits is a common occurrence that causes discomfort, itching, and sometimes other unpleasant sensations (burning, soreness). You should get rid of this problem, for which, accordingly, you must first eliminate the cause.

The armpit is a fold of skin with many sweat glands. Due to the location and physiological characteristics in the area of ​​this fold, irritations often develop and some diseases appear. As a result of this, excruciating itching occurs.

Note! All reasons are conditionally divided into two large groups - hygienic and those caused by certain diseases. Let's consider the features of each of them.

Hygiene reasons

When it comes to hygiene, there are several factors that trigger itching.

Table # 1. The main causes of itching under the armpits

NameShort description

When choosing a cosmetic product to clean their armpits, not all people pay attention to what exactly they buy. Advertising promises that with the help of antiperspirants you can get rid of unpleasant odors for a long time, but for some reason, manufacturers do not talk about the fact that such funds clog the glands. However, it is the blockage that can cause itching and irritation. Don't confuse deodorants with antiperspirants! The former only give the skin a pleasant scent. Although if the skin is too sensitive, then the use of a regular deodorant can also lead to the appearance of unpleasant sensations.

Itching can be caused by tight-fitting clothing. Moreover, the composition of the fabric is also important - for example, synthetics do not allow the skin to fully "breathe", which is why all these symptoms occur.

Depilatory treatments such as plucking, waxing, or electric depilation can cause pseudofolliculosis (ingrown hairs). This phenomenon is accompanied by irritation and severe itching in those areas where the hairs have grown into the skin: red acne with a light purulent head forms there.

Using antiperspirants directly after shaving can also irritate your underarms. It affects mainly women who have more sensitive and thin skin. To avoid such troubles after the procedure, it is better to use softening lotions and creams. A great option is a baby cream. By the way, hair must be removed in a timely manner, since it is by its nature tough and, growing back, can also cause itching.

All of these remedies can also cause acne and itchy armpits. The fact is that the composition of these funds may simply not be suitable for the skin, which causes allergic reactions.

The most common reason. Much in this case depends on the physiological characteristics of the body - for some, for example, even two showers a day are not enough. Sometimes extra care is required.

Note! Hyperhidrosis leads to axillary itching mainly in men, because they are known to be more prone to increased sweating.

Underarm sweating is the cause of itching

Secrets from the sweat glands create a special protective covering of the skin. But if sweat accumulates in a fold in large quantities, it will acquire an unpleasant odor and become an ideal habitat for bacteria.

Video - Increased sweating

  • men leading an active lifestyle;
  • those who suffer from hormonal imbalance (this can be observed during pregnancy, adolescence, menopause);
  • athletes;
  • people with tuberculosis, a weak immune system, thyroid diseases, vitamin deficiency and gout;
  • diabetics;
  • overweight people.

Diseases that are symptomatic of itching

If not only itching appears under the armpits, but also spots, rashes, then, most likely, we are talking about some kind of disease. In some cases, this may be a manifestation of an allergy to certain foods.

Table 2. Diseases that cause itchy armpits

NameShort description

If a red spot appears under the armpit, then perhaps this is a symptom of psoriasis. With such a disease, the body is covered with plaques, which are heterogeneous both in structure and in color. The skin in the affected areas is flaky, thickened and itchy.

A cyanotic edematous seal appears under the arm, which itches a lot. The disease develops due to Staphylococcus aureus, which affects the sweat glands. Hydradenitis is difficult, and immediately for the whole body. In this case, the following symptoms appear: high fever, local inflammation, weakness. About ten days after the onset of the disease, the abscess matures and opens, an ulcer appears in its place. The condition improves, but sooner or later the ailment may return.

The cause of the disease is Candida fungus. People with increased sweating, vitamin deficiency, a violation of the integrity of the skin and disorders of the immune system are prone to infection.

Symptoms of candidiasis include:

Peeling, often with a whitish coating, similar to flour;

The formation of itchy diaper rash;

Cracks accompanied by pain.

Men who go in for sports, visit swimming pools and saunas are prone to candidiasis. The risk of infection is increased by wearing low-quality synthetic clothing, injuries and scratches on the skin. If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, the fungus will spread to other parts of the body, and due to injuries and scratches, bacterial infections can enter the body.

With such an ailment, a boil (or several at once) may form under the arm, which differs from ordinary acne in large size and provokes itching. The main difference between furunculosis and hydradenitis is the presence of a rod in the neoplasm. If you start the correct treatment, then the plaque will open, and the person's condition will improve.

Another cause of severe itching in the armpits. The nature of the disease is allergic, it develops with increased sensitivity to certain cosmetic products: deodorants, creams, soaps, etc. As a result, there is a burning sensation, itching, redness, and less often a rash. In such cases, no treatment is required, since the symptoms will disappear soon after the irritant is stopped.

There are other conditions that can be symptomatic of itchy armpits. These include diabetes, seborrheic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, and autointoxication (long-term medication, cancer or cirrhosis).

Treatment features

To eliminate irritation and itching, it is necessary, first of all, to find out what is the cause of the phenomenon. If we are talking about the use of cosmetic preparations, then they should be excluded, instead of them better quality intended for sensitive skin should be used. Particular attention should be paid to personal hygiene - the armpits should be washed daily using products suitable for the specific skin type and not causing allergies. In summer, it is better to use a saline solution for washing (2 tablespoons per liter of water).

Irritation can be treated with:

Note! If oily preparations are applied too often to the affected skin with hair, this can lead to clogging of the follicles, which will only aggravate the situation.

A qualified doctor should be involved in the treatment of hydradenitis. The patient will be prescribed a course of antibiotic drugs (usually Ampicillin is used), dry heat, Levomekol, lotions with Vishnevsky's ointment and ichthyol processes. The specific treatment depends on the stage of progression.

Mild skin fungus is treated with topical medications such as:

If the form of the disease is more severe, then the following antifungal antibiotics may be prescribed for oral administration:

Specific medications should be prescribed by a doctor. To reduce sweating, Botox injections and laser liposuction in the armpits are often done.

Note! Irritation, as noted above, can be caused by an increase in blood sugar. In such cases, local remedies will not give results, the patient must be examined by an endocrinologist, who will subsequently prescribe a suitable treatment.

Effective folk methods

Also, do not forget about prevention. In order to avoid irritation during depilation, you should use only personal devices, and at the end of the procedure, use products containing alcohol for treatment. Linen must be of high quality cotton. It is recommended to wash your underarms with a disinfectant soap.

Armpit irritation can be caused by a variety of causes. It is often accompanied by itching and other discomfort. As a result, the person suffers from physical and emotional discomfort.

If the reasons are hidden in serious diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. If the reasons are more commonplace, you can use some recommendations and folk remedies.

Armpit Irritation: Possible Causes

The most common provoking factor is inadequate or inadequate body hygiene. When sweat is released profusely and air does not enter the skin at the same time, bacteria begin to actively multiply, which cause itching, redness and other unpleasant conditions.

The second common reason is synthetic clothing. In this case, air does not enter the skin, which is manifested by itching, irritation and rash.

Often the culprits are products intended for care - cosmetics, household chemicals, hygiene products. These sometimes contain many components that are highly allergenic, for example, aluminum, quartz, propylene glycol. Washing powder, particles of which remain on the fabric, also cause discomfort.

Very often, irritation in the underarms of both women and men occurs after shaving.

After all, the razor damages not only the hair, but also the epidermis, resulting in small wounds that are invisible to the eye. It is the latter that become the foci of inflammation.

More serious causes are dermatitis, pyoderma, folliculitis and diabetes mellitus.

Armpit irritation as a symptom of the disease

Fungal infection

When this area is affected by a fungus (candidiasis, mycosis), a powdery coating, redness or a pale rash appears. A distinctive feature of a fungal infection is a rather unpleasant specific odor. In the future, bubbles form, which burst, and then erosion occurs in their place.

The rash is accompanied by itching, burning, and even pain. It is impossible to shave painlessly at this time.

Very often, in adult women and men, it is against the background of a fungal infection that inflammation of the hair follicles develops - candidal folliculitis.


If this disease is the culprit, then the armpits turn gray-yellow - this is an excess of dead skin cells. At the same time, itching and peeling worries.

This type of dermatitis, as contact, occurs mainly due to deodorants, antiperspirants, shaving products.


In this case, we are talking about increased sweating. Overworking of the sweat glands results in itching, swelling, redness, and a foul smelling sweat.

How to get rid of irritated armpits?

As already mentioned, if the reasons are serious, then the usual methods will not get rid of the discomfort. In the case when the provoking factor is more commonplace, they act easier. For example, if symptoms appeared after the use of a specific cosmetic product, then they stop using it, change it to another one of better quality or hypoallergenic, which is suitable for sensitive skin.

First of all, regardless of the provocateur of the disease, they correct the rules of hygiene. For washing, use only those products that will not aggravate the condition. It is better to choose hygienic cosmetics by skin type, it is optimal for sensitive.

Severe irritation can be relieved by the following means:

Do not use oily-based products for treatment, otherwise the pores will clog and folliculitis may develop, which will further aggravate the condition.

With a mild course of a fungal infection, you can limit yourself only to means for external use, for example, the following:

  • "Clotrimazole";
  • "Lamikon";
  • "Mikoseptin";
  • "Lamisil".

With the spread of a fungal disease, treatment is supplemented by taking medication by mouth. The doctor may prescribe "Nystatin", "Levorin" or "Amphotericin B".

With dermatitis, treatment is prescribed with combined medications for external use, including hormones:

  • Sinalar;
  • Lorinden;
  • Sinaflan;
  • Akriderm;
  • "Pimafukort".

Antibiotics or antifungal medications may be prescribed along with corticosteroid ointments. If the causes of the disease are hidden in a fungal or bacterial infection, then the disease should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor.

To relieve emotional stress, sedatives (sedatives) are prescribed: Fitosed, Sedavit, Novo-Passit, valerian / peony / motherwort tincture.

Antihistamines are prescribed to quickly relieve itching, such as Suprastin, Tsetrin, Zodak, Claritin etc.

If you sweat too much, you can do botox injections or laser liposuction under the armpits.

Irritation can occur when blood glucose levels rise. In this case, it is required to check for diabetes mellitus by visiting an endocrinologist and passing the appropriate tests.

Folk recipes

If the causes of discomfort are associated with excessive sweating, you can use a chamomile infusion.

The recipe is standard:

  1. One tablespoon of raw materials is poured with 250 ml of boiling water;
  2. The composition is left for half an hour;
  3. When the product cools down, it should be filtered;
  4. Then add 2 teaspoons of natural apple cider vinegar to it;
  5. Wash the product under the armpits up to 4 times a day.

If discomfort has arisen after using a deodorant / antiperspirant, you can use an infusion of St. John's wort:

In a hot season, a decoction of oak bark will help reduce the secretion of sweat. It has astringent properties, is able to normalize the function of the sweat glands.

On hot summer days, you can use a saline solution for water treatments in this area.

It is very simple to prepare it: stir 2 tablespoons of table salt in 1 liter of warm water. You can also use sea salt (2 tablespoons per ½ liter of water, strain).

Treating Armpit Irritation in Children

This is called diaper rash in babies. These occur with prolonged exposure to moisture or friction.

Diaper rash is of several degrees:

  • the first is redness;
  • the second - severe hyperemia with microcracks, pustules or erosion;
  • the third - pronounced redness, weeping cracks, erosion, ulcers, abscesses. All this is accompanied by a burning sensation, pain, itching.

To get rid of slight irritation in a child, excessive sweating should not be allowed, as well as air baths (10-20 minutes when changing a diaper). Wrinkles and armpits can be treated with protective cream or baby milk.

Treatment with ointments such as "Desitin", "Bepanten", "Drapolen".

The pediatrician is consulted in the following cases:

  • irritation does not go away for a long time;
  • extensive inflammation, gradually expanding;
  • against the background of diaper rash, bubbles, cracks, pustules appear.

Treatment of the second degree of diaper rash under the armpits can be carried out "Blots" with zinc oxide, talc. The doctor prescribes them, and the remedy is made in the pharmacy.

Examples of recipes:

  • talc - 20 g, zinc oxide - 20 g, glycerin - 10 g, lead water - 50 g;
  • glycerin - 15 g, distilled water - 15 g, zinc oxide - 15 g.

Preventing Armpit Irritation

To avoid a repetition of the situation in the future, you need to follow some recommendations:

Armpit irritation can be of different etiology. Sometimes you can get rid of the discomfort at home on your own. But in the presence of diseases, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

The armpit is formed by the muscles and fasciae: the pectoralis minor, subscapularis and dentate anterior. This intermuscular space looks like a fossa, which is supplied with nerve endings, cellulose, and blood vessels. With various diseases or inadequate skin care, irritation under the armpits can appear, causing pain and discomfort.


The etiology of burning and itching of the armpits can be very diverse. The culprits of irritation are divided into two groups:

  • Disease-related;
  • Not related to disease.

To get rid of the problem, each of the causes must be eliminated. The skin fold of the armpits is equipped with sweat and sebaceous glands, the secretion of the glands must be removed from the surface of the skin so that this place does not become a habitat for various microorganisms.

Causes not related to disease

Irritation of the armpit, in addition to discomfort, also brings psychological problems. Due to the fact that open areas of the body are affected, you have to convince others that redness and wounds are not dangerous or infectious.

  1. The use of antiperspirants should not be confused with deodorants, which only eliminate unpleasant odors. Antiperspirants not only fight odors, but also completely eliminate sweat, as they clog the ducts of the sweat glands. As a result, there is a burning sensation and pain in the armpit area. If the skin is very sensitive, severe irritation under the armpits occurs from the use of conventional deodorant;
  2. Clothes, underwear - too tight, which fits tightly, especially from synthetics, prevents the skin from breathing;
  3. Reaction to cosmetics - soaps, creams, gels may not suit the delicate skin of the armpits, causing allergy symptoms;
  4. Extreme depilation - removal of armpit hair with wax, plucking, electrolysis leads to the formation of red acne that itches and causes pain;
  5. Failure to comply with hygiene rules - insufficient use of hygienic measures leads to the formation of pathogenic microflora in the armpit;
  6. Increased sweating (hyperhidrosis) - this physiological feature of the body requires increased care.

Who gets hyperhidrosis?

  • In men with an active lifestyle;
  • For athletes;
  • With hormonal changes in the body - during pregnancy, with transitional age and menopause;
  • In people with weak immunity, thyroid disease, vitamin deficiency;
  • In patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • In obese people who are overweight.

In addition to these reasons, people who remove underarm hair with a razor experience irritation after shaving. Small cracks, scratches, redness are formed, axillary lymph nodes can become inflamed.

Causes associated with skin diseases

When, in addition to irritation, inflammation, itching, spots, cracks, ulcers appear in the axillary region, this indicates the presence of a disease in the body.

  1. Psoriasis or scaly lichen affects the skin, nails and hair, and can also affect the armpits. Dry, red psoriatic plaques with a white coating cause flaking, irritation and itching;
  2. Hydradenitis is a purulent local inflammation of the sweat glands when a staphylococcal infection enters, often occurs on the one hand, accompanied by itching, mild pain, general malaise;
  3. Candidiasis is a fungal infection of the underarm skin. It is characterized by cracks, itchy diaper rash, peeling with a whitish coating. The risk of infection increases when you visit public pools, baths and saunas. In case of injuries and scratches that appear during scratching, infection with bacteria is possible;
  4. Furunculosis is a deep pustular inflammation of the hair follicles and surrounding tissues. Non-dangerous forms of staphylococcus pass into pathogens in the presence of provoking factors;
  5. Contact dermatitis is an acute or chronic pathology that develops through direct skin contact with irritating substances. Redness and swelling of the skin may be accompanied by the presence of bubbles, oozing with the formation of crusts. Patients complain of pain, burning, severe itching.

There are other diseases, the symptom of which may be irritation of the armpits: seborrhea, diabetes, neurodermatitis, cancer, cirrhosis. Long-term use of certain medications, such as antibiotics, hormones, or oral contraceptives, can also irritate the armpits.

Armpit irritation photo

How do I fix the problem?

When a skin disease appears under the armpits, it is necessary to get rid of the cause, without this it is impossible to cure irritation. To do this, you need to consult a dermatologist, who will decide on the appointment of medications for general and local use.

It is possible to eliminate itching, discomfort, irritation of the armpits with the participation of folk methods:

  • Excessive sweating is well treated with an infusion of chamomile flowers. Pour a tablespoon of the dry mixture with 200 g of boiling water, leave for half an hour, add apple cider vinegar, wipe the armpits several times after hygiene procedures;
  • During hot weather, a decoction of oak bark will help get rid of strong sweating. It will control the production of sweat by providing an astringent effect. The broth should be used to wipe the axillary areas;
  • In case of a reaction from cosmetic preparations, an infusion of St. John's wort will help. It is prepared in the same way as the previous infusion, then filtered. Wipe the armpits with the prepared solution as needed, exclude the agent that causes irritation;
  • You can wash the armpits with a solution using sea salt: 4 tablespoons per liter of warm water. Strain the agent before use so as not to cause additional trauma to the skin with salt, which has not dissolved.

To permanently get rid of discomfort in the armpit, it is necessary to take preventive measures: wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics, observe hygiene rules, do not use deodorants immediately after shaving. Visit a dermatologist if symptoms of a skin condition occur.

Under the influence of unfavorable factors, irritation of the armpits can develop, as well as redness and various rashes on the skin, often accompanied by excruciating itching and even pain. Such changes in the state of the skin cause significant discomfort and require immediate action; otherwise, pathological processes can turn into more serious stages, often becoming chronic.

Causes of occurrence

In order to suspend the development of pathology and begin treatment, it is necessary to determine the reason for the development of such disorders in the condition of the skin in the armpits. Most often, the problem lies in a violation of hygiene requirements, as a result of which harmful bacteria actively multiply on the skin of the armpits.

In some cases, underarm irritation is a symptom of a more serious health problem. This can be a decrease in immunity, diabetes, a sign of endocrine pathologies. In women, such conditions usually occur during periods of hormonal changes, and in men - during active sports.

Hygienic reasons

The most common cause of underarm skin irritation is poor personal hygiene. When sweating occurs, the armpit skin, while remaining constantly moist, suffers from a lack of oxygen, which affects the condition of the epidermis.

To prevent this from happening, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. It is important to exclude wearing clothes and underwear made of synthetic materials, since a lack of oxygen will sooner or later lead to reddening of the skin, the appearance of rashes with itching and pain.
  2. Avoid inappropriate use of deodorants and antiperspirants that block the sweat glands. Finding no outlet, sweat accumulates under the skin and causes inflammation. First, there is no need to apply deodorant immediately to wet skin after washing. And secondly, many deodorants contain substances that are not entirely beneficial to the skin, which can cause an allergic reaction.
  3. Do not use low-quality detergents for washing clothes and bed linen. Undissolved grains can remain in the fibers of the tissue and, upon contact with the skin, cause redness with itching and irritation.
  4. It is important to be careful when shaving the hair in the armpit, as the razor can leave micro-trauma on the skin, which serves as a favorable environment for bacteria to exist.

Sensitive skin is more prone to irritation, which is able to react to the slightest conditions of discomfort. Overheating, tight clothing, careless injury to the skin, all of these conditions are threatening and can lead to irritation.

After shaving

If you are going to shave off the hair in the armpit area, you must act very carefully and be sure to prepare for this procedure. First of all, the razor that will be used is best treated with a disinfectant solution, and the skin must be washed well with hot water and soap. After shaving, the treated skin area is wiped with an antiseptic.

However, often after following all the recommendations, itching and redness appear on the skin. Vaseline, Hydrocortisone ointment or Levomycetin in the form of a solution will help to eliminate them. You can try to eliminate irritation with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, sage, lemon juice.

After deodorant

If the skin irritation in the armpits was formed as a result of a reaction to the use of deodorant, then it is no longer used, but they try to get some kind of hypoallergenic antiperspirant. Also, you need to try to reduce the severity of inflammation by using chamomile decoction, sea salt, as well as zinc ointment, medicinal cream with aloe, rosemary, sea buckthorn oil, propolis extracts for this purpose.

Diseases that are symptomatic of itching

Unfortunately, armpit skin irritation may not occur due to poor hygiene, often this skin condition is a manifestation of serious pathologies, which most often are:

  • The appearance of signs of candidiasis, when the skin in the armpit area becomes inflamed, itchy, and in the absence of timely treatment, the lesion quickly spreads to healthy tissues;
  • The development of psoriasis, when scaly seals develop in the armpits, accompanied by itching;
  • Disorders in the endocrine system with the development of diabetes;
  • The formation of hydradenitis, a characteristic feature of which is a strongly itchy seal with a bluish tinge;
  • The appearance of boils;
  • Contact or seborrheic dermatitis;
  • Autointoxication of the body.

Any of these conditions can manifest itself as a skin lesion primarily in the armpit area. The manifestations of each of the diseases may differ in appearance, but they are all accompanied by varying degrees of skin inflammation.

What it looks like, photo

Depending on the cause of the appearance, skin irritation can be accompanied by various features. Irritated skin may cause a rash that is white or reddish, the skin may look shiny or pimpled, bumpy, odorless, pus, tender, and sore.

In some cases, the skin of the armpits may look swollen, and the general condition worsens with the appearance of sweating, runny nose, headache and sore throat, fever with chills, and even accompanied by joint pain and bone tenderness.

If the state of health is rapidly deteriorating, a rash occurs, breathing problems appear, the face, tongue or lips swell, as well as other serious changes in the state of the body, then you need to immediately seek medical help.

Symptoms and Signs

The appearance of irritation in the armpit area cannot be confused with another pathology, since it exhibits a number of characteristic symptoms, depending on the factor causing them. So:

  • With the development of mycoses or candidiasis, irritation is accompanied by a mealy bloom with rashes on it of the same pale color;
  • With dermatitis, the skin becomes covered with scales, patients feel severe itching;
  • Irritation with hyperhidrosis is characterized by severe swelling, redness, and burning;
  • If you react to deodorant application, redness of the skin is accompanied by a strong burning sensation.

There may be other signs of irritation, increased sweating often begins, and the smell of sweat becomes unusual and unpleasant. Often, the use of even the most persistent deodorants does not save from an obsessive odor, and frequent washing with antiseptics or water and soap removes the odor only for a short time.

Armpit irritation after shaving, what to do

When removing hair in the armpit area with a razor, sensitive skin is often irritated, and in order to prevent this or get rid of inflammation, you can use decoctions from medicinal plants. Most often, it is recommended to use a decoction of chamomile and mint, one spoon of which is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and insisted in a thermos. Lotions are made from the finished broth. When shaving, it is better to use special razors with several blades, as they are less traumatic to the skin. It is not recommended to apply deodorant immediately after completing the procedure, and you should also try to use moisturizing products.
Home treatment

When treating irritation in the armpit, the methods used largely depend on the cause of its appearance. If pathological changes in the skin are caused by a deodorant or antiperspirant, then you must stop using these funds. The methods of carrying out hygiene procedures can also affect the condition of the skin in this area, with sensitive and prone to irritation skin, it is better to use special gels or mild soap. In the case of a complicated form of dermatitis, the lesion sites are treated with alcohol solutions of salicylic or boric acid.

  1. Often the doctor prescribes for lesions of this kind combined local preparations containing hormones in the form of Lorinden, Sinoflan, Pimafukort.
  2. To eliminate anxiety and the consequences of stress, the appointment of Novo-Passita, Sedavit or Fitosed is prescribed.
  3. To get rid of itching, they take antihistamines like Zodak, Suprastin or Tsetrin.
  4. To eliminate the symptoms of a fungal infection, Lamisil, Mikoseptin, Lamikon are used.
  5. To get rid of skin inflammation, products containing zinc oxide are applied to the affected tissues, namely Diaderm, Titin, Tsindol and zinc ointment.

With complicated forms of irritation that could not be removed in a timely manner by the measures taken, antibiotics are taken and a diet with a low carbohydrate content and vitamins is prescribed.

Treating Armpit Irritation in Children

Children also have skin problems in the form of diaper rash and irritation. This can be a reaction to food or insufficient hygienic care. To eliminate such symptoms, it is necessary to identify the cause of their occurrence and then start treatment. If the matter is in the reaction to food, then it is important to exclude them from the diet, and to treat the damage with herbal infusions from oak bark, sage, chamomile, string. Warm, tight clothing that does not allow air to pass through can cause skin irritation in babies. Therefore, such children should take air baths as long as possible. Skin folds should be lubricated with baby protective milk or cream.

If all the measures taken did not relieve irritation, then it is better to seek help from a pediatrician. With severe diaper rash under the armpits, children are prescribed the use of a special agent with zinc oxide in the form of a chatterbox, which is made by a doctor's prescription in a pharmacy.

Treatment features

Features of the treatment of skin irritation in the armpit area are in the specificity of the therapy. That is, the treatment depends on the factor that caused this change in the skin. So, skin lesions often self-eliminate after the removal of the underlying disease or changes in external conditions. If the cause is a serious illness, you should see a doctor as early as possible. This will not only relieve skin irritation, but also improve the condition of the whole body. In some cases, for example, with fungal infections, it is not enough to use only local remedies, so the patient will have to take internal antibacterial drugs in the form of Nystatin.

Patients with complicated forms of dermatitis are prescribed hormonal external agents, the use of which requires the supervision and control of a physician.

If the problem is caused by diabetes, conventional therapies will be ineffective. It is necessary to obtain recommendations from an endocrinologist who will select the appropriate treatment methods for the patient's condition.

The correct treatment can only be prescribed by specialists on the basis of the examination and examination. Self-medication in such cases is unacceptable, since the cause of irritation in the armpits can be very different, from a simple allergy to a serious pathology.

Folk remedies and recipes

Decoctions from medicinal plants can be quite effective as folk methods for treating skin irritation. St. John's wort, oak, sage, chamomile, calendula, mint and oregano are usually used in this capacity. With the help of procedures in the form of lotions or rubbing with broths, you can remove redness of the skin and avoid irritation. To prepare broths, one tablespoon of any herb or their mixture is brewed with boiling water in a glass and insisted for at least half an hour. This is a fairly simple yet effective treatment that will help keep your skin healthy.

Following certain rules will avoid the appearance of irritation on the skin of the armpits and relieve the feeling of discomfort. To do this, you should:

  • Prefer to wear loose fit and natural fabrics;
  • Wash the skin of the armpits with water at least once a day;
  • When shaving in this area, it is important to properly prepare the skin, carry out the procedure with the help of special gels;
  • After shaving, treat the skin from possible penetration of bacteria.

If the skin is sensitive to many components in the composition of washing powders or shower gels, you need to choose those that do not cause an allergic reaction. If the cause of irritation is internal changes, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and eliminate provoking factors.