Cats with fluffy tails. Video: all about the Persian cat. Photo gallery: such different homemade pussies

Fluffy and naked, affectionate and wayward, fidgets and couch potatoes - all these are our favorite purring pets. There are dozens of cat breeds in the world, each with unique characteristics. If you are lucky enough to own a kitten with an impressive pedigree, it is better to know in advance how to care for him, than to feed him, and what tricks to expect.

The history of the emergence of cat breeds

Some breeds appeared by accident, others are the result of long selection work, and still others have managed to retain the appearance and habits of their wild ancestors, for which cat lovers appreciate them. So, the independent Siberian cat was known to our ancestors long after the first attempts to somehow register it, and the plush cutie British Shorthair cat once just caught mice on the streets of London.

However, this cannot be said about most breeds. For example, the Persian cat looked very different when it was first introduced to Europeans. There is nothing to say about bald breeds: to some they seem to be aliens of the cat world, their appearance is so different from the usual Murchikov and Murok. And this is only a small part of all cats: according to statistics, only 1% of the feline brethren can boast of belonging to a noble family.

Purposeful work on breeding new breeds began only a century and a half ago. Most of the thoroughbred beauties that are known to people today were registered only in the last century. However, all of them have become so firmly established in our lives that it is difficult to imagine it without their funny tricks.

Varieties of cats

Cat breeds are usually divided into long-haired, short-haired and hairless:

  1. Persian, Angora, Turkish Van, Norwegian Forest, Sacred Burmese, etc. are considered long-haired. Most are credited with an affectionate and docile character.
  2. Most in the world. This is the Siamese, and Oriental, and Abyssinian, and Russian Blue, and many others. They are so different from each other that it is difficult to single out any special joint features, except for a short fur coat.
  3. Naked, bald or sphinxes awaken the most conflicting feelings. Photographs cause tenderness in someone, and disgust in someone. However, the owners of these unique creatures claim that these are the most ordinary cats, although without hair. But they are very attached to the owner, they play a lot and eat a lot, because they are always trying to keep warm.

But is there a significant difference between all these breeds? Lovers of cats of noble blood claim that they are clean, obedient, independent and quick-witted. Are the outbred street vagrants any less intelligent? Moreover, anyone who brought home a kitten from the street will prove that even yesterday's residents of the yards have a love for cleanliness, and there is no need to talk about cat independence.

Love your furry friends, no matter if they have a great pedigree. Always be close to them, because every day next to a mischievous cat or affectionate kitty is then remembered with warmth and quiet joy. Who can make us happy!

In total, there are about 250 species of domestic cats in the world, a third of which can boast of long fluffy hair. Fluffy cats are especially popular, as pets look cute, pleasant to the touch. Some owners even love to sleep with fluffy cats and hug them. It is important to understand that such individuals require high-quality daily care. The fur needs to be combed, trimmed and washed regularly.

But if you are ready to get a fluffy cat, then you need to get acquainted with the TOP names of the “softest” breeds in the world.

Persian cat

This breed is the most popular among residents of the CIS countries. The character of a pet is calm and affectionate, rarely a Persian cat can attack a person. Each individual has a beautiful, sophisticated appearance in its own way..

  • Persian cats are loving - they become attached to a person and require affection and understanding on their part. Therefore, it is important for pets of this breed to pay as much attention as possible, to give them your love.
  • Persian cats are famous for their emotional stability. Animals rarely scream, meow softly. Such pets will appeal to those people who love silence and loneliness.

Hair care is also important, as the fur of the Persian cat is very dense. The tail of the animal is very fluffy and rounded. If you do not pay attention to wool, then it can roll into tangles, shed.

Himalayan cat

The Himalayan cat is a breed that was obtained by artificial means. The human hand followed the breeds that interbreed, and only those kittens that were suitable for a number of parameters were selected for further breeding. Thus, from individuals of the Siamese and Persian cats, charming representatives of the Himalayan breed were obtained, the photos of which are pleasing to the eye.

Cats have well-developed muscles, their body is very stocky, it is “completed” by a very fluffy tail. Pets have short legs, so they have less jumping ability. The ears are rounded at the base, set very low and wide, and small in size. The eyes of the Himalayan cat are wide open, matching the color of the fur.

The coat is long, thick and soft to the touch. The color of the fur is unique - at the ends of the paws and at the base of the muzzle the cat has smoky spots, the characteristic colors of the "Persians".

There are rare cases when kittens with a lilac or chocolate color are born, since the gene that is responsible for this is recessive.

The breeds of fluffy cats are diverse, but this one looks like a Persian. Unlike her, cats have a different, more cocky character. A domestic long-haired pet reacts brighter to a change in the environment and the mood of the owner, becoming more energetic. Himalayan cats are loving, they need care and attention.

Burmese cat

This breed has a different, more "folk" name - "sacred Burmese". Outwardly, representatives of this breed are similar to the Siamese, but differ in the length of the coat. This is the main difference between Burmese.

The description of these felines defies the Russian language, as their beauty is majestic and unique. In the color of a Burmese cat, there must be “gloves” on the tips of its paws - this is its calling card, without which the breed of a pet can be called into question.

  • The weight of a cat often exceeds 5 kilograms. Her coat is semi-long.
  • Despite the outward playfulness and languid look, the Burmese cat is very calm and loving. She is imbued with tender feelings for the owner. The most fluffy cats become integral members of the family.

Such a pet easily makes contact with small children and other animals living in the living space. The color of kittens changes with age - kittens are born completely white, and over time, characteristic spots appear near the nose and on the paws.

tonkinese cat

The pet of this breed of fluffy cats is a hybrid of the Burmese and Siamese breeds, and the breed took the best of the genetic features. The cat got a muscular body with pronounced muscles, as well as color and long hair.

The weight of a fluffy cat reaches 3-6 kilograms, and its coat is smooth and silky, glistens in the sun. The nature of the pet is docile and affectionate. Such cats do not tolerate loneliness, but easily find a common language with other pets and children.

Representatives of the breed are easily trained in all the necessary skills, as cats have high intelligence. They love walking outdoors with their owner. Individuals are distinguished by blue eyes.

Balinese cat

The breed was bred in America in the early 40s and has since spread throughout the globe. Cats got their name due to the developed muscles and grace, plasticity. Such refined movements echo the movements in the dance of the Balinese temple dancers..

  • The size of the representatives of the breed is small - individuals reach 4 kilograms.
  • The coat is fluffy and silky, there is no undercoat at all.

By nature, the Balinese cat is sociable and sociable. The list of her positive character traits is huge. She easily meets new people who come to visit. The almond-shaped eyes, the color of which can vary from light gray to blue, give a special charm to the appearance of pets.

The Balinese are descended from short haired Siamese cats, but have elongated fur. Many photos of cats are proof of this.

Turkish angora

Blue-eyed fluffy cats of this breed have a thick and long coat, the color of which is most often white or gray. The body is muscular, graceful. Outwardly, the Turkish Angora is unlike any other breed, as it has a small head, an elongated neck and a very fluffy tail resembling a squirrel.

The eyes of a fluffy cat can be colored green, brown or amber.. Often, representatives of this breed have heterochromia, a genetic disease in which the pupils of the eyes are painted in different colors.

Pets of this breed have a developed intellect and are easily trained in all skills. They can also be trained to follow simple commands.

norwegian forest

Norwegian fluffy cats have a muscular body and developed physique. By nature, they are hunters, so they need long hair and a little undercoat to survive in the wild.

The appearance of the representatives of this breed is unique. Cats have small paws, but a massive body and a very fluffy tail. Almond-shaped eyes only add charm. They can be dyed both in wool color and in amber shades..

  • The long coat of the Norwegian Forest does not tangle and therefore does not require special care from the owner. To make your pet's fur look attractive, it needs to be combed regularly.
  • By nature, cats are independent, but very friendly, easily attached to a person. Domestic cats are wary of strangers, but at the same time they like to spend time with the owner.

Maine Coon

Maine Coons are considered to be the most famous representatives of the large breed of cats in the world. Fluffy cats look quite massive, as the weight of an adult can reach 12 kilograms..

The muzzle of the cat has a rectangular shape, which adds to the appearance of a deliberate frown and seriousness. Golden eyes, slanting. There are small tufts on the ears.

Cats are covered with fluffy fur. They have a pronounced undercoat, and the coat itself is silky and smooth.

The appearance of Maine Coons is deceptive - they seem formidable and aggressive, but in fact they are very affectionate both with the owner and with other people. These cats love to play with children and get to know other pets living in the same area.

There are an impressive number of long-haired pets, but officially three authoritative organizations, including the World FIFE (International Cat Federation), the European WCF (World Cat Federation) and the American CFA (Cat Fanciers Association), recognize about 20 breeds of fluffy cats. Among them are Persian, Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest, Turkish Angora, Sacred Burmese, Himalayan and others.

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    Popular Fluffy Cat Breeds

    In the list of pedigree cats officially recognized by felinological organizations, the names of long-haired breeds occupy only a third. Each of the representatives of a particular breed of cats has all the necessary documents, which indicate the pedigree of the animal. Moreover, each individual corresponds to the standard adopted by the organization.

    There are several breeds of fluffy cats that are the most popular in the world. Breeders love them not only because of their luxurious fur coat, but also because of their friendly character and very attractive appearance.

    Turkish angora

    Turkish Angora

    Turkish Angora cats have a long and thick coat, dyed white. The body of representatives of this breed is muscular, but at the same time graceful, the head is small, tapering downwards, the neck is elongated, the tail is fluffy, and the limbs are long. Their eyes are colored in brown, green, amber. The most common cats are those with blue eyes.

    Of particular value are cats with heterochromia. These pets have different colored eyes. Turkish Angoras are distinguished by a high level of intelligence, activity and curiosity. They are easy to train and learn simple commands in a short time.

    Original and unusual breeds of cats - description, appearance, character

    norwegian forest

    norwegian forest

    Norwegian Forest Cats are small in size, but with a muscular and well-developed physique. The eyes of pets are almond-shaped, of various colors. The coat is very long and thick, the undercoat is pronounced. Unlike other fluffy cats, Norwegian Forest cats do not tangle and do not require special care. In order for the luxurious fur coat of a four-legged pet to look attractive, it is enough to comb it once a week.

    The nature of the representatives of this breed is independent, but friendly. They are wary of strangers, but they get used to the owner quickly and like to spend time with him.

    Maine Coon

    Maine Coons are considered one of the most famous and largest cat breeds. It looks like this:

    • weight - about 10 - 12 kg;
    • height at the withers - about 60 cm;
    • rectangular muzzle;
    • eyes slanted, green or golden;
    • muscular physique;
    • color - raccoon;
    • wool is silky, with a pronounced undercoat;
    • there are tassels on the ears.

    Despite their formidable appearance, Maine Coons are considered one of the most affectionate and friendly pets. They love to spend time with the owner, love to play with children and do not show unreasonable aggression towards strangers.



    The main feature of the Persian cat breed is not only its long fluffy coat, but also a flattened nose. Adult pets reach a weight of about 7 kg. The paws of the Persians are short, the head is large, and the chest is quite wide. The thick coat of a four-legged pet is difficult to care for, as it gets tangled and requires frequent combing. In addition, Persian cats shed all year round, and in the summer months, pets shed even more.

    The character of the Persians is friendly, and they quickly become attached to the owner, love to spend time with him. They get along well with small children and other pets living with them under the same roof.

    Siberian and Neva Masquerade

    Siberian breed

    Siberian cats are considered one of the most common breed pets. Large cats with muscular limbs in weight reach about 12 kg. The coat of pets is thick. The head of Siberian cats is wide, the ears are slightly rounded, and the eyes are large, in the shape of an oval. Eye color is a rich green or amber-yellow hue. Colors are different, there are snow-white, striped and smoky individuals.

    A distinctive feature of these pets is that their hair does not fall to shreds during molting, and the breed itself is hypoallergenic.

    Brave pets protect the territory and owners, quickly become attached to households and are friendly to small children. Siberian cats do not get along only with small rodents and birds, because for them they are potential prey. They have an extraordinary mind and are easy to train.

    Neva masquerade cat

    The Neva Masquerade cat is a subspecies of the Siberian breed.. It differs from its ancestors in the color of its coat. Neva masquerade cats have mostly blue eyes, and there is a characteristic mask on the muzzle.

    Longhair cats with Siamese color

    sacred burma

    Among fluffy cats with long hair, pets with Siamese coat color are common. The most popular of the Siamese-like cats is the Sacred Birman. Their luxurious coat needs special care and will have to be brushed at least 2 times a day. They have a silky fluffy tail. The nature of the representatives of this breed is balanced and playful. They are very active and affectionate.


    Himalayan cats are also similar in color to Siamese, but visually they are more reminiscent of Persians, since their muzzle is also flattened. Pets are small in size and weigh about 5 kg. Their long coat does not require much maintenance. The nature of Himalayan cats is peaceful and sociable. Representatives of this breed are active and inquisitive, love to spend time with the owner.

    A subspecies of the short-haired Siamese cat with fluffy long hair is the Balinese. Balinese cats in weight reach only 4 kg and are distinguished by a graceful physique, elongated limbs and well-developed muscles. Balinese has no undercoat and the coat lies close to the body. Their eyes are almond-shaped and blue. Individuals of this breed are very active, sociable and peaceful.

    Ragdoll ("rag doll") differ from other breed cats inability to land on their feet when falling, and it is for this reason that the breed got its name. The coat of the pet is long, silky, fluffy and does not need special care. Ragdolls can hardly endure loneliness, because they quickly become attached to household members and love to communicate with them.

Fluffy and naked, affectionate and wayward, fidgets and couch potatoes - all these are our favorite purring pets. There are dozens of cat breeds in the world, each with unique characteristics. If you are lucky enough to own a kitten with an impressive pedigree, it is better to know in advance how to care for him, than to feed him, and what tricks to expect.

The history of the emergence of cat breeds

Some breeds appeared by accident, others are the result of long selection work, and still others have managed to retain the appearance and habits of their wild ancestors, for which cat lovers appreciate them. So, the independent Siberian cat was known to our ancestors long after the first attempts to somehow register it, and the plush cutie British Shorthair cat once just caught mice on the streets of London.

However, this cannot be said about most breeds. For example, the Persian cat looked very different when it was first introduced to Europeans. There is nothing to say about bald breeds: to some they seem to be aliens of the cat world, their appearance is so different from the usual Murchikov and Murok. And this is only a small part of all cats: according to statistics, only 1% of the feline brethren can boast of belonging to a noble family.

Purposeful work on breeding new breeds began only a century and a half ago. Most of the thoroughbred beauties that are known to people today were registered only in the last century. However, all of them have become so firmly established in our lives that it is difficult to imagine it without their funny tricks.

Varieties of cats

Cat breeds are usually divided into long-haired, short-haired and hairless:

  1. Persian, Angora, Turkish Van, Norwegian Forest, Sacred Burmese, etc. are considered long-haired. Most are credited with an affectionate and docile character.
  2. Most in the world. This is the Siamese, and Oriental, and Abyssinian, and Russian Blue, and many others. They are so different from each other that it is difficult to single out any special joint features, except for a short fur coat.
  3. Naked, bald or sphinxes awaken the most conflicting feelings. Photographs cause tenderness in someone, and disgust in someone. However, the owners of these unique creatures claim that these are the most ordinary cats, although without hair. But they are very attached to the owner, they play a lot and eat a lot, because they are always trying to keep warm.

But is there a significant difference between all these breeds? Lovers of cats of noble blood claim that they are clean, obedient, independent and quick-witted. Are the outbred street vagrants any less intelligent? Moreover, anyone who brought home a kitten from the street will prove that even yesterday's residents of the yards have a love for cleanliness, and there is no need to talk about cat independence.

Love your furry friends, no matter if they have a great pedigree. Always be close to them, because every day next to a mischievous cat or affectionate kitty is then remembered with warmth and quiet joy. Who can make us happy!

The rich coat of a cat is a calling card, an ornament, and with proper care, a reason for admiration. Of course, with long hair, the number of nuances for caring for a pet grows, but for true lovers, this is not a hindrance. Especially for those who like to spend their evenings combing their pet's fur coat, we decided to list all fluffy cat breeds - choose.

Note! Fluffy cats in the general sense are animals that have long hair and, less often, cats with a semi-long, but “stuffed coat”.

Basic concepts - what is a breed and how many cat breeds exist

Is your pet's coat length your only selection criterion? In this case, your hands are untied, because among mestizos and outbred animals there are a lot of very beautiful cats, which, at times, live on the street and are in dire need of care. The situation will be a little more complicated if you are an adherent of only purebred animals and want to get a pet with a certain character.

How many cat breeds do you think there are? If you collect all the open data, the figure reaches 700! However, this figure is very far from the truth.

Purebred animal has documents! Pedigree and metrics, that is, official papers confirming its origin and conformity of the exterior to the breed standard.

Each thoroughbred cat is registered in the club, and the club in one of the felinological organizations. This is where the fun begins. There are hundreds of breed organizations in the world and only three authoritative "head" clubs:

  • World FIFe - International Cat Federation - recognizes 42 breeds.
  • European WCF - World Cat Federation - recognizes 70 breeds.
  • The American CFA - Cat Fanciers Association - recognizes 40 breeds.

It must be understood that the above data is quite flexible, there is a chance for recognition of a new breed every day, and recognized breeds are duplicated in registries.

So, from 700, we came to 100-110 species officially recognized in the world and eligible to participate in exhibitions. In addition to these breeds, there are a number of mixed / experimental groups - mestizos, hybrids, etc.

Breeding work on breeding new breeds is carried out only with the permission of the head clubs and is strictly controlled. That is, if you are offered to buy a half-Persian and half-Angora, this is not a new breed, and not a breed at all - it's a mestizo! A kitten from two Persians without pedigrees is not a breed, but a phenotype.

Well, now let's look at the breeds of fluffy cats that are recognized in the world. It is worth noting that the photo and the name of the cat are not complete data, since the American and European breed standards may differ.

Before buying a kitten, be sure to study all the available data about the future pet and make sure that the club / breeder is registered with reputable felinological organizations.

Officially recognized breeds of fluffy cats FIFe - I and II categories

American Curl Longhair (WCF recognized)- an unforgettable cat with inverted elf ears and dense, silky hair. Curls are very friendly, relatively unpretentious and independent, perfectly adapt to new conditions and love to play even at a venerable age.

Balinese cat or Balinese (recognized by WCF, CFA)- a semi-longhair cat with a fluffy tail and a bewitching Asian appearance. The breed is a kind of Siamese cat, has the appropriate color and temperament. Balinese are very active, talkative and sociable. Cats strive to comprehend all the subtleties of the owner's everyday life, get along well with children, "educate" and protect them.

British Longhair (WCF, CFA recognized)- one of the varieties of the native British cat. The breed has a very rich history of formation and acted as a "base" for breeding new groups of cats. The advantage of the tailed ones is in an ideal, family character.

It is interesting! Not many of the purebred cats can boast of a bright red color, peach and cream colors are more common. Among breeding animals, red fluffy cats are predominantly Persians and British.

Himalayan cat (WCF recognized)- in appearance, the breed can be confused with the Persian, if not for the color-point color. In addition, only a cat with blue eyes and a certain head shape is recognized as a Himalayan. Many potential owners are interested in unusual, exotic fluffy cats with a flattened muzzle, the Himalayan fits all the criteria. The nature of the breed is similar to the Persians, but differs in energy and complaisance.

Maine Coon (WCF, CFA recognized)- one of the largest representatives of the cat world. An adult individual reaches a weight of 7.7–10 kg (this is provided that there is no excess weight). The appearance of the Mei-coons can be described as wild, they have tassels on their ears, and the face itself looks very serious.

Persian (recognized by WCF, CFA)- Breed record holder in the category of numbers and recognized varieties. In addition, the Persian is the most fluffy breed of cats in the world, the length of an adult's coat reaches 15–20 cm. The character of the caudate cat is purely family, sociable, loyal and self-sufficient.

It is interesting! The devil incarnate, a fluffy demon, an evil cat, an alien alien ... what only nicknames did not come up with Colonel Meow. A very unusual, fluffy cat that has become an Internet star is not a new breed, but mestizo persian and himalayan cats.

Sacred Burmese (recognized by WCF, CFA)- a breed with a "personal" coloring - color-point color, white socks and blue eyes. Balanced disposition, cats moderately calm, but playful, curious, but cautious, friendly, but not intrusive.

Siberian(recognized by WCF, CFA) - a breed with a long history of formation, survived and developed thanks to a strong gene pool. Fluffy Siberians have a wide variety of colors, but are similar in character. The breed belongs to the family, but does not like to sit idle. Cats are no stranger to hunting, fearlessness and curiosity for the world around them.

Neva Masquerade (recognized by WCF, CFA)- a subspecies of the Siberian cat, bred into a separate breed. The differences are in coloring, the Nevki are color-pointed and blue-eyed with a characteristic mask on the muzzle.

Turkish Angora (recognized by WCF, CFA)- An ancient breed that was formed both naturally and through breeding. The world-famous white fluffy cat is also valued for the color of its eyes. Although green pigmentation of the iris is typical of the breed, blue-eyed and heterochromic individuals are also found.

Breed feature is the structure of wool - soft, delicate and very dense. Angoras are active, intelligent and inquisitive. It will not be difficult for a cat to learn how to use switches, doorknobs, or even open a refrigerator.

Exotic (recognized by WCF, CFA)- Fluffy cats with large eyes and flattened noses are gaining more and more popularity. One of the types of the Persian cat, bred into a separate breed.

It is interesting! A black fluffy cat can be a representative of any breed, the standard of which allows this color. The only group of cats (not fully recognized) that is exclusively black is the Mandalay, but it is shorthaired.

Less Common Fluffy Cat Breeds Recognized by FIFe

  • Ragdoll (recognized by WCF, CFA).
  • Norwegian Forest (recognized by WCF, CFA).
  • Turkish van (recognized by WCF, CFA).

Officially recognized breeds of fluffy cats WCF - 1 and 2 groups

Burmilla longhair- a breed descended from Persians and standard Burmillas. Cats have the original color "chinchilla" and long hair. Kind, attentive, independent, loyal to all living cat. Moderately sociable, preferring the "company" of toys or quiet observation of others.

Munchkin Longhair (CFA Recognized)- an unusual cat with short front legs and the habit of sitting in a groundhog pose. The breed has a friendly and outgoing nature, but can fight back when needed.

Oriental Longhair (FIFe recognized)- breed with oriental appearance and tabby color. The ancestors of the variety are standard orientals, Siamese and domestic (aboriginal, mongrel) cats. The tailed ones are kind, loyal and too trusting, so much so that the transfer to other hands can bring the animal to depression and even death "from longing".

Japanese Bobtail Longhair (FIFe recognized)- a cat of impressive size with a feature in the form of the absence of a tail (a congenital trait). The breed is human-oriented, sociable, affectionate. The original feature is to raise one front paw in a sitting position.

Note! The mark "recognized by FIFe" means that the breed is registered with the International Cat Federation, but in category III or IV.

Less common fluffy cat breeds recognized by the WCF

  • York.
  • Karelian bobtail longhair.
  • Cymrik (FIFe recognized).
  • Kurilian Bobtail Longhair (FIFe recognized).
  • Nibelung (recognized by CFA).
  • Ragamuffin.
  • La Perm longhair (CFA recognized) - a cat with curly hair.
  • Somalia (FIFe recognized).
  • Selkirk Rex Longhair (CFA recognized).
  • Chantilly Tiffany.
  • Ural Rex Longhair.
  • Highland Fold (CFA recognized).

It is interesting! The Nibelung is the original gray fluffy cat. Around these caudates, disputes about the origin and belonging to other breeds are constantly boiling. In addition, the Nibelungs are very rare.

Officially Recognized Fluffy Cat Breeds CFA

American Bobtail Longhair- impressive, powerful, but very good-natured tailless cats. The breed does not tolerate loneliness, gets along well with everyone around and loves children. It gets along well in a large family, because for a cat the main thing is not attention, but the feeling that he is involved in the life of the owners.

Ojos Azules Longhair- a breed with bright blue eyes, and the pigmentation of the irises does not depend on the color of the coat. The exception is heterochromia, that is, multi-colored eyes, provided that one is blue.

pixie bob longhair- short-legged breed of cats with tassels on the ears. Literally, the translation of the name sounds like a short-tailed elf. Personality contrasting with their wild appearance, Peeskybobs are gentle, friendly, and tolerant. Cats are very fond of climbing, jumping and inventing various tasks for themselves that are not always clear to the owner.

It is interesting! Napoleon is an unrecognized but very original breed. Cats have short legs, rich hair, a flattened muzzle and expressive, larger eyes.

Ragamuffin- a variety of Ragdoll, obtained by mating with selected in appearance, domestic cats. The nature of the breed is similar to the progenitor - flexible, sociable, loving, devoted. It is important for a tailed cat to feel the company and care of its owner, therefore, in the absence of the owner, cats often rub against things that have a “native smell”.

A source