Why does a baby turn blue when he cries. The child rolls up when crying - what to do, how to calm? How dangerous are affective-respiratory attacks

How often does the average infant or older child cry? There are no exact statistics, but experienced parents know that children can start crying up to 20 or even 30 per day. Normal crying is a child's normal reaction to any irritation: hunger, fear, boredom, or the inability to immediately get what they want. But what if the baby rolls up while crying? Loss of consciousness, pallor or cyanosis of the skin can greatly frighten others, but, according to pediatricians, this condition is not always a pathology and does not need treatment.

Children often cry for a variety of reasons, usually the child calms down on his own or with the help of others after a few minutes, but sometimes children begin to cry, they roll into hysterics, cannot calm down on their own and may lose consciousness against the background of such an attack.

Such paroxysms are called affective-respiratory attacks. They occur holding their breath against the background of crying. On inhalation, breathing stops, air stops flowing into the respiratory organs, due to a lack of oxygen, the child may lose consciousness, his skin turns pale or turns blue. Sometimes hypoxia provokes the development of convulsions, weakness and apathy after attacks.

The whims of a child are inevitable. Anxiety, fatigue, pain, fear, and unmet needs can all make a baby upset. Crying is normal. But there are situations when strong tearfulness turns into a real threat to the life of the crumbs.

The transition from crying to rolling

With strong crying, in combination with the characteristics of the nervous system and some diseases, the baby can go into rolling. “The baby rolls up” - this is one of the most common complaints of parents of patients aged 0 months to 5-6 years (there are also later options).

They can go to the extreme. The baby begins to roll up, turn blue, cannot breathe for a while and even loses consciousness. The cessation of breathing in this case lasts from 20 seconds to a minute, which is quite enough for the child to begin to turn blue. Sometimes loss of consciousness is accompanied by cramps in the legs and arms. After that, the baby comes to his senses, becomes drowsy, lethargic and pale. Such attacks frighten parents. This condition is often confused with epilepsy.

It's important to know

In medicine, such attacks are called affective-respiratory paroxysms. Rolling up is nothing more than an early manifestation of hysterical attacks and fainting. They usually go away by age 8.

The reasons

Children can throw tantrums and cry for a variety of reasons. It may be a forbidden toy or a lack of parental attention, pain.

Hyperactive children are most often prone to paroxysms. Also here can be attributed kids irritable, with nervous deviations, quick-tempered and easily excitable. Children with a diagnosis of "subluxation of 1 cervical vertebra" and with cardiac pathology often roll up with loss of consciousness. Conflict in the family, stress, discomfort, illness can provoke seizures.

Sometimes kids begin to manipulate their parents, using "rolling up" for their own purposes. Parents want to minimize such tantrums and begin to allow the child whatever he wants. The slightest refusal can cause such a violent reaction. In such situations, it is better to consult a psychologist.

What should parents do

The main thing during rolling is not to panic and not be afraid. The calmer the parent behaves, the faster the baby calms down.

First of all you need:

  • try to calm the child;
  • hug and kiss the baby;
  • splash water on your face
  • lightly pat him on the cheeks;
  • when breathing is restored, switch the child's attention by starting to tell him a fairy tale or favorite rhyme.

If suddenly the baby turned blue and lost consciousness, you should:

  • put it on a barrel;
  • hold your tongue to prevent choking and vomiting;
  • call an ambulance.

If the child has such attacks, then the goal of the parent is to prevent such situations. In cases where the frequency and nature of seizures worries parents, it is necessary to contact a neurologist. The doctor will conduct a series of studies to identify the cause of such reactions.

How to distinguish ARP from epilepsy or other pathologies

ARP is very easy to confuse with other common illnesses such as epileptic seizures. The need for examination arises in the frequent repetition of attacks. If the doctor cannot make a diagnosis based only on the description of the events by the parents, an additional examination is prescribed.

ARP needs to be distinguished from more serious diagnoses:

  • epilepsy;
  • manifestation of brain injury;
  • stroke;
  • neurological pathology;
  • pathology of the respiratory tract;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • asthma, etc.

In many children, ARP can be confirmed by a blood test. The level of hemoglobin and erythrocytes decreases, a low level of iron is detected. It is possible to treat pathology with iron preparations. At least doctors notice a decrease in seizures in children. If you take a comprehensive approach to the treatment of the disease, it will pass much faster.


It is dangerous to start the problem, there is a possibility of affective-respiratory seizures developing into epileptic ones. Without breathing, the child can be no more than 60 seconds, longer attacks entail the development of skin cyanosis and oxygen starvation. Hypoxia can lead to serious neurological complications, developmental delays, and impaired mental processes.

The health of the baby with such attacks should be taken seriously. A serious illness can be hidden behind strong crying with rolling, so any doubts should be resolved in the specialist's office.

Every baby is more or less prone to whims. Toddlers, simply due to their age characteristics, cannot explain to adults what exactly worries them, what caused irritation. But sometimes somatic manifestations join tearfulness and whims. So what are the reasons why the baby rolls up when crying? How dangerous can such a condition be for a baby?

Possible reasons

Seizures, when the baby rolls up while crying in medicine, is usually called affective-respiratory phenomena. They can occur in children from birth to eight years of age. Some adults are sure that in this way the child simply causes attention and self-pity. But what are the real reasons why a baby rolls up when crying? In fact, such seizures are exclusively reflex in nature, so if the child rolls strongly, he may turn blue and even lose consciousness. In such a lifeless state, the baby can be up to a minute. This, in turn, is fraught with cyanosis of the skin.

So what are the reasons why the baby rolls up when crying? Oftentimes, the parents themselves are to blame. This happens when at first they protect the baby from everything, allowing him everything. It is not surprising that after a while a small failure can cause such an attack, as it is perceived as a real tragedy.

Children are predisposed to affective-respiratory phenomena:

- wayward;

- excitable;

- quick-tempered;

- hyperactive.

The main causes of such an attack are strong resentment, stress, overwork, malnutrition. Therefore, if the child rolls up while crying, you should seek the advice of a neurologist as soon as possible. The fact is that in some cases, such attacks can develop into more serious, epileptic ones.

Distinctive features of affective-respiratory paroxysm

If we are talking about ordinary affective-respiratory attacks, there is no need for any additional tests. If the child rolls up while crying and at the same time there are some violations in the state of his health, there may be a suspicion of epileptic phenomena.

Sometimes neurological symptoms manifest themselves against the background of foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract, bronchial asthma, and drug overdose. By themselves, affective-respiratory phenomena do not pose a threat to the life of the baby, and are in no way interconnected with epileptic seizures.

What to do if the child rolls up when crying, turns blue? First of all, the baby must be calmed, hugged and kissed, you can even blow in his face, gently pat on the cheeks. This will help restore breathing, as well as switch attention.

is an inevitable phenomenon. Toddlers are not yet able to adequately express their condition, so in this way they express discontent, fear, anger and other strong emotions. From a behavioral point of view, this phenomenon is more or less understandable, but it happens that a somatic component is connected to it and the child rolls up and even turns blue when crying, which extremely frightens parents. Such attacks in medicine are called affective-respiratory paroxysms, they consist in holding the breath at the height of the exhalation and the inability to inhale for a while.

Why does a baby roll over when crying?

The rollovers are nothing but early manifestations of hysterical attacks and fainting spells. They occur in babies in the first or second years of life and, as a rule, pass by eight. Sometimes parents perceive this as a kind of theatrical scene played out by a child in an attempt to manipulate adults, however, this is not so. It is impossible to simulate an affective respiratory attack, it is reflex in nature, and with strong crying the child really “rolls up” and sometimes even loses consciousness. At the same time, respiratory arrest lasts no more than 30-60 seconds, which is enough to change the color of the skin.

The child rolls up when crying - reasons

The most prone to affective-respiratory paroxysms are irritable, hyperactive, capricious and excitable children. Strong stress, anger and even discomfort - hunger or excessive fatigue can provoke an attack. Sometimes the parents themselves stimulate the occurrence of such attacks - if the child is constantly protected from disorders, everything is allowed to him, then the slightest refusal can cause such an excessively violent reaction.

If the frequency and nature of the reactions worries parents, then perhaps the neurologist will be able to answer the question of why the child rolls up when he cries after a series of studies. You should not postpone a visit to the doctor, because according to some reports affective-respiratory attacks can develop into epileptic ones.

What to do when the child rolls up?

The first thing parents should do when a child has an attack is to pull themselves together and not to panic. Paroxysm is stopped by actions from the outside, for this it is enough to pat the child on the cheeks, sprinkle with water or blow in his face - this will restore the correct breathing reflex.

It is important not to delay and stop the attack at the initial stage. After the resumption of normal breathing, the baby needs to be distracted and calmed.

Affective-respiratory attacks, this is the scientific name for a condition when a child suddenly stops breathing during a tantrum or crying, becomes silent and may even lose consciousness.

This phenomenon is not uncommon in children, and children are more likely to "go in" emotional and easily excitable. The name consists of two words that reflect the whole essence of the attack - "affective" means the manifestation of a violent uncontrollable, usually negative, emotion. The word respiratory indicates the source of the problem - the respiratory system. Affective-respiratory paroxysms are not uncommon in children aged 7 months to 3 years.

Due to the underdeveloped respiratory and muscular systems of the child, when he exhales too much, his lungs may be deprived of oxygen, and the spasm of the larynx will not allow him to take a breath in time. The likelihood of spasm of the larynx increases with a deficiency in the body of calcium, vitamin D, as well as with reduced hemoglobin in the blood of a child.

Since the need for calcium in a child is quite high - it is very actively consumed in the construction of bone and dental tissue, to one degree or another, a deficiency of this mineral happens quite often.

Doctors divide seizures according to the color of skin changes into “pale” and “blue”:

  1. Pale paroxysm happens after a child falls, a sudden blow, an injection, a strong fright, while the child can only start to cry, but more often breathing stops even before the cry. The child cannot inhale, the mouth is open, but there is no crying. The heartbeat is delayed and the pulse is almost not felt, the child's skin turns pale, and in the future life, children prone to pale ARP often faint.
  2. blue attack this is usually a reaction to an emotional storm, discontent and anger that the child cannot cope with. Such a reaction can develop in case of refusal to satisfy the momentary desire of the baby - to buy a toy, give dad's phone, a chocolate bar.

Starting to cry, the child increases the degree of emotional stress, at one moment he cannot inhale air due to a spasm of the larynx, the skin becomes bluish. In this state, the child may lose consciousness, there may be a loss of muscle tone - he "goes soft", or vice versa - arches from their overstrain.

Despite the fact that the attack looks very scary, pediatric neurologists and pediatricians say that nothing threatens the child's health, and even more so life. The spasm passes on its own after a few seconds and the child usually feels quite normal, if you do not take into account that the cause that provoked the seizure remains.

As a rule, the attack passes within 20-30 seconds on its own - the spasm releases and the child takes a breath. However, if you don’t have the strength to wait and it’s very scary, you can try to turn on the breath by splashing cool water on your face, blowing lightly into your open mouth, or very lightly pat your cheek - this will help you take a reflex breath. You do not need to shake the child, beat, and generally make sudden movements, first of all, you need to take a deep breath yourself and pull yourself together.

If the child "wound up" and begins to lose consciousness, the muscles relax, and he may fall. Take the baby in your arms or lay it on its side to prevent falling and injury

A “blue” attack, which always occurs against the background of hysteria and emotional arousal, can be prevented. If the child is screaming and is already on the verge, try to distract him in any way, knock him off the set program, surprise him - this may be enough to prevent respiratory arrest.

However, you should not give in at this moment to the demand that caused the hysteria, in this way you can only fix the connection in his mind: request-refusal-hysteria-getting what you want.

It is important to remember that the child always responds better to an interaction, or otherwise a “go” command, than to a request to stop any action. If you tell your baby, for example: "Let's run together, we'll get ice cream," he will be more likely to switch than if you start shouting at him, "Calm down. »

It is necessary to teach the child to cope with bouts of anger and rage, for this, first of all, all family members need to learn this.

How dangerous are affective-respiratory attacks

Pediatricians and pediatric neurologists attribute these unpleasant manifestations to the physiological norm in the process of maturation of the nervous system and call them "age-related features." In most cases, the child simply "outgrows" them, with little to no consequences.

It is important to make sure that the seizures are really ARP, and not a manifestation of more serious neurological problems, for this a specialist consultation is necessary.


You should contact a neurologist if:

  • Attacks did not stop after 4-5 years of age or began before 6 months.
  • The first attack occurred in a child older than 3 years of age.
  • Respiratory arrest occurs more than 1-2 times a week, possibly due to frequent tantrums. In this case, you may need the help of a psychologist and correction of the behavior of parents.
  • It is worth consulting a doctor if the child has convulsions during a paroxysm.

The opinion of the editors may not coincide with the opinion of the author of the article.

Source: www.moirebenok.ua

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“Rolling up” a child: what to do if he starts crying and stops breathing?

The child starts crying and stops breathing. The mouth is open, the body is curved and tense. A second - and he goes limp, his eyes close, he falls. into a dream? Or is it fainting? What about the child?

Such cessation of breathing during crying is otherwise called an apnea attack or an affective-respiratory attack. It occurs after the age of 6 months and usually lasts up to a year and a half (sometimes it drags on up to 3 years). The baby rolls up crying from pain (with a bruise, a fall) or from resentment (left alone, taken away something important, you need a mother, but she is not around, etc.) and there is a spasm of the muscles of the larynx. Single cases of apnea occur in every fourth baby. Against the background of strong crying, the baby freezes with his mouth wide open, and then hangs in his arms, his eyes are covered. The chain is as follows: negative experiences-cry-holding the breath-softening. The entire attack often takes no more than 30 seconds, but for parents they seem like hours.

If your child has such a "rolling" in crying, this does not mean that he is sick or especially hysterical. He just has a predisposition to such attacks when he is very upset, screaming, crying.

“Affective-respiratory attacks are a feature of early childhood, this is one of the manifestations of the specifics of metabolism (in particular, an increased need for calcium, the deficiency of which provokes spasms of the larynx), as well as one of the manifestations of the syndrome of increased nervous excitability. It is definitely worth worrying for parents, and this concern should be manifested in the fact that the child must be shown to a qualified pediatric neurologist. But still, you should know the main thing now: everything you described is an age-related feature that almost always outgrows.

In the first case, it is the result of a reaction to pain. Fell, hit, made an injection. The child screams, cries, "enters", turns white and. fails a short faint. At the same time, he relaxes, breathing normalizes. "Blue" affective-respiratory attacks - a reaction to discontent, resentment. The skin around the lips turns blue, the baby may arch. The child becomes limp in the arms of the mother and can then sleep for a long time.

"Rolling" often occurs if the child is overtired, sleepy, overexcited, hungry, in an unusual environment. Therefore, try to prevent such phenomena and switch the attention of the crumbs, without bringing the matter to crying.

Source: tvoymalysh.com.ua

What to do if the child rolls up when crying?

When a newborn cries, he shows his displeasure, fear or other emotions. Another thing is when a child rolls up while crying, thereby greatly frightening his parents. In medical terminology, this condition is called affective-respiratory paroxysm (ARP). The baby holds his breath when exiting, after which he cannot breathe normally for some time.

Parents need to learn to distinguish between a normal tantrum and a tantrum. In the first case, the baby protests for a long time, cries loudly and screams. But during an attack of ARP, he becomes inactive, his skin turns blue, the baby even loses consciousness.

Currently, there are two main types of ARP:

  1. Pale attacks. Usually this phenomenon appears as a result of severe pain or fear. For example, a pale attack may appear after an injection. At the same time, the pulse completely disappears for a while, the heartbeat is delayed. The child loses consciousness. In the future, these children often experience fainting.
  2. Blue seizures. They appear as a result of the anger or dissatisfaction of the baby. The child begins to scream, but on inhalation his breathing stops, after which he becomes silent, becomes blue.

As a rule, both attacks proceed quickly and pass in 30 seconds. But sometimes they are protracted. The baby may soften or, on the contrary, muscle spasms appear, due to which the child arches in the form of an arc.

Sooner or later, almost every mother has a question: “Why does the child roll up when crying? ". This phenomenon usually appears in the first years of life, and completely disappears by about eight years. Some parents mistakenly believe that the baby is feigning an attack, thereby wanting to control adults. However, ARP has a reflex character, which is why the baby rolls up in a fit of crying, and in some cases even loses consciousness.

Breathing stops for half a minute or even a minute. From this, the color of the skin changes and the child turns blue. Most often, ARP appears in irritable, aggressive and overactive children.

In addition, the following reasons provoke an attack:

  • Frequent stressful situations, bouts of anger. Moreover, even ordinary discomfort - fatigue or lack of food - can stimulate ARP.
  • Often the reason why the baby rolls up while crying is the parents. You can not overly protect the baby and give him everything he wants. After all, if then he is denied something, he will react violently, which will cause another attack.

In any case, it is necessary to consult a doctor after the first attack of ARP while crying. The neurologist will conduct a diagnosis, after which he will prescribe treatment. You can not postpone going to a specialist, because over time the seizures can become epileptic.

If the attacks of ARP are frequent and prolonged in time, this causes the child to roll up while crying and lose consciousness, convulsions begin, he becomes pale, his lips turn blue. As a result of convulsions, the child's muscles become very tense, because of which his small torso arches.

In more rare cases, convulsions are accompanied by involuntary urination. As a rule, breathing is restored immediately after the convulsions pass.

First aid for bouts of pathological crying

What to do when a child rolls up while crying? The main thing is not to panic. Urgently need to restore the baby's breathing. To do this, it is enough to pat him on the cheeks, sprinkle with cold water, direct a stream of fresh air to his face. Never shake a child or hit him in the face too hard.

At the age of 5 years, the bones of children are still very fragile, therefore, from intense impact on them, fractures and dislocations appear. If the attacks are not strong, then tickling helps to restore breathing.

Sometimes the symptoms of ARP resemble epilepsy. At the same time, the attacks last for a long time - more than one minute, convulsions appear. In this case, the baby must be placed on its side to avoid suffocation. Sometimes it is necessary to hold the legs and arms so that the baby does not injure himself.

First aid measures should be started immediately after the onset of symptoms of an attack. After the restoration of children's breathing, the crumbs need to be distracted by offering him a bright toy. To calm the baby, you need to attach it to the chest and hug.

If the child rolls up while crying, it is urgent to start treatment:

  • Parents turn to a neurologist, who, before conducting diagnostic tests, asks parents a series of questions: why did the attack occur, how did it pass, what preceded it. In addition, the doctor specifies what symptoms accompanied the attack (blue, urination, chest pain, heart palpitations).
  • After that, the doctor prescribes an examination. ECG, ultrasound and EEG of the brain are performed, urine and blood tests are taken. Only after that the neurologist prescribes treatment. As a rule, children with ARP attacks should be registered with a doctor until the age of 5-7 years.
  • Treatment includes two directions - drug and non-drug. If the child is over 3 years old, the doctor recommends making an appointment with a psychologist. In addition, the psychologist will adjust the methods of raising the child so that the atmosphere in the family is calm and friendly. The specialist offers parents a series of games and exercises that help to suppress outbursts of anger.

During play activities, the child forgets about all his problems, he becomes calmer. Non-drug treatment is leading. And if you properly arrange the situation, the use of drugs by the baby may not even be required.

  • In more complex cases, the doctor prescribes medications to treat neuropathy and increased excitability of the child. All drugs are prescribed exclusively by a neuropathologist. You can not buy pills on the advice of friends or pharmacists.

If the child rolled up while crying and turned blue once, this phenomenon may happen again.

To prevent this from happening, you must adhere to certain measures:

  • Parents should teach their children to control their emotions. In addition, adults should avoid situations that can cause a violent response from the baby's body. It is not recommended to expose children to long trips or walks during which they overwork.
  • Some kids don't like to rush. They are slowly getting dressed for kindergarten. You should not push them, as this can provoke anger. It is better to wake up the baby 5 minutes earlier to get ready without haste. If an attack has already begun, you can not scream at the child, as this will frighten him even more. It is necessary to tactfully approach this issue, to calm the baby. If the child is an adult, after the attack, he needs to be explained that he must breathe correctly and remain calm in any situation.
  • It is important that both parents participate in the upbringing process.
  • If a “home” child has seizures, it is recommended to enroll him in a kindergarten. Sometimes the opposite happens: the child rolls up because of the reluctance to go to preschool. In this case, it is better to leave him at home for a while, and you can take him back to the kindergarten only after preparation.