Open extrasensory abilities. Development of extrasensory abilities and clairvoyance: effective techniques

A person who has extrasensory abilities is forced to exercise the incredible strength of the Spirit to curb his own gift. This is sometimes a serious test. However, the possession of special skills spreads the boundaries of the universe, it allows you to contact the souls that have long left the visible world. Help Hiromanta, Medium, Language - a popular way to solve deadlock problems. Providant's ability is quite permissible to develop in itself. This article will tell about the ways of developing extrasensory skills and the use of knowledge with benefit for yourself and the surrounding world.

Phase number 1. I have

Step 1. Who is the extrasens?

First of all, it is necessary to determine what it means to be extrasens. Such people can possess:

  • clairvoyance;
  • clear;
  • clearly.

What is the difference, you ask? The key to understanding is the second half of the words. So, clairvoyant sees what is not available to the contemplation of others. The creatures of the beings, the episodes of the past or future, remote places are available to special vision of the seer. The information that has come down to us from distant ancestors, it says that all people have the third eye on the forehead. The difference in clairvoyant from other people is to use them.

The auditory or mental perception of clarity is available signals from the intangible world. Clearly susceptibles are able to communicate with spirits, leading a conversation.

Clearly sensitive are thin perception. About invisible reality they can get information through smells or taste. Emotions experienced by a person or spirit, for an affectant as noticeable as their own.

Step 2. Do you have extrasecas?

Find extrasensory abilities. Each person has intuition to one degree or another. You probably experienced a compassion, something without apparent reason was disturbed or, on the contrary, the unreasonable premonition was reassured, a guessed - all this manifestation of extrasensory abilities. It remains to translate them into the status of skills. Reflect a little over the following issues.

  • Did it happen to face a strange vision or hear voices?
  • Was there cases when you obsessively and clearly felt that there is a certain spirit or a creature nearby when there were alone with me?
  • Did the inexplicable knowledge of any event that is very remotely concerned?
  • Do you feel the experiences and mood of others?

You can feel the presence of special energy. It is likely that you are in front of a mysterious door, opening which you can identify unknown led talents.

To become a psychic, you need to work on the relevant qualities. There are practices that allow you to use the third eye, expand the horizons of your perception.

Step 3. What do you know about mediums?

The best way to purchase a new skill is to turn to the experienced craftsman. Try to learn as much as possible biographies and stories of famous psychics. Get the appropriate books, find blogs on the Internet. Knowledge of the history of mediumism and psychic is generally no less valuable. How starting it began, as developed, at what stage is today?

It is useful to communicate with medium and psychics. Acceptable as individual meetings and collective. Find out how these people live, as they think and what rules are guided.

Phase number 2. Accept and develop

Step 1. Learn to hear yourself

Spread the boundaries of consciousness. Psychologically prepare for a meeting with representatives of the invisible universe. Exercises associated with the activation of the third eye are as follows.

  • Trust intuitions, do not ignore the foreboding.
  • Move into the symbols that come to you in a dream.
  • Track and fix the sensations arising from you.
  • Highlight the time you can conduct alone with you.
  • Consider the conditions at which nothing can distract from reflections.
  • Regular stay alone will teach focus and listen to emotions.
  • Do not drive away those who arise the sensations, make yourself, please.

Excellent training - recording experienced feelings and reflections. Write on your own, do not focus on the relevance of words or spelling: the task is in the other. After some time, read in the written. You will find the presence of other people's thoughts, which will be the first spirits of perfume.

Step 2. Look for contacts

Set the connection with the spirits. You may use the help of mentors. Try to find a group of psychics whose glances and reasoning will be close to you. The group is completely able to help come to contact with otherworldly reality. In addition, you can easily read all the necessary rituals and rites. Perfect option - Psychics courses. Visiting events of this sense will give you the necessary knowledge and initial skills.

Highlight the place in your own home. Prepare all the necessary attributes, ensure the appropriate room decoration.

Remember, at the early stage of development of the abilities, you are not able to resist the effects on you to the other forces. You will be subject to negative emotions, feel horror or pain effects. Over time, the control will go into your hands, but for this you will have to work hard and work a lot and practicing.

Phase # 3. I implement

Step 1. First Practice

When the skill is purchased, it is important to strengthen the practice. Find people who are interested in contact with the deceased native or facing difficult choices. It may be your relative or friend.

It is impossible to accompany the spiritic session by your questions. You are a man who gives answers! All information about the spirit (name, floor, personal life, the scope of activity and hobbies during life, moments of biography) must be obtained without the help of the client.

Holding a business, you have taken great responsibility. Try to help you need all the forces.

Step 2. Application of abilities

By purchasing the desired extrasensory abilities, you can start a career in this area. But do it being confident in your own skills!

You can provide services in your own apartment or in a special place - this is an exceptional choice! Main, keep the brand. Be sure to place your business under the legislation. Do not inspire from other mediums. Communication with the "colleagues" will contribute to the growth of career and abilities, because the more customers, the more actively your practice and the above skills.

This psychic is a bright and strong man, but not externally, but internally. Magician of incredible beauty sitting in a dark room and sorceressing over the ball, - just a romantic stereotype. In fact, psychics in appearance do not differ from ordinary people, but their internal qualities and abilities are incommensurable above and more diverse than an ordinary person. Nevertheless, each of us has psychic, only someone is sleeping in a deep sleep, someone is poorly developed, and those who have strongly, people call the sorcerers, magicians and psychics. Try to remember at least one episode from my life when you were guessing, let's say the next melody that will sound on the radio when the right bus arrives at a stop where to go in an unfamiliar area to find what you need ... for sure, such an episode was, and not alone. Such cases are examples of the manifestation of your personal extrasensory abilities, which can be developed. This will require time, patience, desire to learn and continuous practice.

How to develop extrasensory abilities? To begin with, determine your strengths.

Determining your own capabilities

The Internet provides one popular exercise. Surely, it will help you. So that everything goes calmly and how it should, try to relax, disconnect from real life, stay at home or in a separate room alone with yourself. Nothing should distract you. Sit, close your eyes and imagine the next picture as clearly and bright as you can:

Summer sunny day. You are alone on a sandy river beach. Scream seagulls. You feel like the rays warm your body. You are calm. Then you take off your footwear and feel soft river sand. A child bathes in the river, he calls his sister to him. You hear it. Heat flashed you, and you wanted to drink. You get up and go to the kiosk located nearby, buy fruit ice there, from which coolness is felt. You begin to eat a delicacy, feel the taste and smell of strawberries. The ice begins to melt, and sticking sticky streams flow along your fingers.

After you interfer all, analyze your sensations and views. It is necessary to do it honestly, so you can determine the strongest of your feelings. Answer your questions:

  1. How much and how clearly you could see the items around you? Have you seen the river, kiosk with ice cream?
  2. How clear did you hear sounds? Were you able to hear the children's voice and screams of chap?
  3. How strong were the tactile sensations? How well did you feel the softness of river sand, cool from the kiosk and the ice rods that flowed down the skin?
  4. Solo feelings - could you feel the smell of strawberries?
  5. Taste sensations - how brightly you could feel the taste of ice?
  6. Feelings and emotions - what and with what force did you feel during the presentation of this picture?

Carefully analyzing their feelings, you can understand that you have the most developed. In the future, try to develop the strength and sharpness of our leading feelings. They will help you recognize extrasensory information.

What should I study

One article is extremely not enough to tell you how to develop extrasensory abilities. At this point we will list what you need to learn. Special literature, training and constant practice will surely help you with this.

  • Mastering autotraining and meditation.
  • Development of imagination, the ability to think figuratively.
  • Self-hypanosis and hypnosis.
  • The ability to accumulate biological energy, it can be drawn from natural elements and space.
  • Energy management in various ways.
  • The ability to limit concentration.
  • Developing peace of mind, friendly attitude to the world; The ability to be cleaned of negative feelings and emotions.

Exercises for the development of intuition

How to develop extrasensory abilities? Immediately start with the complex will not work - for this not enough forces and experience. Intuition can also be trained, and how to do it, you can come up with yourself. Everything is very simple - you are trying to look into our future, make out different situations, referring not to logic, but on your inner voice. Next, check how right you are. The more often and more will be training in a similar way, the stronger your intuition will be. For example, you do not know how much time, but first trying to guess the time, and then you turn with the clock. Or you lost some item, but trying to guess where he without using logic.

Exercises for the development of psychic

Now consider several exercises with which you will understand how to develop extrasensory abilities.

Perception of human aura

Sit on the chair so that the back is straight. Relax, do not think about something concrete within a few minutes. Then dice your palms for a distance of about 30 cm. From each other. Slowly reduce and divor them. Task - learn to feel the borders of your biofield. These sensations can be in the form of heat or energy. When learn to clearly feel your aura, you can learn to recognize the aura of other people.

Vision of the Future Through Sleep

Try before bedtime to give yourself a setting to see tomorrow. To do this, try to fall asleep only with the only idea that you should dream of tomorrow. Learn it difficult. Many required weeks and months, and to see their day not completely, but passages.

Power development

The power of the will and perseverance - the qualities, without possessing anything will not work. Take a paper sheet, draw in its middle a circle, fuse it with black and hang on the wall at a distance of 90 cm. From your eyes. For a minute, look at the circle, without breaking down, then move the leaf to the left 90 cm. From the initial position and repeat the exercise. Next, move the sheet to the right of the initial position, also 90 cm. And repeat the exercise again. It is necessary to train daily, gradually increasing time up to 5 minutes for each position. Upon reaching this result, you will begin to observe that your view begins to influence people.

High level intuition

The task is to learn to recognize the emotions and feelings of another person. To do this, you need to learn to penetrate the inside of a certain person, to submit themselves entirely and completely. Try to look at the world through the eyes of this person, without mixing your own thoughts, ratings and judgments.

Vision of someone else's aura

Exercise in 2 stages. First, before going to bed, learn to peer into small dashes and details on your closed eyelids. Exercise is made within 2-3 days, one procedure lasts 10-15 minutes.

In the second stage, the exercise is better to perform at twilight. Put any single object on the table. Better if it is located opposite the White Background. Look at the subject not directly, but as if from the side, casual. After some time, you can see a small haze, walking along the contour of the subject. Soon she will become brighter and acquire a characteristic shade. The aura of the subject will depend on its color. The yellow item will emit blue aura, green - red, etc.

We told you a little about how to develop extrasensory abilities. I want to say that this is only a small part of what you can master. Do not be afraid to improve, look for new exercises and opportunities. We are more likely to be alone and in nature, grow spiritually and look for new ways to develop extrasensory abilities.

The person is capable of much from the fact that most seems to be proceeded. Just rarely who can use her superpowers.

It should also be noted that this man supernatural abilities do not fall on the head nowhere - they need to develop regular and painstaking work. Often the super supernobility of the person is simply suppressed in deep childhood.

Amazing near, how incredible it would be

Increasingly, people with superpowers appear in the media. They surprise all the skills of doing such an ordinary average person. This is the amazing supernormalness of people, the list of which is included Supernatural qualities:

  • as a flesh regeneration within a few minutes
  • managing the weather
  • erasing the memory of man

Absolutely incredible superhuman opportunities do not fit in the head! This, for example, chronoknez - Move in time, telekinesis - Instant movement in space, the ability to reproduce from nothing light, which can dazzling a person, cause it unbearable pain or, on the contrary, heal from incurable ailments.

Super human abilities are great. But the main of them can be submitted to the discussion.

Simplest exercises for clairvoyance

Of course, not all supernatural abilities can be discovered in yourself without having God of this gift. But to develop the ability of clairvoyance can be quite a real task.

For example, rarely anyone refuses such a skill as clairvoyance. It turns out, incredible at first view of the super supervoloment of a person to predict the future can and need to develop special exercises.

Diary of dreams

Start the development of the ability to foresee what should happen, you need ... from the maintenance of a diary! The page of the notebook is separated by pressure, on one half of the sheet they write seen sleep, to another should be briefly noted the bright events of this day. Be sure to put the date.

Unfortunately, people often do not remember their dreams. This is because other thoughts come to mind after waking up, which displaces night images. Therefore, the diary must lie in such a way that he immediately rushed into the eyes. And the recording should be done immediately, lying in bed, briefly rewriting some bright images and impressions.

Later, after a few months, it is necessary to re-read the records in order to make certain conclusions for themselves. Surely, in dreams there were repetitive images, which in reality corresponded to some events. The development of the super supporting of any person to clairvoyance - the prediction of the future - lies in the ability to project some impulses sent from the outside, to real matter - life.


The second exercise that develops super human abilities is daily meditation in combination with. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing easier than relaxing the body and save the brain from thoughts. But in fact it is a rather complicated exercise.

People who begin to practice this simply cannot immediately learn to immerse their brain in "silence". Somewhere in the background, in the subconscious, there will still be thoughts from time to time: "Do I do everything? I already succeed? " Or "How much time, I wonder, can I stay without thoughts?"

To learn more quickly and fully meditate, you can imagine yourself lying on the seashore. You can mentally observe a wave, incident on the shore and cast. In the tact, the waves should sing the syllable "Ohm" or "A", representing visually, as this sound fills the head and "flushes" all thoughts.

If this exercise is not immediately starting to get, you should not despair! Gradually, a person who has put a goal will learn to "turn off" and the subconscious itself. And then, "on a pure background", he suddenly may have absolutely distracted "pictures" or images, thoughts, incomprehensible first. These images, thoughts and pictures should also be recorded in a diary, similar to the first "dreams", but called "images during meditation".

Exercises for the development of the skill "see through"

Interesting people with such super abilities as the ability to "see through" is only one of the parties of clairvoyance. That is, they are easily guessing the tinker to the unfolded shirt up the card, the number of pencils in the box, the color of the pencil, shown behind his back or the touch.

And these super supports of the person can be developed. Actually, the exercises for this are practically known to everyone - we all played in such games as "stone, scissors, paper," guess, in what hand one or another item is hidden. But, becoming an adult, people refuse these "stupid children's" games - there are problems and more serious.

Meanwhile, it is continuing to practice in guessing the card suit, the definition of the color of the pencil color and written on the back of the list of numbers, who put himself the goal develops the incredible abilities to "see through".

Exercises for the development of the ability to listen to your inner voice

Scientific languages \u200b\u200bare guessed by the beautiful word "intuition". And this is no superpost, because every gomosapience has intuition. But people over the years have become accustomed to suppress their inner voice within themselves with the help of reasoning, reflections, analysis, that some of these abilities fade, not having time to even develop.

With super human abilities should be persistently work. The development of superposts directly depends on the birth data, multiplied by daily classes. But you should first determine what ways it prefers to use consciousness and subconscious.

The exercise is that relaxing, the individual begins to think about the first idea that came to mind. At this point, you should ask yourself a few questions: "Do I see my idea and the path of its implementation? Maybe I hear this idea? Or I feel it, feeling? And maybe at this moment there are several ways to consciousness at once? "

This exercise should be carried out several times, 4 or 5, in order to make accurate conclusions, what way in consciousness is the processing of data and how the brain receives information after its processing. Every time you should draw conclusions: the same way came the answer to the question or another.

Then should determine its level of opportunities forces of the mind in each of the four regions: sensual, auditory, visual or analytical. For this you need, taking a pencil and paper in the hands, ask yourself a mental question: "How is my ability of visual thinking on a scale of 0 to 100?" The first number that came to mind should be recorded on the leaflet.

The same thing is done to clarify the level of hearing ability to obtain information, then ask the question, what are the ability to feel and feel the way to solve the problem. In conclusion, the level of analytical abilities are found, that is, the interaction of all three types of knowledge.

Training helps to develop intuition and clairvoyance

The development of unique super superoperators to understand the impulses of their own intuition is daily training. Gradually, a person will have a skill of new globility: he will have the ability to see or hear, feel either understand the voice of his own intuition at the time of taking a serious decision. For almost everyone, but not everyone has enough patience and perseverance to perform daily exercises. And the secret lies precisely in regular and long-term training.

The development of supernormalities of a separate person should rely on the individual features of the person. Therefore, it is precisely those super abilities that are primitives genetically laid in an individual. It is ridiculous to try to develop such supernatural skills as levitation or teleportation, without having absolutely no predispositions of super abilities to this. But

Man is a unique creature of nature. And it is quite difficult to argue with this fact. In addition to the fact that we have a mind and subconscious, our body and spirit are endowed with such resources, the study of which will take place more than one century. One of these unknown phenomena is extrasensory abilities. Scientific studies of the brain and human body have not yet given actual results and explanations why some people are given to see the prophetic dreams, communicate with the spirits of the dead, foresee the future or feel the energy of places and people. However, many argue that in one way or another, every person has these skills. And then the willy-noilians catch themselves on the thoughts on how to identify these very extrasensory abilities?

How to detect extrasensory abilities?

There is an opinion that only one who is endowed with a special gift may have unusual abilities. It may appear as a result of a serious accident, a lightning strike or transmitted through generations, as it is done from hereditary witches, magicians and clairvoyant. However, contrary to this, the disclosure of extrasensory abilities can manifest itself from almost every person. Remember how at the moments of risk for life or in stressful situations, non-cubized forces, seducker and intuition begin to appear. This suggests that in some extent clairvoyant is each of us.

Psychics themselves, i.e. Those who already have a gift of clairvoyance, together with parapsychologists, argue that the human body is a universal device capable of accepting and transmitting wave radiation. Like the antennas, our hands allow you to make the body a kind of receiver and receive signals from anywhere. The main thing is to learn the identification of extrasensory abilities. How to do it? Before proceeding to practice and expand the range of your senses, remember several tips:

Hearing the phone call, do not hurry to answer, try to guess who calls you;

Before you ask a question to anyone, try to determine what you will be answered.

How to reveal your extrasensory abilities?

How else can you recognize your extrasensory abilities? Signs of their presence may be unusual dreams. For example, you dreamed of a plane crash that you watched from the side, and the next day you will learn in the news that the plane really broke. And just as you saw it in a dream. Also, signs of extrasensory abilities are manifested in the fact that a person can see the outbreaks of some images or pictures before his eyes. It can occur at any time of the day and testify that you become a beginner clairvoyant. There are also evidence of how some people hear voices or feel bad energy places and premises. These phenomena are also a good tip, how to learn their extrasensory abilities.

However, the development of the gift of clairvoyance is a process that requires constant practice. And, in addition to your thorough work with dreams, visions and forebodings, do not forget that our hands are an excellent receiver of information. In this regard, you can study exercises, how to open extrasensory abilities with them:

1. Try to work with an old family album. Drive hands on photos and try to determine if your feelings are changing when you touch the photo of the living and deceased person. The difference can differ in color, temperatures or arising before the eyes. Over time, the exercise can be complicated and made it with photos of people who are not familiar to you.

2. Using hands, you can also learn to see a man of man. It is best if an experienced person is taught you, but if there is no such, try the next exercise. Put your brushes down your palms so that with the fingers look at each other. Watch that between the middle fingers the distance was no more than 5 mm. Start moving your hands in a horizontal or vertical direction. It is best to do it on a dark background. If you look carefully, you will see the glow on the tips.

3. Try to see your head biofield. For this exercise, you will need a partner and a steady room. Ask your assistant to stand back to the wall. In this case, the wall should be white. Combate your eyes and lock the look on the partner's head. After a while you can see a slight glow around her. It can be red, blue, yellow or purple. Similarly, you can train to see the whole body biofield.

4. Development of the sixth sense. To check how your intuition works, and start developing it, try an exercise with a deck of cards. Before pulling out one card, try to determine which one is suitable and color. If you do not work, do not be discouraged, over time you will start guessing cards without errors.

Signs of extrasensory abilities accompany us almost daily. Just many of us do not notice them and do not see. However, if you set the goal and constantly train your feelings and sensations, you can reveal new resources that you have not even suspected. Who knows, can inside you hid the strongest gift of clairvoyance?

edited news Eternity. - 28-07-2013, 14:51

Over the past decade, interest in psychic has increased significantly, so today there are many books on this topic, television shows, and regularly discusses the unusual possibilities of a person in periodicals and the Internet. All this creates an excitement around the topic, which concerns whether extrasensory abilities can be developed. In fact, people who are engaged in magic for many years, say that all people have a similar gift from birth, but only units notice him and begin to develop, reaching certain vertices.

How to develop extrasensory abilities for 2 weeks?

To begin with, consider several tips that will help for a short time to see the first results.

How to disclose extrasensory abilities:

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to clean your inner energy, getting rid of the negative. It is important to achieve harmony and pacification within itself. For this purpose, you can use meditation.
  2. Do not tell anyone about your workouts, as this is still some sacrament.
  3. The exercises below for the development of extrasensory abilities must be performed every day. Otherwise, you can not count on a quick result.
  4. Magic abilities must be applied only for the benefit of people or they may disappear.
  5. Read a lot of literature on psychic, as the theory is no less important than practice.

How to develop extrasensory abilities - Exercises

  1. Exercise for the perception of aura. In order to learn how to feel a man's arrow, do the following: Sit right and try to relax as much as possible. Divide your hands to the sides so that between the palms that should be parallel to each other were about 30 cm. Slowly reduce and spread your hands, and after some time there will be a feeling of heat and the presence of an elastic body. After what time, the feeling will be very bright, which will make it possible to feel biofields around people.
  2. Exercise with photography. Take two photos depicting the dead man and a living person. Close your eyes, free from extraneous thoughts and concentrate. Put your palm in the photo and feel what energy it carries, and then, repeat the same with another snapshot. Feelings from living and dead energy should be different.
  3. Exercise for intuition. For intuition, the hemisphere is responsible, which is opposite to the working hand, that is, right-hander must develop the left hemisphere, and vice versa. The task is to learn how to write with your hand, which is inconvenient.