Blood allocations in early pregnancy. Main reasons. Allocations in early pregnancy. Early term of pregnancy: bleeding, reasons

A rare woman does not dream of a small miracle. It is about the birth of your own baby. In fact, pregnancy is a wonderful period in the life of each representative of the beautiful half of humanity. In addition, this time is accompanied by a huge number of surprises and troubles. Sometimes they turn out to be quite pleasant. During pregnancy, the body of the future mother is experiencing a huge burden. That is why he sometimes simply gives failures. For example, bloody secretions during pregnancy are quite often disturbed by many women. What are the reasons for this process, how to cope with it, is it worth worrying and worry about this?

First, it is worth noting that panic is inappropriate here. No need to do this. The fact is that blood discharge during pregnancy is observed in many women. According to statistics, eighty percent of all in the position during the first three months such trouble may happen. However, these mothers are quite calmly tolerate and give birth to healthy children. The cause of this phenomenon may be the active blood supply to the internal genital organs or their increased sensitivity. This is not the entire list. The reasons for which there are actually a huge amount appear. Most often, this happens after an ultrasound study, especially if it is transvaginal. Gynecologists on inspection are used by a special mirror, after which there is also a possibility of such discharge. During pregnancy, almost all pairs continue to have sex. If, as a result of it, a woman had irritation of the mucous membrane of the vagina itself or the cervix, it is possible that a small amount of blood appears.

In addition to all this, many future mothers sometimes begins the so-called insignificant discontinuation of the placenta. Under this thin sheath, blood gradually accumulates. As a result, a woman observes blood discharge during pregnancy.

In some days, a pregnant girl can feel small pain at the bottom of the abdomen. This often happens at that time, in which there were periods before. Bloody allocations during pregnancy are not far from these days. This is the result of hormonal failure in the female body, which is most often characteristic of the first months of the development of the fetus. It is absolutely safe. Such selection will quickly pass.

The woman should pay attention, first of all, the frequency and nature of the selection during pregnancy. If they are so abundant that she has once an hour to change the gasket, it is urgent to turn to a specialist. In addition, blood discharge during pregnancy can be the yield of large blood clots. This is a very disturbing signal. In this case, the likelihood of the loss of his baby is great if it does not take action on time. Bloody allocations of dark brown color symbolize the presence of hematoma.

Ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by the discharge of a bloody shade. In most cases, during the launched form, the doctors are forced to remove the pipe and rinse the entire abdominal cavity. Another fairly common cause of such discharge is the so-called frozen pregnancy. The fetus dies, and the woman's body is trying to get rid of him in this way. Occurs

The reasons for this process, as already mentioned, a huge amount. The above are far from all examples of this phenomenon. In any case, if you have similar allocations, it is urgent to turn to your doctor. No need to try to cope with this problem yourself. Self-medication only harm. It is best to visit your gynecologist, he will determine the cause of blood appearance, prescribes treatment, will calm and dispel all your doubts.

That segment of life, when almost every woman with special attention monitors health, most often falls on the course of pregnancy. At the same time, many changes in the body are disturbing and even scared the ladies. For example, most of the future mothers are inclined to fall into hysterics, if even a small blood release during pregnancy will notice. But most women who collided with a similar phenomenon, successfully move the fruit and give birth to healthy kids on time.

Nevertheless, the release of blood during pregnancy is impossible to consider the norm. Often it indicates the pathology of the fetus of the fetus, and therefore it is necessary to see the doctor without delay! The only case when you can do without medical care is minor bleeding, which appeared before menstruation delay.

Isolation with blood - is it a sign of pregnancy?

If the discharge containing blood appeared on 6-12 days after the intended conception, they can be considered a sign of pregnancy. As a rule, they are not accompanied by pain and last no longer than a few hours. However, sometimes they can go within a day. It causes these allocations a natural physiological process - "lusion" of a fetal egg into the wall of the uterus.

At the same time, many women are allocated so scarce that they are unnoticed. Nevertheless, the most attentive ladies, we look forward to the occurrence of pregnancy and carefully follow the changes in the body, detect pink discharges or mucous discharges with a small blood content.

Treatment in such a situation is not required. Yes, and you can not hurry to the gynecologist if the allocations are painless and do not become abundant. It is worth only to look at your lifestyle, refuse cigarettes and alcohol, change the day of the day, revise the diet and start gentlemen to relate to your own person.

Blood selection - a signal of violation of hormonal background

Each fourth future motley detects bloody discharges per day when, according to the cycle, she had to begin menstruation. Moreover, the selection can be abundant, and scarce, but in any case are short. The reason for their appearance is a violation of a hormonal background, in particular, the lack of progesterone.

During pregnancy, this hormone prevents the detachment of the endometrium. But with a lack of progesterone, a partial detachment is still happening. Most often, this is not threatened. However, if the level of progesterone is very low, a woman can lose pregnancy. Therefore, be sure to inform the gynecologist, if on the day of the alleged menstruation, it was discharged with blood.

Bleeding - sign of ectopic pregnancy

Emascus pregnancy - phenomenon is quite rare. She comes if the fetal egg is not descended into the uterus, and is attached where he is pleased. The reason for this can serve as an inflammatory process, lack of hormones and even stress.

Save this pregnancy can not! Not only later, the lady will turn to the doctor, the less chance of salvation of her life. If the pipe or neck of the uterus occurs, abundant bleeding begins, leading to a fatal outcome!

Most often, ectopic pregnancy is accompanied not only by abundant discharge with blood, but also significant pain at the bottom of the abdomen. If such symptoms are present, urgently call the urgent! Sometimes the account goes literally on the clock. In addition, you may have at all and not ectopic pregnancy.

Bloody allocations during pregnancy and acute abdominal pain can cause the starting abortion started. In such a situation, only timely appeal to the physicians will save the life of your future kid.

Bloody allocations - forerunners of premature birth

The threat of spontaneous interruption of pregnancy may occur absolutely on any time. It is not difficult to recognize:

  • The uterus is strained, becomes "stone";
  • Stomno begins to hurt or lower back;
  • Allocations become every hour of abundance, and blood is clearly visible.

Only immediate intervention doctors will help preserve pregnancy. Based on the state of the mother, the physicians are chosen by the complex therapy, which removes the uterus tone and prevents spontaneous abortion. Therefore, with the symptoms described above, necessarily call an intersection!

Blood selection and frozen pregnancy

Pains at the bottom of the abdomen in combination with bloody secretions can cause such pathology as a frozen pregnancy. It is impossible to help the fetus in this situation - he died. But you can still save the life of a woman, you only need to consult a doctor in time!

But, unfortunately, the ladies, finding bloody discharge during pregnancy, do not always cause "ambulance". With them, when pregnant pregnancy, at best there is a spontaneous abortion, in the worst - the magnification of the uterus, sepsis and fatal outcome.

Prelation of the placenta causes bleeding

The occasion of the selection with blood provokes the prelationship of the placenta, but with such pathology of pregnancy, it is possible to make a healthy crumb. True and in this situation without medical care can not do. It is likely that the integrated therapy will be required to preserve the fetus, as it is often the prelation of the placenta accompanies the threat of spontaneous abortion.

However, by eliminating the threat of miscarriage, often doctors allow the woman to return to the usual way of life. Only sometimes (with full prepay), pregnant is prescribed to observe the beddown up to delivery. But for what sacrifices do not decide for the sake of the birth of a healthy baby, right?

Because of what is still possible appearance of bleeding?

Selection with strengths of blood during pregnancy can occur for a variety of reasons. For example, low-heated bleeding can be observed in pregnant women after douching, sexual intercourse or examination of the gynecologist with a mirror. They arise due to the microtrams of the mucous membrane of the vagina, which during pregnancy becomes loose and vulnerable.

Another cause of such discharge can be an infection of the urogenital system. Analyzing the analysis of the smear, on its basis and is selected by gentle treatment, which does not harm the health of the future child. Also, the discharge with blood is observed in the last weeks of pregnancy, at the time of dieting mucosa.

But whatever caused the selection with blood, you need to immediately report the gynecologist about their appearance!Only a doctor, resorting to an ultrasound during pregnancy, can deal with the true cause of such a phenomenon and choose the optimal solution for any situation.

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The separation from the genitals during the beating of the baby is due to the biological processes occurring in the body of a woman. They are normal or pathological. The latter are caused by the advent of microbes and bacteria contributing to the development of inflammation. The hormonal background of the future mother depends on the period of gestation, this explains the change in the nature of the discharge.

Woman alarming bleeding in the early period of pregnancy. It is important to determine the character.

Gynecologists count the period not from the moment of conception, but from the first day of the last menstruation, so the process of menstruation with typical manifestations refers to the secretion of the fetal tool period.

The normal discharge in the first trimester is considered as follows:

  • menstrual;
  • ovulation mucus;
  • mucus with blood impurity at the moment of implantation of the embryo to the uterus;
  • liquid colorless caused by changes in the level of hormones.

The norm is considered minor bleeding damage during the arrival of regular critical days.

Next, until the end of the second trimester, the secret remains colorless. Gynecologists consider white color and liquid consistency of the norm for the bearing period. There is a slightly sour smell. In the last month, the mucus bunches are observed, bleeding. These symptoms sign on the preparation of a female body to childbirth. The occurrence of a turbid liquid indicates the existence of the accumulating waters and the beginning of childbirth.

The main causes of bloody secretions

Even minor bleeding during pregnancy is an occasion for immediate appeal to the doctor. They can be physiological, but may be a symptom of a serious illness. If the bleeding is abundant, accompanied by pain, you need to urgently go to the hospital.

Probable causes of blood appearance:

  1. - After taking the smears from the cervix.
  2. Sexual connection. When entering the fetus, the genital organs are better supplied with blood, which comes out after intimate intimacy.
  3. Implantation bleeding occurring when fixing the egg on the wall of the uterus.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage, which are accompanied by plentiful bleeding, spasms, pain.
  5. Vaginal infections.
  6. In the second half of the term, the cause of bleeding can be a detachment or presence of placenta, threat of miscarriage or premature births.
  7. Preparation for childbirth, leaving the mucous plug - contains blood impurities.

If a woman has noticed bleeding, you need to consult with your doctor.

Selection in the first trimester

The first trimester is the most dangerous to preserve the fetus, during this period there is a major amount of miscarriage.

Blood discharge in early pregnancy may occur for the following reasons:

  1. The fastening of the fetal egg is accompanied by the appearance of a small amount of blood, this is a physiological process.
  2. It is aggravated due to the strengthening of blood flow, the threat does not represent.
  3. Pathological conditions in the uterus - cyst or neoplasm. It is necessary to monitor the doctor.
  4. Low progesterone. This hormone is necessary for the proper development of the fetus. His drawback is the cause of white with blood admixture.
  5. Ectopic pregnancy. The diagnosis requires immediate surgery.
  6. Endometriosis. The change in the hormonal background causes its aggravation, constant control and treatment is necessary.

On the discovery of blood in secretion, you must notify your attending physician. Blood selection at the 6th week of pregnancy, accompanied by pain, can be alarmed about spontaneous abortion or ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy

Emascus pregnancy is the development of an egg outside the uterus - in a fallopian tube, peritoneum, ovary. With a non-timely established diagnosis, the death of a woman from blood loss and pain can comes. Save the fruit in this case is not possible.

Blood selection for ectopic pregnancy is different than when ordinary. This is due to the fact that the embryo has fixed in the zone with a large number of blood vessels. Abundant bleeding begins at breaking the pipe, accompanied by strong pains, decrease in blood pressure, weakening the heartbeat. When strong bleeding and the slightest suspicion for the presence of this pathology, the patient is subject to hospitalization.

Risk of miscarriage

In most cases, the spontaneous abortion occurs in the early deadlines. Often, a woman does not even know about her position - menstruation comes with a delay, it is abundant and painful. In this situation, you need to refer to the doctor for the survey. The main signs of spontaneous abortion - bleeding and pain at the bottom of the abdomen, which gives to the lower back.

A minor blood release during pregnancy signals the threat of miscarriage, in this situation there is a chance to maintain the fetus. Abundant bleeding with fabric fragments indicates that the miscarriages have already occurred. If the succulent secretions intensified, accompanied by pain and spasms, urgent medical intervention is necessary.

To properly determine the nature of the allocation, that this is: on early, we recommend reading additional information on this topic.


The appearance of bleeding due to the premature detachment of a normally located placenta is possible. The condition is accompanied by significant bleeding, which threatens the life of a woman.

Causes of pathology:

  • injuries - drop, kick in the stomach;
  • inflammatory process inside the uterus;
  • malformations of the degenerate organ;
  • large embryo;
  • the presence of two or more fruits;
  • multi-way.

Blood discharge during pregnancy, which arose due to the pair of placenta, is very abundant. Urgent hospitalization is necessary.

Measuring pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy has some distinctive features in comparison with spontaneous abortion - the embryo dies, the process ceases to progress, but there are no symptoms of miscarriage for some time. This phenomenon is most often observed in the first trimester. For some time, the woman notes disappearance. Sucrieved or bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy associated with the beginning detachment of the fruit eggs appear. They are accompanied by pain in the abdomen or lower back, minor temperature increase. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound.

Diseases of the uterus

Blood allocations on the early period of pregnancy may be a consequence of uterine pathology - cervical erosion, injuries, tumors, inflammation. Most likely, all these diseases existed in a woman before conception. In erosion and inflammatory processes, the amount of blood is insignificant, and injuries and tumors can lead to bleeding.

Insufficient secretion of progesterone

Progesterone is called pregnancy hormone, it provides its safe leakage. Its normal level allows you to conceive and preserve the fetus. Both oversupports and lack of this substance negatively affect the state of the woman. The deficit of progesterone is especially dangerous until the middle of the term, because it can cause miscarriage. It is necessary to take tests to determine the level of hormones, undergo treatment.

With a low level of progesterone, a woman has blossomed or succulent discharge from the genitals, the uterus in the first trimester is in a tone, the future mother can experience pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The lack of progesterone is more dangerous than its excess, especially in the early stages.

During fixing the fetal egg, a small amount of blood can stand out in the uterus and mix with mucus. It looks like a very scanty menstruation, a woman does not experience painful sensations, the temperature remains normal. Increasing the level of progesterone allows you to keep the fruit. The selection on the fifth week of pregnancy does not contain bloody streams, as the embryo has already fixed.

Bloody allocations in late dates

Blood allocations after the 37th week of pregnancy may indicate the start of labor. There is a process of softening the cervix and prepare for its disclosure. The mucosa plug is removed with streaks, covering the neck from the moment of conception. This is a physiological phenomenon indicating that childbirth is close.

Abundant bleeding in late dates can cause the following pathological processes:

  • prelation of the placenta;
  • premature detachment of a normally located placenta;
  • rip uterus.

When bleeding, an emergency appeal for medical help in a hospital is necessary.

Treatment of pregnancy discharge

Pathological bleeding during pregnancy is an alarming symptom. In the early stages, this signals about miscarriage, in the late - about the beginning of premature birth. If bleeding is accompanied by strong pulling pains at the bottom of the abdomen and lower back or harsh pain, urgently contact the hospital. Without accurate diagnosis and treatment, it is difficult to keep the baby. According to the results of analyzes, the doctor will appreciate the state of a woman and the future child, selects the treatment method - conservative or operational.

If a situation, dangerous to the fetus, should immediately apply for advice to your doctor, because the health and life of the child and mother.

About 70% of pregnant women face bloody vaginal discharges, and only 12% of them are miscarriage. In other cases, women safely stop and give birth to a healthy kid. Why are bleeding, what do you look like and is it dangerous? Do I need to turn to the doctor if the blood went suddenly, but slightly, and the patient feels good?

What discharge from the vagina are considered normal during pregnancy?

Any vaginal discharge can be an option for a norm or a sign of pathology, a gynecologist can differentiate one of the other, relying on the results of the diagnosis. In the early periods of pregnancy, a hormone progesterone is responsible for the work of the childbearing bodies, and in the second trimester - estrogen. They are responsible for the nature of the secret of the secrecy of the secret.

At different times, the allocations are normal (weeks):

  • 1-3 - mucous membacity discharge with red veins or yellow, brown highlights, ongoing several days;
  • 4-thick white secrets, reddish splashes are possible;
  • 5-12 - transparent or white discharge, which can sometimes have a light sour smell;
  • 13-25 - Liquid transparent secret, the amount of which, compared with the 1st trimester, increased;
  • 26-36 - abundant white separated with sour smell;
  • 37-40 - a moderate amount of secretion with whitish color;
  • before childbirth - mucus with blood streaks.

Blood discharges that appear from 4-6 weeks and go until the end of the 12th week of pregnancy can be:

  • transparent with 2-3 drops of blood;
  • pink;
  • brown;
  • almy.

If they go once and are not accompanied by painful sensations, then nothing to worry about. However, the perfect option is bright, almost transparent releases. They testify to the normal operation of the genital organs, the change of the epithelial layer of the uterus and the absence of signs of the presence of pathological microorganisms.

Causes of blood appearance in highlights in early launches

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Blood selection during pregnancy can be conditionally divided into two types:

  • physiological, arising due to changes in the ratio of hormones;
  • pathological, indicating an abnormal course of pregnancy.

A woman can stand out the secret of different volumes with red, pink or brown splashes, which indicates the presence of blood in it. They may also contain bloody clots or tissue particles.

Bleeding during the implantation of a fetal egg

One of the frequent reasons for the appearance of a bloody secret in the early periods of pregnancy is the introduction of a fetal egg to the uterus. Implantation bleeding is typical for the first - the beginning of the second week after fertilization. The separated pink, brown or transparent color with bright-aluminum residences is a consequence of damage to small blood vessels due to the introduction of the embryo.

Often the appearance of implantation bleeding of a woman is taken for the beginning of menstruation, but it lasts significantly less - from 1 hour to 2-3 days and is characterized by minor discharge. The presence of a similar disconnected abdominal pain is considered the norm.

Implantation bleeding can occur earlier or later than the specified period, but not before the week after conception. Blood never happens dark.

Micro-damage to the mucous membranes after sexual intercourse or examination of the gynecologist

The bloody separated by pregnant women after sex appears quite often. The neck of the uterus, due to the changes occurring in the body, acquires a loose structure, becomes edema and susceptible to any pressure, which is why micro-injunctions appear during the COITYA. These injuries are not serious and does not harm the fetus. Their appearance is not a reason to stop intimate relations, but subsequent sex contacts should exclude sharp movements.

Blood can go and with gynecological examination. On the 4-5 week, many women, suspecting pregnancy, for the first time go to the doctor and he accidentally injure the cervix with a mirror. Such damage does not threaten the development of the baby.

A similar situation is sometimes observed after the transvaginal ultrasound. The discharge occurs due to the hypersensitivity of the childbearing organs, it is not lasting longer than 2 days and are not repeated.

Menstruation against the background of normally developing pregnancy

During pregnancy, the extremely minor number of patients can go monthly. In the people, this phenomenon is called "fetal washing", in medicine - breakthrough bleeding. Allocations appear per day when menstruation began before. In addition to the patient, the patient complains about other symptoms of menstruation: back pain and stomach. The bloody secret is quite abundant, menstruation lasts a few days.

Usually hormones allocated during pregnancy, prevent the occurrence of menstruation. However, sometimes fails, and their concentration in the body is too small in order to stop the established monthly cycle. Usually bleeding to 3 months stop. In rare cases, the "washing of the fetus" is possible even in the late stage of pregnancy.

Doctors are wary of such anomalies and carefully follow the condition of the patient throughout the pregnancy. In women with such a feature, childbirth is often held on time, and children appear healthy, so there are no reasons for anxiety.

Gynecological diseases that are not related to gestation

Pregnancy does not protect against gynecological problems, many of chronic diseases, on the contrary, are exacerbated during this period, while others are found for the first time. Reducing immunity and change in the amount of hormone produced leads to the emergence of various pathologies:

  • Cervical erosion. Yazvochka formed on the mucous membrane make it very sensitive. The capillaries of the organ are overwhelmed with blood, the red spots on the underwear can appear both after sexual intercourse and when sitting with undercrow. Oscapes overlook the same time after the epithelium damage, treatment is appointed after delivery. This condition does not represent a threat.
  • Varicose. Since pregnancy increases the burden on the veins of the vagina, the disease may affect the region of the germ lip. The crotch hurts, the secretion of lubricant is disturbed, the sexual contact becomes painful. Selecting with bloody inclusions can be detected after sex or unfortunately. The disease slightly complicates the course of pregnancy, but not dangerous.
  • Polyp or cyst. Blood stands out in small quantities, there is no pain. The neoplasm does not pose a threat to the fetus, but if it was badly damaged, infection can occur. The polyp gradually can be detached independently, the cyst is treated after childbirth.
  • Venereal disease. The activation of trichomonas or other microorganisms leads to the appearance of a vaginal separated with a specific smell and bloody engines. The disease is accompanied by itching in the perineum and an increase in thermometer indicators, increases the likelihood of miscarriage.

Pregnancy pathology (fading, interrupt, pairing placenta, etc.)

If a woman has opened uterine bleeding, it can be a serious threat to her and baby. The reasons for the appearance of a bloody separated during pregnancy are the following states:

  • Abortion. Perhaps in any period by virtue of various reasons - from incompatible with further development and the all-utilous life of the fruit pathologies to the infectious disease of the mother. It is characterized by sudden painful sensations, bleeding.
  • Measuring pregnancy. It is often observed for a period of 6-7 weeks. The stomach hurts, the toxicosis and soreness of the chest disappears. Pathology is characterized by intrauterine fetal death and can be detected during an ultrasound, when palpation of the uterus or analyzing the HCG content in plasma for up to 28 weeks. The pain and bloody discharge appear not immediately, but a few days later. Sometimes the uterus manages to independently turn the frozen fruit, but more often cleaning. Pulling the visit of the doctor can lead to sepsis. With a frozen pregnancy, 15% increase the risks of non-leaving the fetus during re-conception.
  • Prelation of the placenta. When it is closely located, the muscles are not able to keep it, which leads to the separation of small sections of the placenta. Blood goes like during menstruation. The state occurs in 2% of women and manifests itself after the 20th week after conception.
  • Disposal of the placenta. The phenomenon is diagnosed in 1 of 200 patients. The process is accompanied by the existence of blood clots and grabs-like stomach pains. Even with a partial detachment there is a threat to the child's life.
  • Out of the cord. A rare phenomenon in which the fetal death is possible. If he is able to survive outside the womb, doctors spend an emergency caesarean section.
  • Bubble drift - pathology, accompanied by an abnormal growth and an increase in the volume of placenta tissues (more in the article :). A woman has bleeding in early pregnancy (until the 11th week). Pathology is rare, the cause of its occurrence lies in genetic factors. Save pregnancy is impossible.

Pregnancy outside the uterus

Ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed in the early deadlines and arises due to the fact that the fruit egg is attached in the phallopyan pipe (most often), ovarian, neck or in general in the abdominal cavity, and in not the uterus, as it should occur normally. Vaginal bleeding appears on the 6th week of gestation, when the uterine tube is stretched to the limit. In parallel, a woman is worried about nausea and pain in the stomach. The discomfort may stop when the pipe break, but after a couple of hours the patient will feel many times worse.

Pregnancy outside the uterus can cause internal bleeding, so it is important to diagnose it on time and assign the therapy. Sometimes such pathology leads to infertility.

Causes of strong bleeding and probability of pregnancy preservation

Bleeding during pregnancy is far from all situations is a sign of fetal death. Woman should not succumb to panic - you need to urgently turn to the doctor.

Strong blood loss can be triggered by the following reasons:

  • infectious diseases;
  • myoma uterus;
  • discontinuation of the placenta;
  • uterus break (very rare anomaly arising from bubble drift or after the previous delivery by caesarean section);
  • tensile a phallopyan pipe;
  • lack of hormones;
  • spontaneous abortion.

Most often, with the timely hospitalization of the patient, doctors can preserve pregnancy. With a high risk of unbearabing the fetus, it is put in the hospital. Doctors always strive to preserve the life of the baby, but if there is a choice, it is done in favor of the health and life of the mother. However, the consent of the woman (or her relatives, when the future mother is unconscious) necessarily.

At the early stage of gestation, it is important to stop the bleeding and prevent the miscarriage. For this purpose:

  • means to increase the secretion of progesterone (uremines and duphaston);
  • vitamins (E, B6);
  • soothing preparations (Valerian tincture);
  • hemostatic medicines (ditinon);
  • safety spasmolytics (but-shp).

With the appearance of the first positive results of the treatment, the woman is shown peace, bed regime and the cessation of intimate life until the date of birth. Preparations are often assigned to a long course, they must be taken even in the absence of bleeding. Overcoming the threshold of the 12th week of gestation, it is possible to calm down - the risk of abortion is significantly reduced.

Therapy for the prelationship of the placenta depends on the amount of selection. If blood is a bit and time of childbirth close, a puncture of the fetal bubble is carried out. With a richly separated, a cesarean section is shown, even if the fruit is not a bottom. Operational delivery is required during blood loss against the background of the placenta detachment.

If blood goes as a result of pregnancy outside the uterus, frozen fetus or miscarriage, then you can not feed the illusions - the child in these situations is not possible. Treatment Operational: Woman removes an embryo (or phallopy tube) or scraping of the uterus, respectively.

Which symptoms need to immediately consult a doctor?

Pregnancy - a period during which a woman is especially careful about their health. Global restructuring is occurring in all organs and systems, including character, color, the number of sex tract selection, is the result of physiological processes. However, any deviation becomes a reason for excitement. Blooding can appear in the norm, but often they require the adoption of urgent measures.

Normal allocations during pregnancy

After fertilization of the egg, the products of progesterone increases, due to this, the menstrual cycle changes - periods are stopped. In the absence of pathology, women detects light, translucent allocations - the vagina secretes normal mucus and replaces the epithelial layer. With the course of pregnancy, the viscosity, structure, the intensity of the secretion from the genital paths changes, is due to physiological processes.

In the first trimester, progesterone is responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system organs, in the second and third - estrogen. It is these hormones that are responsible for the nature of the vaginal secret. There are norms of selection for weeks:

  • 1 week - the suspended period, it begins from the first day of the last menstruation, the body is preparing for fertilization, the allocation of the identical menstrual secretion;
  • 2 weeks - separated becoming mucous membranes, blood impurities can be detected - the period of attachment of the egg to the walls of the uterus;
  • 3 weeks - possible a little bleeding, indicating implantation, another version of the norm - pink, brown, yellow allocations for several days;
  • 4 weeks - the completion of implantation is accompanied by a thick secret of white odorless, it is possible to detect blood;
  • 5 week - transparent secret, odorless, any change is a sign of the pathological process;
  • 6 week - transparent or white separated without odor;
  • 7 weeks - liquid abundance;
  • 8 weeks - light allocations of ordinary consistency and color, it is possible slightly sour smell;
  • 9 -10 week - liquid watery secret, odorless;
  • 11 week - separated by normal consistency, not having color or light;
  • 12 week - the accession of an acid smell is possible;
  • 13-25 weeks - transparent, liquid allocations, volume more compared to the first trimester;
  • 25-36 - the amount of secrets moderate or abundant, white, the smell is sour;
  • 36-40 week - moderate amount, whitish color;
  • before childbirth, mucus is found, sometimes with streaks of blood - the discharge of the mucosa.

About any deviations need to communicate a doctor. Especially if they are accompanied by pain, other unpleasant symptoms or blood detection - this may be a sign of the beginning of the pathological process. The faster the help will be provided, the more favorable forecast. With bloody discharge during pregnancy, up to 70% of women are facing. In some cases, they are observed in the early stages of the baby tooling, sometimes before childbirth. Selection can be physiological or pathological. Determine it can only specialist.

Blood selection in the first trimester

The first 12 weeks are the most important, since it is during this period that all organs and fetus systems occur. Most often, blood is discovered in the first trimester. Such processes may be an option for the norm:

  • attaching the fetus to the wall of the uterus a week after conception can manifest itself with small bloody discharges;
  • bleeding in the days of the intended menstruation with a hormonal failure or expanding of placental fabric.

Such bleeding is not dangerous, they are short, small volume and pass independently. This physiological causes of bleeding end. In other cases, bloody discharges arise as a symptom of pathology or violations during pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy

With a normal pregnancy, the fruit egg is fixed in the uterine wall. However, under the influence of external or internal pathological factors, tube, abdominal, ovarian or cereal pregnancy can develop. By increasing in size, the fruit egg is embedded in tissue, stretching them, as a result bleeding occurs. Most often it happens on week 5.

With strong bleeding, a woman must immediately consult a doctor. Save the fetus with such pregnancy fails, therapeutic measures are aimed at preserving the female reproductive system. Without the necessary assistance, the uterine tubes are possible with their subsequent removal.

Symptoms of the rupture of the uterine tube:

  • spilled pain;
  • abdominal muscle tension;
  • palpator and gynecological examination cause discomfort.

Risk of miscarriage

The reasons for the threat of miscarriage are different, such processes occur in the presence of pathology in the mother or fetus, as well as under the influence of external factors. The most common cause of miscarriage becomes genetic changes caused by hereditary disorders or mutations. Tactics of therapy depends on the cause of the threat of miscarriage. The patient is hospitalized in the hospital, all drugs appoint a doctor, self-medication is excluded, a number of medicines can aggravate the state.

In the initial timing - about the middle of the second trimester, the miscarriages flows into several stages:

  • a threat;
  • starting miscarriage;
  • abortion in the process;
  • incomplete or full miscarriage.

The detection of blood traces is possible at the first stage. Signs of the threat of miscarriage must be known to every woman:

  • vaginal bleeding of various intensities: a cargo or abundant, can last for a long time or disappear after the appearance;
  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • starting urination.


Under the influence of hormones, the mucous membrane of the cervix becomes loose, edema. Any impact on it can lead to microtransmit. After sexual intercourse or medical examination, bleeding is possible. This does not constitute a threat and should not be alarmed, since the provocation factor is clearly tracked.

Measuring pregnancy

Unbearable becomes the result of the impact of various factors: diseases, hereditary predisposition, endocrine disorders. In the first trimester there are 2 critical periods when complications may occur: 6-8 weeks and 11-13 weeks. In these times, it should be especially closely refer to the state of their health and in the event of discomfort immediately consult a doctor. When stopping the development of the embryo, toxin begins to stand out, which launches the mechanism of miscarriage. As a result, the uterus turns out the placenta and epithelium, blood discharge appears.

Diseases of the uterus

It is important at the pregnancy planning stage to diagnose and treat pathology, including diseases of the reproductive system.

If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with mioma or fibromatosis, the embryo can attach close to the nodes, its growth causes tensile tissue, as a result, bleeding can begin. Selection in this case have a suburbic nature and lasts a few hours.

Insufficient secretion of progesterone

Progesterone - hormone, synthesized by ovaries, which controls the course of pregnancy. Its an additional source is a placenta, an increase in its level supports the attachment of the fetus to the uterine wall and growth. Insufficient amount of progesterone synthesis may be a consequence of hereditary deficiency of ovaries (hypoplasia or aplasia), inflammatory diseases, injuries, wound cysts. When the hormone deficiency, the endometrium is thinned and bleed. This is possible not only in the first trimester, but also at later deadlines - with the course of pregnancy, the level of progesterone should increase.

Women who suffered bleeding in the early pregnancy, have a high risk of prepaying, detachment placenta, late toxicosis and bodies ahead of time.

Blood selection in the second trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the cause of bloody secretions is most often the premature placental detachment - partial or complete rejection. Such processes should occur at the end of the generic period, but sometimes under the influence of pathogenic factors (heart and vessel diseases, renal pathology, endocrine disorders, inflammatory, dystrophic changes in the uterus) This process can begin during pregnancy. The placenta is moved away from the accumulation of blood between it and the wall of the uterus. Most often with such pathology, women are facing, which are not the first birth - this is due to changes in endometrial.

Symptoms of discontinuity of the placenta:

  • bloody issues;
  • hypertonus uterus;
  • pain.

When the edges detach the edges, brown highlights are detected, if the process has begun from the center, the liquid accumulates between the uterus and the placenta, is formed by hematoma. If the liquid can not find the output, blood impresses the surrounding tissues.

Blood selection in the third trimester

The main cause of bleeding in the last trimester is the placenta detachment. This condition is most dangerous in the second half of pregnancy. In the early terms of the placenta has a growth reserve. Such processes can cause the death of the fetus and mothers, so women with such a diagnosis are hospitalized in the hospital.

Blood discharge during pregnancy appear in the case of placenta. In some cases, it is located low, overlapping the uterine zev. Such a situation creates the risk of prematurity and hypoxia of the fetus, as well as childbirth ahead of time. The leading symptom is the repetitive bleeding of various intensity, depending on the degree of prelation. This can develop on any gestation period, but more often - after 30 weeks. From delaying the placenta, this condition is distinguished by the absence of pain syndrome.

Small bleeding for 37-40 weeks - a sign that the cervix begins to open. As a rule, it happens per day before childbirth, together with a small amount of blood, the mucous plug comes out.

If a pregnant woman has a prerequisite or detachment of the placenta, the cesarean section is carried out in the presence of a cross section - childbirth naturally is dangerous.


The detection of bleeding during pregnancy should be a reason for urgent appeal to the doctor. First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of this state. If bleeding is not associated with physiological processes in the body of a pregnant woman, then at once after establishing the diagnosis, treatment begins. Depending on the nature of the detected pathology, conservative and surgical methods can be applied.

Conservative therapy

Most often for the treatment of states that resulted in blood discharge during a child tooling, drugs are used. Preparations are selected taking into account the diagnosis, the state of the patient and the history of the disease. Assigning any drug, the doctor takes into account the effect of the drug on the fetus.

Medicamines of the following groups are used:

  • spasmolitics (but-shp);
  • hemostatics (aminocapronic acid);
  • progesterone preparations;
  • tocolics (PARTYSISTEN);
  • glucocorticosteroids (dexamethasone);
  • vitamins;
  • plasma-substituting therapy with a loss of a large amount of blood (REOPOLIGULUKIN);
  • gland preparations (Ferrum-Lek) for anemia;
  • antibiotics when infection of sex tract (amoxicillin).

In most cases, with timely provision of qualified assistance, pregnancy can be preserved. The forecast depends on the cause of blood appearance. A wide range of hormonal drugs is able to replace progesterone deficit, treatment of concomitant pathology reduces the risk of a threat to the abortion.

In addition to medicines, physiotherapy methods are widely used. Magnesia electrophoresis reduces the tone of the uterus, the electrodelaxation has a relaxing effect, ozone therapy reduces the hypocia of the fetus.


The operation is carried out if conservative therapy cannot provide the desired effect. The decision to carry out surgical intervention is made on the basis of the clinical situation. In the abortion in the go, the scraping of the uterine cavity is carried out, with an ectopic pregnancy, a fruit egg is removed using an endoscopic operation. Polyps can be removed without harm to the child, it is also possible to burn the erosion of the cervix. Surgical treatment in pregnant women is held in advanced cases, timely appeal to the doctor makes it possible to successfully use medicines in the early stages of the disease.

First help with bleeding

To preserve pregnancy, it is urgent to take a number of measures:

  • call ambulance;
  • provide pregnant peace;
  • take a horizontal position with raised legs;
  • with severe pain syndrome, adopt an antispasmodic (but-shpa);
  • attach cold to the bottom of the abdomen;
  • do not take a bath;
  • do not enter Tampon into the vagina.

Women who preserved pregnancy on the background of blood discharge must comply with the full emotional peace, as well as temporarily abandon sex life. During the rehabilitation period, sedatives, physiotherapeutic and other non-drug treatment methods are prescribed. In the presence of testimony, drugs used to treat in the hospital are prescribed for reception and after extracting pregnant. It is important to eliminate stressful situations, healthy eating, walking in the fresh air.

The female organism is designed in such a way that the secret of various structures and quantity is constantly distinguished from the genital paths. In many cases, they allow you to estimate the condition of the patient, the presence of pathological processes, especially during pregnancy. The detection of bloody secretions during the bakingbind of the child is not the reason for panic, however, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Observing treatment recommendations can be avoided by the development of complications.