The optimal age for the first child. Optimal childbearing age for women. Psychological factors of a man's readiness to have a child

The optimal age for the birth of a child is of great importance when. According to experts, if you do not take into account the age factor, the risks of a complicated pregnancy and the birth of a baby suffering from congenital pathologies increase significantly.

What is the significance of the age of parents at conception

Physiologically, a girl can conceive a child already at the appearance of the first menstruation. However, physiological changes do not yet indicate a woman's readiness for motherhood. A woman who has not reached puberty and is not fully formed may simply not cope with the excessive stress that accompanies the process of bearing and giving birth to a child.

Important! Gynecologists say that the optimal childbearing age for women starts from 17-18 years!

Early pregnancy is fraught with the following complications:

  • Development of renal pathologies.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Complicated labor.
  • The need for conduction (with insufficient divergence of the pelvic bones).
  • Premature birth.
  • Being born with insufficient weight.

Too young age of the father (under 18) also significantly increases the risk of having a child suffering from diseases of a genetic nature, which is due to the inadequacy of the male reproductive system.

Optimal childbearing age for women

The optimal age for the birth of a child among the fair sex is 18-35 years old. It is during this period that the female body is in excellent shape - it is already fully formed and is as ready as possible to perform its reproductive function.

After 35 years of age, the risks of pathologies of intrauterine development of the fetus and the birth of a child suffering from diseases of a genetic nature increase significantly. In addition, pregnancy and the birth process itself is strong for the female body, exerting a significant load on the kidneys, cardiovascular system and other vital organs.

And if at a young age the body copes with additional loads due to internal resources, then in women who are close to 40 years old, the likelihood of developing a number of diseases increases significantly.

Late pregnancy is fraught with the development of the following complications:

  • (develops due to calcium deficiency).
  • Descent of the pelvic organs.
  • The appearance of tumor neoplasms, both benign and malignant.

Pregnancy itself in women over the age of 35 is extremely difficult, with high and premature births. The generic process can be complicated by the need for surgical interventions. And the postpartum recovery period in women in adulthood lasts much longer and is more difficult than in younger women in labor.

note: the recommended childbearing age for the fair sex is 18-35 years old! With a later conception, it is imperative that the pregnancy proceeds under the strict supervision of a qualified professional!

The achievements of modern medicine make it possible to bear and give birth to a baby even to women who have reached (at 45-50 years old). However, gynecologists do not welcome such late childbirth.

Very often, after the birth of a baby, the state of health of a late-birth mother deteriorates significantly. This is due to vitamin deficiency, an acute deficiency of nutrients and trace elements, because a mature body recovers much longer and harder than at a young age. There is a high likelihood of developing bone and dental pathologies, as well as exacerbation of diseases that occur in a chronic form.

In addition, it is important to consider the psychological aspect. A child needs not only to give birth, it also needs to be raised, to have time to put on its feet, to give a basic education, etc. Such a load may be simply unbearable for elderly parents.

Optimal childbearing age for men

In the stronger sex, the ability to conceive a child begins to decline after reaching the age of forty. In addition, there are risks of conceiving a baby suffering from hereditary and genetic diseases.

note: If a man plans to conceive a child after 45-50 years, he needs to consult a specialist and undergo a comprehensive medical examination!

Potential fathers can increase the chances of a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy, full-fledged baby in adulthood by following these recommendations:

Important: the optimal age for the birth of a child in men is 18-45 years!

Why do you need to be able to protect yourself?

Abortion at any age is extremely dangerous and fraught with the development of serious complications. However, artificial termination of pregnancy and in the period close to the onset of menopause almost never goes without consequences.

Early abortion can cause the following complications:

  • Increased risks.
  • Hormonal cycle disorders.
  • Inflammatory processes.

Important! The most dangerous consequence of an early abortion is hormonal imbalance and development!

Artificial termination of pregnancy in adulthood (especially during menopause) is fraught with the following adverse consequences:

  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Gynecological diseases of an infectious nature.
  • The appearance of malignant neoplasms.

Therefore, in order to protect themselves as much as possible and reduce possible risks to minimum indicators, gynecologists advise young and mature women to pay special attention to contraception!

Modern contraceptive methods

You can prevent the onset of unwanted pregnancy using the following methods:

Each of the above methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Important ! Only a gynecologist will be able to choose the right method of contraception, taking into account the age category and individual characteristics of each particular patient!

Barrier method of contraception

The barrier method of contraception is one of the most popular. Condoms not only prevent unwanted pregnancies, but also protect against a number of sexually transmitted diseases. The effectiveness of barrier contraception, according to statistics, is more than 95%!

In addition, there are practically no contraindications to the use of condoms (the only exceptions are manifestations of allergic reactions, which are extremely rare), they can be safely used by both very young girls and mature women. The only drawback of barrier contraception is that condoms can reduce sensitivity and, therefore, the pleasure of intimacy. However, this problem can be solved by purchasing thin latex products or using special lubricants.

Oral contraceptives

Assumes the use of hormonal contraceptives. This method is quite effective, but it is suitable only for the fair sex over 20 years of age.

Gynecologists identify the following contraindications to the use of hormonal contraceptives:

  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, proceeding in a severe form.
  • Infective endocarditis.

note: Oral contraceptives should be prescribed only by a qualified specialist on an individual basis, after a preliminary comprehensive medical examination!

The oral contraceptive method also has a number of specific disadvantages. Birth control pills will not keep you from. In addition, this method will be effective if the pills are taken regularly, according to the scheme prescribed by the gynecologist.

Important! You need to drink birth control pills at the same hours, strictly observing the time intervals between taking the drug. This is necessary to maintain the optimal concentration of active ingredients!

Intrauterine devices

The installation of an intrauterine device is characterized by high levels of reliability and efficiency. This method allows a woman not to think about the onset of an unwanted pregnancy for 3-5 years. However, this method of contraception is only suitable for mature women who have already given birth!

  • Chronic gynecological inflammatory diseases.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • The presence of tumor neoplasms of malignant origin.
  • Uterine pathologies.

note: when using an intrauterine device as a contraceptive, a woman needs to regularly visit a gynecologist, since there is a high probability of developing gynecological diseases of an infectious nature!

Local contraceptive methods

Local contraceptive methods include the use of vaginal caps, ointments, and suppositories that have contraceptive properties. The principle of action of these funds lies in the ability of the substances that make up their composition to have a destructive effect on spermatozoa. This method protects against both unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

It is necessary to inject such spermicides directly into the vaginal area, before intimate contact, which can cause some discomfort. In addition, the regular use of local contraceptives can lead to the development of allergic-type reactions and a violation of the vaginal microflora.

The concepts of “late” or “early” are completely abstract and do not have clear boundaries when it comes to the age at which a woman should become a mother. Our grandmothers gave birth successfully at 18-19, and this was considered the norm. Mothers and aunts had already spent a little time and decided to take this step at 24-25. We, representatives of the young and advanced generation, will not surprise anyone if we become parents at 35 and later.

Causes of late pregnancy

If a woman was not treated for infertility, then, most likely, conception was postponed due to her unwillingness to become a mother. For example, a girl who has just graduated from university is in no hurry to burden herself with a house and pans. She wants to go to work, make a career, become successful and self-sufficient, and only then have a husband and several kids. Unlike her, a woman is ready psychologically and emotionally for this step: she approaches the matter more responsibly. Such a lady is experienced and calm, so motherhood will become a real joy and a long-awaited gift for her.

Other reasons for late pregnancy can also include: the availability and availability of safe methods of contraception, advanced methods of treatment of complications during gestation. A woman does not ask the question: "When can I give birth?" She is confident that modern technology will help her become a mother at almost any age.

How old to give birth?

If we take medical indications into account, then the ideal age for this noble cause is 20-24 years. But often girls at this time are not yet mature enough for motherhood. Doctors call this time period a transitional period: if the physiological one falls on average by 14 years, then the emotional one comes ten years later. The girl, who has celebrated her two dozen, is just beginning to "fledge": she has a lot of ideas about work, creative plans, etc. Where can you think about a child? The main thing in this case is not to go on a spree until retirement, when it is late and almost impossible to give birth. Although ... There were cases when women at such an advanced age became for their daughters.

Based on the above, the ideal age for childbirth would be between 28 and 33 years old. If you decide to have offspring later, the risk will increase: the number of problems associated with pregnancy is directly proportional to the number in your passport.

Arguments for

You can give birth after 40 years. Moreover, conception and gestation will even benefit a fading body. A powerful hormonal shock caused by the emergence of a new life will prolong youth, protect against the formation of wrinkles and the appearance of gray hair. The harbingers who threatened the nulliparous lady will scatter like smoke. In addition, menopause will be easier and less painful in the future.

Doctors say that it will improve the general condition of the body: the risk of stroke and osteoporosis will decrease, the level of cholesterol in the blood will decrease, and sugar will stabilize. In short, don't hesitate when to give birth. Actually it is never late, there would be desire and health.

In addition, a lady of 30-40 years old is already a fully formed person who has a roof over her head and a stable financial income. Having attended dozens of christenings with her friends, she nursed the kids more than once, so she will not shy away from the screaming baby and call the pediatrician every ten minutes. On the contrary, the woman will know what to do with the child, how and why.


Up to what age can you give birth? There are no specific restrictions: it all depends on the woman who wants to become a mother. The only thing that doctors are in solidarity with is the figure 35. In their opinion, it is the line after which few can boast of excellent health. Therefore, the expectant mother, having become pregnant at this stage of life, is exposed to the following threats:

  1. Miscarriage. Relentless statistics indicate that in women in 20-30 years, the risk is 10%, in 30-40 - already 17%, in 40-50 - 33% and higher. The reason is the aging of the eggs.
  2. Problems with the placenta: premature detachment, chronic failure of the embryonic organ.
  3. Cesarean section. Over the years, the likelihood of its use increases. If a woman in labor is far over 30, then in 40% of cases, surgical intervention is necessary.
  4. Freezing of the fetus. Occurs in different but older ladies, the threat increases.

In addition, late pregnancy after 40 years provokes an exacerbation of chronic diseases and an intensification of hereditary ailments.

Other risks

Firstly, when a woman finally wakes up and decides to continue the family, fate can play a cruel joke with her. Being completely healthy and without contraindications, she will not be able to get pregnant. The fact is that every girl is born with a certain supply of eggs and their number decreases significantly with age. Sometimes such women, in order to conceive, need to "work" in the sweat of their brow for a whole year, or even more.

Secondly, late pregnancy after 40 years affects the duration of labor. They can be protracted and difficult. Although research shows that, on average, relief from the burden lasts only 45 minutes longer than that of young people. Another contraindication is the woman's age itself. Staying a dozen years longer on this planet, she was more exposed to the toxic effects of the environment: she inhaled exhaust gases, consumed contaminated water and low-quality products. Therefore, she is more likely to "earn" fibroids, endometriosis and other diseases that can negatively affect conception and pregnancy.

Down Syndrome

This is the biggest danger that awaits a primiparous woman, if she is well over 30. According to statistics, a forty-year-old lady has a 9 times greater risk of having a baby with this ailment than her younger colleague by ten years. For such pregnant women, the threat is 1%, for a woman who is 45 - already 3%. Also recently, doctors have put forward a new hypothesis: a baby with Down syndrome is more often born in those families where the mother of the woman in labor was at an advanced age. That is, at one time she gave birth to her daughter, being already a mature woman. At first it seems that this is exactly the case when it is too late to give birth.

But it is not all that bad. Just think: for girls who are 25 years old, the probability of giving birth to a baby with this genetic disease is 1 in 1400 cases. Those who are 30 - 1/1000, 35 - 1/350, 40 - 1/60, 45 and above - 1/12. But since young ladies are much more likely to become mothers, then 80% of down children on the planet were born to women who are not yet 30 years old.

Other threats to the fetus

Up to what age can you give birth? There is no exact answer to this question. Some doctors say the sooner the better. Others, on the contrary, adhere to a policy of conscious, "mature" pregnancy. The choice is only for the woman, who decides for herself when to become a mother. At the same time, she must clearly understand that her unborn baby is trapped by other, in addition to those described above, dangers: low weight or hypoxia. The latter is a consequence of a protracted second stage of labor, which is often observed in late pregnancy.

The following fact is interesting: if a woman already has a child who at the time of the second conception has reached adolescence, then she will give birth according to the laws of the "first time". This means that within 15-20 years the body “forgets” about pregnancy. Therefore, such a lady and the one who really conceived for the first time find themselves in absolutely the same conditions with all the ensuing consequences.

The course of pregnancy

If a woman had headaches before conception, then they may worsen. Moreover, often ailments are associated with blood pressure, which rises and causes discomfort. When this happens regularly, gestosis develops - it manifests itself in the form of swelling. Also, after 40 years, the risk of diabetes mellitus increases. When diagnosing a disease before pregnancy during gestation, it can worsen and worsen the general condition.

When is it late to give birth? Then, when you have collected a whole bunch of ailments over the past three or four decades. In this case, they can not only progress, but also provoke complications: diseases of the thyroid gland lead to miscarriage; kidneys, heart and lungs - to premature birth. In addition, tissues and muscles are more elastic in young women. With age, fibers lose their ability to stretch and maintain their density. Therefore, middle-aged women have an increased risk of losing a child.

How to minimize the danger?

You can give birth at 45. The main thing is to follow some rules that can significantly reduce the chances of miscarriage, freezing of the fetus in the womb or the occurrence of genetic disorders in it. The first thing to do is to carefully plan your pregnancy, prepare mentally and physically for it. A woman should visit a gynecologist: let him rule out the presence of diseases and infections, and also advise.

The baby's organs are formed in the first trimester, therefore, six months before conception, the expectant mother is simply obliged to fall in love with a healthy lifestyle. Namely: give up fatty, smoked, canned food, introduce a lot of greens, fruits and vegetables into the diet, quit smoking, forget about alcohol and coffee. It is recommended to take a complex of vitamins prescribed by a doctor, play sports, walk a lot and sleep 8 hours a day - this will also increase the likelihood that a lady will quickly become pregnant, endure without problems and give birth to a healthy baby without complications.

If the doctor is annoying

This shouldn't be embarrassing. Focusing exclusively on age, he will not prohibit giving birth. But he will put such a lady on special account. You should treat increased attention and excessive control philosophically: additional analyzes will not interfere, but will only add confidence that the fetus is developing correctly.

It so happens that obstetricians, in order to avoid possible complications, already at first offer a woman to consent to a cesarean section. Under such circumstances, it is not worth chopping off the shoulder: the lady needs to think, discuss the situation with other doctors, and undergo a full examination. If there are no serious contraindications, then you can try to give birth on your own.

And one more thing: the offensive label "old-born" will be hung on the expectant mother at the very first visit to the antenatal clinic. From this, the mood should not deteriorate, and self-confidence should not evaporate. The health of the baby is the most important now, and as for the mothballs, they simply do not need to be paid attention to.

Prenatal diagnosis

But this is a really useful and necessary thing. Modern medicine has the highest quality drugs and equipment, with the help of which you can become a mother even at 50. Doctors say: 97% of pregnant women who are 40 years old or more, having passed many tests and laboratory studies, have gained firm confidence that they will succeed. And a positive attitude is already half the battle.

Prenatal diagnosis is:

  • Invasive. The methods are associated with a violation of the integrity of the tissue during direct examination of the fetus (cordocentesis, amniocentesis, chorionic biopsy).
  • Non-invasive. Examination of the expectant mother, her analyzes (ultrasound, fetal cell sorting, blood serum screening).

If the patient is a middle-aged woman, she is required to undergo prenatal diagnosis. It will exclude possible chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus at an early stage of its development, which allows parents to terminate the pregnancy if the pathology is very serious. When the deviations can be eliminated, they are eliminated with the help of intrauterine surgery or immediately after the birth of the baby.


Up to what age do women give birth? There is no doubt: they do it at any stage of life, forgetting about the number in the passport. And this act should not shock at all. If a lady has good health, there are no chronic, infectious and other diseases, she is full of strength, energy and optimism, then such a step is absolutely justified. Such a woman can find the happiness of motherhood even at 50. At the same time, accurate planning of pregnancy, early diagnosis and constant monitoring of the process by medical personnel will protect her from possible complications.

But the most important thing is desire. When the fair sex is asleep and sees diapers, diapers and rattles, then it will be doubly easier for her to have offspring. Hope for success and faith in the future - they will become one of the guarantees of a positive result. When this is added to powerful support from close and dear people, the lady will quickly and confidently achieve the goal.

Don't be afraid to give birth. Be careful not to try. And remember: age is a punishment for boring and weak-minded people to whom you do not belong in any way.

In this article:

The birth of a baby is one of the happiest events in the life of every woman. However, modern mothers are increasingly trying to plan a pregnancy and not rush things, they want to first make a career, and then have children. However, there are certain medical indications for the age at which it is better to give birth to a child, so that it is strong, healthy and the gestation period proceeds without complications.

History and modernity

Previously, the situation was a little different. A woman who did not give birth to a child until the age of 20 was looked at with amazement and bewilderment. This is largely due to social differences. Life expectancy averaged only 50 years, young girls were not concerned with getting an education and did not try to reach career heights.

Today the situation has changed. Women first strive to secure their future: to have housing, decent earnings, and promising jobs. Only upon achieving these goals do they begin to think about the appearance of a child in the family. True, this is not the case for everyone. Sometimes pregnancy occurs unexpectedly and at a fairly early age, but this is not at all a reason to refuse childbirth. There are also cases when it is simply not possible to have children and the desired baby is born after 40 years, which is also quite normal. But still, what age of a woman is most suitable for childbirth?

Childbirth before 20 - all pros and cons

At this age, pregnancy in most cases is unplanned. A girl who has not yet fully matured discovers a new world for herself and completely forgets about caution. In this case, motherhood is more of a duty than a happiness, because a young mother herself is, in fact, a child who wants care and attention. In this case, it is very good if the father also participates in his upbringing.

From a medical point of view, a woman's body is fully ready for childbirth, upon reaching the age of 17. Pregnancy at an earlier age is quite dangerous. It can pass with complications and there is a risk that a young girl simply cannot withstand the process of labor.

But at the age of 17-20, you can no longer be afraid for the health of the expectant mother. Her body is in the best condition. The hormonal background has returned to normal, the skeleton is fully formed and the internal organs are in the best shape, so childbirth at this age is proceeding normally.

From a psychological point of view, having a child helps a young girl to grow up, become independent and responsible, focusing on raising a child. Doctors believe that children who were born by a mother at an early age grow up to be sociable, active and independent. Parents can be good friends with them.

True, there is also one nuance in this matter. Young mothers, as a rule, are not serious about raising a baby and very rarely fully follow recommendations for caring for a child. As a result, he is more likely to get sick, and also receive physical and psychological trauma. Women at this age often do not pay due attention to their baby, do not show enough tolerance and understanding.

In addition, the financial situation of young parents very often leaves much to be desired. In most cases, they are completely dependent on their dads and moms. Which is quite burdensome if the parents try to influence them in everything. But if grandmothers and grandfathers are loyal and ready to help you in raising your grandchildren, then during pregnancy and the required vacation you can manage to get a good education, which later opens up a lot of opportunities.

Childbirth at 20-25 years old - decide or not

This age is considered ideal for the birth of the first child. But unfortunately, not all parents during this period decide to take such a responsible step.

There are many reasons for this:

  • unstable financial situation;
  • lack of a separate living space;
  • dependence on parents;
  • obtaining higher education;
  • striving to make a career;
  • finally, just a desire to live for yourself.

But, as a rule, if a woman at the age of 20-25 has a desire to have a child, then it is already conscious. She is already mentally ready to become a mother, to pay enough attention to the baby and take care of him. In addition, health fully allows you to decide on this step. Therefore, if a young family is more or less financially secure and independent, then their first-born appears precisely during this period.

And what should a girl do if she received a good education and dreams of making a career? Give birth at the age of 20-25 on the advice of doctors or postpone pregnancy for later. In fact, only you can solve this issue. You can have a child at 27, and at 30, and even later. In European countries, 34 years are considered the most optimal age for the first birth. Therefore, you should not worry too much. But if you really want to become a mother, then you should not sacrifice your desire for the sake of a career, you will definitely find a way to combine it with raising a baby.

In general, it is difficult to name any serious reasons to refuse childbirth at this age. It's just that a woman still wants to live a little for her own pleasure, to see the world, to assert herself in life. And with the appearance of a small child in the family, all the time and energy will have to be given to him.

Childbirth at 25-30 - it's time to think

At this age, almost every woman comes to the conclusion that it is time for her to think about the child. As a rule, she has already achieved some success in her career, has a stable financial position and is mentally ready to devote herself to the baby. By this time, grandparents are usually happy to take care of their grandchildren and are ready to help their mother in everything. Therefore, at the age of 25-30, women, even if they do not give birth to a child, are already seriously thinking about its appearance.

At this age, the reproductive system of the expectant mother is in full bloom and she is able to bear and give birth to a healthy baby. Not so long ago, doctors argued that complications are possible with the first birth after 25, but medicine has stepped forward and today this age is quite acceptable for the birth of the first child.

But it must be remembered that the woman's cardiovascular system by this time is changing from the effects of the environment, stress and bad habits. The walls of blood vessels begin to gradually thin out, which can affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to your health when planning and carrying a child.

In addition, you need to remember that after 28 years, the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus increases, so you will have to pass a number of additional tests and regularly visit the ultrasound office to be sure of the normal development of pregnancy. But in most cases everything goes well and a woman in no case should be afraid of possible complications.

Childbirth at 30-40 years old - dangerous or not

Psychologists say that by the age of 30, a woman is morally completely ready for childbirth. She has a certain social status, a stable financial position. She can fully devote herself to caring for the baby and be confident in the future. And it seems that it is finally possible to give birth to a long-awaited baby, but at this age, unfortunately, other problems arise.

The level of estrogen in a woman's blood gradually begins to decline and it becomes much more difficult to conceive a child. Internal organs do not work as well as at 20-25, in addition, tissue elasticity decreases, which can lead to tears during childbirth. Therefore, you need to be aware that everything will not necessarily go perfectly.

It is very important to monitor your health, plan your pregnancy in advance, eat right, and give up bad habits. And women at this age are well aware of this and follow all the recommendations of a gynecologist. In addition, it is necessary to understand that a baby can be born with physical or mental disabilities if the mother is not healthy enough. And if you decide to become pregnant after 35, there is a risk of developing hereditary diseases in the child, so it is very important to get tested for genetics in advance.

Good video on the topic

But still, even if this age is not ideal for childbirth, it allows having given birth to a baby to provide him with a happy childhood and not lack material resources, without which in the modern world it is very difficult to provide a child with everything he needs.

Having a baby after 40 is the last step to a dream

It so happens that a woman has dreamed of having a baby all her life, but for various reasons she did not succeed. And suddenly she has the opportunity to give birth to a child already in adulthood. How to be in this situation?

If this is the first birth, then you need to be prepared for the fact that serious complications may arise. When planning a pregnancy, you need to take your health very seriously and weigh the pros and cons. You need to think about who can help you in raising a child, because caring for a baby takes a lot of energy and nerves.

You also need to think about your financial situation and the fact that over the years your income will decrease, and the cost of a child is needed quite large. But if this is the last chance, women usually take all possible risks and give birth.

From a medical point of view, late childbirth can lead to the development of Down syndrome in the baby and other genetic diseases. Therefore, it is very important for the entire pregnancy to be supervised by experienced specialists and follow all their instructions.

If the childbirth is not the first, the risk of abnormalities in the child is significantly reduced, and pregnancy and childbirth are much easier. But still, you should not neglect the advice of doctors. By the way, scientists have proven that late pregnancy contributes to the rejuvenation of the female body.

Drawing conclusions

According to gynecologists, it is best to give birth at the age of 20-25, but life leads us to the conclusion that the most optimal age for the birth of a child is 20-35 years. But still, the main thing is that the parents sincerely wait and rejoice at the appearance of the baby, then childbirth is possible at the age of 16 and after 40. Because there is no greater happiness in life than children!

Pregnancy and childbirth is one of the important periods in the life of every woman. With a deliberate approach to childbirth, the question arises, what is the best age for pregnancy. It is not so easy to give an unambiguous answer, since the body of each woman is individual. Many obstetricians and psychologists still argue about the best age for the birth of a child, and the opinion of each of them has a right to exist.

The best age for the pregnancy of the first child is the age of 21-26 years in physiological terms. However, this does not mean at all that at the age of 30 the expectant mother will certainly have any problems. Medical practice shows that with age, the risk of various complications still increases.

There are situations when pregnancy occurs at the age of 13-16 years and, most often, it happens unplanned. The young mother is still a child herself, and the father does not have the necessary material wealth to support the family.

All this negatively affects the state of the nervous system of the woman in labor, and stress can adversely affect the developing fetus. On the medical side, the girl's body is still developing, and the reproductive system has not yet been fully formed. Young girls have not yet stable hormonal levels and hormones such as progesterone and estrogen may not be produced in sufficient quantities. This can cause abnormalities in the formation of the placenta to occur.

Doctors say that early pregnancy, although possible, is still undesirable. In addition, at the age of 13-16, there is a high risk of bleeding and various complications during labor.

Childbirth after 35 years is increasingly common among modern women. Despite the fact that medicine is doing impossible things today, pregnancy at this age is considered a serious risk. Problems can appear both during pregnancy and during childbirth. There is a high risk of developing complications such as the absence of contractions, placental abruption, ruptures of the soft birth canal and bleeding.

Often, the desire of women to have a child is so strong that they are not even stopped by age after 35 and older. In most patients after 40-45 years, infertility is revealed, and the risk of miscarriage increases several times. During pregnancy, the development of diseases such as placental abruption, gestational diabetes mellitus and exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible.

In fact, age after 40-45 years is considered a dangerous period for pregnancy, therefore, if you want to become parents, you must undergo a thorough medical examination. The body of each woman is individual, therefore, how the pregnancy will proceed is quite problematic to predict. At the same time, doctors note that at the birth of the first child after 40-45 years, menopause occurs much later and the risk of malignant tumors of the genital organs decreases.

Experts say that, theoretically, a woman can give birth, provided that she has menstruation and there are no contraindications. At the same time, do not forget about common sense.

Gynecologists agree that the optimal age for the birth of a child is 18-26 years. The fact is that it is during this period that the female reproductive system and the entire body are in their prime. By this age, the process of forming the organs of the genitourinary system has already been completed and the ovaries are working in full force. This allows you to maintain normal levels of hormones in the body, which is considered one of the important conditions for a successful pregnancy. The muscles of the vagina and pelvic area are already well stretched and elastic by the age of 18-26.

It must be remembered that at this age the pelvic bones are quite mobile, which greatly facilitates the process of labor when the head passes through the small pelvis.

The condition of the abdominal muscles also plays an important role, and at the age of 18-26 they are sufficiently trained, which helps to quickly push the fetus out during attempts. In addition, at this age, a woman still does not have chronic pathologies that can affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

From the age of 25, the aging process starts in a woman's body. Such a moment can be postponed with the help of proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and a rational alternation of sleep and rest. However, nature cannot go anywhere, and already at the age of 30, many patients show a lack of progesterone in the body.

Accordingly, testosterone levels begin to rise, which can interfere with normal gestation. All this leads to the conclusion that the most appropriate age for the birth of a child is considered 18-26 years old, and 18-35 years old is conditionally safe.

Psychologists: the best age

Psychologists have their own point of view about the best age for childbirth, and it is the opposite of the statements of obstetricians and gynecologists. Some of them say that it is best to give birth to a child at the age of 20-35, but most European women do it after 35 years. They see late pregnancy as the satisfaction of their ambitions after achieving the desired financial well-being.

Some psychologists say that the best age for pregnancy is after 35 years. By this time, the woman already has a wealth of life experience, has built her career and is prepared for motherhood. In addition, psychologists say that it is by this time that maternal feelings are fully awakened in the patient's soul.

Many gynecologists refute this opinion and testify that many mature women said that they did not feel anything for their child.

The psychological unpreparedness of future parents for the birth of a child is associated with physiological age only indirectly, and is largely determined by social experience. Today there are many tests with which it is possible to determine the psychological readiness to become parents.

Psychologists say that it is best to have a child at the age when you can feed him, buy everything you need and take care of him. Future parents will feel much more confident if by the time their first child is born they will have an education, a specialty and their experience will be in demand by society.

In the last century, a 25-year-old young lady was awarded the epithet "old-born". Now most women think about procreation well beyond 30-35, when certain career heights have been reached and the way of life has been established. And it never occurs to anyone to reproach them for being "late." Together with Julia Kikina, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the SwissMed Center for Modern Medicine and Cosmetology, we will try to figure out what he really is - the ideal age for childbirth.

Age: 16 to 20

Arguments for

Physically, the girl is ready to become a mother at 15-18. Approaching the age of 20, she is entering the heyday: now her health is in the best condition, organs and organ systems are not yet worn out, the hormonal system rarely malfunctions. You can safely give birth!

And psychologists give the go-ahead: all young mothers want the same thing as their peers: work, study and rest. Hanging the baby on a still young grandmother is unlikely to succeed. As a result, a young mother learns to cope with everything alone and maximally stimulates independence in the child: he grows up active, lively and very sociable.

And one more fact: to give birth to 20 should be those who really want a boy. It has been scientifically proven that 120 boys are born to such mothers per 100 girls - a noticeable preponderance!

Arguments against

Although the reproductive system matures by 18-20, the psychology of many 18-20-year-old girls remains childish. They rarely follow the strict standards of caring for the child, and as a result, he is often sick and injured - both physical and mental. Yesterday's girl is far from the level of responsibility of a mature woman. Also because pregnancy at this age is often unplanned.

Age: 20 to 30

Arguments for

Already by the age of 25, changes in the cardiovascular system occur in a woman's body, the walls of blood vessels become thinner, the consequences of possible stresses and bad habits accumulate (smoking and alcohol wear out the body especially quickly). But, despite all this, the age from 20 to 30 is optimal for the birth of a child, since the reproductive system of a woman during this period is in its prime. In a word, if there is an opportunity to conceive, you need to drop fears and do it.

Arguments against

In the old days, it was believed that the likelihood of complications during the birth of the first child becomes higher if the mother is over 25. But today the term "primiparous older age" refers to the category of women over 35. Western medicine assures that a woman after 35 can normally give birth. So don't be in a hurry. On the contrary, say European doctors, a woman after 35 is more responsible for pregnancy and childbirth, she attends special courses, reads the necessary literature, takes care of a healthy lifestyle, and all this has a beneficial effect on the health of the unborn baby. So 30 years is not at all a reason to frantically try to get pregnant. There is still time.

Age: 30 to 40

Arguments for

One of the main advantages of having a child in adulthood is that a woman approaches the issue as thoughtfully and responsibly as possible. Expectant mothers prepare both physically and mentally, strictly follow the doctor's prescriptions. Moreover, from a psychological point of view, the modern 30-year-old woman is in optimal readiness for childbirth. She, as a rule, secured herself a material base and social status, is confident in the future, and her joy in connection with the birth of a baby is not overshadowed by everyday hardships.

Arguments against

After 30 years in the body, the level of the hormone estrogen, which is most important for a woman, decreases. This means that ovulation occurs less and less and the ability to conceive is less and less. But that is not all. Estrogen is responsible not only for fertility (fertility), but also for the health of women in general. In particular, it regulates the state of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and liver. A decrease in estrogen levels also provokes the likelihood of gestosis - a complex complication in which edema occurs, pressure drops, and protein is found in the urine. Severe gestosis can cause premature birth or even fetal death. In addition, one should not forget that after 30, tissue elasticity changes. This means that rupture of the birth canal is likely during childbirth. And to prevent this from happening, obstetricians perform auxiliary operations that help the baby to overcome the "difficulties" of the birth canal. Do I need to explain that all these obstetric procedures are far from being so harmless for both the mother and the baby.

Age over 40

Arguments for

After 40 years, the opportunity to give birth to a healthy baby remains. But the risk of congenital pathology increases tenfold. In a word, a mother who is over 40 needs the close attention of a doctor and must follow all his recommendations. Under these conditions, age will be the minimum hindrance to happy motherhood.

If we are not talking about the first birth, then the risk of pathologies is minimal: the body "remembers" how to carry out labor, and childbirth is faster.

Mom has also become more experienced - in every sense. For example, she knows for sure that a child is a new life for her too, because it has already been scientifically proven: the birth of a baby rejuvenates the female body. Indeed, according to some scientists, the aging of the body is directly related to the extinction of reproductive function. The logical conclusion is simple: the later a woman gives birth, the longer her reproductive system works and the longer she stays young.

Arguments against

After 40, the number of healthy eggs in the female body decreases, and the function of the ovaries fades. Low estrogen levels lead to the fact that expectant mothers have serious complications - kidney and heart disease. Getting pregnant is getting harder.

Psychologists are also sounding the alarm: a 40-year-old woman is exhausted and plunges into motherhood with her head. Literally dissolving in the child, constantly caring for him, the mother runs the risk of raising an infantile, unadapted creature. However, it is not so difficult for a child to give up maternal custody as it is for a mother to stop taking care of her beloved child. The only hope is for female wisdom, which will help her to dose the care of the child and raise him in harmony.