Beautiful children's manicures. Children's manicure on short nails: features, interesting ideas and recommendations

Experts recommend that children start doing manicures at preschool age. Naturally, this refers to a hygienic manicure, not a decorative one. And this procedure is important for both girls and boys. Salons today offer children's European manicure to their clients. Its main feature is the refusal to remove the cuticle. This procedure is done exclusively with wooden objects, which does not harm the skin and nail phalanx, and prevents infection.

When doing a manicure for a child, it is worth considering the following:

Children's manicure is limited to the age of 13-15 years. It is up to this period that the formation of the nail plate takes place;
- children's nails are more plastic and flexible than the nails of an adult. But at the same time they cannot be called fragile;
- children's nails contain much more water than adults' nails;
- nails in children grow more slowly than in adults, but there are exceptions to the rule;
- children have very delicate cuticle skin and it is easy to damage it.

How to do a children's manicure

First of all, make your nails and skin of your hands softer with a water bath. The procedure time is 5-10 minutes. Water with relaxing foam and vitamin balls is very popular with children. After the bath, do a light hand massage and treat your nails with an antiseptic.

Next, proceed to the processing of the edges of the nail plate. Trim the nail with nail scissors and polish with a fine nail file. Choose the softest file, because. many children can hardly tolerate this not very pleasant procedure.

Then proceed to the processing of the cuticle. Children's manicure does not involve cutting the cuticle because of her delicate skin. Therefore, it should simply be slightly moved with a wooden apricot stick. Burrs, if any, carefully remove and treat the cuticles with an antiseptic.

When performing a children's manicure, do not grind the nail plate, but walk 2-3 times over it with a polishing nail file. Then apply nourishing oil or rich baby cream to your nails.

You can stop at this, or you can continue and create a decorative children's manicure. Indeed, for a girl, applying varnish on nails is a great and joyful event. Therefore, do not ignore such requests from your children. As a basis for a decorative coating of the nail, use a protective varnish from any children's cosmetic line that you like. Then apply decorative colored varnish, stamping or appliqué.

From an early age, boys intuitively copy the behavior of their fathers, and girls copy their mothers. In this regard, parents sometimes have certain difficulties. One of the important issues that concern modern mothers is the conduct of children's manicure. Is it possible, and most importantly, is it necessary to subject the fragile nails of a child or teenager to “adult” procedures? At what age can you do a manicure and paint your daughter's nails? This article will help you understand all the subtleties.

What is important to understand?

The main rule that you should be guided by is the age of the child. The first children's manicure for girls is best done when a young fashionista can already consciously sit through the entire session, which takes an average of 15-20 minutes. The best time to start this procedure is the age of 10-13 years. During this period, young ladies begin to pay special attention to their appearance. Stylish clothes and the presence of beautiful manicure for girls is very important, as it forms the image of modern teenagers.

What if your princess is 5 years old? Manicure for little girls is done with great care. Children's nails are very thin and easily damaged. Carrying out the procedure at this age has its positive aspects.

  1. The child is instilled with constant care for his appearance.
  2. promotes weaning from unaesthetic.
  3. Children's manicure on short nails, which is complemented by funny images and drawings, gives the child a lot of positive emotions and joy.

Step-by-step instruction

It is enough just to organize everything for a children's manicure at home. To do this, you will need a specific set of tools:

  • manicure scissors;
  • wire cutters;
  • soft or glass nail file with a fine abrasive coating;
  • disposable wooden cuticle stick;
  • emollient oil;
  • baby cream.

As you understand, teenage manicure for girls 12-13 years old and for little girls will be somewhat different. The difference and features of children's manicure will mainly lie in the tools used. If the mother's nail file is also suitable for older children, then for little fashionistas it is necessary to purchase one that matches their age. You can see an example of such a set in the photo.

Step 1

Manicure on children's nails in terms of execution technique resembles European (unedged). First of all, treat your hands with an antiseptic solution or wash them with antibacterial soap. This rule should be strictly observed before doing a manicure on short nails.

Step 2

Dry your hands with a towel and proceed to the design of the free edge of the nail plate. In this regard, a teenage manicure and a procedure for young children have some differences. For preschoolers, the nails are cut with nippers along the line of the fingertip and shaped with a nail file, preserving no more than 1 mm of the free edge. By the way, on the same principle.

If the process of filing is not pleasant for the child, limit yourself to nippers. Girls 10-13 years old can try experimenting with the shape and length of the nails. But try not to overdo it. The recommended length of the free edge is no more than 3 mm. A beautiful manicure for teenagers does not imply a large length of nails, it looks somewhat vulgar and completely inappropriate.

Step 3

In order for the nails to be beautiful, as from the picture, it is necessary to process the cuticle. Apply emollient oil to the skin. A manicure for a girl may include a relaxing bath. As a rule, children are very fond of such procedures.

Move the cuticle to the edge of the nail plate and clean it a little with a wooden stick. It is very important that the instrument is disposable, as children have much thinner skin, so the risk of infection is higher. Important note: the cuticle is in no case removed with cuticles! You can only cut off the burrs on the side rollers, as shown in the photo.

Step 4

Pamper your hands with a light massage using a baby cream. You can apply a base coat or paint your nails with a monotone varnish. If the child is very asking, draw some fun image to make the children's nail design bright and fun. We recommend that you use children's nail polish, especially if it is intended for younger girls.

To better understand all the nuances and subtleties of manicure, we suggest watching an interesting video. The procedure for nail care for children is not at all complicated, but a useful instruction will be a great helper for the correct manicure at home. After hygienic treatment of nails, your attention will be offered a cute children's manicure with a pattern.

Bright manicure ideas with drawings

It's no secret that kids and teens want to stand out and be seen. Little fashionistas copy their mothers, and for girls of 12-13 years old, it is very important to feel attractive. Therefore, for many teenagers, painted nails are a way of self-affirmation. A beautiful manicure for a child can be done not only in the salon, but also at home. How to do a hygienic manicure, you already know. Now let's talk about how to paint your nails and make an easy and interesting design.

Children's nails of a little fashionista can be decorated in a cartoon style. Beautiful pictures with favorite characters will not leave indifferent any child. You can decorate all fingers or focus on one nail. Flowers, butterflies, animals - not a complete list of possible design solutions! Dream up with a small child, and we suggest you look at some photos of children's manicure.

For teenagers 10-13 years old, you can offer something more "adult", but not devoid of childish spontaneity. Children's drawings on the nails should carry a certain meaning, reflect the mood of the girl. We offer you to look at some photos with interesting ideas. As you can see, almost all designs are made on short nails, in rare cases - on medium length.

You will learn how to make a children's manicure in the style of "Barbie" for teenagers by watching the final video lesson. The execution technology is so simple that the girl can easily decorate her nails on her own. A bright manicure will fit perfectly into a seasoned school style, as well as into a free everyday look. See for yourself by watching this interesting video. Let the child be brighter. After all, a manicure for children is not only nail care, but also a way to show your individuality!

Children often want to be like their parents. Therefore, it is not surprising that little girls from 10-12 years old try to make up, do their hair the way their mother does. They also do nails, collecting varnishes or borrowing them from their mother's shelf.

But children's manicure is not just nail polish. It is also a mandatory hygiene procedure that parents should teach their children at home.

In salons, a children's manicure is often offered to be done at half the cost, but you should not get carried away going to the master. It is better to gradually teach the child to do nails on their own. To do this, it is necessary not only to tell him how everything is done, but also to show him by example, and also give his daughter everything she needs.

Children's manicure is done for both girls and boys, because everyone's nails grow. It is necessary to look after the nails of your children from infancy, so that the baby cannot scratch himself, and so that dirt does not accumulate under the nails.

At 10, 11 and 12 years old, you can already teach children independence, teach them to cut their own nails. Usually the problem is in the left hand (in the right - in left-handed people), because not even all adults easily manage this.

So that the child is not injured, you can learn how to do a children's manicure for yourself with the help of wire cutters (2 types are shown in the photo). This is a kind of tool that you will need to learn how to work with, but it is safer than nail scissors. Also in the arsenal of a 10-12 year old girl there should also be nail files. It is not necessary to buy polishing, because children's nails are too thin and soft.

How to make a children's manicure for girls 2016 photo tips

In the salons where girls come with their mothers to restore beauty, they treat the nails of young visitors as carefully as possible, since the nail plate has not yet fully formed: the child is manicured on dry nails without cutting the cuticle.

No grinding and polishing - children's hands are very delicate, blood vessels are located close to the surface of the nail, so you can injure yourself during the polishing or grinding procedure.

After treating children's hands with an antiseptic spray, you can file the regrown edge. Not all children can heroically withstand the vibrations of a nail file, so an overgrown nail can be carefully trimmed with wire cutters or nail scissors, or choose the softest nail file with an abrasiveness of 240 or more units.

You can make a softening bath. But, since children's skin is extremely delicate, carefully choose fragrances and additives. It is better to make herbal decoctions and add a couple of drops of essential oil. Use scissors with rounded edges to remove burrs that irritate children (which leads to the habit of simply biting them off).

The cuticle on children's nails is left, because it is too traumatic and painful to remove and disturb it - apply a cuticle-dissolving agent.
The next most pleasant stage for children is a light hand massage using a fragrant baby cream.

If mom and dad allow, nail polish can be applied. Usually, special children's varnishes are used, which do not contain solvents and are washed off with ordinary water, or varnishes with a bitter taste, so that the child weaned from the habit of biting his nails.

Fashion ideas for children's manicure for girls 2016 trends photo news

On the eve of September 1, for sure, many parents are thinking about how to make a beautiful manicure for a child. At the same time, a manicure for a girl of 12 years old, and a manicure for a girl of 9 years old, will have some differences. First of all, in the color scheme and in the nail design itself.

If at 9 years old the girl is still quite a child, then at 12 she is already a little lady who is quite demanding on her appearance. Before applying a drawing or choosing a varnish color, consult with your child, find out what he wants.

In the design of nails, use translucent tones, light colors. At the same time, a manicure for a girl to school should be discreet, not much in contrast with skin color.

The manicure for girls, designed in accordance with the theme of the event, is especially original. For example, on the first of September, a manicure for a girl of 10 years old may contain drawings of bows, blots, ladybugs or fruits - as a reminder of summer.

For a birthday, the nails of a young fashionista can be decorated with an image of a cake, pastries, fireworks, and floral patterns. For New Year's celebrations, all kinds of images of snowflakes, deer, Santa Claus, gifts, etc. will be an excellent option. The options are limited only by your imagination and artistic skill.

Fashionable children's manicure with princesses 2016 new photos

Easy manicure with princesses is especially popular among girls. At such a young age, you want to experiment with your appearance, change your hairstyle, make an original pattern on your nails, and learn how to apply cosmetics.

Such an unusual manicure is sure to attract the attention of others, and deserve the highest praise. In addition, children's and teenage manicure with princesses is universal - it is suitable for school and for a date with a guy.

Also, a manicure with a “princess” pattern is also suitable for children from 10 years old who are just starting to paint their nails. We suggest you make a simple, but at the same time spectacular drawing, which will take only half an hour.

Fashionable manicure with Mickey mouse 2016 stylish ideas new photos

It is hardly necessary to explain who Mickey Mouse is. Although, not everyone knows that this cartoon character, a symbol not only of the Disney film company, but also of American culture, appeared back in 1928. Despite such a decent age, he not only did not lose his popularity, but thanks to the skill of animators and modern technologies, he only increased his ratings. And so much so that adults and children equally like it.

Proof of the unfading popularity of Mickey Mouse are T-shirts, jackets, shoes with his image. Well, since nail design also keeps pace with the latest fashion trends, it would be unforgivable for nail art not to take advantage of such a multifaceted plot.

As for Mickey Mouse manicure, there are dozens if not hundreds of variations on this theme. Photos of various options are probably in the portfolio of every nail art master. The design can be from the simplest - a red background and a bunch of circles on the nails, to a complex full-fledged reproduction of the main character or even entire scenes from his adventures.

Of course, not every nail designer will be able to reproduce the drawing with this restless mouse so that it looks beautiful and bright. In order to simplify the task of the master, as well as to allow admirers of Mika to independently apply designs on nails, ready-made stickers with the image of a favorite of millions are available for sale. Produced by an industrial method, using special equipment, these nail stickers are distinguished by beautiful design, rich colors and affordable price. Available so much that if desired, they can be changed every day. Yes, and these stickers are applied simply and without problems.

But if you still prefer varnish, then you can reproduce Mickey Mouse schematically in the “head and two ears” format or symbolically - in the form of circles. As for the color scheme - for children's manicure it is preferable to use bright colors, for an "adult" it is better to stay on the traditional white-red-black scale. Photos of various manicure options a la Mickey Mouse can be viewed online.

Manicure for girls to school 2016 fashion trends photo news

If the school does not have a strict dress code regarding the issue of cosmetic decorative products, little fashionistas can be allowed a manicure. Again, to look more mature and be like mom.

In addition, adolescence, especially in educational institutions, is filled with attempts to stand out, to attract attention. And in this, the mother should help her daughter in order to instill in her an aesthetic taste at a young age, to explain what is appropriate at school and what is better left for a special occasion.

It is undesirable to use excessively bright and dark shades of varnishes. No black and close to it, red. The pastel range of nude and dusty tones is ideal: beige, milky, porcelain, ivory.

If the lacquer has a jelly texture, which indicates its transparency, single-layer coatings of coral, sunny yellow, coffee and purple tones are also appropriate. However, these shades are still recommended to make an accent, not a background.

Girls need to do manicure from 6-7 years old. This will help keep your nails strong and healthy.

It used to be that children's manicure is pampering and excessive wastefulness. This is now the standard hygienic procedure for nail care. A short nail plate is the result of improper nail care for a girl in childhood.

Children may bite their nails or parents cut their nails too short. The girl's mother must understand for herself that a children's manicure is a standard procedure that must be performed by a little beauty once every 7-10 days.

Children's manicure. How to do manicure for children?

Children's manicure is included in the set of services of beauty salons, but this does not mean that it cannot be done at home. Every mother can take care of her daughter's hands at home. It is necessary to take into account such important nuances:

  • unlike an adult standard manicure, a manicure for children is carried out in an unedged way. It does not cause pain and does not harm the nails and cuticles
  • cosmetics should be from a children's line - varnish, cream, oil, soap
  • the children's nail plate is thin and still fragile, so you need to carefully follow all the procedures so that the nail does not deform
  • the length of the nail must be at least 2 mm, otherwise the nail plate becomes short with each subsequent procedure

Children's manicure with varnish. Is it possible to paint a child's nails with varnish?

Many mothers ask if it is possible to paint a child's nails with varnish? Or is it better to do a manicure without using varnish? In salons, children's manicure is done with varnish. Therefore, you can use varnish when caring for the hands of a little princess.

Tip: Choose a varnish that contains calcium and vitamins. Purchase it in a specialized store of trusted manufacturers so as not to buy a fake that can cause an allergic reaction or destroy the nail plate.

Let the baby choose a bottle of varnish and its color in the store. So it will be interesting for her later on the manicure procedure and she will be happy to brag to others that her nails were painted with varnish, which she chose herself.

Home manicure for children - safe and beautiful

As mentioned above, salon or home manicure for children should be performed in an unedged way. Firstly, you will not worry that you will cut off excess tissue for the child, and secondly, it is safe and beautiful. For the baby, this will be a favorite process. She will look forward to the next procedure, and then tell her friends that she is getting a manicure, like an adult girl.

Important: When a girl is satisfied with her appearance since childhood, she will grow up without complexes. Therefore, give yourself and your daughter such pleasure as a children's manicure.

Children's manicure on short nails at home

First you need to set up the child for the procedure.

Tip: Make it a game. Let the girl herself prepare a place for the procedure, and together with her, take out and lay out everything necessary for the process.

Children's manicure on short nails at home is a simple procedure that every mother can perform.

Step-by-step instructions for performing a manicure:

1. Sanitize your hands and your daughter's hands

2. Steam the girl's hands in an aromatic bath. Make sure the water is not hot. Add jasmine or orange aromatic oil to the water. This will help to interest the child and create an inviting atmosphere.

3. Treat the cuticle with special oil. This helps to soften it and avoid thickening. If the cuticle is still formed, then you need to gently push it back with an orange stick

Attention: Do not cut the cuticle, otherwise it will grow back in a couple of weeks and become even thicker.

4. File your nails with a soft file with at least 180 grit. You can use a glass file, which does not cause discomfort during the filing procedure

5. Now apply a base coat on your nails and let it dry. Lubricate the girl's hands with cream or moisturizing oil. You can get a massage - a little fashionista will like it

6. The last stage is the design of the nail plate. Decorate your nails with interesting drawings - this will save the child's nails from biting, because the baby will be sorry to spoil such beauty

Manicure set for children

Perfectly well-groomed nails should not only be beautifully trimmed, but also have an interesting pattern. The set for manicure for children includes such items and devices:

  • antiseptic
  • nail scissors
  • emollient oil or cream
  • orange sticks, there should be several of them - one is used to push back the cuticle, and others to create a picture with acrylic paints
  • nail polish of many colors so that the girl can independently choose the shade she likes for her nails
  • sequins and stencils
  • plastic "nails" to make trial patterns, but you can do without them

Create a unique drawing and please your princess with a beautiful manicure.

Manicure on children's nails - photo

Properly performed manicure on children's nails is not only a medical and aesthetic procedure, but also an opportunity to quickly wean the baby from biting her nails. Accordingly, all inflammatory processes that appear due to carelessness during circumcision or due to nail biting by a child will stop. Photos will help you see how the nails of a little girl should look.

How to perform a children's manicure - video

To clearly see how to properly perform a children's manicure, a video from a professional beauty salon specialist will help. She will tell you how to process nails and how to soften the cuticle.

Children's manicure

Video: MANICURE - how to do?Unpacking: Sets for girls

Beautiful children's manicure - drawings

When the nails are put in order, you can make a beautiful drawing. First option beautiful children's manicure:

  • paint your nails dark
  • wait until it dries, and apply dots with light varnish - these will be flower petals
  • connect these points with a needle or orange stick
  • wait until it dries - the original drawing is ready

Second option:

  • draw dots with white varnish diagonally across the nail plate
  • using a needle, draw a line diagonally again, as if connecting the dots
  • you can stick rhinestones near the nail plate - a little fashionista 10-12 years old will like it

Third option:

  • apply a base coat of any shade
  • draw dots in a circle, all over the nail plate, alternating between white and a different shade of polish
  • connect the dots with a needle or an orange stick in the form of a figure eight

Important: You can come up with any pattern yourself. Show your imagination or let the little fashionista do it herself.

Manicure for children - beautiful children's nails

If you are afraid to do a manicure for your daughter on your own, then go to a beauty salon. In large salons there are masters who only perform manicures for children. They will be able to offer bright design ideas and make truly beautiful children's nails. This is usually needed before the girl's birthday or before another holiday.

The master will depict favorite cartoon characters on the nail plate, for example, SpongeBob, or draw original butterflies or little animals. For teenage girls from 10 to 13 years old, you can use adult design options - flowers with sparkles, rhinestones.

Proper manicure for children's nails

There is a lot of water in the child's nail plate, so they are very fragile. Experts advise a girl to start doing manicures from the age of 7. At the age of 12, hormonal changes in the body occur, and the nail plate begins to strengthen.

This process continues until the age of 17. By this age, the girl already acquires strong healthy nails, if the care for them was correct, starting from 6-7 years. Therefore, the correct manicure will help preserve the structure of the nail.

Manicure for girls

Girls up to a year need to carefully trim their nails, leaving a length of 1-2 mm. If the cut is made directly under the skin, then the nail plate will be small and ugly. Manicure for young girls is a simple procedure. It is necessary to trim the girl's nails once a week after the bath.

Tip: If the mother has a desire, she can, after circumcision, apply emollient baby oil to her daughter's hands. So it is worth doing up to 5-6 years. At the age of 7, you can already take a girl for a manicure in a real beauty salon.

False nails for children - stylish manicure for children 12 years old

If there is some kind of celebration ahead and the girl needs a manicure, and her real nails are too short, then you can use children's tips. False nails for children are sold in sets. Manufacturers offer us different designs of overhead tips with or without adhesive. Thanks to this, you get a stylish manicure for children 12 years old.

Important: Do not use false nails for a child too often. This is harmful to the health of children's natural nails - they will become thin and brittle.

Can the manicure machine be used for children?

As mentioned above, little girls need to perform only unedged manicure. The device removes dead cells on the cuticle, and this is harmful to the tissues of the child. If you use a manicure machine for children, then the cuticle will be thickened and ugly.

Deformation of the nail plate from constant vibrations and such exposure may also occur. Therefore, it is better to refuse hardware manicure for children. There is a special type of unedged manicure that can be performed by girls from 7 to 12 years old.

How to perform a children's manicure and pedicure for girls: tips and reviews

Take care of your daughter's hands from an early age so that when she grows up, she turns into a real beauty. Many parents ask how to perform children's manicure and pedicure for girls? Tips and feedback will help you get it right.

Tip: Use warm baby baths more often. This will help soften and clean the cuticles and nails, because children have a tendency to pollute the nail space.

Important: The procedure should not cause discomfort to the child. The procedure should take place in the form of a game - so it will be interesting for the baby to sit in one place for a long time.

Let your princess be brighter! After all, caring for your hands is a great way to express yourself at an early age. So the girl will gain self-confidence and she will not have complexes in adulthood because of her appearance. Imagine, create and create a unique children's manicure!

Video: How to make a manicure at home for children! Manicure for short nails!

Every mother knows: girlish experiments with cosmetics are inevitable. Therefore, a pretty face soiled in lipstick and shadows is inevitable, as are fingers painted with varnish, although the 4-year-old daughter tried to make her nails more beautiful. To help girls feel irresistible at any age, ordinary visits to a beauty salon will help raise their self-esteem to the level of a princess. Or home manicure lessons - unpretentious, but childishly amazing.

Children's manicure: what is it?

First, raising self-esteem and instilling confidence. Secondly, the direction in nail design, covering the children's contingent of future beautiful ladies - aged from 4-5 years to adulthood. It is based on a huge number of educational and psychological aspects that will gradually develop into positive habits.

The first thing that solves a children's manicure is getting rid of onychophagia. In a simple way - from the habit of biting your nails. This is a rather serious problem that can cause both physiological and psychological problems:

As seen, these risks disappear in 90% of girls who have a beautiful manicure. After all, you don’t want to bite it, like bare nails. That is, a beautiful manicure design easily eliminates onychophagia.

The second problem that he solves is teaching personal hygiene. Every mother knows how difficult it is, but if you resort to children's manicure, everything will quickly fall into place. The girl will learn to regularly care for her hands - at least wash them in a timely manner and not get dirty in the mud. After all, it is in childhood that one is drawn to touch everything - a bottle glass on the sidewalk, a pebble by the road, a candy wrapper dropped by someone.

But this curiosity can easily turn into a serious infection brought into the wound. Therefore, in order to protect the child from such misfortune, it is better to make an amazing manicure that you don’t want to get dirty.

The third positive aspect of children's manicure is learning to be creative. Decorated nails clearly demonstrate - even the most ordinary can become bright, non-standard, beautiful. And you can fantasize about the design together, choosing the best drawings.

That is, there are plenty of reasons not to reject this type of manicure. It is not vulgar, makes nails neat, teaches discipline and sanitation. The child ceases to be ill because of what, gets rid of a bad habit, gains confidence and a sense of beauty.

How to make children's manicure at home?

First of all, age should be taken into account. It is preferable for preschoolers to carry out the procedure with great precaution. For example, the cutting technique is strictly prohibited, since the nails of the babies are not yet fully formed and the matrix, the place where the nail plate is formed, can be injured.

Another thing is teenagers aged 10-13 years. This period is suitable for starting a manicure. Girls assert themselves, receive an adequate assessment of their appearance and cease to be complex.

To make a high-quality children's manicure on your own, at home, you will need a set of special tools and additional materials. This includes:

The key requirement is that the child likes the procedure and does not provoke any painful sensations. Only in this case, the manicure will have a positive effect with a bias towards the development of positive habits.

What should be considered when performing a children's manicure?

1. It is better to take glass nail files. They do not cause strong vibration, so they are perfect for delicate children's nails.

2. Optimal abrasiveness of the file - from 240 units. Tools with a smaller number are only suitable for artificial and thick nails.

3. If the filing makes the girl uncomfortable, just trim the edges of the nails with regular nippers or scissors with a rounded edge.

4. When making softening baths, keep in mind that the baby's skin is much more sensitive than yours. Therefore, choose hypoallergenic preparations, of which decoctions of celandine, chamomile or 1 drop of essential oil per 2 liters of water are best suited.

5. The optimal bath temperature is about 37 degrees, not higher. In any case, it should be lower than for an adult.

6. Use a children's composition as a cream - it is specially designed for the thin and delicate skin of a child. It is also allowed to take almond oil, which is safe even for the smallest.

Children's manicure step by step

Step one. Wash your hands in soapy water, treat with an antiseptic.

Step two. Dry and start working with the free edge of the nail. In this case, be sure to consider the difference between manicure for teenagers and younger children. The fact is that for preschoolers, nails are treated with tweezers along the upper line, and then they are slightly filed with a nail file with an indent of the free edge of no more than one millimeter. In adolescents, it can be somewhat longer - up to three millimeters. They also allow experiments with the shape of the nail plate.

Step three. Proceed to the processing of the cuticle. First cover it with a softening compound (oil). For children aged 10-13, this procedure can be replaced with a bath with medicinal herbs.

Step four. Push back the cuticle, clean the vacant space with a disposable wood stick. Remove burrs with wire cutters.

Step five. Massage baby's fingers with baby cream and let it soak in.

Step six. Apply a base coat on the nails or immediately proceed to a decorative pattern - depending on the age of the girl. It is best to use a special children's varnish. The decor should be interesting, bright, attractive - in the form of a pattern, picture, sparkles and similar decorations. But this is for the holidays, pastel varnishes of soothing shades are suitable for everyday life - discreet and not tiring to the eye.


The most important thing is that children's manicure should come out direct, informal and simply hygienic. So the child will feel responsible for the “work” that you have created, will be distracted from bad habits and become much more accurate.

The girl will have a reason to preserve beauty. She will understand that she is no less attractive than her girlfriends. From childhood, she will begin to develop a feminine look at things with the right approach to beauty. After all, this type of manicure takes into account a purely girlish character, as well as personal hygiene to maintain an impeccable appearance and excellent health.