Which diamonds are considered the best? The main quality characteristics of diamonds

Often the buyer, if he wants to buy a piece of jewelry with stones, asks himself the question: “How to choose a diamond?” It seems that everything is so beautiful, shiny and expensive.

In order to make the right choice, you need to know several methods, how to determine which stone is best, and important facts about diamonds. Then the likelihood of acquiring fakes will decrease.

Methods for determining the quality of a diamond

It is best to know everything about your jewelry. It is especially unpleasant to wear a fake, while throwing out a lot of money on it. Information on how to choose a diamond will not be superfluous for either a girl or a guy.

Knowledge can be used in order to choose a quality product with natural stone for use both in ordinary and personal purposes, for example, as an investment.

To choose a diamond, you do not need special training and education. You can see interesting effects with the naked eye. To begin with, you can compare the two stones just at a glance. When turning a diamond from one side to the other, you can observe the bewitching glare that it gives off from the light. The flashes of color that appear in it are constantly changing, which looks very beautiful. Therefore, when choosing, you can rely on your own feelings and preferences.

In addition to the positive qualities, you can also notice the negative aspects, which, after a visual inspection, reduce the cost of a diamond. This is mainly a decrease in the brightness of the diamond on all sides, or only on one side.

You can also ask for a discount if the stone is cut to increase the total mass. If it is still difficult to figure out how to choose the right diamond, you can always turn to the services of an expert specialist who can give the most accurate results about the quality of a diamond.


In the most common cases, they choose between two stones, so choosing the best one for yourself is not so difficult. On the contrary, it is even more convenient, since there is something to compare with and it is quite possible to do without the assessment of an experienced expert.

The easiest way to compare is to place two diamonds facing you on a flat surface and determine which one is smoother and more transparent. You can also move the diamonds closer and further away from you, while shaking them in different directions, in order to observe how well the glare from the light appears and whether the color range of the stone is wide. Experts believe that the better it displays multi-colored flashes, the better the cut of the stone, respectively, such a jewel has more advantages.

Choosing gems in the store: what to look for

How to choose a diamond in a store? Under the glass showcase, there is usually a large assortment, in fact, the employees themselves can suggest, but it is best to evaluate the jewelry yourself, especially if the task is how to choose a diamond ring for your girlfriend. There are a lot of jewelry with stones, but how to choose the right diamond is an important question. In this case, you should pay attention to the design of the jewelry, as well as the size, weight, shape and cut of the stone itself.

The same should be done if there is no certain knowledge on how to choose diamond earrings. In extreme cases, you can ask for a certificate of jewelry that you like. All parameters will be indicated there, and it is especially worth emphasizing the values ​​of polishing, symmetry and proportions of the cut, since these criteria play an important role when buying high-quality expensive jewelry.


The issue of price is raised either in the first minutes or at the very end, depending on the budget that the buyer is counting on. It is worth knowing in advance what factors affect this figure, and it makes sense to think several times whether it is worth buying a cheap stone or raising money for a more expensive one.

So, the price is influenced by the four most important factors: weight, color, shape and quality. Weight is measured in carats, the shape is distinguished depending on the type of cut: it can be round, oval, pear-shaped, and the like.

As for color, stones of white color or with a blue tint are most valued, least of all yellowish and brown. But the price can be low only in the case of the concentration of the color itself.

In a situation where a white stone gives off a shimmer in a variety of colors, depending on the amount of light, completely different laws come into force: there are much fewer colored stones, respectively, the price for them will be as unique as the diamonds themselves. As for quality, the main thing is to pay attention to the purity of the stone, regardless of its color.

If you want to save some money when buying, you need to pay attention to some features of diamonds. First, mass. A 3 carat diamond will cost much more than a 2.98. Visually, you can’t tell them apart, but you can save money. The same goes for color: slight differences are invisible to the naked eye, but the price can differ even more.

International Diamond Color Rating

Since the diamond market is most developed in the United States, the world tries to adhere to such criteria for evaluating stones, as in this country. Pure white diamonds are most valued. The next place is almost colorless, then pale yellow, very light yellow, light yellow and yellowish. Global color comparisons should be made under artificial light, such as daylight on the north side.

Differences between artificial stone and natural

Artificial and natural diamonds have almost the same characteristics. It is difficult to distinguish them by reflection, hardness and reflectivity.

With the naked eye, you can distinguish them from each other if there are metallic inclusions in the artificial stone, and they are also characterized by a yellowish tint. The most popular alternative to diamonds is zirconium. Visually, it is hardly distinguishable, therefore, in this case, special devices or a magnifying glass are required to examine all the small details that may indicate that it is a fake, and not a pure diamond.

Confirmation of the characteristics of a diamond

There are not so many independent laboratories operating in Russia as, for example, in the USA, where the stone market is in great demand. Even knowing how to choose a product with a diamond, you should definitely ask the seller for the declared characteristics of the selected jewelry.

It is very important that all the characteristics of the precious stone are assigned before it is set, since after this procedure it is virtually impossible to assess the exact parameters of the stone. The so-called passport of a diamond jewelry is a gemological expert opinion, which is of great importance when choosing and buying jewelry.

Variety of diamond colors

The color palette of a diamond is very diverse. An ideal stone is one that does not have microelements and any colors. But the existing diversity cannot be cancelled. The color of a diamond depends on various impurities and their concentration in the stone. Basically, these include nitrogen atoms.

There are several points that are worth paying attention to. You do not need to purchase jewelry with high-purity diamonds without presenting a certificate from the laboratory to confirm. The thing is that the fact of artificial interference, which may be present in this case, significantly affects the price, and unscrupulous sellers take advantage of this. And who wants to overpay? Therefore, if there is no certificate, no matter how beautiful the color of the stone, you should not buy such an ornament, in order to avoid spending money on low-quality goods.

Choosing a diamond: step by step

Before choosing a diamond jewelry, it is necessary, having studied all the important information, to draw up a small plan:

  • determine the amount that can be spent;
  • choose several products that are suitable for the price;
  • compare them with each other, paying attention to cut, color, reflectivity and clarity, as described above;
  • view quality certificates to finally verify the authenticity of the stones;
  • choose the product that is most suitable in terms of price / quality / external attractiveness.

Girls' best friends are gems. So, like every person, a diamond has its own uniqueness, it is unique and unforgettable. That is why, at least for the sake of your loved ones, it is worth understanding and approximately familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of stones in order to know how to choose a diamond.

Looks bleak. And only processing allows you to make from it the same diamond stone, which looks like the sun, enclosed somewhere between sharp edges. But only a select few of the found diamonds can become diamonds: one carat of a diamond is tons of ore and stones that have been mined and processed. But even those who are not destined to become a diamond are no less valuable, because it is an excellent abrasive material.

History and origins

The Greek word ἀδάμας goes back to the Arabic almās, meaning unbreakable. It is said that the first diamond was found six thousand years ago in India. For a long time, this stone was valued less than any other. The fact is that the raw mineral looks rather pale: grayish, covered with a transparent crust. They only appreciated it when they learned how to process it. By the way, the same Indians were the first to do this. After that, the art was mastered by the jewelers of Amsterdam. Real popularity came to diamonds half a millennium ago, when they fell in love with the beloved woman of Charles VII and just court lady Agnes Sorel. Since the 15th century, these stones have been the best friends of girls, and after all, the beautiful Agnes lived in Paris, who already dictated fashion to everything in the not-so-big world of that time, then the craze spread quickly and these precious stones were appreciated everywhere. Over time, their cutting turned into an art. For 500 years, all the ladies of the world have been dreaming about them, they are admired and admired, Catherine the Great and Napoleon appreciated them, and one of the largest diamonds serves as an adornment for the British crown.

Physical properties and characteristics of diamonds

99.8% of this mineral consists of carbon, it contains inclusions of some minerals and impurities of various chemical elements.

  • One of the most famous features of diamond and its main property is its exceptional hardness. It is equal to 10 on the Mohs scale and is absolute, as well as the highest among both artificial materials and natural ones.
  • Diamond is a wide gap semiconductor.
  • It has a fracture from conchoidal to splintery.
  • Pure diamond has a density of 3.5 grams per square centimeter.
  • Strong shine (diamond or fat). The brilliance is due to the high refractive index (2.417–2.421) and strong dispersion (0.0574). Thanks to these qualities, a faceted diamond shines brightly and has luminescence, and also “plays” in the light in different colors.
  • Under normal conditions, it can exist for a long time, that is, it is metastable, in an inert gas, at high temperature or in a vacuum, it turns into graphite.
  • Its modulus of elasticity is the highest, and the compression ratio is the lowest in comparison with other materials.
  • It melts at a temperature of 3800-4000 degrees Celsius.
  • The energy of a diamond is 100,000 joules per mole, and the binding energy is 700 joules.
  • Colors can be different: yellow, pink (you can get a pink diamond from it), brown, black, green, gray, red, blue (it is turned into a blue diamond). Also, a diamond can be colorless or watery. Coloring is most often unevenly distributed.
  • Any (colorless, blue, white and pink) diamonds and diamonds glow under x-ray, ultraviolet and cathode rays.
  • Diamonds stick to fat mixtures, so they are extracted in the enrichment factories using the fat method.
  • Their sizes are both microscopic and very large.

Place of Birth

This mineral is mined on all continents except Antarctica. The mining leaders are:

  • Angola;
  • Botswana;
  • Canada;
  • Russia;
  • Pink diamonds (more precisely, diamonds) are mined in Australia (at the Argyle mine), in Brazil, India and Africa. Blue diamonds come across in South Africa, Australia and central India.

In the north of Siberia there are meteorite diamonds.

Features of education

This mineral, which is an allotropic cubic form of carbon, really holds the record for hardness, so it is used both as an abrasive for grinding wheels and discs, and for the production of drills, knives and cutters. It is also used in the nuclear industry, in the manufacture of watches, in microelectronics and quantum computers. But a faceted diamond is the most popular and expensive gemstone, this is a diamond, which is exactly the same, but processed by an octahedral carbon crystal.

Where diamonds came from, experts still cannot tell for sure. A popular version is that it is one of the first minerals to crystallize at a time when the mantle silicate melt cools. This happens when the pressure is 5 thousand MPa, and at a depth of a couple of hundred kilometers. This forms a cubic crystal lattice. After a series of explosions that accompany the formation of kimberlite pipes, they are brought to the surface of the earth. 1/5 of kimberlite pipes contains diamonds.

Also, this mineral comes across in some types of garnet gneisses and in some types of deep rocks. They are also found in meteorites and meteorite craters, but these are finely crystalline diamonds. The youngest deposits of these stones exist for at least half a hundred million years.

Many characteristics of diamonds depend on impurities. The number of such inclusions is small, but it is silicon, nitrogen and iron with boron that affect what the stone will be like. So, its transparency and ability to glow under X-rays and other types of light is affected by the amount of nitrogen. So the more nitrogen in the mineral, the more beautiful it is. And the results of some studies have shown that these minerals crystallize under the action of calcium carbonate. Blue diamonds are obtained due to boron impurities, and pink diamonds are obtained due to deformation in the crystal lattice. By the way, one carat of a diamond is equal to one fifth of a gram.

Healing properties of diamonds

Such a complex mineral cannot but have medicinal properties. For the first time, the healing properties of this mineral were mentioned in a treatise called “Tablets of Tibetan Lamas”, and in the same old Chinese book “San Hei Din”. Lithotherapists claim that this stone heals the soul, more precisely, the psyche:

  • phobias;
  • nervous disorders;
  • depression;
  • nervous breakdowns;
  • alcoholism;
  • drug addiction
  • sclerosis;
  • insomnia;
  • schizophrenia.

It is also believed that this is a good antipyretic, it saves from stomach pains and even neutralizes poisons. The diamond helps to overcome pneumonia, bronchitis, all kinds of infections, hepatitis, diseases of the joints and the prostate gland. It also helps to get rid of kidney stones and skin ailments, its subtle and powerful energy can nourish the heart, brain, and nervous system. Ayurvedic medicine considers it a rejuvenating stone, and green diamonds are called healers for female diseases - this is a motherhood charm that allows you to get pregnant, endure and give birth without any problems. And pink diamonds, and colorless diamonds, and blue diamonds improve metabolism and relieve fatigue. Yes, and modern scientists appreciate it, believing that those who wear diamonds will never suffer from vascular diseases. By the way, its true color, that is, energy radiation, is blue, and because of this it is used in color therapy.

The magical properties of diamonds

It is considered both a strong and harmful stone. But it can be harmful if it is treated roughly, or if the person is too angry: the stone can be "offended." And this mineral enhances the properties of other stones. It can symbolize a variety of qualities:

  • hardness;
  • perfection;
  • innocence;
  • bravery;
  • power;
  • invincibility.

Blue diamonds are also symbols of devotion, while pink diamonds symbolize femininity.

Diamond gives the owner firmness of mind, determination and courage, makes energy centers stronger, saves from the evil eye, gives good luck, makes a person contact and more optimistic, reveals all the strongest sides of the personality. But it is given as a gift, not acquired independently. In Asia, it is believed that if you bought a diamond for yourself, then it must wait in the wings, that is, not to be worn for seven whole years. If the stone was stolen or its previous owner was killed, then the mineral will not bring happiness, and if it has cracks, then even more so. People of the Middle Ages wore a diamond as a talisman when traveling and hunting (so that no one attacked). The Chinese believe that this stone is a pure source of Yang energy, and the Hindus associate it with the Sahasrara chakra, which connects us with the cosmos and higher powers. That's just all his strength can only manifest itself when a person with a pure soul wears it.

Talismans and amulets

South American Indians sprinkled diamonds on the head of a newborn child for good luck. It was a kind of talisman. Yes, and the famous stone "Star of South Africa", which weighs 83 carats, was bought from a shaman who drew his strength from him and used in rituals and spells.

Today, as an amulet, this mineral is worn on the left hand (like a ring on the ring finger). You can also wear them as earrings or as a pendant so that the stone touches the skin. But in order for him to give support, you need to have pure thoughts.

Color as one of the characteristics of a diamond

Color is one of the main characteristics of a diamond, because it is extremely rare that they are colorless - most often they have a shade that depends on what impurities it contains: it can be the already mentioned nitrogen, and zinc, and boron, and copper, and titanium, and iron, and nickel, and many other chemical elements. These stones can be gray, black, brown, yellow, red and pink, orange, green, blue.

Color gradation

  • bluish-white, aka yater;
  • bluish-white and absolutely transparent - river;
  • not so transparent, but pure white (wisselton top);
  • wisselton - just white;
  • top crystal - a barely noticeable yellowish tint;
  • crystal - a shade of yellow is more noticeable here;
  • verp light - a slight shade of brown;
  • top cape - slightly yellowish;
  • cape - a little yellowness;
  • light yellow, aka light yellow;
  • light brown (light brown);
  • just yellow (yellow).

However, there are other characteristics of diamonds in terms of color.

We need to talk about it separately, because this is the rarest species. Shades can be different: with a greenish tint (if there is an admixture of nitrogen), purple, gray. Sometimes artificial diamonds can be blue, more precisely, treated with radiation. In ordinary stores you can find mostly just such stones.

It also comes across extremely rarely: one in a hundred thousand diamonds has this color. In total, there are about 20 shades of pink for this stone. They come in purplish pink (PP), plain pink (P), pink with a hint of brown (BP) and pink champagne (PC). There is also a classification of diamonds of this color according to intensity.


Another characteristic of diamonds that is important. The cut of diamonds is what gives it brilliance and "play". It depends on the original shape of the crystal itself, and the task of the cutter is to save as much of the stone as possible while working. The cut of diamonds is:

  • classic round (here the number of faces is standard - 57);
  • oval;
  • Princess;
  • pear (with an acute angle);
  • marquise (shaped like an eye) and many others.

Also, a round cut is often divided into groups A and B. A is the ideal proportions and squares that intersect, forming a platform, that is, its largest facet. When cutting group B, stones can be stretched in diameter or height, and also have poor symmetry. However, this may not affect the quality of diamonds at all. There are other options for processing a diamond, depending on its size, for example, simplified (for those that are smaller), royal, high-light cut, and majestic (for those that are larger).

How to distinguish a fake

Before you choose a diamond, you need to expose a fake. To do this, you can request its certificate. You can also contact an appraiser, gemologist or jeweler. But the main document that is responsible for the quality of diamonds is still a certificate that guarantees that you bought a real stone, even if you did it on the Internet. The most famous types of certificates are GIA, PGGL, AGSL and LGP. It can also be issued by an independent appraiser working in an organization of professionals.

But before you choose a diamond, you can check it without even leaving the cash register. There are enough ways.

  1. So, you can just breathe on it: the real one will never fog up, because it knows how to dissipate heat. But on a fake, condensation may form.
  2. It is also worth evaluating the installation and frame. A real gem is unlikely to be “packed” in cheap metal, so pay attention to what is written on the inside of the ring or earring. There should be a label. If you read Plat or PT on it, it's platinum. Good signs are such designations as 18K, 10K and 14K, as well as a stamp with a hallmark. If the product is marked C.Z, then this is .
  3. You can see it with a jeweler's magnifying glass. Artificial diamonds usually do not have defects: they are too even and do not have blotches or even minor color changes.
  4. Look at how the stone refracts light. You can turn it over and put it upside down on the newspaper. Were you able to read the text? It's a fake. You can also check it with a dot. It is drawn on white paper and a pebble is placed above it. The point is viewed from top to bottom. If you see circular images, then this is a fake.
  5. You can throw it into a glass. Real diamonds are quite dense, so they sink, but a fake one will float in the middle.

And don't forget to gather as much information about the store as possible, for example, the opinions of customers who have bought jewelry here.

artificial diamonds

The name is wrong, because they are quite a carbon mesh. A more appropriate name is synthetic diamond. In jewelry, they are used quite rarely. But the name "synthetic" is not very appropriate here, because they were created in the laboratory.

These diamonds are most often used in industry, and they are grown not under the influence of geological processes, but with the help of temperature and high pressure, as well as chemical vapor deposition. In the first case, synthetic diamond is called HPHT, in the second - CVD. It is also possible to use fracturing synthesis and sonication of graphite to obtain it.

Caring for diamond jewelry

This beautiful stone is a real miracle of nature and it is unique, so care for it must be regular, and even careful. How not to let it lose its luster or fall out of the frame?

  • When returning home, be sure to remove the product. This is the best way to protect it from contact with cosmetics, water, detergents. Otherwise, the decoration may become covered with grease, which is not easy to remove.
  • Do not wear them to the tanning salon or to the beach. This stone is evening, during the day it will not shine so expressively, and the heat does not work very well on it: because of this, a white coating grows on the edges, and it is really possible to remove it only with a new cut.
  • To save it from dust, hide it in a box, and it is better if it is made of natural stone. If there are a lot of jewelry, you can have a velvet bag for each. This will help prevent scratches.
  • Dirt and dust can be removed with a soapy solution that copes with dirt even inside a pattern or bartack. Just dampen a soft cloth and wipe the jewelry. But it is better not to use laundry soap, because it can deprive the stone of its radiant sheen.
  • Also, these crystals can be cleaned with alcohol: vodka or ammonia. We simply dip the product in alcohol and remove everything that has settled on it with a cotton swab. Another necessary remedy is denatured alcohol, which will give shine and gold.
  • When cleaning diamonds, wear rubber gloves, because this mineral attracts fat, and there is usually plenty of it on your hands.
  • For a more thorough and ultrasonic cleaning, you can also visit a jeweler. Sometimes, however, it can be dangerous for diamonds.
  • There is no need to test a diamond for strength by beating it against hard surfaces: diamond, although the stone is the hardest, is also fragile, so it can suddenly crack or break. This is the nature of any crystal.
  • You don't need to heat them up. For the same reason. Therefore, do not even think about boiling the diamond for cleaning.
  • You can not clean the stones with potassium permanganate, soda, iodine, peroxide, vinegar, bleach, as well as household chemicals.

Diamond and zodiac signs

Astrologers advise wearing this stone born in April-March, that is, Aries. The strong energy of this mineral will not block the strong energy of Aries. It is also suitable for representatives of other fire signs - Sagittarius and Leo. But they do not recommend them to Pisces. Sometimes astrologers advise wearing diamonds and Capricorns, who need to direct all the energy that they have in the right direction. It is better to buy these stones on the fifteenth essence of the moon, but you can wear them all your life.

Just a fact

The 4 C rule is often used to evaluate diamonds:

Weight (carat);

Purity (English Clarity);

Cut (English Cut);

Color (color).

And yet - the higher the quality of the stone, the more expressive it shines in the evening light. This is an evening stone, and they do not walk with it during the day.

Diamond stone is a stone of luxury and wealth

4.3 (85%) 12 votes

Diamonds... Many women dream of jewelry inlaid with these royal stones - it's not for nothing that they are called girls' best friends! But for some reason, all gems cost differently: there are stones for 5,000, 15,000, 150,000, 500,000 rubles, etc. From this article, you will learn what kind of diamonds exist, what clarity and what color diamonds are most valued, how to find out by the label whether the product is of good quality and whether it corresponds to the declared price.

Quality of diamonds

In large chain jewelry stores, you can often find ads like: “Ring with 33 diamonds for only 5999!”. You don't need to be particularly smart to understand that the quality of such diamonds leaves much to be desired. The purity, color and, of course, the size of these gems let us down here. They are so microscopic that you can't call them anything other than a diamond crumb.

Products with such diamonds often look much less impressive than jewelry with simple cubic zirkonia, because the beauty of a diamond lies precisely in its purity and in the way it plays in the sun with its many facets. That is why it is so important to understand at least a little about the quality of precious stones in order to buy really worthwhile jewelry.

The number of facets of a diamond and the quality of the cut

Jewelers have been working on the perfect cut of a diamond since the late fifteenth century. After many years of experimentation, cutting methods were created that would allow the fullest possible disclosure of the beauty of a diamond.

Today classical Brilliant cut KP57 involves applying three belts of facets to the front side in such a way that there are 33 facets on the “crown” of the stone. There are 24 facets on the back side of the stone. Thus, the classic brilliant cut involves applying 57 facets to the stone. This is the number of facets that should be on a stone weighing more than 0.03 carats.

For small diamonds allowed simplified cut КР17, where there are 9 faces on the crown of the stone, and 8 faces on the pavilion.

On very large and expensive stones, you can also find the cut KR74, KR86 and KR102.

Cut quality is an important characteristic of a diamond. On the territory of the Russian Federation, there are three categories of cut quality - A, B and C. Category A is perfectly cut stones with excellent parameters, symmetry and polishing.

In the international characteristic of cut quality, such concepts as Excellent, Very good and Good are used.

Diamond clarity

A very important characteristic of a diamond is its clarity. The purity of a stone is determined by the presence or absence of foreign inclusions or defects in the stone itself.

The Russian and European classification of diamonds by clarity differs. In Russia, the clarity of a diamond is rated on a nine-point scale for diamonds weighing up to 0.29 carats and on a twelve-point scale for diamonds weighing over 0.29 carats, where 1 is the highest clarity and 12 is the dirtiest stones with numerous inclusions. Stones below the seventh purity are not attractive either in Russia or abroad.

The International Purity Classification is used in Europe and the USA. The highest clarity of a diamond according to this classification is IF (no flaws), the lowest clarity is I3.

Diamond color

The color of a diamond is also a very important characteristic by which a stone is judged. The Russian classification distinguishes 9 color groups, where 1 group is absolutely colorless diamonds, and 9 are stones with a clear brown or yellow tint. A diamond of 1 or 2 groups will cost two to three times more than a 7 or 8 color. The most popular colors in Europe are the 4th and 5th colors (J and H).

According to international classifications, diamonds are assigned letters from D to Z. D, E, F are the most colorless and rarest diamonds, and Z is, respectively, diamonds with a clear yellow or brown tint.

The choice of color largely depends on which product this or that stone will be inserted into: white, yellow or pink gold.

Mass of diamond

The weight of a diamond is measured in carats. One carat equals 0.2 grams.

The most popular diamonds have a weight of about 3 to 2 carats. Diamonds weighing 1 carat look great in rings, 0.3 carats in earrings. Diamonds weighing more than 5 carats can already be considered as investment, i.e. as a great investment.

When choosing an expensive product, it is important to ask the store for a certificate, since the information on the label is very often quite vague.

Delightful beauty, incredible play of light and bewitching brilliance of diamonds leave no one indifferent. They are made into exquisite jewelry, used to inlay rare designer creations, purchased for investment purposes, and even used for industrial purposes. Today, like many years ago, they are beautiful, unique and in great demand.

Diamond Appraisal Options

The assessment of cut diamonds in world practice is carried out according to the 4C system proposed by the GIA. This name is not accidental, and was formed from the capital letters of such English words as clarity, color, cut, carat. It symbolizes the "rule of four Cs" that must be followed when purchasing diamonds.

Pricing is influenced by four main characteristics of diamonds: color, clarity, weight, cut. Their weight is indicated by carats. The equivalent of 1 carat is 200 milligrams.

The color of diamonds ranges from completely colorless to a definite yellow. The shade of color and its intensity are the basis for the classification of stones and their assignment to different groups.

White diamonds are the most popular. The more transparent they are according to the generally accepted classification, the higher their cost. With an ideal color tone, a diamond stone immersed in water becomes completely invisible.

In addition to white, there are diamonds with a pronounced fantasy color - pink, red, yellow, green, blue. Such diamonds come across rather infrequently, and their price is much higher. Over time, the color of a diamond remains unchanged.

The clarity of a diamond is a characteristic that shows how easily and freely light can penetrate into it and, reflected from its faces, shimmer with iridescent colors. It implies the absence or presence, as well as the degree of internal or external defects, which cannot be eliminated without significant loss of its weight or size.

The cut is used to emphasize the brilliance and brilliance of the gemstone. The level of quality characteristics of a cut is determined based on its proportionality, symmetry and smoothness of polishing. There are a great many forms of cutting: circle, oval, heart, emerald, pear, princess, radiant, marquise, usher. The most common and popular is round.

International GIA system

Gemological Institute of America - The American Gemological Institute sees its mission in ensuring public confidence in all precious stones in general, and in particular in diamonds, as well as in jewelry with them.

Thanks to the professionalism of scientists and the high standards of the laboratories, GIA has earned an international reputation in the field of evaluation, quality assurance and certification of diamonds.

The GIA system is a unique system for classifying diamonds according to four main characteristics. The weight, quality parameters of the cut are assessed - from "Ideal" to "Poor", the clarity of diamonds - on a scale from "Fl" to "I3" and color by groups - from "D" to "Z".

The characteristic of the cut made is classified into groups:

  • ideal;
  • premium;
  • very god;
  • good;
  • poor.

It is possible to qualitatively determine the purity of a diamond only by using a loupe with a 10x magnification. This is a generally accepted international standard for detecting various kinds of defects that reduce quality and purity. Diamonds ranging from "cleanest" to stones with flaws visible to the naked eye are classified in the GIA into the following clarity groups, in descending order:

Determination of color shades is carried out using a specially prepared set of diamond standards. Comparing the evaluated diamond with the standards, it is assigned to a certain color category.

Colorless diamonds are classified as group "D". Diamonds are assigned to subsequent groups as their yellowish tint increases. The “Z” group includes conditionally yellow stones. The characteristic of a special category of diamonds with a fancy bright color is carried out with the help of other color groups. To describe diamonds of this category, the English word “Fancy” is used, which means “fantastic” in translation, indicate the color and characterize its intensity.

Russian system

The Russian system of classification and evaluation of cut diamonds is considered the most complex in the world. The standard cut in Russia is considered to be round with 57 or 17 facets. The latter is used for cutting small diamonds.

Depending on the quality parameters of the cut, 57-sided diamonds belong to one of four groups A, B, C, D, systematized in descending order, and 17-sided diamonds belong to two: A, B. Diamonds with known fancy cuts are classified into two groups: A and B.

In the Russian system, depending on the weight, cut diamonds are divided into three groups: large, medium and small. Large stones are characterized by a mass of 1 carat and more, medium ones - from 0.3 to 0.99 carats, small ones - from 0 to 0.29 carats.

The dependence of the diameter of diamonds on weight

Weight, in carats Diameter, in mm
0,03 2,0
0,07 2,7
0,33 4,4
0,40 4,8
0,85 6,2
1 6,5
3 9,3
7 12,4
8 13,0

Depending on the color and clarity, diamonds are classified into groups indicated by numbers. In this case, their mass and the number of faces are taken into account. Colorless stones belong to the 1st color groups in this classification. Having 17 facets, small diamonds correspond to 4 color groups, having 57 faces, to 7. Medium and large stones - according to 9 main color groups with several subgroups.

The clarity of a diamond also has a complex classification in the Russian system. Small stones with 17 facets belong to one of the 6 purity groups, those with 57 facets - to one of the 9 groups. Medium and large - to one of the 12 groups. The 1st group in all classifications by purity includes clean stones, that is, they do not have defects.

The final characteristics of diamonds can be seen on the tag in jewelry stores. It is displayed in this way: Kr-57 1.25 4/7B.

It is deciphered as follows: the diamond has a round cut with 57 facets, its weight is 1.25 carats, it belongs to the color group 4 and the purity group 7, the cut quality is group B.

Compliance with the clarity characteristics of diamonds of the Russian system and GIA

In order to be able to profitably purchase diamonds both in the domestic and international markets, one needs to understand the current grading systems. In addition, it is necessary to develop the ability to correlate similar categories of differing classifications.

Clarity of a diamond according to the Russian system and the GIA system, correspondence table.

Russian system GIA Description
More Less Less
1 1 1 F Absence of any defects.
2 2 2 IF No more than 2 points of light shades are found in the center or on the periphery; a visible band is possible.
3 3 VVS1; VVS2 No more than 3 points of light shades are found; no more than 2 subtle dots of dark shades or stripes.
4 No more than 2 almost imperceptible dots of dark shades are found in the center; in any part no more than 4 small dots of light tones.
5 4 3 VS1 A small cloud of a light shade is found in the center; the crack is quite small, no more than 3 dark dots; no more than 6 dots or stripes of light colors.
6 5 VS2 No more than 8 small stripes, dots, cracks and bubbles of light shades are found; no more than 5 dark dots; graphite inclusions no more than 1.
7; 7a SI1; SI2 A maximum of 2 inclusions of graphite are found; no more than 8 small defects; small cloud with graphite inclusions.
8 6 4 SI3 Numerous small defects are visible, some of which may be barely visible under magnification.
9 I1 You can see a lot of cracks, or a combination of them with inclusions that can be seen without magnification.
10 7 I2 Multiple defects are visible, the transparency of 60% of the faces and more.
11 8 5 I3 Multiple defects are visible, transparency is 30% - 60% of the faces.
12 9 6 Multiple defects are visible, transparency is 30% or less.

Clarity of a diamond is an important factor in the selection and purchase of these cut diamonds and is often the determining factor.

Top Selling Diamonds

The quality of diamonds with color and clarity groups of 1 1 and 2 2, respectively, is very high, but they are very rare and cost fabulous money.

The best-selling and popular stones have such characteristics of color and clarity as 3 3, 4 4, 6 6. The clarity of a diamond from the 3rd to the 6th group makes it attractive in terms of investment. The cost of such stones from the size of 1 carat never decreases, even its stable growth occurs. Therefore, they are considered an excellent way to invest and save money.

The clarity of a diamond with color 3 and clarity 3 will satisfy and even please the most demanding customer. When magnified, only three light, inconspicuous dots can be found in them. These imperfections cannot be seen with the naked eye. The color of such a cut diamond will also please the buyer. Without being an expert in the field of gemology, it is very difficult to capture all the color nuances of diamonds. Therefore, the differences between diamonds 3 4 and 3 5 will not be obvious.

The color and clarity 4 4 diamond is practically the most popular, especially with a flawless round cut.

When magnified, two small small inclusions can be found in it right in the center, or in other zones there are 2 stripes or from 2 to 4 dots of a light shade. For stones of this category, the presence of a small crack on the side is acceptable. On the other hand, the presence of natural defects allows you to determine the origin of the diamond and establish its authenticity. Clarity group 4 stones do not have conflicting quality characteristics, which is common with clean stones.

A diamond with the characteristics of 6 6 is an excellent option for those who want to buy a large diamond of good presentation, but who have limited budget. A diamond with a clarity of 6 and a color of 6 belongs to the most common group - the average one. At the same time, it is visually identical to purer stones.

Differences are visible only when using a loupe with 10x magnification. So you can detect up to 8 small inclusions of light shades located in different zones, or about 5 dots of dark shades or a small graphite inclusion. Such diamonds are especially popular in European countries.

The clarity of diamond 7 already suggests the presence in its structure of many inclusions of natural origin. Inclusions can be of a different nature.

In stones belonging to the purity group 7, one can find a couple of graphite specks, or a couple of cracks, or a graphite island with a small feather. It can also be a combination of cracks and a graphite speck.

How to determine which diamond to choose? Depending on the purpose of the purchase, you need to decide which criterion should be decisive: weight, color, clarity, cut. Then select the desired technical characteristics according to the selected criterion. And after that, you can go directly to the search for your diamond.

In the old days, the mere fact that a rich owner had diamonds gave him remarkable fame, a high position in society and the status of an extremely wealthy person. Now you will not surprise anyone with the stone itself - today's market of precious materials provides us with too many ridiculous fakes. True luxury can only be called a natural, clean, refined, almost perfect diamond, which will not only emphasize the beauty and femininity of any girl, but will also become a reliable and profitable investment for every man. Guided by the basic rules and expert advice, you can choose the perfect creation without becoming a victim of scammers and scammers.

Having decided to purchase such an expensive item, the buyer will certainly want to get the best option with ideal performance. With the understanding that the main characteristics of a diamond are captured as a fraction of color/clarity, many of our clients claim a stone marked 1/1. But even nature does not create too many such creations. This is where all the problems begin. Unfortunately, an excessive price is not always the key to a successful purchase or the right choice. Much more important is a reasonable price / quality ratio. Probably everyone understands that it is worth making such purchases only in a specialized store or departments where the institution's reputation is valued above all else, and a full-time expert will provide useful assistance at any moment. In no case should you buy diamonds "from hand" or in suspicious, little-known outlets. Even on the Internet, it is not so easy to find a smart seller who provides a 100% guarantee of quality and authenticity. And independently distinguishing the original from the fake is as simple as it seems. To choose a good product, there is no need to overpay an extra amount of money. It is important to understand what criteria make up the characteristics of a diamond. First of all, it is clarity, color, weight and cut. The totality of such data constitutes a general opinion about the quality and price of the gemstone. Unlike many other goods in trading stalls, the price of a diamond does not increase in proportion to weight, but exponentially. Thus, a stone of 1 carat can be valued 30-40% higher than a similar specimen of 0.90 carats. The fact is that, by its nature, a diamond, like any other raw material, has some inclusions and defects, which are removed during the cutting and cutting process. Because of this, it is very difficult to create a perfect faceted stone of large sizes. Those very carats are measured on a special device - carat scales. The color of diamonds can be absolutely anything - from black to colorless. Completely transparent stones are insanely highly valued. However, the color characteristic is indicated by an indicator according to the Russian system - from 1 to 9, according to the American one - with letters from D to Z. The most common on sale are diamonds with an indicator of 3-5, and it is very difficult to distinguish 3-4 or 4-5 with the naked eye. Does it make sense to pay more if there is no fundamental difference? Colored stones tend to be slightly cheaper. For example, the yellow group is indicated by the number 8, and inside it there is another brightness designation scale - from 1 to 5. This also applies to other color groups. One of the main criteria that significantly affect the cost of a cut diamond is clarity. That is, the presence or absence of various kinds of impurities, inclusions and defects inside the stone. Of course, it is almost impossible to determine them “by eye”, but at the same time they affect the brilliance and value of the product. A clear water diamond, when viewed under a 10x magnifying glass, will not show any foreign particles. He is also the most valuable copy. The rest - designated by the GIA, have a lower indicator.

The last significant indicator is cutting. She then turns a simple diamond into a chic diamond. The most popular today is the round finish with 57 facets. But some buyers prefer fancy shapes like “Heart”, “Pear”, “Princess”, “Marquis”. The option of cutting a diamond is clearly determined by the master during processing, since it should only favorably emphasize its merits, maintain the maximum size, and hide some possible flaws.

When choosing a diamond with the most desirable parameters, do not forget about the guarantee of authenticity. Especially in those cases when the product is bought as an investment, and not further jewelry processing. One of the most popular methods of guaranteeing authenticity and quality is certification. The Moscow Gemological Center and other similar institutions are engaged in the issuance of such. The document indicates the weight, size, color, purity, degree of fluorescence, presence and location of defects. Such a certificate is a weighty confirmation of the qualities declared first by the seller, and then by you.

In truth, you don't look a gift horse in the mouth. If you are buying a precious item for personal use, make every effort to ensure that the product fully meets your expectations. Otherwise, you risk being deceived by an unscrupulous seller.