Caucasian stories about love and audacity 21. Real stories, intimate stories, romantic stories, glamorous stories, cool stories

"How many people have so many opinions" Bahh Tee
Caucasians, Russians, Americans, Italians ... In our world there are a lot of different nations ... But it is already understandable by the name and preface, what kind of nations I will tell. I myself am a purely Russian girl, the usual, like everything, with your principles, troubles and cockroaches in the head. Literally a year ago, I learned that this is such Caucasians for the people. With one word "Caucasians", some appear maliciousness, negative. Some on the contrary. And others do not know who it is at all. If you are interested in my opinion, I think that in all nations there are bad and good ... Yes, yes, yes, now I may be convicted by many who read it ... But I will stay with my opinion, no, I have no one I do not protect, I am a patriot of my nation ... But how many people are so many opinions ...
And so my story is so, it happened this year ago in April, in my opinion, the 25th day was 14 years old, I had a birthday and the same summer I had to knock on 15, I sat down from idleness, I sat in ICQ at the same time, while listening to music , playing with the cat, well, as it usually happens when there is nothing to do and he is added to me ... I immediately manifested the interest ... As I remember: I remember:
-Hello, we are already met? wrote immediately i
- Welcome, let's get acquainted?
-I Ira, and you? :)
- I am Mamed
After that, there was a big pause, since I first heard such a name ... For me, it was so strange
-And how is your full name? I replied
-Magomed, you can call the magha
Honestly, the version of the "Magian" then arranged me more, although I still have been trying to call him anyone for some time ... And when I still had it, I quickly leafed the story of the messages found his name copied and writing .. . Sounds funny ... But at that moment I was afraid to offend him, imagine if your name is unpumbed not clear how ... we communicated the days of the day, even now and I do not remember what. As I have already told me it was 14 years old and I, as many girls, who are already at 13 and then, are beginning to paint, then I still didn't know what kind of cosmetics and even how to use ink ... many now laugh at me, but me Indeed, then it was not interested ... He was from my city more precisely from a small village of 25-30 km from the city, it turned out that there live a lot of very Caucasian families. After two days of our acquaintance, that is, on April 27, he had a birthday but he didn't breathe on his birthday from ICQ ... We agreed to meet on May 9 ... And now the long-awaited day came ... all day I was on needles Moreover, the meeting was scheduled for 5 or in my opinion 6 hours, I don't remember exactly ... I came to the meeting place, because I was a parade in the morning and even in the evening I took part in some kind of building, so I was dressed Strict white top, black bottom. I look, one guy of the Caucasian nationality approached, so coolly dressed, such a hairstyle, all of myself, for some reason I immediately decided that it was ... But after a minute, another person came to him 5 .... Aaaa I was ready to escape somewhere ... But my escape failed since I was dying someone's not familiar voice
I'm silent
I turned around ... yes, they were called me
-Iir are you? said some kind of parenchy
-Yes it's me
-Well, let's get acquainted! - And he presented to me, who was there all there, but at that time the names he pronounced, sounded for me in the form of a hiss of the radio - absolutely nothing is clear, and only the name of Mamed, which he said, seemed more Familiar. "God, God alone and a bunch of Caucasians what to do" - I had in my head. Indeed, thereby stylish beautifully dressed a pretty guy, he was then shy, and could not distort the words, in Russian speaking, stood like a idol. And here they were offered to go to the park. ... Go ... They turned out to be quite fun guys, I tried to memorize how to do someone to who at the right moment did not fall into the dirt face. Finally, in the park, my fate eased with me only two Mamed and his friend. "Damn, damn, damn I need to run on the construction" I thought about myself. And sent them to the stadium, where the construction actually passed, I went to my class. Everything seemed so slow, I just did what I looked at the clock, and now we finally came to the stadium, I tried to see their faces in the crowds of people and I found them with my girlfriend approached them. We have a conversation. But the guys needed to go on the bus, after that we were long with my girlfriend Lyubovy laughed at their names, let the readers condemn me, but all this was new to me, and even more so the name Mammden was immediately associated with the word Maped (not in Resenting guys with the same name) Well, as the next day I went to ICQ and what I see there he. Well, we started discussing everything that happened, and he suggested to be friends, but I was a little fool seen a beautiful well-dressed boy and agreed, I thought I was in love with him. After our meeting, he did not enter ICQ on the day, and then for weeks and so it took two months during this time we saw each other, I went, sat in a cafe, but that was enough to fall in love with him all of this cute and at Time is strictly guy, only at the end of June apparently he decided to get rid of the baby from suffering, saying that he had a girl of the world and he was deeply spitting on me. For the first day, I went upset, but over time everything went, it was easy, I turned 15, I matured, all the same learned to use the mascara and some more cosmetic devices. It was dry and not interested in September ... And I had his youngest sister sister in ICQ, and suddenly we had an interesting conversation with her, about Mamede about his girls, about all. She allegedly promised that he would tell him, so he was added to me again ... Alilua .... It happened I was at an altitude of happiness, he began to throw me with bold phrases in order to show that he was cool and everything was nothing. But I was a girl and was able to melt his Ice heart and not only bombed to the meeting. We met when I approached, he did not recognize me.
-Well hello - I said
-Hi who are you?
- Do you want this i'm Ira
-Year? On May 9, you were completely different (by that time I even repainted in the blonde)
-Ha, May 9 was a long time ago
And so we chatted, about which we could only be fun together, but I terribly frozen, he began to warm me and since in all stories about love our views met and we kissed, then I kissed for the first time, he told everything all The truth that this summer he did not remember me that he did not even take me seriously, but now I realized that I was wrong ... Naturally, we began to meet, meetings, kisses, flowers, there was no such night that we did not speak on the phone ... it ... There was my first real love ... But Mamed is a very difficult person, and the more Caucasian ... In order to be with him I had to give up ICQ, from walking without him ... there was a terrible control, every week he demanded that I show the story of calls, messages ... I asked the brothers to follow me ... I am very calm in nature, and therefore I never rebelled, well, I want to see my call history Yes, let him look at health to me what ... We were happy ... But apparently, his brothers were against him Out of Russian, as soon as someone falls out the opportunity, they tried to put me in every way before Mamted and it turned out. That was a huge minus, they are Caucasians, they are the same brothers, and brother can not cast a brother, so my naive boy thought ... But thanks to the fact that I studied Mamneda completely and already knew what and when I could always prove to him that I could always prove to him I am right and from this his brothers have become even more silent ... until one pore ... While his brothers did not fall quite low ... just for that they didn't like me so much, I do not understand .... I went to school by their house, suddenly I was stopped by his cousin and says:
- I have a very important thing for you, please help, you need to talk.
Yes, of course, what happened?
-Just do not go here, I will go to the courtyard I will tell
And I agreed ... Everything was planned, his first brother led me to the yard and the other Schihar was photographed by how he puts me into the courtyard. And these photos showed Mameda allegedly, see it led to the house ... Here I could not get rid any oaths, I could have been the facts ... I was roaring into the phone asking for me to believe me. His last phrase was: I thought you were normal, and you were a slava. I killed these words ... It he spoke on the street and someone passing by his brother heard it and said to another and that another and so it came to my father ... But there was somewhere the week we still settled communication but as friends ... And here Already on the November evening, my father (parents I'm divorced) and says: Where is Mamed now? I'm stunned saying: Dad I do not know, however. He began not to scream, but to yell on me for being contacted Caucasians, how they watered me with mud there, for me it was shock, then all the same, I managed to simplify him, so that he did nothing, he Only met with the father of Mamed, it seems they would talk to well and agreed that the more our communication is not his family will not allow mine. On the same evening, Mamed called me and again there was not without his last shocking phrase: You're a traitor, you specifically told everything. How did I love him, I did not eat anything, I didn't smile ... I was like zombies ... And here I am added to ICQ in ICQ, he is from my city ... And he knows Russian, he knows Russian not quite good and he has He doesn't make his own style of communication, he does not write mistakes and writes competently, but there is a couple of words that he writes, because anyone will not write, for example: "Of course," he writes "Kone" or "Fruits" - "Inland" all his words with I naturally knew mistakes and immediately calculated that it was he. Soon he himself admitted that she loved me and her father, no one was hindered and what he learned who he told my father about everything. And again we have a novel, conversations until the morning, Mom as an understanding person allowed us to be friends ... Dad calls me only in extreme cases ... And now I see in the evening I see me, I'm shaking me, I take a phone:
-Yes what the first time, I did not understand what? What do you communicate with these chocks, little guys do you need, it is immediately clear that the mother brought up - he came from the tube, I was numb from fear, I just listened and was silent
-Yone mother tube
I silently give the phone mom, a loud connection was turned on, he says
- You can even raise a child to raise up, apparently no, I'll take her to myself, let them live in me with me, I rolled the tears from her, and he continued - her mother is called, I explained the father of it that if once again he climbs up to my daughter then I will understand already with him myself, I promised that I will fulfill it, now I recognize where he is, I take the guys with me and we eat to him, without warning somewhere let His and that's all. I'm just shocked, knowing what my father can really, I roar what to do. Mom says: Call Mames warning him. I call, warned ... My father came to them and on the street I was already waiting for Mamed with brothers, as Pope said "I don't want to touch the old boy," he asked the oldest of them Damira so that he watched if once again I myself at least phoned immediately report he ... the same evening I call Mamed not yet knowing it, the brothers had already time to customize him against me, he was angry towards me, and we were spreading goodbye, but and then the brothers were able to put me to the guilty, right there, that Damir calls her father and Says: So, so your daughter right now called him, take action. Oh, how I got ... After that, our communication temporarily came to the end, but I loved him ... And I have to be closer to Mamida, well, or at least to know that with him and how he began to meet with his brother, who was in love with me ... He met me With training on basketball, he studied, he had plans for the future, he studied on the right ... In a word, a prominent groom, but the heart walked on that lazy man, who knew that we had no future with him because of various faith and nation, but he was talking "You and I am one family" I still remember these words and it gets so warm because of them ... And once, right before the new year of December 27, I meet his brother with a driving school and Mamed comes with him, his brother came up hugged me, smoking In the cheek, and I stood and hatched looked at Mamed ... And he looked at me sadly and went on ... And I was so sad ... I understood how I needed it and as far as I am unhappy with this guy and decided to tell him all the truth, of course I didn't hear a lot and that I am heartless, etc., but I was free ... On the same evening, Mamed was added to me from the left Win, how I was glad, this time he was not Lekha and Katyukha, who allegedly says that she is Mamed's girl and asks me to not climb more ... And now Mamed himself was added to me and began to say that you were offended by my girlfriend, it was not offended to her, naturally it was a pretext, outside he seemed terribly strict and evil, but I always knew how to melt his heart, and now we communicate again , but we were only friends as it were ... On December 29, I went to Moscow with my father, naturally, with him, I could not even talk to Mamut on the phone, I had to be extremely neat so that my father did not know anything ... I have been rewriting with him. ABOUT ALL ... But I pierced, and Mamted, because of something they quarreled and he became calling me, I did not bother with a silent, my dad says: take the phone who is. Mamed was recorded in the phone named ... I didn't think about it then ... I take and say: Hello, do not call here. Throw. Pope I say: yes fans call different bored. Dad believed, but Mamed began to call again and then I snatched my cousin's phone, reads the inscription loudly out loud: Ma-D (on the side of the Pope it sounded like a sentence) Ha, what did it sound? Brother answers the call: Hello who is it? Thank God the connection was bad. "Those who I don't hear it, in short, who you wouldn't be angry here more ... My heart fell into the heels ... Father: Mamed ??? I started to invent on the go ... yes Dad, it's not that Mamed, that is, it's not Mamed, it's not Mamed, it's Dima, and I was recorded by the name Mamend because he has two SIM cards one former Mamneda number and his other, and I did not renamed And everyone, you want to ask mom (I knew that my mother would always support me) Alilua! Dad believed me. Naturally, Mamted was made up, I came from Moscow, with Mamed, I had already appointed a meeting but suddenly he was already sent to Moscow ... LLC these sleepless nights ... A day for conversations flew 100 or even 200 rubles and I and I have and I have So in Moscow he stayed until the end of February, we have finally confused with him, it was already considered that we together he promised to give a gift for Valentine's Day and at the beginning of March we met it was our last meeting and unforgettable ... We were at home ... And after so many months, we again together, again I see him in front of myself ... Just as I looked at the clone in those days, and I had anything that I had a meeting of Zhildi and Lucas, even the music was the same: D I was standing on my call the theme of the child and Lucasa a Miragem and as soon as I looked into my eyes I began to call my mother and rang this song, I started crying from happiness that he now in front of me after so many events, despite the threat, not looking at anything, so he my most beloved man on earth and about H reluctantly and so we stood in the middle of the room under this music and looked at each other ... And suddenly he says: I, well, I still take a pipe of crying from happiness. Mom anxious asked: Ira, what happened to you all right? (She was aware of where I am and that) I answered: Yes, my mom is fine. I gave the phone Mamida, he said: all is well. Putting the phone, he kissed me ... As far as I was happy to even imagine ... And since I am engaged in the belly dance, I promised to dance him for a long time, and this evening I fulfilled my promise I danced for him and he like Sultan sat on the bed and looked It was not forgotten on me ... But and here, without his nauseous brothers, it didn't have a call, some of his brother called, I did not hear their conversations, but after that Mamed came up to me showed my finger at the door and said:
-Get out of here
-What happened?
- Having done from this house
-Stope, explain everything, and I leave, again you believe the fool to your brothers
-Sam you fool, go away from here
I became the middle of the room staring at him, he went to the window and began to beat the window
"Moved, you know how I love you, please explain to me everything. And I suddenly I hear the crash, he broke the window ... I rushed to him ... He pushed me away and went to the sink, I ran up my whole hand was in the blood, I rushed to wash his hand, he again pushed me away, in that house the crane was Not a plumbing, and the usual thing you need to pour water, and the water ended and it was far to the nearest column, all the more though the beginning of March and there was still snow and frost ... I tell him: you have a first-aid kit here. He is silent. Then I looked in my pocket I was 20 rubles, I began to dress, he said: Going right and do not come back. I: Do not close the door at the pharmacy run and return. Suddenly he took out 100 rubles from his pocket and threw me. I threw money on the floor, shoved and left ... It was far from the nearest pharmacy, and I had to run ... I ran, all I say saying: Give me two bandages and a hydrogen peroxide. I was given and the price was not on my pocket, but I persuaded the saleswoman to give me this at least a receipt, she agreed I grabbed it all and rushed back, I rush into the house, it's all in the blood, I needed the water to rinse his hand, I run to the neighbors for the water, was then the hour of the night, it's good that people who lived there did not send me, as they could have been calmly pouring the water, I resort, I start to wash his hand, he repels shouting at me, And then for the first time in my life I went out of myself and began to yell: Listen if you want me to leave, I will leave, now I am interpreted your hand and leave, but while listening to me and sit quietly. He arrived. I started to bother his hand, the tears rolled from my eyes when I finished it looked at me and said: Ira, I understood everything. I'm starting to dress a ride nose saying: And what did you understand? He: I said that you left, I would have turned in your place and left, and you stayed with me, and I also went to the pharmacy and driven my hand, I understood everything. I: I'm glad I can still say. He: I love you and I don't care who will talk. He came up to me and began to wipe the tears to me, I burst into tears even more, he wiped the tears and began to kiss me ... But he didn't stop the blood to go, thereby the bandage was soaked and he smelled me with blood, my jeans, jeans, shirt, face, face Hands, all ... We were both in the blood and suddenly he said: oh almost forgotten, and suddenly he pulls out a small red velvet box in the form of a heart opens and says, hold down his hand, and he takes a bracelet from there and puts me on his hand , the bracelet was golden, and then says turn, I turned and he dressed me on the neck of the gold chain from the same set, how I was then happy in despite the fact that I was all in the blood, he pressed to me I was shaking, he I tried to calm me ... at that time it was about 3 nights ... WATER To wash it no longer left, the whole spent on him and on blood wiping, as the blood was everywhere on the floor on the panel everywhere ... I called a taxi we sat with him both in a taxi in the blood, we kissed him all the way in the car, but his hands They were still in the blood, and I had a white fur coat ... And now I have kissed him on the latter, ... but then it was the most interesting thing when my mother saw me, I went fast in my white fur coat was to in bloody stains, The face in the blood is in the blood, naturally at the beginning of the mother thought that I was deprived of my virginity, but after my story, my mother believed me ... We have repeatedly remembered this day for a long time, but we also talked for days, he had to go to the hospital in Voronezh There, he stayed two months and now it came in one awesome day that I would never forget, was the middle of April, our relationship from the frequent quarrels became very tense, his brothers did not stop shrouded ... And then the topic appeared again about autumn when we were with his brother I went to the courtyard ... Mamed ripped a relationship with me again, I was in a dead end ... He said: I can't meet a girl who slept with my brother. (There were a legend of the whole) And here, I cry in the phone I swear to him that I did not at what ... And then I decided to take it to Taran, I say: Mamed I'm for the truth ready for everything, you want to prove now. He: Yes, I: Now you want something to do with myself (at that time I was not in adequate) and threw the phone ... he called, I did not take. Then he wrote SMS: I can't live in love without you, goodbye my favorite. Then I began to call him ... After the calls 5, he takes the phone ... I scream: What did you do? He: I love you, though. I: What did you do? He: I am bad. He spoke with a hoarse voice. I: Mamed what happened. And silence…. He was in the hospital then, and suddenly I hear how the door opens someone runs and shout: what are you sick or what did you do? The next day we phoned, it turned out to cut the veins, I almost died ... Then I decided to call him my brother and demand that he would say the whole truth, I cry in the phone I managed to call him human feelings, he called Mamida and said as it was on the very business ... Thank God conflict was settled ... But because of frequent quarrels ... We broke up on his birthday on April 27, he called me a youngster and said that he needed a girl not 15 years old and her older either the brothers brain was rinsed or he was tired of him, we broke up but the heart did not give rest ... as in ICQ I went in one chat in ICQ, the owner was there Mamneda's brother and just that Mamed was sitting there, so I learned that he was already meeting with another name for her Masha, she My peer, he was very nice and kindly guessed ... Jealousy stuck me ... But I got out of the chat not paying attention ... passed the month was June 12, the day of the city ... I came up then, danced the belly dance, and suddenly during his speech I saw a familiar face, I will After all, we went to buy a sweet cotton wool with girls, the balls with helium ... It was fun, I went home and here he calls ... And he says that I needed to see the phone ... He calls again ... I take
-What do you want? You do not care how you insult me \u200b\u200bstill want? Leave me alone!
- I am now at your house, with me Masha (his current girl) she says about you here, says that you are compared to her anyone
-And what do you want from me?
I threw the phone, he began to write SMS: I love you, forgive me. I was silent. And so he wrote SMS and called me until the morning ... I was impregnable ... only I replied in the morning: you forget me, enough of me this dirt and nerves, and Masha say that it will not come down with her hands. It was our last correspondence ... Since my mother herself was even against, she said that it was already ridiculous that we would break up again, and even more so if my father finds out that it would be ... After that, we didn't communicate only. He congratulated me happy birthday And all .... We are the best friends with one of his brothers ... And he said that after that case Mamed went to Moscow to work and comes only for the new year ... Since then, I had a couple of guys ... But every day I remember him looking forward to his arrival ... They say and he is interested in how I am here ... no one could not see me to notice my Caucasian first love ...
P.S. And that Masha got me somehow met her on the street, I learned it and said the phrase that I was cooking for a long time: maybe you and more beautiful me but before watering mud need to learn about my physical data. And I gave her a slap, pushed to the ground and hit a couple more times, after that I did not hear about her ...

This story is not a normal couple .... all jokes to side !!! So let's start-with)))

I will write from the first person)) My name is Asil, I am 17 years old, the nation is not so important). In the family of us 5 .. Dap-Alik, Mama-Zulfia, and two older brothers ... Islam and Rasul ... I will first describe yourself)))

I: the hair is lower shoulders, direct from nature)) Black eyes, neat nose and sponges chubby, by the way I am 17 years old)

Islam: the oldest brother, very strict ((tin !!! He is very beautiful !! All the girls loved him, well I seemed like it)) he was 21 years old ... He studied at the Academy, Emmm, I don't remember the name ... but We could not even sit in one room .. He had a little dark chocolate, black eyes, and chubby lips))

Rasul: My chica, my favorite brother ... We were very similar to him, and loved each other more than everyone else))) He had hair, too chocolate, but here is his sponge, they were a fluff than ours with Islam ... Rasul was higher than Islam ... Rulley 18 years ... He studied for a doctor, he dreamed since childhood ... Well, what? I rested, there was a month June ... the brothers did not return, they had a session, which I am very glad ... I passed all the exam, and rested everyone for evil) not well, what? I deserve ... I also had the best girlfriend ... The name was her jack, for me, Jekiči ... She was my sister, a friend, and many others, I love her ...

Jack: long hair, black almost colors, brown eyes and lips normal ... The figure we had an outpad ... But we wore scarves, and long things ... We were friends with her from 6)))) ... And they wanted to do together into the medical academy .... Our families were sooo even wealthy ... Therefore, I did not refuse anything ...

Jackie had an old brother Aslan ...

So the story began in the park ... in one beautiful, summer day ...

Morning: Jack calls me and says

Dr. Salam Aleikum

Ya Aleikum ...

Did I woke you up?

Yes, yes, I have already got up ...

D- Can I ask you something about?

I, of course, come on)

Did you go today with me for clothes in the shopping center?

I would be happy, my dad will not be allowed (

D- can you persuade him?

I'll see))

Well, of course she woke me up !!! I had to get up. Since the dad is at work, and mom in her room, I could freely go into the pajamas spongebob))). I went out, went down, and how I always took tangerines and rose back to myself)

Soon called Dad and asked him to let me go with Jacki shopping

I can i go with Jack in the shopping center?

P- Does your daughter ...

I- Papes, but please (((

P- I can't let you go one with Jacka!

I will take away and take her brother (((Well, daddy, you can?

P- Well, just 4 o'clock in a day be at home!

I - thanks dad, good) ...

I called Jack

Jajakaaaa, sorry

D- What are you doing again ??

I'm your brother where?

Dda like below with a friend, but what happened?

But he will take us into the shopping center?

D- Nooo, you will not wait

I am evaluating him ah?

D- all for you Jana) (soul)

I dressed a long dress, golden color and ballet shoes white ... Hair in a duly and handkerchief). When I tied my mother's handkerchief went into the room to me)

What do you do?

I- Mom, my dad let go with Jacka in the shopping center you can go?)

M-times dad let it go of course! Is there money?

Yes, yes, thanks MA)

    • Anonymous.
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:01

    Jack called me and said I had already come out) It seems she persuaded his brother to take us into the shopping center) I came out and anywhere did not see the Machines aslan. And suddenly someone bibies !!! I almost died, honestly! I stood and could not move from fright). Jack quickly approached me and started his interrogation))

    D- uee, what happened? Went something? I aslan kill !! Everyone went !!

    Since I was still in a stupor, she took and dragged me into the car) .. Soon Aslan began to lecture Jack, who also treated me! With him was his friend who sometimes as not normal supported him!

    But if I see, or someone will tell me that you are with the guys flirting, then you Jack and you asil the end!

    Fruit Shamil - Yes, yes, you Khan!

    I- Aslan We do not do such things you know?

    D- amalka (brother) I will never be disgraced you! And even moreover, Father!

    A- Asil, I know that you are not like, just right now the time is that even very good girls become not so! You saw it myself! No?

    Yes you're right)

    We reached the shopping center))) Ekhuuu) And the bullet and I flew out of the car, and go to the shopping center)

    We were looking for long, long! Damn but did not find anything !!

    Loch- This fate (... and suddenly this beliement, twirls my hand and says

    D- Watch there)))

    I would even show where)

    D- Wow there, go, last store)

    John Google)

    D- not Google!

    Honest word This fool will kill me! And how could I just get acquainted with her? I am surprised herself) Well, what we found a dress! I bought 3 dresses, and she 4!

    I will not describe, but they were very beautiful)))

    Well, we went to the park, there had a delicious ice cream) When we already went to the park, one guy hit me! There were their 4-5. !! Of course, I almost fell when he hit ((

    P- did not see where to go?

    I am excuse !! (I do not know how to tear guys, and I'm afraid of them)

    P2- Utsa went already)

    P3- Leave it! You do not see he fell in love))

    Pnids apologies I do not need !!

    I am - I left, I certainly had a shame (.. You ask why Jack didn't say anything to them? Her brother finished off! If my brothers find out that I went to the park I definitely do not live .. We bought ice cream and sat on the bench)

    D- didn't you pushed him out?

    D- And why did you apologize?

    Well, if I passed, he would not do anything to me?


    I, all in Jack ((

    Draflin is enough to breathe!

    Jelly panda))

    We made ice cream and called Aslan). He said that he would arrive in 20 minutes)

    While we were waiting for him, those guys drove up by car and shouted something there, we tried to not pay attention ... The one that pushed me out of the car, and grabbed me for the elbow !! I started trembling even stronger .. he noticed it and says

    What are you trembling? And what are you from building yourself ??

    Jack silently stood and watched, and he spoke something there)

    He dragged me in Iiii Park ... Aslan arrived.

    A- Let her brother

    P- who?

    A- I my husband, let her go!

    P-brother sorry did not know)

    Oh good

    Aslan told us so that we quickly got into the car, and I started crying !! That would accurately save me)))

    • Anonymous.
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:01

    Do you know what I learned? I have a husband too

    • Anonymous.
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:01

    So I fell asleep ...

    Morning: I woke up at 7 am, and it always happens)) I call my sister's cousin) Malika: very cute, long hair, blue eyes and sponges chik))

    M- Hi Schear

    Yaslam Aleikum

    M- How are you?

    What are you like?

    M- too)) come to me today?

    Ya- and you dad persuade my mind !!)))

    Mg, it's easier easy!))

    Well, well ...

    M- you get ready, I'll call him right now)

    I will come to 2 hours of day

    M- PFF, I also opened America! I knew it)

    I'm well)

    She was 19)

    I dressed a long blue dress, on the waist black, leather belt) on the head knocked black) and came out from the room)

    Suddenly I called an unfamiliar room. I decided not to answer! He called, called, then SMS came ..

    Answer is aslan

    And I called again, I answered

    AR Salam Aleikum ..

    Ya Aleikum

    What do you do?

    A- at work)

    I am clear while

    A- Did you say?

    I what? (I turned on the image of "fool")

    A- About what they want to wear for me?

    I yes, I suggested sad

    But you do not want this wedding?

    A- I, too, I respect you as sister (

    I - I, too, like brother)

    A- We need to decide something, I will come to 12 be ready)

    I can not today

    A- Do you go somewhere?

    I- Even)

    A- For me important !!

    Sister ((((

    A- Well, I will slide ...

    I'm fine, you will take a jack?))

    A- I'll come from work)

    Well, okay (

    I went down to the kitchen. For me and brother ... Mom left for his sister), and dad at work was!

    R- How are you small?

    I am normal, how are you Einstein?)

    R- too) Dad said to me that you want to divert ...

    I was silent, I was very shameful! (

    Do you want this?

    I don't know, I will not go against the will of the Father, and I don't decide what will happen next) Everything in the will of Allah native)

    R- Clear, okay I went) I'm waiting for me) (his girl in quotes)

    I'm good...

    He kissed me to the cheek and left)

    I decided to get out and cook something) while I was already removed 12

    • Anonymous.
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:04

    The day passed, I came home. Honestly describe my state was bad (.. I asked a lot of questions !! But the answers zero! It was empty (one thought that I will be his wife, I was killed! Who would be nice to live, who do not love anyone? Of course love will come Over the time) Well, if it does not come? It will be bad (very bad ... My thoughts threw a call, "Jekican" was displayed on the screen, I answered

    D- Hi

    Yehm, hello

    D- How are you?

    I'm not so, and you?

    D- and I am very good))

    Your Dad agreed)))) aaaaa, I'm so glad ...

    The phone fell out of my hands, I believed that he would refuse, but ((I did not cry, we won't fix everything with tears, I decided to surrender !! I could not, I still considered myself a little ((after all, 17 is not so Many (((... For whom, like ((... I went down, my mother sat in the hall with a thoughtful face, I went to her, hugged it tightly and sharpened !!!

    M- What? Please do not cry ((

    I- Mamaa ((what should I do ?? how I will live moms there (((

    M- daughter everything will be fine, mom also cried quietly

    I- Mother and if he loves another? I will destroy someone else's happiness !! Mum??

    M- Everything is formed daughter, do not cry, we can't fix any tears ....

    Well, I went to myself, love you Ma)

    M- and I have you sun)

    I rose to myself, and saw the phone that was lying on the floor) .. He took the phone and saw 17 missed from Jackie, and 5 from Islam ((I first allowed Islam!

    I- Salam Aleikum

    I- EEE, Nuu, Salam

    And how are you sis?

    I normally, how are you?

    I am? I have? Yes no that you)) not trembling ...

    And- I know everything, my dad told me)

    Am I told?

    And- about you and Aslan

    I- amalka? (Brother) between us there was nothing !! I mean that we did not communicate ((

    And- I know the little, I know))

    I - okay I went to sleep)

    And go panda)

    I cried from happiness that he called me for the first time "sister" "Little" .. We never talked to him, or rather I was afraid of him very ((((

    After called Jack

    D- What's wrong with you? How do you? What happened?

    I am nothing but it became bad)))

    Do you do not want to marry my brother?

    I am good, but I respect him as a brother! Do you understand?

    D- yes I understand ((

    I come to me tomorrow?

    Dual, Spoki)

    I dressed with pajamas and fell asleep ...

    • Anonymous.
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:05

    The next day, I got up at 12, myself was in my shock) I wondered a long dress, black) .. Go down, guests arrived, bustle, and reason? Now we will find out)) ... first I was given with my relatives, close, ... went to mom

    Well, what kind of fuss?

    M- go to another room

    I have))

    We went to another room

    M- I will tell everything shortly, everyone informed that you want to divelly .. And now they came

    You know, you know what I feel bad? Can I go to my room?

    M- well

    I went to my room, it was a feeling that they were playing with me right now ... sometimes I was very funny, honestly !!! Maybe I went sort? Or is I so what is psycho? Damn .... So, someone calls, and this iso ... Aslan! His right now lacked! I answered

    And how are you?

    I- hello, are you normal?

    A- also, get ready for you I will come

    I can not, I feel bad

    A- because of what?

    I just

    A- still get ready

    I silently talked

    I stayed in the same clothes, and knocked black))) ... I warned my mother that I was leaving and went out ...

    He already drove down (

    I sat back

    And how are you?


    A- I could not cancel the wovenness, and the wedding will also take place !!!

    Explain to me? What was it now? What did he say?

    Am I what did you say?

    And what heard!

    We have already arrived to the restaurant .. He stopped and told me so I came out

    A- You do not hear? Come out faster.

    I just froze

    A- Are you here ?? I tell you come out already!

    And I fainted ... I woke up, I was in the same place where it was, only right now I was surrounded by doctors ...

    The doctor is too tired ... she needs to relax

    Ya- and ppch. What happened?

    A- nothing ...

    I was in his car, so far ... Doctors left, he sat down in the car and looked at me ... T my phone zyvabirew. It was Jack

    Do you drive? I stand the main thing from their gate, and she does not open !!

    I - my brother where brought

    Draflin, well, okay. I sit in your room!

    I am good Jan ***

    We went to the restaurant, where a private room ... Sing and here a message from an unfamiliar room.

    Nez.- Hi Daetkaaaaa)) (so I always called me a friend, and I understood that it was she)

    I - hello relatives ...

    P- How are you native?

    I'm fine, how are you?

    Aslan, or what am I sitting here too?

    A- give a phone here

    A- let me told you !!!

    He selected him and left (. After 10 minutes came

    A- on Take

    I leave myself

    A- not Morossa A !!

    I am to blame !!! And you could cancel the wedding and the wovenness !! But did not cancel !! Why?? You are guilty!!

    I said this cry (

    A- to say why? You want to know?? Because I love you!! Do you think I just did you always have a remark? I ask you just ???

    I do you like what you say?

    A- quickly come out, it's time to go home !!

    I sat in shock !! He loves me? Do not, can not be !! So calm down asil and come out !! I went out, and in advance caused a taxi, it came up, I quickly sat down and left ... On the way I cried so much that even a taxi driver asked what happened to me ...

    • Anonymous.
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:05

    After that, we did not talk to him))) What I was very glad !! I miss a little) and then I will talk long)) ... We will move on the day of the matchmaker .. I ordered a dress, I can throw a photo, because I ordered it from the Internet ...

    Watching: everyone was happy, everyone glowed just from happiness ... besides me) I'm bald!)) ... I made a beautiful hairstyle, makeup, dress, I was chichae))) .... on this day I came and came Islam ... Rasul and Islam were in the same costumes)) I adore themch))) We are already in the restaurant ((people from Aslan arrived, including Jack ... and the Aslan itself was not, I was glad)))

    • Anonymous.
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:05

    Here I dress the ring (the tears were flooded, damn themselves rolled! Of course it hurts to know what, you will soon leave the parental house (you're already adult, and you already have a big responsibility, to be a good and loving wife, mom, love a Also, respect your second parents .. If I am going to leave a lot of time (((as I said, I dressed my ring, after you got all the photoshot with me, I already felt my star)) ... while one fool was dragged me in a separate room ..

    Did you briefly?

    Ya- and how should I be?

    I am stupid to me !! What to do? I'm afraid of Jack ((

    D- everything will be fine)))

    I hope....

    In short, the day ended ... Even remember that day I do not want! Already you want to cry ...

    At home: I changed out, bathed, attempted and went to bed .. I could not sleep for a long time, I looked at the ring in my hands ... And again tears (... Well, you can do such a fate ... I sometimes spoke yourself ... I stopped communicating with everyone, it was again hurt, offensively, bad ...

    • Anonymous.
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:06

    The next day I called Jack

    D: In short, I have no time, dress and come out !!!

    I: What happened?

    D- quickly !!!

    I was not frightened !! Fair!! Dressed a long dress of pink and handkerchief !! Run and see such a picture)

    Aslan and Jack are standing and talking to each other)

    Just called?

    Pretended to see what I see him

    D- he already tired of me !! Merit already!

    Do not you see me?

    Jack me it's time for me, I'm sorry (

    A- quickly sat in the car !!!

    D- Aslan only do not cry)

    I do not specify me!

    Jack quietly left and we stayed alone ..

    A- I have full right to you, even know what to do?

    I- Leave yes me !!

    He grabbed my hand and threw me to the rear seat ((I began to cry ... Here I am a panty and? He came and sat down ...

    A- You take me out of myself!

    I am guilty

    A- I do not care who is to blame !! I love you and that's it !! I am humiliated here, while I dry all the girls !!!

    I'm so going to them !! What is stuck to me ?? What do you need from me?

    A- I need you !! He fell closer to me, and I moved back, could no longer move ((((

    He tried to kiss me !!! You can imagine??? Horror, shame !! Right in front of our gate !! I was shocked

    I ask you

    I ask you to go away !!

    I literally oral!

    A- Nursing

    I- Leave me, I ask you !!!

    A- You are my girl, and I will never leave you !!

    • Anonymous.
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:06

    I forgot to describe you to describe Aslan: black hair, eyes are also black, the right nose, and always red lips))) ... I don't want to pull the story, I will write too long ... So let's go to the day of the wedding .. I was chic, but Jack was just an ideal !!! I'll throw off the photo of my dress and hairstyles ... In the morning I did makeup, hairstyle, and different things .. all ready and woot ... Bibiyip !!! Bibiicking cars, the loud lezginka sounded on the whole yard))) And it became bad for me, very bad .. It's not nobody to leave the parent house ... When he went with my eyes, he drove tears ... He had a big bouquet in his arms, I have a photo left, throwing off to you)) And here he handed them to me ... We were photo the wishes also told you ... By the way, the bride's girlfriend Jack was ... Ask the brother's wedding? She wasn't there, she decided that he would first come to my, and then when the bride would come to leave Aslan's wedding ..

    • Anonymous.
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:06

    It looks very on the dress on the day of the match) only the back closed was and the train was longer)

    • Anonymous.
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:07

    The dress was so, only the sleeves are long and was not a big loop)

    • Anonymous.
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:12
    • Anonymous.
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:13

    And here the wedding approached the end, announced the groom's dance and the bride) we went to the center of the hall and danced)) He tells me

    A- I can't wait for this night)))

    I am a stupid or yes ??

    Ahaha, here you are a fool !!))

    The fool itself (((

    A- Everything is enough to breed, we are going home after dance)

    I'm good

    The dance ended, and it's time for us to leave ... I was not afraid of this night as I knew that nothing would be) Father gave him a beautiful and big house, in honor of what he married ... We are already on the way !!)) when We have already arrived I tell him

    I want me home

    A- I came home

    I, I want to moma (...

    And began to cry ((

    When Mom went somewhere for 2-3 days, I was crying at night and at night, could not without her ... I could not sleep at night there is no good house! And here I should live without it ((((

    A- we already)

    I'm good

    We went to the house, I immediately rose to "our" room, took the Spongebob's Sponge and Gou in Vanu .. To remove the dress left for 20 minutes, then the hairstyle is 10 minutes, and bathed .. I was there somewhere for 1 hour, horror as Little ... Daaa, I live in the car room))))

    I went out and went into the room where he lay, well, he waited until I leave)

    He came accepted, and when he came back began to laugh ... I did not know what it was.

    What did I become?

    Did you see your pajamas? Ahahhaha

    I saw and?

    A- Malyavka

    I am a Behaol))))) ahahaa ... I'm a genius

    A- come here

    I'm well, I'm enough, I sleep ((

    How to sleep?

    I- Normal)))

    He lagged behind, he is Krasuchik !! After 10 minutes, he hugged my waist and pulled me. Then whispering quietly

    A- not honestly

    Well, and the fight will be easily breathing difficult

    I love you...

    And so fell asleep ..

    Morning: I woke up at 7:06)) .... I woke him quietly and asked

    I don't need to work for work?

    A- No, I will be at home

    I'm good)))

    What are you smiling?

    I am glad that one will not sit at home)

    A- Can you love me?

    Ya, also me !! I love him, ahahahaha

    A- go)

    I'm good..

    I took clothes and went down ... Found one room and changed out there) I dressed the dress on top into the tightness, and the bottom is free, and of course the long, black and thin golden belt, the handkerchief is also a golden color ... I said pancakes, I love ... When I thought I thought, maybe I love him? Or not? Or maybe yes? Or maybe not? What if yes? Or maybe not?)))) 50:50 .. And here it comes ...

    And what are you preparing

    A- Do not say any more words !!!

    I am at the moment I am alone with one pancake, and said "Damn"

    A- These are .. And yes, by the way, today guests will come ... and my friends with wives)

    Well, well, what should I cook?

    A- asked damn from everything knowing))

    Any, what are you about me opinions

    I- EEE go down here !!

    Ahahhah ...

    We sat down to eat ...

    By evening, guests arrived. I certainly prepared a lot of goodies)))

    And now everyone left the mother and dad, well aslan's parents) you would know how I loved my mother, and my already)) But they were also going to leave

    I- Mom, please stay (((

    M.A. ASIL, we have to go home, Jack One)

    Well, please (

    P.A. Tomorrow you will come to you with good news))

    A- How I am happy with this news, "he said smiling

    Ya- and what news?

    M.A- Tomorrow you know Asilka)

    Jested by mom and dad))

    A- While mom) Salam Aleikum dad!)

    M.a-good night Kids My)

    And they left (

    I was removed in the kitchen and went to the hall to watch TV ... Soon he went down too .. I was already in Spongebob's pajamas)) And I watched him too)) I love this cartoon)

    What are you going to sleep? More precisely, do not sleep a ..

    I - go from here the vulgar (((

    A- You are my wife;) !!!

    YES? I did not know (

    But you are the Tverdy !!

    I do not bother I watch a cartoon!

    A- Bebeck (Baby Type)

    I yourself!

    He turned off the TV, raised me on the hands of T stunned into the bedroom !! I did not share it ?? Kill him!

    Ya- Aaaaaaaaa, get out of me creature !!!,

    A- come here)

    I do not come ...

    I want children ...

    • Anonymous.
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:15

    I myself still baby!

    How old are you?

    I looked at the watch was 23:58 !!! And after 2 minutes I should have been fulfilled 18 .. And now the long-awaited July 28 !!!

    And 17 was 17? No?

    I am today turned 18

    He looked at the clock and approached me, hugged firmly and kissed ... Damn the first kiss, and I don't even know how to kiss ...

    Well, please

    But I can not even kiss my wife?

    I can, but I do not know how ... can I go out?

    A- kyneu!

    I went to Vanu, I was very ashamed of me ... When I was ashamed of I cry, but right now it was not time ... I washed and left .. he lay on the bed ...

    I also lay down next to him and fell asleep. As I told Aslan at night I said these words

    Jack? !! Jack !! How can you? Jack, do not die please !! I ask you, do not leave me !! Jack !!!,

    A- ask Asil !! Asil !! ??

    I woke up all wet, and started crying

    And what happened?

    Yes, so, sleep bad ..

    A- come here

    I- Leave please ..

    A- today will not leave ...

    In short, all this night was !! Well, you understood shorter ... I woke up in the morning, he also slept ...

    I went to the shower, dressed. And started to clean .. cleaning took about 2-3 hours, then began to cook food .. he went down and I gave him to eat

    What are you cooking today?

    I like dad and mom will come, prepare something tasty)))

    A- You are preparing everything delicious

    I smell ..

    • Anonymous.
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:15

    He was attempted and went to the hall, watch TV. I prepared a lot of food, and went to him ... I sat down next, when I got a call called, the phone was on my side and I saw on the screen "Aisha" ... Yes, I jealous! I am the one else ... I handed it to him and listened to her he says, and you know what he did? He turned on a loud connection and began to speak

    Aisha - hello chica)

    A- Hi

    Aisha- how are you? What do not even call?

    Wife is beautiful that I even forgot about me?

    A- I did not forget about you, but my wife is best of all !!

    Aisha- Well, okay I will go, you call if that)

    Oh good..

    I sat and watched TV, and he came up and hugged me ..

    A- Everything is not jealous))

    Yes, yes, you go !!

    What are you seriously jealous?

    Me not!! Just no one remembers that I have a birthday (((...

    And as always, it became bad ...

    A- go to me) they all remember the little my ...

    And someone called the door .. This was Jack, mom and dad .. I went to open .. And I see such a picture ... It is worth Jack with a huge bouquet of roses and mom with a bouquet of balls ... and dad on hands There was a big package ... damn it was so nice ...

    D- Happy Birthday Pupsia))))

    I am, thank you joy)

    M.A- happy birthday daughter)

    I - thanks mommy)

    P.A- Congratulations to my daughter)

    I- thanks to dad ...

    We all sat attended ... and dad began to talk

    P.Ased your parents Asil

    I am my? What for?

    P.A- They want to dawn Jack for Islam ..

    I fed food and me Aslan said

    A- H1ALL !!,

    Thank you. And what did you say?

    M.A- we agreed)))

    I again fed food ... Jack and Aslan began to laugh))

    It was 17:30. And someone calls on the door, I went to open and there stands my parents and take it .. with flowers, different gifts .. They all congratulated me on .. All the men went to the hall, and women stayed in the kitchen. Two mothers began to talk about matchmaking .. And Jacki and I were cleaned. Then I went to the hall and asked Islam to come

    And what happened?

    I am on top

    We rose

    Well, do you love Jack or what?

    I can not live without it)))

    Ioo, brother you are in Vlip)

    And - long ago)) how are you? Doesn't offend Aslan?

    I do not have something)) Well, let's go)

    • Anonymous.
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:15

    Jackie's father and mine agreed that in a week there will be a matchmaker, after the matchmaker will pass 3 days and there will be a wedding)) Everything was good at all ... I knew that I already love Aslan, and Jack and Islam were happy))) Let's go to the day of their walling ...

    I dressed a blue dress, and a black handkerchief ... And Aslan dressed a blue suit)

    Islam and Rasul were also in costumes) ... Islam was black, and Rasul blue) ... Jack was in a golden dress ... She was chic !!! I would carry such a daughter in hand!)

    I've gotten a ring, or rather Islam dressed ... I was very bad why I didn't know .. my head was sick, sick ... I went to my mother (Aslan)

    I- Mom I feel bad something, can you go home with aslan?

    M.A. Of course daughter, drive ...

    I am, thank you big moms ...

    I said Aslan and we went ... On the way we were silent, I interrupted silence

    I- ASEK (I call it so)

    I will stop near the pharmacy I will buy a medicine from headaches.

    A- Good I am (he called me so)

    He stopped I went to the pharmacy

    I can please medicine from headaches and pregnancy tests?

    The doctor is, of course, take

    I gave money and left .. I went into the car and we went ... I got to the house, and I immediately rose to my room, I changed my clothes and go to Vanu! I did the test of the Iiii .... two stripes !!! I was afraid to go out! What if he does not want children from me? What should I do then? Everything, I'll leave him !! No Asil is stupid, you need to tell him everything as it is! I went out and quietly went to my room, where he lay ... I came, he got up and sat down, I also sat down next to him.

    How is the head?

    I'm not very ..

    And what is with you?

    Yes so !!

    A- exactly all right?

    A- So what happened?

    I, Nuuuu, Emmm, Well, that's shorter

    A- you explained so well !!

    I am pregnant, - I said it barely audible, but he heard

    And what? You are pregnant??

    I said that he did not want children from me ..

    What are you sad ?? Stupid yes? Come to me!!

    I wanted to escape, but he grabbed me and threw on the bed and left himself next

    A- Thank you my girl ***

    A- love you small *)))

    I am, too!)

    That's how this day passed ...

    • Anonymous.
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:16

    I turn right away to the day of the wedding ... I do not want to pull the story .. I dressed a dress of gently pink color, and Aslan Costume is black ... I had a hairstyle from the handker on my head ... It was all beautiful .. Jack was chic, There is no words to describe her ... I was at first at the wedding at Jackie, and when I came for the bride, I went with them *** .... I was sick all day ... here they declared the groom's dance and bride, they were all There is a beautiful couple ... a tall and strong guy, and next girl is not a big growth and such a fragile *** I adore them .. The dance ended and it was time for them to leave, not only to them, but also to us) ... all went home *** ... I do not know what was, they have .. But here we had it

    At night: 3 o'clock in the morning, I got up and saying my husband

    I love me? *

    A- More Life **

    I love myself too)) Aslan buy me Rolton

    And is harmful

    I say that you love more than life, and you don't buy rollton yourself !!!

    A- I'll go !!

    He got up, washed, dressed and left ... arrived in 20 minutes, with large packages)

    I- give me me ***

    A- You can not leave ..

    Jazdine you !! With that big ..

    A- go to eat

    He welded me Rolton .. I walked and went to myself to sleep ... He also came and went next to him, hugged me for the waist, and then touched the tummy ..

    A- I wonder who we have

    I am important to be healthy ***

    A- you right ***

    I want to sleep...

    I miss a month, Aslan went to work ((I almost cried ... My girl was also pregnant ... I went for 2 months of pregnancy, and she was only the first ... she is still stronger and stronger became thin, and belly I was not so visible ... And I was almost noticeable ... Jacki and I were told together that you were pregnant) ... Everyone was glad ... But one thing was disturbed by the fact that she was fucking !!

    My relatives will not pull the story ...

    • Anonymous.
    • April 02, 2015
    • 11:16

    Do you know why Duck Jack? She sick serious illness !! My girl, my native, my little girl (((already there was 9 months of pregnancy with us ... Singily in the evening and I started the fight !! I was aslan immediately to the hospital !! It was certainly difficult to give birth, but when they give you Your baby's hands, you forget about all the pain ... We had a boy born ... You would see what happy Aslan was ... and I, of course, too ... called him alim ... So wanted dad (aslan) .. . The time went, there was a time to give birth to my baby Jackie .. Since she was sick, she was difficult for her ... Islam prayed, day and night Allah so that he helped him ... Yes, and we also prayed for her ... but such There was the will of Allah, my jackie was not !! Islam called them a daughter in honor of her "Jennet", which means "paradise" ... Islam is gradually dying ... And I? I did not live, but existed !! It was so bad that You can't imagine yourself !! This is not described by words !!! My little, my native girl died !! Aslan, too, was all the whole (((((about our parents silent !! ((... Jack led a diary, I learned after that she died ... I was allowed to open her diary ... Before opening, I said

    Jack, my native girl, forgive me ...

    And immediately opened the last pages ... there were words:

    "There are minutes in life when there are no tears in the eyes, but in the heart the whole sea"

    "Who says that time heals, did not know someone else's grief at all! Do not heal the wounds in the heart - you just get used to pain"

    "Another day, in which everything was except you"

    There were different phrases, the more I read, the stronger there was pain in the chest ... and the last thing was

    "Farewell Islam! You taught me to love and be loved! You taught me not afraid of my desires and go on a break to your happiness, to your dream, and to your love! It is a pity that fate didn't give me enough time to prove to you as strong My feelings! I knew that I would die, I was told that I was seriously sick, and that there is a choice * I or then a little creating inside me * ... I wanted to live, I wanted to become happy !! Well, and that that won't be Her moms) But I hope, in Shaa Allah she will be the most beautiful and happy! I love you for the sake of Allah! "

    I fell to the floor and sobbed! Izlam went, and helped me stand up! We sat on the edge of the bed, and hugged each other very much! Our son was afraid of Nanny, and at night we took him ... I already weighed 39 kg ... I was very bad, it was not described in words !!!

    Three years later: Rasul married, his daughter Camilla was born .. Alima and Jack had 3 years old ... I had a daughter dilar ... We still remember Jack, you can not forget !! But the daughter of Islam Jack already knew that her mother flew away ... We persuaded Islam to move to us ... After a long sentence, he came to live towards us. Jack calls me mom, and Islam dad .. Aslan and I have everything chic ..

    At this, I will finish the story, all love and happiness is immense, and

  • All Salam Aleikum) This is my first time when I write a story, so I do not judge strictly.
    Strictly setting +18 so that children and those who do not like such things pass by.

    Morning. The sun shines brightly. Birds sing on the trees. Despite the fact that on the street September the weather was hot.
    The phone rang (it was my best friend Ferin)
    A-Allo-sleepy voice I replied
    F-Hi Zam
    A-Hi Pups
    F-you still sleep?
    But just get up wanted ka you called)
    F-you know that tomorrow is the first day that we will go to the institute
    A-Bliiin one more headache (
    F-no. Come on: D Today we are going to shopping shopping shopc.
    And good but come on an hour I want to sleep.
    F-no I will come after you in an hour,
    so that it was ready!
    A-Okay: D
    (Aisha was 17 years old. Not a lot about appearance: her figure was elegant guys always rolled up, but oddly enough she sewed them.
    Eyes were dark brown that even almost pupil was not visible, long straight thick eyelashes and neat spout of the lips were chubby
    The hair was medium-chestnut fell to the back as they say everything was with her
    She had a rich family. They lived in Turkey and come from Turkey. In her family she had 5 people and Aishu: Dad-Revan (a strict man was a man but also showed his love and care for his beloved family and often did not have a house because of work and therefore was in other cities;
    Mama-Inel (woman was kind and very hardworking, she also worked, but not from the fact that there was no money, but she worked on the designer of wedding dresses;
    Maga (Brother Aisha he loved very much and at the same time he had a strict about him already had a daughter-in-law on which he was engaged and the wedding should be as long as 3 months;
    Dinar (a small brother who goes to school a cheerful kid) I think I described enough and learn about others in the continuation of the story.
    Aisha still decided to stand up with his beloved bed. She went to the bath made all his water treatments and came out. Dressed a gently beige color dress with a black strap on a waist that clearly showed her figure and heels with a 10 cm black. She straightened her hair and dissolve and gentle makeup and ready) and at that moment Ferin called
    F-descend I will not wait)
    And what are you cruel, already running)
    She went down the table was already covered by family Encuilding. All breakfast
    (Mom dad magician dinar)
    Good morning and everyone)
    Mom, Dad-good morning daughter)
    Mom-get breakfast
    A-mom I will not be late for me Fidanka waits
    Mom- and eat?
    And there in the cafe in the cafe
    Mom- pass Hello Ferin
    A-all a pleasant appetite and for now)
    Dinar kept the language
    And Mage said however, as always - while be careful and do not delay
    Oh good
    And parents smiled after her.
    Leaving the house she saw a familiar car it was
    white foreign car her best friend
    The girlfriend came out of the car and was not satisfied and it seems Aisha knew why) because she was late)
    I will tell not much about Ferin
    (Ferina had long dark brown hair to the priests, everyone always thought that she had black hair. Eyes were dark brown like a girlfriend's hair often said that she had black eyes, but if you look like it completely differently. Eyelashes are also long and thick raised up . The lips are not chubby nose neat. The figure is perfect in short, all with it.
    She was dressed in a black dress that was lower knees and facilitated her body and sudidi dresses had a zipper of gold color that was on all the growth of swimming and heels 8 cm of black and hair were straightened and collected in the tail.
    She was a good girlfriend with Aisha they were friends with schools and they were more relatives
    Fidan has a rich family and friend very well with Arinkina.
    I think tightened you with it and so further)
    F-you so long?
    Ah-Well, please please native)
    F-yes okay you;)
    On the way, they rumbled, laughed, chatted and did not even notice how they came to the shopping center)
    Holding all the purchases of the girl decided to go to the cafe)
    They went to the cafe and sat down for a free table. And they accepted the order and finally the waiter brought dishes.
    Girls began to eat and at that moment

    The girls began to eat and at that moment in the cafe went the company guys consisting of 5 people. They laughed and spent loudly sitting behind the table and all the girls looked at them and the table of Aisha and Ferin, but then they were pronounced to communicate and eat.
    From that company, the guys approached them and hooked against them:
    P-GOO can be met with you, he turned to Aisha
    A-I do not get acquainted with guys
    P-do not break away and do not show yourself a little bit
    A-listened to dump said!
    For all this was observed by the company of his friends and Fidan.
    F-listen can you leave here?
    P-shut. As silent and silent.
    But do not talk to her in such a tone!
    Go away!
    P-see a long tongue yes?
    A-yes you went!
    A-easy! Yes, you went! -Miming from the table
    F-Come from here Aisha
    And went and then with such as it is impossible to stand next
    She was going to leave like he grabbed her sharply for her elbow and pulled sharply to him
    P-you answer for your words who just said? -Hly smiling told him
    They watched each other in the eyes and Aisha taking a glass with Coca Cola
    And once again I say easily!
    And poured on him to the last drop.
    The guy stood in shock and watched her as she left her friend.
    P-we meet - the guy was furious
    Friends looked at it rounded eyes
    Going out of the cafe girlfriend quick steps reached the car and sat in it. And locked all the doors and looked at each other began to laugh and breed:
    F-you are such a dake, m did not know
    Ahaha herself did not expect from himself)
    F - But he really shaved me
    A- So I gave him to understand how to pester to the girl
    And started to laugh and rude over each other)
    I caught up to the house of Aisha, they said goodbye and Aisha entered the house of no one was glad to be glad so as she wanted to be alone. She went smashed makeup, gathered her hair comfortably and changed in pajamas she lay down on the bed time was 21: 30 she wanted to sleep she was tired.
    She thought about today's guy about how they watched others and fell asleep with these thoughts.
    Morning. Time 08: 30.
    The phone rang. I barely taking iPhone, she pressed on reply and did not read and who calls it.
    Well, you guess this Ferin was)
    A-Allo-sounded a hoarse voice
    F-good morning
    F-you know what day today?
    F-fool! First day when we go to the institute
    Ah forgot! - After joking from the bed
    F-Again, I'll go after half an hour on the traffic jam, so I will not wait for the peristers
    And do not distract me well!
    She ran into the bath led himself in order washed and so on.
    Quickly opened the cabinet took a black pencil skirt below the knees with a cut from the back and gently pink blouse with black buttons.
    Dressed all this and looked gorgeous)
    Lacked only heels and bag
    Heels she dressed black height 15 cm and black chanel bag is not bigger in short.
    And she gathered her hair on top high, made makeup and ready looked cute
    She came out of the house closed the door and went to the car.
    There was Ferina, they greeted:
    F-How are you? Well, eat?
    A-ok, worried very much and how are you?
    F-also) look gorgeous
    A-thanks) you too)
    (Ferin was dressed in a sundress well as a skirt and blouse But it was a saradan black and white together.
    The heels are white 10 cm and the bag is not big as Aisha and the hair was collected in the bundle also looked beautiful)
    They reached the institute came out of the car. The institute was very large and the pairs began in 10 minutes. Girls had nothing to be waiting for those decided to find a quickly audience so as not to be late. So far, they searched the office, everyone looked at them with envy someone with admiration. Girls noticing anything went, they spoke smiling to each other they didn't care)

    It would be better not to do not care.
    Passing the girls went without noticing yesterday the company of guys were also five of them. And that guy who remembered Aisha well.
    Let's describe the guy so that you had an idea of \u200b\u200bhim.
    (The guy's name is Ailan is a very beautiful and sexy guy with a tall and the physique is very sexy. The nose he has a neat and not big mouth is not chubby and the most important thing in it it was his eyes they were the golden then bright brown and from this girl had a roof. Well, since you already know that the girls demolished the roof then he is a terrible womanizer. He has a very rich family. His character is very strict but it is good and he has no patience and he is cruel and quite selfish. And if something wants something it is it will be just nothing leaves and the guy smart loves to revenge)
    With the guy stood the girls called Barbie.
    Aylan Seeing Aysh with her friend Rhus recognized them. He was a little surprised but still he did not forget yesterday and promised that it would simply do not leave. He decided to act. He went with his best friend from the company.
    And I decided to close the plan.
    (Best friend's name is Fariz, he was friends with him from the diaper. Fariz knew everything about Aylan. He has a short haircut of a dark brown eye, a pupil is not visible. Akurate spout and an adult mouth. The boy was also a good physique (M "Kachka") Okay well.
    Fariz was a very clever guy and when he annoyed something and he quickly bored he was rude. He always rolled up loves to pour girls.
    Womanizer in short.
    He will also play a big role in this story) Well, I described you the main characters I think it's time to start
    And so the plan:
    A-thorough brother look and listen carefully:
    1. I steal the bitch that poured Coca Cola.
    2. And you are another.
    3. And in short when it will be nearby, that bitch and you will call me on the other to me and I will put on the speaker. In short, you are threatening her that such a thing is rape well, do it so that you stick but do not do anything, and let her apologize to me and then we will release them?
    F-this is a bad idea, maybe not worth it?
    And after what she made? disgraced before everyone!
    F-good But just come on right now we walk the pair and leave Sussem to relax?
    A-great idea) Thanks friend)
    Friends did not think anything went into the striptease bar. They got drunk there without thinking about the consequences. Gulky, etc. And it was time to leave.
    F-went Islaan)
    And they already went to the institute.
    And at this time girls.
    Released from the last couple and headed in the cafe well, which at the Institute.
    There we sat and bought tea with all sorts of sweets:
    F-I am really tired (
    so every day
    Girls talked that half an hour came to mind and so passed)
    The boys were already in place and watched the car. And each has its own car.
    Summing up the girls to the car boys began.
    Aisha sat in the car and waited for Ferin that spoke on the street with Mom.
    Ailan imperceptibly approached the car opened the door and suiced her she did not have time to understand what was happening to her. After that, Ailan taking her to his hands put on the back seat and sat himself and winking to each other drove.
    And Ferina did not notice anything continued to talk like the back of her grabbed and closing their hands held her mouth and somewhere dragged her phone from her hand and the car also remained. The surname barely dragged her to the car threw on the back seat. She was already crying wanted to go out like he closed all the doors and pressing the gas sharply.
    At this time, Ailan was drunk and drove quickly at the boarding up on the tetraphory and Aisha at that time was in a shutdown.
    I drove Ilan stopped at the big house you can say the mansion.
    He came out to the hands of Aisha and went to the house.
    Fariz also did not lag behind Ferin's road rolled hysterics:
    F-let's go! Who are you!
    Fa Nai and so the brains hurt just Sidi silently!
    F-yes went! She already wanted to break the glass
    Fa-fool! I did not understand something! -Carked on the whole interior of the car
    Fididan produced for 30 seconds and began:
    F-please take me home-blocked she
    Fa-like some business I will take
    F- where to Ayish

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    Video Caucasian Love Stories: Ramazan & Leila

    I have always been a very obedient daughter, but in our family differently and it was impossible. I had everything I needed and even a little more, but at the same time I knew that I would define my destiny and choose my husband's parents, and not me. The only thing I did not expect is the fact that the bride will be so early.

    Our love story began with the fact that my future husband, as most often happens in Dagestan, saw me at the wedding of relatives. I was then only fifteen, I didn't even think about marriage. At that time I went to the university.

    Since Magomed man action, immediately at the wedding approached my mother and said that I liked it. Mom with a smile replied that I was his rosy sister. It was a little embarrassed Magomed. For a long time he was not resolved to take further actions. But time went, and his desire to make me with his wife, did not pass.

    Soon the relatives began to approach my parents. But at that time I was still very young, and parents politely, but refused to match the match. So it was a year.

    Nigandan event

    All this time I was in complete ignorance that my fate is actively solved. Early finishing school, I entered DGU, but in parallel I did what I really liked. I drew.

    It was something that I would like to do in my life. In secret, I cherished the dream that someday I could seriously do, for example, modeling clothes.

    Drawing, I completely immersed in some special world of color and paints, and everything seemed so right, natural and beautiful.

    Two years later, Magomed did not leave attempts to dive me. Parents, seeing his perseverance, determination, knowing how good it is a good person, from a good family close to us, was still given, finally, their consent.

    When I learned in seventeen years that I was going to match, I confess, was very upset. It seemed to me that it was still very early that I was not ready. Not only is not only ready to create a family, but also to quit what worked out all these years.

    Very soon I learned for whom I wake married. I remember, even before the walling, early in the morning on my birthday I was brought a huge bouquet of beautiful flowers. It was very touched me very much and delighted me, made it possible to hope that everything is not so sad, as I assume.

    I became the official bride of Magomed, but I already knew him in absentia, and then I tried to see, looking at him, that she prepares for me the future.

    Magomed turned out to be an attractive smiling young man, the walling was very beautiful, there were many gifts and I was surrounded by friendly smiling faces of relatives.

    The main thing that I noted in my future husband, his warm good glance, and it calmed me a little. Of course, we fully communicated with him to the wedding, but at the same time they sometimes corresponded, he wished me good morning, or good night.

    Learning you

    Even without reason, Daril dear gifts and flowers. Naturally, I wanted to learn more about him, because it's still scary to marry a unconscious person. And here in the stories of sisters and acquaintances, it seemed to me, he is kind and generous man. I myself often noticed it, I was pleasant to be his attentiveness to me, even care.

    All this gradually reassured me and humble with what I will have to give up a lot when I will move with him to another, completely someone else's city.

    I often saddled, thinking that I would have to leave my relatives, my brothers, sisters and first of all my parents. All that surrounded me and what I loved so much. But every time Magomed has some strange way, even at a distance, it was working to calm me and inspire at least a little confidence in the future.

    In May 2015, we had a very magnificent and very beautiful wedding. It had a huge number of people, I didn't even know many. Everything was fun and long postponed in my memory a bright unforgettable holiday.

    After the wedding over time, I realized that I was not mistaken in my husband, and I still think that only the love came to us in real. And it was after the wedding that our love story became real. Magomed really turned out to be a very kind, understanding and caring person. Even now he makes me gifts and small surprises to please. And today, when I am waiting for our baby, I understand how he is grateful for the fact that he was my husband. And I am sure that we will always make each other happy.

    Photographers: Shamil Gaggidadaev, Ruslan Lepatern

    Registration: Wedding Agency "Wedding Day"

    Malika married early - at the age of 15, so that even herself did not have time to understand how it happened. During the wedding of her cousin, she attracted a nice guy from the neighboring village, and he came to the springer to see her. A girlfriend of her Mare, who possessed the fact that such enviable groom paid attention to Malik, carefully watched a couple of little away. Suddenly, quite unexpectedly for everyone, she shouted loudly: "Kyug Lāztsa! Kyug Lāzza! " (He took her hand! He took his hand!), Although nothing had happened. Why she did it - it remained a mystery. It was probably wanted to dislare the Malik, but in fact it turned out that this involuntary "shame" was the reason that the Static Handsome Chamile sent a matchmaker to Malik in the same evening. And the "disgraced" Malik came out for him, thinking that something terrible had happened.

    My husband was pleased with her husband. Of course, rural life is not sugar, but to the work of Malika was accustomed from early childhood - and the cow to make a cow, and bake bread - everything was played by it. And the husband ... loved her, despite the fact that for 5 years in marriage, she could not give him children. Only the troubles around the house and the court gave her to forget and forget about his misfortune. But every evening she fell asleep with tears in his eyes and plea to Allah about the child.

    That evening she prayed especially Istivo. She decided for himself that if this time would not succeed, it would not torment more Shamil and go to the parental home. She offered him to marry another more than once, but he calmed her, as he could, even thoughts are not allowed about the second wife. "Even if we never have children, I don't get married to another," he was warmly convinced, "" ... We have a big one, nothing terrible if my children will not be personally. Others have - and enough, the genus Salamov will not end on me. "

    But, despite his words, Malik could not allow her beloved, dear, the native man remained childless. Therefore, she firmly decided for himself - wait another month - and all, home ...

    Allah heard her prayers, and in a month she suffered ... the first time could not believe, and I could not say, and I could not confess yourself that it happened. Everyone listened to himself, everything was afraid to say about it out loud. And only when Shamil asked himself, noticing her a little rounded belly, replied: "Yes, it seems I am pregnant." Oh, how he circled her, as rejoiced! What concern and attention filled her days! It has categorically forbidden to engage in hard work and looked forward to the appearance of a child ...

    What was the reason for the delay in the appearance of children - it is not clear, but since then the children in the family of Shamil and Maliki began to appear every year - both from the horns of abundance. Their house was filled with the voices of eight sons!

    Happiness of the Shamil and Maliki was not the limit. In the depths of the soul of Malik dreamed of a girl, but even alone did not dare with him, because it was very grateful to Allah for his happiness sent her!

    Senior son - Magomed, was the most playful and shebut. Probably because parents poured him the most, and all the rest of the children were inspired that he was a senior, he should be placed, he must be respected and read. He believed in his exception and importance and the fact and the case "Radded" his parents with his leprosy.

    His favorite focus was to hide somewhere for a long time and wait for the mother to start looking for him. "Moh1mad, K1Onni, Michah Wu Hyo? Hyavad Mamm! Sa Gatdela Ca! " (Magomed, baby, where are you? Run to my mother! I missed you!) - Malika lasted, running around the courtyard, looking at all corners, but Magomed found a new place every time, and she never managed to discover it. Having having to his down for a while, he came out of shelter with wild cries, and then they laughed together for a long time ...

    ... On the outskirts of the village of Goyskoye, the corpses of the victims killed during the "anti-terrorist operation on the seizure of battles" in the village of Komsomolskaya were killed in a huge pit. In this pit, unhappy, looking for among the disfigured corpses of their loved ones and relatives, such expensive and loved ones, with whom were still yesterday ...
    ... Among everyone, a woman was already distinguished themselves, with a lubricated gauze, the face and sorrowful eyes were reflected, it seemed that all the sadness of the world ... she also pulled someone from a heap of corpses, and sentenced: "Hara Ca Wu! .. Hara ! .. Hara CA Wu! " (This is mine, and this mine, and this my ...) Standing gods of women sympathetically swung their heads and talking between themselves, not believing that all seven corpses that the woman pulled out from the landfill, they have a relation to her. In their opinion, the woman just lost the reason and pulled out everyone in a row.

    "Moh1mad, Ca K1inni, Michah Wu Hio? Sa Ca Gatdela! " (Magomed, my baby, where are you? I missed!) - Started the woman, and who watched her exactly assured that she lost his mind. Someone cried, someone who had no tears left, wanted to approach her to lead it from there, and one of the women had already moved in her direction, but the elderly man standing on her sideline stopped her words: "Leave it. These are our seven sons. She is looking for the eighth. " He could not hold back his tears. In constraint, turning away, he cried quietly. He did not have moral forces.

    "Mokh1mad, K1Onni, Huc Gucching Shaft, from Kaella!" (Magomed, crumb, come out, I'm tired) - Malik repeated. On her face there was no tear ...

    ... In the bloody slaughter in the village of Komsomolskoye, about 2,000 people of the local population died. Including old men, women and children ...