Lunar calendar for November nails. Lunar calendar for November: favorable days for dyeing hair and manicure. Beauty: Moon Day Calendar

Hands is a business card of each woman. According to their state, they are judged by public status, the cultural level. Nails affect the health and fate of people, because there is no wonder astrologers, the compositions of horoscopes, forecasts and chiromers pay special attention to the process of their comprehension and state. But many girls take into account the aesthetic characteristics. Nail cutting calendar for November 2017 Oracle helps to improve themselves, gain harmony and even have an impact on fate. This procedure is considered safe only on certain days that you will learn their articles.

From the point of view of medicine, nails are a derivative of the skin, which reflects the condition, human health. Their physiological function is to protect the upper phalanges of the fingers from damage, negative impact, which prevents impact on the nerve endings. From a karmic point of view, the nails are a shell that protects the aura from the penetration of the negative through the energy points of the hands.

Manipulation with this part of the fingers of the hands, made in a good time, are capable of having a beneficial to affect life according to the signs. To properly do a manicure, read the favorable days of the nail haircuts, according to the interpretation of the lunar calendar for November 2017 - 1 number, 2, 4, 14, 15, 20, 21, 23, 26, 28, 30. If you synchronize the time of cosmetic procedures With the pheass of the Moon, then you will attract her strength to your side, because this heavenly satellite acts as a magnet, attracting success and energy.

Unsuccessful days for manicure in November 2017

The lunar astrological calendar is very popular among the fair sex representatives. Many already know about the power of the influence of the phases of the Earth satellite, space on the state of the nail plate, hair, skin, the health of the whole organism, fate. Since all women are inherent in the desire for good luck in all life areas, and one of the indicators of well-being is the well-groomed hands, you should be aware of unfavorable days for manicure in November 2017. The unsuccessful numbers are considered to be 3, 8, 11, 17, 24.

Full nail cutting calendar for November 2017

It has long been known that the Phases of the Moon have a great influence on the health, beauty and fate of people. The growth rate of nails depends on what period the haircut was made. Lunar influence is a scientific explanation: this natural satellite of the Earth affects the circulation of liquids. In order for the beauty of your hands not to sweat, you should study the hollow calendar of nail cutting in November. Treating procedures in the right time, you will feel the tide of energy, forces, you will always look young.

  • 1 (loss of the moon) - if this day cut the nails, it will help to establish themselves in society, show its authority.
  • 2 Number - You need to cut after sunset to strengthen the attractiveness and charm.
  • November 3, 2017 (third quarter) - in order to avoid failures in the future, it is better to refrain from the haircut.
  • 4 (decreasing) - a good day for manicure.
  • 5 - Discard the haircut, because the probability of damage to the fingers is great, which will later be heard for a very long time.
  • 6 - If you cut the nail plate on this day, they will grow much slower, but you are waiting for acquaintance with the opposite sex.
  • 7 - Hand procedures will help you understand your own thoughts and feelings.
  • 8 - Discard the haircut.
  • 9 Number - It is better to make a manicure in the evening to enhance the effect.
  • 10 - manicure procedures may be traumatic.
  • 11 (New Moon) - On this day, the haircut will have a negative effect on fate.
  • 12 (growing) - the haircut is allowed, after which it is better to apply a little lacquer.
  • 13 - manipulations with nails will not affect fate.
  • 14 - It will not hurt to cut the nail plate, increase the masters, make a campaign to the salon.
  • 15 - Do not deny yourself for your hands.
  • 16 - A wonderful day for manicure procedures, especially new experiments.
  • 17 - Do not plan to take for manicure scissors.
  • 18 Number - If after manicure you want to paint the nail plate, then do it familiar with flowers, varnishes.
  • 19 (first quarter) - when painting boldly use bright colors.
  • November 20 (growing) - trimming will attract new acquaintances and even gaining love.
  • 21 - a favorable day.
  • 22 - if you do a manicure, it will give a great mood.
  • 23 - Manicure will attract new people in life if he is bright.
  • November 24, 2017 - an unfavorable day.
  • 25 - If you are going to do any manicure manipulations, they must be familiar to you.
  • 26 (full moon) - a favorable day.
  • The 27th number (decreasing) is better to refrain from planning manipulations with scissors, since the risk of injury is a great injury.
  • 28 - Nice day for haircut, home manicure, medicinal baths, nutritional masks, pedicure.
  • 29 - Classic manicure will be successful.
  • 30 - a favorable calendar day.
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It is long known that any undertakings will be successful on a young moon. And how the moon affects the cosmetic procedures that you exercise, consider today.

Save the youth of the skin, get rid of bags under the eyes, make eye injections, correct eyebrows and much more, we add on all these procedures to your favorite and proven interior. Planning a trip to the salon according to the lunar calendar, you can avoid disappointments and be confident in the final result.

Since the lunar month is shorter than usual, then each year the transition occurs and the calendar is reinstated on the basis of the existing parameters. All recommendations of the lunar calendar are based on several data:

  • moon day
  • in which sign of the zodiac was the moon
  • phase Moon
  • day of the week

All these parameters have a definite effect on the human body, and therefore their impact may have a different effect.

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for January 2017

Having survived all the New Year holidays, I would like to fasten and rested to start the new year. According to the lunar calendar, the favorable days for procedures are as follows:

  • 1st of January - Relaxing procedures, skin cleansing are desirable.
  • 2, 4, 5, 10, 14, 19, January 31 - A favorable day for any cosmetic procedures
  • January 3 - Dedicate the day with rejuvenating procedures, you immediately notice the effect
  • 6, 9, 13, 21, 24, 28, 29, 30 January - An unfavorable day for any procedures in the salons, as well as manicure and pedicure
  • Jan. 7 - Give the face to relax, better deal with a manicure or pedicure
  • January 8 - The greatest cleaning effect on this day will bring a bath or sauna
  • January 11. - Any cleansing and rejuvenating procedures are shown.
  • January 12. - day of lightweight peelings and depilation, any injections or suspenders should be postponed
  • January 15 - high risk of injury in serious intervention
  • 16, January 17- day suitable for cleansing and rejuvenation
  • 18, 20, January 26 - Neutral day
  • 22, January 23 - Dedote the time of depilation, manicure and pedicure
  • The 25th of January - Perfect day for leaving procedures
  • January 27. - Procedures on this day will bring joy and harmony

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for February 2017

February frosts can make the skin of the face and hand dry, so it is important not to forget about the leaving procedures. In the cabin you will be helped to return the skin softness and tenderness.

  • 1, 2, 8, 9, 12, 14, 17, 21, February 25 - a favorable day for any cosmetic procedures
  • February 3 - day for rejuvenating procedures
  • February 4 - Day of Manicure and Pedicure, which will last very long
  • 5, February 6 - the greatest cleaning effect on this day will bring a bath or sauna
  • February 7- High risk injury, refrain from the campaign to the salon
  • February 10 - day of lightweight peels and depilation
  • 11, 19, 22, 27, February 28 - An unfavorable day for any procedures in the salons, as well as manicure and pedicure
  • 13, February 15 - day suitable for cleansing and rejuvenation of the skin of the face
  • 16, 18, 20, 24, 26 February - Neutral day
  • February 23 - the day of the perfect manicure and pedicure

Moon Calendar of Cosmetic Procedures for March 2017

The first spring month gives a joyful mood, the desire to change and become even more beautiful. Visiting the Salon, do not forget to check the date on the calendar:

  • 1, 21, 24, March 29 - An unfavorable day for any procedures in the salons, as well as manicure and pedicure
  • 2, 8, 11.14, 19, 23, March 31 - a favorable day for any cosmetic procedures
  • 3, 5, 17, 28, March 30 - day to purify the face and rejuvenating masks
  • 4, March 27 - any procedures will help not only tolerate, but also to find good luck
  • 6, 7, 10, March 25 - Dedicate a campaign to the salon manicure or pedicure
  • 9, March 13 - High risk of getting injury
  • March 12 - day of light peels and depilation
  • 15, March 16 - skin rejuvenation will give a tangible effect
  • 18, 20, 22, March 26 - Neutral Day

Moon Calendar of Cosmetic Procedures for April 2017

April already indulges the first truly warm days. To raise yourself the mood, you can make a funny manicure or arrange a whole bachelorette party in the beauty salon. For a long winter, all the forces were exhausted and need to support the skin. Call your mother, sister or girlfriend, because it will be much more fun.

  • 1, 2nd, 8, 17, 21, 23, April 30 - a favorable day for any cosmetic procedures
  • 3, 10, 13, 14, 15, April 25 - a favorable day for rejuvenating procedures
  • 4, 5 April - dedicate a campaign to the salon manicure or pedicure
  • April 6 - a feeling of freshness and purity will give a bath or sauna
  • 7, 11, 12 April - it is better to refrain from any procedures, high risk of injury
  • 9, 19, 22, 28, April 29 - An unfavorable day for any procedures
  • 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 27 April - Neutral day

Moon Calendar of Cosmetic Procedures for May 2017

May holidays will allow you to relax, gain strength and of course devote time to yourself. You will choose in advance what procedure would you like to try this month, because you didn't pour yourself so long. It will help to decide with the dates of the lunar calendar.

  • 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 12, 17, 23, 25,29 May - a favorable day for any cosmetic procedures
  • 3, 4, 10, 30, 31 May - dedicate the day with rejuvenating procedures and peeling
  • May 5 - Day for nail care
  • 7, 11 May - it is better to refrain from any procedures, high risk of injury
  • 13, 14, May 15 - a day suitable for rejuvenating procedures and skin cleansing
  • 16, 18, 20, 24, 26 May - Neutral Day
  • 19, 22, 27, 28 May - An unfavorable day for visiting the cabin
  • May 21, day for perfect manicure and pedicure

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for June 2017

Salon procedures will help to prepare the skin. If you suffer from allergies in the sun, you can try tan in solarium, perhaps this method will be safer. For you, the calendar for June 2017:

  • 1, 2, 27 June - from major cosmetic procedures to refuse, only depilation or peeling will be successful.
  • June 3 - a day for an incredible manicure and pedicure, which will be very pleased
  • 4, 6, 7, 10, 15, 19, 21, 23, 28,29, June 30 - a favorable day for any cosmetic procedures
  • 5, 8, 9, 11 June - it is better to refrain from any procedures, high risk of injury
  • 12.13 June - day for rejuvenation and cleaning skin
  • 14, 16, 18, 25 June - Neutral day
  • 17, 20, 22, 26 June - an unfavorable day for visiting the cabin, the result will not please you
  • June 24 - Dedicate the campaign to the salon related to nutrition and skin rejuvenation

Lunar Calendar of Cosmetic Procedures for July 2017

July fat can dehydrate the body and affect the face of the skin of the face. Do not forget to use sunscreen and drink more liquid. Visiting the salon in July according to the calendar:

  • 1, 4, 6, 7,10, 15, 19, 21, 23, 27, 28, 29, July 30 - a favorable day for any cosmetic procedures
  • 2, 8, 31 July - only depilation or peeling will be successful
  • July 3 - a favorable day for nail care
  • 5, 11 July - it is better to refrain from any procedures, high risk of injury
  • 9, 17, 20, July 25 - An unfavorable day for visiting the cabin, the result will disappoint you
  • 12, July 13 - day for cleansing and rejuvenation of the skin
  • 14, 16, 18, 22, 24, July 26 - Neutral day for cosmetic procedures

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for August 2017

In the last month of the outgoing summer, I want to look like a special perfectly. You can hold a number of cosmetic procedures at home, but for specific services and professional cosmetics will have to contact the salon.

  • 1, 30 August - take care of nails
  • 2, 4, 5, 8, 17, 18, 19, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31 August - A favorable day for any cosmetic procedures
  • 3, 7 August - it is better to refrain from any procedures, high risk of injury
  • 6, 29 August - only depilation or peeling will be successful
  • 9, 10, 11 August - a day is suitable for procedures for rejuvenation and skin cleansing
  • 12, 13, 16, 20, August 22 - a neutral day for cosmetic procedures
  • 14, 15, 23, 24 August - An unfavorable day to visit the cabin

Moon Calendar of Cosmetic Procedures for September 2017

The first autumn month must be found in the fulfillment and brilliance. Thematic manicure with autumn leaves will help tune in to shift the season. If you do not have enough sun, visit the solarium, the tan will not surprise anyone at this time.

  • 1, 5, September 7 - it is better to refrain from any procedures, high risk of injury
  • 2, 3, 4, 8, 11, 15, 17, 19, 24, 25, 26, September 30 - a favorable day for any cosmetic procedures
  • 6, 27, September 28 - day for manicure and pedicure, peeling and depilation
  • September 9 - excellent day for rejuvenating procedures
  • 10, 12, 14, 18, 21 September - a neutral day for cosmetic procedures
  • 13, 16, 22, 23, September 29 - An unfavorable day to visit the cabin
  • September 20 - Dedote the campaign to the salon related to nutrition and skin rejuvenation

Moon Calendar of Cosmetic Procedures for October 2017

In October, when choosing a time to go to the salon, pay attention to the calendar recommendations and you will be able to avoid any disappointment. You will be pleased with the result of even the most risky procedures.

  • 1, 5, October 30 - it is better to refrain from any procedures, high risk of injury
  • 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 11, 19, 23, 26, 29, October 31 - A favorable day for any cosmetic procedures
  • October 4 - only depilation or peeling will be successful
  • 7, October 24 - Hold the time to rejuvenate the face
  • 10, 12, 14, October 20 - a neutral day for cosmetic procedures
  • 13, 16, 21, 22, 27, October 28 - day, when it is better to refrain from cosmetic procedures
  • 17.18, October 25 - day for manicure and pedicure

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for November 2017

With the onset of cold weather, the skin can start to peel, ensure proper care and it will shine again as before. Modern achievements of cosmetology make it possible to solve many skin problems or face shape, wrinkles and problem areas. It is not worthwhile to be in doubt, it is better to try and gain confidence. To match the result and your expectations, it is worth planning the date on the lunar calendar:

  • 1, 4, 9, 13, 15, 17, 22, 23, 24, 28, November 30 - a favorable day for any cosmetic procedures
  • 2, November 26 - day for peeling and depilation
  • 3, 5, 11, November 29 - it is better to refrain from any procedures, high risk of injury
  • 6, November 7 - day it is better to devote to the cleansing and rejuvenation of the skin of the face
  • 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, November 19 - Neutral day for cosmetic procedures
  • 14, 20, November 21 - day, when it is better to refrain from cosmetic procedures
  • 25, November 27 - day, when it is worth a nail care

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures for December 2017

Meeting the New Year 2018, it is necessary to be beautiful, because I will meet the new year, so you will spend it. In the endless bustle of this month, try to carve time for yourself to bring hands, legs and face in order, and at the same time think about everything in a relaxing relaxing atmosphere.

  • 1, 11, 14, December - day, when it is better to refrain from cosmetic procedures
  • 2, 27 December - day for peeling and depilation
  • 3, 5, 20, 21, December 29 - it is better to refrain from any procedures, high risk of injury
  • 4, 9, 15, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, December 31 - A favorable day for any cosmetic procedures
  • 6, 7, December 13 - Dedicate the time to purify the skin
  • 8, 10, 12, 16, December 19 - a neutral day for cosmetic procedures
  • December 18 - dedicate the campaign to the cabin with food and skin rejuvenation

Do you believe in the influence of the moon on a person to solve only you. All these dates are given as recommendations to avoid disappointments and discontent, because attending the salon can not always guarantee the desired result.

Sometimes you feel that for some reason the usual and tested procedure did not give effect, in everything you can blame the master or explain it that the moon on this day was not in the sign of the zodiac. Only favorable days to you!

Video: Lunar beauty calendar

♓♈ 1 November

Moon : Growing in Fish, Ovnefrom 09:43, 13th, 14th lunar day from 16:15, moon without a course from 00:07 to 09:42
Health : If there are chronic problems with gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, urinary system, today you can seek comprehensive treatment and get it. Problems should be expected from the steps, head; Foot injuries are possible, nervous breakdowns, dental and headaches.
beauty : Today should not break over numerous procedures; It is recommended to focus on the skin care face. To do this, use the usual home remedies that you always have at hand.
Food : Today your body requires proteins of animal and vegetable origin with the obligatory presence of vegetables; Fit today regularly, do not skip meals.
Better to refuse OT. : use of cosmetics based on hormonal ingredients; Loads on the feet; clarifying relationships; Complex leather procedures, visits to a solarium.

♈ 2 November, Thursday

Moon : Growing in Aries,14th, 15th lunar day at 16:36
Health : Be careful with hormonal preparations; There is a noticeable risk of overworking, nervous disorders; Headaches are possible. During this period it is recommended to handle the old problems to the urologist, nephrologist.
beauty : Today, it provides a good opportunity to make close health and beauty of the skin, however, it is necessary to use proven and safe cosmetics; A good effect will be today from the visit of Cryosauna.
Food : dairy products, fish, meat; beans, nuts, cereals from croup; a variety of vegetables; Honey, fruit for dessert. A variety of products allowed and useful on this day does not mean that you can run away from the Puz!
Better to refuse OT. : complex cosmetology procedures, plastics; alcohol abuse; large number of food; teeth whitening; Hair dyeing, visits to the steam room.

♈♉ 3 November, Friday

Moon : Growing in Aries, Talesfrom 12:46, 15th, 16th lunar day from 16:59, moon without a course from 06:03 to 12:45
Health : Today, numerous ailments are possible, associated with vulnerable bodies, but do not need to succumb to panic. Try to monitor the level of pressure, do not provoke the body with excess to the exacerbation of the gall-eyed disease, on emotional breakdowns.
beauty : After 12:45, it makes sense to proceed with the incarnation of an individual program slimming; Today, manicure will be sold well; It is also recommended to take care of the fingers of the legs, the legs in the feet, nails.
Food : In the morning, a light food is recommended - something dairy (yogurt, cottage cheese), a bit of vegetables. During the day, preference can be given to dishes that are prepared on open fire. Portions must be small.
Better to refuse OT. : plastic operations, aggressive cosmetology interventions; clarifying relationships; alcohol; overeating.

Descending Moon from 08:22

♉ 4 November, Saturday

Moon : grows and decrease in CORPUSCLE, 16th, 17th lunar day at 17:26, full moon at 08:22
Health : It is better to spend the day in warmth and comfortable, avoiding loads on the kidneys, lower back; Dress up warmer when leaving the house, protect your neck with a scarf, do not drink cold, as it's easy to shine today. You can contact doctors to treat infertility problems.
beauty : Today, a good effect should be expected from the procedures for cleansing the skin of the face. Use only cleaning masks based on natural ingredients, or without active chemical components. Also recommended face massage and neck against a double chin.
Food : Food is recommended to be lean, so it is worth abandoning food of animal origin or reduce its presence to a minimum; It is best to include low-fat fish and vegetables cooked on fire. Useful red juices.
Better to refuse OT. : complex cosmetology, operations; cold drinks, staying in the cold; Permanent makeup and tattoos on the neck, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline.

♉♊ 5 November, Sunday

Moon : decrease in B. CORPUSCLE, Gemini from 13:26, 17th, 18th lunar day from 17:58, moon without a course from 12:28 to 13:25
Health : Be care about the nervous system and refrain from the load on the spine; Light gymnastics for neck will be very useful; there is a risk of aggravate tracheite, laryngitis; You can overflow blood, make operations on the bladder, rectum.
beauty : Active recreation today will help look prettier. It makes sense to go to the massage, swim in the pool. Good time to restore summer tan in solarium. Also do not forget to go to massage, Stone therapy. You can remove pigment spots from the skin of the face, neck.
Food : only fresh and proven food; There are many vegetables and fruits to lunch, and after lunch, useful fats (fish, almonds, avocado, solid cow's milk and so on) are recommended.
Better to refuse OT. : new cosmetology procedures from 12:28 to 13:25; from loads on the thighs; suspicious products; use of chemically active cleaning products; Contacts with viral patients.

♊ 6 November, Monday

Moon : decrease in B. Twins18th, 19th lunar day from 18:38
Health : It is strongly recommended this Monday to carefully air the premises, do not ignore the need for wet cleaning; It is advisable to get out of the city, but do not overdo it with cold air. There are no operations today.
beauty : Today it is effective to remove freckles, pigment spots from the face; You should also make masks that will return a healthy skin color, make it smoothly. You can take care of your hands, make special leather baths; Go to the sauna, or just take the bath.
Food : During this period, products should have a useful effect on the liver and the composition of the blood. Useful fats, which are fish oil, walnut oil, flaxseed oil and wheat germ.
Better to refuse OT. : long stay in the cold, loads on the shoulders; Manicure, pedicure.

♊♋ 7 November, Tuesday

Moon : decrease in B. Gemini, Cancerfrom 13:45, 19th, 20th lunar day from 19:30, moon without a course from 13:39 to 13:44
Health : It is recommended to prevent pulmonary diseases (especially those who have recently overcome the inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis). It is possible to exacerbate chronic and inflammatory diseases of the elbow and shoulder joints, therefore it is not necessary to provoke them to excessive loads.
beauty : On this day, you can achieve excellent results in the treatment of the skin; The alignment of the shade is recommended, you can use scrubs and cleansing masks. Take yourself by plucking and forming eyebrows, go to the sauna. Give something fashionable, beautiful.
Food : The menu can be diverse; Seafood, natural soures, natural juices are welcome; After lunch, give preference to so-called slow carbohydrates.
Better to refuse OT. : Loads on the muscles of the hands in the gym; dense trapes; risky activities; manicure, pedicure; removing warts, moles; visits to a solarium.

♋ 8 November, Wednesday

Moon : decrease in B. Cancer, 20th, 21st lunar day at 20:32
Health : Inspell injuries of the knee joints, problems with the health of teeth, skin diseases - all these problems today can be successfully fastened with appropriate treatment; It should be expected to exacerbate gastritis, peptic diseases, so it is necessary to adjust its food and behavior today.
beauty : Today's care efforts about the skin should be concentrated on the face, neck and zone decolte; On this day, plastic facial and abdomen are allowed; You can do rejuvenation using methods of mesotherapy; Remove unwanted hair from the face, from the body; Go to the dentist for a good smile.
Food : On this day there may be problems with metabolism, so as a basis, take simple dishes from the usual products. Circular, legumes, vegetables, solid fruits in moderate quantities are needed.
Better to refuse OT. : Heavy food, alcoholic beverages; potent medical drugs; work at height; loads during pregnancy; visits to the solarium; Removal of neoplasms from the skin.

♋♌ 9 November, Thursday

Moon : decrease in B. Cancer, V. Lev. from 15:29, 21st, 22th lunar day at 21:42, moon without a course from 08:14 to 15:28
Health : The problems described on the eve come to no, but the risks are still present. Today it is also necessary to reduce the load on the liver, care nerves. Mone monitor pressure level during the day. The risk of heart attacks and strokes.
beauty : All new cosmetology procedures start after 15:28 Moscow time; The correction of the figure is recommended using a lymphatic drainage massage; Plastic is better not to do, but complicated hair procedures are allowed after 20:15 (Moscow time).
Food : needed food that does not harm the cardiovascular system; Important products rich in potassium; more vegetables (yellow), orange fruits; dried fruits; Seafood, a little lean meat as a protein, or vegetable protein - in the afternoon.
Better to refuse OT. : Cardio training in the gym; abundant trapes; conflicts, clarifying relationships; alcohol; solarium; Hot bath, steam room. For example, you can limit the menu: porridge or muesli for breakfast, lean cutlets for lunch, salad for dinner.

♌ 10 November, Friday

Moon : decrease in Lev. , 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 22:58, the fourth phase of the moon from 23:35
Health : High probability of malfunctions in the work of the cardiovascular system as a whole, so it is necessary to avoid factors provoking these problems. Do not bring yourself to overwork, no weight lifting.
beauty : make yourself a gift in the form of beautiful and well-groomed nails on your hands and legs, take care of your fingers; It is possible to make a good extension of eyelashes, increasing hair; In general, today it is very good to do hair, make model haircuts.
Food : Today's diet should consist of lean dishes; Recommended bean, wholegrain porridge, potatoes; More orange and yellow vegetables and fruits.
Better to refuse OT. : any plastics, complex cosmetology procedures; from sports; Any heart loads.

Luniary Calendar: Beauty and Health

♌♍ 11 November, Saturday

Moon : decrease in Lion Maidenfrom 19:42, 23rd lunar day from 00:00, moon without a course from 11:55 to 19:41
Health : There may still be violations in the heart of the heart, to which problems with the stomach can be added. In order not to undermine your health, it is worth focusing on proper nutrition on this day. It is not recommended to make indifferent intestinal operations, to make difficult treatment.
beauty : On this day, it makes sense to visit the cosmetology cabinet, defending comprehensive care for its appearance; Who has problems with hair, you can sign up for a trichologist; Go to the hairdresser; Go shopping.
Food : Eat a little on this day. You can snack raisins, dried up, prunes; On the table there may be lean meat, fish, yellow apples and tomatoes, oranges and tangerines; For dinner, it is advisable to restrict ourselves to vegetables.
Better to refuse OT. : any important undertakings from 11:55 to 19:41; overeating; hot bath, wage; Removal of neoplasms.

♍ 12 November, Sunday

Moon : decrease in B. Virgin24th lunar day from 00:15
Health : suffering from chronic diseases of the small intestine should be prepared for failures in his work; In addition, there is a high risk of poisoning, be careful. Infectious patients, patients with ORZ, ORVI may encounter a deterioration in the state, and therefore it is not necessary to show activity to complete recovery.
beauty : Your nails today will require special care, but the result will exceed all expectations, so go to the manicure and pedicure; You can build hair on this day and eyelash; If necessary, apply a visit to a trichologist; The nutritious and cleansing masks are shown.
Food : Recommended light and well-digestible food that will not lead to a feeling of gravity in the stomach; Strict diets are not welcome; more fiber; Important fresh dairy products, salt.
Better to refuse OT. : Contacts with infectious and viral patients; preparations that can provoke allergic reactions; Basic washing, belizing.

♍ 13 November, Monday

Moon : decrease in B. Maiden, 24th, 25th lunar day at 01:31, moon without a course from 18:45
Health : All the same problems are noted as the day before, but the symptoms may be harder; Operations are undesirable in principle, not to mention the operations on the stomach, the small intestine. You can treat the feet, clean blood, reduce the level of bile by natural preparations.
beauty : If there are problems with fungus on the legs, take it today with its treatment close - the result will be obvious; You can make a pedicure, in which the leg massage is recommended, removing old skin with the feet, nail extension.
Food : Fit today separately. In the morning, it is better to eat prostroprious or kefir; Moderate number of homemade salts on the table will be by the way at lunch; In the evening - vegetable salad. Useful bran.
Better to refuse OT. : large amounts of fluid, long stay in the cold; Clear, wastewashing.

♍♎ 14 November, Tuesday

Moon : decrease in B. Virgo, scalesfrom 02:27, 25th, 26th lunar day with 02:46, moon without a course to 02:26
Health : deal with the complex treatment of teeth, their prosthetics; We care the health of the kidneys, the urinary system - incorrect behavior and excess can provoke the aggravation of chronic diseases of these organs.
beauty : Today it makes sense to visit the visor interior, contact stylists to create a new image, choosing the most suitable style; Pay attention to the procedures for clearing the skin of the face, color recovery, the removal of stains and so on; You can strengthen the tan in the solarium.
Food : It is necessary to exclude very hot, sharp, spicy; Food should not be very hot; The body needs fats in sufficient quantities, but first of all vegetable: seaweed, soy, nuts, and so on.
Better to refuse OT. : overeating; applying tattoos on the body; Weaving braids.

♎ 15 November, Wednesday

Moon : decrease in B. Scales26th, 27th lunar day with 03:59
Health : If you suffer from excess weight, or you have diagnosed kidney problems, today should be carried out in peace of mind, avoiding stressful situations, since they are able to lead to exacerbation of negatively affecting the diseases of the kidney of factors. You can treat your teeth, do eye operations, nose.
beauty : Give today the beauty and health of the teeth; If everything is in order with them, but there are problems with cellulite, on this day you can start implementing an individual anti-cellulite program; Rejuvenation procedures, mesotherapy are also recommended. You can make plastic operations.
Food : on the table there may be lean meat, seafood dishes; Purge fats are useful; Eat apples, plums; tea brew from rosehip; Not irritating stomach spices, seasonings are welcome.
Better to refuse OT. : long stay in the cold; manifestations of nervousness; Tattooing belly, back, weaving braids.

16 November, Thursday

Moon : decrease in B. Scales, scorpionfrom 11:19, 27th, 28th lunar day from 05:11, moon without a course from 03:50 to 11:18
Health : Health risks are minimal, perhaps operations, complex eye treatment, throat, teeth. Of the probable health problems, it is worth mentioning the risk of constipation, problems with digestion. The load on the genitals should be minimal.
beauty : Today we can expect a good result from "Protection Ukolov" within the framework of rejuvenation procedures (after 11:19); Continue to restore healthy and smooth skin color, remove freckles, pigment spots. The body can be maintained in a tone using lymphatic massage and aromatherapy.
Food : The body needs fats and carbohydrates. If it torments a feeling of acute hunger, you can afford a small amount of so-called fast carbohydrates (flour, sweet), but not at night. Seafood is extremely desirable after 11:19.
Better to refuse OT. : stretching exercises (mainly twine); active sexual load; Shopping items of clothing, cosmetics.

17 November, Friday

Moon : decrease in B. Scorpio,28th, 29th lunar day from 06:21
Health : Today reproducing bodies are significantly vulnerable, so it is worth refraining from loads on this area; It is possible to exacerbate problems with prostate gland, acute hemorrhoids.
beauty : exercise lymphatic drainage massage, continue to fight cellulite sediments, folds; Make your nails and take care of the skin and legs, going to the manicure and pedicure; Be sure to find time for skin treatment with natural masks, scrubs. Refuse complex procedures.
Food : Last food today will save from many problems with digestion, reduce the risk of poisoning. Portions should be small, eating - regular. The body is well absorbed carbohydrates.
Better to refuse OT. : fitness, strength training, physical exercise; dense trapes; alcohol; sexual contacts; Shopping.

Growing moon from 14:40

18 November, Saturday

Moon : decreases and grows in Scorpio,grows Streltsyfrom 21:59, 29th, 30th lunar day from 07:30, 1st lunar day from 14:40, new moon at 14:40, moon without a course from 14:42 to 21:59
Health : on this day, both on the eve, it is necessary to take all precautions to not provoke diseases of the genitals, rectum; Watch the power, avoid unprotected sex and random sex contacts.
beauty : There will be a lot of benefit today; Relaxing relaxation, exercise nutritious and firming face mask. If you need to remove the stress accumulated in a week, it is recommended to go through aromatherapy session - it will not only calm down, but also help look better, healthier. After 14:40, plan business for the next month.
Food : Again it is worth making a choice in favor of the laundry menu. In no case do not overeat - today the feeling of light hunger is much safer than feelings.
Better to refuse OT. : sports, physical exertion; complex procedures in cosmetology, plastic interventions; sexual contacts; clarifying relationships; Hiking shopping clothes, jewelry salons.

♐ 19 November, Sunday

Moon : Growing in Streltsy, 1st, 2nd lunar day from 08:37.
Health : current weekend - the most unfavorable days for any complex procedures and operations. There is a high risk of hips injuries, the tailbone; High risk of poisoning. With a greater share of the probability of successful treatment, light, bronchi, upper respiratory tract will be given in, nervous system.
beauty : Start today a complex of healthy procedures that will pret to quickly help you get a healthy and blooming look; Use the day to combat cellulite, fat deposits - you should expect a good result.
Food : The menu can be diverse; more vegetables and fruits - sweet peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, apples, pears, plums; Useful nuts and legumes; Required fish, kefir, yogurts. Everything should be fresh without a doubt - the high risk of poisoning and allergic reactions.
Better to refuse OT. : loads on the hip area, the tailbone; the use of hormonal cosmetics; operations and complex forms of treatment without particularly need; Piercing punctures.

Moon Beauty Calendar

♐ 20 November, Monday

Moon : Growing in Streltsy, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 09:39
Health : The risks of previous days are gradually going to no, but still vulnerable such bodies, parts of the body, body systems, such as liver, bones of hips, buttocks, blood system. Avoid risks, follow safety rules and follow the power to avoid relevant problems.
beauty : if you entered into a hard fight with cellulite, on this day you can learn the maximum benefit from a visit to the massage salon, where you will select the most effective types of massage; From masks today it is worth limited to feed and strengthening facial care products.
Food : Eat lean meat, various porridge; more vegetables and fruits; Not dessert - dried fruits, honey. The boobs, fried meat, mushrooms, and indeed heavy food today is extremely harmful.
Better to refuse OT. : Loads on legs, exercises on legs in the gym; Piercing, visits to solarium, steam baths in the presence of problems with capillaries.

21 November, Tuesday

Moon : Growing in Streltsy, Capricornfrom 10:14, 3rd, 4th lunar day at 10:36, moon without a course from 03:26 to 10:13
Health : There are small risks for the liver, hips, coches, however, the most likely to exacerbate problems such as herpes, psoriasis, other skin diseases. Today, hands, shoulders, chest, stomach, pancreas, lungs, so can be engaged in system treatment of these zones and organs.
beauty : On this day, you should concentrate your efforts to prevent and combat different kind of fungal diseases, which spoil our appearance, interfere with enjoying life; Get rid of herpes, acne hatch; Go to salon procedures for skin rejuvenation; Get out eyelashes, eyebrows.
Food : Recommended moderate nutrition (risk of weight gain); When cooking dishes, use avocado, broccoli, beets, carrots, sweet pepper; Eat cottage cheese, rippy, berries, fruits; Homemade pickles, drink bums from herbs.
Better to refuse OT. : loads on the spine, foot joints; overeating; removal of scars and scars; Solarium.

♑ 22 November, Wednesday

Moon : Growing in Capricorn, 4th, 5th lunar day at 11:26
Health : Be careful on this day your legs (mainly knees, joints, tendons); Bones and spine can also be at risk of injury, so you should not lose vigilance neither at home or on the road or at work.
beauty : The main emphasis today must be done on rejuvenation procedures; Those who need to think about it early, can be advised to go to extension of eyelashes, formation and eyebrows; Make a pedicure, manicure; You can go to shops of clothing, spirits, decorations.
Food : Do not stitch the stomach today to the dump; On this day, you can pay attention to whole grain porridges; Useful cabbage, legumes. Eat more berries (at least frozen); Drink infusions from Rosehip, Rodisture.
Better to refuse OT. : loads on the joints of the legs, knees, spine; traumatic types of activity; contact with open flame; solarium; Removal of scars.

♑♒ 23 November, Thursday

Moon : Growing in Capricorn, aquarefrom 23:15, 5th, 6th lunar day from 12:08, moon without a course from 13:33 to 23:14
Health : still marked risks inherent for the moon in Capricorn, so overtake your feet, do not load the skeletal bones; It is not worth the treatment of teeth during this period if there is no sharp need.
beauty : Today it is good to cut your hair, doing hairstyles; Find a moment for a visit to the dermatologist, a beautician in order to level the color of the skin, fighting papillomas, moles; Take the nails on your arms and legs; You can make a tattoo or permanent makeup.
Food : There are no special restrictions, but it is recommended to focus on healthy diet; more dried fruit; useful for currant, blackberry, blueberries (at that time frozen); Homemade pickles will also not be superfluous.
Better to refuse OT. : Serious undertakings in the period from 13:33 to 23:14; removal of scars and scars; Loads on the feet; visits to a solarium.

♒ 24 November, Friday

Moon : Growing in Aquare, 6th, 7th lunar day at 12:43
Health : The main dangers of the day are associated with injuries of the lower extremities, fractures are possible; Be careful on this day, make longer breaks when working at the computer. You can seek the integrated treatment of soased problems with the back (scoliosis, other).
beauty : Today it makes sense to think about the procedures aimed at the correction of the shaders in the field of hips, buttocks; Mainly we are talking about the strengthening massage and various healing skin procedures; Visit the sauna, bath on this day; swim for fun in the pool; Make Stone therapy.
Food : On this day, greasy and acute food is especially undesirable; Our body requires fats and should get them with vegetable oils, nuts, low-fat meat, dairy products. Portions must be small.
Better to refuse OT. : ankle loads; medical drugs on hormonal basis; overeating; Loads for the liver (alcohol, oily sharp food); expensive shopping; Staining hair.

♒ 25 November, Saturday

Moon : Growing in Aquare, 7th, 8th lunar day at 13:12
Health : Negative aspects of today carry a threat to bone tissue; Special care should be those who suffer from osteoporosis, osteochondrosis. Available for complex types of spin treatment, diaphragm.
beauty : On this day, it will be a sense of active recreation, in which you can get into the bath in the sauna, swim in the pool; Go to massage with stones, firming foot massage, anti-cellulite massage.
Food : Food must be easy, do not miss food; Do not remove with quantity, and stop the animals and plant fats.
Better to refuse OT. : exercises on legs in the gym, long walking; visits to jewelry salons, shops and fashionable clothes; plastics, complex cosmetology procedures; large amount of alcohol; overeating.

Health Calendar: Favorable Moon Days

♒♓ 26 November, Sunday

Moon : Growing in Aquare, Fish from 11:04, 8th, 9th lunar day from 13:36, the second phase of the moon from 20:01, the moon without a course from 05:37 to 11:03
Health : stressful situations, experiences, depression - all this is especially dangerous today, since it has a significant negative impact on the lymphatic system, the blood circuit system; You can seek the serious treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, for the treatment of heart disease.
beauty : Stay on this day at home and dedicate your time simple, but useful procedures for improving the appearance. It is possible to do nutrient masks, affect the organism using essential oils within aromatherapy. If it's not sitting at home, go to the common massage, in the sauna.
Food : Again, lennched food, which in no case should be confused with a hunger strike; The menu can be diverse, but meat, dairy products, sweet and alcohol should be excluded.
Better to refuse OT. : exercise, loads on the body; overeating; disputes, conflicts; calery removal on the legs; Manicure, pedicure.

♓ 27 November, Monday

Moon : Growing in Fish, 9th, 10th lunar day at 13:58
Health : Today, be careful to your shoes - it should be comfortable, not rubbing, do not lead to the stress of blood; On this day, the feet and fingers are especially susceptible to injuries, dislocation, fractures.
beauty : It is recommended to make health and the appearance of the feet today, for which the bathroom-based baths should be done; Take care of the fight against the fungus on the legs, which will be particularly effective in the early stages. But the pedicure is better not to do.
Food : special attention today on freshness of products; Prosic to allergies, people should not risk with unfamiliar products; There is a need for a moderate amount of fast carbohydrates; Useful porridge, vegetables.
Better to refuse OT. : jumps, exercises in the gym dangerous for the feet; contacts with infectious patients; unusual food organism; Removal of hoptes, corns.

♓♈ 28 November, Tuesday

Moon : Growing in Fish, Ovnefrom 19:31, 10th, 11th lunar day from 14:18, the moon without a course from 15:09 to 19:30
Health : The risk of the injuries of the feet, which are particularly susceptible to people who are obese; Attention is dulled, possibly oppressed state, so try today more often distracting positive things. Important hygiene - there is a risk of distribution of viral and infectious diseases.
beauty : Today is especially good for relaxing feet baths that will help improve blood circulation, will remove fatigue, contribute to the fight against fungal diseases; There are good chances to buy something outstanding from clothes, perfumes or jewelry.
Food : Christmas post dictates their power rules; It is believed that Tuesday is suitable for lean hot food with vegetable oil - potatoes, porridge, other.
Better to refuse OT. : responsible undertakings in the period from 15:09 to 19:30; Loads on the feet; overeating; contacts with viral patients; Removal of corns, nozzles.

♈ 29 November, Wednesday

Moon : Growing in Aries,11th, 12th lunar day from 14:39
Health : Head (eyes, nose, ears), teeth and nervous system - these are our weaknesses from which problems should be expected. Migraine, unexpected headaches, pain from old injuries are possible. Take care of the treatment of kidney diseases and problems with the bladder.
beauty : The energy of this day should be used to return youth and beauty by visiting cryosauna; You can and need to make masks to strengthen the skin of the face, as well as masks that enrich skin with useful nutrients.
Food : The Christmas post continues, and there is raw products, whole grain bread on this day; In other words, on the table there must be products that have not been thermal processing - mostly vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, nuts.
Better to refuse OT. : Applications of scrubics, cleaning masks with aggressive impact; cattle on the roads; Treatment of teeth; Chemical twigs, hair coloring.

♈♉ 30 November, Thursday

Moon : Growing in Aries, Talesfrom 23:39, 12th, 13th lunar day from 15:00, moon without a course from 21:37 to 23:38
Health : Today, take care of the tips on getting rid of headaches, the treatment of ears, eyes, teeth; It is extremely dangerous to conduct operational interventions (especially on vulnerable organs); The benefit will bring preventive measures (teeth hygiene, oral cavity, nasopharynx).
beauty : Holidays for the skin and head is useful; For face, use relaxing and tonic mask's skin; You can make firming massage of the face and head; Face cryoissage, face treatment with ice cubes from herbal infusions.
Food : Christmas post is not the reason for you to make yourself hunger; Moreover, today in the monastic charter again there is hot food with vegetable oil.
Better to refuse OT. : excessive loads on the body; excessive activity during pregnancy; speed exceeding when driving; use of defective electrical appliances; hair coloring; Deep peels.

Lunar calendar diet

Food: Days of November 2017.
Proteins 1, 2, 10, 19, 20, 29, 30
Proteins, Sol. 3, 11, 21
Salt 4, 12, 13, 22, 23
Salt, fats 5
Fat. 6, 14, 15, 24, 25
Fats, carbohydrates 7, 16, 26
Carbohydrates 8, 17, 27
Carbohydrates, proteins 9, 18, 28
Fast 3, 10, 17, 18, 26
Moderate nutrition (weight risk) 2, 3, 21, 22, 24-26, 28
Eliminate very hot, sharp and spicy 1, 7, 14, 22, 30
Exclude alcohol 1, 5, 7, 12-14, 19, 20, 22, 26-28, 30

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Beautiful and well-groomed marigolds always attract attention. Pick up the optimal day for hand care will help the moon calendar of nail cutting on November 2017.

Well-groomed hands are a reflection of care and tidy. Not only to women, but also men are important to care for the nails to support the image of a successful person. In addition, there are many reasons why nail haircuts on certain lunar days is undesirable due to the possibility of bringing trouble. Site experts Website prepared a detailed calendar for you, with which you can avoid negative and attract well-being in your life.

Favorable and unfavorable days for nail clippers

1-3 November:growing moon in Aries - a favorable time for nail clipping. First and second November, with the help of shortening the nail plate and giving it a rounded form, you can get rid of headaches, feel confident and smoothed conflict situations. But the third number from the haircut is worth refraining so as not to provoke ailment.

November 4-5:Full moon on Saturday and the first day of decrease in the moon will pass under the auspices of the constellation of the Taurus. November 4, it is advisable to refrain from haircuting marigolds. The 5 Numbers Use of Hinting You can achieve attention from colleagues and bosses, saying goodbye to the negative and prevent the stratification of the nail plate.

November 6-7:The moon in the twins is a great time to establish contacts with close people, relatives and sweethearts. Energy constellation allows you to perform active manipulations with nails, including a haircut and giving a new form. If you want to get rid of obsessive guardianship, then give your nails a pointed form.

8-9 November: The effect of cancer constellations these days will be ambiguous. On Wednesday, the nail haircut can lead to failures on the personal front, however, if your relationship has been outlined, it costs to dry the nails. And on Thursday, manipulation with nail plates will help you bypass obstacles in the life path and successfully complete complex cases.

November 10-11:the zodiacal lion and the energy of the descending Moon these days do not contribute to the involvement of good luck, so it is better to postpone the nail haircut. Hanging and giving a new form of nails can lead to bruises and cuts. Take care of therapeutic and caring procedures.

November 12-13:the positive influence of the Virgin will help get rid of the negative and negative emotions accumulated earlier. If you are coming serious conversations, business meetings, large purchases or other important things, cutting your nails. So you will attract good luck. It is possible to strengthen the effect with the help of talismans protecting against a bad eye.

November 14-15:these days, the moon will move to the constellation of the scales, and on November 14, you can attract good luck to your side by promoting the nail plate and rounding the tips of the nail. But the 15 numbers from the haircut should be abandoned by giving preference to manicure without hanging and feeding.

November 16-18: Three days of the moon will be in the constellation of Scorpio, which makes unsuccessful active manipulations with nails. Shorting nails during this period, you can weaken biopol and become vulnerable to unfriendly. This time is intended for caring and restoring procedures for the skin of the hands.

November 19-20: The growth of the Moon continues, and from Sunday to Monday, it will visit the constellation of Sagittarius. This time is filled with positive energy, which will make any manipulation with nail plates. With the help of a haircut, you get rid of the fragility and fragility of the nail, and making a manicure, you can overcome timidity and doubts.

November 21-23:capricorn constellation helps to get out of the state of apathy and despondency. Mile ladies should use this period to develop a bold and bright design of the manicure and embody it into reality independently, or with the help of a professional master of nail service. Men caring procedures and hanging the disgraced nails will help to get together with thoughts and choose the right path to success.

November 24-25: These days you will keep the growing moon and the constellation of Aquarius. Astrologers are recommended to refrain from nail cuts 24 numbers in order not to subsequent infection. And on November 25, the haircut and burning of the marigolds will be returned to you the cheerful arrangement of the Spirit, and you can start productive communication in the business and personal spheres of life.

November 26-28:from the three-day period paid to the power of the constellation of fish, only on November 27, the nail haircut will allow you to attract good luck. On the other days, astrologists recommend avoiding active manipulations, so as not to provoke the capricious fortune to unexpected turns.

November 29-30: The last days of the outgoing autumn will again be in power of the Aries. This period is characterized by positive energy favorable for nail clipping. You will increase self-confidence if you briefly hold up the nogot, and you can arrange people to yourself using a competently selected manicure and pedicure.

Strike nails can be based on a monthly calendar, but also by days of the week. Astrologers have long noticed that at certain days the energy of stars and planets literally favors to active procedures associated not only with manicure, but also hair. Create your own unique style with a haircut calendar. Be happy and do not forget to click on the buttons and

In the first days of November, it is better to pay time to care for the face, but not particularly divert. From 3 to 17 Clean the cleansing procedures. November 7, pay attention to the deep cleansing of the skin, the 9th - to the area around the eyes and the neck. If you have long wanted to make permanent makeup of lips, eyelashes and eyebrows, then on November 14, it is quite suitable for this. From 19 to 30 November, the moon begins to grow, therefore nutritious and moisturizing masks, creams and oils your face will be taken with gratitude. November 25 does not need to do peeling, it can be held on the remaining days.

Dense and silky

Do not plan hair and hair curuy for the first two days of November. Favorable days - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 3, 4, 5, 11, 13, 21, 21, 21 and 25, 13, 21, 22. November 23 and 25 - Good time for integrated care (nutritious and strengthening masks). After the haircuts made from November 8 to November 16, the hair will grow slower, but it will contribute to the strengthening of the roots of the hair, will prevent their loss. If you decide to paint the hair on 9 or 10 November, carefully with reagents: these days the moon in Lev, and this fiery sign - and chemical reactions can be much faster. To the new moon, November 18, no manipulations with the chapel do not need. From 19 to 30 November, you can safely cut the curls, they will quickly grow. However, from 28 to 30, decline from aggressiveness (staining, "chemistry"). During this period, the head is especially sensitive.

All in our hands

Follow the nails and skin of the hands with any ways not to be rebeling all November. Nevertheless, November 5 and 6 refrain from the edged manicure, and on November 8, nail extensions are not recommended. On November 13, the marks will become stronger, and on November 16 and 28, pamper your hands with a nutrient bath and manicure. 21, 22, November 23, do not forget to hold vitamin-strengthening activities for nails: compress, applying medical lacquer.

Oh, legs, legs!

The beginning of the month, November 3, is a suitable day for pedicure and getting rid of the legs from the corner. 14, 15, 17 and 20 are welcome to foot and feet massages, care for them: baths, moisturizing and nutrition. 26, 27 and 28 November edged pedicure is undesirable.


1, 2 and 25, 28, 29, November 30 Do not plan laser hair removal. From 3 to 17 and 27 November this procedure, on the contrary, very by the way.

Strengthening and relaxing

On the first day of the last month of the fall, the anti-cellulite massage will not hurt. 4, 6, 11 and 27 November showing a normal massage, just do not overload the spine. On November 6, you can enjoy and benefit from wrapping in the spa. On November 7, a bath and sauna is contraindicated, 20 numbers can be departed in the steam room, at the same time to arrange a unloading day. 10 and 19 will quite by the way there will be a relaxing bath, and the 21st walk in the fresh air is yours all.

Medical and other procedures

The beginning of the month (1,2 number) is not suitable for radical interventions: operations, tattooing. From 1 to 3 November, cancel the record to the dentist. From 28 to 30, do not schedule a campaign to the dental office and plastic surgery. November 25, do not write to the reception to the cosmetologist for piercing the ears. Beautiful earrings will wait a bit.

Caring for yourself on the lunar calendar, in general, simple and logical: all actions aimed at getting rid of something (peeling, edged manicure and pedicure, etc.) are held when the moon decreases, and regenerating (haircut, Skin care, etc.) - when the moon is growing.

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