The baby is choking with a cold. How to carry out preventive measures? The breath of a little peanut

A symptom such as nasal congestion in infants, especially in a newborn, becomes a real problem for new parents. It prevents the baby from not only fully breathing, but also eating. There are many reasons for the condition. And it doesn't necessarily have to be a cold. Often the nose does not breathe, and there is no mucus, snot. Consider the main causes of congestion and treatment methods.

Runny nose with snot - colds and viruses

The situation when, after childbirth, the mother notices with alarm that the child’s nose is not breathing is not rare. To properly treat a runny nose, it is important to determine its cause:

  • Physiological rhinitis. In most cases, this condition is not a pathology and is explained by the peculiarity of the structure of the nose of babies up to a year old, the narrowness of the nasal passages. The mucosa is not completely formed. Therefore, a newborn and even a month old baby does not breathe well. At this stage, there may be slight mucous discharge and swelling of the nasopharynx. This is a variant of the norm. It is possible to distinguish physiological rhinitis from a cold by secretions. With a cold, these are liquid, constantly flowing snot, turning into thicker ones. A cold baby completely loses the possibility of nasal breathing, while with physiological rhinitis, even when mucosal edema develops, the ability to breathe through the nose is partially preserved.
  • Insufficiently humid air in the room, which leads to drying of the separated secret on the mucosa. The resulting crusts lead to the fact that the child suffocates, begins to sniff, breathes heavily through the nose.
  • Too warm clothes or high air temperature leads to sweating of the baby and overheating. As a result, immunity decreases, a viral infection develops, accompanied by a runny nose. The newborn suffocates, cannot breathe through the nose.
  • Teething. This process involves not only the oral mucosa, but also the nose. She is inflamed, swollen. The situation when a baby wakes up from nasal congestion with the growth of a tooth, is naughty, is familiar firsthand to every mother.
  • The sensitivity of the newborn to the action of allergens, including dust, pet hair, feathers, fluff of pillows and blankets, ticks, detergents, washing powders, plant pollen. Therefore, parents should be very responsible about cleanliness in the children's room and try to protect the baby from contact with irritants.
  • Congenital anomalies in the development of the nasopharynx, leading to partial or complete obstruction. Such pathologies are extremely rare.
  • Adenoiditis. Inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil in infancy is a single occurrence. The reason for this may be infections or allergens.
  • Complications after viral and bacterial infections. Most often, infants develop inflammation of the ethmoid bone (ethmoiditis) and maxillary sinuses (sinusitis).

Adenoids - the cause of congestion

Nasal congestion in a newborn should not be ignored. It prevents the baby from breathing normally, sleeping, eating, violating the regularity of life and the peace of the whole family.

You need to figure out what caused this condition. Then seek help from a pediatrician.

What to do if a newborn has a stuffy nose, but no snot

If nasal congestion persists for some time, causes noticeable discomfort to the crumbs, it must be treated. But a mom who is not a doctor should not try to do this on her own. The right decision in this case is to seek advice from a pediatrician who will diagnose the cause and tell you how to treat the baby. If this is not done in a timely manner, complications may develop. When the baby does not breathe through the nose, you can alleviate his condition with the help of:

  1. Cleansing the nose with a cotton turunda soaked in slightly salty boiled water. When dried, the mucus turns into dense crusts that interfere with free breathing.
  2. Aspirator or small rubber bulb with a soft tip. With these devices, if necessary, you can suck out the mucus.
  3. Drops like "Aqua Maris" or saline solution for washing the nasal passages. These agents moisturize the mucous membrane, soften the crusts, and help to remove them without hindrance. With nasal congestion in a newborn without snot, Komarovsky recommends instilling saline drops as often as possible, every half hour, if the baby is not sleeping.
  4. Recipes of traditional medicine. A clogged nose can be instilled with beet juice, carrot juice, or aloe vera diluted with water (2 parts boiled water to 1 part juice). No other drops can be used without the advice of a pediatrician. This can harm the health of the child.
  5. In the fight against this problem, do not forget about humidifying the air in the room where the baby is. You can use special humidifiers, water containers near the battery, hang wet towels in the room, and do wet cleaning daily. Air conditioning is desirable to use less, it dries the air. For the health of the nose, regular walks in the fresh air are beneficial.

How to make turundas for the nose

Baby 6 months old

What to do when a 6 month old baby has a stuffy nose? The treatment algorithm at this age, as in newborns, depends on the cause that led to difficulty breathing. Washing the nose with saline solutions, humidifying the air and walking on the street do not lose their relevance if the child’s nose does not breathe. At this age, the pediatrician, if necessary, can expand the list of drugs for the treatment of congestion. Vasoconstrictor, antiviral and antibacterial drops can be prescribed.

A runny nose in such babies quickly leads to complications. Therefore, you should not self-medicate.

Adequate therapy can only be carried out by a doctor after examining the baby and diagnosing the cause of difficulty breathing.

How to care for a child during a cold?

If a child has a stuffy nose, he becomes irritable and restless, his appetite is disturbed. Mom needs to try to alleviate the condition of the crumbs. But the baby is very vulnerable. Careless actions in the treatment of the nose can lead to serious complications, such as otitis media. Therefore, it is not permissible to choose the methods of therapy and medicines at your own discretion. It doesn't matter if the baby was just born or it is a one-year-old child. The problem of congestion can be dealt with by instilling a saline solution into the spout, carefully sucking out the mucus, creating a comfortable temperature and humidity. When caring for a baby, you can not wash your nose with a rubber pear and use sprays.

Aspirators for babies

Increased pressure will lead to the reflux of mucus particles into the Eustachian tube and the development of inflammation in the middle ear. If you need to free the nose from viscous mucus, it is recommended to drip saline, wait a bit and suck the mucus with an aspirator. After that, you can apply the drops prescribed by the doctor. Vasoconstrictor drugs are used only if they are prescribed by a doctor. It is important to observe not only the dosage, but also the duration of administration. You can’t use them for longer than 5 days, as well as drip undiluted juices from vegetables, plants, essential oils to the baby.

A fatty sweet organic environment is an excellent environment for the rapid reproduction of bacteria and the development of the disease.

When you need specialist help

Usually, mild nasal congestion in infants does not require a visit to the pediatrician. But medical attention is needed when the following symptoms appear:

  • whistling sounds when breathing crumbs;
  • red throat in addition to a runny nose;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • nosebleeds;
  • deviations in body temperature in a child from 3 months to six months in one direction or another;
  • observed for more than 7 days.

In this case, you should consult with your doctor.

Children's nasal sprays

Medical treatment

The list of drugs to eliminate congestion in infants varies and depends on the cause that caused it. In any case, you can not experiment and self-medicate! Any wrong actions during treatment, medicines not prescribed by a doctor can complicate the course of the disease. In the fight against allergic rhinitis, vasoconstrictor and antihistamine drugs may be prescribed. If the nature of the disease is viral - antiviral drops or interferon solution. If a runny nose is caused by bacteria, it is treated with antibacterial medicines. With physiological anomalies, surgical intervention is used.

Only a doctor can correctly determine how to cure the disease, choose the dosage of the drug and set the course of therapy.


Traditional medicine suggests treating congestion with vegetable juices (beets, carrots, onions), plants (aloe, kalanchoe), saline, breast milk. When a child's nose is clogged, what can and cannot be done? Until the child reaches the age of one, of all of the above, only instillations with a salt solution are suitable. It's not hard to make it at home. To do this, dissolve sea salt in boiled water. The taste of the liquid should be pleasantly salty. Too concentrated solution will dry out the delicate mucosa. Juices of beets, carrots can be dripped only with highly diluted water. Moreover, it is desirable to do this after the first six months of life.

Juices for children - only with the permission of a doctor

Onion juice, like breast milk, is not suitable for babies.

Nasal congestion in a newborn is explained by the peculiarity of the structure of the nasal passages. As a rule, no treatment is required during this period. But if a runny nose persists for a long time, accompanied by alarming symptoms, the baby needs to be treated. You need to entrust this to the pediatrician. Self-medication can aggravate the problem and harm the baby.

Help. On Friday, my daughter started coughing, not yet two months old. I thought I would cure with folk remedies and the snot began to flow. I didn't sleep well last night, I coughed. And tonight she vomited from coughing like a fountain. nasal drops do not help. coughs so much that he turns red and almost chokes. Now he is sleeping, now I think whether to wait until the morning and call the local pediatrician or what to do. Lying swaddled her. What if I fall asleep and do not hear how she coughs and suffocates. God forbid, is it possible to choke on a cough. Just a husband on a business trip and I'm at home with two small children. What to do who faced?

The temperature is? Have you tried calling an ambulance? Snot must be sucked off with a special pear. And do not sleep, watch the child, you may need to give expectorant syrup. If I were you, I'd call 911 and talk to the pediatrician.

call a doctor, of course! God forbid that, then "eat" yourself for having doubts and not calling at the right time.

slept well at night and I was on duty nearby. A pediatrician is due to come today, and how many times I called our doctors with my eldest daughter, they constantly put me in an infectious disease, whether it was a cough, a fever, or a runny nose. And before 10 days they were not discharged. I agreed, but if they put the elder in the hospital with the youngest, leave no one with the grandfather, grandmother, aunt, everyone in the other city. My husband is coming today, and our good experienced pediatrician, if he says to go to the hospital, I will immediately go to bed

looks like an allergy. isn't it asthma? I wish the health of your Lyalka, watch carefully and double-check the tests. maybe you need to take a sample. but I don’t know if they do allergy tests for such little ones?

The temperature is? Have you tried calling an ambulance? Snot must be sucked off with a special pear. And do not sleep, watch the child, you may need to give expectorant syrup. If I were you, I would call an ambulance

Should I be scared if the baby has snot?

For us adults, stuffy nose is not a big problem. Think! We will buy drops in a pharmacy - do not worry. But a runny nose in a baby is the problem that can bring even the calmest mommy out of balance.

Nasal congestion - symptom or disease?

Medically, shortness of breath is a symptom of the disease. And the symptoms of classical medicine have not been cured for a long time - this is illiterate, the disease itself is treated.

There is a very simple way that will help you figure out if the baby's nose is really breathing badly. If, during feeding, the little one now and then breaks away from the chest or bottle to breathe in air, it means that the nose is breathing poorly, and this is already a cause for concern. But you need to approach the problem wisely. It often happens that parents begin to stop the symptoms of the disease using folk remedies, thereby exacerbating the situation.

The nose is a delicate organ

The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is very sensitive, its functions are easily disturbed not only under the influence of pathogens, but also when the ambient temperature, humidity, dust and other irritating factors change. Even a cotton wick to clean the nose can cause irritation of the mucous membrane and the release of mucus.

Do not experiment on the baby!

Snot in infants is treated by all sorts of means. With the “help” of mothers who have heard enough advice from their friends, what just doesn’t get into the baby’s nose! Breast milk, beet and carrot juice, herbal infusions, homeopathic sprays, protargol, interferon, medicinal drops and much more. The most harmless remedy is saline sodium chloride. It does not damage the delicate mucous membranes and is widely used when thick mucus or dried crusts have simply accumulated in the nose. Not to

Runny nose and cough in the chest

Very often, cough and runny nose in infants appear in parallel with each other. What explains this and can a runny nose provoke a cough in a baby? In fact, there is a possibility that a cough from a runny nose appears in a baby, since the mucus from the nose, infected with viruses or bacteria during illness, gradually enters the throat along the back wall, thereby causing coughing fits. Most often, a runny nose in infants and a cough worsen during the period when the baby is put to bed.

Every parent wants to see their baby healthy, happy and cheerful. Any health problems of a small child cause very serious concerns, since at this age they can develop very rapidly, proceed severely and give complications. Cough and runny nose in infants, which at first glance may seem harmless, are no exception. Cough and runny nose of the baby, as a rule, indicate the presence of some serious illness in the body and rarely appear as independent diseases, therefore it is necessary to start treating them as soon as possible so that the neglected disease does not give serious complications. Therefore, if the baby has a runny nose, coughing is a reason to see a doctor, since timely diagnosis of the disease will allow you to choose the fastest and most adequate treatment. Each child is individual, therefore, the forum of young mothers may help to answer the question of how and how to cure a cough and runny nose in a baby, but in each case the treatment will be special, and the doctor will tell you how and how to cure a cough and runny nose in a baby.

Causes of a runny nose

The causes of a runny nose in an infant are different. Runny nose by nature of origin may be infectious or non-infectious. Non-infectious types of rhinitis may appear as a physiological manifestation of mucus adaptation

How to treat a runny nose in a newborn, baby

Before you start treating a runny nose in a baby, an important rule is to immediately seek pediatric help. After examination, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Causes of a runny nose in infants

In newborns up to two months, the presence of a runny nose is not always the beginning of a respiratory disease. At this age, in babies, the nasopharyngeal mucosa cannot yet fully fulfill its functions, its work is not sufficiently regulated, therefore, mucus can be released in a sufficiently large amount, this is a physiological runny nose in infants.

Of course, the main reason for a runny nose in a baby is a common cold, as well as an acute viral infection or flu. With infections, a runny nose in children under one year old is always accompanied by a strong swelling of the mucous membrane, which significantly disrupts the baby's breathing.

The air in a metropolis or even in a small town, and indeed the whole modern life of a person, is full of the presence of various chemical irritants, to which a fragile baby may experience an allergic reaction, which is manifested by a runny nose and sneezing, swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

In any case, especially if the baby fell ill for the first time, an examination by a pediatrician is required. If the baby has a temperature, you should call the doctor at home, if there is no temperature, you should come to the appointment. It is especially not worth postponing the call to the doctor if the child has a cough, lacrimation, he refuses to breastfeed, becomes lethargic, whiny.

Features of the common cold in infants

It is easy to notice that the child has snot, there are no differences in the symptoms of a cold in a newborn and an adult - the baby sneezes, breathing through the nose becomes difficult, mucous discharge from the nose appears. The child snores, sniffs, refuses to suck normally, often throws the breast or pacifier. But in tacos

Nasal congestion in a newborn: causes and proper cleaning

If you have a stuffy nose in a baby or a newborn, you need to contact your pediatrician. The doctor should examine the child and find out the causes of difficult nasal breathing. It is strictly forbidden to use nasal vasoconstrictor drops without the appointment of a pediatrician.

Nasal congestion in infants only at first glance seems to be a “banality”. Newborns and infants should be closely monitored by medical professionals. Perhaps the cause of a stuffy nose lies in improper care or is physiological in nature. But still, it is better to find out this issue with the doctor.

On the importance of nasal breathing

If the nose of the baby does not breathe, then there is no complete moisturizing, purification, warming of the inhaled air. Such a baby will often get sick with SARS. But there are other, even more serious consequences of obstructed nasal breathing.

For babies, normal nasal breathing is extremely important. Because for full-fledged breathing through the mouth, he has not yet physiologically matured. In infants up to 6 months, the tongue pushes the cartilage of the larynx back and blocks the movement of air. Prolonged mouth breathing leads to hypoxia - a lack of oxygen, which negatively affects the overall development of the body. It is important to know about this and try to resume normal nasal breathing as soon as possible.

neurological disorders. Hypoxia can provoke an increase in intracranial pressure, a violation of the functions of the central nervous system. A baby with difficulty in nasal breathing is naughty, sleeps poorly.

Complications in the ENT organs. Swelling of the mucous membrane and nasal congestion impairs filtration and drainage functions, which leads to the multiplication of pathogenic microflora and inflammation of the middle ear, adenoids, and paranasal sinuses.

1643 03/08/2019 6 min.

When children get sick, it is always scary and disturbing. If newborns get sick, then many mothers are horrified, panic sets in. But after all, medicine is also actively developing, and folk methods for the treatment of many diseases have already been approved by official science - you just need to be examined by specialists and calmly, regularly follow their prescriptions and recommendations. A runny nose in a newborn is the most common cause for panic: “he is not breathing, he will suffocate, his sleep is disturbed, he is hungry.” What do parents need to know about?


Causes of a runny nose in a newborn may be physiological characteristics, colds and allergies

If the baby has a runny nose or - a physiological feature - the nasal passages are not fully developed, protective mucus is produced in insufficient quantities, which leads to excessive dryness of the nasal passages, the formation of crusts and difficulty breathing.

Another reason for the appearance of a runny nose is a banal flu or. In this case, everything happens naturally - the virus enters the baby's body, where it begins to actively develop. Given the imperfection and unsuitability of the newborn, a runny nose appears immediately after infection.

Do not forget about the possible manifestations of an allergic reaction even if the baby is breastfed and the mother is on a diet. First, the baby may be allergic to milk.

Even the air itself (especially in large cities) with a high content of harmful substances can become a powerful allergen that causes a runny nose in a newborn

That is why it is quite difficult to answer the question of how long a runny nose usually lasts in a newborn - only a doctor can answer this question in each case.

Flow features

A runny nose in newborns is easy enough to diagnose - it manifests itself in the same way as in adults: shortness of breath, “sobbing and gurgling” in the nose, sneezing, the baby breathes through the mouth. The main feature of the course of the disease is that newborns cannot independently clear the nose of accumulated mucus - they definitely cannot blow their nose. Therefore, parents must personally clean the nose of accumulated mucus. This can be done with the help of special cotton flagella and / or microclysters - just suck off the mucus periodically.

Important: many newborns cannot quickly “orient themselves” and switch to mouth breathing - there are cases in medicine when a baby suffocated from the accumulation of a large amount of mucus in the nasal passages.

Treatment of the common cold in newborns

There are several methods for quickly and effectively treating a runny nose in children of this age. In any case, it is worth paying special attention to the common cold - for adults, the nasal congestion syndrome is a mere trifle, in infancy it can turn into a tragedy.

Medical treatment

For newborns, Nazivin and Nazol Baby are suitable - special drops designed for babies

If the baby has severe difficulty breathing, because of this, sleep is disturbed and there is no possibility of calm feeding, then vasoconstrictor drugs can be used. The best - Nazivin and Nazol Baby - special drops designed for babies. Consider two factors:

  • it is strictly forbidden to use these drugs for more than three days in a row;
  • you can instill these drops once every 6 hours and it is advisable to do this before a night / daytime sleep.

A runny nose caused by an infection can be treated with Protorgol drops - they are antiseptic drugs, recommended for children from the neonatal period.

Immunomodulators will help strengthen the immune system, as a result of which the body will perfectly cope with the disease. Pediatricians boldly prescribe - a drug characterized exclusively by plant origin.

Folk remedies

Aloe or Kalanchoe juice can be used as an effective folk remedy for a cold in newborns.

With folk remedies, you need to be extremely careful - what is great for older children (even from 12 months old) and adults may absolutely not be suitable for babies. The most effective folk recipes for the treatment of rhinitis in newborns are:

Please note: many parents are sure that if you drip breast milk with a runny nose, this will significantly speed up the healing process. In fact, this is an erroneous opinion - mother's milk, getting into the baby's nose, creates the most favorable environment for the development and spread of infection.

A runny nose in a newborn is not a reason to refuse to walk in the fresh air: if there is no increase in body temperature, then you can (and should!) walk as usual.

Provide humidity in the room of a sick baby - this can be done using a special humidifier or in the “old-fashioned” way: arrange containers with water and / or lay out rags soaked in water.

Let your baby drink more - even newborns who are breastfed need extra fluid. As a drink, you can use ordinary water.

Regularly clean the child's nasal passages - take a small enema and simply suck the mucus out of the nose. Just do not forget to treat the entrance to the spout and the tip of the enema with glycerin or petroleum jelly before the procedure - this way there will be less chance of injuring the baby. Cotton/gauze flagella can also be used for cleansing.

Possible Complications

First of all, a runny nose can lead to the development of a chronic process, and then the transition from ordinary rhinitis to sinusitis / frontal sinusitis is very likely. It is worth noting that a prolonged runny nose leads to a violation of the psycho-emotional state of the child - sleep is disturbed, the baby is naughty, refuses to eat.

If a runny nose in newborns is not professionally treated, they may develop (as complications):

  • otitis- ear infection;
  • acute bronchitis- inflammation of the upper respiratory system;
  • conjunctivitis– it will have a bacterial etiology;
  • ethmoiditis- the inflammatory process extends to all, without exception, the sinuses of the nose.


Learn about three ways to clean your newborn's nose to relieve symptoms of a runny nose:

A runny nose in a newborn is an unpleasant disease, but there is nothing dangerous for the health and life of the baby. A competent approach to the choice of treatment method, strict adherence to the recommendations and prescriptions of a pediatrician guarantee the complete disappearance of the symptoms of a runny nose.

Caring for your own child is often accompanied by anxiety and anxiety, which is characteristic of inexperienced parents. Young mothers and fathers are most afraid that their beloved child will get sick. And they are anxiously experiencing any change in the state of the child. Many parents are concerned about the problem of grunting in the nose of the baby. So, let's see if this is normal?

The child grunts his nose for pathological reasons

In some cases, the cause of grunting with the absence of snot is diseases and pathological processes. These may be congenital anomalies in the structure of the nasal passages, which appeared even during the intrauterine development of the child. Very often, the baby grunts with his nose during the development of an acute disease - a viral or bacterial infection.

A child can grunt with his nose when foreign bodies enter the nasal passages, as well as with the development of a tumor that occurs after damage to the nose.

If you notice that your baby grunts his nose all the time, you should immediately consult a doctor - a pediatric ENT. There are times when the doctor does not detect pathologies, in which case you can help the baby by daily moisturizing the nasal passages with saline. You can prepare such a solution yourself or buy medicines based on sea water - salin. aquamaris. humer. aqualor.

Why does a baby grunt his nose?

You can often hear complaints from young mothers that the baby grunts with its nose. Consider the reasons for this exciting behavior of young parents. We will also discuss whether it is worth worrying about or starting to treat a child if you notice that the baby is grunting with its nose.

Causes of grunting in the baby's nose

It is simple to explain such a frightening fact for young parents: the baby’s nose is very small, and, accordingly, narrow nasal passages. And in this regard, even a slight runny nose or an accumulation of dry crusts in the nose can cause difficulty in the free movement of air.

If you notice that your baby is having difficulty breathing, this should not be neglected. Our recommendations will help you change the situation:

- First of all, take care of controlling the humidity in the newborn's room. Do not forget to regularly ventilate the room, this will have a beneficial effect on the health and well-being of the child. Of course, for the time of airing the baby should be taken to another room so that the newborn does not slip through.

A good humidifier for a room would be a mini fountain or an aquarium. To increase humidity, they often use damp cloths hung on batteries, or cups of water placed around the room. But the easiest way is to purchase a home humidifier that is able to regulate the level of humidity in the room, and is equipped with an automatic shutdown system when the desired level is reached. Depending on your preferences, as well as financial capabilities, you can purchase an ultrasonic or traditional humidifier. Humidifiers of more expensive models are equipped with filters that purify the air. Very expensive air purification systems are equipped not only with the function of humidifying the air, but also with the help of special filters they are able to trap dust and other contaminants, making the atmosphere of the room as comfortable as possible.

  • Another important point is regular wet cleaning in the child's room. But do not be too zealous with cleaning. In no case do not use aggressive chemical detergents, as they can provoke an allergic reaction in a newborn.
  • If your baby grunts a lot and is breathing heavily, flush the nose with weak saline or saline solution. Such procedures are best done before feeding and at bedtime.
  • The above are the main preventive measures that should always be applied and thanks to which your baby will avoid problems, and you will be less worried about this. In the absence of other symptoms of the disease, after a couple of days, your child's nose will be completely clear.

    But if grunting with the nose is accompanied by other signs of the disease - cough, fever, be sure to contact the pediatrician, who will examine the baby and prescribe treatment. In no case do not self-medicate, this also applies to the use of folk methods. After all, with any unskilled intervention, you can do more harm than help. Keep in mind that even the safest medicines intended for the treatment of adults or older children can have a negative impact on the health of the baby.

    Also, do not experiment with herbal treatment. Many mistakenly believe that herbal medicine is a harmless and not very effective way of treatment. But in fact, infusions, decoctions or herbal extracts can have a strong effect on the body of even an adult, let alone a newborn.

    Do not try to get rid of the symptoms of the disease on your own, seek the advice of a pediatrician and do not forget that prevention is still considered the best remedy.

    The child grunts with his nose, but there is no snot

    What to do if your one-year-old baby grunts with his nose, but there is neither fever nor snot? And, all your attempts to suck the mucus out of the nose are in vain. After all, the baby's nose is not blocked, and when the child sleeps and eats, he breathes perfectly.

    Most likely, the baby grunts with his nose due to the drying of the mucus in the nose due to the high dryness of the air in the children's room (in winter this is due to the inclusion of heating). But it is not always possible to remove crusts from the spout that interfere with the passage of air, since they can be in the back of the spout. Humidification of the air in the room (tanks of water, wet towels, a fountain) and regular walks with the baby in the fresh air (outside the air is more humid, and it is easier for children to breathe) can be a solution to the problem. But for insurance, still consult a pediatrician.

    Child suffocates with snot at night

    Many parents have come across a situation where an outwardly healthy and active child during the day, sleeps poorly at night due to difficulty breathing. If in a lying position he begins to choke and breathes through his mouth, it means that his nose is blocked, but why does this happen?

    The only cause of nasal congestion is "snot". Their presence does not always indicate an infectious disease, but nevertheless, parents should remember that no matter how and under what circumstances they appear, their presence indicates some problems.

    The main causes of nasal congestion

    The most common cause of nasal congestion is, of course, colds. In the early stages, in addition to the above symptom, a cold may no longer manifest itself. It would be much easier to cope with diseases if it began at this stage.

    Another cause of nasal congestion is allergies. Most often, it also manifests itself in redness of the eyes, sneezing and even skin itching. But a mild degree of an allergic reaction can only be expressed in nasal congestion.

    You should not think that if nothing bothers the child during the day, then congestion appears only at night. In fact, such secretions accompany him all the time, just in a horizontal position they flow down the back wall of the larynx and practically do not cause inconvenience. That is why you need to fix the problem as a whole, and not fight it just before going to bed.

    The child may not notice how he swallows the accumulated mucus or wipe his wet nose on a convenient thing.

    Before going to bed, it is recommended to wash the child's nose with ordinary saline or Aquamaris. These funds are safe, do not cause allergies and can be used without a doctor's prescription for an unlimited time. Despite this, it is better to see a specialist, he will explain why stuffy nose at night and give more complete recommendations on how to deal with this problem.

    The baby's room should be ventilated so that the air in it is not dry. Essential oil has a remarkable effect, a few drops of which can be applied to a warm battery or a special lamp - when heated and mixed with air, it makes breathing easier.

    The child does not breathe through the nose, but there is no snot

    1. The first thing doctors usually check is the presence of adenoids. Adenoids really cause such an unpleasant effect. Whether to remove them is not an easy question. Here you need to weigh the pros and cons, because there are more gentle methods of treatment, and you can use the method of removing adenoids only when all other methods have failed. In addition, it is simply dangerous to perform adenotomy in early childhood - operations cannot be performed before the age of 5.
    2. But this is not always the cause of nasal congestion. Most often, the matter is in the swelling of the nasal mucosa that has appeared, which becomes critical at the moment when the child assumes a horizontal position. By the way, frequent colds can contribute to this, especially in the first year of visiting a kindergarten. But the cause of a stuffy nose in the absence of snot is most likely the misuse of medications used for a cold - such as nasal drops. Many mistakenly consider them harmless. The abuse of nasal drops in the nose causes a real drug addiction. Such dependence is caused not only by the popular naphthyzinum, galazolin, sanorin, but also children's drops, which are very numerous on the pharmaceutical market. And this is explained simply - they have the same principle of action as in adult drops. Many parents, in an effort to make life easier for the child or simply to give both the child and themselves the opportunity to sleep, drip drops into the nose for more than three days, which is absolutely impossible to do. The nose really postpones, and it becomes easier to breathe, but only for a while, as there is a reverse reaction - the mucous membrane swells even more as a result of its constant irritation. So it turns out - there is no snot, but the nose is still stuffy. As a result, the child gets a specific "terry" rhinitis, in which the respiratory organs suffer much more than with a common cold and even flu. There is a lack of oxygen in the body, hence headaches, fatigue, lethargy. In this scenario, you need to give up all your strength so as not to bring the child to surgery. But it is better not to bring to such a situation initially.
    3. There is another reason for nasal congestion along with the absence of snot - an allergic reaction. . Symptoms of allergic rhinitis are the same as with catarrhal rhinitis: swelling of the nasal mucosa, it is difficult to breathe, but there is no snot. In this case, you need to consult an allergist and treat not the consequence, but eliminate the cause, that is, the allergy.

      As soon as we have a problem with a stuffy nose, first of all I give the child something anti-allergenic. At one time, our pediatrician suggested, for which I am very grateful to her. Since the child is not allergic to anything, it never even occurred to me to use them. Usually, after application, vasoconstrictor drops are not even required, the swelling goes down and the snot is easily blown off.

      Yes, it's a painful problem. I myself in childhood, from the age of 7 I stopped breathing, my ancestors did not pay attention, everything was Naphthyzinum, but Galazolin was dripping. And here it is correctly written - getting used to them is terrible. At the age of 24, the operation had to be done on the septum. Now I don’t drip anything for my children except Pinosol, I’m afraid. But the situation repeated itself - myna's nose did not breathe, without snot. It turned out that some problems with the esophagus, reflux disease. But it was cured by diets, thank God and a good gastroenterologist)))

      Completely agree with you. In our family, this disease seems to be hereditary. The eldest was removed at the age of 4, and the doctors did not even offer a choice. They said delete everything. Everything went smoothly and since then he has even had a runny nose a rarity. But we have been treating the youngest for half a year, but to no avail. I think it will also end with the operation.

      Children's health

      Now I know how Kai felt when the ice melted in his heart! Thank you MY ANGEL.

      Zack 03/12/2010 at 02:10:51 PM

      The main thing in advice is to do no harm. If you know that there will only be a sneezing reaction to kalahonchoe juice, then you can drip 1 drop into the nose (+)

      already wrote that there is a temperature

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    7. How to treat a runny nose in a newborn, baby

      Before you start treating a runny nose in a baby, an important rule is to immediately seek pediatric help. After examination, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

      Causes of a runny nose in infants

      In newborns up to two months, the presence of a runny nose is not always the beginning of a respiratory disease. At this age, in babies, the nasopharyngeal mucosa cannot yet fully fulfill its functions, its work is not sufficiently regulated, therefore, mucus can be released in a sufficiently large amount, this is a physiological runny nose in infants.

      Of course, the main reason for a runny nose in a baby is a common cold, as well as an acute viral infection or flu. With infections, a runny nose in children under one year old is always accompanied by a strong swelling of the mucous membrane, which significantly disrupts the baby's breathing.

      The air in a metropolis or even in a small town, and indeed the whole modern life of a person, is full of the presence of various chemical irritants, to which a fragile baby may experience an allergic reaction, which is manifested by a runny nose and sneezing, swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

      In any case, especially if the baby fell ill for the first time, an examination by a pediatrician is required. If the baby has a temperature, you should call the doctor at home, if there is no temperature, you should come to the appointment. It is especially not worth postponing the call to the doctor if the child has a cough, lacrimation, he refuses to breastfeed, becomes lethargic, whiny.

      Features of the common cold in infants

      It is easy to notice that the child has snot, there are no differences in the symptoms of a cold in a newborn and an adult - the baby sneezes, breathing through the nose becomes difficult, mucous discharge from the nose appears. The child snores, sniffs, refuses to suck normally, often throws the breast or pacifier. But at this age, he himself still can not blow his nose.

      Therefore, the nose must be cleaned with a special mucus aspirator - an aspirator, which are sold in pharmacies or departments for infants. You can use a syringe with a soft spout, which should be boiled, cooled, pressed to pump out air, lead into the nasal passage, release. All mucus will be enema.

      You can not use ordinary cotton swabs with a solid base, which can damage the delicate nose of the baby. Also, syringes should not be used, due to the fact that at such an early age, mucus from the nose can easily get under pressure into the Eustachian tube, which can cause otitis media in the baby.

      Newborn children are not always able to switch to mouth breathing in case of lack of nasal breathing and shortness of breath. Medicine knows cases when a prolonged runny nose in a child, blockage of the nasal passages with thick mucus, caused the death of the baby, since the child was suffocated. With a large accumulation of mucus, an uncleaned nose, it flows into the bronchi and provokes bronchitis, and if it enters the ear through the Eustachian tube, otitis media develops. Treat such a seemingly mild ailment in children under one year old as a runny nose with all seriousness.

      Treatment of a runny nose in infants

      How to treat a runny nose in a newborn? The first thing to do, as we have already said, is to clear the baby's nasal passages of mucus using an aspirator. They are very easy to use, you just need to get used to it. If there is not a lot of discharge, as happens in infants after birth, you can make a cotton flagellum and twist it in the baby's nose, after the procedure, the accumulated mucus will be on the flagellum, and the nose will be cleaned. Just don't push it too deep!

      When a runny nose is accompanied by a temperature, walking with a child is not recommended, especially in frosty weather, and you can’t bathe the baby either. When the temperature becomes normal, you can walk, but in calm weather, you can swim 4 days after a clear improvement in the child's condition.

      With regard to nutrition, with a cold, the child's appetite is reduced, because it is difficult for him to suck with a stuffy nose. During sucking, he suffocates, and when she is forced to breathe through her mouth, there is an incomplete closing of her lips and sucking, especially the baby’s breast does not work. Also, against the background of SARS, a decrease in appetite is natural, since the body is actively fighting a viral infection and an additional burden on the digestive system, the liver is not needed in this case.

      If the child refuses to eat, make every effort so that the baby has free breathing, clear the nose, do not be lazy, instill vasoconstrictor drops. A baby, even during the period of illness, should eat at least a third of a serving of milk, and the interval between feedings should be reduced. If he does not suckle, feed from a spoon, from a cup, from a syringe, it is important that the child receives nutrition, since dehydration occurs very quickly in infants. life-threatening.

      If the child is more than 8 months old and has already tried compotes, juices or herbal teas (see how to properly introduce complementary foods to a child up to a year old), then you can finish it with such drinks. If the child is older than a year, in this case the main thing is to give the baby a good drink, boiled water can be used as an additional liquid.

      It is also worth regularly ventilating the room in which the baby is located, use a humidifier, carry out wet cleaning daily or hang wet diapers in the room on the battery. When the air in the room is dry and dusty, the recovery of the baby becomes protracted. In the presence of a high temperature in infants, it is recommended to knock down at a temperature above 38 ° C (see a detailed review of all antipyretic drugs for children in suspensions and suppositories).

      The modern pharmaceutical industry is rich in various remedies for the common cold. In the absence of fever and other symptoms, treatment may be limited to the use of only local agents for instillation into the nose. It is more correct and safe for infants to instill drops into the nose than to use various sprays.

      Read also on the topic:


      Various advertised and recommended sprays with sea water (Aqualor, Aquamaris, Quicks, Otrivin baby, etc.) cannot be used by infants, they are contraindicated by age. Moreover, they can provoke a purulent runny nose, get into the Eustachian tube, cause otitis, provoke a spasm of the larynx.


      When the swelling of the nasal mucosa becomes very significant, on the recommendation of a doctor, vasoconstrictors can be instilled. With drugs of this effect, one must be very careful, measure only with droplets with a special pipette, avoid overdose, and they should not be used for more than three days.

      Among the vasoconstrictor drops for the treatment of a runny nose in babies, you can use Nazol Baby, Nazivin 0.01% for babies. It is necessary to drip no more than once every six hours, preferably at night or before daytime sleep. After a one-time instillation, some mothers try to re-instill or continue to use vasoconstrictor drops for more than 3 days - this is unacceptable. In case of an overdose, the child may experience palpitations, vomiting, convulsions, and other side effects. Rebound syndrome is also possible, when receptors for the drug are blocked, and the runny nose only intensifies.

      You can use Vibrocil (a combination of antihistamine and vasoconstrictor action).

      Drops with antiseptics

      Antiseptic drugs include Protorgol - a silver-based product (can be ordered in the prescription department). You can also use sulfacyl sodium eye drops - Albucid, they can also be used for instillation into the nose. Even such funds should be used only as directed by a doctor.

      Antiviral and immunomodulating agents

      Any antiviral drugs and immunomodulators can only be used according to indications, since the long-term effects of using drugs that affect the baby's immunity are still poorly understood (see antiviral drugs for ARVI and influenza). With a runny nose, if the pediatrician deems it necessary, you can use - Grippferon, Viferon suppositories, Genferon-light.

      It is more convenient to use a bottle without a dropper, since then it is more convenient to measure the number of drops with a simple pipette. Using the droppers that come with the medicine, you can exceed the dosage. Prophylactically, Derinat is dripped to infants who have been in contact with sick people, 2 drops 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days. And if there are already signs of a cold, then 2 drops every 1.5 hours.

      Folk methods of treatment

      Many advise starting the treatment of a runny nose with the instillation of breast milk. This should not be done. Yes, breast milk is useful, it contains antibodies that increase the immunity of the baby, but milk is not an antibacterial or disinfectant, moreover, bacteria multiply at an even faster rate in milk, and this procedure will harm the baby rather than help.

      For infants, it is not advisable to use folk remedies based on an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, for example, Kalanchoe juice. Many grandmothers recommend bitter aloe juice for instillation into the nose of infants, but before using it, the plucked leaves should lie in a cool place for 2-3 days, otherwise the juice can cause redness and irritation of the mucous membrane in the child due to its high biological activity. If you risk using Kalanchoe juice, then fresh juice should be diluted 1: 1 with boiled water and instill 1 cap. 3 r / day.

      Complications from a cold in newborns

      Is it necessary to treat a runny nose in infants? After all, it usually goes away on its own. It is necessary to treat rhinitis in a child up to a year old, first of all, to alleviate his condition, the baby cannot say what discomfort he has, but we all know how hard it is to breathe when the nose is stuffy, how the head hurts, the child’s sleep is disturbed , dry mouth appears and the delicate skin on the wings of the nose and upper lip becomes inflamed.

      Read our articles on antibiotics for colds in children. as well as how to treat a cold in a child. One of the complications that a runny nose in a baby is fraught with is weight loss and dehydration, since it is difficult for a child to suckle breast or formula from a bottle.

      Very often diligent mothers can excessively wipe and "blow" the baby, which can lead to sores on the wings of the nose, upper lip and under the nose. This causes pain in the baby, and the child becomes even more capricious and whiny.

      It is necessary to treat a runny nose on time, until complete recovery. The most serious complication that gives a runny nose in infants without treatment:

    8. Otitis media purulent
    9. Acute bronchitis
    10. Ethmoiditis
    11. Bacterial conjunctivitis
    12. Dacryocystitis
    13. Runny nose in a baby: symptoms and treatment of the disease

      A runny nose in a baby requires a serious approach. Without proper and timely treatment, the infection can descend lower into the respiratory tract and cause a number of complications. That is why it is important to know the symptoms and ways to treat a runny nose in the smallest.

      Runny nose symptoms

      A runny nose may be the first or even the only (in mild cases) manifestation of a respiratory infection in infants. Other causes of "snot" at this age are very rare. Depending on the stage of the disease, the symptoms of a runny nose are different.. There are three stages of the disease:

    14. reflex - lasts several hours, at this time the child is disturbed by frequent sneezing, burning and dryness in the nose;
    15. catarrhal - lasts for 2-3 days, nasal breathing is difficult due to mucosal edema, the sense of smell is disturbed, a watery discharge appears from the nose, tears flow from the eyes, sometimes the ears are blocked;
    16. accession of a bacterial infection - begins from 3-4 days of the disease, when the mucosal edema subsides, nasal breathing becomes free, the ability to perceive odors is restored, and nasal discharge becomes thicker and acquires a yellow-green hue.
    17. Sometimes at night, a runny nose causes coughing in children, because in a horizontal position, mucus begins to flow down the back of the throat and reflexively irritate it. In addition, due to the dryness of the air in the house, the mucus in the nose may well dry out overnight, and then dry crusts form near the baby’s nose in the morning.

      Uncomplicated runny nose in infants lasts up to 7-10 days, and if left untreated, can be delayed up to 3-4 weeks.

      How dangerous is a runny nose for a baby?

      Timely treatment of a runny nose in a baby is also necessary so that he sleeps soundly and well. Discharge from the nose can greatly disturb the baby, in an excited state, he cannot fall asleep for a long time. Because of this, he is even more naughty, and it turns out as if a vicious circle.

      A runny nose makes it difficult for the child to suckle, the baby has to constantly break away from the breast or bottle, he quickly gets tired. In very young children, against the background of difficulty in nasal breathing with a runny nose, weight gain may even decrease.

      If the nose is stuffed up, the child tries to reflexively breathe through the mouth. As a result, poorly warmed, humidified and purified air enters the lungs. All this can cause even more serious respiratory diseases, such as pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs.

      From the nose, infected mucus can easily enter the ear cavity through the auditory tube. In infants, due to the characteristics of age, it is short and wide, inflammation easily passes to the middle ear, causing otitis media.

      There is even a point of view that frequent and prolonged violations of nasal breathing at an early age disrupt the supply of oxygen to the body. Because of this, the growth of the child, its development slows down. But the nervous system, which is very sensitive to lack of oxygen, suffers the most. From all this, it becomes clear why The treatment of rhinitis in infants is a very important task.

      Medical treatment for the common cold

      There are quite a few remedies to combat the common cold. Which one to choose depends on the stage of the disease, and on the type of pathogen. The range of permitted drugs is also narrowed by age restrictions on their use. Every mother should know how to treat a runny nose in babies and the features of drugs that a doctor usually prescribes.

      Vasoconstrictor drugs

      Vasoconstrictors help very quickly, breathing relief occurs almost a few minutes after their use.

      Getting on the mucous membrane, drops from the common cold for babies constrict the blood vessels, and thus eliminate swelling and excess mucus production. When the swelling subsides, the olfactory receptors are again on the surface, and the child begins to smell.

      Vasoconstrictor drugs differ in strength and duration of action:

    18. short-acting drugs based on phenylephrine and naphazoline. They work about 4-6 hours. Naphazoline and its derivatives are approved for use only from 2 years. These are drugs such as Naphthyzin, Sanorin, etc. Vibrocil was created on the basis of phenylephrine, its drops are used from the age of 1 month;
    19. xylometazoline-based intermediate-acting preparations last 6–8 hours. These are Galazolin, Otrivin, Xymelin. When a baby has a runny nose, treatment with these drugs is permissible for him only at a concentration of 0.05%;
    20. long-acting preparations based on oxymetazoline are effective up to 12 hours after application. Examples of such funds are Nazivin, Nazol.
    21. Vasoconstrictor drops act only on the edematous nasal mucosa. They have quite a few side effects, and in case of an overdose, the effect of local remedies extends to the entire body. Before treating a runny nose in infants with vasoconstrictor drugs, you should consult your doctor.

      Antibiotic nose drops

      If the discharge from the nose has acquired a green tint or an unpleasant odor, then most likely this means the addition of a bacterial infection. At this stage of the common cold, only vasoconstrictors will not help. But local preparations with antibiotics work well.

      Before treating a runny nose in an infant with antibacterial nasal drops, you need to make sure that such a decision is appropriate. You can choose such funds only after consulting a doctor. After the examination, the doctor may prescribe medications such as:

    • Isofra;
    • Polydex;
    • Albucid 20%.
    • The duration of the course of antibacterial drops should not exceed 5-7 days, otherwise the pathogens may develop resistance to the drug.

      Quite often, a purulent runny nose is a symptom of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, and then, in addition to antibacterial nasal drops, a systemic antibiotic cannot be dispensed with.

      Other drugs

      Sometimes for the treatment of a runny nose in children, one cannot limit oneself to only one local remedy. The combination of various drugs is often more effective than monotherapy, since it is possible to cure a runny nose in an infant by acting on different mechanisms of the onset of a runny nose.

      In order to clear the nasal cavity of mucous secretions faster and more efficiently, it is recommended to resort to rinsing, using saline solutions in the nose, such as Aqua Maris, Aqualor Baby, Physiomer. They speed up the cleansing of the nose by thinning the mucus. These are completely safe drugs, approved for use from birth.

      To treat a runny nose in an infant as one of the manifestations of a respiratory viral infection, it is sometimes necessary to prescribe topically interferon preparations (Grippferon, Viferon ointment, leukocyte interferon). They make breathing easier by acting directly on the cause of the disease - the virus.

      The drug Pinosol based on essential oils of mint, pine and eucalyptus has an additional antimicrobial effect, facilitates breathing, and vitamin E in its composition restores the epithelium of the mucous membrane.

      Folk remedies for the common cold in babies

      Many folk recipes and tips on how to treat a runny nose for a baby have been accumulated. All of them serve as an addition to the main treatment of this disease. Folk remedies should not be the only way to deal with the common cold. You can not use them if the child is allergic to any component of the product.

      Examples of the most common prescriptions for a cold:

    • fresh parsley juice is instilled into the nose, 1-3 drops in each nostril several times a day. It has antiseptic properties;
    • Kalanchoe juice lubricates the skin near the nasal passages 2-3 times a day, and 1 drop is instilled into each nostril 3-4 times a day. The drug irritates the mucous membrane, provokes sneezing, due to which the nasal mucosa is cleared;
    • a mixture of Kalanchoe juice and St. John's wort oil for lubricating the nasal passages has a complex effect - it irritates the mucous membrane, stimulating sneezing and has an antibacterial effect;
    • juice of fresh beets, diluted in half with water, is instilled a few drops into each nostril.
    • It is not recommended to instill breast milk into the nose for the prevention and treatment of a runny nose - it can become an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. Also, topical application of highly irritating and strongly smelling products, such as asterisk balm, is undesirable for babies.

      If it starts runny nose in infants – treatment should be started as early as possible. In order not to get confused in a variety of means and methods, be sure to visit a doctor to get advice. Only a specialist can warn about possible contraindications and side effects of medicines.

      What to do if a child chokes on snot and coughs during sleep

      Often parents are faced with a situation where a small child suffering from rhinitis chokes on snot in a dream. In order to eliminate this phenomenon, it is necessary to identify the reason why the mucus flows down the back of the larynx, preventing the baby from sleeping.

      ARVI ARI

      Rhinitis with acute respiratory infections or SARS. In these cases, abundant snot may well cause insomnia - choking and coughing in a dream. This type of runny nose in infants who are not yet able to sit can be dangerous, so at the first sign that the child begins to choke on snot, turn the baby on its side.

      Also read:

      Risk of complications

      In addition, if the baby begins to choke on a copious secretion of mucus, he may experience the following ailments:

    • Development of polyps or adenoids;
    • Abundant swelling of the nasopharynx, as a result of which the baby stops breathing through the nose and swallows air through the mouth;
    • As soon as the baby began to show anxiety due to a profuse runny nose, cough and choke in a dream, parents need to take urgent measures.

      Spout cleaning

      The following procedure cleans the baby's nose well. The baby must be tightly swaddled, inject a few drops of saline or saline into each nostril.

      Immediately after this, remove excess secretions with an aspirator. This procedure, if necessary, can be repeated several times until the snot is finally removed from the baby's nasal cavity.


      After you clear your sinuses, drop a few drops of Nazol or Vibrocil into your nose. This is necessary so that the infection in the pathogenic secretion does not get into the middle ear area. If the secreted mucus is viscous and thick, after instillation with Nazol, wait 7-10 minutes, and then be sure to inject one drop of Okomistin into the nasal passages. This will thin the viscous consistency of the secret, and easily clear the nose with an aspirator.


      For children from 2 to 5-6 years old, washing is recommended as a procedure to remove excess mucus. Manipulations must be carried out before bedtime (daytime or nighttime) so that the child does not choke on snot during sleep. To dilute the secret, drop 1-2 drops of Dioxidin or Mezaton (or Prednisolone) into the baby's nose, and then rinse the sinuses with saline (possibly physiological) solution. The baby's nose will clear up and he will breathe more freely during sleep.

    After the birth of a child, newly-made parents need to be prepared for the fact that their baby will often get sick in the first years of life. Often, during a cold, a child chokes on snot. This phenomenon is especially dangerous during sleep. This is mainly due to the fact that the child's body has not yet formed its own immunity and any contact with infections and bacteria leads to diseases.

    Many parents are faced with the fact that the child chokes on snot in a dream for unknown reasons. Most often, this phenomenon occurs during a cold. There can be many reasons for this, and in order to understand what exactly the baby is choking on snot to vomit, you need to urgently contact a pediatrician.

    Common causes of vomiting with nasal congestion in a baby:

    • Irritation of the larynx. The child begins to choke on snot until a gag reflex appears if the snot enters the larynx and irritates its walls, as well as the walls of the esophagus. Even if the attack of vomiting was only once, this cannot but alert responsible parents. Moreover, such situations with a cold are rarely isolated. In addition, if rhinitis is of an infectious nature, then there is a possibility that mucus enters the esophagus, thereby infecting the internal organs. The only danger that vomiting carries is severe dehydration. But, nevertheless, you need to solve the problem as soon as possible. Otherwise, there may be complications.

    • Regurgitation. If the child vomits, then the problem is spitting up. After breastfeeding, the baby must be brought to a vertical position so that there is no excess air in the diaphragm. But, if in the intervals between feeding the baby vomits, the reason may be in the infectious processes occurring in the body. Most often, it is appendicitis, intestinal infection, diseases of the nervous system, various metabolic disorders. A high temperature can also cause a gag reflex in an infant.

    • Inability to blow your nose. A newborn child simply has not yet learned how to blow his nose correctly, from this he begins to choke. With a severe runny nose, parents should suck the mucus out of the nose on their own. Otherwise, the mucus begins to flow down the larynx, causing a severe cough and infecting the stomach and intestines. In these cases, the child is sick.
    • . Vomiting is caused by posterior rhinitis. If the baby vomited, and more than once a day, then the reason lies precisely in this disease. One of the signs of posterior rhinitis is the characteristic "grunting" sounds that the child has during breathing.

    But, whatever the reasons for the appearance of a gag reflex in a child, you need to urgently consult a doctor or call an ambulance at home. If the baby chokes due to nasal congestion, then this leads to serious health problems in the future without timely treatment. Especially if the baby suffocates before going to bed or especially during sleep.

    What to do if a child chokes on snot in a dream?

    If the baby is choking with a runny nose, then vomiting from snot is only a symptom, not the cause. First of all, in order to solve this problem, children must be examined and, if necessary, pass all the tests. This will help to determine exactly what caused the appearance of abundant mucus in the larynx.

    When a child vomits for a long time, then you need to call a doctor at home. Until the ambulance arrives, he needs to be laid down and given more fluids. Do not feed rough foods that irritate the intestines. It is undesirable to take any measures before the arrival of the pediatrician. Even if there is an increase in body temperature. You need to be with the baby all the time so that he is not afraid, and at the first sign of a gag reflex, take the necessary actions.

    When children choke on accumulated mucus, the treatment should be aimed at cleansing the nasal mucosa. Several times a day, the nose is washed with decoctions of medicinal herbs or saline solutions purchased at a pharmacy. Washing the nose will not only wash out the accumulated mucus, but also relieve inflammation and swelling. Also, during washing, part of the bacteria is washed out along with the solution.

    Effective in the fight against nasal congestion drops based on plant extracts (Pinosol, Sanorin). Unlike vasoconstrictor drops, which negatively affect the delicate mucous membrane of children, vegetable sprays gently cleanse the nose of snot and moisturize the walls of the nasal mucosa, while disinfecting it.

    When children begin to vomit, more water should be given. Taking action on your own can be dangerous, especially if it starts in a baby. It is difficult to say what caused such ailments, so the best way out is to wait for the doctor.

    It is impossible to give "adult" medicines for the common cold to children due to the fact that in such preparations the concentration of substances is much higher than in children's. And the use of tablets or drops only leads to a deterioration in the condition of your child.

    The medicines necessary for therapy are prescribed by a doctor. He also prescribes the dosage and duration of treatment.

    After a while, you should re-see the pediatrician. Having followed all the recommendations of the doctor to cure, the child will turn out much faster.

    Disease prevention

    A cold often accompanies a newborn in the first few years of life. This is a normal phenomenon that cannot be eliminated. Parents, in the hope that the child will not get sick, constantly do wet cleaning in the room, try not to let him go outside during the cold season. All this leads to the fact that the baby begins to hurt even more.