What oils do to hair. Best Essential Oils for Hair - Full Review & Recipes. Is hair oil right for me

Natural base oils are often the main ingredient in nourishing and moisturizing hair masks. It seems that there is nothing easier than using them - apply, soak on the strands and rinse well. But even this routine beauty procedure requires adherence to a number of rules. What gross mistakes will nullify all your efforts to strengthen hair with oils?

Wrong oil selection

When choosing any hair cosmetics - commercial or home - it is important to consider their type and the problems that you want to solve. This rule also applies to oils! Not every product that's perfect for dry strands will work just as well on oily hair. Dandruff, split ends, dryness and brittleness, increased fat content - each product fights “its own” problem.

Include only those oils that will have a positive effect on your hair specifically. Dry olive, linseed, nutmeg oils are suitable. In the fight against excess oily hair, sesame and argan oils will be useful. Disguises split ends of coconut and almond oil strands. Burdock, rice and castor are used to grow and strengthen the strands. If you have dandruff, you can include grape and peach oils in the treatment.

The rule "the more the better" when using oil-based hair masks definitely does not work. Excess natural product, especially if applied incorrectly, can "clog" the pores on the scalp, which will not be beneficial for the health of your curls. In addition, it is very difficult to wash off oil-based masks from strands. If there is too much of it, even after a few rinses, the hair will appear greasy.

Too frequent procedures

Natural oils are beneficial for the health and beauty of curls. But experts advise not to abuse such masks in home care. They can provoke "malfunctions" in the work of the sebaceous glands in the scalp, which will negatively affect the condition of the hair - they will become more oily or, conversely, dry, and dandruff will appear.

It is believed that oil masks should be done 1-2 times a week. This is enough to moisturize and nourish the curls.

Oil on wet hair

How do you carry out the procedure for applying oil to? As a rule, it is distributed over the entire length of the pre-wetted strands. This is a serious mistake in home care! The application of the masks is often accompanied by a parallel massage of the scalp and the distribution of the oil over the curl with a comb. These procedures can easily injure wet hair - in this state, they react sharply to the slightest external influence. In addition, the layer of water on the strands will not allow the beneficial substances from the oil to penetrate into the hair structure - the mask will not "work".

Experts advise applying oil to dry curls.

Unheated oil

Working with oil masks is not in a hurry. It is a big mistake to apply the composition that you just took out of the refrigerator where you stored it on your hair. There will be little benefit from a home beauty session.

Moderate heating of the oil before the procedure will help the nutrients from the composition penetrate deeper into the hair structure. This means that the curls will absorb all the benefits of the product. Heat the oil a little in a water bath, and then distribute it over the strands.

But what if you apply chilled oil to the curls, and then treat your hair with a hairdryer to "warm up" the composition? Experts do not advise doing this, since there is a risk of making the strands drier and brittle - at high temperatures they will begin to actively lose moisture.

Many of the natural oils are comedogenic. From this they do not become less useful for hair. But you should use them with caution. Active massage of the scalp in the process of applying oil to the hair can provoke "clogging" of the pores, which will negatively affect the work of the sebaceous glands, and, accordingly, the final state of the curls.

Avoid rough massage by actively rubbing the natural ingredients into your scalp. This will definitely not make the strands thicker, smoother and stronger. Spread the oil through the hair from roots to ends, comb through with a soft comb. Thus, the required amount will still be on the scalp.

Short exposure of the oil mask on the strands

The mask with natural base oil will begin to "work" for the benefit of hair beauty and health not earlier than 2-3 hours after application. Therefore, it would be a mistake to wash off the natural product from the curls before this time.

The best option, according to experts, is to keep the oil on the strands all night. To do this, wrap your head with plastic and a towel.

Oil masks on colored curls

Colored hair requires active nutrition and moisture. This is why many women are starting to make oil masks more often. But this is bad for the chemical pigment! It is much faster "washed out" from the hair structure under the influence of oils. No wonder this natural product is recommended to all those who wish to switch to a natural shade of curls.

Summer curl oil

It is often considered a big mistake to treat hair with natural oils in the summer. Part of the composition, even after high-quality rinsing of the strands, still remains on them. And the oil will attract the sun's rays, which will provoke active evaporation of moisture from the hair structure. They will become dry and brittle. It turns out that in summer, oil masks do not moisturize and nourish the strands, but on the contrary, only "spoil" them.

In the summer, try to use oil masks as little as possible in your home care.

Oil "mixes" for the preparation of masks

Trying to save money on the purchase of quality cosmetic hair oils, many women begin to experiment with the composition of masks. The most common mistake is to combine several types of oil at once and apply this "cocktail" to the curls. It is unlikely that these actions will make your homework more useful. On the contrary, there is a risk that the hair will not "accept" the prepared composition. The oil will either not wash off well, or it will make the strands oily.

Only specialists can combine individual oils into a high-quality cosmetic composition. Special oil hair products from trusted brands are a unique formula and a balanced composition clearly verified by specialists. At home, this cannot be repeated.

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Essential oils for hair - I wanted to write this post for a long time and I am finally doing it.

Esters, fragrances, oils are my favorite topic ☺

I could not pass by this direction of natural means of caring for my appearance.

And the more I delve into all this, the more I penetrate and realize what boundless power is hidden in these fragrant bottles.

Today I want to briefly tell you how essential oils can be useful for hair and what oils I use.

In this article, you will learn:

Essential oils for hair - properties and methods of application

I will not go into details now of why essential oils are very useful and today are among the top natural remedies that help rejuvenate and heal our body. You can read more about this.

And I'll start right away to tell you about the best essential oils for hair.

How do essential oils affect hair?

I'll just put it briefly. The ethers contain all the useful things that the plant contains.

They can include, just imagine, from several TENS to HUNDREDS of components !!!

Therefore, ethers have a very HIGH and strong biological activity and have a number of medicinal properties.

Some essential oils have long been proven to be effective for treating specific hair and scalp problems:

  1. this is dandruff,
  2. premature graying
  3. dropping out
  4. poor hair growth.

They can improve and enhance blood circulation in the scalp, promote hair growth, stimulate hair follicles, normalize increased scalp oiliness, add shine to hair, and even restore lost pigment.

Different essential oils have different properties. Some are good for dry hair, while others help remove excess oil.

Depending on the nature of your hair and scalp, you should choose the essential oils that best suit your needs.

A quick guide from the aromatherapist's handbook

So, let's take a look at the main points:

Essential oils for oily hair:

  • Orange,
  • Birch,
  • bergamot,
  • geranium,
  • grapefruit,
  • cypress,
  • limet,
  • lemon,
  • melissa,
  • juniper,
  • rosemary,
  • chamomile,
  • thyme,
  • tea tree.

Esters for dry, thin, split ends:

  • geranium,
  • ylang-ylang,
  • lavender,
  • incense,
  • chamomile,
  • sandalwood.

Essential oils for hair loss:

  • Birch,
  • geranium,
  • grapefruit,
  • ylang-ylang,
  • kayaput,
  • cedar,
  • lemon,
  • neroli,
  • rosemary,
  • chamomile,
  • sandal,
  • Pine,
  • thyme,
  • sage.

Dandruff Esters:

  • Orange,
  • Birch,
  • cedar,
  • lavender,
  • incense,
  • neroli,
  • chamomile,
  • Pine,
  • fennel,
  • eucalyptus.

How to apply essential oils to hair?

As a rule, there are only two main ways:

  • Add these oils from 2-5 drops per 15 ml of shampoo base, base oil or hair masks. The course of treatment is 21 days.
  • Do aroma combing of hair (1 drop of oil per comb, 100 times daily)

The best essential oils for hair - an overview

Basic oils:

  • Lavender essential oil for hair

Lavender oil is obtained from the flowers of Lavandula angustifólia.

This mild and soothing oil can be used on all hair types. It improves blood circulation, promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss.

Lavender oil moisturizes the scalp and balances sebum production.

It is ideal for people who have a mixed scalp, such as oily around the forehead and the back of the scalp, but dry elsewhere.

Besides this lavender oil has a powerful antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. It's great for fighting dandruff, fungal or bacterial scalp infections.

How to use:

To massage your scalp, mix 8-10 drops in 2 tablespoons of warm olive or coconut oil. Rub this mixture into the scalp with your fingers. Leave it on for 2 to 3 hours, ideally overnight. Rinse off with warm water.

You can also do aromatherapy brushing your hair with lavender. To do this, put a couple of drops on the comb and go through your hair 50 to 100 times.

  • Rosemary essential oil for hair

Rosemary oil is obtained from the leaves of the medicinal rosemary plant. It has a strong minty and woody aroma.

This invigorating oil is packed with antioxidants to help fight premature graying and bleeding. More about this, I wrote in.

Rosemary oil stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, awakens hair follicles, has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates dandruff and is ideal for people with oily hair.

It reduces the action of the sebaceous glands and unclogs clogged pores that cause acne and itchy scalp.

Regular use of rosemary oil ensures healthy, strong and thick hair. This is my favorite hair oil ☺

How to use:

  1. If you have long hair, take 3 tablespoons of lightly warmed olive, avocado, or coconut oil and add 10 drops of rosemary oil to it.
  2. Apply the mixture to your scalp, put a shower cap on top, cover it all with a towel dipped in hot water. We need to make a hot oil bath for the hair. Leave everything on for 30 minutes and rinse thoroughly with shampoo.
  3. This procedure helps the essential oil penetrate the hair follicles, exfoliates the hard particles on the scalp that clog the pores.
  4. You need to do it once a week for a month. And you are guaranteed to notice how the oiliness of your hair will decrease, dandruff will go away, and their appearance will also improve.
  5. Also with this oil, you can carry out aroma combing of hair.
  • Peppermint essential oil for hair care

Thanks to menthol, peppermint oil has a cooling effect. When applied to the skin, it improves blood flow to the hair follicles, which helps to stimulate hair growth well.

It also opens clogged pores and promotes normal oil production, making it ideal for those with dry scalp. It removes dry dandruff.

How to use:

  1. Mix 5 drops of peppermint oil and lavender oil in 2 tablespoons of warm coconut oil. Apply the mixture to the scalp and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with shampoo.
  2. Just remember that peppermint oil can irritate your skin. Test on a small area of ​​skin before use.
  • Tea tree oil for hair

It seems to me that today it is one of the most famous oils in aromatherapy. Few have not heard of him, have they? ☺

Extracted from the Australian tree Melaleuca Alternifolia.

It is very widely used to treat almost any skin type and any hair problem. It is considered the number one remedy for dandruff. Perfectly moisturizes the scalp and relieves dryness and itching.

Tea tree oil has been proven to penetrate deeply into hair follicles, unclog them and help the normal drainage of fat from the skin.

This oil is also renowned for its antimicrobial properties, helping to eliminate fungal infections and removing bacterial growths on the scalp.

How to use:

  1. To stimulate hair growth, mix 2-3 drops of tea tree oil 1-2 tablespoons of sweet almond oil or coconut oil. Apply to scalp and wash off after 15-20 minutes.
  2. For dandruff treatment, add 4-5 drops per 1 tablespoon. shampoo and use it to wash your hair.
  • Ylang Ylang essential oil for hair

This oil is obtained from the beautiful flowers of the Ylang Ylang tree. It is very useful for combating dry scalp due to insufficient sebum production, which is a common cause of thin and brittle hair and a sharp reduction in hair volume.

Ylang Ylang stimulates the sebaceous glands and normalizes sebum production. It moisturizes the scalp and improves the condition of the hair.

This oil did not suit me, because I have quite oily scalp, but I added it to the water to rinse my hair to give it a scent ☺

It has also been shown to be effective in treating head lice, making it a safer alternative to chemicals.

How to use:

  1. Also dissolve 5 drops of oil in 2 tablespoons of olive or coconut oil. Apply it to your scalp and cover your head with a towel dipped in warm water. This will allow the essential oil to penetrate more easily and deeper into the scalp.
  2. Leave it on for one hour and wash off with shampoo.
  • Lemon essential oil

This oil is ideal for oily scalp. If you have dandruff or scalp acne along with oily hair, lemon oil will save you.

It has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties and helps eliminate secondary infections that often complicate acne and dandruff.

How to use:

  1. To combat oily scalp and dandruff, mix 5-6 drops of lemon oil with 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil and massage into the scalp. Let the mixture sit for an hour and wash off with a mild herbal shampoo.
  2. To remove excess oil from your hair, use lemon ether in warm water as a rinse after shampooing.

Before using essential oils, be sure to test for allergic reactions and take into account all possible contraindications.

To do this, take a piece of cotton wool, apply 1 drop of essential oil on it and lubricate the skin on the inside of the elbow or on the wrist with it. Do not wet this place for 24 hours. If it gets covered with a rash, reddens, or starts to itch, do not use this oil.

  1. The smell of the essential oil should be pleasant.
  2. Strictly observe the required dosage. Approximately 1 drop per 14 kg of body weight. When choosing the dosage of essential oil, always choose a lower one.
  3. When using essential oils, it is very important to remember that all essential oils have a high concentration; they are not applied directly to the scalp, but dissolve in the base oils.
  4. Be sure to check its contraindications before using essential oil. This is especially true for pregnant women and children. It is better not to use essential oils for children under 1 year old.
  5. Store essential oils tightly closed in a dark place, at a temperature not lower than 0 ° and not higher than + 30 ° C. Essential oils do not “like” the cold; when they freeze, they should be “warmed up” for 60-90 minutes at room temperature.
  6. If essential oils get into your eyes, you should rinse them with pure vegetable oil, not water. essential oils are fat-soluble substances.
  7. ... If you suffer from chronic diseases, be sure to consult your doctor or aromatherapist before using essential oils !!!
  8. Most essential oils last no more than 6 months after opening the bottle; never use expired essential oils.

And buy only natural high-quality essential oils (I wrote more about this). I choose of this manufacturer.

When using essential oils for hair, you can experiment with different combinations of carrier oils and essential oils.

And you are sure to find your oil that is perfect for your hair type.

What hair essential oils do you use?

Alena Yasneva was with you, see you again !!!

photo @ ChamilleWhite

photo of avocado oil (for hair), combs, avocado

Hair is made up of proteins, lipids and water. Daily washing, combing, styling and similar procedures for them is a serious challenge, as a result of which the healthy balance of these substances can be disturbed, and the structure of the hair can be damaged. Lack of moisture leads to dryness and brittleness, leaching of proteins and fats makes the hair shafts brittle, hard, dull. The most harmonious natural products for nourishing and restoring curls are vegetable oils: they replenish the deficiency of substances, reconstruct damaged hair, protect it and take care of the scalp. That is why the practice of using hair oils in regular care goes back millennia, remaining over-current and today.

Protection and restoration: hair base oils

Of course, we are talking about unrefined product of the first cold pressing (this also applies to squeeze from coconut).

3. Burdock

Burdock root oil extract is renowned for its stimulating properties. It is used to activate hair growth, reduce natural hair loss, strengthen roots, and increase the number of active follicles. The most effective method of use is oil mask +. The burdock product is distributed over the roots and skin, easily massaged, wrapped for an hour. Course application allows you to significantly increase the length and volume of the hair, to make the curls strong, strong, shiny.

4. Castor

Castor bean seed oil has a strong antioxidant property, therefore it is effective against aging processes. It also helps with baldness, inflammation of the skin, destroys bacteria and fungi. Castor oil masks are indicated for weak, dull curls, water-lipid imbalance, fragility, section of the ends. Large molecules of castor oil cannot penetrate deep into the hair, but they heal the cuticle perfectly, so this oil is a popular component of masks for damaged, dry, coarse hair. It is good to combine it with lighter oils - almond, olive, sea buckthorn, coconut.

Useful Tips

Vegetable oils are an important component of the nutrition of all people on our planet, but those who care about their own appearance have long known that oils can not only be eaten, but also used for completely different purposes!

Those who have discovered the magical properties of oils squeezed from various plants for the restoration, treatment and maintenance of hair health, most often write onlypositive reviews.

If you are just discovering this amazing tool, then you should learn about it.as much as possible , because it is important not to miss contraindications, as well as some of the nuances of using oil.

Vegetable oils have been known since antiquity, and little is known about how, after all, mankind came to the conclusion that it is possible to squeeze out of plants such a valuable product, like oil, is actually pure vegetable fat.

Oils came to cosmetology from the kitchen thanks to ancient oriental beauties... Probably, by trial and error, exactly those oils were found that gave the most positive effect: they strengthened, nourished the hair, gave it the desired shine and health.

Today, in a world with high levels of air and water pollution, hair needs much more care. than thousands of years ago.

What are vegetable oils and what can they do to hair?

Vegetable oils - pomace from various plants, which consist of triglycerides of fatty acids and some other substances that dilute them or are by-products of the squeeze.

The oils that are widely used in cosmetology, in particular in hair care, are mainly produced from seeds and fruits of plants... However, some of these oils remain liquid at room temperature, while others may harden.

A distinction should be made between natural oils and industrially processed oils. Oils usually have enough large molecules, and special action can break them, preserving the properties of oils. These cosmetic oils can be used without rinsing.

Natural vegetable oils it takes time to penetrate deep into the hair and be useful. That is why they need to be kept on the hair for a certain amount of time. Hair penetrates best coconut oil, avocado oil and shea butter.

Tips: what you need to know before buying oil?

Before choosing a particular type of oil, study its properties well and highlight its features for yourself in order to understand how it may suit you or not. Of course you need try the oil on yourself, and only then draw conclusions. However, you don't want to spend money on something that you then have to give or throw away.

Here are some tips before buying oil:

1) Determine your hair type and find in the description for the oil that it can be used on this particular type. For example, some oils do not work well on oily hair.

3) Choose the oil that will solve your problem.

4) Read the label carefully, in particular, study ingredients of the purchased oil. It is best that the product is 100% exactly the oil you want and does not have strange and incomprehensible additives. Avoid any synthetic ingredients and chemical additives, including flavorings... They can only harm your hair and cause unwanted side effects.

First-spin or second-spin oil: what's the difference?

  • Extra virgin oils have a higher pH than hot extra virgin oils, so they are more alkaline.
  • Extra virgin oil penetrates into the deeper layers of the hair.
  • Extra virgin oil is suitable for nourishing the scalp and hair, for stimulating hair growth, for mixtures with essential oils as a base.
  • Extra virgin oil cannot make your hair smoother or get rid of split ends.
  • Extra virgin oil is more difficult to wash off the scalp, after applying them it seems that the hair structure seems to have changed.
  • Extra virgin oil has a higher cost.

The benefits of vegetable oils for various hair problems

Hair oils perform the main function: they make hair healthy and more attractive look. Also, due to their properties and compositions, they are capable of:

1) Get rid of hair microparticles of dust and dirt, which can cause not only damage to the hair, but also lead to symptoms that are more unpleasant for the scalp: irritation, dandruff, etc.

2) Moisturize your hair and give them a beautiful natural shine. Oils help to retain moisture in the hair, prevent it from drying out under the influence of the environment.

3) Clean up fluffy hair make them smoother.

4) Protect hair from exposure to high temperatures when using hot appliances, the sun and other negative influences.

5) Soften very coarse curly hair, make them more obedient.

6) Make dry and damaged hair healthy.

7) Maintain healthy hair, don't let them go bad.

8) Reinforce Hair Growth.

9) Stimulate sleeping follicles to wake them up.

10) Soften seborrheic or psoriatic plaques which are then easier to remove.

Oils can help strengthen hair and reduce hair loss if it is caused by stress factors, poor circulation in the follicular area, lack of vitamins and minerals in food.

Harm of vegetable oils for hair: side effects, who should not use?

Oils can be harmful if a person has certain contraindications for its use. Usually this serious problems, which are monitored by specialists, so before using an oil with the health problems listed below, it is better to consult a trichologist. Contraindications may be as follows:

  • Oily seborrhea
  • Purulent inflammation of the scalp
  • Some types of hair loss
  • Allergic reactions to oil components.
If there are no such problems, but the oil has somehow harmed you, then most likely you have used it incorrectly or not for its intended purpose.

When are oils completely useless?

Vegetable oils will not help treat severe forms of hair loss, including:

  • Male pattern baldness;
  • Alopecia areata;
  • Hair loss due to diseases of the internal organs;
  • Some other rare trichological diseases.

Oils are not an express product that can be applied for 10 minutes and immediately get a stunning effect. For them to work really well and be completely absorbed into the hair, an oil-based mask should be worn from 2 to 14 hours(depending on the type of oil).

  • Extra virgin oil is rather difficult to wash off hair and skin, so after using it, you should use shampoos that have a pH of 3 to 5 (or rinse off with vinegar or lemon juice diluted in water). It is these shampoos that after applying the oil will help make your hair smoother.
  • The oil absorbs better into wet hair than into dry hair.
  • The oil gives the best effect if it is applied slightly warmed up.
  • After application, wrap your head with foil and wrap it with a towel or put on a sauna hat for a warming effect: then the oil will work better.
  • If the oil is allowed to be applied to the scalp, then before using, it is necessary to prepare the skin with massage, peeling, heating with warm water.
  • From a single procedure, there is usually a very small effect, so masks with oils need to be repeated periodically. For hair treatment, it is good to do a mask 1-2 times a week before washing your hair, and less often as a prophylaxis.
  • The oils should be applied in small amounts: about 1 tablespoon for short to medium hair and 2-3 tablespoons for longer hair (depending on the length).
  • Apply the oils to the roots with light massage movements, as if rubbing them into the head.
  • Do not use the oil too often: it is better to use it 1-2 times a week. Excess oil can build up on the skin and clog pores.

Hair oil: application mistakes

To ensure that the oil does not harm and bring the maximum benefit to your hair, avoid mistakes when using it. Some of the most common mistakes are:

1). You are using an oil that is not suitable for your hair type. In this case, the oil can generally give zero result, or lead to problems: make your scalp even more oily or dry, make your hair heavier, make it greasy after washing (even after repeated soaping with shampoos), etc.

2) You are using an oil that is not right for your problem.

3) You are using too much oil in a single use. Remember that excess oil can be difficult to wash off. As a result, after shampooing with an oil mask, your hair will look greasy and dirty.

4) You apply the oil for a very short time. Apply oil as advised by professionals. Typically, the duration of the oils range from 2 to 14 hours! Some oils will be well absorbed in two hours, others should be kept on the hair for much longer.

5) You apply an oil mask to dry hair. This makes it more difficult for the oil to absorb into your hair than when applied to slightly damp hair, so after use you may feel that the oil has not worked at all or has worked very weakly.

6) You apply oils to the scalp for contraindications, as well as for very oily skin. While some oils are believed to help regulate sebum production, they may not solve your problem. If you suffer from oily scalp, it is better to consult a trichologist before using the oil.

Hair oil: which is the best?

Although this question comes up very often, there is no definite answer to it. Each of us is individual, therefore the choice of this or that product is very individual. Don't trust all reviews 100%, because among them there will certainly be those who will recommend you to use this or that oil, others, on the contrary, will dissuade and criticize it.

The surest way to find out which oil is best for you is to try it, test several times, closely following the results, comparing your hair condition before and after application.

We suggest you try one of the listed oils on your hair, which are more often used for hair.

Types of oils and their effects on hair (from most popular to lesser known)

Conventionally, oils can be divided into three types depending on their properties and effects:

1) Very fatty... These oils have a high molecular weight, therefore they can be too heavy for fine hair, giving the effect of unwashed hair after the mask is washed off. (for example, among them, shea butter, coconut, castor, mustard and others)

2) Bold. The molecules of these oils are finer, so it is easier for them to penetrate into the hair, that is, the oil is more easily absorbed without creating an unwanted oily film. These oils can be used for fine hair too. (These include avocado oil, sunflower oil, olive oil)

3) Dry. These oils are very light and are recommended for use on all hair types, especially fine hair. (among them almond oil, apricot and grape seed oil, and others).

Burdock oil for hair

This is perhaps one of the most popular and available oils in our country, which is used to get rid of various hair problems. But few people know that this is actually butter. is not "clean", and is made on the basis of other oils ( olive, sunflower, soy, almond and others).

To get exactly burdock oil burdock roots (lat.Arctiumlappa), insist in a base oil, as a result of which it is saturated with those useful substances that are in the composition of the root.

What's in the line-up? Fatty polyunsaturated acids, tannins, calcium, iron, chromium, copper and other elements, natural inulin, esters, flavonoids, vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, P, etc.

What gives? Nourishes brittle hair, enveloping it in a thin film; protects from hot appliances and direct sunlight, strengthens hair roots, prevents hair from falling out; stimulates dormant hair follicles and makes hair grow better; moisturizes, helps to get rid of dry hair and skin and dandruff.


  • Helps to grow not only hair on the head, but also eyebrows and eyelashes, if you regularly lubricate them with burdock oil;
  • The oil gives very good effects after chemical treatment of hair (curling, straightening, coloring, bleaching);
  • Helps to protect hair, strengthen and restore it from frequent exposure to chlorinated water (for example, if you frequent the pool).
  • Burdock oil can be easily prepared by yourself.

Home hair oil


1) With the waning moon, dig out the burdock root (the plant must be the first year, since in the second year the content of nutrients in its roots is minimal), wash and peel it.

2) Cut the roots into small pieces.

3) Fill the root with olive oil (at the rate of 100 g of root per 200 ml of oil), close with a tight lid and put in a dark place for a day.

4) Put the butter on the fire a little bit. Let it simmer, reduce heat to low, and simmer for about 15 minutes. Let the oil cool.

5) Pour the root oil back into the lidded jar and set in a dark place for a week.

6) After a week, strain the oil and use as directed.

Coconut oil for hair

Coconut oil is a light yellow transparent oil that, at a temperature below 27 ° C hardens, resembling soft wax. It is easy to make it liquid again by just heating it slightly. Manufactured from copra- white pulp of coconut tree nuts (lat. Cocos nucifera).

What's in the line-up? Lauric (50-55%), myristic (10%), palmitic (10%), oleic (6-11%) and other types of acids.

What gives? Moisturizes, nourishes hair, protects from direct sunlight, sea and chlorinated water and other harmful effects; makes hair more manageable; enhances hair growth.


  • The most useful oil is considered to be cold pressed dried copra, but such oil is very rare and its cost is much higher. The hot oil production method is used more often, as it can be used to obtain more oil, albeit with fewer nutrients.
  • Coconut oil is not for everyone. Hair that is too thin can be very heavy, and oily scalp can be made even more oily. Try using coconut oil once and you will immediately see how much it works for you.
  • Coconut oil can be used as a hair mask or added to shampoos.


1) Chop a few coconuts and extract the white pulp from them.

2) Cut the pulp into pieces and grind in a blender with water (100 ml per 100 g coconut). Use a powerful blender whenever possible to achieve very fine coconut gruel.

3) Transfer the gruel to several layers of cheesecloth or a fine sieve and squeeze well.

4) The resulting cake can be dried and used in the future as coconut flakes, and pour the liquid (milk) into a vessel and place in the refrigerator overnight (10-12 hours). One medium-sized coconut produces approximately 300 ml of coconut milk.

5) The thicker and denser part - coconut oil - rises up, and the liquid stays at the bottom. Drain it and use it in cooking.

Castor oil for hair

Castor oil is obtained by hot or cold pressing of the plant castor oil plant (lat.Ricinus communis L), has a specific smell, rather viscous consistency.

What's in the line-up? Ricinoleic acid (85%), oleic acid (2%), linoleic acid (1%), linolenic, stearic and palmitic acids (0.5% each), other acids (0.5%).

What gives? Strengthens and thickens hair; gives a natural healthy shine; moisturizes; helps to cure split ends, prevents split ends; stimulates hair growth by improving blood flow.


  • More suitable for dry hair, can also be used on scalp (if not oily) to moisturize.
  • Good for those with dry hair ends but oily roots: in this case, castor oil can only be used on the ends!
  • Castor oil is also good for the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes. It should be applied to these areas (previously cleared of cosmetics!) Overnight, and in the morning rinse well with facial cleansers. The procedures should be performed daily for a month.
  • When choosing castor oil, choose an oil with a lighter shade, as this oil is better refined.
  • When using castor oil on the ends of your hair, remember that it does not dry out like store-bought oils do; it needs to be rinsed off.
  • Some hair types may darken after frequent use of castor oil.

Olive oil for hair

It is a very popular oil all over the world, which has been widely used since antiquity. This is one of the most available vegetable oils which can be found in any market. However, the choice of oil should be done with caution, it is better to use proven well-known brands, or buy oil in Mediterranean countries from trusted small local producers.

What's in the line-up? Phytosterols, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (monounsaturated (oleic), polyunsaturated (linoleic, linolenic); vitamins A, B4, E, K and betaine.

What gives? Moisturizes dry hair; stimulates hair growth; eliminates dandruff; helps fight seborrhea; strengthens hair after chemical exposure; accelerates hair growth; softens them; gives a healthy shine and look.


  • When choosing a hair oil, choose unrefined extra virgin olive oil, which is yellow-green in color. It costs more, but the effect of using it will be much more noticeable.
  • Olive oil is useful for hair health not only as masks, but also in food (about 1 tablespoon per day).
  • Olive oil is good for massaging the scalp.

Sunflower oil for hair

The most commonly used oil in our cooking, sunflower oil, also contains many beneficial substances that can improve the condition of the hair, although it is slightly inferior in their quantity to some other oils (for example, olive).

It is obtained from seeds. sunflower oilseed(lat. Helianthus annuus) by cold or hot pressing.

What's in the line-up? Fatty acids: linoleic 46-62%, oleic 24-40%, 3.5-6.4%, myristic; stearic 1.6-4.6%, palmitic up to 0.1%, arachidic 0.7-0.9%, linolenic up to 1); polyunsaturated fatty acids - 1%; phosphorus-containing substances; vitamins B, C, A, E, D.

What gives? Moisturizes hair and scalp; restores hair after chemical exposure; normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands; adds shine to hair.


  • The most useful oil for hair is unrefined, fresh, cold pressed. It is best to buy this oil from farms immediately after production. It is better not to use refined oil, which is used for frying, for hair treatment, as it contains very few nutrients, and it will not give the desired results.
  • Sunflower oil works great in masks along with yolks, honey, mustard, etc.
  • Sunflower oil helps fight seborrhea in babies without harming them in any way, as it is a natural product.

Mustard oil for hair

This oil is obtained by cold pressing or seed extraction. mustard (Latin Sinapis).

What's in the line-up? Depending on the variety of mustard, the composition of various substances may be different. But it usually contains the following acids: linolenic (essential omega-3 fatty acid 8-12%), linoleic (essential omega-6 fatty acid 14-19%), eicosanic (saturated fatty acid 7-14%), erucic (11-53 %) and oleic (22-30%); vitamins A, B, E, K, P, D.

What gives? Well nourishes, moisturizes and heals dry, thin, weak and dull hair, weakened by various influences, including curling and coloring; enhances blood circulation, which strengthens the bulbs and stimulates hair growth; removes frizz, smoothes hair scales; gives volume.


  • Mustard oil is not recommended for pregnant women.
  • If you suffer from allergic rashes or have very sensitive skin, you should use this oil with caution, as it can provoke various discomfort in you. First apply a small amount of oil to the skin and observe the reaction (20 minutes). If there is no discomfort, then you can use oil.
  • Do not use oil if there are abrasions, wounds or pimples on the scalp.
  • Mustard oil is practically non-washable from fabrics, so use it with clothes or towels that you don't mind getting dirty.

Flaxseed oil for hair

Linseed oil is produced from common flax seeds (Latin Línum usitatíssimum). Which are widely used in cooking. The oil is produced by cold pressing the seeds.

What's in the line-up? polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9, vitamins A, B, E, K, B4, phosphorus, calcium, zinc and other microelements.

What gives? Moisturizes and nourishes hair and scalp; treats hair loss; eliminates and prevents hair splitting; stimulates growth; helps get rid of dandruff; protects hair from negative environmental influences.


  • Suitable for all hair types.
  • Especially effective against dry ends. For oily scalp, apply the oil only to the length.
  • For maximum benefit to your hair, this oil should be eaten, not just masks. It is good to add it to cereals, salads and other dishes. But they should not be overused, since the oil is very high in calories: it is enough to eat 1-2 tablespoons of oil during the day.
  • To speed up hair growth, massage the oil into your scalp at least 2 times a week for several months.
  • A flax oil mask can be kept on the head for at least 2 hours.
  • If you don't like the smell of this oil, it is good to add a few drops of essential oil to the oil mask mixture. lavender, ylang ylang, chamomile, mira or orange.
  • A few drops of flaxseed oil can be added to the hair balm and applied after shampooing for 5 minutes. Then rinse off the entire mixture from the hair with warm water.

Almond oil for hair

Almond oil is made from seeds sweet almonds(lat ... Amygdalus communis L.)... It is a light yellow, not too greasy oil with a pleasant aroma. It is obtained by the method of double cold pressing.

What's in the line-up? Oleic acid (62%), linoleic acid (24%), palmitic acid (6%); phytosterol, tocosterol, amygdalin, vitamins B9, B2, A, E and mineral salts.

What gives? Strengthens hair, helps reduce hair loss; stimulates growth; improves shine; increases hair elasticity; regulates the oiliness of the scalp; restores damaged hair (after dyeing or frequent use of hot hair appliances); gives good protection against ultraviolet rays; helps to eliminate dandruff.


  • To prevent the oil from making your hair too greasy, it is enough to use 1-3 teaspoons of the oil on your hair, depending on your hair length.

Avocado oil for hair

This oil is obtained by pressing the fruit under temperature control. avocado(lat. Persea americana). Immediately after pressing, the oil has slightly greenish color, but turns brown when exposed to light. Refined avocado oil is light yellow in color.

What's in the line-up? Oleic acid (max. 80%); palmitic acid (max. 32%); linoleic acid (max. 18%); palmitoleic acid (max. 13%); linolenic acid (max. 5%); stearic acid (max. 1.5%); phytosterols and vitamins A, B1, B2, D, E, K, PP, minerals.

What gives? Helps get rid of seborrhea and oily hair; restores damaged hair; moisturizes dry and lifeless hair; does not allow the ends to be cut; protects against negative environmental influences; enhances hair growth.


  • Suitable for all hair types.
  • Most of the nutrients are found in unrefined avocado oil.
  • The course of hair treatment with masks is 2-3 months, moreover, they should be applied 1-2 times a week (approximately every three to four days) so that the oil does not accumulate on the scalp and does not increase the fat content.

Peach oil for hair

This type of vegetable oil is obtained by pressing from the seeds peach(lat. Prunus persica), more precisely, from the pulp inside the bone.

What's in the line-up? Fatty acids, vitamins A, B, E, C, P, phospholipids, tocopherols, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and other macro- and micro-elements.

What gives? Restores damaged, weakened hair, nourishes and moisturizes dry and dry hair; eliminates the consequences of the negative impact on the hair of the environment; gives hair a healthy shine; heals split ends, prevents hair from splitting at the ends; moisturizes the scalp.


  • This type of oil is good for the growth and strengthening of not only hair, but also eyelashes and eyebrows. It is best to apply the oil to the skin of the eyelids, where the eyelashes grow and all over the eyelash to the tips. After two hours, you should wash off the oil from the eyelashes, do not go to bed with oil on the eyelids, as oil can cause swelling of the eyelids overnight.

Apricot oil for hair (apricot kernel oil)

Apricot oil is obtained from seeds apricot(lat. Prúnus armeníaca) - the pulp of the bones.

What's in the line-up? Organic acids (palmitic, oleic, palmitoleic, stearic, linolenic, linoleic, etc.), tocopherol (vitamin E); retinol (vitamin A); B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and other substances.

What gives? Moisturizes, nourishes hair and scalp; protects hair from harmful environmental influences; helps to restore weak and damaged hair (including protection from ultraviolet rays); helps to get rid of seborrhea; restores the work of the sebaceous glands.


  • Apricot kernel oil works great in masks, mixing with other natural ingredients, including food, herbal infusions, as well as other plant and essential oils.
  • Pure oil can be applied overnight, and if you make a hair mask together with more aggressive ingredients - with pepper, mustard, alcohol, ginger, etc., it is enough to keep it for 40-60 minutes.
  • It is best to store the oil in a cool, dark place (good in a dark glass bottle) away from heating appliances. Do not let the sun's rays fall directly on the bottle of oil.

Wheat oil for hair

This oil is made from germ wheat(lat. Trīticum dūrum) and is also called wheat seed oil. It is mainly used in the composition of masks, mixing with other oils or products, since it is quite thick in consistency. Wheat grain contains about 2% oil.

What's in the line-up? Polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3); essential amino acids (tryptophan, methionine, leucine and isoleucine, valine and others); vitamins of groups B, E (tocopherol), A, D, PP; phosphorus, potassium, iodine, copper, sulfur, manganese, zinc, selenium, iron and other useful micro and macro elements; amino acids (which are part of the collagen and elastin of the skin).

What gives? Moisturizes and nourishes hair and scalp; eliminates excessive dryness and brittle hair; heals damaged ends, does not allow them to be cut; restores hair structure along its entire length; helps to accelerate hair growth; normalizes the production of sebum; gives a healthy shine; makes hair more manageable, smooth does not allow them to tangle.


  • Wheat germ oil is an excellent antioxidant that helps skin cells regenerate and strengthens hair.
  • Works best when mixed with other oils in a minimum 1: 1 ratio. Mix this oil well with almond, peach, apricot, grape seed oil.
  • The oil has anti-inflammatory properties, so wounds can be healed with this oil.

Argan oil for hair

This oil is made by pressing the fruit argan(lat. Argania spinosa L.) and is a rather expensive and rare oil due to the very limited distribution of the plant.

What's in the line-up? Fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic) make up more than 70% of the oil; vitamins E (tocopherol) and F, organic acids, carotene;

What gives? Nourishes and repairs damaged hair; gives a healthy shine; prevents hair breakage and split ends; treats some forms of hair loss; protects hair from negative environmental influences (ultraviolet rays, sea water, high temperatures of styling devices).


  • Since this type of oil is quite rare and expensive, it is often added to other products, mixed with other oils and ingredients.
  • This oil works especially well on the ends of the hair, preventing them from splitting.
  • Argan oil in its pure form is quite thick and more difficult to rinse off the hair and scalp. It can be mixed well with your favorite burdock oil to enhance hair growth.
  • This oil is quite allergenic, so before using it you should check if there are any allergic reactions to it.
  • It is best to use argan oil on clean hair.

Grape seed oil

Grape oil is actually made from seeds - grape seed(lat. Vítis), because they are rich in fats and a large amount of nutrients. The oil is obtained by cold or hot pressing of the seeds.

What's in the line-up? Unsaturated fatty acids: l inolic (72%), oleic (16%), palmitic (7%) and others; vitamins of group B, vitamin PP, A, F and C; procyanide, potassium, sodium, iron and calcium.

What gives? Helps accelerate hair growth by stimulating blood circulation; strengthens the roots; eliminates split ends and hair fragility; prevents the appearance of dandruff; gives shine to hair; heals microcracks on the scalp.


  • The grape seed oil mask is best applied to clean, damp hair, which will be more effective.
  • Washing off oil is best done with a mild, SLS-free, paraben-free shampoo.
  • This type of oil should be used no more than 1 time per week.

Shea butter for hair

This type of oil is extracted from the seeds of the tree. shi(lat. Vitellaria paradoxa or Butyrospermum parkii). It is hard and melts easily when heated slightly, has a specific nutty smell that not everyone likes. The oil has two names - shi and shea so you may come across different names. Oil is obtained only from wild trees. So far, they cannot artificially create a plantation of shea trees. Plants grow only in the Sahelian zone of Africa. Shea butter has been used to protect and restore hair since ancient Egypt.

What's in the line-up? Fatty acids: oleic (40 to 55%), stearic (35 to 45%), palmitic (3 to 7%), linoleic (3 to 8%) and linolenic (1%); phenols, tocopherols, teprene alcohols and other substances.

What gives? Heals damaged, dry and brittle hair; restores hair structure; smoothes hair; helps to get rid of split ends; protects hair from negative environmental influences; stimulates hair growth; gives shine; hair becomes more manageable and elastic; helps to fight dandruff, moisturizes the scalp well, fights seborrhea.


  • When applied to the skin, shea butter is absorbed into it for about an hour, giving a nourishing and moisturizing effect that lasts up to 8 hours. It lasts longer than other vegetable oils.
  • The quality and price of butter is influenced by many factors, since the shea fruit is harvested by hand, and then different methods are used to extract the oil from it. In addition, the largest amount of beneficial substances for hair and skin is found in the fruits of old trees, which are at least 50 years old.
  • If shea butter has a light smoke smell, it is most likely produced in the traditional way by evaporation, it is of the highest quality. It is best to use unrefined butter made by hand in African countries where shea trees grow.
  • Before use, the oil must be heated in a water bath so that it becomes liquid.
  • Shea butter mix well with other hard oils - coconut oil and cocoa butter.
  • To avoid the effect of heavy hair, use a very small amount of oil - 1 teaspoon for medium hair or less. The oil is very economical to use.
  • Shea butter should be checked for possible allergic reactions before using.
  • The oil will work better if left on your hair overnight.

Cumin oil for hair

This type of oil is made from the seeds of black cumin (Nigēlla satīva). Although not as popular, it gives good results for some. It is a clear dark oil with a bitter taste, so it is more often used externally for hair treatment, but it is also possible to eat the oil.

What's in the line-up? Fatty acids (linoleic (55-65%), oleic (15-18%), almitic (10-12%) and others; vitamins A, E, D and group B, zinc, phosphorus, manganese and other trace elements, phytosterols, tannins, nigellone, lipase, acetates, ergostenyl, glycerin, selenene, catechins, enzymes, essential oils, alkaloids, etc.

What gives? Strengthens hair, stimulates growth, reduces hair loss, treats some forms of hair loss; helps get rid of dandruff; regulates the production of sebum; slows down the appearance of gray hair.


  • Black seed oil is quite viscous and is rarely used on its own without mixing with other, thinner oils.
  • It is good to apply oil masks to the hair roots, and also distribute it along the entire length of the hair using a wooden comb.
  • This oil is quite concentrated and cannot be used during pregnancy.
  • In some cases, it can give allergic reactions in case of intolerance to some of the ingredients of the oil.

Jojoba oil for hair

Jojoba oil is made from the fruit simmondsia chinese(lat. Simmóndsia chinénsis), which grows in South, Central and North America. In China, despite the name, this plant does not grow. The oil is obtained by cold pressing of seeds. At colder temperatures, jojoba oil becomes hard, like wax.

What's in the line-up? Monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acids, docosahexaenoic, gadoleic, erucic, oleic acids; fatty alcohols; vitamin E. Jojoba oil contains many acids that are not found in other vegetable oils.

What gives? Helps regulate sebum production strengthens hair, reduces hair loss; eliminates dandruff. Itching and dryness of the scalp; restores hair, makes it smoother; heals damaged hair.


  • Jojoba oil is not an oil as such, although it does not have much difference in appearance with other oils. In fact, this is ether.
  • Jojoba oil deteriorates when exposed to ultraviolet rays, so it should not be kept in the sun and is best stored in dark containers in a closet.
  • The oil is suitable for all hair types, but if you are prone to allergies, it should be tested on a small area of ​​the skin.
  • The oil has no characteristic odor and blends well with other vegetable oils.

Amla oil for hair

Amla oil is obtained from the fruit of the plant. emblick, amla or Indian gooseberry.(lat. Phyllanthus emblica, syn. Emblica officinali s). It grows naturally in Southeast Asia, nowadays it is cultivated by various Asian countries. It is part of various Ayurvedic medicines. Has a greenish tint and a specific smell of oriental spices.

What's in the line-up? Fatty acids, vitamins C, A and B, phosphorus, calcium, iron, flavonoids, polyphenols and others.

What gives? Stimulates hair growth, strengthens hair, prevents hair loss; eliminates dandruff; moisturizes hair and scalp; gives hair volume and shine; delays the appearance of gray hair; reduces the production of sebum; heals scalp irritations.


  • Amla oil with a darker shade can dye blonde hair, so if you are blonde it is best to test the lighter oil on one of your strands first.
  • If you don't like the smell of the oil, you can add your favorite essential oil scent to it - a few drops of lavender, orange, or tangerine oils.
  • If you are allergic, test the oil on a small area of ​​your skin.

Oil hair mask recipes

Hair Growth Oil

1) Mask composition: almond oil - 1 tsp; cognac - 1 tsp

How to apply? Warm the ingredients slightly in a water bath, apply with massaging movements to the hair roots, wrap with plastic wrap and put on a warm hat. Keep the mask for about 2 hours. Do not use on irritated skin or wounds.

2) Mask composition: amla oil - 2 tablespoons; kefir - 2 tablespoons

How to apply? Mix the ingredients, heat in a water bath to about 40 ° C, rub into the scalp and apply to the hair along the entire length, wrap your head with plastic wrap and a towel, leave the mask overnight or at least 2 hours. Repeat the mask after 2-3 days for several months.

Hair loss oil

1) Mask composition: argan oil - 2 tablespoons spoons; burdock oil - 2 tbsp. l.

How to apply? Mix two types of oils, heat in a water bath, apply to the scalp and massage into the skin. Cover your head with plastic wrap, insulate with a towel or cap, keep it on your hair for at least 3 hours, or better overnight. Wash off with shampoo in the morning. The procedures should be repeated twice a week until the desired result is obtained.

2) Mask composition: burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l; black cumin oil - 1 tbsp. l; castor oil - 1 tbsp l; lemon essential oil - 3 drops; raw egg yolk - 2 pcs.

How to apply? Heat the oils in a water bath, add the yolks and stir the mixture well until smooth. Apply the mixture to the hair roots, cover with foil and a towel. Leave it on your head for at least a few hours. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

Hair restoration oil

1) Mask composition: jojoba oil - 2 tablespoons; olive oil - 2 tablespoons (for medium-length hair).

How to apply? Stir the two types of oils, apply to the scalp and hair along the entire length, wrap with foil and a towel for at least 2 hours. Then rinse with warm water and shampoo. For a good effect, you should do this mask 2 times a week for several months, then take a break and try hair restoration with this method again.

2) Mask composition: coconut oil - 2 tablespoons; liquid honey - 1 tsp; essential oils - lavender or rosemary - 2-3 drops.

How to apply? Heat the coconut oil in a water bath until warm, add the rest of the ingredients, mix until smooth, distribute through the hair without touching the roots. Cover your head with plastic wrap and a towel. Leave on for at least 2 hours, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Hair strengthening oil

1) Mask composition: castor oil - 2 tsp; tincture of red pepper - 1 tsp

How to apply? Mix oil with alcohol tincture of pepper. Heat slightly in a water bath and massage into the scalp. Wrap your head with plastic wrap and a towel for about 2 hours, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. This mask will improve blood circulation and strengthen hair follicles. Do the mask for 2 months several times a week.

2) Mask composition: olive oil - 2 tablespoons; sour cream (preferably homemade) - 2 tablespoons; liquid honey - 1 tsp

How to apply? Mix all the ingredients and heat in a water bath, apply to the hair roots, rub the mixture into the scalp. Cover with plastic wrap and a towel for at least 2 hours. Wash off with warm water and shampoo. Repeat the mask once a week for 2-3 months.

Dry hair oil

1) Mask composition: peach oil - 2 tablespoons; essential oil of lavender, orange or other - 5 drops.

How to apply? Rub the slightly warmed mixture into the scalp with light massaging movements, cover with polyethylene and a towel for at least 2 hours, then rinse with shampoo.

2) Mask composition: chamomile flowers - 1 tbsp with a slide; boiling water - 100 ml; apricot kernel oil - 1 tsp; heated glycerin - 1 tsp; camphor alcohol - 1 tbsp. l.

How to apply? Pour boiling water over the chamomile, let it brew and cool until warm and strain, add all the other ingredients and mix well. Pour the mixture over the hair so that it evenly covers the entire head, wrap it in plastic and cover with a cap or towel for 2 hours. Wash off with shampoo, conditioner can be used.

Oil for oily hair

1) Mask composition: grape seed oil - 3 tablespoons; green or blue clay - 3 tablespoons without a slide; thyme essential oil - 4-5 drops.

How to apply? Mix all the ingredients until smooth (the clay should only be taken with plastic or wooden spoons!), After heating the oil in a water bath. If the mixture is too thick, you can thin it slightly with warm water. Apply the mixture to the roots and hair, wrap with foil and a warm cap. After 20-30 minutes, wash off the mask with shampoo.

3) Mask composition: burdock oil - 2 tablespoons; caraway oil - 2 tbsp. l .; tea tree essential oil - 3 drops.

How to apply? Mix all types of oils and heat in a water bath. Rub into scalp for 5 minutes. Cover your head with a film and a towel for at least a few hours or overnight. Wash off with shampoo in the morning.

Hair Growth Oil

1) Mask composition: wheat germ oil - 1 tsp; castor oil - 1 tsp; olive oil - 1 tsp; yolk - 1 pc.; liquid natural honey - 1 tsp; mustard powder - 2 tsp

How to apply? Mix all ingredients until smooth, heat slightly in a water bath. Massage into scalp. Cover your head with foil, cover with a towel or cap. Leave on the head for 2 hours. Wash off with shampoo, conditioner can be used.

2) Mask composition: shea butter - 1 tsp; cinnamon powder - 1 tsp; essential oil of lavender, orange or rosemary - 5 drops; liquid honey - 1 tablespoon

How to apply? Warm up
oil in a water bath, add the rest of the ingredients, mix everything well and
rub into the scalp with massage movements. Cover your head with plastic
film and towel, leave on hair for at least 2 hours. Wash off with warm water
with shampoo.

Olive, argan, coconut, almond, castor, burdock and so on - are these oils always good for hair? There are exceptions to every rule.

Hair oil - harm? It’s very hard to believe that. But even healthy and nutritious foods can negatively affect hair if used improperly. How to Avoid Harm and Benefit from Hair Oils?

Hair oil: harm

Many oil masks stimulate hair growth, nourish strands from root to tip, and do a whole host of other useful things. To verify this, you can, for example, simply study the properties and oils. But we also need to figure it out in cases where hair oil can be harmful.

1. Hair oil dries

Oil is unlikely to work if your hair really needs hydration.

Have you applied pure natural oil to your hair in the hope of nourishing it, but have the opposite effect? Perhaps you should take a closer look at, because natural oils do not moisturize, but only nourish the strands.

Many oils contain components similar to the hair's own protein. When too much of this protein builds up, the hair becomes stiffer and harder. Moreover, different people react differently to oils. If your strands are getting heavy and greasy, feel free to switch from pure oils to easier and more balanced care.

Editor's tip: for example, you might like it with red algae extract and keratin complex. Its light yet oily texture gives shine and softness to hair, strengthens and protects it from splitting.

2. Oil is hard to wash out of the hair

If the oil is very difficult to wash out of your hair, it is most likely not suitable for you.

After you have washed off the natural oil from your hair, a slight oiliness may remain on your hair. But only very light! If the hair after washing is all the same, and you have to wash your head again and again, this dries the curls even more.

If the oil is difficult to wash out of your hair, it probably just isn't right for you. Oils that are particularly difficult to wash off include, for example, sunflower oils. They are best used in mixtures or only on dry areas or.

3. Oil clogs the pores of the scalp

Not all oils can be rubbed into the scalp.

The oil can actually clog the pores of the scalp, which can make hair brittle, thin, dull, and also provoke hair loss. Comedogenic oils such as castor oil, cocoa butter, and shea butter tend to clog pores the most. This does not mean that they will necessarily clog any pores, but their direct contact with the skin should still be minimized.

But rubbing into the scalp to soften and stimulate hair growth is often recommended. You can also use the product in this way. This product helps to revitalize dormant hair follicles, strengthen strands and give them a shine along the entire length. TIGI Bed Head Color Goddess masks for colored hair with shea butter and sweet almond help deeply nourish damaged hair and at the same time "lock" the pigment inside.

5. Oil may not suit you personally

Be very careful with any homemade hair recipes.

Pure unrefined oil, like any natural product, can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is best to consult a trichologist or dermatologist before using it. Self-made oil mixtures are also unpredictable, as well as their reaction to other components of your care, so be careful!