New Year's contests and games. Vinaigrette of dancing. Happy people train

Just sitting at the table on New Year's Eve and gorging yourself is boring and dangerous for the figure. But if you diversify the event with games and contests for adults, you will not be bored. Even the most serious uncles and aunts will have fun in earnest!

What do you want?

Competition games to warm up

The second makes a cocktail using the drinks on the table. Naturally, you can add whatever comes to mind. But only what the first saw before "losing his sight." Well, now he has to take a sip - two and name the components. The one who guessed more components (or all) is the winner! Such a spectacle is not only fun, but also arouses thirst among the guests. Try it.

After a delicious snack, when you don't feel like getting up yet, you can play songs.

Everyone knows how they divide all the participants of the holiday into two halves and each one tries to cover the other. And you complicate the task. For example, suppose one starts singing and the other continues. Or choose theme songs. Let the people delve into their memory and remember only the winter repertoire. The winner of the competition is the one with the best memory for songs.

The New Year's game “Show-off” is also well perceived during this period.

Probably many people know her. One person comes forward and has to show some word or phrase, with gestures, body, but silently. The one who guessed - the next one shows. And the previous player gives him a task. The trick is to come up with a word or phrase that is difficult to show. Sometimes people agree to depict lines from songs, proverbs, or whatever is closer to the audience. It's fun! Even the most serious adults play and have fun!

Outdoor games in the New Year

During the dance, you can arrange a romantic competition called "Titanic".

To carry it out, you need several pairs. They are invited to pose as the heroes of the film of the same name, who said goodbye on a sinking ship. A piece of sushi for each pair is recommended to be made of a sheet of paper. After the next "round" the sheet is folded in half. The winner is the one who will show ingenuity and stand on a small piece of paper together, managing to portray dance moves.

Props - apples on a string. They are distributed to adult couples. One (usually a man) must eat the fruit that his partner is holding on the rope. She should hold the "treat" on her arm outstretched. It turns out that it hangs approximately to the waist. And he is invited to keep his hands behind his back and bite as it happens. Who is the first to cope with the task - that "hero of the day!", Or rather New Year's Eve. You can agree that the winner is the one who will be able to bite off the fruit first.

He is also a pair. To carry it out, you need toilet paper on a roll for a couple. Dispense rolls. Assignment: one partner must completely wrap the other in a certain time. The one who coped won.

The most "adult" contests

But when the audience has warmed up, amused, you can proceed to "adult" contests.

For example, "rolling the egg".

For it, a woman-man pair is formed. He is invited to sit on a chair, she is handed a chicken egg (boiled). She has to roll the props down her partner's legs under her pants. Whoever coped first and did not break the props won!

Magic ball.

It is carried out by the same opposite-sex couples. They are given a ball. It is proposed to keep your hands behind your back, and clamp the props between the bodies. On command, the players must "burst" the balls. Who is the first, that fellow! For the next group of players, the task is complicated. Let them squeeze the balls with their backs (or whatever is lower) and try to crush the ball! Serious adults like it very much!

Games for relaxation on New Year's Eve 2020

The Q&A game is one of the most fun drinking games out there.

Prepare cards in advance from thick paper on which you will write questions and answers. Lay out on the table separately cards with questions, and separately with answers.

One of the guests is the first to take a card with a question and ask his neighbor. He, in turn, takes the card with the answer and reads it out. Then the next pair of people present does the same, so that everyone can ask a question and give an answer. By clicking on the button, you can download funny questions and answers.

Since very hilarious combinations are often obtained, a portion of healthy laughter and fun after each answer is guaranteed to you!

New Year's corporate party has the same structure, regardless of the scenario. As a standard, feast and dances at the celebration alternate with musical performances and all kinds of competitions.

Contests that can be used at New Year's celebrations will be discussed further. There are several requirements for the contests, the main of which can be called entertainment and entertainment. It should be interesting for both the participants of the competition and the audience watching what is happening. Participants should also enjoy the tasks assigned to them.

You can start with a simple contest that will create a festive atmosphere and cheer up the guests who have come. Inflate balloons in four colors, hang or place them in different places. The host greets the guests and invites them to play.

Balloon competition

The bottom line is that the guests who come should disperse in the corners to the ball of the color they like. So, will they find out who and why came here? Choosing a green ball is a desire to get drunk. Red ball - want to have fun. Ball yellow - came to eat something tasty. Blue ball - you just have nowhere else to go. To find out with whom you would like to celebrate this year and spend New Year's Eve, they suggest choosing the ball again. The green ball will tell you about your desire to spend this evening with your family. Red - about the desire to lie drunk under the tree. The yellow color of the ball is about an evening in a friendly company. And the blue ball is for dinner with the head of your organization.

Contest with stickers for the New Year

Questions are written on stickers of one color, answers on others. Guests take turns or at will pull a sticker with questions out of the box, then they name the person who will answer, and only then read the question. The person chosen to answer pulls a piece of paper from another box and reads out his randomly chosen answer.


  1. Do you often fall out of bed?
  2. Are you drinking?
  3. Do you get scared at night?
  4. Can you lie?
  5. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  6. Do you want to sit next to me?
  7. Would you like to go on a date with me?
  8. Do you have a sense of humor?
  9. Do you often do "dirty tricks" to your friends?
  10. Do you like to spend other people's money?
  11. Do you wear a wig?
  12. Do you dream to dance with me?
  13. Do you like kissing?
  14. Do you always eat that much?
  15. Do you wear bra?
  16. Do you often eat cat food?
  17. Do you often have erotic dreams?
  18. Do you often flirt?
  19. Do you often get in touch with space?
  20. Do you often swim in public without clothes?
  21. How often does Santa Claus come to you?
  22. Do you respect me?
  23. Do you often drive a tank?
  24. Do you often scratch your back?
  25. Do you often use public transport without a ticket?
  26. Do you often meet on the street?
  27. Are you often late for work?
  28. Do you often sleep at work?


  1. Every night.
  2. Only delirious.
  3. When I drink a lot.
  4. Only at work.
  5. I'm a maniac in this.
  6. Only if no one sees.
  7. I'm holding on with my last bit of strength.
  8. Only by waking up in someone else's bed.
  9. And how!
  10. This is my weakness.
  11. Only in dreams.
  12. Especially on the weekend.
  13. I resist as far as I can.
  14. Only on an empty stomach.
  15. Every day and not once.
  16. And I won't tell you under torture.
  17. Yes, and not once.
  18. Unfortunately this is the case.
  19. Only when no one sees.
  20. Not without it.
  21. Yes, just don't tell anyone about it.
  22. Yes, and I'm proud of it.
  23. Quite often, and I love this occupation very much.
  24. Yes, I do it often.
  25. What can you do, we are all human.
  26. Yes, and I advise everyone to do so.
  27. Will you keep me company?
  28. You don't know me well.
  29. Especially in the dentist's office.

Coin competition

Ten participants are selected. Players are divided into 2 teams. One player from each team squeezes a coin between their legs (just above the knees) and runs faster to a chair across the room. There is a plate on a chair, into which you need to drop a coin without using your hands. If a coin has fallen to the floor, it must not be lifted. Having lowered a coin, they return and pass the baton to the next participant. The team wins, whose members run once with a coin and collect more money in a plate.


Five pairs are required. One of the pair is tied with a handkerchief. Clothespins are hung on the clothes of the other participant. Ten clothespins are attached to each. First they can be hung on a girl, and then on a man. The couple who is the first to find and remove all the clothespins from their partner wins.

Competition Dancing on the newspaper

Five pairs are required again. Each couple is given a sheet of newspaper on which they will dance. Music is playing, which will turn off at regular intervals. Then the couples should fold the newspaper sheet in half and start dancing again to the music. The couple who can stand on the smallest piece of newspaper wins.

New Year's piggy bank

In a pot or a box on which the inscription "Piggy bank" is pasted, everyone should throw any small bill or coin. Then the guests try to guess the amount by calling the numbers. The piggy bank will go to the one who accurately names the amount of money collected. If no one gives an exact answer, the money raised will go to other needs of the team. It is better to collect funds with incendiary music. We call the amount when all the money has been collected. (The named amounts are recorded before the counting begins).

New Year Yes and No Contest

The presenter asks questions about the specifics of celebrating the New Year in different countries. The player being contacted must answer "Yes" or "No". If he answers correctly, he receives a prize (candy), if he is mistaken with the answer, he must drink a glass of vodka.

Make up any wrong questions to your taste, preferably with funny invented traditions. Questions for yes answers can be found on the Internet. They should describe the peculiarities of the New Year celebrations in different parts of the world.

The last question is better formulated as follows :

« It is true that in the New Year we will all be healthier, happier and happier than in the outgoing year.? " (Yes)

The correct answer to this question can be considered a wish to all present. (The one who answered correctly is given the “swan” token, others - “goose”). Do not discard tokens, you can attach them to your clothes.

Swan geese

All guests stand in a circle, putting their hands on each other's shoulders. If the presenter says "swan", then all the named players bend one leg. And if - "goose", then the named players bend both legs. The game is accompanied by music.

Button and Mittens Competition

Four pairs are selected. Women wear men's shirts over their clothes, and men must quickly button up the buttons on their partner's clothes. But all the men are wearing thick winter gloves.

Air battle

There is a division into two teams "Fir-trees" and "Sticks".

Stage 1... Guests receive balloons. Players who got a ball with a stick go to the right of the tree, those with a tree - to the left.
Stage 2... The balloons inflated by the men are tied to the leg of their partner while the music is playing. Those who failed go to the bench.
Stage 3... A fight with balloons begins. Team "Elok" versus team "Sticks". During the dance, destroy the balls of your opponents, protecting your own. During the fight, instead of eliminated players, players come from the bench. The winner is the team whose ball is unharmed. (Music breaks help substitute players)

Dress a Friend for New Year

Eight participants are invited to pair up. Each pair takes a bag containing a pile of clothes (the contents of the bag may be different, but the items of clothing must be the same for each pair and in equal quantities). Blindfolded, players must dress each other while the music is playing. The winners are those who managed to wear more items of clothing.

Three animals

Distribute stickers to everyone, on which you should write in a column: last name, first name, patronymic, or just a first name, and also:

  • one animal
  • then three of its characteristics
  • second animal
  • three of its characteristic features
  • third animal
  • three characteristics

To conduct this game, take time to interview guests (you can during one of the dance breaks). For example: frog: green, nasty, croaks a lot. And so on for all three positions. After a while, letting the guests forget about the study you did, you will tell the results. And the results will be as follows: the first animal, named by the participant, means his state of home, the second - working state, and the third - state in bed. For example, at work as a dog, angry, biting and barks a lot, etc.

In contact with

To make the celebration of the new year fun, we have compiled a list of funny contests, suitable for both friends and family. These contests can be held not only in a restaurant, but also at home. With the help of fun contests, you can make New Year's Eve bright, fun and unforgettable! Prepare the details in advance by sorting them into separate packages so as not to be confused. Prepare suitable music for a specific competition. It will be great if you buy small prizes, for example, chocolates, sweets, Christmas decorations, then there will be no end to those wishing to participate in contests.

Props: A large package, a variety of clothes, music playing for no longer than a minute.

Friends stand in a circle, in the center there is a presenter with a huge package, which contains a wide variety of clothes from underwear to outerwear. As the music turns on, everyone dances around the presenter, and he spins around the axis with closed eyes, when the music stops, everyone stops. In front of whom the presenter stops with his face, he must, with his eyes closed, touch the clothes from the bag and put them on. The lighter the package becomes, the funnier the company is dressed, leading a round dance around the host.

Fairy tale characters

Props: Simple masquerade costumes or accessories, papers with roles.

At the very beginning of the celebration, the host invites the guests to draw out a piece of paper from the bag, on which it will be written who they will represent the whole holiday: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Bunny, Kikimora, Koschei, Fox. After that, the guests are given a masquerade according to its character, and they must enter their role for the whole holiday. Santa Claus threateningly knocks on the floor with his staff and makes toasts, bunnies sing perky songs, Baba Yaga dances with a mop. It will be very funny if the female role goes to a man.

A glass of water

Props: Several ice cubes, a glass.

Several people are selected, each of them receives a glass and five ice cubes. Participants must melt the ice with their hands, breathing over a glass in five minutes, so that it quickly turns into water. The winner is the one with the most water in the glass.


Props: Narrow-necked bottle, rope, pencil.

More than two men are selected for this competition. An empty, open bottle with a narrow neck is placed in front of them. A rope is tied to the belt of each man, at the tip of which a pencil is tied. To complicate the task, the pencil should not dangle from the front, but from the back. After that, the men, without using their hands, must lower the pencil into the bottle at speed.


Props: Costume of Baba Yaga.

One of the guests is disguised as Baba Yaga. She comes to the guests and threatens to eat them all. There is a chance to be saved if the guests give Baba Yaga ransom. She alternately names the things she would like to get: lipstick, scarf, smartphone, wallet, kettle, mug, flash drive. And the guests should quickly find these things and give them to Baba Yaga.

Props: Various clothes, music from the cartoon "The Flying Ship".

This competition will be suitable before the chiming clock starts. The presenter with an alarmed face announces to the guests that Baba Yaga stole the watch and it will not work to celebrate the New Year, since the time is unknown. But guests can help to return the watch, for this they must change into Baba Yaga from the clothes provided by the host. To do this, you can ruffle your hair, stick impromptu warts on your face, complement the image with your scarves, scarves, and cosmetics. After that, each Baba Yaga dances and sings to the famous song Babok-Yozhek. The audience chooses the brightest and most artistic Baba Yaga, who receives a letter from the host with a hint where the stolen watch is hidden.

Symbol of the year

Props: New Year's music.

Each guest in front of the audience, with the help of dance, must depict the symbol of the coming year. Whoever did it more artistic and funnier won.


The guests stand in a circle. The presenter does any action with his neighbor on the left, for example, touches his nose, cheek, shaggy hair. All guests must repeat this action of the leader with their neighbor on the left. Whoever laughs first is out of the game. Further, the presenter comes up with new movements in relation to his neighbor until the last participant, who has never laughed, remains.


When the guests get tired of dancing, it's time to sit down at the tables. The host asks each guest what they dislike about the neighbor on the left. The answers are remembered. After all the guests have spoken, the host states that they should gently kiss the neighbor on the left in the place they said earlier.

Props: Large balloons, scotch tape, matches.

The presenter selects several men, to their stomachs, with the help of adhesive tape, he attaches one large inflatable ball and scatters matches on the floor. The task of men is to collect matches by tilting, trying not to burst the ball. You can't get on all fours and crawl. Whoever has a burst ball is knocked out of the game. The man who has collected a large number of matches and remains with the whole ball wins.

Big fashion

Props: Two rolls of toilet paper.

Two teams of two people are selected. One person has to design clothes for another person using toilet paper. The winner is the team whose toilet paper outfit the audience liked.


Props: A piece of paper, pen or pencil.

The host distributes a piece of paper and a pen to the guests; they should write their favorite number. After that, the presenter approaches each guest and asks an individual question, the answer to which will be the number written on their paper. Questions can be funny: How much do you weigh? How many grades of school did you finish? How many cats do you have at home? How many children do you have? How many chocolates do you eat per day? In how many minutes will you get drunk and fall asleep under the tree?


Props: Dance music.

The host distributes each guest a piece of paper with the name of an animal, bird or fairy-tale character. Then the guests should depict how they would dance, for example, a bunny, a parrot, a snake or a crocodile. The most creative and artistic guest wins.


Props: Plastic cup, scotch tape, coins.

Two or more teams of two are selected: a man and a woman. A plastic cup is attached to the man with duct tape in the abdomen. The woman is given ten coins. Then the pair is placed from each other at a distance of three or more meters. The woman must put all the coins in the glass. A man can twirl his stomach and hips, helping a coin to hit the target, but you cannot take steps and catch coins with your hands. The team that threw a large number of coins at the target wins.

Props: Lots of ice cubes.

Two teams are selected, each of them is given a huge bowl of ice cubes. They have to build a beautiful palace out of it on the table in five minutes, before the ice melts. The team with the most beautiful and original ice rink wins.


Props: A large Whatman paper with a drawn snowman, a carrot made of cardboard separately with Velcro at the end.

This competition is suitable for a well-drunk company. A pre-made drawing of a snowman without a nose is hung on the wall. A participant is selected who is blindfolded with a scarf and given a carrot in his hands. After that, the blindfolded participant is properly spun and the audience falsely prompts him where to go in order to hit the snowman with a carrot.

Lazy dancing

Props: New Year's dance music, chairs.

The presenter arranges chairs along the wall, the participants of the competition sit on them. The host himself sits down in front of them. Then the participants, to the music, should repeat the dance movements behind the leader, without getting up from the chair: first, we dance with our lips, then with elbows, knees, eyes, shoulders, toes, and so on. From the outside, this dance looks very funny and unusual. The participant who dances the lazy dance best wins.

Culinary duel

Props: Dishes and food.

This competition comes to the very end of the celebration, when almost all the dishes on the table have been eaten and the guests are ready to go home. Two or three teams of two or three people are selected. Each of them must build the most unusual and delicious dish on one plate from the remains of food on the table. The culinary team, whose dish is chosen by the audience, wins.

The traditional and still the best solution would be to spend the New Year with the family, where only the most beloved and close people are present. Still, it will be boring to just sit at the table and watch an endless stream of entertainment TV programs. It is much more interesting to arrange some exciting New Year's contests for the whole family at home, in which both adults and children can participate on equal terms. By arranging New Year's contests for children and adults, you can unite your family even closer and make this winter holiday even more magical and unforgettable.

"Relay of Memories"

Usually, before celebrating the New Year, people see off the outgoing year, summing up its results. This can be turned into a game. Let everyone quickly and concisely name the most pleasant moments that happened to him in the past year, and pass the baton on to another. Anyone who could not quickly pick it up and continue with their memories becomes a loser, but for this he is awarded the title of "lucky 2017". At the same time, the display of a sense of humor is encouraged.

"Draw a dream"

When choosing New Year's contests for a small company, you can pay attention to the following. Its participants are provided with sheets of paper and felt-tip pens, crayons or pencils. Then they are blindfolded, and after which they must blindly try to draw their dream. When all the participants finish their work, they take off the bandages and, together with other guests, try to guess what kind of dream was depicted on each canvas. The winner of the competition receives a small prize, and the rest of the artists can only believe in the realization of their dreams in the coming year.

"Funny drawings"

You need to get a large sheet of corrugated cardboard, in the middle of which you make two holes for the hands. Then the participants of the competition must put their hands in these holes one by one and, not seeing what they are doing, try to draw something, for example, Santa Claus. This fun New Year's competition for adults is won by whoever gets the most beautiful or funniest drawing.

"Not a word of truth"

The host for this competition must prepare in advance many questions on the New Year's theme, for example:

  • which plant is most often decorated for the New Year;
  • whom it is customary to sculpt out of snow;
  • what is our most "New Year" film;
  • that on New Year's Eve rushes into the sky;
  • whose year is coming according to the Chinese calendar;
  • whom we see last on television in the past year.

You can include questions about the habits of guests or New Year's traditions among different nations in family table competitions for the New Year. In general, the more questions there are and the more diverse they are, the more interesting it will be for everyone to participate in this competition.

The presenter should quickly and in a major way ask his questions, and the guests should answer them so that there is not a word of truth. A gape player who has told the truth is waiting for a phantom - to sing a song, read a rhyme or fulfill the wishes of one of the participants, similar to what happens in the classic game of forfeits.

"New Year's talisman"

Thinking over a script for the New Year in the family, contests can be chosen with a creative bias. For example, make a New Year's talisman from stationery (tape, pins, paper clips), plasticine and even food. Each participant of the competition is offered the task of making a talisman for one of the participants of the feast from the proposed materials in 2-3 minutes. The winner is the one who not only designed the most impressive talisman, but also accompanied it with the most convincing or original explanations about why it is needed.

"Remembering the alphabet"

You can include such entertainment in New Year's contests for an adult company. In the midst of the feast, the host addresses the guests and says that he has taken so much that he has already forgotten the alphabet. On this occasion, he proposes to raise glasses and make toasts to the New Year, which should begin in alphabetical order. Next comes the turn of the guests, who have to invent toasts, starting with the letter "A" and then alphabetically. For example, such:

  • Shouldn't we repeat it for the New Year?
  • Be healthy in the coming year!
  • To your health!
  • Brilliant thoughts to everyone this year!

When the audience fizzles out and the last toast is delivered, then everyone should vote for the most successful or funniest toast and drink to the health of its author.

"Make your favorite cabbage"

Agree that the funniest novelties of adult contests for the New Year should be conducted with the participation of couples. The essence of the entertainment is that one of the couple is blindfolded, after which he must blindly dress up his partner. This will require preliminary preparation - you need to put a variety of clothes in a large bag, preferably incompatible in style, color, etc. Thanks to this, the "outfit" will turn out to be very funny, it will cause fun for all guests.

You can add competitive principles to this game by forcing different pairs to compete in dressing speed. And at the end of the competition, until the wonderful outfits have been removed, you can pose in them in front of the camera.


Especially beloved by everyone, such funny New Year's contests for children and adults, like playing snowballs. Moreover, you can give yourself such pleasure without going outside. In front of each participant, you need to put a large pile of old newspapers, after which the presenter marks the time in 1 minute, during which the competitors must make as much snow as possible.

There is also a more dynamic version of the snowball game, which is designed for accuracy. At the same time, sit the participants in a row and put a personal bucket at an equal distance from each. Then, on command, everyone begins to crumple newspapers, forming snowballs and throwing them into their basket. After a minute or two, the game stops and the baskets are checked - the one with the richest catch wins.

"Frosty breath"

For this fun entertainment, you need to line up everyone in front of an empty table on which to lay out small snowflakes cut out of paper. Then, on command, all participants begin to blow as much as possible on their snowflakes, trying to make them fall from the opposite end of the table. As soon as the last snowflake falls from the table, the competition ends. And the winner is unexpectedly the one whose snowflake lasted the longest on the table - all thanks to his frosty breath, because of which it froze to the table.

Be sure to take a couple of contests from our article "Children's contests for the New Year", then neither adults nor children will be bored.

"Secret name"

Competitions for the New Year with the family on this topic can have two options. On the back of each family member participating in the game, you need to attach a piece of paper on which his new name will be written (you can use the name of an animal or the name of a well-known person). And then, throughout the whole New Year's Eve, all those present can hint at each other on new names. The one who is the first to guess his name now will become the winner of this fun competition.

In the second version of this game, everyone can ask leading questions about their name, but should only receive monosyllabic answers like "yes" or "no". In the end, he will be able to guess his new name and then the turn of guessing goes to the other player.


Choosing intelligent and funny New Year's contests for the family at the table, one cannot pass up such entertainment:

A volunteer is selected from among the participants. The rules of the game are explained to all participants of the game - the guessing person can ask any questions to any of those sitting at the table in any order, but he will receive only the answers "yes" and "no". You also cannot try to guess what the MPS is by letter. Then for a minute the player leaves the room, and all the participants are explained what the MPS is - this is my right neighbor. That is, each person sitting at the table should, when answering a question, keep in mind his neighbor on the right. Since each participant in the game has his own right neighbor, the answers to the same questions from different participants may be different (for example, some have a man, and others a woman), which only confuses the guessing player. By the way, not everyone, in the end, manages to guess what the MPS is.

Look at our article "Competitions for a New Year's corporate party" - perhaps in it you will also find suitable contests for the family circle.

"Ball with a surprise"

Funny contests for the New Year for the family can play on wishes. To do this, you need to place scraps of paper with written wishes in rubber balls in advance and then inflate them. Each household member will choose a balloon they like, burst it and read a wish for everyone for the coming year.

"Funny numbers"

All those who celebrate the holiday need to be given a piece of paper and a pencil so that everyone writes any number. After that, the presenter begins to voice questions addressed to each specific person, and the answer will be the number written on the sheet. This requires appropriate questions such as:

  • What time do you get up?
  • How old are you?
  • How many chili peppers can you eat in one sitting?


This game can be attributed to the funniest New Year contests for the family. Couples of different generations should participate here: mom and son or dad and daughter. With one hand, the couple hugs the waist, while the other two hands remain free. In this state, the "Siamese twins" will need to cut out a figurine: one will have to hold the paper, and the second will have to manipulate the scissors. The winner is the "Shiva" whose figure is more successful.

Do you organize New Year's contests for the whole family? Which of the following contests did you like the most? Share your opinion in the comments.

New Year contests for a fun company! Everyone's favorite holiday, New Year, is just around the corner. One of the important components of a fun and exciting holiday is active games and original contests that do not allow anyone to stand aside and unite all participants in the New Year celebration. Competitions can be completely different - games, for ingenuity, for quick wits, for sleight of hand with the use of easy fraud, for especially uninhibited there are erotic contests. To remember the New Year's Eve for a long time, and in the photographs you recalled the fervor of that evening and the smiles of your friends, spend them. Contest "Pass the parcel" It is necessary: \u200b\u200bprepare the parcel - take a candy or a small toy and wrap it in many pieces of paper or newspaper Everyone is sitting around the table and the host says: "We received the parcel, but I do not know who it is for. Let's find out!" The guests begin to pass the package to each other in a circle, unrolling one piece of paper at a time. Whoever unfolds the last one, and the premise. Contest "Stick your nose" Necessary: \u200b\u200bdraw a funny face (without a nose) on a large piece of paper, separately sculpt a nose from plasticine. Attach the sheet to the wall. The players step back a few steps. They take turns blindfolding, approaching the portrait and trying to stick their nose in place. The one who sticks his nose more accurately wins. Competition "Who will blow next" Necessary: \u200b\u200bbottle caps It is necessary to blow on the bottle caps so that they fly away as far as possible. Winner: The one whose plug flew the farthest. Competition for the New Year "Real Santa Claus" You will need: many small unbreakable items: soft toys, books, boxes, etc. All items are stacked near the host, the rest of the players represent Santa Clauses, among whom we have to choose the real one. The presenter distributes one subject to the "grandfathers" in turn. The player who did not hold and dropped any gift leaves the game. The one who turns out to be the most dexterous and does not drop anything is declared "the real Santa Claus" and receives a prize. New Year's game "Discoverers" Required: lots of balloons and markers Each player receives a balloon and a marker. The host invites the players to "discover" a new planet. To do this, for a certain time (for example, 3 minutes) you need to inflate your balloon and draw as many "inhabitants" as possible on it. Whoever had more inhabitants after the time - he won. Ice Cream Contest Snegurochka's favorite delicacy is ice cream - that's why a competition is announced for the name of the ice cream. Everyone in turn names the types of ice cream, and whoever thinks for more than five seconds - he lost. New Year's competition "It was my balloon !!!" Required: 2 balloons The competition requires 2 participants. They are given one inflatable New Year's ball, which the presenter ties to the left leg of each participant. At the command of the leader, the participants try to crush the opponent's ball with their right foot. It is recommended to play in indoor shoes or sneakers (participants in tarpaulin boots or stiletto heels are not allowed for the competition). Winner: the one who "bursts" the opponent's ball with his foot faster. New Year's competition "Christmas tree" To play you need: a stool or chair - 1 piece, a girl - 1 piece, clothespins - a lot. Clothespins are attached to the girl's dress, the girl is put on a stool, 2 young men are selected from the company (you can generally split into 2 teams), who remove the clothespins from her while blindfolded. The one who takes off the last clothespin, or the one who has more clothespins, removes the girl from the chair and kisses as many times as he has. The game can be played the other way around, i.e. a guy gets up on a stool. Competition "New Year's Song" Required: hat and leaflets with words The hat contains small pieces of paper on which one word is written (Christmas tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost, etc.) Each guest takes turns taking notes from the hat and sings a song - necessarily New Year's or winter, in which the word written on his leaf occurs! Competition "Most Attentive" This New Year competition is held at the table. 2-3 people play. The presenter reads the text: I will tell you a story in a dozen phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately: "Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside the small fish we saw, and not one, but seven." "When you want to memorize the verses, do not cram them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once at night - another, or better 10". "A guy hardened to become an Olympic champion dreams. Look, don't be cunning at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march!" Once the train at the station I had to wait 3 hours ... "If they do not have time to take the prize, the host takes it:" Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it? ". New Year's competition" Dictionary spruce "Name in turn the words in which the word" spruce "grows. The main condition: words must be nouns in the nominative case. The participant who cannot name the word will be eliminated from the game Examples of “dictionary firs”: Caramel, flute, blizzard, potatoes, housewarming, Monday, etc. Competition "New Year's Erudite" Guests at the table are divided into 2 teams. They are invited to take turns calling the names of feature films in which the main action takes place in winter or on New Year's Eve. Everyone is called in turn. Winner: Whoever most recently spoke the title of the film. Merry New Year's tradition "Wishes" Each of the guests is given three pieces of paper and in three versions he ends the phrase - "next year I will definitely ...". Papers are folded into a hat, shuffled and the hat is started up in a circle. Each guest pulls a piece of paper out of his hat and reads the text aloud. For example, a statement by a young man that I will definitely have a baby next year, etc. causes the rest of the stormy joy ... The success of the fun depends on the imagination of the participants. New Year's Games "Alphabet" The presenter says that for everyone he has a small present, only he gives gifts to educated people. The host offers to play the alphabet game. The first letter of the alphabet is A, and the first player has to come up with a phrase for New Year's greetings starting with the letter A, for example, says: "Astronomical wages for you." Then the next player says to the letter B: "Be happy" and so on, for each letter of the alphabet, each player who comes up with a phrase is given a gift. But the funniest thing happens when the alphabet comes to the letters F, P, L, L, B. New Year's game "Cut out the snowflakes" Necessary: \u200b\u200bordinary white paper napkins and scissors. The host distributes a napkin and scissors to the guests. The task of each player is to cut a snowflake from a napkin faster and more beautifully than everyone else. New Year's game "Tug of napkin" Required: a napkin and a few tubes for a cocktail. The napkin is torn into several pieces. On each piece we write the name of the prize. Between the opponents on the table we put a piece of napkin with the inscription down. At the command "Start!" opponents must use a cocktail tube to pull the napkin towards them. The second version of the game - a comic task is written on a napkin. In this case, the loser must complete this task. Costume Competition In advance, you need to buy masks, noses, glasses, jewelry at the wholesale market, pick up old dresses, skirts, scarves, etc. The guests draw lots for whom to cook which costume. There may be such tasks as Snow Maiden, clown, Indian. Competition "Frosty breath" There are three snowflakes on the table. Participants blow on them so that they fall off the table. When all the snowflakes fall, inform that the one whose snowflake fell last won (so he froze it to the table). Culinary Contest Participants are given plates and the task to make an original salad from the treats on the table. And then, blindfolded, you need to feed your dish to another participant. Winner: the one who feeds the other more carefully than anyone else. Competition "Who?" In the room, chairs are arranged in a circle. Players sit on them - men and women. Santa Claus or Snow Maiden starts the game (the second option is preferable). She is blindfolded. The music turns on, and the Snow Maiden walks in a circle. As soon as the music stops, she stops and sits down on her knees next to whom she stopped. The one to whom the Snow Maiden sat down must hold his breath and not give himself away. The rest ask: "Who?" If the Snow Maiden guesses who she is sitting on her lap, then the "exposed" becomes the driver. It is forbidden to touch the hands of the participants when guessing. Competition "The Best Snow Maiden" Each of the Ded Morozov should change the clothes of his chosen Snow Maiden, as, in his opinion, a modern Snow Maiden should look like. You can use everything that is already worn on the Snow Maiden, plus any additional items, things, Christmas tree decorations, cosmetics, jewelry, etc. The winner is the Santa Claus who creates the most vivid and unusual image of the Snow Maiden. Competition for the new year "Best artist" Several couples take part in the competition, which are teams. The purpose of the competition: to draw a New Year's landscape in a short period of time. One player is blindfolded and given a canvas and brushes - in fact, he will paint the landscape. The task of the other player is to direct the drawing process (say "right", "left", etc.). It turns out very funny. The team that will be supported by the audience wins. Competition "Resourceful Snow Maiden" Each girl is blindfolded, and young people are hidden in their clothes with Christmas tree decorations. The girl must find a Christmas tree toy in her companion's clothes as soon as possible. The most “resourceful” wins. the Snow Maiden who finds Christmas tree decorations the most. Everyone receives Christmas tree decorations as a keepsake of the evening, and the "resourceful" girl receives a separate prize. Competition "Christmas Toy" Required: colored cardboard, scissors, clothespin, blindfold. Young people are invited to cut a Christmas tree toy out of colored cardboard. After the young man is put on a blindfold and offered to attach the toy to the Christmas tree. It is necessary to promote young people so that they do not orientate themselves in space, and do not guess in which direction the tree is. After the young people walk towards the tree, the hall freezes, because most people move anywhere, but not to the tree. However, wandering around the hall is not allowed - according to the rules, you must hang the toy on the first object you hit. This could be the boss's ear or the leg of a chair. The winner was the one who came closest to the tree / or the one whose “tree” was the most original. The originality of the “Christmas tree” is determined by the volume of the applause.