Gifts for first-graders on September 1. Gifts for children on September 1: how to please first graders? Lunch box and beautiful cutlery

The beginning of the school year is a special day for first graders. Toddlers enter a new, as it seems to them, adult life and expect that at this moment something amazing will happen. Parents should turn Knowledge Day into a real celebration with entertainment and gifts.

On September 1, both adults and children are waiting with excitement. Everyone is fussing, trying on beautiful outfits, buying flowers and stationery. Therefore, you should think about a good surprise gift for a child in advance. It can be anything, there are many gift options for a first grader today, but it is better that he has a connection with school, study, and knowledge. Such a present will not only be useful for classes, but will also leave an unforgettable impression of the first meeting of the child with the school.

  1. School supplies. This can be a real adult gift: your own desk with drawers for notebooks, a shelf for books and a stand for pens and pencils. Or maybe a small present in honor of farewell to childhood: a set of felt-tip pens, a beautiful album, educational games and interactive computer programs for additional learning. We will tell you in detail below how to purchase a school set for the joy of not only children, but also parents.
  2. Books. Beautiful colorful encyclopedias with many pictures will attract the attention of any child. You can also give the first grader stories about favorite heroes and interesting characters. Such books are useful for extracurricular reading.
  3. Going to the cinema, children's park, cafe. These activities will leave the child with a good memory of the Day of Knowledge. You don’t have to spend a lot, you can celebrate at home: buy a cake, hang balloons, come up with interesting contests and games. For more importance, you can even set off a few fireworks in honor of the first day of school. Then the baby will definitely remember this celebration for a long time.

Making purchases by the beginning of the school year is a troublesome and responsible business. After all, a student will use stationery for a whole year, and if we are talking about a satchel, then for several years at all. Therefore, before going for school supplies, you need to arm yourself with useful knowledge that will help you avoid common mistakes and decide what to give children on September 1 in the first place.

In order to correctly and economically collect the child to school, it is recommended to take into account the following rules:

  • Always make a shopping list. So you will immediately understand how much money you should count on, and besides, you will be sure that you have not forgotten anything. It is very convenient to use the list when shopping for stationery in the online store.
  • Don't buy kits. They are more expensive and contain a lot of unnecessary things that are not useful to the student at all.
  • Make purchases at the end of summer. The widest range of products appears in stores before the start of the school year. In addition, high competition forces sellers to lower prices and hold sales, which significantly reduces the costs of buyers.
  • Get the whole set of accessories at once. This will save not only your time, but also money. The larger the amount of purchases, the greater the opportunity to get a good discount from the store.
  • Don't stock up. You will spend more money, and extra things can then be lost or become unusable. For example, stale pens will not write, but scratch the notebook.

It does not matter whether you choose stationery for schoolchildren who have been attending school for more than a year or think what you can give to a first grader, be sure to pay attention to their properties, quality of materials and appearance. Cheap goods from unknown manufacturers do not have a long service life, and, moreover, can spoil the health of the child. It is recommended to purchase school supplies in soothing colors, as bright colors distract children's attention from the lessons.

Before starting school, you need to purchase a lot of things. Let's take a closer look at the most important product categories and recommended gifts for first graders.

School bag

The main criteria for choosing a backpack are:

  • weight (for a first-grader, no more than 600-800 gr is recommended);
  • high-quality materials (durable, not dirty, waterproof);
  • spaciousness (enough space for textbooks, pencil case, notebooks, folders and forms);
  • design (stylish appearance should be combined with a comfortable design).

A backpack should be bought with the child so that you can immediately try it on and evaluate the comfort of wearing it. School backpacks are made from different materials and designs, a high-quality design consists of a rigid frame and an orthopedic back, which allows you to develop the correct posture. The bottom of the briefcase should be hard and not easily soiled, since the backpack often has to be placed on the floor. The straps of the product cannot be narrower than 4 cm, otherwise they will be strongly pressed into the shoulders. It is also desirable that the straps contain a soft filler that softens the pressure of the satchel on the shoulders.

According to the design, the portfolio should be chosen based on the needs of the student as well as the individual preferences of your child, with regard to color, for a first-grader girl these are light pastel or, on the contrary, bright colorful colors, darker shades are suitable for a first-grader boy, which will be more practical in terms of operation. Also, for junior classes, small compartments and pockets are unlikely to be needed. Therefore, it is better to choose the simplest and lightest design with large compartments for books and notebooks. A plus is the presence of reflective stickers on the product. They will ensure the safety of the child at road crossings.

Pencil case

The market offers a wide range of pencil cases of different capacities. For elementary school, it is better to take a soft pencil case with two or three compartments, since in addition to a pen and a ruler, they often require colored pencils and felt-tip pens. For high school students, soft pencil cases from one compartment with a strong clasp are suitable.

It is not recommended to buy hard plastic cases for school. Yes, it does not get dirty and does not allow moisture to pass through, but it is rather inconvenient to use. Firstly, it opens and closes noisily, and, secondly, the plastic will crumble into pieces during the first unsuccessful fall.

Notebooks and albums

The main property of a notebook or landscape sheet is density. On the reverse side of the paper should not be visible traces of pens and pencils. For first-graders, a beautiful and high-quality sketchbook will be an excellent and necessary gift.

It is advisable to buy albums with spring-loaded sheets. So the child can, if necessary, tear out a flat sheet of paper. Do not once again load the portfolio with a heavy thick album. It is better to buy another thin album to replace it.

The same recommendation applies to notebooks. Primary school students write very little, so it is enough for them to buy notebooks for 12 sheets. Pay attention to the color of the paper: it should not be bright white, but with a bluish or yellowish tint. This is necessary in order not to disturb the student's vision.

Writing pen

The pen is the most important and frequently used thing in school. It should be of a convenient design, and contain a high-quality non-leaking paste.

A ballpoint pen with a 0.5-0.7 mm thick refill is suitable for schoolchildren of any age. Gel and oil pens are recommended only for high school students, as they already have an established writing skill.

By design, it is desirable to take a pen with a rubberized finger pad. It allows you to hold on tight, while not heavily loading the hand. Products with a thickened body, as well as a sliding and ribbed surface are inconvenient for writing. When buying, offer the student to try out the product: how to lay down a pen in the palm of your hand and how tired your hand is from writing. So you will be sure that the child will not experience inconvenience at school.

Markers and pencils for drawing

These writing instruments should be bright and comfortable.

Pencils for drawing should be taken of medium softness ( on domestic products, it is designated by the abbreviation "TM", on imported products "NV"). In addition, you need to carefully consider the design of pencils.

Multi-faceted pencils put a lot of pressure on the fingers, and round ones often slip out of them. The best option would be to buy pencils that have been cut with a trihedral cut. They sit comfortably in the palm of your hand and do not tire your hand when drawing for a long time. As for materials, experts recommend buying pencils made from plastic or cedar. Due to their elasticity, the pencil will be easy to sharpen and rarely break.

For drawing lessons in elementary school, it is enough to have felt-tip pens of 6-8 colors. Good felt-tip pens move smoothly on paper and never squeak. Therefore, before buying, it is recommended to check them on a letter so as not to spend money on a low-quality product. Easily washable felt-tip pens deserve positive recommendations, the stains from which are not terrible for the clothes and skin of the child.

In order for the felt-tip pens to last a long time and not dry out, their caps must have special holes for ventilation.

So, when buying stationery, you should take into account many nuances and features. School supplies must be of high quality, comfortable and properly selected according to the individual characteristics of the student. Things for the school should not be allowed to be bright and irritating to the eyes of colors. It is also necessary to carefully monitor that the products do not contain harmful substances. Do not chase cheap goods from China. It is better to purchase more expensive products from Russian or European companies, but at the same time ensure a healthy development and a comfortable environment for the child.

The importance of a gift for a child

No matter how expensive and chic your gift to a first grader on September 1, it is important how you present it. It is on the parents that the creation of a festive atmosphere for the first Day of Knowledge in a child's life depends. We must not forget that the first school lessons with an unfamiliar teacher and children are exciting for first graders. Therefore, your holiday should smooth out all worries about future classes, it should seem to the kid that the school is something important, good and necessary. Explain that there he will meet new friends and learn many new and useful things.

Knowledge Day is a holiday for both children and teenagers. Therefore, if your child has not been a first-grader for a long time, this does not mean at all that he can not give anything. High school students also appreciate pleasant surprises and presents.

It would seem that only yesterday your little one for the first time uncertainly murmured the word “mom”, broke his first cup, but today you barely got home, bending under the weight of notebooks, textbooks, felt-tip pens and sets of colored paper (how much is needed!) for the future student …

And now you have to think: how to congratulate your beloved baby who became so adult and independent in an instant? I am sure that more than one family council was devoted to this issue, more than one sleepless night was spent trying to choose something that would be both useful, interesting, affordable, unusual, multifunctional and of high quality. In a word - a real gift!

This event in a child's life undoubtedly deserves the most long-awaited and best gifts. Just be warned right away that a gift for a first grader is not just something from the list of school supplies.

As a rule, at any school, at the parent meeting, they give out more or less detailed lists of what the child needs to have when entering the first grade. The list is the compulsory school supplies that the student needs. But what is purchased above the list can already be called gifts. But even the purchase of school supplies will bring special joy to the child. Let the kid choose what he likes best - turn the purchase of school supplies into a real holiday.

A first grader simply needs:
- school bag, briefcase or backpack
- exercise books (thin and general, checkered and lined)
- sets of colored pens
- markers and pencils
- erasers
- sharpener
- covers for notebooks and books
- pencil case
- set of rulers
- paints (watercolor or gouache)
- sketchbook
- a set of brushes, etc.

In addition, things that are given to a first grader and a primary school student in general should have three main properties:
1) maximum strength;
2) maximum ease of use;
3) be easily replaceable.

It is necessary that the donated item not only serve your child faithfully, and after about twenty years, he, lovingly erasing the dust from it, proudly told his children: “But this was given to me by my parents when I went to first grade!” No, it is necessary that this gift become his first truly "adult" property. And this does not mean at all the purchase of a personal car with a driver or a laptop. Of course, if you are the great-nephew of Bill Gates or the second cousin of Rockefeller, you can surprise your student with such a gift. But, if somehow it didn’t work out for you to acquire wealthy relatives, you shouldn’t be upset: after all, the main thing is not the price of the gift at all, but ... a creative approach to choosing it! An excellent solution could be the purchase of a written (read “computer”) desk, with the appointment of the child as its full owner. The last point implies that even if sometimes you get the impression that the tornado of Lublin Ponds, the Irving tornado and Hurricane Victoria combined have swept across this very table, you, taking a position of non-intervention, simply do not notice it. Simple, right? :)

If you want to inherit your beloved table, or if the living space allows you to fit this very table in the room only if all the rest of the furniture is removed from there, do not despair! Present a bookshelf, preferably a large one, into several sections in which you can place not only school textbooks, but also find a place for your favorite soft toys, cars, comics and other knick-knacks (and which they and dad will definitely hang where "the hero of the occasion » wish). Yeah, do you already have a shelf? .. Well, then, maybe there is not enough swivel chair? Comfortable, on wheels, with a soft back ... Believe me, after acquiring it, the child's interest in the process of preparing homework can increase significantly :)

If the nursery of a son or daughter is already furnished with the latest fashion technology, or if you are simply not yet mentally or financially ready for such grandiose purchases, give something that has always been appreciated and at all times. Donate a book! Only, perhaps, you should not give a textbook on quantum physics or a mathematical reference book, which "will be very useful to you in high school." Despite all the obvious usefulness, it would be better to hand them over in ten years: there will be much more benefit and joy. Let it be better to be colorful children's encyclopedias that are interesting to look through if the "beginner schoolboy" still does not know how to read; children's dictionaries or collections of fairy tales. An interesting gift can be an electronic encyclopedia for a child - a children's "laptop": both informative and "cool" at the same time.

But what if loving grandparents, uncles and aunts, ready for anything for the sake of their beloved grandson and nephew, have already provided him with all the necessary school utensils for several years ahead, without leaving you a single original idea? In this case, you will have to sit down and think: what does YOUR baby really need?

He likes to sleep and every morning getting up is like a “heavenly punishment” for him? Give him an alarm clock with some "funny" ringtone or a tune from your favorite cartoon. Or maybe he likes to sit for hours looking at pictures in books? In this case, a table lamp will come in handy, but not a simple one (but a golden one! :)) Not in the literal sense, of course. Let this lamp be with an original photo frame, flip calendar or even a mini-aquarium!

Your child is delighted with the application, does not part with pencils and watercolors for a second, and the neighbors have long lined up for lace napkins embroidered by your little needlewoman? Then the kits for children's creativity were invented just for you. There are plenty of options: if you want - choose a set for wood carving, if you want - for making tapestries. There are also for cross-stitch, burning, modeling. In a word - whatever your heart desires!

If in abundance of gift options you are completely confused , but I really want to give something useful - do not despair. Present something that no schoolchild could do without: a set of stationery. In this case, you can be sure that the gift will really be both necessary and useful. Fortunately, now there is something to choose from: if you want - a pencil case with a thermometer, an alarm clock, a calculator and a radio, if you want - a diary with a personal horoscope, star biographies and interesting historical facts, if you want - a pencil with a built-in radio. The choice is really huge. In this case, it all depends on your taste and imagination.

If by September 1 you give something not to your own, but to a "someone else's" first-grader , you should do it very simply: go to a good stationery store, look at the counter, remember your childhood and get what you would really, really like to have as a child. Even if you buy something completely absurd in the context of the first class (for example, a cookware) - that's okay. The first-grader himself does not know what he will need, and he will be terribly happy with any beautiful thing from the "adult", school world.

And on September 1, arrange a real holiday for your child - a trip to McDonald's, an amusement park, a visit to a cinema or theater. And, of course, flowers. And of course - a cake or a pie. And of course, ice cream. Holiday! Even if the child goes not to the first, but to the second or fifth grade. Once a year is a school holiday. Everything else - weekdays, notations, diaries, deuces, dictations... Have a day off, forget that life is hard, buy flowers and... smile... smile! After all, it's so cool - "the first time in the first class"!

And, of course, flowers. And of course - a cake or a pie. And of course, ice cream. Holiday! Even if the child goes not to the first, but to the second or fifth grade. Once a year is a school holiday. Everything else - weekdays, notations, diaries, deuces, dictations ... Do you want your child to love learning? Then tighten up, take a day off, forget that life is hard, buy flowers and... smile... smile, damn it! After all, it's so cool - "the first time in the first class"!

Little psychological tricks

Younger students love to have a lot of everything. That is, the best set of pencils is the one with the most pencils. The best ballpoint pen is the ballpoint pen set. The best eraser is a series of erasers with the same type of pictures. And so on.

In addition, when sending a child "for the first time to first grade," one must take into account that even a child who is very well prepared for school finds himself, in essence, in a strange and unfamiliar world. The briefcase is his property, a thing brought from the HOME, so you need to try so that, in addition to purely school, functional things, something homemade, dear, lies in the first-grader's satchel. For example, a photo of mother or sister, a small toy, etc.

If by the First of September you give something not to your own, but to a "someone else's" first-grader, you should do it very simply: go to a good stationery store, look at the counter, remember your childhood and get something that you, the child, would very, very much like to have . Even if you buy something completely absurd in the context of the first class (for example, a cookware) - that's okay. The first-grader himself does not know what he will need, and he will be terribly happy with any beautiful thing from the "adult", school world. And the cookery will come in handy. With time.

Such an important period in the life of their child, parents should not be left to chance. But help should be provided not only in the study of the alphabet, but also in the organization of leisure. In addition, it would not hurt to congratulate the baby on the acquisition of a new status. What is usually given to a first grader on September 1? ... Many schoolchildren are waiting for this day. Someone regrets that carefree summer days are behind and tedious lessons are ahead. Some look forward, because they miss their friends terribly. Yes, and I want to brag about new achievements / things / skills / trips as soon as possible. And only first graders are waiting for September 1 as a miracle. They were prepared, told about the school (perhaps even frightened by it), they bought a large beautiful portfolio, a lot of notebooks, pens and paint. A new uniform has appeared in the closet, a real tie for boys and chic bows for girls.

In contact with

The verse is learned, the child is morally and financially prepared, and the parents cannot restrain their emotions. This is a sense of pride and ... pity, or something. Their baby has grown up so quickly, it becomes independent. And so sometimes you want to hold this moment. After all, it is clear that fear of the new and unknown is sometimes seen in small eyes. How to support a student without five minutes? Maybe give something to a first-grader child on September 1st? But even here thoughts are confused:

  • Give something that the child has long dreamed of and at least for a few moments return him to that happy carefree childhood?
  • Or something that will come in handy for adaptation in the near future?
  • Should it be a material gift?
  • Or focus on unforgettable emotions?

But what exactly can be given to a boy or girl (first graders) on September 1 - depends only on the child himself and the intuition of his parents ...

Who said that childhood ends at the threshold of school? No, it is moving to a new stage there, but at home it can remain as carefree and cheerful.

After all, it is impossible to become indifferent to your favorite toys and puzzles in an instant? And for sure you want something new.

Something other than a pencil case and a set of pencils...

The best gift is a book

Yes this is true. But what book to give a first grader on September 1 is not an easy question. Even if your newly-made schoolboy does not like to read and your home library, selected with such love, continues to dust. But now books will become an indispensable attribute in his life and it’s better for you to start this friendship, with the help of, for example:

Welcome future!

The child becomes independent. And if earlier parents protected him from the negative influence of modern gadgets, now it's time to provide him with them.

No, this is not about new IT technologies, but about ordinary means of communication. So the child will be able to tell you that the lesson was postponed or canceled, that he does not feel well.

That he forgot something and needs to be brought urgently. After all, these are still small children and you need to have a constant connection with them.

Getting involved in the learning process

Even the same pencil case, or rather the process of choosing it, can cause indescribable delight for a first-grader. Therefore, a great gift can be:

We give unforgettable emotions

Very soon your baby will be busy. He is so busy that when organizing leisure activities, he will have to adapt not only to his working weekends, but also to his school ones. Lessons, afterschool, circles and excursions. But he/she, just like you, misses spending time together.

sweet gift

What could be sweeter for a sweet tooth than a cake, muffins or sweets? So why not focus on it? No, do not buy the entire store and, at your own peril and risk, give it to the baby. It means:

  • Home themed party with a cake, cupcakes and other goodies on the theme of the beginning of the school year. If you can, do it yourself. No? Then order a professional. Pros: Not only is it delicious, but it also looks insanely beautiful in family photos. Minuses: you need to find a good specialist and control the quality and composition of all sweets.
  • A master class on the preparation of those same cakes and sweets. A very informative present, besides, the process for the child is really exciting. Pros: the child acquires new knowledge. Minuses: No.

And in addition to each of the options, show the baby that you are always with him and are ready to help overcome any difficulties.

At first glance, preparing a surprise for yesterday's kindergarteners is not difficult. The kid perceives school as a continuation of a carefree life, not fully realizing that homework will have to be done for 11 years! Our goal is to suggest how to congratulate your first grader. The main recommendations will be as follows:

  • Toys remain the most desired gifts. By purchasing them, you are guaranteed to please the heroes of the occasion.
  • Sweet gifts are pleasant signs of attention. Chocolates, boxes of chocolates, jars of sweets can be decorated with a photo of a first-grader. It will be a good surprise.
  • The best choice is the thing necessary for study. It does not matter if the baby understands its benefits over time.
  • Consult with other parents. If desired, you can make the same presentation to each student. Which ones - decide at the class meeting.
  • Knowledge Day is an occasion to fulfill an old dream. For example, buy a beautiful decoration for a young fairy or give a future defender of the Fatherland a laser pistol.
  • Due to their nature and hobbies, children dream of different gifts. A group present should be universal.
  • An interesting presentation ceremony will be remembered for a lifetime. It is better to organize it after the festive line. Children will return from school happy.

There are interesting ideas in the list of universal options. Gifts for kids can be:

  • Radio controlled devices.
  • Talking soft toys.
  • Creativity kits, constructors, 3D puzzles.
  • World map with scratch layer, globe, illustrated atlas.
  • Starry sky projector, binoculars, spyglass.
  • Game console, computer disks.
  • Gadget accessories.
  • Board games.
  • Books, children's encyclopedia.
  • Wardrobe items, game suits.
  • Subscription to the pool, dance school, creative circle.
  • Cinema tickets, circus, water park, laser show.

What to give a first grader on September 1

Boys need to be explained that Knowledge Day is the beginning of a new life. A well-formed man will emerge from the walls of the school. So that he can stand up for himself, give a horizontal bar, dumbbells, a punching bag. A useful educational present would be a tennis racket, a soccer ball, a bicycle or a scooter.

A person who goes to the first class for the first time is interested in everything around. Strengthen the craving for knowledge with a useful gift. A magnifying glass or microscope allows you to examine small objects, study plants and insects. In addition, the present will help too active children become assiduous. Consider a few more interesting options.

Flying saucer "Mystery UFO". Rotates, hangs in one place without a motor and batteries. Peers will envy the gift. Not every child feels like a wizard.

Lunch box «MB Gram». Bright yellow food container. The boy will be able to take a supply of food with him to have a snack at the right time.

Science Game Bubbling Lava. It is impossible to remain indifferent to developing gifts. A young chemist will create a sea of ​​multi-colored bubbles in a minute, surprising his classmates.

Magnetic slate board "Kit". Useful gifts are always nice. Take notes, draw diagrams, leave reminders for the student. This is an interesting activity.

Table lamp "Wheelbarrow". A fan of the cartoon of the same name will respond well to the gift. It is a pity that in the process of studying there is no time to revise your favorite series.

Gift ideas for a first grader on September 1

Girls do not have to buy things related to school and study. Thinking about a gift, pay attention to the boxes for small things. They can store elastic bands and earrings. Young fashionistas will feel quite grown-ups! Dolls remain a constant present. A first grader is not ashamed to play them with her friends. Also look at accessories and dollhouses.

Swimming in the pool with dolphins. One of the most unique gifts ever. With cheerful and good-natured fish, you can spend the whole day off.

Professional photo session. It will require patience and perseverance. The young model will be put on make-up, dress and shoes will be picked up. High-quality pictures will be a reward for a pretty first-grader.

Aquarium "Inhabitants of the Ocean". It will be the perfect gift for a pet lover. In the process of work, the backlight changes, the life of marine life is imitated.

3D puzzle "Castle". To build a fabulous palace, the little fairy will have to work hard. It is necessary to follow the assembly sequence, following the instructions.

Headphones "Macaroni". Your princess will be delighted with creative gifts. The spaghetti-styled headset is stored in a "cookie" case.

A commemorative present for a first grader on September 1

You can go to the first class with a bouquet only once in your life. Parents want their child to remember the solemn moment forever. Video shooting, a photo shoot or special gifts will allow you to save a good memory. They are made to order, so decide in advance which present should be preferred.

A common option is a bell with a ribbon. A personalized mug or plate, photo album or congratulatory newspaper will also become a reminder of the first call. An engraved watch is considered a prestigious gift for a first grader on September 1st. Such a chronometer is carefully stored, put on on especially solemn occasions.

Portrait from photo on canvas. Oil painting has been valued at all times. The present can rightfully claim to be a family heirloom.

Lightbox with your image. The unique lamp will appeal to both the student and parents. It remains only to find a suitable place for the gift.

Alarm clock with photo on the watch face. When the beep sounds, no one remembers the gifts. The charm of the present will become clear later.

Figurine from photo. Figurines made of polymer clay are a priori memorable gifts. Capture a schoolboy at the age of seven.

Pendant with zodiac sign. It is the most valuable gift for a first grader. A piece of precious metal will never go out of fashion.

Thinking about what to give a first grader, you often come to a dead end. I want the purchase to be related to the school, to be practical and educational in nature. On the other hand, the baby needs to be pleased, to arrange a real holiday, so that significant changes in life inspire the child. Compatible incompatible? It's easy if you get creative with your gift choice!

1. Cell phone

“You are already an adult, and you can call us (parents) with any questions. You will make many new friends with whom you can communicate on your own phone even outside of school. Just remember that it is very ugly to interfere with the teacher and other students, so the sound must be turned off during the lesson.

Not the cheapest - the child will feel disadvantaged, and this will prolong the process of adaptation. Not the most expensive - will attract the attention of high school students who are not always prudent. Explain to the child that the phone is not a status thing, but a means of communication. Teach how to use, add the necessary numbers to the contact list together, distribute the quick call buttons. If the baby already has a phone, a case with a favorite character or a picture on the case (photo printing on order) can be a gift for a future first-grader.

2. Clock

A wristwatch or an alarm clock - both watches will please the baby, because only adults keep track of time themselves. Slowly, the baby will learn to get up on an alarm clock, measure the intervals of lessons and changes. Of course, in order for the watch to be a gift, you need to choose an interesting model, and not a banal dial with arrows.

A dance tune sounds on the timer, the alarm clock bounces low from side to side, as if dancing. The legs are elastic - the watch will not break if it falls on the floor:

And this insolent, similar to a funny robot, not only emits a sound signal, but also runs away from the child, masterfully avoiding obstacles! Not afraid of falls from a height of up to 1.5 meters. Charging immediately after waking up - here you have both slopes and squats:

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3. Globe

With the names of states, with clear boundaries, large and understandable. Or a political map, with the names of major cities. “Your new friend Pasha came from Belarus? Let's go, I'll show you where this country is." You can arrange imaginary excursions, like relaxing while doing homework: tell a few interesting facts about a particular country to your child, mark the studied area with a flag. A map or a globe is a very symbolic gift for first graders, because the school is a new, still unexplored world. By the time the school curriculum is supplemented by a geography course, the kid will be well oriented, and this will strengthen his self-esteem.

Children's ball puzzle

4. Miniature blackboard and colorful crayons

A great gift for a reserved shy child. In the form of a game, in a comfortable home environment, the kid will learn to stand at the blackboard without fear, boldly answering the teacher's questions. For example, have your child draw or write the answer to a riddle. Happened? Change places - draw or write letters in discord, and let the baby guess the message.

5. Microscope

It will delight an inquisitive child, teach you not to make hasty conclusions, help curb restlessness and hyperactivity. What is interesting in an annoying fly or a birch leaf? It turns out, a lot, a lot! Boring at first glance, things can be fabulously exciting and not at all what they seemed at first. It is hard to imagine that a more amazing gift can be given to a first grader. Of course, the child must be captivated by playing together, teach him to choose unusual objects for research and sum up the results of the experiment. Teach your child to describe what they see and write down their observations in a journal, drawing illustrations and noting similarities with previously studied objects.

6. Jewelry box

A little princess who from childhood wants to be as beautiful as her mother - a pile of ribbons and bows, hairpins and hair clips, several pairs of earrings, elastic bands for pigtails and ponytails, headbands, children's cosmetics. From the point of view of the educational process, it seems not the best idea to give such gifts to future first graders. But in the process of becoming a person, appearance, especially for girls, plays a crucial role. The style of jewelry is school, discreet, but fashionable and modern. Explain to your child that a schoolgirl should be not just beautiful, but neat and collected.

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7. Children's educational games, puzzles, manuals, magazines

Something interesting, colorful, simple and age-appropriate (not for the future). If the child is developed creatively, be sure to encourage his hobby. Doing what you love is great for relaxing, relieving psychological stress (and in the first year, emotional stress is inevitable, even if the child gets along well with peers and studies well). A fascinating book as an option, but as a gift to a first grader, you should not buy adult encyclopedias. Yes, they are more informative, they can help in learning, but they are unlikely to attract the attention of yesterday's kindergartener. What then is a gift?

8. Own workplace

A table for doing homework, an ergonomic children's chair, a table lamp, drawer shelves for notebooks, textbooks and stationery. Of course, the child can do homework at the kitchen table or the parent's computer table. But your own corner plus the ability to organize the space to your liking is a recognition of the growing up of the baby, trust in him, a manifestation of respect as a full-fledged member of the family. And I want to correspond to such an attitude, which disciplines and sets in the right way.

The height and angle of the tabletop, the height of the seat and the position of the back of the chair, the direction of the light of the lamp (soft bracket) are adjustable:

9. If you want to do DIY gift for a first grader, you can decorate a lunch box, a non-spill bottle, pens, bookmarks for books or a pencil case in any technique. For girls to make a hairpin or other decoration, together come up with a diary questionnaire for future girlfriends or a photo album, which will gradually be filled with school pictures of a young photographer.