Named six most likely causes of homosexuality. Female homosexuality, love for a woman

A variety of female homosexuality, in which satisfaction is achieved by rubbing the pubes and external genitalia of the partners, the Greeks called tribadia, and the women using it - tribadia (from the word "rub").

Male homosexuality, in which intercourse is performed in the anus, they called pederasty (“love for boys”).

The Greeks especially revered friendship between adult men and young men, which was sealed by homosexual intimacy. In Sparta, the relationship between an adult man and a young man was even considered a marriage, which ended when the young man grew up and his face and body hair began to grow.

For a long time, the Greeks saw the main goal of male homosexual unions in ensuring the full-fledged education of young men under the guidance of elders - preparing brave and skillful warriors from them. Later, emotional intimacy came to the fore. The lovers even made a pilgrimage to the grave of Yalnos, the beloved of Hercules, where they swore an oath of eternal love.

Homosexuality was also widespread in the Roman Empire.

His special adherents were the nobility of both sexes. Only in the IV century BC. e. Emperor Constantine the Great, who recognized Christianity, banned it under pain of death. In some countries of Asia, Africa and America, relatively legal homosexual relations among some part of the indigenous population are still common today.

Homosexual men play a passive, "feminine" role in homosexual relations. In women, the situation is reversed - the active side is exclusively homosexual here. True, in men, a passive partner may not necessarily be exclusively homosexual, but can play this role in connection with physical or economic coercion (in adolescents out of curiosity). Women - active homosexuals do not have a desire for heterosexual relationships, but their experience sometimes happens. It may be associated with a failed attempt to be "like everyone else" or with coercion.

Active male homosexuals and passive females usually have experience of heterosexual contacts, i.e. they are bisexual. (In homosexual relationships, they play characteristic, specifically for their sex, respectively, active and passive roles.)

Bisexualism is caused by a person's upbringing, not necessarily conscious, and the life situation. So in conditions of isolation from the other sex, for example, in prisons, homosexual contacts of yesterday's heterosexuals become massive. This is especially true for women's prisons, since the easily vulnerable female psyche forces one to seek emotional support from another person, and such support most often occurs with a sexual partner. After a change in the situation, heterosexual relationships are often resumed after a certain period of time. But not always. Brought up habit, established relationships can crowd out the previous ones. But, in any case, the path to heterosexual relationships is not ordered for such people.

The exclusively homosexual orientation of a person is associated with his psychophysiological development, which may have genetic prerequisites. It is obvious that such a person cannot be changed.

The preference for homosexual contacts means, although not always, but very often, the rejection of heterosexual marriage, and consequently, of the physical reproduction of a person. This, in turn, with a high prevalence of homosexuality, can cause narrowed reproduction of generations, progressive depopulation, that is, the degeneration of the basis and subject of all human social life. Therefore, society has the right to counteract the creation of such a situation.

At the same time, it is necessary to strive to create conditions that reduce the risk of cultivating homosexual inclinations. For this, for example, it is necessary to avoid the creation of closed same-sex groups, especially of adolescence and youth, in which the risk of forming homosexual attitudes is very significant. It is also necessary to prevent propaganda of homosexuality, but by various means to show the attractiveness of heterosexual relationships, heterosexual love, the significance of people's reproductive activity for themselves and for the whole society.

As you know, the sexual orientation of both sexes can be different. If everything is clear with the traditional attraction of a woman to a man, then many questions arise regarding the reasons for the relationship between the two ladies.
Non-traditional sexual orientation of girls can be expressed either in lesbianism or in bisexuality. In the first case, women prefer only their own kind as partners, and in the second they are interested in both girls and young people. There is still no clear opinion why some ladies refuse to have sex with men, despite the high scientific interest in this phenomenon.
Mismatch of needs
There are several theories about the causes of female homosexuality. According to the first of them, the so-called biological, non-traditional sexual orientation in girls is due to the fact that the fair sex takes more time to get excited than men. As a result, women find solace and much longer caresses in the arms of their girlfriends. It is the duration of sexual intercourse, almost entirely consisting of foreplay, that lesbians most often cite as the main reason why they took
decision to refuse intimate relationships with men.
Questions of heredity?
Supporters of the evolutionary theory are sure that female homosexuality originated in antiquity. While men fought for food and for females, women had to satisfy their natural sexual needs only with each other. According to some scientists, as a result of this, their children had a special gene for homosexuality, due to which the sexual orientation of the descendants changed (which, however, has not yet been proven). It is believed that lesbian relationships are still common among residents of countries where polygamous marriages and harems are considered the norm.
Strong weaker sex
According to sociological theory, the love between two women is due to the fact that for many centuries it was customary to treat the representatives of the weaker sex with special awe and care, and they were allowed much more weaknesses than men, who were immediately reprimanded. At the same time, in many cultures of antiquity, for example, in China, it was generally accepted that the sexual orientation of any person is dual and implies the simultaneous presence of both the masculine (yang) and feminine (yin).
The embodiment of secret desires
Numerous sociological surveys conducted by modern researchers from different countries also showed that the vast majority of women either had experience of homosexual relationships or would like to try them, provided that none of their friends and relatives find out about it. Among sociologists, it is customary to divide lesbian and bisexual women into three groups - depending on their age. The first category includes teenage girls, who often try to stand out with the help of non-standard behavior and are most susceptible to the influence of mass culture, in which the image of homosexuals in Lately actively replicated.

Homosexuality is a mental disorder in a person that manifests itself in sexual attraction to a same-sex partner. Today there is both male homosexuality and female homosexuality. Only female homosexuality and its psychology is not as actively researched and described as male.

Psychology and history of homosexuality

Homosexuality and psychology are historically closely intertwined. At a time when psychology was becoming a science, the difficulty arose of the existence of different forms of sexual desire in people.

Homosexuality and psychology have a very close historical relationship. In those days when psychology was developing as a science, it faced the problem of the existence of various forms of sexual desire in people.

The emergence of homosexuality in people's lives began in ancient Greece. Among the ancient Greeks, such relationships were allowed and even respected. Entire poems were composed about the love of prominent men of the older generation for young men. The Greeks believed that men who were sexually attracted to each other would fight shoulder to shoulder with more courage. With the advent of Christianity and Islam, which played a significant role in religion, the psychology of people in relation to same-sex couples is changing. In the Christian and Islamic religions, same-sex sexual relations began to be prohibited and considered a sin. Laws were passed to punish homosexuality. But homosexuality did not cease to exist, it was simply very hidden by people until the beginning of the 20th century. It is the twentieth century. It is considered the revival of homosexuality when the world is re-divided (the First World War, the October Revolution and the period after the war in Europe and America) and the psychology of the worldview changes in the majority of people in the world, especially in developed countries. In the world, especially in most Western countries, laws are being passed allowing same-sex couples to marry. Some countries have passed laws allowing same-sex marriages to adopt children.

The disease got its name in 1869. It is the post-war period that becomes the beginning of a change in worldview for this deviation, and new research begins to be carried out. The designation of the disease was coined by the Hungarian doctor Benkert, and introduced into English by Havelock Alice, who conducted research on human sexuality. Initial studies on homosexuals who were not hospital patients showed that the psychology of homosexuals does not have a deviation and is the same as that of heterosexuals. Previous studies were conducted on homosexuals who were in prisons and hospitals. Studies conducted by the American biologist A. Kinsey and his colleagues showed that the psychology and mental abilities of such people are much broader than they are considered in society. Research has also shown that people who identify as gay used to consider themselves heterosexual. Many of them changed their orientation several times, as a result of which the percentage of homosexuality increased. In 1973, there were clear scientific studies indicating that there was no relationship between the concepts of homosexuality and mental deviation. Evelyn Hooker's studies are an example, but critics believe that the deletion of homosexuality from the list of diseases is the result of political pressure from homosexual groups, and not the result of scientific research.

Theories about the origin of homosexuality

In nature, there are various scientific points of view, where this disease came from, which boil down to the following theories:

  1. genetic theory. According to this theory, the disease in humans is caused by a genetic factor (congenital homosexuality). This means that the gene for homosexuality is inherited.
  2. neurogenic theory. Scientists believe that there are centers in the human brain that are responsible for sexuality. Those. according to this theory, the violation of the processes of work of women's and men's centers cause a tendency to homosexuality.
  3. Endocrine theory. According to this theory, the cause of this disease is a malfunction of the thyroid gland, which produces sex hormones.
  4. Conditioned reflex theory. Proponents of this theory view all types of homosexuality as acquired. When substantiating this theory, it is also indicated that the disease manifests itself in women who took male hormones in a large dose for treatment.

There are different opinions in the world about where the disease comes from. Consider the most common opinions:

  • Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy. Hormonal failure during pregnancy can contribute to disruption of the development of centers in the brain that are responsible for sex selection.
  • Seduction of a child by an adult homosexual. Same-sex abusers generally identify themselves as homosexuals as well. In this case, we are talking about acquired homosexuality. Acquired homosexuality is curable, unlike congenital.
  • Problems in family relationships. One of the reasons for the spread of homosexuality is the psychology of the relationship to the child in the family circle. An example is when a boy is brought up as a girl and vice versa.
  • Sexual harassment. Sometimes the disease manifests itself as a result of psychological trauma (harassment, rape).
  • Prolonged stay of young men in a closed male society. An example is the army, prisons, correctional institutions. As a result of prolonged sexual abstinence, acts of violence often occur in men, which can have an impact on changing sexual orientation.
  • Bad relationships between men and women. A man who is often abandoned by women suffers from low self-esteem and complexes. He is changing the psychology of relations between a woman and a man. As a result, problems arise with close relationships and push him to seek mutual understanding in men.

Latent homosexuality

In nature, in addition to the obvious, there is also hidden homosexuality (latent). With latent homosexuality, a person is not aware of his attraction to same-sex persons, or the problem of homosexuality is expressed to a very small extent. The problem of latent homosexuality often causes a mental disorder in a person, as throughout his life he tries to hide his feelings for same-sex people.

Passive homosexuality

In society, it is customary to divide male homosexuality into two groups - active and passive homosexuality. Separation occurs depending on their role in daily life and sex. A man who has passive homosexuality plays the role of a woman in a couple. Statistics among surveyed gays show that passive homosexuality is preferred by 18%, and active by 12% of men.

The disease and its symptoms:

  • sexual attraction to a person of the same sex
  • in children's games constantly play the role of the opposite sex
  • desire to look like women
  • jealousy of a same-sex partner
  • fear of intimate sexual relationships with the opposite sex
  • clothing style (bright, tight, open clothing)

Treatment of homosexuality

Most people have been cured of the disease. Since the disease has many causes, the methods of treatment are also different. At the beginning of treatment, a test is carried out to identify the propensity to the disease. Depending on the results that the test showed, treatment is carried out.

It is possible to cure the disease using the following methods and tests:

  • a test to determine the cause of a disease
  • hypnosis
  • group therapy
  • individual psychotherapy sessions
  • psychoanalytic therapy
  • corrective therapy
  • hormone therapy.

Lesbianism is a female homosexual relationship. A lesbian is a female person who expresses her sexual, romantic and love desires in relation to another woman. Lesbianism differs from feminism in that a heterosexual partnership model and a variety of sexual relationships are possible for feminists.

Homosexuality is not a rare phenomenon, since according to the laws of nature, all living beings are born with an innate instinct to mate with the opposite sex. Almost every fifth person admits to a single homosexual sexual relationship. Lesbian unions among single women or widows are very common, despite the fact that female homosexuality is less organized and less visible than male.

In many cultures, lesbian relationships are not considered deviant or taboo-breaking. In some countries where women are severely limited in their independence, lesbianism is very common.

Women who engage in homosexual relationships appear to be more sexually satisfied than married women. According to statistics, 60% of lesbians experience orgasms regularly, while women who are married to men, only 40%. This is because in lesbian relationships, women do not have to pretend or conform to a certain male ideal - women remain themselves.

Causes of lesbianism

Lesbianism can be caused by mental and physical causes. The psychological causes of homosexual relationships were described by Sigmund Freud as early as the 19th century. Further, other sexologists continued to put forward various hypotheses about the causes of the disease.

To this day, Freud's theories about homosexuality remain difficult to understand. In his attempts to understand the causes and development of female and male homosexuality, he first explained bisexuality as a normal part of the libido. It was assumed that all people are born bisexual. Freud believed that the libido has homosexual and heterosexual parts, and in the course of the development of a person's personality, one of these parts prevails over the other. He also suggested that if there were no prohibitions on homosexual relationships, then many people could change their sexuality during their lives. The scientist was right - modern society has come to terms with frankness and free-thinking. Public, cultural and political figures began to openly declare their homosexuality. Many countries legalize homosexual unions legally.

An important role in the development of lesbianism is played by the experience of early childhood. Lesbian feelings can be seen as a backup. They are a regression to earlier stages of development. The trend towards lesbianism often occurs during adolescence, during the puberty of a teenage girl. This phenomenon is usually temporary, like her other erotic feelings for women. A very close relationship between a girl and her mother at an early age can also cause the development of lesbianism.

Babies raised by a lesbian couple also have every opportunity to become homosexual. Since in the process of upbringing the child will not have enough information about healthy family relationships. In the process of its development, the child must understand that marriage between a man and a woman is needed not only to satisfy sexual needs, but also for procreation and love.

Another source of the formation of homosexual relations between women can be the previous negative experience of building relationships with men.

Physical Causes of Lesbianism:

  • Many researchers put hormonal factors in the first place, it is believed that an excess of androgens induces sexual intercourse with persons of the same sex.
  • There is evidence that stress hormones can affect the unborn baby in the womb. This may affect the further development of the personality of the child.
  • The genetic hypothesis of female homosexuality is the theory that there is a strong relationship between body structure (body type) and sexual orientation.
  • Various types of sexual disabilities can also cause homosexual relationships.

Diseases in which a symptom of lesbianism can be detected

There are diseases in which homosexual relationships are just a symptom of a more serious somatic disorder (bodily disorder).

Polycystic ovaries is the most common hormonal disorder in women of childbearing age. The disease affects the menstrual cycle, hormones, insulin production, heart function, blood vessels, and a woman's appearance. Patients with polycystic ovary syndrome have high level male hormones (androgens). Such women may have a masculine appearance and are more prone to homosexual relationships.

Violation of the pituitary gland (brain structure) - disturbances in the activity of the pituitary gland can cause a lack of female sex hormones, as control over their synthesis in the body is disturbed.

Narcissism is pathological self-love. People suffering from this disease tend to develop homosexuality. Such homosexual relationships are a projection of self-love onto a person of the same sex.

Symptoms of lesbianism

The diagnosis of lesbianism is made on the basis of the patient's complaints, her life history, physical examination and symptoms of the disease. Here are some of the visible signs of the disease:

Low self-esteem and guilt
- strong sexual desire for the opposite sex,
- prefer to look like men (men's style of dress),
fantasies about being members of the opposite sex,
- often find friends and buddies among men,
- can guess about their orientation from childhood (from 5-6 years old),
- sometimes girls are lesbians without sexual experience. There is always a partner nearby who is unaware of her friend's orientation, but is congenial and shares her views on life,
- some lesbians understand that they are prone to homosexual relationships, being in heterosexual relationships, they are afraid of the condemnation of society, therefore they do not admit it and continue to maintain contact with a man. Such women are dissatisfied with life and are often depressed,
- open lesbians hold hands, make eye contact and show other signs of love.

Treatment for lesbianism

Lesbianism is not a disorder that can be treated and cured, but there are certain methods that help to cope with the severe mental consequences. Psychotherapy is one such method. The goal of treatment is to free a lesbian woman from guilt, to highlight her strengths, to teach her to firmly defend her position in life, to strengthen her sense of dignity.

Before misorientation can be treated, it must be acknowledged. A lesbian will never admit that her condition requires the intervention of a psychotherapist. Someone who easily claims that she should be cured of being a lesbian is not a lesbian at all.

All lesbian patients need understanding, a sense of security. The doctor should refrain from judgments and harsh criticism.

Participation in support groups is very important. Groups can be formed by a doctor in different areas, according to the types of psychotherapy (transformative, affirmative).

In the treatment of lesbianism, several psychotherapeutic techniques can be used, depending on the desire of the patient and the goals set by the psychotherapist.

Types of therapy used in the treatment of homosexual orientation:

  • Transformative psychotherapy is a procedure. transformative sexuality. Suitable for patients with a misunderstanding of their sexuality or whose religious or other beliefs are not compatible with homosexual behavior.
  • Affirmative psychotherapy is a form of psychotherapy for lesbians that encourages them to accept their sexual orientation. The therapy does not call for change, eliminate or reduce their same-sex desires and behaviors.
  • Pharmacotherapy - mainly carried out with hormonal drugs. It is prescribed by a doctor after examinations for the content of the hormone estrogen in the body of a woman.

Medical complications of female homosexuality

Due to societal stigma, lesbians often try to avoid routine examinations and delay seeking medical attention. There are several specific diseases that can be triggered by homosexual relationships between women.

Cervical cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis - homosexual women have a high risk of developing these diseases, as they traditionally give birth to children less often. Hormones released during pregnancy and breastfeeding protect women from cancer.

Osteoporosis is a disease in which the bones become weak, increasing the likelihood of a fracture. Osteoporosis is common among lesbians - perhaps due to hormonal levels.

Lesbian women are at a higher risk of developing genital diseases than heterosexual women. Since, most often, infections are transmitted through mucous membranes, vaginal discharge and menstrual blood (exchange of sex toys).

Depression and anxiety - associated with social stigma, misunderstanding on the part of family members, abuse, non-acceptance of a lesbian by society.

Alcoholism and drug addiction - Substance abuse is a serious health problem for both lesbians and gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Prevention of lesbianism

Lesbianism has nothing to do with genes and is formed in the early stages of the formation of a person's personality. Therefore, prevention should be carried out in childhood.

  • Parents should not fantasize about erotic topics near a crib, since according to one version, children are telepathically able to absorb information. It is reflected in your facial expressions, gestures, behavior. It is difficult to predict what role this will play in the further development of the child's personality, but if possible, avoid such situations.
  • Also, in the presence of children, do not demonstrate a passionate relationship with a partner.
  • Do not appear naked in front of children.
  • Try to instill in the girl interests that correspond to her gender. Do not deprive her of attention.
  • There should be patriarchy in the family (the father makes important and significant decisions). From childhood, a child must see the correct model for building relationships.
  • Try to attend parent-teacher meetings, communicate with class teachers at school.
  • Ask a teenage girl to introduce her friends to you. Limit, if possible, communication with children from asocial families, prohibit the child from staying in their home.

If, nevertheless, the girl shows signs of homosexual behavior or her behavior is suspicious, then it is better to immediately seek advice from a psychotherapist or sexologist. Otherwise, the changes may be irreversible.

Psychiatrist Kondratenko N.A.

Female bisexuality, homosexuality are topics often raised at a psychologist's appointment ...

... is it same-sex love, or ...?

Women's same-sex love ...

Good afternoon. Once, a few months ago, I was interested in such a topic as same-sex love and everything connected with it. After two weeks of reading Wikipedia pages on this topic and daily discussions, of course, I became interested in my own orientation ... I began to remember. Boys did not interest me in any way, in which girls of my age are usually interested in them, and the female body has always been interesting and attracted with its forms.

But I considered people of my own and of the opposite sex to be exclusively friends. I tried to imagine kissing a girl. For this purpose, I “chosen” my best friend (by the way, she was supposed to come to my city in a few weeks). I fantasized about a kiss the whole evening, and I really liked it! After the fantasies, we began to communicate better with her, I wrote that I loved her, etc. And when she arrived ... we spent the whole day walking hand in hand, hugging, I was just insanely happy walking with her. She even kissed me as I dreamed! You should have seen me jumping around the room after that ... Yes, I still dream of many things related to us. It would seem that strange? After all, according to the description, everything fits - a typical love. But this did not happen spontaneously, as in most cases, but consciously. My inner voice dictates to me: “Don’t you dare look in the direction of the guys!”, although internally I don’t really want to look at them? I'm just afraid to fall in love with them. I realized that I want to be gay and love exclusively members of my gender, but my intuition tells me that in adulthood I will stop thinking about girls and be “normal”. So anyway, what is it? Is it really love? The desire to stand out in front of someone, or just stupid dreams?

What is it - female same-sex love or stupid fantasies? — Psychologist's answer:

Hello Sasha!
I understand you're in your late teens. This is the time, as a rule, of the final formation of personality: worldview, life priorities, values, and of course, the formation of sexual orientation.
Although, of course, under the pressure of society in adulthood, a person with an internal attraction to same-sex love may wear a heterosexual mask and hide true attraction, which will most likely make his life miserable.
Same-sex love, of course, is unnatural, contradicts nature itself, human biology, the meaning of future life in descendants, but changing one's orientation in order to be like everyone else, to be happy, is possible only with the help of psychoanalysis or psychotherapy. Because this attraction is not innate, it is unconsciously acquired in the process of upbringing (parental programming) and primary socialization.
However, the experience of human existence shows that those who do not want to change their true attraction, their same-sex orientation and do not put on “decency masks” live a completely happy life.
Everyone has their own conscious and free choice.