Dog cough causes and treatment. Why is my dog ​​coughing and spitting up white foam?

There can be many reasons why a dog wheezes, and they will not always be negative, but you still should not ignore such a state of the pet. The type of wheezing will help determine the disease itself, the degree and causes. Depending on the source of the disease, it can be the bronchi, trachea and lungs, emit wet and dry wheezing.

Why is the dog wheezing

Laryngospasm or laryngeal edema. The causes of its occurrence may be various allergies or the penetration of foreign bodies into the pet's throat. An attack is sometimes triggered by tightening the collar. At the same time, the dog begins to wheeze, as if choking, and on the onset of the attack itself, it looks furious and tries to capture as much air as possible with its mouth. In the process, the mucous membranes of the dog may acquire a bluish tint. In most cases, with a timely visit to the veterinarian, laryngospasm is treated without subsequent possible complications.

brachycephalic syndrome. Dogs with a small and round skull and a flattened nose (Pekingese, pugs, and bulldogs) are susceptible to this disease. The development of the disease for these breeds is a normal biological phenomenon due to the peculiar structure of the skull. You can diagnose the disease by the following signs: narrowing of the nasal passages, swelling of the soft palate and a change in the shape of the larynx. At the same time, the dog snores, breathes heavily, inhaling, clearly sniffs, and you can notice blue mucous membranes in her.

The appearance of tumors of the respiratory system. If the dog also coughs, this may be a signal of the presence of benign or malignant tumors. Bronchitis or pneumonia. During diseases of this kind, the dog very often coughs and constantly wheezes when breathing. There is a misconception that dogs are not prone to these ailments, but they occur in 50% of 100 possible.

Types of wheezing

Dry wheezing is caused by a narrowing of the distance between the bronchi, abundant secretion or obstruction of the airways. Exhaling, the animal wheezes much louder. Moist wheezing in a dog is a consequence of the accumulation of blood or other fluids in the lungs, as this slows down the air permeability.

Wheezing, more like a crunch or crackling, is called crepitus and occurs when the alveoli swell. Such wheezing can be with pneumonia or fibrosis. Wheezing, similar to whistling, is also due to a decrease in the lumen of the airways. It is found in brachycephaly, paralysis of the vocal cords and penetration of objects into the animal's throat.

Actions of owners in cases when the animal wheezes

Of course, when wheezing occurs in a dog, it must be immediately shown to the veterinarian. As already clear from the above, it is impossible to determine the diagnosis on your own. If the owner notices the increasing nature of wheezing in the dog and strange behavior, similar to an attack, it is necessary:

  • Provide oxygen to the animal by opening the windows.
  • It is strictly forbidden to touch the dog's chest. Especially if the animal lies in a strange position.

If the dog feels uncritical, it will not be superfluous to examine its mouth for the presence of objects that have fallen there. An animal in such cases can reflexively bite a person.

Treating wheezing in dogs

Proper therapy is prescribed depending on the cause of wheezing. This can be diagnosed using x-rays, bronchoscopy, and other options for viewing the throat. If brachiocephalic pathology, laryngeal paralysis and tracheal collapse, for example, are detected, the dog will undergo surgery to cure.

In situations of swelling of the larynx and laryngospasm, the pet is treated with medication. Sometimes mechanical ventilation is used. The presence of a foreign body in the respiratory organs requires bronchoscopy and removal of the object. You can often hear that you can get rid of the object in the throat of a pet yourself, but this is not always the right decision.

It is possible to get a foreign object from the respiratory tract only in those cases when it is on the surface, that is, it can be carefully removed with tweezers or a hand. But if it is clearly visible that the object is sitting very tightly in the throat, then it is better not to engage in amateur activities, because when you try to get this object, you can seriously damage the animal's throat.

With oncological neoplasms, therapy is built strictly individually, based on the stage of the disease and symptoms. Bronchitis and pneumonia should be treated with antitussives and antibiotics.
With pulmonary edema in an animal, intensive anti-edematous treatment is prescribed. In any case, it is necessary to establish the specific cause of wheezing. This will determine the success of the treatment.

Wheezing in a dog is an unpleasant symptom, both for the pet itself and for its owner, therefore, an appeal to the veterinarian in such cases should be carried out in the near future in order to avoid more serious complications or even death.

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Purebred pets are like small children - spontaneous, sometimes capricious, active, cheerful and requiring careful care. Owners of four-legged tomboys should be prepared for any surprises, especially for recognizing the primary symptoms of various diseases. Some of these, like the common cough in dogs, may be just the tip of the iceberg. Heart or lung problems, cancer, allergies - each of these diseases poses a threat to the animal's life. We offer to study the most common causes of cough in dogs, which are easy to determine at home.

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Cough symptoms

There are several main symptoms that are harbingers of a cough and the further development of a more serious illness. Therefore, first of all, you need to inspect and pay attention to:

  • nasal discharge;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • changes in activity - lethargy, depression;
  • uniformity of breathing during physical exertion;
  • respiratory rate during rest;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • sneezing.

The dog's gums should be examined, looking for bleeding or ulcers, to determine if they have become pale. Coughing in dogs is usually accompanied by fever and sneezing, and lymph nodes may swell. Age and breed are also important - some animals are more prone to certain diseases, which are discussed in detail in various videos.

Common causes of cough

Many mistakenly believe that if a dog coughs and sneezes, it's just a mild cold. Unfortunately, this symptom can be caused by more serious reasons:

Viral cough

Cough in dogs of a viral nature very often appears in the form of tracheobronchitis or kennel cough. The infection is quickly transmitted by interaction with a sick animal - only a few minutes of contact are enough for infection. At the initial stage of the development of the disease, the dog coughs as if choking, over time, the symptoms may worsen, the animal vomits. Medicines should only be given after consultation with a veterinarian.

Mechanical damage and foreign bodies

If the dog coughs and wheezes, and there is also a discharge of blood - most likely, she is trying to get rid of a foreign object. This happens extremely rarely and is provoked either by damage to the central nervous system, or by the rapid ingestion of food (typical for small breeds). This type of cough is also manifested by strangulation with a collar, swelling or fluid in the airways. In any of the above cases, you should immediately seek treatment from a veterinarian.


  • the animal tries to burp;
  • secretion of blood with saliva;
  • the animal vomits, grunts, wheezes, sneezes;
  • refusal of food and water;
  • frothy discharge from the nose.

"Heart" cough

The main cause of this type of disease is a damaged heart mitral valve (left side). Fluid begins to accumulate in the lungs, which, with an enlarged heart, strongly presses on the trachea. Also, cardiac cough appears as a result of dilated cardiomyopathy, characteristic of large breeds of dogs. In a puppy and an adult animal weighing less than 7 kg, the disease is rarely observed.


    • deaf (uterine) cough;
    • increasing intensity;
    • reduced pet activity;
    • bluish-gray color of the gums;
    • fluid in the abdomen.

Cough due to cancer

The presence of a tumor in the lungs causes coughing in all breeds, most often in old age. Depending on the type of tumor - primary or secondary, relief is possible if steroids are given.

Prevention of cough in dogs

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Video "Causes of Cough in Small Dogs"

From the video, using the example of a toy terrier, you will find out for what reasons a pet has a cough and a symptom of what disease it can be.

Every dog ​​owner has at least once heard his pet coughing. If the dog quickly cleared his throat and this does not happen again, then you should not worry. And if the dog coughs repeatedly, the cough becomes more frequent or intensifies - it is necessary to identify the causes. Often a cough is a sign of a disease that is difficult to cure in an advanced case.

A dog's cough may be due to external causes - cold air, quick swallowing of food, a tight collar or a strong leash tension. There is no danger to health, it is enough to eliminate these causes of coughing in a dog, and everything will pass.

What to look for so that you can correctly determine why the dog is coughing:

  • frequency and regularity of cough;
  • how long ago it appeared;
  • dry cough in a dog or wet;
  • whether there is an admixture of blood, mucus or pus in the sputum;
  • the pet suffocates when coughing or carries it calmly;
  • what sounds does a dog make when coughing;
  • general well-being, activity, presence or absence of appetite;
  • whether there is difficulty in swallowing food or water.

It is necessary to remember whether there was communication with unfamiliar or unhealthy dogs, whether the pet was on its own, whether there was hypothermia, what food he ate before a strong cough or frequent coughing began.

In addition to taking a history, the veterinarian will perform a visual examination. Edema, enlarged lymph nodes, cyanosis of the mucous membranes, heart rhythm disturbance, diseases of the teeth and gums - all this, together with a cough, proves the presence of a certain disease.


Tracheobronchitis is a viral disease transmitted by airborne droplets. Often occurs in dogs living in kennels, where new animals regularly enter. This disease is also called kennel cough or kennel disease.

Symptoms of tracheobronchitis:

  • the dog coughs constantly, while the cough is dry, coming from the depths;
  • there may be seizures when the dog coughs as if he was choking on something. At the same time, she opens her mouth wide and clears her throat, making a gag movement. This sometimes results in vomiting;
  • sneezing
  • sometimes it seems that the dog is coughing, as if grunting or snorting;
  • when coughing, foam may appear, which the animal spits up.

The first signs appear some time after infection. The incubation period lasts from two days to two weeks. Symptoms may be mild or they may be pronounced. In debilitated dogs, the illness is often accompanied by lack of appetite, fever, and reduced activity.

Special treatment is not carried out, recovery usually occurs on its own in 2-3 weeks, but the symptoms of this disease will appear for a long time, especially after physical exertion or stress. In some cases, you can give your dog cough medicine. They soften it, but do not completely eliminate it.

If a puppy gets sick with tracheobronchitis, then the disease can drag on for one and a half to two months. Such a cough in a puppy or dog with weak immunity is dangerous because it can lead to complications and turn into a sore throat or pneumonia. Treating a cough in a dog at home in this case will not be effective, and in order to prevent serious consequences, you should consult a doctor.


Pneumonia is caused by pathogenic microorganisms that begin their active activity in the event of prolonged or severe hypothermia of the animal, or with a protracted disease of the upper respiratory tract.


  • moist cough;
  • refusal to eat and, as a result, exhaustion;
  • hard breath;
  • heat;
  • fever;
  • lethargy (slow movements, lack of reaction, drowsiness).

Treatment of pneumonia is long, the appointment of drugs depends on what pathogenic microorganisms caused the disease. If pneumonia is suspected, you should not delay the time - you must urgently contact the veterinary clinic. After clarifying the diagnosis, a qualified specialist will select drugs and tell you how to treat a dog's cough caused by pneumonia and how to alleviate the pet's condition.


A cough in a dog can be with angina - an inflammatory process of the tonsils. There are many reasons for this disease:

  • infection inside the body or from outside;
  • advanced rhinitis;
  • foreign body in the throat;
  • complication after tracheobronchitis;
  • gingivitis, tartar.

Angina is accompanied by pronounced symptoms:

  • the dog has an appetite, but he cannot eat because of a sore throat and therefore refuses to eat;
  • the dog is trying to hold back the cough, and if it coughs, then the sound is superficial, muffled;
  • frequent swallowing movements;
  • vomit;
  • the temperature is increased;
  • bad breath;
  • tonsils are enlarged, may be covered with mucus or pus, redness is observed.

Angina does not go away on its own. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed for its treatment. If inflammation of the tonsils is a secondary disease, and is caused by a foreign body, dental disease, infection, complex treatment is carried out.

In very rare cases, when therapy does not help, surgical intervention is prescribed and the tonsils are removed.

foreign body

A cough can be caused by a foreign body that has entered the larynx. This usually happens right after a meal or on a walk when the dog picks up something from the ground. A dog can choke on any hard object, but objects with sharp edges are especially dangerous.

If you notice that the dog suddenly coughs as if choking, what to do:

  • hold the pet between your knees and try to open its mouth wide with both hands;
  • if the stuck object is noticeable and at the same time is not deep, you should try to pull it out;
  • you can pull it out with your hands only if the object is stuck shallowly and you can grab onto it with your fingers;
  • in other cases, use tweezers or a medical clip.

If the dog chokes so that the object is not visible, or it is visible, but there are no improvised means to extract it, you should not try to do this. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible. With inaccurate movements, the object can go even deeper and it will be problematic to get it.

In addition to coughing, other symptoms may indicate a foreign body entering the larynx:

  • if the foreign body cannot be coughed up, the dog may vomit;
  • there is vomiting and sometimes during vomiting the object can come out by itself;
  • empty swallowing movements;
  • frequent licking of the lips and nose;
  • sometimes, instead of coughing, the dog wheezes and it seems that the pet has suffocated.

Heart diseases

A cough can indicate not only respiratory disease, but also a canine heart disease. In addition to coughing, symptoms such as:

  • labored breathing;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • bluish mucous membranes;
  • open mouth when breathing, as if the animal did not get enough air through the nose. This is especially common in hot weather;
  • coughing is most common at night or in the morning.

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, you need to contact the veterinarian. After the examination, the veterinarian will prescribe drugs to normalize the work of the heart, to maintain even breathing, tell you what to give and what to do if an attack occurs. If heart disease is accompanied by edema, diuretics are prescribed.


Dirofilariasis is the defeat of the arteries and the heart itself by heartworms. The disease is transmitted through blood-sucking insects and is life-threatening for a pet. Symptoms are similar to those of heart disease:

  • apathy and drowsiness;
  • cough, shortness of breath, shortness of breath;
  • fainting;
  • swelling of the forelimbs and the lower part of the sternum.

Dirofilariasis causes nausea and vomiting in dogs. In a neglected state, this disease can lead to death. Treatment and dosage of drugs is prescribed by a veterinarian and is carried out under his supervision.

Tracheal collapse

Collapse is a chronic disease that goes unnoticed at first and progresses over time. It can be either congenital or acquired, and is more common in small dogs. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • episodically occurring cough, similar to quacking;
  • loss of appetite;
  • gagging when eating or drinking;
  • weakness;
  • dyspnea.

The disease is well treated only at the initial stage. Appropriate medications are used and special dietary supplements are prescribed to help restore cartilage tissue. If the disease is running, then only surgery can help. Damaged tracheal rings are replaced with implants.

paroxysmal breathing

Paroxysmal breathing, or reverse sneezing, is not a disease. This is a condition when, under the influence of certain factors, the respiratory process is disturbed and air is drawn in instead of exhalation. Most often this happens in small breeds. Outwardly, it looks as if the pet is suffocating from suffocation, the neck is stretched, the eyes seem to bulge, the paws are widely spaced.

Such breathing may be accompanied by vomiting, convulsions of the soft palate and throat. The danger is that at such a moment, vomit can enter the lungs and cause aspiration pneumonia, which is life-threatening.

The cause may be a sharp inhalation of cold or hot air, or air contaminated with exhaust gases or cigarette smoke.

Treatment of this condition is not required, it is necessary to eliminate the causes and prevent them in the future.


Because of the one-time cough that happens to every dog, you should not worry. If the cough recurs, intensifies or is accompanied by other symptoms, you should contact the veterinarian. In some cases, coughing indicates a very serious illness.

Why does a dog cough like it's choking? In order not to panic when the dog chokes on a bone and begins to choke, just do not give the animal this unnecessary garbage. Increasingly, owners feed their mustaches the remaining chicken or other tubular (or thin) bones, which can not only get stuck in the throat, but also injure or even “tear” the mucous membrane of the digestive tract (and if they get deep into the respiratory tract, the animal can die).

Tubular bones are easily gnawed, as a result, a bunch of tiny fragments are formed, which injure the mucous membrane. Then she becomes inflamed, swells. The mucosa suffers not only from the pharynx and esophagus. Much worse when the intestines "break". All its contents enter the abdominal cavity. As a result - peritonitis. It is not always possible to save an animal.

Often, bone fragments accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract (they are not digested, no useful substances from them enter the body, in general, bones are useless and extremely dangerous “trash”). Peristalsis is disturbed. Food stops moving normally, rots. The animal suffers due to the incipient intoxication of the body.

But in addition to the bones in the throat, I can get other foreign objects stuck (I gnawed a stick, for example, a dog, or a plastic toy (and cotton wool can get stuck from a soft toy), and its fragment got into the throat, but you never know what the pet wants to “scratch” teeth "). That's why it's so important to watch what your dog grabs. Educate her so that she does not lift anything from the ground. A dog is a very smart animal, he will not eat inedible (unless he is sick). Therefore, if the dog coughs, wheezes or swallows, as if choking, you need to act quickly so that the pet does not suffocate.

First of all, the animal begins to actively swallow saliva, as if trying to “push through” a stuck object. If this does not help, then the dog begins to cough constantly. This often results in vomiting. If the bone is small and stuck “high”, then, having coughed, the pet frees the throat from a foreign object.

It is noticeable how the mustache panics, worries, fusses. Runs, then forward, then minces back, while coughing. Saliva may flow. If a foreign object (for example, a bone) is stuck in the throat not far, then when examining the oral cavity, you can see the “culprit of the cough”.

Sometimes the dog wheezes when he chokes, it becomes difficult for her to breathe, and then you can see how the mustache stretches its neck, the gums turn blue, weakness. You can see how the ribs move, while the breath itself is almost imperceptible. If you do not urgently provide first aid to the dog (with a bone stuck in the throat), then the pet may lose the creation due to lack of oxygen.

What should I do if my dog ​​is choking and choking?

The first step is to make sure that the cough is due to a foreign object (which can be not only in the throat, but also in the trachea, which is much less frequently recorded). Cough itself is not a disease, it is just a symptom. This is a protective mechanism that helps to free the airways by contracting the diaphragm and abruptly "pushing out" the entire volume of air from the lungs. That is, the body tries to push the foreign object out of the respiratory tract with just such a sharp “exhalation”.

A dog coughs with a stuck bone, and is sick (with an infectious disease or just a cold), and with allergies, and for other reasons. Only after making sure that the dog is coughing, as if choking for this very reason, you can proceed to rescue.

How to help the dog yourself?

Be sure to assess the “situation”, namely, whether you can cope on your own or whether you need to immediately seek emergency help from a veterinarian. Wait a little, let the dog cough so that the foreign object “pops out” on its own. If this does not happen, then you can try to help on your own. If breathing is disturbed, then action should be taken as soon as possible.

  1. The easiest way is to use tweezers. But this can be done this way only if you clearly see the foreign body (for this you will have to open the pet's mouth wide, and even better shine with a flashlight) and are sure that you can grab it. Otherwise, you risk pushing the bone even deeper into the airways. Yes, and the mustache should be calm, not panic, not break out (it might even bite).
  2. Sometimes turning the pet upside down helps.. Shake gently (gravity can help if a foreign object is not far away). With large dogs, you will have to make a “wheelbarrow” (pick up your hind legs, tear them off the ground so that your head is lower). And if none of these methods helped to free the airways of the mustache, then you will have to resort to the Heimlich maneuver. But remember that it can harm the animal. Not all people know how to do it right. And here, in an emergency, it is necessary to help a frightened suffocating little animal.

If a big dog has a problem

A large dog is coughing, as if choking, what should I do? Surely, many have seen how they save people who gave up while eating (girth at the back, lock under the "breast"). The rescue scheme for a large dog is built on the same principle.

You need to “grab” the dog from behind (it should stand on all its four legs), connect the brushes into a “lock” (sometimes it’s easier to clasp it with your hands, pressing your elbows), which should be located on the tummy, where the sternum ends. Then a sharp (but gently, do not overdo it with force) movement will be made towards the pet's muzzle (that is, up and slightly forward). For one approach, you can do 4-5 times. Then look into the mouth, make sure that the foreign body has “raised” and can be pulled out.

If a dog has a thin bone (with sharp edges) stuck in its throat, then you are unlikely to be able to move it with such movements. Most likely, she will firmly “sit down”, and only a veterinarian can get her. Moreover, the longer the bone is not removed, the more difficult it is to remove it (severe swelling interferes).

If a small dog has a problem

A small dog coughs as if choking, what should I do? Helping a small dog is not easy. To cope, you need not to hesitate, not to be afraid. All your movements should be clear, but accurate (after all, the bones are thin, and you can harm your pet if you make too much effort).

So, you need to press the dog to your spine (upside down). Place the fist of one hand on the area under the sternum, while holding the head of the mustache with the other. With a fist, press 5 times, directing the movement inward and towards the head.

Try to very carefully pull out the bone with tweezers if you see one. It is not necessary to pull hard, especially if the foreign body does not give in. Otherwise, you injure the mucosa even more. If the dog wheezes, as if choking, but breathing is not disturbed, it is better to immediately seek help from a veterinarian. Inept or too abrupt movements can only aggravate the situation (the bone will not move towards the “exit”, but will break through the walls of the trachea).

Other reasons for coughing attempts

Sometimes the dog coughs and wheezes, as if choking, but when examining the mouth, nothing foreign is visible (and the dog could not choke on anything, the bones were not given to it, it did not gnaw anything). Then you need to look for the cause of the cough in another.

The structure of the nasopharynx

Most often, a dog's cough, as if she was choking, is caused by the anatomical structure of the nasopharynx (too short mouth, long tongue, very soft palate, for example, in a pug, Pekingese and other short-faced breeds). The pet "chokes" with a strong breath, during which it "pulls" the soft palate. The mustache begins to cough, as a result, the sky returns to its original place, and the cough disappears.


In particular, adenovirus, in which "enclosure cough" appears. It is aggravated by inhalation of cold air. Therefore, this infection is often mistaken for an attempt to cough up a bone stuck in the throat.

heart cough

It usually appears at night. If the dog is constantly coughing, as if choking on a bone, and such behavior is noted after physical exertion or in the evening, for several days / weeks, but the appetite is not disturbed, the pet can swallow normally, then you should contact your veterinarian. Your pet may have heart problems. If you never want to face a similar situation where the dog begins to wheeze and cough due to stuck bones, then do not feed them to your pet. The pet store is full of "safe" and much more useful "bones".

Do you have any questions? You can ask them to our site staff veterinarian in the comments box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

A dog may choke on a bone after eating a meal or other object offered to it. This is a dangerous condition as suffocation can occur. The dog needs immediate help.

Often there are cases that will be discussed in this article in which it is not recommended to make any decisions without consulting a practicing veterinarian, since self-medication of pets can cause serious consequences for which the owners alone are responsible.

The dog is spitting as if choking, and when it lies it doesn’t cough what it is

There can be several reasons for coughing.

1. The dog choked on something, and a foreign object was stuck in her throat.
2. The dog has a viral infection or a cold because it is cold.
3. The dog has an allergic reaction to dust, pollen, food, household chemicals or medicines.
4. The special structure of the muzzle can cause coughing.
5. Worm infestation.
6. Heart failure.

Try to look into the dog's mouth and see if there is a foreign object stuck in his throat. If not, then the cause of a cough that does not go away, but lasts for several days, is best left to the veterinarian to find out. He will examine the animal, prescribe tests and, after receiving their results, prescribe the necessary medicines.

If you are the lucky owner of a pug, English bulldog, Pekingese or other breed that has a flattened muzzle and a short nose, you should not panic when you hear a cough. This is a normal physiological reaction of such dogs in the process of breathing. To be sure, look into your pet's mouth to make sure he's not choking and take his temperature.

The dog coughs as if choking, trying to burp something, what to do

After making sure that a foreign object is really stuck in the pet’s throat, fix its head motionless. It's better to do it together. Shine a flashlight into the mouth and use clean tweezers to remove the stuck object if it is in an accessible area. Be careful not to push the object further into the trachea. If you are unable to help the animal on your own, and it cannot cough up on its own, you need to call an ambulance veterinary help.

You can try to take the dog by the hind legs and shake it a little. To help her get rid of a foreign object in her throat.

What to do if the dog coughs as if choking on a bone, vomits foam how to treat

Give your dog time to clear his throat. If a bone or other foreign object is close in the throat after the dog's efforts, it should come out. The situation is more complicated when the bone has sharp edges and it has caught on the tissues in such a way that the dog cannot cough it up on its own. Then arm yourself with tweezers with a flashlight and patience. If you can't see well, don't forget to wear glasses so you don't hurt your pet even more.

The dog choked on a fish bone, grass, its own hair and cannot cough up how to help

To prevent a tragedy, you need to monitor your pet. Do not give him food with bones. Do not allow picking up foreign objects on the street. In order for the dog not to choke on its hair, it must be combed regularly and bathed occasionally.

Trying to help an animal when it is choking and coughing, soberly assess your strength. To prevent the dog from suffocating, you may need to call an ambulance veterinarian.

The dog wheezes, choked on food, burdock food, dry food, water and suffocates, breathing heavily, symptoms and signs, treatment

If your dog is choking on food, teach him how to eat properly. Do not give food with bones or large pieces. Feed more often so that she does not pounce on food, but eats calmly.

If the dog starts to choke, you need the help of a veterinarian. A dog can choke not only from choking. It could be a viral infection or canine distemper. Without medical attention, the animal will die.

Dog choked on air, branch, hair, liquid, buckwheat, lint

Having choked on a small object - a hair, a lint or a grain, the dog will most likely clear his throat and everything will be fine. If no dangerous phenomena in the form of suffocation occur after the dog chokes on water, then there is nothing dangerous in coughing. The branch, of course, can get stuck in the throat. Therefore, keep an eye on your pet outside, and do not let him gnaw on branches and other foreign objects that he can find.

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