Cheeks burn from alcohol. Why the face turns red from alcohol: symptoms and their causes. Allergy to strong drinks

Intolerance to alcoholic beverages is congenital. In this case, reddening of the skin occurs due to the fact that when alcohol enters the capillaries of the face, shoulders, neck begin to expand, which causes the formation of red spots. Against the background of redness, the overall body temperature rises. This effect is associated with an anomaly in which the body does not produce an enzyme that can break down alcohol. In this case, the reaction can occur after the first portion of alcohol is taken. When such an effect appears, it is necessary to stop taking alcohol in order to avoid negative consequences and the body as a whole.

In the presence of alcohol intolerance, alcohol consumption increases the risk of oncological diseases of the digestive system and liver.

Allergic reaction

An allergic reaction occurs due to the presence of impurities that are not accepted by the body. Allergy to usually manifests itself not only in the form of facial redness - some people may experience itching, all over the body, and swelling. Symptoms can cause high blood pressure and breathing problems. In this case, a person becomes intoxicated very quickly even after a small amount of alcohol. When you stop drinking alcohol, the allergy goes away after a few hours. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can be relieved with antihistamines.

To avoid allergies, you should consume alcoholic beverages that contain a minimum amount of preservatives, dyes and flavors.

Vascular reaction

After drinking a portion of wine or stronger alcohol in the body, blood circulation increases, which also leads to vasodilation. Also, in this case, the skin may turn red. In this case, redness may not begin immediately, and its time may depend on the amount of alcohol taken. If the redness does not cause discomfort and only appears as a blush, there is no cause for concern - this is a normal reaction of the body to alcohol.

Chronic alcoholism

In chronic conditions, it is constantly red due to a disturbance in the work of the capillaries. With regular use of alcohol, the capillaries are constantly dilated, which leads to a violation of the elasticity of the walls, as a result of which the blood is disturbed and the vessels begin to burst. Also, the appearance of dark circles and swelling of the face can indicate a violation of the liver and kidneys. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor for consultation and prescribing the necessary treatment.

Sometimes people get red spots on their face after drinking alcohol. There may be several reasons for this. In this article, we will consider why the face becomes covered with red spots after drinking alcoholic beverages and how to deal with redness.

Causes of the appearance of red spots

Red spots on the face after alcohol appear in such cases;

  1. The body cannot tolerate the ethanol contained in alcoholic beverages.
  2. Allergy to the components that make up the composition.
  3. Close arrangement of capillaries.
  4. Cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Chronic alcoholism.

Let's consider in more detail each cause of skin redness.

Alcohol intolerance

Ethanol, entering the body, increases blood circulation. In some people, congenital ethanol intolerance arises from the fact that there are not enough enzymes to break it down. In this case, the use of alcoholic beverages becomes hazardous to health.

Enzymes work slowly, toxins accumulate in the liver and other organs. Even with a single dose of a small dose, there is a possibility of intoxication of the body. A person feels heat under the skin, he is thrown into sweat, the skin becomes covered with red spots.

With a genetic intolerance to alcoholic beverages, you should not risk your health. Even the smallest dose can lead to malfunctions in the body. With regular intake of alcoholic beverages, there is a risk of liver disease, stomach, and possible cancer.

Allergic reactions

An allergic reaction occurs due to the individual sensitivity of the immune system. Allergy can occur to any component that is part of alcoholic beverages Symptoms of an allergic reaction:

  • The face turns red after drinking alcohol, the spots spread throughout the body;
  • Dizziness, intoxication from the slightest dose, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness;
  • The temperature and blood pressure rise (or fall);
  • There is nasal congestion, runny nose;
  • Tachycardia, it becomes impossible to breathe;
  • Pain in the stomach, exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Headache.

You need to be careful, since the described symptoms can be the result of not only allergic reactions, but also intoxication, hangover, concomitant diseases. In case of a severe allergic reaction, you need to urgently consult a doctor, otherwise everything may end in complications or death.

Close location of capillaries

The skin acquires a red tint due to the filling of blood capillaries, the smallest vessels that are close to the skin. Blondes with fair skin will have more redness than brunettes. Ethanol found in alcoholic beverages promotes the expansion of blood vessels and capillaries, as a result, causes redness on the face.

Face blushes after alcohol photo

Cardiovascular diseases

Red spots on the face after alcohol are a sign that not everything is in order with the person's cardiovascular system. Liquids containing alcohol are very stressful. Therefore, in case of a disease of any organ or system, the body begins to react accordingly.

A few minutes after ingestion, alcohol enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. The heart works in maximum mode for 6-8 hours. The work of organs and systems returns to normal only after 2-3 days.

When drunk, heart rate increases, blood pressure rises. The blood circulation of the whole body is disrupted, which leads to the gradual destruction of blood vessels and red blood cells. The membranes are deformed and ruptured. Red blood cells clump together, blocking blood vessels.

Alcohol abuse leads to such diseases: hypertension, coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, tachycardia, atherosclerosis. Strokes and heart attacks occur, as a result of which a person may be permanently disabled. Excessive doses of alcohol are often fatal.

The very first symptom of the effect of ethanol on the body is facial flushing after drinking alcohol.

Eliminate the effect of alcohol on the cardiovascular system by refusing to drink it.

Chronic alcoholism

An alcoholic can be recognized by a swollen, red face. In chronic alcohol dependence, all organs and systems of a person, including the skin, are affected. The capillaries do not have time to recover, they burst and die. The face becomes cherry red, sometimes with a bluish tinge.

Over time, non-passing stars from burst capillaries appear on the nose and neck, they, connecting with each other, form a vascular network. The area around the eyes swells and takes on a blue-violet tint.

The skin and muscles become loose and saggy. Often, addicted people do not want to admit that they suffer from alcoholism. It is possible to get rid of the disease, and only treatment under the supervision of professional narcologists can help.

Red spots on the face after taking alcohol indicate that you need to stop taking alcoholic beverages or significantly reduce their dose. It is permissible to take no more than one glass of natural red wine.

Often from strong drinks the face and body of a person turns red. This redness can be either uniform or in the form of blurred spots. Most quickly, redness and spots on the body appear where the skin is very delicate, and the layer of subcutaneous fat is thin. This is usually the face, neck and chest. In these places, the blood vessels are close to the skin, and it is because of them that the skin turns red and becomes stained.

Not everyone's face turns red from alcohol: someone notices red spots after the first glass, and someone retains their usual appearance even after large doses of alcohol. The redness of the face and body of a person when drinking alcohol is influenced by various factors from genetic characteristics to allergies to a particular drink. At the same time, people who drink always have a red skin tone. Let's take a closer look at why drinking alcohol causes red skin and what to do about it.

Physiological response to alcohol

Alcoholic drinks dilate blood vessels. The dilated vessels fill with blood, and if they are located close to the skin, this is why redness appears on the skin. The strongest flush of blood to the face is noticeable in people with light thin skin and a weakly expressed layer of subcutaneous fat. Such people easily blush not only from alcohol, but also in any situations that cause heart palpitations and vasodilation. In dark-skinned people, and in people whose blood vessels are located deeper, the face does not turn red after alcohol.

Slow breakdown of alcohol in the body

The "processing" of alcohol in our body is engaged in the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. Its content depends mainly on genetic characteristics and "alcoholic" experience of a person (drinking people produce this enzyme less and less). Genetically low levels of alcohol dehydrogenase have been observed in some, mainly northern, peoples. For example, among the Finns, which is partly due to the introduction of Prohibition in their state. Why does a lack of alcohol-processing enzyme lead to red spots on the face and body? The fact is that with such features, alcohol enters the bloodstream in a greater concentration and stays there longer. This leads to the fact that the blood vessels expand more and stay in this state longer. Red spots are nothing more than areas with capillaries widened from alcohol.

Allergic reaction to alcohol

An allergic reaction in this case is usually associated not with ethyl alcohol, but with those additives that are present in alcohol. Such additives "sin" low-quality alcohol or dubious drinks in the form of alcoholic cocktails. In addition to alcohol itself, it contains a large amount of dyes, flavors, preservatives and other chemical impurities. These substances are foreign to the body, which is why they can lead to allergies. In case of an allergic reaction, in addition to redness, other symptoms appear: itching, swelling, increased pressure, difficulty breathing.

Why do alcoholics have a red face?

A person who abuses alcohol and suffers from chronic alcoholism can be recognized by their characteristic purple complexion. The face of an alcoholic has this color not only when drinking alcohol. Severe facial flushing is a chronic condition. This is due to the fact that alcohol, which is regularly present in the body of such people, leads to vasodilation to such an extent that their walls lose elasticity. The subcutaneous capillaries of alcoholics are constantly dilated and cannot return to a normal state, and some vessels burst altogether. This is why people who drink always have red faces, and it is very difficult to do anything about it.

What to do if red spots appear on the face and body from alcohol? If the reason is the peculiarities of the skin, then there is nothing to do, you can only put up with it. The lack of an enzyme that breaks down alcohol is also impossible to fight. The only thing you can do is cut back on your alcohol intake. For allergies, you need to stop drinking the drink that causes the reaction and take an antihistamine. Well, it's better not to bring it up to chronic alcoholism at all. After all the deformations that alcoholism leads to, the alcoholic's face cannot be returned to its normal appearance.

The blush on the face looks very beautiful. But very often, when drinking alcohol, people begin to notice redness in the delicate areas of the skin. As a rule, the face, neck, chest turn red.

Redness may indicate the presence of severe pathological conditions. Therefore, after taking alcohol, you need to very carefully monitor the reaction of the body.

So why does the face turn red from alcohol and what to do with it in order to avoid unpleasant consequences?

Features of the structure of the face

Capillaries, which are located under a thin layer of skin, are responsible for the color on the face. These are microscopic vessels that create blood circulation and nourish the face with useful elements.

The closer they are to the surface, the faster and more intense redness is observed after alcoholic beverages. This occurs as a result of vasodilation. If they narrow, then the skin begins to fade.

The degree of redness directly depends on the type of skin. Red spots are much more noticeable through a light skin than through a dark one.

Causes of redness

The reason for red spots on the face after taking alcoholic beverages can be as follows:

  • capillaries show a reaction to an alcoholic product;
  • an allergic reaction to alcoholic beverages;
  • congenital alcohol intolerance;
  • face can blush with chronic alcoholism.

To understand how to get rid of red spots all over the face, you need to know the causes and etiology of their origin.

Capillary reaction

After alcohol enters the human body, it causes high blood pressure. It lowers the tone of capillaries, which cannot withstand pressure and burst due to thinning of the walls.

The correct functioning of the systems of the brain, the renal organ and the visual apparatus is also disrupted. Such a pathological condition in medicine is usually called microbleeding. It also leads to the fact that the face becomes covered with red spots.

But that's not the worst part. With frequent alcohol abuse, blockage of blood vessels may occur.

This pathological process causes serious heart disease, kidney and liver failure, irreversible consequences in the cerebral cortex and can lead to complete loss of vision.


Allergy to alcoholic beverages is quite common. It is more likely caused not by the alcohol itself, but by the additives that are added to the alcohol. After consuming an alcoholic product, in this case, red skin may not appear immediately, but after some time.

If a person drank alcohol and the skin became covered with pink rashes, there is a burning sensation and itching all over the body, severe puffiness appeared on the face - the reason lies precisely in the allergy from alcohol. Hypertension, rush of blood to the brain, shortness of breath and severe intoxication can also occur, even if you drink very little.

Getting rid of redness in this case is quite simple. You just need to stop drinking. After the termination of the intake of the allergen into the body, the unpleasant symptoms will disappear by themselves after a few hours.

Congenital intolerance to alcoholic beverages

If your cheeks are burning and reddening, this is evidence of a congenital alcohol intolerance. This phenomenon is quite common in the modern world and is a hereditary trait.

Many people with such a feature are surprised, I drink a little, but I still get stained. In this situation, even if you take alcohol in small doses, redness still cannot be avoided.

Redness of the face with congenital intolerance is accompanied by concomitant symptoms:

  1. small vessels overflow with blood;
  2. the whole face is on fire;
  3. the scalp, in certain situations and the whole body, acquires a characteristic red color.

If your face turns red after alcohol precisely because of intolerance, you must refrain from using the "green snake". Otherwise, it can lead to serious consequences.

Drinking people, with individual immunity to alcohol, may experience severe intoxication. This can lead to falling into a coma and even death.

Chronic addiction

Alcoholics, especially men, very often have a red face after alcohol. Drinking men have a crimson complexion all the time, even if the patient did not drink alcohol.

How to get rid of this symptom of alcoholism?

Doing something about it is pretty problematic. The constant use of alcohol leads to the expansion of the capillaries and their walls lose their elasticity. Alcohol, with the abuse of alcoholic beverages, is present in the human body on an ongoing basis.

The blood vessels are no longer able to return to their normal state, some capillaries even burst. That is why it is almost impossible to eliminate beauty.

Action plan for redness

If the face is covered with red spots once, then there is nothing to worry about. It will not harm health. In case of redness, which appears every time after using the "green snake", urgent measures must be taken.

If the patient is in a binge, then he urgently needs to be "pulled out" of him. If alcohol has been entering the body for many days in a row, you will probably need the help of a specialist in drug addiction.

If you notice unhealthy redness, as first aid it is necessary to give the patient a gastric lavage. To do this, make him drink a large amount of liquid and induce a gag reflex by pressing on the root of the tongue. As soon as toxic substances are released from the body, the face will acquire a normal shade.

If the face is very red, the help of a specialist is needed. He must carry out diagnostic examinations of the cardiovascular system and, in case of detection of diseases, prescribe the necessary treatment.

It is especially necessary to approach reddening of the face, people with congenital intolerance to the components of alcoholic beverages.

With such a feature, it is necessary to completely exclude the "green snake" from your life.

26.11.2017 Narcologist Mikhail Konstantinovich Transition 2

The face turns red from alcoholic beverages: reasons and help

If the face turns red from alcohol, then this may indicate an allergy to the components of the drink, congenital alcohol intolerance, and chronic alcoholism. In any case, in this way, the skin and the body as a whole give a signal that treatment should be started immediately in order to avoid serious consequences. Identification of the root cause is necessary to terminate the pathological process at the very beginning of nucleation. This will help relieve the redness and discomfort associated with it.

Important! Mild facial flushing from alcohol is a normal reaction and is caused by the vasodilating effect of ethanol. If the hyperemia is accompanied by unpleasant sensations such as itching, itching, etc., then you should definitely consult a doctor.

The causes of facial flushing from alcohol consumption are related to the condition of the capillaries that are located under the skin. Narrowing of blood vessels and decreased blood flow causes pallor. Improved blood circulation promotes color change.

After drinking alcohol (even if you drink a little), the face begins to blush. This is due to the effect of ethanol, which is part of any alcoholic beverage. It has a vasodilating effect and increases blood flow to the skin.

Causes of alcoholic facial redness

A red face after alcohol is due to the presence of several provoking factors:

  • the characteristic reaction of the vessels to the interaction of substances contained in strong drinks;
  • intolerance to alcohol-containing liquids, due to congenital characteristics of the body;
  • the presence of an allergic response to alcoholic components;
  • negative reaction resulting from chronic drunkenness.

Changes in blood vessels

Every drink contains ethanol. The substance, being in the body, provokes an increase in blood circulation due to vasodilation. The capillaries located under the epidermal layer become larger. Due to the increased filling with blood, the color of the dermis changes. Most often, with rare alcohol consumption, such a reaction does not pose a particular threat to health. You need to be more careful if the redness is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort.

In some cases, the face turns red from alcohol due to disturbances in the functioning of enzymes that process alcohol. In such a situation, the regular use of strong drinks will cause intoxication of the body. This will lead to serious consequences in the form of cancerous disorders of the digestive system.


Sometimes the face turns red after drinking alcohol due to a hereditary feature that manifests itself in excessive filling of blood vessels with blood. This phenomenon is characterized by the appearance of a blush in a certain area of ​​the face or its complete redness.

A similar effect of alcohol-containing substances is due to the low rate of reaction of enzymes when ethanol enters the body. This phenomenon is a consequence of changes in the functioning of the liver, which leads to a disruption in the production of the necessary enzymatic structures.

Manifestation of allergies

Allergy to drinking appears, both after the first intake of a strong drink, and after a while. The face may turn red regardless of the dosage. It is necessary to pay attention in a timely manner to such signs as:

  • redness of the face and neck (in some cases, spots may appear all over the body);
  • itching;
  • puffiness on the face;
  • perspiration;
    migraine due to the expansion of the vasculature and the flow of blood fluid to the head;
  • a sharp change in blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate (this can be traced by the pulse on the arm);
  • respiratory failure (it becomes difficult for a person to breathe, anxiety arises);
  • sharp intoxication even when drinking a glass of wine.

Allergy to alcohol can be identified by how quickly such symptoms pass when the provoking factor is eliminated. If you stop drinking, then the state of health improves, the face and body stop reddening.

To permanently stop allergic reactions, you should help the body get rid of the effects of ethanol. To do this, you need to induce vomiting and take adsorbents.

In some situations, allergies are caused by other ingredients in alcoholic beverages, such as colors or flavors. When drinking alcoholic beverages, it is important to choose quality products. This applies to both vodka and liqueurs, wine.

Chronic alcoholism

The development of chronic alcoholism affects the functioning of all systems. A patient who has been drinking alcohol for a long time acquires characteristic external features. The shade of the face can be different: from crimson to purple.

The change in skin color in this case is due not only to the constant expansion of the capillaries, but also to the presence of a large number of burst, damaged small vessels.

Often among alcoholics, you can see a mesh of purple vessels. It is often located in the area of ​​the nose. This is due to the negative impact of alcoholic beverages on the condition of the subcutaneous vessels.

With the regular use of alcohol, red blood cells - erythrocytes - stick together. These formations clog the lumens of small vessels. The permeability of the blood and the ability of capillaries to recover are impaired. Violation of blood outflow causes fragility of blood vessels and their destruction. An increase in the number of damaged capillaries leads to the formation of a skin defect - a kind of vascular network.

In addition to problems with capillaries, chronic alcoholism causes the appearance of puffiness of the face, blue-gray circles under the eyes. This is due to the dehydrating and toxic alcohol, its effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Congenital intolerance

The presence of congenital intolerance is characterized by the occurrence of a specific reaction to the adoption of alcoholic products. The latter is manifested by the rapid filling with blood of the subcutaneous capillaries of the neck, face and shoulders.

There is a feeling of warmth first, then heat. The appearance of red pigmentation can be seen. They are localized in the region of the head (nose, ears), gradually spreading throughout the body. The heartbeat begins to increase, breathing is disturbed.

The mechanism of the pathological process is due to a violation of the liver, and therefore the body poorly utilizes alcohol. This can result in cancerous pathologies that affect the esophagus, stomach and liver.

Is it dangerous

In most situations, when the face turns red when drinking alcohol, the patient does not experience severe discomfort. After the cessation of the action of ethanol, the state of the vessels is normalized, returning the previous color.

In the presence of a genetic intolerance to alcohol, a reaction of rejection, one should think about the advisability of drinking alcoholic beverages. In the absence of attention to the signals of the body, the consequences can be quite serious.

Chronic alcoholism is a common cause of pathologies incompatible with life. You need to be especially careful if the fingers of the extremities begin to go numb, tachycardia is constantly worried (that is, the heart beats rapidly). Identifying early signs of illness will allow you to start the necessary therapy and remove constant discomfort from life.

If an unpleasant manifestation has arisen once, then there is no particular reason for excitement. Perhaps next time you need to pay attention to the quality of the purchased drinks.

With constant redness of the face after drinking a drink, you should contact a specialist who will prescribe the necessary medications. In a situation of development of chronic alcoholism, a visit to a narcologist is important. In any case, after the appearance of redness with sensations of obvious discomfort, the body should be helped to cope with the pathology. To do this, you can induce vomiting and provide rest.

It must be remembered that facial redness is a deformation of the processes of the functioning of the capillaries. Lack of attention to such phenomena can cause heart disease. And in this you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

Prevention and control of the problem

With a weak enzymatic function, the best solution would be to stop drinking. Sometimes, after taking a small amount of alcohol, a person feels unwell, his health deteriorates greatly, and signs of allergies appear. In this case, you should think not only about eliminating alcohol, but also eliminating other negative factors, smoking and unhealthy diet.

To avoid reddening of the face after drinking, you should always remember about the effect of strong drinks on the internal organs, even in minimal quantities.

In addition, it is important to remember the main principles of a healthy lifestyle:

  • eat well;
  • monitor weight;
  • correctly correlate sleep and physical activity;
  • get rid of bad habits.