Postponed collar on the jacket crochet. Collar rack marine azure. Feline collar legs


Openwork collar.
Openwork collar best knit. Knitting crochet allows not only to immediately bind the collar to, but also to tie it separately, then sew. Take your favorite scheme of their Internet. Mainly for openwork knitting uses the reception of a column with Nakud, the rest of the fantasy.


  • crochet openwork patterns of crochet

For jackets and pullover with a fastener, it is important that the collar looks equally well from all sides.

You will need

  • - yarn
  • - Hook
  • - Circular spokes


Video on the topic

Helpful advice

When the neck is imposed on the neck, it is important that at the beginning and at the end of the strapping, the same number of columns were in the sections of the throat.

Collar-claw is always in fashion. This is an excellent scarf, and an elegant accessory. And knit it easier than other collars.

You will need

  • - Circular spokes
  • - Thicks


If you want to decorate your collar, there is nothing easier. Type the neck loop on circular needles (the shape of the neckline does not matter). Knit in a circle with rubber band, or face, or your main drawing. The size of the clamp depends on yours, but not less than the height of your neck, multiplied by 2. If you knit the pattern, then the facial clamp will be off the inside. In the process to adjust the length of the clamp, you can try. On the desired length, close the loop.

If you decide the clamp with a separate element, knit like this. Dial the number of loops, which is necessary to obtain the desired width of the clamp. Connect knitting into a circle. Apply a rubber band, sweating viscous or select the pattern for your product. The height of the clamp depends entirely on your desire.



Lovers to fashion and be always the center of attention will be very happy, learning, there is such a wonderful warm and soft collar homut. They can be decorate any sweater and sweater. Thanks to a comfortable sock, it can be represented in a new original image every time and still at the fashion peak. To tie collar homut Not so difficult.

You will need

  • Yarn 32/2, knitting needles No. 5, scissors.


Check one row facial loops.

Secure the facial hinges from paper threads.

Sust with the hinges in the loop in the loop.

Video on the topic


Iron only the tips of the facial loops, otherwise the product can be spoiled. Special attention to the paper thread, which is involved in the work, to fly out with extreme caution so as not to multiply the gate of the clamp.

Helpful advice

Use fluffy yarn to get a softer collar.


  • Different ways of mating gates of a clamp with the presented photos.

Collar- « homut"It does not leave fashion for many decades. He leads its origin from the collar-rack. Such a collar can be of different shapes, different sizes. It may freely fall on the shoulders or almost make it easier. It can be part of a sweater or dress, and may exist separately, as a manica, which, if necessary, turns into a headdress.


When knitting from individual details, please contact the end, but the loops do not close, but remove to an additional thread. Just do it. When all the details of the sweaters are ready, dial the loop removed on the circular needles. Thread that you looped the last row must be pulled out.

There is another way to confuse this. Calculate the number of loops necessary for the height of the collar that you have thought. Dial the required number of loops on the needles and knit a rectangle for a length equal to the throat on the modified pattern. Close the loop and sew.

Video on the topic


  • How to knit collar-clas
  • collar claw knitted

Unique, hand-made things are becoming increasingly value. And if you want to tie sweater For yourself either as a gift, then you certainly arises the question of how to calculate the size collar And correctly tie the collar. One of the most common options is a collar of an elastic, which is cutting on the neck, on the same principle as the turtleneck.

You will need

  • Spokes, yarn, needle, thread in color yarn, centimeter.


We begin to knit 4/1 gum from measuring the length of the neck. From the resulting length you need to take 1 or 2 centimeters, depending on how free you want to make a collar.

Tie a small to calculate how many loops fall on every centimeter. The sample must be linked. In order to calculate the number of loops, you need to measure the sample and calculate the number of loops obtained on this width. Then the desired length of the neck is divided by the number of centimeters obtained in the sample and multiplied by the number of loops in it - the number of hinges for knitting the neck is obtained.

Based on the data obtained, we recruit the required number of loops for collar. It should be equal to the length of the neck (minus 2 centimeters) multiplied by the number of loops in one centimeter with a stitch sample.

Knit collar rubber 4/1 to the desired length. Then you should tie 3 rows of stroke. We finish a mating 10 rows of auxiliary thread.


Before the collar will be sewn, many advise him to disappear. However, you can not disappear any yarn. If you use the material that excludes the possibility of steaming, simply skip the instructions.

Helpful advice

Excellent will look at the sweater with a collar of such mating, if the sleeves are also connected.


  • On this site - several options for calculating the size of collars and ways to associate a sweater collar.

Fashionable trend of modernity - overhead collars. They are performed in a variety of techniques: knit, sew, embroidered, weave. To create a spectacular accessory, needlewomen carefully select materials. For example, we stylish collars from beads.

Spectacular collar with your own hands

Overhead collars are a great way to diversify the wardrobe. With their help, the ordinary blouse will turn into a spectacular outfit. Having several collars, you can change your appearance daily.

However, the acquisition of so many accessories can be invoiced. Another thing is to create a collar. To do this, you will need quite a few materials:
- dense fabric / collar from shirt;
- beads;
- needle;
- satin ribbon;
- Kapron / nylon thread;
- scissors;
- Sketch.

You can create both a monophonic product and patterned, multicolored. Sketch Thoroughly work, using color pencils: you will have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe final form of the collar.

The collar of beads can be wees, but for this you need to know the bases of beading, as well as be ready for difficult and painstaking work. Another thing is to embroidery by beads on the prepared sketch. The product will be spectacular, beautiful and original. In addition, the creation of the collar will take less time.

Prepare the foundation. From dense fabric cut two rounded shapes (they must remind the droplets) and place their mirror to each other. Scrolling ribbons to sharp edges - with their help you will wear and fix the collar. Rounded ends Sewing with each other along the wrong side. Please note: you can use the ready-made basis, refractors from shirt or blouse.

According to the prepared sketch, start the collar beaded. Needlewomen recommend the following work scheme. If the product is monophonic, sew the beads starting from the bottom edge. Move from left to right and in the opposite direction until the entire base is covered by beads. If you are planning a fantasy / abstract pattern, work is better to start from the middle of each part and gradually move towards the edges. Before the sewing of the beads, be sure to draw the basis according to the sketch.

How to wear a homemade bead collar

Not every girl is solved to put on the product made. Some are shy, others - do not understand how and with what to combine bead collars. However, it should be remembered: your accessory is the only and unique, so it should be proud to wear it, correctly combining with clothing.

The first collars may not work out especially smooth. It is possible to avoid this, increasing the skill gradually: first create a product, decorated at the edges / corners or an embroidered by a monophonic bead. Then move to complex patterns.

The collar is a great pair for laconic blouse. He will also suit the evening dress or top. Some put on the embroidered collars with sweaters, creating an illusion of a shirt-like. In the summer, the accessory can be worn even with simple jerseys - it will give the appearance of the style and uniqueness. Remember: If you wear a bead collar, you should refuse additional jewelry on the neck.

Collar - detail of clothes that decorate the neck. The postponed collar is the most commonly used style, it is suitable for many types of products. Since this element is in plain form, it is important to sew it carefully.

Subscribe a flat collar

Turn-down collars are flat and rack. The method of connecting the title collar with the neck depends on the shape of the style of this part. Plotted gates from two parts - lower and top. The lower part strengthen the glue phlizelin to give it a form. Fold the details of the front sides inside and insert, having routed the line along the edge and leaving the bottom slice is not fired. Cut the cutting on the seams, cut the corners diagonally. Remove the product and turn it out.

A simple way to apply the collar to the neck is to put it between the product and the inner sealing lifting and consolidate. At the bottom edge, the collar grab on the upset, covering the ends of the mustache. Print it with pins to the face of the product. Call the clothesline, attach it to face inside the neck and scroll, hurt all the layers. Pins Remove, cutting on the seams, cut the slip to the product, deploy and shoot, closing the suture of the apparatus. Open slice Overclocking or sew and sew a secret seam.

On light products: blouses, shirts are often missing. In this case, the bottom layer of the collar lock the neck, leaving the free upper part. Silute machine line, start the seam inside the collar. The top detail of the collar is required to post the seam, adjust the cut by 5-6 mm, secure the pins and maintain the machine line or enter manually by secret stitches.

How to sew collar on the rack

If you have a postponed collar with a cut-off strut, then it will consist of a flying part and the rack itself. Connect the details of the flying part with each other, folding them with the front side inside. Thoroughly align all sections and sweep, and then compare, retreating from the edge to 1 cm. Remove the collar and straighten the corners.

Now on the racks, take the line of the deputation of the flying part. Fold the details of the rack face to each other, insert the flying part of the collar between them, aligning the feeding line, secure everything with a mixture seam or pins and laid the machine line.

Build the ends of the rack, remove it on the front side. Plug ready collar. The bottom of the rack and the product fold the front sides, laid the neck of a 1 cm wide, cut the batteries on the seam, leaving 0.5 cm. Close it with its upper part of the rack, adjust the cut and gently sysert the machine line, retreating from the edge to 1-2 mm.

Collar - original Russian Additional dress element adorning and designing the neck. In Soviet times, removable collars were the necessary addition to school uniforms. An openwork was created by the original decoration, and was valued especially.

Modern fashion trends returned this forgotten element in the wardrobe, making it an independent accessory. Openwork collars are especially successful in crocheted. They can be varied in size from very tiny, adjacent to the neck, to sizes with a small shawl. The openwork makes ease and tenderness, makes the image sophisticated and romantic. With all the artistic expressiveness for beginners, it is better to choose the schemes of collar simply, because it is possible to sink on a simple model, you can safely begin to attract the collar.

Tie a collar Vividly through the master class, it gives the most detailed description. In essence, the master class for such a thing lies in a thorough study of the knitting scheme. Getting started to choose a model, should not be focused on a beautiful pattern, and above all, you should push off the thing that the collar will be decorated. Stylistically reserved dress model dilute a light openwork collar, vegetable motifs. Flying veil from threaded weave, similar to the frosty pattern, will also make a dress evening.

Master class on knitting openwork wide collar

Initially, following the master class, recruited 141rest . The loop, which form the base chain plus 3 air lifting loops. All subsequent rows are performed from the lifting air loops indicated on the scheme. Knitting is performed "there - back" according to the scheme.

The final row according to the scheme - the 9th, in which the thread is fixed.

To prepare for wear, the collar should be traded, starch. It is still a wet thing to put on a flat surface - distribute each "pico" and rejuvenate.


○ - Air loop

͡ - Connecting Stage

Without an inquid column

Stakes - Column with 1, 2ndnakida

Pico consisting of 3rest . p. and 1 column withoutnakida accomplished in the 1stware. P.

Arch from air loops, the number is indicated under the arch

United icons are unfinished columns thatsuggested together. Accordingly, the iconshaving The connection at the bottom - the columns out of one loop at the base.

Master class: how to tie a simple apache


  • - air loop

͡ - Connecting Stage

│ - without a typical

Stakes - Column with 1, 2ndnakida

▲ - Pico consisting of 3rest . p. and 1 column withoutnakida accomplished in the 1stware. P.

Master class for knitting flower collar

The model requires the experience of hooking products. The advantage of this model is that the combination of shades can be selected to a certain thing by creating a complete ensemble. Whereas by adding it beads andputts , You can create a festive option.

The size of the product depends on the number of linked flowering motifs.


The yarn is used synthetic - 100 g of a light shade and 50 g of a dark brown and hook №3.


For medium size, it is enough to perform symmetrically 6 colors. Ready floral accents that fit according to the scheme are associated with arches from air loops. On average, 3 tiers of Arches are performed between colors, in the 4th, the combination of individual parts is performed. To hide the line of the top and the Niza of the collar in the final arches, the number decreasesware. loops.

The challenge collar will give the refinement to any of your knitted art. Silk's intrinsic collar will be able to have every needlewoman, skillfully owning the knitting needles. Well, we will tell you the steps in knitting with the knitting needles, how to build a pattern and calculate all the absorb and lifting, so that the model of your product is beautiful and fashionable.

Types of chaleva collar

There is a sewn and one-circular collar that can have a varied form, but is mainly the rounded, smooth form.

In order to tie a collar on a round neckline, you need:

1) dial loops over the entire length of the neckline + additional loops for the ends that will find each other. This is a method of a scribbling collar. He knives shortened rows.

2) Tie the collar separately and sew it to the product. To do this, you need to dial all the loops for a sledge gate, and then tie a kind of trapezion, where the upper short side is the width of the back of the back, the height is equal to the height of the collar, and the inclined lines - the parties that will be sewn to the front of the cut.

For the cutout of the square form, you need to connect separately the rectangular collar, where the width is the full length "Schalki", and the height is the width of the imposed parts during stitching. Often this gate is performed with a rubber band 1x1.

You can also connect the challenge collar with the knitting knakes on the V-shaped neckline. To do this, you need to dial loops only on the back, performing work using partial knitting for a set of hinges on the front of the collar, and then drop the loops on one side (which will be on top) to form the desired cutout.

There is also a double version of the collar under consideration. It is necessary to separate the item separately, which is height \u003d 2x the height of the collar, fold it in half and gently sew to the product.

They perform a silt as collapsed with the shelf - knit with the shelves at the same time, in the vertical direction;

t ac and in the transverse direction - the loops are gaining loops on the knitted shelves, and separately connected and then more suitable to the shelves.

The neck has a deep V-neck, starting almost from the waist, and the boards are wider than normal - up to 8 cm. The collar and fastener tie in the horizontal direction. On the pattern, take the neckline of the neck and the width of the clasp bar (Fig. Tie the items of the jacket, stir them and only after that go to the mating clasp and collar.

On the front side of the right shelf, on which there will be loops for buttons, type loop for the plank, starting with the bottom of the shelf and ending the middle of the backrest:
- From every 2nd edge loops, encourage 3 facial loops. The knitting needles that the model was performed.
- So that the line is neat, the needle in the edge loops as follows: one edge loop is taken for both walls following her once for both walls, the second is only for the front.
In such a rhythm, check the whole range. Recalculate the hinges on the needle, then to score as many loops for the left shelf. From the next row, begin to knit 2 × 2 gum, its height is equal to the width of the clasp. Do not forget to perform loops for buttons.
From the shoulder seam to the middle of the neck, knit the bar is very tight, so that the collar is better sat. Tied the bar, close the loop before the collar.
Continue to knit only the collar, giving it a shape of a shedk. To do this, on the front side of work at the beginning of each row, close 2 loops until the height of the associated collar is 18-20 cm. After that, all loops close. Similarly, tie the bar and the collar for the left shelf, the hinges are scored on the front side of the work, ranging from the middle of the neck of the back. Having finished knitting, both half the collar sew.

Collar Schalke is a collar collar

it may be a variety of shape: classic and shaped sock. There are several options for knitting collar: the collar and the zipper can be associated simultaneously with the shelf (vertical direction of knitting, share) or perform in a transverse (horizontal) direction, typing loops from the edge shelves; You can connect separately and then sew.

for example:
After the shelves and the back are connected and sewn along the side and shoulder seams, we recruit a row of loops along the line and the cutting of the neck and knit the bar and the sledge collar as follows: first knit 2 rows of gum on all loops, then knit only the collar (from the place The location of the upper buttons, by pattern) with the help of shortened rows, gradually reducing in each row, i.e. Without taking 2 sides of 2 - 4 loops. Touching the collar on 7 to 8 cm in this way, we introduce all the loops and knit the edge of the collar and both slats for a fastener 4 - 5 cm. On the right shelf in the process of knitting, do not forget the loop for the fastener.

If the sock is single, then the height of the collar on the back is measured. Knit a sample with this pattern and consider how many rows falls on the measurable height of the collar.
Knit the central part of the loop corresponding to the hinges of the neck of the back. The loops of one and the second part, which fall on the neck of the transfer, are introduced to work for the number of calculated rows up to the entire height of the collar, but the number of picked loops on the sides of the hinge hinges of the backrest and the frequency of their introduction to work. The collar itself is limited to two values \u200b\u200b- a row height (number) of the series, and the number of loops on a rigorous part, and the form is the frequency of their introduction to work.

Types of Schalki and Building Patterns

The neckline can begin almost on the waist. On the sweaters with buttons, while the width of the bar for them is usually wider than the standard, sometimes reaches 8 cm. The direction of knitting can be vertical (along with the product part) and horizontal (when working loops are gaining the working loop along the edge of the knitted web).

You need to start work with the construction of the pattern, the definition of the desired strip width. From the central line, it is necessary to postpone half the width of the plank in two sides. If the jacket is assumed on buttons, then only half the shelves will be displayed on the pattern. In this case, the half-screen width of the bar is postponed inside the part, the bar itself must be extended at the same distance in the opposite direction.

The beginning of the challery collar is the location of the upper button, which depends on the selected style. In order to determine the location of the other buttons, you need to divide the distance between the upper buttice and the lower edge of the product on the equal parts. Their quantity depends on how many buttons provide a sweater.

Collar sewn shale

The collar is performed separately by pattern. Take half the width of the neck of the neck of the back (Av \u003d 6 cm). On the pattern shelves, the location of the first button is planned. It depends on how the product is open. From point A, deposited down 14 cm and outlines the location of the first loop (point b). Through the point B, the horizontal line is carried out to the intersection with the line of the side, the intersection point is denoted by the letter B1. Connect the direct point in and b1. This is a line of sewing collar. It is measured: WB1 \u003d 24 cm.

Build a rectangle AVGD. His parties AB and DG are equal: 6 cm + 24 cm \u003d 30 cm.

The parties of hell and Vg are equal to the width of the collar - 9 cm (or any other choice).

From the point and to the right there is a segment equal to half the width of the neck neck (6 cm), put a point a.

Points A and g are connected by a straight line and then divide it in half. From the fission point, 1.5 cm perpendicular is deposited. Through the resulting point, a smooth line is carried out connecting points A and G.

An example of calculating loops.

1 cm - 3 loops, 30 cm will be: 3 loops * 30 \u003d 90 loops.

For all collar: 9;
loops * 2 \u003d 180 loops + 2 extreme hinges \u003d 182 loops.

For knitting the collar, 182 loops are gaining and gradually on the pattern on both sides make the loopwards.

On line AAthe back of the loop closes everything at once. Since the disbuting of the loops creates an uneven edge of the product, the collar sewls along the line AAVG,the edge of the collar is smooth.

Revolution of shed and bar simultaneously with a shelf

On the pattern, the right shelf stack the width of the clasp bar and the collar size (Fig. 3). Picture backs leave unchanged. Tie the right shelf simultaneously with the bar before the start of the collar expansion is the point of A. Plank, perform a handful viscous. From that moment on, start adding the loops between the shelf pattern and the bar in each 4-6th row (see "+" signs in Fig. 3). New loops do with the help of a nakid, throwing it into the involvement row, and in the next prior to the front of the back wall, then the place of the addition points are less noticeable. The newly formed loops knit the pattern of the plank, in this case the facial.

Tied to the point in, type the air loops for the spread of the collar (4-5 cm) and do not make additives. Start the refreshment: between the shelves and the collar patterns in each 4th row (on the front side of the work), check 2 loops together with an invalible, reducing the shelves pattern loops. The number of the collar loops should remain unchanged. Make the last reduction at the point B and then knit the collar to a height of 6-7 cm using partial knitting: the collar loops divide (mentally) to 3 equal parts and every third of the side, which will short The neck of the back. Tied the collar, check more several rows of auxiliary thread; Without closing the loops of the last row, remove knitting with the needles and reveal. Similarly, tie the left shelf. Sustrate the model, remove the auxiliary thread, connect the open hinges of the collar collar seam "loop in the loop" and susht it to the neck of the back knitted seam.

Revolution of Schalk and Planks in the transverse direction

On the pattern, the right shelf, take a strip width (6 cm) and the top button (for example, on the waistline, Fig. 4). Point A Connect the throat with the width (point b). Direct AB is a new throat line. Picture backs leave unchanged.

Tie a back and shelves, wish them. Now, on the front side of the right shelf, starting with the bottom and ending the middle of the back, type the hinges from the edges for knitting the plank and the collar. The number of the spokes is the same as for the main work. Recalculate the hinges on the needle to score as much for the left shelf. From the next row, start the double-sided pattern (for example, a rubber band 2x2) to knit the bar (6 cm). Do not forget in the middle of the plank to make a loop for buttons. From the shoulder to the middle of the back, knit the bar as much as possible for a more dense fit to the neck. Then close the hinges to the top of the top button and continue to knit only the collar, giving it a shallow shape. To do this, at the beginning of each row from the plank, close 2-3 loops until the collar height is 18-20 cm. Simultaneously add loops from the suture side (every 3-4 rows of 1 loop).

Tied the collar of the required size, close all the loops in a row. Similarly, tie the bar and the collar of the left shelf (loop dial the shelf on the front side, ranging from the middle of the back). Having finished the work, both halves of the collar connect the knitted vertical seam.

When performing copyright collars, it is necessary to take into account that on the figure the main part of the collar (departure) lies on the back and the front of the throat of the neck, so the edge of the collar must be knitting more weak so that it is not pulled. Otherwise, it will not be possible to create a well-fitted collar - the tightened area will not let him go down and the collar will be ugly. This is the main difficulty in performing copyright collars.

How to attach collar sock to the product

Consider how to connect the sled collar with the knitting needles and how to connect it with a jam or sweater along the neckline of the shelf and backs.

The first thing to say is that the width of the challery collar along the neck of the back should be wider than the shelf throat line. In order to do so when knitting, we use shortened rows.

In order to make the right calculation, it is necessary to schedule where it will be the lowest point of the challery collar on the shelf. Now, at a certain height, it will be necessary to count on the middle of the shelf in both directions the same number of loops and close. In this example, it is only 16 loops (i.e., from the center of the shelf to each of the parties of 8 penets). And further continue to raise the shelves separately.

The loops are reduced by the mow, tieting one loop two hinges in front of the edge loop so that the loop is lost in the direction of the cutout.

Before the sniffing of the challenge collar, the shoulder seams are stitched and can be slightly sipped through the path.

How to knit the challery collar on the product

At the beveled lines of the neck of the shelf and on the back of the back, you collect the hinge with circular spokes the odd amount in the case of further knitting with elastic band 1 * 1 on the front side.

In the following is airy, knit a rubber band to the second shoulder seam. Work turn out the 1st loop to remove (as edge).

In prior to the first shoulder seam and turn, the 1st p. Remove.

At the end of each subsequent row, to penetrate a few loops (about 1-2 cm) more than was accurate in the predictive row.

Reception repeat until all hinges are in the work.

Then, on all loops, knit right until the width of the collar ends, equal to the length of the lower edge of the cut with closed loops. Then all the loops of the challery collar close.

Now you need to connect the free ends of the collar in the middle of the shelter. For this, the edge of the collar-shed should be sewed to the lower edge of the neckline: the outer end of the collar is sewn with a mattress knitted seam, and the internal - stimulatory seam.

So it is created a beautiful sledge collar on any sweaters: female, male and children.

Collar Schalka Bottom Up - Examples

9 Plank loops knit together with a collar loop. The swiss edge is chosen as the edge loops (smooth, without nodules)

On the shelves for the V-shaped bevel in each 6 row, 1 loop is reduced. At the same time in the same ranks for the expansion of the collar on the inside, 1 income crossed is added. Looped rhythm should be preserved. At the same time, the front edge of the collar is added six times in every 2nd row and twice in each 4-m 1 front crossed or 1 hovering crossed next to the edge loop. These additions are performed on the front of the collar.

After fixing the shoulder seams from the inside of the back of the collar, loops are added. The inner edge of the back of the collar is later sewn to the edge of the neck of the back. So that the collar-shall from the outside was wider than with the inner, after the last addition of the loops make shortened rows. To do this, from the inside of the collar is left 4 times 7 loops. After each shortened row, there are 4 full rows. The hinges associated to the middle of the neck is not fixed, but leave on the pin.

To connect the back of both half the collar, the open loops each is distributed to 2 knitting needles: front loops per one, invalid to another. Both halves of the collar with two spokes each placed against each other. First, the facial loops on the one hand, then the front loops - on the other connect the knitted seam.

The pattern of the jacket shelf with a scribbled necklated collar is applied above.

Collar Schalke Double

From the wrong side (shelf, the neck of the back, the second shelf), over the entire length to dial loops for slats and a collar and knit with a rubber band to the desired width of the bar, then the bar on the desired height (before the start of the collar) to stop stopping (for convenience, these loops can be removed on Pins), and the collar continue to knit shortened rows to the desired width. Then connect all the loops along with the shelves and penetrate a number of hinges (this is for more embossed edge design, it turns out a very neat edge) and further continue to knit collar, only in the reverse order - where they shortened - to increase the same amount, until They reached the plank and then finish with the plank together. When to pin up the bar, then a pair of rows to knit with another thread, then removed everything neatly with the spokes and dispreate the iron on these two rows, then dissolve these two rows, which have confused by other threads and open loops olive. It turns out very neat. If the jacket is on the fastener, then on one of the shelves, the shelves should have a loop and when folding the plank twice, just to spend them together.

Schalke Round

How to recruit such a collar - no matter. You can and separately, you can and on the edge, as more convenient. It is more convenient for me to not sew later.

The shortened rows fit like this: Knit a row as usual, but not by taking a certain number of loops to the end, stop, make the nakid, turn the knitting and so knit further. So on both sides, for symmetry. The number of shortened rows is what is required in the figure.

In the first "long" row, that is, when you to squeeze all the loops, the Nakida is pronounced along with the next loop. If you carefully do, they are not visible on the front side at all, and the edge turns out so interestingly rounded, as in the picture.

Then all the loops close together - just after knit with shortened rows, then several centimeters are lying long.

You created a wonderful pullover, but do not know how to tie the collar with the knitting needles? And this is a very important point, because the wrong or ugly decorated neck can spoil all your painstaking work and even the most remarkably bound thing. The collar or bay serve the decoration of your product and give it a finished look. It is possible to form the neck with the neck with a variety of ways. The choice of the method of knitting the collar depends on what time of year the thing is calculated. If you tied up the pullover for the harsh winter, then it will be appropriate to look at the decorated golf collar. For lighter options for knitted products, open options for knitted collars are suitable.
The collar or badge begin to knit at the end of the work when the knitted product is already collected.
I present a few options for the design of the throat of pullovers. Choose the most suitable and appropriately inscribed in the image of the knitted product created by you.

So, consider how fit simple bay knitting

In order to tie a simple beak, you need to dial the required amount of loops and knit in a circle on the edges of the neck. Most often, when knitting a simple baker is chosen that pattern that the bottom plank product was associated. For example, if you started to knit the bar of the pullover with a rubber band of 1 individuals. and 1 is elevated, then the neck is recommended to knit exactly the same elastic.
By sticking 2-4 cm, it is necessary to close the loops in the figure (the front loop is closed by the facial, and the wrong - invalid). If you knit in this way, you will get a beautiful and elastic edge. Many knitters close the loops of Beaks using a hook.

How to knit double bay

Very carefully double bays knitted with knitting needles. The principle of knitting is very similar to a simple beak with the only difference that it has a double length and it must be folded in half and attach to the edge of the neck.

Double beyk can be turned away both inside the product and there.

How to properly fix a double baik to the neck.
If you decide to unscrew the front side, then the loops of the last row are in withdrawn loops. If you decide to unscrew the bay inside, - facial loops. Then the last row gently sews to the neck.
Experienced masters leave the loops of the beaks open, and then attach them to the kettlework by the edge of the cutout.

Watch the video, how to sew a collar to the neck with a quench seam:

How to knit open rack collar

In order to associate a rack collar, you need to dial the hinges along the edge of the neck, starting at a distance of about 4 cm to the right of the middle line, and additionally dial the hinges for a segment of about 8 cm. Next to knit with a rubber in direct and reverse directions of shortened rows, t. e. At the end of each row, it is over-unchecked at first, then several loops (for a sample on the photo on both sides, 5 times left 1 loop, 1 time 2 loops, 1 time 3 loops and 1 time 4 loops). The last row must be kept on all loops, while closing them at the same time, sew the collar.
Often for warm options for pullovers or sweaters, a high golf collar is used.

How to knit the spokes collar golf

It is necessary to dial the required amount of loops and knit with a rubber in a circle on the edge of the neck for short circular knitting needles. Knit in this way in a height of 18-22 cm. After that, close all the loops in the figure.
Collar replete on the front side. Golf Collar ready. It can be left in this form, and you can attach it to the edge of the neck. Then he will take a more accurate look. Such a collar will always save your gentle neck from the cold, wind, and, therefore, from the cold.

There are several more types of collar design, which are not so popular as the first options - a postponed collar with acute ends, a sewn chalet collar, a fantasy collar.

How to tie a postponed collar with sharp ends

He resembles a shirt collar. It is better to perform it with a slight battery in the middle of the pass.
To dial the hinges along the edge of the neck, starting at a distance of about 2 cm to the right of the middle line, and additionally dial the hinges for a segment of about 4 cm. Knit with a rubber band in direct and reverse directions. At an altitude of 15-20 cm, close the hinge in the drawing. Seafood to the edge of the neck.

How to tie the knitted necklace collar

The cellar collar knits separately. For such a collar, you need to dial the number of loops required for the selected width and knit with a rubber band of the desired length. Next, you need to determine where the collar knot will be tized. For a collar in the photo - it is the middle of the pass. But it also looks beautifully a cable collar if the node is located on the side or at the shoulder. The longitudinal side to sew a collar in the neck, leaving for tie free about 3 cm for tie, and it is necessary to ensure that the free ends of the collar are the same length.

How to tie the fantasy collar

The design of the neck is such a collar that repeats the pattern, color or type of pullover yarn, looks very original. An example of a fantasy collar can be a beaker, a separately knitted "leaves" pattern, and then sewn into the neck. You can perform its desired length according to the scheme.
Here are such simple ways you can connect the collar and bay knitting needles.

Openwork crochet collars are always in fashion. We propose to master their knitting schemes and descriptions of which are offered by many embodiments, give the image of sophistication and femininity. Especially since the time for the manufacture of cute and beautiful things you will need quite a bit.

Such an accessory is dressed not only with dresses or blouses, they can transform the gate of the jumper and even a coat, and the collar school crochet can be a wonderful decoration if the requirements for appearance are strict.

What do you need

To start work, you need to prepare a centimeter tape, hook and yarn. Preference is desirable to give natural, for example, cotton threads. They are easily erased and stark. Use thin threads to get a light lace crochet collar. The scheme, if present, and the description will be useful, they should be carefully examined.

The optimal size of the hook should be chosen depending on the thickness of the thread. It will take in order to measure the neck of the clothing with which the collar is envisaged.

Interestingly and unusual, combined openwork collar crochet looks, for this you will need a yarn of several colors. This lesson requires patience - needlewomen, painstakingly mastering crochet, collars even the most intricate drawings will be under power.

How not to be mistaken with long

Natural fiber gives shrinkage after sipping. Therefore, first it is recommended to perform a sample with any simple viscous, for example, several rows of columns without Nakid. And only after processing its ferry it is necessary to measure the length and calculate how many loops is in one centimeter. Accordingly, this should calculate the total number of air loops to start crochet. Collars in this case will be the desired length.

Small round collar

For those needlewomen, who quite recently mastered knitting skills, we propose to consider the execution of a simple but very elegant collar. There are no complex elements for an additional explanation, so I will start to immediately knit a crochet collar. The scheme serves as a real assistant for needlewomen, so learn to understand them and be sure to use.

V-neck collar

Lace collars with crochet can be both round and v-shaped. To confuse only pleasure, and the end result could surely please, we will analyze the collar scheme of such a form.

Children's collar

Want to diversify the wardrobe girls? Children's style accessories are suitable as it is impossible, but will provide this opportunity with a crochet collar. The scheme is absent, since the model is so simple that we will bypass:

Decorating the collar

Now we will deal with the decoration of the collar and learn how to knit simple flowers. Multicolored yarn remnants are suitable, it will be needed quite a bit.

So, the yellow flower consists of one row - a column without a Nakid, then three columns with an attachment. It should be repeated five times in a circle of five air loops.

The pink flower is five lush columns with an attachment, which are pronounced in a ring of air loops. The blue flower is also simple in version: depending on the desired density and length of the petals, it consists of a number of columns without a nakid, and between them it is necessary to associate a chain of 10-15 air loops.

From different flowers, you can make small compositions, adding knitted leaves to them: eight air loops (one for lifting) Art. b. n., then a semi-solitary, followed by art. C n., and then two similar columns in one loop, repeat 1 tbsp. with n., again a semi-solitary and art. b. n. The second row fit the same as the first, but on the reverse side of the chain of air loops.

White collar

Please note that this model is a double crochet collar. The diagram of its simple, complex elements has no. Rapport narrow part is 17 loops, and a wide bottom part - 8. But the number of loops in both parts of the collar should be the same so that when stitching they coincided. This model can serve as a collar for school uniform. Crochet Perform the strings at the ends of which small flowers like those described above.

Elegant option

The collar may be present not only in everyday clothes. For example, if you pick up the yarn with the inclusion of brilliant lurex threads or to divide the work with beads or then you can create an elegant accessory with your own hands. For example, such a crochet collar (on the photo on the right). The diagram in which the model fit is read easily.

In this collar there is a small button for fixing, then there is no need to sew it to the neckline. The collars are very romanticized, which are tied with a satin narrow tape.

It will be easily extended, if the second or first next to check the columns with an attachment through two loops to the third, between which two air loops must be associated. If the tape is wider, then knit

How to "form" lace

Classic white collar can be given a flare of ancient, as if they were taken out of the old chest, which was inherited. Especially style Vintage is now very fashionable. To do this, you can get ready for this work, and we will use natural dyes that are absolutely accurate in every home: tea or natural coffee.

A shade with an orange tump will be able to use ordinary black tea, give green tea. Cream shade or characteristic of coffee. The exact recipe, how to achieve one or another color, no, so we will have to experiment on the threads cut from the sort of centimeters in length.

Take 2 tablespoons of tea or coffee, add a half liter of water and a tablespoon of salt. Tea should be heated to boiling point, and cook coffee. Immerse the lace in a hot solution (about 70 degrees) and keep there for 10-15 minutes. For a darker color can be boiled.

From time to time, take the lace and check the color intensity, but note that after rinsing it will become lighter. If worried, you should quickly wash the lace until it dried. To secure the color, the collar can be rolled in acidified vinegar water.

Fantasy should be accompanied by crochet. Collars, the schemes of their execution and elements can be changed, making their own adjustments and creating really exclusive things.