Why does a black coating appear on the tongue in adults and what does it say? The color of urine has changed - what to do? causes and treatment of dark brown stools

The appearance of a woman is always in sight, this is something that you cannot hide - a kind of calling card.

You can judge a lot by appearance, for example, you can find out what hair color says.

The first impression of a person is formed precisely because of the appearance. Looking at a girl, you can talk about her age, character, belonging to a certain culture and just about her mood today. Women, like no other, are prone to all sorts of experiments. Often we want something new in makeup, or “armed ourselves”, for example, with hair dye, we immediately want drastic changes. Color has a certain effect on us if we contemplate it for a long time, psychologists say. And if constant quarrels with a partner are just an intolerance to your hair color? But after all, we do not have the opportunity to choose, being born blondes or redheads. What does our hair color tell people? Naturally, people of different ages, different sexes and upbringings have different attitudes towards this issue.

What does blond and red hair color say

Let's see what the blond hair color tells us. Light brown hair characterizes her mistress as a calm and balanced person who loves comfort and tranquility. The fair-haired girl is a caring wife and mother. "Golden" strands added to any color will add tenderness and romance to your look. Bright red color indicates that a woman wants self-affirmation. Basically, these are the owners of a bright, aggressive temperament. Often the choice of this particular color indicates a desire for change. She is a cheerful, purposeful and cheerful person.

What does chestnut hair color mean?

Chestnut or brown is a sign of loneliness. The color of boredom. Most likely this woman has not yet found her chosen one. Meanwhile, chocolate color is a sign of compliance and softness in character. An important role is also played by the shade of brown.

What does black hair mean?

What does black hair mean? Black color symbolizes pessimism, hopelessness and aggression. Black, as a rule, is chosen by representatives of such subcultures as emo or goths. For them, color means belonging to their social circle. Basically, this is a manifestation of disobedience or youthful maximalism, a protest against the rules. For all other girls, black is a sign of stubbornness.

What does purple hair mean?

The owner of purple hair, most likely nature is very amenable to extraneous influence, easily suggestible. Purple means depression and stress. So think about the reason why you want to dye your hair purple.

What does light hair color mean?

We have already discussed a lot of colors, but what does the light hair color tell us? If a woman seeks to get rid of extraneous influence, then most likely she is a blonde. Also, this color speaks of high sensitivity and vulnerability. Fair-haired girls often do not want to notice problems, wanting to live easily, looking at the world, as if through rose-colored glasses.
Ash blondes are a completely different matter. These are arrogant persons, demonstrating their superiority over others. They do not accept any competition, considering themselves the most worthy.
Dark red symbolizes hope and expectation of change.

Using hair dye, we often change our image, thereby trying to tell others about the changes that have taken place inside us, sometimes without even thinking about it, i.e. on a subconscious level.

Correspond to our real or ideal I. To the character that we have, or the one that we would like to have. If we want to make a certain impression, we will also unconsciously choose the right shade for this.

White- a symbol of purity and perfection. In the Christian tradition, the color of holiness, virtue, divinity. People who choose white as their color are usually neat, decent and sincere. Or they want to appear as such (do not forget, right?).

Grey chosen by people who are afraid to express themselves too loudly. Or they want to be inconspicuous in order to get something (“grey eminence”). Gray is the color of neutrality. This is the perfect background for any other color, for any manipulation or play. He gives strength to those who are weak and vulnerable.

Pink- the color of softness, tenderness, kindness and sentimentality, the color of dreams and dreams. If you love pink, then you do not tolerate cruelty and violence in any of its manifestations. A person who chooses this color for himself prefers to live in an easy, comfortable world, invented by himself. Pink dulls aggression and nervousness, so it is good for people who are very irritated and who find it hard to pull themselves together.

However, too much pink around can lead to complete detachment from the world. Be careful with people who like pink - they are very vulnerable.

Blue- Cooling and soothing color. Blue (despite stereotypes) is the color of femininity, motherhood. Symbolizes peace, tranquility, carelessness. Conducive to rest and relaxation.

Yellow- the lightest color. A symbol of lightness, liveliness, brightness and joyful perception of life. It is chosen by people who are contact, curious, optimistic, accustomed to attracting the attention of others. If a person completely rejects yellow, then he is in a state of emptiness, isolation, or extreme irritation.

Orange- the color of warmth, bliss, joy, the color of energy, freedom and strength. Symbolizes development, focus on success. Orange is also the color of enlightenment; it is not for nothing that Buddhist monks wear it. It reveals the hidden possibilities of a person, helps to get rid of fears and depression, relieves tension in all conflicts.

Violet embodies all non-standard. This is the color of our fantasy, magic, magic. The one who loves him not only wants to be bewitched, but he himself longs to possess witchcraft power. The rejection of purple indicates the desire to establish as clear a relationship with people as possible.

All of the above, of course, must be taken with a certain degree of conventionality. And do not forget that we live in a world of shades, halftones and intricately mixed colors.

Color preferences can tell a lot about a person. First of all, you can determine the characteristics of the character by choosing the color scheme. Black is practically the absence of pigment. In fact, this is a bottomless shade that absorbs all the others into itself, not letting it into the outside world. It is usually associated with the unknown, silence and protection. It is not recommended to stay in a room with a predominance of black in the interior for a long time.

The meaning of black

Black has long been considered a negative color in psychology. Among the people, religious people are used to seeing him as a symbol of mourning, hopelessness, death, failure and grief. It is considered a line beyond which there is no vital energy. Even in ancient Mexico, during the sacrificial procedure, parts of the body were painted black. If a person has dark eyes from birth, then he automatically becomes angry and envious, according to others. Strange, but practice shows that even teams of athletes in dim clothes are more likely to be punished by judges. Asking the question of what black means in psychology, experts have proven that it is associated with protest and an aggressive state. Very often it seems that black is soothing. But in fact, it draws the eye and gives everything weight and incredible depth. One has only to pay attention to the chess pieces. Usually black objects of the game look visually much more weighty than their white opponents. Black color in psychology is mysterious and attractive, it characterizes female power.

People who prefer in clothes

Quite often you can hear that a person's favorite color is black. Psychology has a precise definition on this score. This means that the body is ruled by self-doubt, a feeling of emptiness and worthlessness, a lack of satisfaction with the position in society. If a person has a large part of the wardrobe represented by black things, a crisis definitely occurs.

Another situation is when the clothes are diverse and black is only present to make harmonious sets. In this case, you can not talk about bezvylazny depression. Most likely, the mood changes in the same way as the preference to wear one or another piece of clothing. The gloomy color is able to create a complete feeling of closeness from the outside world. Single people and introverts always choose this color to express personal protest against the environment. How to understand black in psychology - refusal. You can not constantly wear a sign of opposition to your fate.


How to wear black Psychology has another opinion on this issue. It's no secret that today many girls choose clothes of a certain shade as a tribute to fashion or when required by an official dress code. Extraordinary black color is recognized by fashionistas as the most elegant and stylish. In the modern world, clothes not only characterize the inner state of a person, but show his attitude to style, demonstrate grace and grace. If a woman or a man often attends business meetings, conferences and seminars, of course, one cannot do without a classic suit. Traditionally, it is offered in dark color. The most important invitations are marked "black tie".

Despite the negative opinion about the gloomy color, it still remains loved by many, as it emphasizes individuality. Those who want to appear thinner prefer discreet black, because it incredibly slims the figure. At trainings and consultations, psychologists ask their patients about their attitude to black in clothes in order to draw up a more truthful picture due to the difference in opinions about the color scheme of the wardrobe. In the presence of a stable psycho-emotional background, black color is not able to negatively affect the consciousness of the individual. However, if problems are found, it is recommended to encounter it less often in life.

Sexual aspect

Love is always done behind closed doors, covered in darkness. Black is the color of passion and desire. Sexual appeal is associated with a rich and thick shade. in the tribes are considered the best mistresses because of their coffee skin. Arab men use the expression "black heart", which means a symbol of love addiction.

Shades of black

Psychologists distinguish light and dark tones of deep black. The choice of a light scale speaks of selfishness and centering on one's own person. Coal-black shades characterize the state of panic, horror and fear. Shades close to gray are inherent in especially sensitive people who are acutely experiencing all events. Lovers of clean usually suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. All shades of gray and black in psychology are just a contour, a zone that does not mean anything. They can only help determine the state of the current moment. Those who do not perceive any halftones are most often always ready altruists. Surrounding people take advantage of this opportunity to help in difficult times. This is because the desire to be needed by someone is stronger than all feelings.

Black color in children's drawings

If children often use dark colors while drawing, this is an occasion for parents to think and observe the behavior of the baby. Black color (the psychology of the child must be paid close attention) means stress and threat. Most often, these colors are used when the baby is seriously worried or scared about something. But if black is just a component of the creation, in which there are colorful tones, do not worry. This only says that a talented and developed personality is growing in the family.

Advantages of those who love black

Two-faced color can be used for your own purposes. For example, wearing clothes of this shade, try on the strong energy inherent in gloom. Dark suits are worn by people of authority who are successful. Looking at them, you can understand the level of comfort in clothes. If a person in black feels annoyed, then the suit needs to be changed to a more loyal shade. Black lovers are characterized by perseverance in achieving goals and natural perseverance, which is maximally emphasized by their appearance. They will not disdain the use of force, if necessary for their own safety.

Disadvantages of black lovers

Black color in psychology is depression, detachment, unwillingness to strive for a goal. Black lovers are often in a state of ongoing depression. Expressive people who prefer black can be selfish. It is often difficult to communicate with them. Attempts to bring them to life rarely lead to a result without the help of a specialist. They have the ability to carry their destructive state to the masses.


Black color is considered one of the most amazing and incredible in the palette. Some associate it with negativity, evil energy, but for others it is attractive and mysterious.

The symbolic meaning of black

Initially, this color evokes formidable, frightening associations: black cats, magical powers, the forces of evil and darkness, the tricks of Satan, etc.

A black color occurs if the surface "eats" the rays of the sun that reach it. This is where the black hole comes into play. This is a zone with an incredible attraction that absorbs any objects. It is quite understandable why the symbolic meaning of black is mourning. It evokes associations of destruction, death, torment, longing. Ravens of this color are considered the heralds of death.

This color is a symbol of being in the womb (primary chaos), as well as falling into the grave. In the development and transformation of the spirit, this shade shows the stage of natural death, the elimination of everything superfluous, the old, the stage of darkness, followed by the stage of light - the transition to another state, restoration. Thus, the white color can also be called a symbol of death. But this is death as a new stage, a transition to another world. And black is a funeral, transformation into emptiness, death of the body, dust.

In addition, black symbolizes mystery, secret, abundance, sacred actions. Goddesses were endowed with this color, helping to move from non-existence to birth, as well as those who were a guide in the opposite direction - from life to non-existence.

In different cultures, it has different explanations: it acts as a symbol of beauty, tranquility, aristocracy, possession of the best qualities, etc.

Philosophy in black

One of the clearest examples of black philosophy is a masterpiece. It is curious that the creator did not use black paint to write this picture. This shade appeared due to the imposition of different shades one on another. Therefore, there is an opinion that when looking at a picture, there is a chance to notice not a square, but a cube of different colors. This is a symbol of the multicoloredness and diversity of our world, which is hidden due to the limited perception of people.

But the famous square also had a strange effect on the author - for a long period after the end of the work, Malevich was not able to sleep or eat. And such an experiment to this day delights some, while others are outraged by its stupidity.

An object acquires a black tint of color if its plane is capable of absorbing all shades of light rays. For this reason, it visually reduces the room, narrows it, is almost never used in the design of the ceiling, so as not to cause a feeling of pressure from above.

In clothes, the use of this color helps to make the figure visually slimmer. One notable example is the little black dress. In warm weather, black is used less often, because. its ability to absorb light causes overheating.

Black color in psychology

In psychology, black is a symbol of refusal, perseverance, upholding one's own position. This is the color of anarchy, pirates, which shows protest, disbelief in anything, rebellion against the world.

White and black practically do not interact with emotions. A great connection is noticeable with the mental and energy state of the individual. And if white is a subconscious reaction of escape, then black is depression, shock. No wonder the result of powerful stress and shock is the emergence of the so-called "trauma funnel". It affects the human condition as black holes affect cosmic bodies. It "sucks out" everything bright and pleasant - all positive memories and emotions disappear in it. For this reason, the influence of black can be unsafe. It promotes concentration, but at the same time it can depress or cause numbness.

Often speaks of grief,. And when the white color is evidence of the desire to escape from negative consequences through escaping from problems and situations, then black is the desire to suffer, worry, persevere, remain in a state of hopelessness.

What does black love mean?

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear why parents are afraid if a child takes black paint for drawings. But this is not in every situation becomes a reason for excitement. Children choose this color because of the noticeable difference with the color of the paper. In addition, the love of black in a baby means an offensive. Its typical manifestation is stubbornness, denial. Often children specifically choose a similar color because others do not like it.

In the future, it is quite natural that the color black is again preferred by the child during the teenage crisis. Here principledness, a desire to defend one's own opinion, denial are manifested. In this case, such a choice signals that parents should show more flexibility, tolerance towards a teenager, so as not to strengthen the protest, but to help him calmly survive this age stage.

In addition, choosing black along with other clear hues to create drawings is normal for people with dark hair, dark eye color, and dark skin tone. This is a manifestation of temperament. It is these shades that allow you to express your own, personal perception of the world around you, passion, mystery, the power of life.

And the negative attitude towards black, on the contrary, indicates the unwillingness of people to give up something, the unwillingness to limit themselves. This color is used to compensate for weak will, strengthen the power of the spirit, increase the ability to concentrate.

Shades of black in psychology

So, let's look at what shades of black are talking about in the understanding of psychology. If these are light shades, then they speak of egoism, egocentrism. The dark ones symbolize. People who prefer dark gray are somewhat inhibited, but not in a state of stagnation. They are characterized by increased sensitivity. Those who prefer a pure gray color often get tired a lot.

It is worth remembering that gray acts as a contour, a zone that does not belong to anyone, a dividing strip. Gray color and shade are neutral. They do not express anything (either externally or internally). Personalities who reject shades of black are altruists who are ready to come to the rescue in trouble. They are too afraid of being "unnecessary."

If the psychological background is normal, then the black color has no negative impact on a person. But in the presence of problems,

In a healthy person, feces are usually colored brown and this is due to the fact that it contains undigested food debris and bile. The stool can be painted in a different color for various reasons, and such a sign can signal various pathologies of the human body.

Dark-colored feces can appear when eating certain foods that contain dyes. A serious illness can be suspected only if, along with the darkening of the stool, the patient's general well-being worsens, and the symptoms characteristic of the disease of the internal organs are disturbed.

Causes of dark stool

Certain foods and medicines can affect the color of stool.

When a person has dark-colored feces, you should know the reasons that provoked this phenomenon:

  • Eating foods that stain the stool dark in the last few days. In the event that a large amount of beets, red grapes or prunes enters the intestines, the stool darkens and may be black. If you suspect that it was the products that provoked a change in the color of the stool, then it is necessary to exclude them from your diet for several days and carefully monitor the color of the feces. In the event that 3-4 days after a person has stopped consuming such products, the feces remain black, then it is necessary to look for another reason for such a pathology.
  • Some medications can cause dark-colored stools. Among their diversity, one can single out drugs that are prescribed for insufficient iron content in the human body. In addition, bismuth preparations and activated black carbon have a similar effect. Darkening of the stool is not considered a contraindication to continuing treatment with such medicines, and only a doctor should change the dosage.

You can learn more about the reasons for changing the color of the stool from the video:

In the event that black feces appear due to any disease, then it will persist in a person for a long time. In fact, such a chair can periodically appear in children and adults, even if there are no reasons for this.

Possible pathologies

Liquid dark stool most often occurs with gastrointestinal bleeding

With the sudden appearance of dark stools, it is necessary to look for the causes of such a pathology in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Such a symptom can signal the following diseases:

  1. Food poisoning is considered the most common cause of any fecal problems in humans. Various viruses and bacteria that penetrate the gastrointestinal tract with dirty, stale or poorly cooked foods are capable of provoking intoxication of the body. It is possible to suspect poisoning if there are accompanying signs such as bouts of nausea and vomiting, upset stools, headache, and dark green stools. Certain types of poisoning pose a serious threat to the patient's health and can provoke dysbacteriosis and chronic enteritis.
  2. Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract most often appears as a complication of stomach ulcers or varicose veins. With bleeding in the digestive system, the patient complains of an unexpected deterioration in general well-being, the development of severe vomiting, a change in the consistency of feces and their color in a dark color. This condition is considered extremely complex and can lead to the death of the patient.
  3. Intestinal diverticulitis is a dangerous pathological condition, which is accompanied by a rapidly progressive inflammatory process in the intestinal mucosa. Diverticula are small protrusions of the intestinal walls, resembling a hernia. The leading cause of their appearance is considered to be weakness of the intestinal muscles and constant problems with bowel movements. The diverticulum is usually acute, and inflammation of the intestines causes a change in the color and composition of the feces, as well as an increase in body temperature and increased gas production. In addition, the patient complains of lack of appetite, bouts of nausea and vomiting, combined with a deterioration in general well-being.
  4. Colitis is a disease that is accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process in the colon. The main cause of its development is considered to be a bacterial infection, chemical poisoning and severe stress. In fact, the tendency to inflammatory processes in the intestines is inherited. Vivid signs of colitis are constant urge to go to the toilet, staining of feces in a dark color, a rise in body temperature and pain in the abdomen. Most often, with such a pathology, the feces become liquid and blood may be present in it. Such a sign may indicate that the human body cannot adequately absorb carbohydrates.

In fact, the dark color of feces in humans does not always signal any dangerous bowel disease.

Various organs of the digestive system, including the pancreas and liver, are actively involved in the process of digesting food.

Disruption of the proper functioning of these organs can cause a change in the color of the stool and its consistency. It is for this reason that when staining the stool in a dark or black color, it is recommended to visit a doctor and undergo all the necessary studies.

Dark stools during pregnancy

Taking iron supplements can turn stool black.

For the normal development of the fetus, expectant mothers are often prescribed multivitamin complexes in which iron is present. It is this component that stains a woman's stool in a dark color, and this phenomenon is considered quite normal and does not require any treatment. Experts say that in this way the body of the future mother removes excess iron, so you do not need to stop taking vitamins.

In the event that dark feces during pregnancy are in no way associated with the listed factors, then a general and biochemical blood test should be carried out as soon as possible. If a woman has a history of duodenal ulcer or stomach ulcer, the doctor may prescribe a fecal occult blood test. If the stool is dark and loose and bleeding symptoms such as collapse, cold sweat, and pallor are present, a woman should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Black feces during pregnancy can signal the presence of a dangerous disease, and the choice of one or another method of treatment is determined by the underlying cause of the disease.

An endoscopic examination can be performed on a future mother, thanks to which it is possible to identify sources of bleeding and provide her with medical care in a timely manner.

Treatment of pathology

Correct diagnosis - effective treatment!

Before starting any treatment, it is important to find out the cause that provoked the darkening of the feces:

  • In case of poisoning of the body, drug therapy involves taking medications, the action of which is aimed at reducing the harmful effects of toxins on the body. When the first signs of poisoning appear, the patient must take activated charcoal and Smecta, and be sure to call a doctor.
  • In the event that a disease such as colitis has become the cause of black stool in a person, that treatment is carried out with the help of adsorbents, antibacterial drugs and anti-spasm agents. With bleeding in the digestive system, treatment with pills will not bring a positive effect and specialist help is usually required. Self-treatment of pathologies such as diverticulitis and stomach ulcers can be extremely dangerous and additional complications may occur.
  • In the event that the change in stool color is caused by taking medications or vitamins, then no special treatment is required. When the child's feces darken, it is necessary to analyze his entire diet, that is, remember all the foods that he has eaten over the past few days.

Gastroenterologists say that you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. In the event that the appearance of dark feces is in no way associated with the use of certain foods, then you should visit a doctor immediately when black streaks or dots appear in the stool. There is no need to wait for vivid manifestations of gastric or intra-intestinal bleeding, because it is much easier to cure it at an early stage of the disease.


Why is black feces what does it mean in an adult

In the human body, many metabolic processes take place every second. The remains of food and its components are excreted along with urine and feces. Some food components tend to color them, so sometimes black stools can be observed.

Cal is the result of the processing of elements entering the human body, and by its qualitative characteristics it is always possible to assess the state of human health. Such a reaction of the body in the form of black feces is often called "chernukha" or "melena". In case of malfunctions in the body, the appearance of black feces is considered a dangerous signal of the body, which should alert a person.

Causes of dark stools

The reasons for the appearance of black feces can be different and its appearance does not always mean something bad. This phenomenon can occur in both women and men. Children are also not immune from black feces. All the reasons why feces become black can be divided into two main categories:

  • physiological;
  • pathological.

Physiological causes are less severe and usually resolve once the source of the problem is ruled out. Pathological ones are associated with dangerous changes in the body and often require medical intervention. The main factor in identifying the root cause is the general well-being of a person.

The reaction of the body to foods

Black feces in humans can be a consequence of eating certain types of foods or a sudden change in diet. In men with an addiction to the use of low-quality alcohol-containing liquids, black feces are a natural reaction of the body to poisoning.

Drinking large quantities of strong coffee or tea can give the stool a dark color. The presence of high-calorie foods in the diet can also cause black stools. Often a similar effect is observed when using the following products:

  • beets;
  • prunes;
  • blood meat products;
  • red grape varieties;
  • red wine brands.

The body's response to drugs

A black-green stool may appear after a course of antibiotic treatment, since when they are used in areas of inflammation, dead white blood cells accumulate in large numbers. Taking painkillers containing salicylate can cause internal bleeding in an adult, which in turn leads to dark stools.

Before using any medication, it is recommended to study the instructions for its use, since a change in the color of the stool is necessarily indicated in the document as a possible side effect. In this case, it is worth focusing on the consistency of feces after taking the drug. If the feces are normal after taking the medicine, then you should not worry too much about its color. Diarrhea and loose stools during therapy is a signal of the need to consult a doctor for advice.

Black color can be caused by taking iron-containing drugs and sorbents. This effect is observed when taking the following drugs:

  • black activated carbon;
  • aspirin;
  • De Nola;
  • ibuprofen.

In pregnant women, black stools may also be observed, which is associated with the use of a vitamin complex.

Problems of the digestive system and pathological changes

One of the common causes of black feces in newborns is swallowing a portion of blood during childbirth or getting it from the nipples as a result of their crackling. More serious causes are associated with poor blood clotting, resulting in various types of bleeding.

The appearance of niello in adults may mean that this is a sign of a serious malfunction in the digestive system. In particular, this color appears during the interaction of chromoprotein protein and hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach.

Black feces in an adult may appear as a result of bleeding in the body, provoked by various pathologies or surgical intervention.

Provoking factors

The appearance of dark-colored feces is very often associated with the development of ulcerative pathological changes in the jejunum and stomach. Black feces can talk about cirrhosis and hepatitis B, A and C. If the appearance of black feces is observed against the background of a person feeling unwell, then it is worth urgently sounding the alarm and not delaying a visit to a medical facility.

The following pathologies provoke the appearance of a black stool:


Serious symptoms are abnormal behavior of the body and the person usually has the following symptoms:

Against the background of such a reaction of the body, anemia, constipation, diarrhea can be observed. Sometimes the appearance of black feces is a consequence of bleeding after surgery. The decay of malignant tumors also leads to internal bleeding, leading to staining of feces in a rich black color. The presence of viral or bacterial infections can also be a provoking factor in the appearance of chernukha.


In the absence of obvious signs of malaise, a change in the color of the stool can be observed for several days. If the reason is the intake of coloring substances into the body along with products, then after their exclusion from the diet, the color should return to normal. If the problem persists for several days, you should contact your doctor for a diagnosis.

The black color and smell of feces indicates problems in the digestive system. At the same time, the most likely problem area in the human body can be determined by the nature of the smell. The nature of the smell says a lot:

  • putrefactive - problems in the digestive system associated with a violation of the processes of protein breakdown or inflammation of the large intestine of a chronic form;
  • rancid - problems of the digestive tract associated with pancreatic secretion or lack of bile in the intestines;
  • sour - the presence of dyspepsia, that is, enzyme deficiency.

For diagnosis, a blood test is taken and a laboratory test is performed to detect the level of hemoglobin. A decrease in this indicator may indicate the existence of internal bleeding in the body.

To identify the overall clinical picture, the attending physician prescribes a number of additional studies to assess the condition of the organs and the potential risk of bleeding. Most often carried out:

  • examination with a probe;
  • radiography;
  • list of standard analyses.

Such diagnostic methods allow you to accurately determine the presence of pathological changes in the human body and develop tactics for therapeutic treatment.


If the cause was the ingestion of coloring pigments into the body when using drugs or after eating food, then to restore the color of feces, it is enough to exclude coloring products and medications.

In case of serious problems, the likelihood of needing hospitalization is very high. In some cases, it is impossible to do without surgical intervention. In case of a sharp deterioration in the condition, you should immediately contact the ambulance service. Before the arrival of doctors, the patient should not be given water and food, if possible, try to ensure recumbent rest.

In case of serious pathologies, the doctor can prescribe only two types of treatment - surgery and medication. Any therapy necessarily involves a low-calorie diet and bed rest.

Medical treatment

Drug treatment is prescribed when pathological changes are detected, as a result of which bleeding occurs, leading to the appearance of black stools. Such treatment is aimed at eliminating the root cause of the disease. In a significant proportion of cases, the cause of black feces is one way or another associated with a disease of the digestive system. These types of pathologies include various types of gastritis.

Antral gastritis is associated with the presence of the bacterium Hilicobacter pylori in the human body, as a result of which the acidity of the gastric juice increases and the inflammatory process begins. There are several varieties of the disease, some of them are considered a precancerous condition. With a serious course of the disease, gastric bleeding may occur, leading to the appearance of black feces.

Treatment of gastritis includes antibiotic therapy, taking drugs that reduce acidity and normalize the production of hydrochloric acid. Since today there are more than 10 varieties of this disease, the complex of drugs is selected purely individually. The following drugs are often prescribed:

  • antacids to neutralize hydrochloric acid - Gastal, Maalox, Rennie;
  • antisecretory agents to reduce the level of gastric juice and acid - Ranitidine, Famotidine;
  • enzyme inhibitors - Nexium, Ortanozol, Nolpaz;
  • anticholinergics to suppress the production of acid - Gastrapecin;
  • antibacterial agents - Amoxicillin, Metronidazole, Clarithromycin.

Gastritis is always associated with an acute inflammatory process that affects the lining of the gastric mucosa. The disease can occur in acute and chronic forms. The acute form responds well to treatment, which cannot be said about the chronic one. It is in the chronic form that gastric bleeding is characteristic, leading to the appearance of black feces.


The appearance of black feces is very often observed in cancer. Their treatment is associated with a whole complex of treatment:

  • drug therapy;
  • radiation exposure;
  • laser therapy;
  • surgical intervention.

There are 4 stages of cancer in total. In the early stages, drug treatment and radiation therapy can be carried out without surgery. Later stages in most cases require the intervention of surgeons.

Complementary and Alternative Treatments at Home

The main rule of treatment is moderation in nutrition and adherence to a proper lifestyle. For the treatment and prevention of diseases such as gastritis and ulcers, the fasting method can be used. The therapeutic effect is achieved by maintaining a break in food intake, which allows the mucosa of the organs to recover. This method should be approached with caution and used only under the supervision of the attending physician.

Nutrition and supplements

Proper and balanced nutrition contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive system, failures in which lead to the appearance of black feces. It is necessary to carefully consider the calorie content of food consumed, as much as possible to exclude spicy and salty foods. Do not get carried away with fast foods and dry snacks. It is recommended to provide the body with a balanced and proper diet, with a sufficient level of fruits and vegetables in the menu. The diet should include:

  • dairy products;
  • various types of cereals;
  • bran;
  • vegetables and fruits.

When cooking, it is better to use the steam cooking method. Try not to eat too hot foods, as they provoke the formation of new foci of erosion in the stomach.

Do not overuse antibiotics. It is necessary to take such drugs only as prescribed by the attending physician in compliance with all the rules and dosages according to the instructions.

Uncontrolled intake of antibiotics will eventually lead to an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, which is fraught with serious pathological changes in the future.

Folk remedies

The experience of traditional medicine is effectively used to prevent and eliminate the root cause of the appearance of black stools. If black stools are caused by eating stool-coloring foods, time is the best remedy. After a certain period and the exclusion of these products from the diet, the stool will acquire a natural color.

The use of this or that traditional medicine depends on the purpose of its use. With gastritis, the use is effective:

What is worth remembering when using such recipes is that you should not rely only on the effect of folk remedies, their use is justified only in combination with a medical course of treatment.


Only regular periodic examinations in a medical institution will help to avoid serious problems. It is better to prevent the disease in the early stages than to fight it after significant pathological changes in the body. It is recommended to undergo a scheduled examination annually at least 2 times.

It is worth knowing that pathological changes in the body of a child proceed much faster than in an adult. At the first sign of problems, you should contact your pediatrician as soon as possible.

  • reduce products that have the ability to stain feces;
  • review the diet, exclude too high-calorie foods;
  • avoid overeating;
  • do not get involved in fast food, fried and spicy foods;
  • strives for a healthy lifestyle, do not smoke and do not drink alcohol.

Products with a high content of vitamins A, B, C, E have an anti-cancer effect. Regular visits to the doctor, an active lifestyle, and a proper diet will reduce the risk of serious pathologies in the future.


Gastritis has become a common disease of our time, which is associated with the rapidity of modern life, irregular and poor-quality nutrition. Experts talk about a significant increase in this disease over the past 10 years. According to statistics in developed countries, 95% of the population have problems with the digestive system. The risk group includes people who consume large doses of alcohol and take corticosteroids. Pathological changes that occur in the body at advanced stages of the disease cause bleeding, a symptom of which is the appearance of black feces.

Treatment of gastritis in the early stages is effective and treatable. In advanced stages, the disease will cause significant complications:

  • stomach ulcers;
  • bleeding;
  • the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

Esophageal cancer is a common disease in adults. In the presence of bleeding in the later stages of the disease, such people develop black feces. The earlier the disease is detected, the greater the likelihood of a favorable prognosis in the treatment of the disease. In total, 4 stages are distinguished and for each of them its own healing process is revealed:

  • the first stage - 90%;
  • the second stage - 50%;
  • the third stage - only 10% live 10 years;
  • the fourth stage - the life span is not more than 6 months and there is practically no chance for a cure.

Black feces can be the result of both a harmless reaction of the body, and be a harbinger of serious problems that require immediate treatment. The normal stool of a healthy person has a brown tint and any deviations indicate an abnormal reaction of the body to the processes taking place in it.

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causes in adults. Dark green stool

The consistency, color, and even smell of feces can tell a lot about a person's health. This fact was taken into account by ancient healers. Therefore, if suddenly the chair suddenly becomes dark - this is an occasion to seriously think about the reasons for such changes.

Perhaps everything is explained by quite ordinary and harmless things - for example, eating certain foods. But sometimes dark feces indicate serious diseases that require immediate medical attention.

In addition, there are a number of chronic ailments and conditions in which blackened stools are in any case a dangerous and highly suspicious symptom. In this material we will try to figure out why the feces are dark in color, we will analyze the causes of this problem in adults.


With serious health problems in an adult, in addition to black stools, the following symptoms may occur:

  • hematemesis;
  • bright red bleeding from the rectum;
  • dizziness or weakness (from blood loss).

If the cause of black stools is not clear, you should immediately see a doctor to examine the stool for blood. Sometimes with a large amount of such a chair, there is a danger of shock due to significant blood loss.

What should be the color of feces in a healthy person?

In principle, the color of feces in a healthy person should be brown or shades of brown.

Many factors influence the color of feces: this is nutrition (the color depends on the food that a person consumes), and taking medications at the moment. Human diseases also affect the color of feces. If the flow of bile into the intestines is interrupted, then the feces completely lose light and become gray-white.

Causes of dark stool in adults

First of all, having discovered dark feces, it is worth analyzing what has been consumed in the last two or three days: food, drinks and medicines.

For example, preparations containing iron stain the feces black, just like grapes or red beets eaten the day before. In this case, it is worth monitoring the condition of an adult for several days when he does not take drugs or has stopped using products that stain feces.

The causes of dark stool can be the following:

Dark feces are not always a sign of a disease, but if there is a suspicion that something is wrong with the body, and dark feces is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the body, you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment.

Dark green stool

What does it mean? The appearance of dark green loose stools is often a sign of intestinal infections. In this case, other signs soon join this symptom:

Dark stool during pregnancy

Pregnancy is often accompanied by disorders of the digestive system. Constipation, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea are frequent companions of expectant mothers. A change in the color of the stool during pregnancy in 90% is the norm and does not require special treatment.

  1. Taking iron supplements. Elementary intake of B vitamins and iron preparations provokes the appearance of darker than usual stools. At the same time, no other changes in the body are observed. The natural color of the stool becomes immediately after the withdrawal of the remedy.
  2. Liver problems. During pregnancy, all body systems experience a tremendous load, hormonal changes can affect internal organs, including the liver. Liver diseases are accompanied by heaviness and aching pain in the right side, the appearance of a bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, and darkening of the stool.


what does it depend on and what does it say?

The color of feces can tell a lot about a person's health, but the shade of stools can vary: whitish, yellowish, and dark brown feces are not a pathology.

The most alarming is the feces of dark and black shades. In order not to worry about your well-being, you need to know what can change the color of feces.

Factors that change the color of feces

The color of feces directly depends on the presence of stercobilin in the composition of the feces. This pigment is an important part of the normal composition of feces, coloring stools in the usual brown color and its shades.

Stercobilin appears in the body as a result of the breakdown of bilirubin, which is an important component of bile.

Bilirubin, getting from the hepatic ducts into the small intestine, is split into urobilin and stercobilin.

The first pigment enters the blood stream and then to the kidneys, and affects the color of the urine. The second pigment does not enter the bloodstream, but remains in the intestines, therefore it colors the indigestible food residues that enter the intestinal tract.

By itself, bilirubin is formed from red blood cells and hemoglobin, which break down in the liver. That is why the final color of feces can tell not only about the state of the gastrointestinal tract, but also about the composition of the blood.

Normally, the brown color of feces can vary depending on the food ingested.

Ideally, the shade of feces should be similar to the color of chocolate. This color indicates an excellent state of health and a balanced diet of a person.

However, yellowish and even greenish hues in feces can be quite normal, depending on the food eaten.

Fatty foods turn stools shades of yellow, while kale and spinach make stools green.

For people who eat a lot of meat products, the appearance of dark brown feces is considered normal.

This is due to the fact that meat products contain a lot of their own hemoglobin, which affects the final color of feces.

However, darkening of the feces in an adult can have more serious causes.

Dark brown feces can also be associated with certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diseases with dark brown feces

Dark brown stools can have the following causes:

  • indigestion;
  • constipation;
  • colitis;
  • putrefactive dyspepsia.

With digestive disorders, undigested food remains in the feces, which change the shade of feces, making it darker.

Constipation is characterized by a delay in the movement of feces through the intestines. In this regard, the feces are oversaturated with the stercobilin pigment and become dark brown.

These reasons are temporary, the color of feces is not always dark brown.

Digestive disorders and constipation can be easily eliminated by starting to eat right. Most often, this is enough to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In some cases, treatment requires taking medications containing enzymes that allow food to be more easily absorbed by the body.

Colitis contributes to the violation of the proper process of digestion. Inflammatory bowel processes, which include colitis, slow down the movement of feces through the intestinal tract and make emptying difficult.

Constipation in conjunction with ulcerative inflammation, the appearance of which is typical for the course of this disease, leads to the fact that blood from ulcers enters the feces.

Blood not only stains feces, but also contributes to the intensification of putrefactive processes and fermentation in the intestines. As a result of all this, the color of the feces becomes dark brown.

The most serious disease affecting the color of feces is putrefactive dyspepsia. This pathological condition occurs due to a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice. Video:

The consequence of this is the deterioration of the antibacterial properties of intestinal juice, it cannot protect the upper gastrointestinal tract from bacteria from the lower sections.

All this leads to putrefactive and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Very often, putrefactive dyspepsia is observed in people with gastritis, since this disease is accompanied by a change in the composition of gastric juice, namely, a decrease in the amount of hydrochloric acid in its composition.

Reduced acidity does not allow protein foods to be properly digested in the stomach, and undigested residues, entering the intestines, contribute to fermentation and decay.

Treatment for dark brown stools

Before seeking medical help, it is worth analyzing your diet over the past few days.

If yesterday you were sitting at a festive table that abounded in meat dishes, then most likely there is no reason for concern.

A couple of days - and digestion will normalize, and the color of feces will become familiar, if you do not continue to abuse meat products.

A balanced diet will help avoid dark brown stools in the future.

In other cases, a thorough examination of a specialist and the study of feces - a coprogram is necessary. This analysis will help to establish diseases that caused a change in the color of feces.

Treatment of constipation and digestive disorders is best done according to the recommendations of the attending physician.

Self-treatment, especially folk remedies, can aggravate a difficult situation, lead to the development of serious diseases.

At home, you can help the work of the stomach and intestines with the help of preventive measures.

Changing the diet (fractional nutrition, foods rich in complex carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits), an active lifestyle, walking in the fresh air will help normalize the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, experts believe that the main causes of constipation are stress and a difficult psychological situation at work and in the family.

Improvement of the psychosomatic state of the patient has a positive effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Therapeutic tactics for colitis may vary depending on the etiology of the disease. If the disease is caused by an infection, then drug therapy involves the appointment of a course of antibiotics that inhibit the activity of microorganisms.

Treatment of colitis resulting from taking certain drugs requires the abolition of these drugs, the search for medicinal analogues.

Treatment of putrefactive dyspepsia includes taking drugs that normalize the amount of hydrochloric acid in the composition of gastric juice.

Additionally, enzymatic drugs are used to facilitate digestion.

An important role in recovery is played by a special diet, the task of which is to reduce the amount of protein-rich food and give up carbohydrates.

Special precautions for dark stools

It is important to distinguish dark brown stools from black stools. The black color of feces is a much more serious signal of the body, which speaks of acute processes, in particular, indicates internal bleeding.

Dark stools of a normal consistency may occur due to the intake of certain foods or medications.

Among the medicines that affect the shade of the stool, activated charcoal, iron-containing preparations are distinguished. Licorice and blueberries, consumed in large quantities, turn the stool black.

Dark stools, which can be described as black, especially if they are viscous, directly indicate the presence of damage to the upper gastrointestinal tract, which led to bleeding.

Such damage can occur with stomach ulcers, gastritis, cancer of the colon and small intestine, gastric polyps, and varicose veins of the stomach.

Liquid black feces is a reason for urgently seeking qualified medical help, as this is a very dangerous symptom that indicates the course of serious diseases in the body.


causes and treatment of dark brown stools

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A healthy person's stool is yellow-brown in color and is characterized by a smooth texture. Feces contain bile as well as undigested food residues. Under the influence of various factors, feces may acquire a different color, for example, darken. Often, dark stools occur after eating certain foods that contain dyes.

In addition, such a symptom may indicate the development of various pathological processes in the human body.

Main characteristics of bowel movements

The following characteristics of feces are distinguished:

  • consistency;
  • smell;
  • quantity;
  • color.

Changes in these indicators are usually noticeable, and may indicate the development of many pathologies.


A healthy body usually defecates once a day. The amount of feces is approximately 100-250g.

Most often, an increase in the amount of feces indicates the development of the following conditions:

  • decrease in the efficiency of the pancreas;
  • disorders of the digestive processes in the small intestine;
  • a decrease in the volume of bile that enters the intestines;
  • intestinal absorption pathology.

A decrease in the volume of bowel movements usually occurs as a result of constipation caused by the predominance of easily digestible foods in the menu or a decrease in food intake.

The main factors that provoke constipation are:

  • violation of intestinal motility;
  • exposure to toxic substances;
  • malformations of the intestine;
  • obstruction of the passage of feces through the intestines: neoplasms, adhesions or scars.

In addition, constipation can occur as a result of mental disorders.

Consistency of feces

The stool of a healthy person has a soft consistency, which primarily depends on the amount of water it contains.

The structure of feces changes under the influence of the following factors:

  • compaction of feces is observed in some pathologies of the rectum, as well as constipation;
  • mushy feces can occur with inflammation of the large intestine or impaired digestion;
  • diseases of the pancreas or a decrease in the volume of bile entering the intestines cause ointment-like feces;
  • loose stools occur as a result of impaired digestive processes in the intestines or acceleration of the passage of feces;
  • foaming feces are a symptom of fermentative dyspepsia;
  • liquid stools similar to pea puree may indicate the development of typhus;
  • colorless loose stools accompany cholera.

If any change in the consistency of feces occurs with frequent defecation, then it is possible that there are malfunctions in the intestines. Usually these conditions are provoked by poisoning, infections, disrupted work of the nervous or endocrine system.

A single liquid stool in some situations may indicate an exacerbation of appendicitis, therefore, with any changes in the consistency of feces, you should consult a doctor.

Color and smell of feces

The normal color of feces is brown.

The color of the stool may change for the following reasons:

  1. If bile does not enter the intestines, then the feces acquire a gray-white color.
  2. Black color usually indicates internal bleeding in the digestive organs.
  3. The light yellow color of the stool appears with a reduced functionality of the pancreas or a deterioration in the digestive processes.
  4. The green color of the feces occurs with increased peristalsis or due to the ingress of bilirubin into the feces.
  5. The dark brown color of the stool is found in pathologies of the stomach and large intestine, after eating meat in large quantities, with constipation.
  6. A red tint of feces appears with an intestinal ulcer.
  7. As a result of eating plant foods or the accelerated passage of food through the large intestine, light brown stools may occur.

The normal smell of bowel movements is not sharp. With the development of various pathologies, feces can acquire a sour, putrid or fetid odor.

Causes of dark stool

Dark stools can appear for various reasons. The most common are the following:

  1. Haemorrhoids. The disease occurs as a result of digestive pathologies, hereditary factors, after chemical poisoning. The patient in the feces appears mucus, blood impurities. And also a person is tormented by bloating, pain in the abdomen. In addition, hemorrhoids can occur due to a sedentary lifestyle, heavy lifting or constipation. These conditions can provoke bleeding, staining the feces in a dark color.
  2. Kaltem color may occur after an unsuccessful surgical intervention on the digestive organs.
  3. Food poisoning. It is considered the most common cause of discoloration of feces. Intoxication of the body is caused by bacteria and viruses that have entered the body with stale, dirty or poorly cooked foods. Poisoning occurs with signs of nausea or vomiting, upset stool, headache.
  4. Bleeding in the digestive tract caused by a complication of peptic ulcer. In this situation, the general well-being of the patient suddenly worsens, severe vomiting occurs, the consistency and color of the stool changes. This condition is dangerous and can be fatal.
  5. Intestinal diverticulosis. Occurs with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organ. On the walls of the intestine there are protrusions of small sizes - diverticula. Outwardly, they resemble a hernia. The main reasons for the formation of diverticulosis are the constant problems of emptying the intestines or the weakness of its muscles. The disease usually manifests itself acutely, with a change in the color of the feces, a rise in temperature, and an increase in gas formation. In addition, the patient has no appetite, the general state of health worsens, bouts of nausea and vomiting appear.
  6. Colitis. It usually occurs as a result of a bacterial infection, severe stress, hereditary factors, or chemical poisoning. The disease proceeds with inflammation of the colon. Manifestations of colitis are regular urge to defecate, dark brown stools, fever and pain in the abdomen. Often the stools become liquid and contain blood impurities.
  7. Malignant neoplasms in the large intestine.

The color of feces can be affected by the use of certain foods. For example, if a large amount of prunes, red grapes or beets has entered the intestines, then the feces can become very dark, almost black. After the exclusion of these products, the color of the stool normalizes after a few days. The color of feces can also change after eating raspberries, currants or strawberries.

In addition, the use of certain medications may be the cause of dark stools. These can be iron-containing drugs, activated charcoal or bismuth preparations. At the same time, a change in the color of feces is not a contraindication to the use of these drugs, the doctor can simply change the dosage.

Darkening of the stool provokes the intake of subsequent non-steroidal drugs aimed at stopping inflammatory processes:

  • ibuprofen;
  • aspirin;
  • Acetaminophen.

The abuse of drinks containing alcohol also causes dark stools.

Signs accompanying dark stools

Usually, when the stool becomes dark brown, the following signs are observed:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • dyspeptic disorders such as bloating, nausea with vomiting;
  • neurological disorders, such as weakness and fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbance or dizziness;
  • a significant increase in temperature, in certain situations and fever;
  • hemorrhagic signs such as bowel bleeding.

In addition, vomiting with blood impurities may occur.

If the darkening of the feces is accompanied by fever, persistent red vomiting and weakness, then internal bleeding is a possible cause of this condition, requiring emergency care. Before the ambulance arrives, it is recommended to apply a cold heating pad to the stomach.

Causes of dark bowel movements during pregnancy

Darkening of the stool can also be observed in pregnant women.

The most common causes of this condition are:

  1. Iron-deficiency anemia. The color of feces does not change as a result of pathology, but due to the intake of iron preparations.
  2. Pathology of the liver. During the bearing of a child, an additional load is placed on the liver. This is caused by an expanded diet, taking certain medications. Manifestations of pathology are dull pain on the right in the side, fatigue, drowsiness, dark stools, bitter taste in the mouth.

To determine the root cause of the appearance of dark feces, pregnant women are prescribed a general, as well as a biochemical blood test. In case of peptic ulcer, it is recommended to donate feces for the study of occult blood.

If the darkening of the feces is accompanied by bleeding, the appearance of cold sweat, liquid stools, blanching of the skin of the pregnant woman, you should immediately consult a doctor. The occurrence of black feces in pregnant women may indicate the development of a dangerous disease.

Expectant mothers are advised to correct their hemoglobin levels during pregnancy planning, as well as undergo a complete medical examination in order to recover from concomitant pathologies, including normalizing liver function.

Treatment of pathology

To select a treatment regimen, the doctor must make an accurate diagnosis by determining the root cause of the change in the color of the feces.

The main causes of dark stools and their treatment are shown in the table:

Treatment of diverticulosis or peptic ulcer requires medical attention, since these conditions are dangerous due to their complications.

If the color of the feces is caused by the use of vitamins or medicines, then no special treatment is carried out. When the child's stools have darkened, his diet should be reviewed in a few days.

Dark stools are a warning about the possible development of pathology. For this reason, you should not ignore this phenomenon and consult a doctor to find out the root cause of this condition and start treatment if necessary. After all, diseases in the early stages are easier to treat than in advanced forms.


Dark feces

One of the indicators of a person's health, strange as it sounds, is the color and consistency of his stool. Not for nothing, suspecting various serious diseases, a person is sent for blood, urine and feces tests.

What can dark-colored feces tell about?

First of all, having discovered dark feces, it is worth analyzing what has been consumed in the last two or three days: food, drinks and medicines. For example, preparations containing iron stain the feces black, just like grapes or red beets eaten the day before. In this case, it is worth monitoring the person's condition for several days when he does not take drugs or has stopped using stool-coloring products.

It is worth paying special attention if drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid were taken, they can cause internal bleeding.

For young children, the appearance of black feces is quite common. In the first day after birth, a newborn child has black-green feces, this is meconium, the original feces. In infants, dark stools may indicate the products that the breastfeeding mother consumes, a reaction to a mixture containing iron or complementary foods.

If the appearance of black feces (in medical language - melena) appears suddenly and after a few days does not go away, and pain in the abdominal cavity is added to the dark feces, you should immediately consult a doctor. This indicates internal bleeding of the upper parts of the digestive system: the esophagus, stomach, upper parts of the small intestine. While the blood passes to the large intestine, it has time to acquire a dark color under the action of food enzymes and bacteria. The phenomenon of dark feces in this case is accompanied by weakness, dizziness, low hemoglobin.

Dark stool after surgery is also possible if bleeding occurs on the digestive organs. In this case, you should immediately inform your doctor.

If there is a temperature and dark green diarrhea, you should immediately seek medical help, and most likely it is an infectious disease doctor, without qualified medical care, the consequences of such diseases can be irreversible, and sometimes fatal. The cause of this condition is an acute intestinal infectious disease, such as dysentery.

Very dark color of stool can indicate the following diseases:

  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
  • Gastritis
  • Anemia due to iron deficiency
  • Varicose veins of the esophagus
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • colorectal cancer

If the feces are red-brown in color, then the reasons may be listed above, with dark feces, as well as:

  • Bleeding diverticulum (protrusion of the walls of a hollow organ - the intestines)
  • Vascular disorders of the digestive organs
  • Intestinal infections
  • irritable bowel disease
  • Dark feces: diagnosis

When contacting a doctor, an examination will be scheduled to make an accurate diagnosis. First, an anamnesis will be taken. The anamnesis will help to find out what preceded the appearance of melena (abdominal pain, weakness, nausea, vomiting, as well as a history of hereditary diseases). The first analysis is a coprogram, a stool analysis that allows you to determine whether there are enzymatic and functional abnormalities in the work of the entire digestive system, and will also reveal the presence of blood in the feces. Along the way, blood and urine tests are prescribed to determine the level of hemoglobin and ESR, in order to find out the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, as well as to detect the presence of anemia (low hemoglobin levels that provoke internal bleeding).

If blood is found in the stool, the next stage of the examination is an endoscopic examination. Now, with the availability of modern equipment, most often it is fibrogastroduodenoscopy, which allows you to identify the place of bleeding and immediately provide surgical intervention. If the cause is an ulcer or cirrhosis of the liver, therapeutic therapy is prescribed in a hospital setting.

If gastroendoscopy does not reveal the cause of bleeding, a colonoscopy is performed.

If a person has chronic diseases of the digestive organs, you should immediately seek medical help, melena may indicate an exacerbation of the disease and the onset of bleeding. Large internal blood loss is fraught with rapid depletion of the body and possible complications in the work of other internal organs.

Dark feces are not always a sign of a disease, but if there is a suspicion that something is wrong with the body, and dark feces is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the body, you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment. First of all, you need to determine the cause of bleeding and eliminate it, and then, following the instructions of doctors, as well as leading a healthy lifestyle, you can reduce the risk of recurrence of existing diseases of the digestive system.


Dark colored stool

Normal stool color can vary from dark brown to yellowish brown. This is determined by the presence in it of processed bile and undigested food particles that a person has consumed over the past two to three days. A very dark, black, or dark green stool is not characteristic of a healthy person, unless it is associated with eating, which can affect the discoloration of feces, as well as taking certain medications. Consider what foods and drugs contribute to the darkening of feces, and in which diseases the feces become dark green or black.

Physiological causes of dark stools

We list the foods, the use of which almost always causes darkening of the feces:

  • red table beet;
  • prunes;
  • red grape varieties;
  • pomegranate;
  • blueberry;
  • black currant;
  • offal;
  • blood sausage, etc.

Trying to determine what the dark color of feces means, you should pay attention not only to the diet in recent days, but also to other changes in the body. If there are no other warning symptoms, and one of the above foods was present in the diet, there is nothing to worry about.

Also, the staining of feces in a dark color can be provoked by the intake of certain pharmaceuticals, namely:

  • Activated carbon;
  • bismuth preparations;
  • iron preparations;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes, etc.

As a rule, a possible change in the color of feces when taking medications is warned in the instructions attached to them.

Pathological causes of dark stool color

The appearance of dark-colored feces, which is not associated with the intake of foods and medicines that can color the stool, should cause concern. If dark stool is associated with any pathologies, it may persist for several days or be observed periodically. At the same time, other pathological signs are also often noted. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct a diagnosis in order to find out why the feces have become dark in color and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Consider what in most cases means the dark color of feces associated with pathological conditions of the body.

In many cases, very dark and black stools indicate bleeding. Most often this occurs with internal bleeding from the stomach, esophagus or intestines, which is provoked by:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • oncology;
  • the presence of polyps;
  • varicose veins of the esophagus.

Also, darkening of feces can be with other diseases accompanied by bleeding of the upper gastrointestinal tract:

  • gastritis;
  • esophagitis;
  • histoplasmosis;
  • intestinal diverticulum;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • ankylostomiasis, etc.

Other symptoms in such cases may include:

  • pallor;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness, etc.

Provoke internal bleeding can also take certain drugs that reduce blood clotting (Aspirin, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, etc.). Less commonly, dark stools may be associated with large amounts of swallowed blood from nose or mouth bleeding, or from trauma.

The appearance of dark green loose stools often indicates intestinal infections. In this case, other signs soon join this symptom:

  • increased body temperature;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea;
  • vomit.

Dark feces with a greenish tint of normal consistency can be observed in various liver diseases associated with a decrease in its functional activity:

  • hepatosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • fibrosis, etc.

This is due to insufficient utilization of hemoglobin by the liver and the release of iron compounds into the duodenum. You may also experience symptoms such as:

  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • nausea.